=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2862/paper2 |storemode=property |title=SMES: Adapting Dexterity-based Games for Deliberative Play |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2862/paper2.pdf |volume=Vol-2862 |authors=Batu Aytemiz,Hunter Lynch,Carl Erez,Adam M. Smith |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aiide/AytemizLES20 }} ==SMES: Adapting Dexterity-based Games for Deliberative Play== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2862/paper2.pdf
                SMES: Adapting Dexterity-based Games for Deliberative Play

                              Batu Aytemiz, Hunter Lynch, Carl Erez, Adam M. Smith
                                                 University of California, Santa Cruz
                                                           1156 High Street
                                                    Santa Cruz, California 95064
                                            {baytemiz, hflynch, cerez, amsmith}@ucsc.edu

                            Abstract                                 terfaces to play the game such as switch controls (Sethfors
  In this paper we describe the Sharp Multi-input Editing Soft-      2018) or Microsoft Universal Controller (Englard 2018), or
  ware (SMES), a prototype system which allows players to            by changes in software via trainers.
  convert dexterity challenges to planning challenges in exist-         Inspired by the spirit of modifying how people engage
  ing games. SMES accomplishes this by recording the player          with games, in this paper we discuss our work-in-progress
  input, displaying it in a visual form, allowing the player to      Sharp Multi-input Editing Software (SMES). The SMES al-
  edit the recorded playtrace, and replay the edited sequence        lows converting high-paced dexterity based challenges to
  back again. Our system combines ideas from tool-assisted           deliberative planning challenges in a narrow set of games
  speedruns (TAS) with interaction design patterns from Ca-          that exist in the wild. SMES was built with difficult plat-
  sual Creators and Accessible Player Experiences. Because           formers with very short levels in mind such as Celeste (Matt
  our implementation is based on intercepting input events at
  the operating system level, no engineering effort is needed
                                                                     Makes Games 2018) and Super Meat Boy (Team Meat
  to apply the tool to new games. The result is a new mode           2010).
  of play for existing games that further allows players to real-       SMES allows the players to save, display, modify and re-
  ize new behaviors in the game. SMES could support making           play their keypress sequences. SMES works through the fol-
  games more inclusive by letting players adapt the challenge        lowing four steps:
  type they face. Furthermore we claim that AI systems that
  operate over playtraces to assist the player is a rich avenue to   1. The player attempts the challenge and SMES records their
  explore.                                                              keypresses.

Challenge is a crucial component of videogames (Adams                2. The SMES visualizes the keypresses over time.
2014). From solving puzzles to defeating enemies, from               3. The player makes experimental changes to the keypresses.
scaling cliffs to uncovering mysteries, games often ask their
players to overcome a variety of obstacles. The presence             4. The SMES replays the edited keypresses (and the player
of at least some challenges has shown to be important for               returns to step 2).
player engagement and fun (Juul 2009). Yet, not everyone                This loop allows the player to change how they engage
wants to engage with the same types of challenges (Hamari            with dexterity based games. The challenge stops being about
and Tuunanen 2014). One group of players might find dex-             the precise timing of button presses, but rather becomes
terity based challenges more fun whereas others might pre-           more like a puzzle game where the player incrementally re-
fer a slower-paced logical puzzle. Furthermore, an individ-          fines the play trace until they clear the level.
ual player might want to engage with different types of chal-           When we extract and replay the playtrace of the player,
lenges at different times.                                           we treat the sequence of actions as a stateless, fixed pol-
   Beyond personal preference, however, some challenges              icy. Similar stateless action sequences have been used suc-
can be much less accessible to certain groups of players.            cessfully for difficult exploration problems (Ecoffet et al.
If one has a motor disability then it is much more diffi-            2019) (Zhan, Aytemiz, and Smith 2018) and is shown to be
cult for them to engage with a high-intensity dexterity based        a promising starting point.
game (Pitaru 2008). It is one thing for a player to choose to           We believe that AI techniques can be effective in assisting
not play a certain type, and another for the player to not be        players while operating on playtraces. Representing dexter-
able to play the game.                                               ity based games as playtraces, and then recording how player
   When faced with barriers to engagement it is common               changes allows us to get another type of data as to how a
for people to modify games through using the different in-           player might improve their playtraces.
