Transfer Learning Between RTS Combat Scenarios Using Component-Action Deep Reinforcement Learning Richard Kelly and David Churchill Department of Computer Science Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John’s, NL, Canada, Abstract an enormous financial investment in hardware for training, using over 80000 CPU cores to run simultaneous instances Real-time Strategy (RTS) games provide a challenging en- of StarCraft II, 1200 Tensor Processor Units (TPUs) to train vironment for AI research, due to their large state and ac- the networks, as well as a large amount of infrastructure and tion spaces, hidden information, and real-time gameplay. Star- Craft II has become a new test-bed for deep reinforcement electricity to drive this large-scale computation. While Al- learning systems using the StarCraft II Learning Environment phaStar is estimated to be the strongest existing RTS AI agent (SC2LE). Recently the full game of StarCraft II has been ap- and was capable of beating many players at the Grandmas- proached with a complex multi-agent reinforcement learning ter rank on the StarCraft II ladder, it does not yet play at the (RL) system, however this is currently only possible with ex- level of the world’s best human players (e.g. in a tournament tremely large financial investments out of the reach of most setting). The creation of AlphaStar demonstrated that using researchers. In this paper we show progress on using varia- deep learning to tackle RTS AI is a powerful solution, how- tions of easier to use RL techniques, modified to accommo- ever applying it to the entire game as a whole is not an eco- date actions with multiple components used in the SC2LE. nomically viable solution for anyone but the worlds largest Our experiments show that we can effectively transfer trained companies. In this paper we attempt to demonstrate that one policies between RTS combat scenarios of varying complex- ity. First, we train combat policies on varying numbers of Star- possible solution is to use the idea of transfer learning: learn- Craft II units, and then carry out those policies on larger scale ing to generate policies for sub-problems of RTS games, and battles, maintaining similar win rates. Second, we demon- then using those learned policies to generate actions for many strate the ability to train combat policies on one StarCraft II other sub-problems within the game, which can yield savings unit type (Terran Marine) and then apply those policies to an- in both training time and infrastructure costs. other unit type (Protoss Stalker) with similar success. In 2017, Blizzard Entertainment (developer of the Star- Craft games), released SC2API: an API for external control 1 Introduction and Related Work of StarCraft II. DeepMind, in collaboration with Blizzard, simultaneously released the SC2LE with a Python interface Real-Time Strategy (RTS) games are a popular testbed called PySC2 designed to enable ML research with the game for research in Artificial Intelligence, with complex sub- (Vinyals et al. 2017). AlphaStar was created with tools built problems providing many algorithmic challenges (Ontañón on top of SC2API and SC2LE. PySC2 allows commands to et al. 2015), and the availability of multiple RTS game APIs be issued in a way similar to how a human would play; units (Heinermann 2013; Synnaeve et al. 2016; Vinyals et al. are selected with point coordinates or by specifying a rectan- 2017), they provide an ideal environment for testing novel gle the way a human would with the mouse. Actions are for- AI methods. In 2018, Google DeepMind unveiled an AI matted as an action function (e.g. move, attack, cast a spell, agent called AlphaStar (Vinyals et al. 2019a), which used unload transport, etc.) with varying numbers of arguments machine learning (ML) techniques to play StarCraft II at a depending on the function. This action representation differs professional human level. AlphaStar was initially trained us- from that used in other RTS AI research APIs, including the ing supervised learning from hundreds of thousands of hu- TorchCraft ML library for StarCraft: Broodwar (Synnaeve et man game traces, and then continued to improve via self play al. 2016). In this paper we refer to the action function and with deep RL, a method by which the agent improves its its arguments as action components. Representing actions policy by learning to take actions which lead to higher re- as functions with parameters creates a complicated action- wards more often. While this method was successful in pro- space that requires modifications to classic RL algorithms. ducing a strong agent, it required a massive engineering ef- Since the release of PySC2 several works other than Al- fort, with a team comprised of more than 30 world-class AI phaStar have been published using this environment with researchers and software engineers. AlphaStar also required deep RL. Tang et al. (2018) trained an agent to learn unit and Copyright c 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under building production decisions (build order) using RL while Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY handling resource harvesting and combat with scripted mod- 4.0). ules. Sun et al. (2018) reduced the action space by training pl ayer _rel ati ve player_relative - categorical feature describing if units are “self” or enemy (and some other categories we don’t use) selected - Boolean feature showing which units are cur- sel ect ed rently selected (i.e. if the player can give them commands) unit_hit_points - scalar feature giving remaining