Copyright c 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted un-       In the rest of this paper we will discuss the technical de-
der Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC       tails and the design decisions of SMES, and how the ex-
BY 4.0).                                                             tracted play traces can be a fruitful avenue for AI research.
Figure 1: On the left, the approximate path that player took from the bottom left of the map to the top right of the map in the
game Celeste. On the right, the buttons press sequence that the player pressed in order to take this path.

                     Related Work                                 Planning refers to the challenge category where the player is
                                                                  deciding on what actions to take. The Execution category on
Videogames provide intrinsically valuable experiences to          the other hand refers to the challenge of the player to actu-
millions of individuals (Juul 2011). Maybe more impor-            ally take those actions, by pressing the correct buttons in the
tantly, games are an important part of how people connect to      correct order and timing.
one another (Organization 2020). While multiplayer games             In the context of difficult platformer games, which SMES
offer moment-to-moment connectivity, the connective na-           is targeting, the planning challenge would be deciding what
ture of games also extends to single player games through         route to take and when to use the relevant abilities such as
creating a set of shared experiences (John 2020) and com-         dash or jump, and the execution challenge would be related
munities (Gee and Hayes 2012).                                    to pressing the buttons to activate the relevant abilities at the
   It is important for everyone to be able to engage in this      correct time. Our goal in this project is to replace the chal-
shared culture. Yet, through a combination of design deci-        lenging execution aspect from playing difficult platformers
sions of developers and differing abilities of players, a sig-    into a planning one.
nificant group of people are excluded from engaging with             Instead of building a new game that has the planning chal-
games (Taylor 2013). To make games more inclusive, in re-         lenge present as a default, in this project we explore a tool
cent years there have been a number of games that include         that targets already existing culturally relevant games and
assist modes such as Celeste (Matt Makes Games 2018) and          supports people’s ability to engage with them. While there
Super Mario Odyssey (Nintendo 2017). These assist modes           have been many successful games that are specifically de-
allow the player to change the magnitude of difficulty they       signed to target groups with disabilities (Grammenos et al.
encounter by tweaking variables such as game speed, player        2006) we believe that due to the social nature of games it is
and enemy attributes and other relevant factors. The addition     important to support players in engaging with pre-existing
of assist mode has been met with positive feedback from the       cultural artifacts.
players (Klepek 2019).                                               In building the SMES we were inspired by the ideas of
   Most assist modes do not modify what type of challenge         transgressive play (Aarseth 2014) and the diversity of ways
there is but rather they work by changing the magnitude of        players customize how they engage with games. One ex-
the challenge. In this project we wanted to explore whether       ample of this is the WeMod community1 . WeMod allows
we could change the type of challenge that the game pre-          players to reconfigure over a thousand single player games
sented. We use the Taxonomy of Failure (ToF) to categorize        through a unified interface, letting them customize the game
the types of challenges (Aytemiz and Smith forthcoming).          to their liking, often through changing difficulty and pro-
ToF offers six different categories of failure which map to       gression variables. As of July 2020 WeMod advertises that
different types of challenges that exist in a game. For this
project the relevant categories are Planning and Execution.               https://www.wemod.com
it has over 8 million users. This shows that a significant pop-   was to support access to a broader set of culturally relevant
ulation of players are accustomed to modifying their play         games, and we therefore decided not to limit ourselves with
experience by reaching outside the game.                          any specific emulator
   The Speedrunning community is another group that in-              In order to reach a wider range of games SMES uses the
spired this project. Speedrunners are interested in com-          Win32 API2 to integrate into the keyboard input layer. After
pleting a game as fast as humanly possible. Tool Assisted         the player starts recording, the SMES intercepts and saves
Speedruns (TAS), take this concept a step further and use         the virtual keyboard calls that happen while the game is
emulators to complete a game as fast as possible using any        focused. When the player stops recording, the keypresses
and all available tools. While most TAS systems run the           are saved into a text file. Having players seed the starting
game in an emulated environment to have frame by frame            playtrace with their own action connects with the “No blank
control, in order to increase generalizability of our system      slate” pattern of casual creators. While the players can start
we simply replay keypress events (which is not guaranteed         from scratch to create the full playtrace using SMES, having
to reproduce gameplay over long periods of time) instead of       a starting playtrace to edit makes the iterative process much
attempting to emulate the whole game.                             faster.
   The disability community has also been customizing the            To support the quickest edit-and-replay interaction loop, it
way they engage with games through a combination of soft-         is the player’s responsibility to include input sequences that
ware and hardware (Beeston et al. 2018). The Accessible           would reset the game to a safe state (e.g. accessing an in-
Player Experiences (Cairns et al. 2019) design patterns are a     game menu to restart the level from a checkpoint). If there
great resource when it comes to making games more inclu-          is no such obvious sequence to include in the playtrace that
sive. These 22 patterns target both the ability of the players    will accomplish this goal, the player can always use manual
to access the game content, and their ability to adjust the       controls (similar to how they recorded the original playtrace)
challenges present in the game. In the later chapter we will      to reset the game before continuing the SMES loop.
be discussing how SMES fits these design patterns.
                                                                  Representing Key Presses It is common for speed-runs
           Technical Design of the SMES                           to be shared through a BK23 file. These files are a way to
Design Inspirations                                               record which combination of keys were pressed down at
                                                                  which frame. Inspired by this, our intermediate representa-
Before the development phase of the SMES we reached out           tion is in a simple human readable text file. This was decided
to different communities on Reddit to inform our design. We       in part to support the easy sharing of play traces. The easy
had conversations on the disabledgamers, TAS (tool assisted       sharing component is aligned with the “Self promotion” ca-
speed run) and pc gaming subreddits. While few in number,         sual creator design pattern that acknowledges the shared and
the discussions around how such a tool might be used was          social nature of playing games and generation.
immensely valuable in prioritizing certain features over oth-        Having a semi-permanent copy of the playtrace that the
ers and understanding potential user needs.                       player can keep editing also aligns with the “Save Early,
   Our design was informed by a public discussion of a sys-       Save Often” and “Slow it Down” patterns of APX. The
tem prototype on Reddit’s r/disabledgamers commu-                 player can take as many iterations as they would like to
nity and r/TAS communities                                        edit the playtrace. This allows the player to engage with the
   We incorporated casual creator design patterns wherever        game on their own pace instead of being locked to the speed
possible (Compton and Mateas 2015). Casual creator pat-           the game demands. Furthermore, even if they have to close
terns aim to make systems more usable and friendly. While         SMES and come back later, the text file will be there for
these design patterns are traditionally used in the context       them to pick up where they left of
of generative systems, we found them useful in our design.
                                                                     Because SMES can not know what exact frame each but-
Like most casual creators, SMES is a tool that prioritizes ap-
                                                                  ton was pressed, instead of matching keypresses to frames,
proachability and flexibility over control and frame-perfect
                                                                  we record the timing of each press. We record the timing of
                                                                  whenever a key is pressed down and later released. However,
   Finally SMES also drew inspiration from the Accessi-
                                                                  instead of recording at what time these actions of key down
ble Player Experiences (Cairns et al. 2019) (APX) patterns.
                                                                  and key up happen, we record how much time elapses in
APX patterns have two distinct categories: Access patterns
                                                                  the middle. This makes keeping track of multiple keypresses
support players accessing the game by allowing them to tune
                                                                  and the duration of a specific keypress easier. To be more
the experience to meet their unique needs, and challenge pat-
                                                                  specific, our representation is a series of two data points,
terns on the other hand allow players to modulate the amount
                                                                  the action type and the modifier. There are three possible
of challenge they want to face.
                                                                  actions, key down, key up, or delay, and each action has a
Recording Key Presses One decision we had to make                 modifier associated with it. If the action type is key up or
early on was what layer of abstraction to have SMES in-           down, then the modifier is the name of the key that is pressed
tegrate. While extending an emulator would allow us to be         or released. Whereas if the action type is delay, the modifier
much more precise both in recording and replaying our play-       is how many milliseconds have elapsed since the last entry.
traces, it would also limit the games that the SMES would be
compatible with to those that could run on the decided em-               https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
ulator. One of our guiding principles while building SMES                http://tasvideos.org/Bizhawk/BK2Format.html
Figure 2: The visual path that is described by the given play-

   Let us give an example of a playtrace. Imagine a character
starts running to the right, then jumps over a gap, and stops
running. This can be shown as follows:
  key_down , d
  delay    , 500
  key_down , w
  delay    , 1000
  key_up   , w
  delay    , 500
  key_up   , d
                                                                   Figure 3: The visual mock-up of the editor. The prototype
                                                                   GUI is actively in development.
  In this example, the player holds down “d” for two sec-
onds, while pressing “w” for a single second in the middle.
Visualizing and Editing Keypresses After the playtrace             in outcomes across different replays of the same playtrace.
is saved into a text file, the SMES GUI loads them and visu-       This is the main bottleneck that limits the usefulness of the
alizes them. The current GUI is written using the QT frame-        current state of the SMES in supporting longer playtraces
work and is still a work in progress. While designing the          or styles of play that rely on precise determinism (e.g. luck
visualization we were inspired by digital audio workstation        manipulation strategies used in TAS). These are not critical
(DAW) software packages. SMES allows the users to ma-              limitations, however, because we imagine SMES being ap-
nipulate the playtraces by changing when and for how long          plied to localized scenes (which can be re-attempted many
a key is pressed down. When the desired changes are done           times) in games that were otherwise completable within the
the updated playtrace is once again saved into the text docu-      limits of human dexterity.
   This design is aligned with the “Improved Precision” and        Future work: Manipulating Playtraces with AI
“Personal Interface” patterns of APX. It is an additional in-      As mentioned earlier, there is currently no AI system acting
terface that the players can use to engage with dexterity          on the saved playtraces. However, other work shows that by
games and by removing the temporal aspect of taking ac-            adding a simple level state awareness reusing parts of play
tions the player can be more precise. Depending on motor           traces can be very useful. For an example from the games
skills and personal preferences, players may have an easier        industry, in the fighting game Killer Instinct, the enemy
time with our GUI or with a text editing for which they have       shadow AI learns how to play by memorizing sequences of
built deeper fluency (in which case the GUI forms a passive        player actions (Neal 2016). Then the AI agent replays parts
viewer tool).                                                      of the player’s action sequences when a correct game state
Replaying the Playtrace The player can start the replay            is matched. This method proves effective enough to be de-
whenever they want by pressing the replay button. SMES             ployed in a live commercial game, and it has been met with
then starts replaying the playtraces that is saved in the inter-   approval from the player base5 .
mediate text file. In order to replay the playtrace we use the        In the future, we are interested in taking a co-creator
underlying Win32 API, the same system we used to record            approach to supporting playtraces similar to the reinforce-
the keys. We use the python package winput4 to send Virtual        ment learning based mixed-initiative level creator Morai
Key Codes as input to the operating system directly.               Maker (Guzdial et al. 2019) or the work on user empow-
   Due to the game not running in an emulator and the Win32        erment where a reinforcement learning agent is trained to
API not being instantaneous the playtrace that is replayed         augment (rather than replace) player input (Du et al. 2020).
is not completely deterministic. In our experiments there is          We imagine that the edits that the user makes to the time-
an 2% average divergence between the length of the input           line are not directly applied but are instead taken as train-
sequence and its realized replay. Because the errors com-          ing data points to tune a stateful and observation-dependent
pound in a playtrace this can result in perceivable differences
       https://pypi.org/project/winput/                            discussion/24899
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