health of units, which we convert to 3 categories uni t_hi t_poi nts 2.2 PySC2 actions Actions in PySC2 are conceptually similar to how a human player interacts with the game, and consist of a function se- lection and 0 or more arguments to the function. We use a small subset of the over 500 action functions in PySC2 which are sufficient for the combat scenarios in our experiments. Figure 1: 8m vs. 8m scenario showing game screen (left) and Those functions and their parameters are: PySC2 features used (right). no_op - do nothing select_rect - select units in a rectangular region an agent to use macro actions that combine actions available • screen (x, y) (top-left position) in PySC2 to play the full game of StarCraft II against the • screen2 (x, y) (bottom-right position) built-in AI. Macro actions have also been used in combina- tion with a hierarchical RL architecture of sub-policies and select_army - select all friendly combat units states and curriculum transfer learning to progressively train attack_screen - attack unit or move towards a position and an agent on harder levels of the built-in AI to learn to play the stop to attack enemies in range on the way full game of StarCraft II (Pang et al. 2019). Samvelyan et al. • screen (x, y) 2019 introduced a platform using the SC2LE called the Star- Craft Multi-Agent Challenge used for testing multi-agent RL move_screen - move to a position while ignoring enemies by treating each unit as a separate agent. Notably, these other • screen (x, y) works have not used the complex action-space directly pro- Any player controlled with PySC2 will still have its units vided by PySC2, which mirrors how humans play the game. automated to an extent by built-in AI, as with a human player. This paper is organized as follows: in the next section For example, if units are standing idly and an enemy enters we describe how our experiments interact with the the within range, they will attack that enemy. SC2LE; following that, we present our implementation of component-action DQN; in the Experiments section we de- 3 Component-Action DQN scribe our experimental setup and results; finally we present our conclusions and ideas for expanding on this research. For this research we implemented the DQN RL algorithm, first used to achieve human-level performance on a suite of Atari 2600 games (Mnih et al. 2015), with the double DQN 2 StarCraft II Learning Environment enhancement (Van Hasselt, Guez, and Silver 2016), a duel- The PySC2 component of the SC2LE is designed for ML/RL ing network architecture (Wang et al. 2015), and prioritized research, exposing the gamestate mainly as 2D feature maps experience replay (Schaul et al. 2016). The number of unique and using an action-space similar to human input. An RL actions even in the small subset we are using is too large to player receives a state observation from PySC2 and then output an action-value for each one (for instance, if the screen specifies an action to take once every n frames, where n is size is 84x84 pixels, there are 7056 unique “attack screen” adjustable. The game normally runs at 24 frames per sec- commands alone). To address this problem we output a sep- ond, and all our experiments have the RL player acting every arate set of action-values for each action component. Our 8 frames, as in previous work (Vinyals et al. 2017). At this version of DQN, implemented using Python and Tensorflow, speed the RL player acts at a similar rate as a human, and the features modifications for choosing actions and calculating gamestate can change meaningfully between states. training loss with actions that consist of multiple components (component-actions). Algorithm 1 shows our implementa- tion, emphasizing changes for handling component-actions. 2.1 PySC2 observations Invalid action component choices are masked in several PySC2 observations consist of a number of 2D feature maps parts of the algorithm. Random action function selection in conveying categorical and scalar information from the main step 8 is masked according to the valid actions for that state. game map and minimap, as well as a 1D vector of other infor- When choosing a non-random action using the network out- mation that does not have a spatial component. The observa- put in step 11, the action function with the highest action- tion also includes a list of valid actions for the current frame value is chosen first, disregarding actions marked as unavail- which we use to mask out illegal actions. In our experiments able in the state observation, and then each parameter to the we use a subset of the main map spatial features relevant to action function is chosen according to the highest action- the combat scenarios we use: value (step 11). Invalid choices for parameters to the action Algorithm 1 Double DQN with prioritized experience re- Several previous works have used variations of action play and component-actions for StarCraft II components with different RL algorithms. Tavakoli, Pardo, 1: Input: minibatch size k, batch update frequency K, tar- and Kormushev (2018) use a method they call Branching Du- get update frequency C, max steps T , memory size N , eling Q-Network (BDQ) in several MuJoCo physical control Mmin ≤ N , initial  and annealing schedule tasks with multidimensional action spaces. In these tasks, all 2: M [] ← ∅ components are used in each complete action. They experi- 3: Initialize Q with random weights θ, components d ∈ D mented with 1) using a separate TD target, y d , for each action 4: Initialize Qtar with weights θtar = θ component ad corresponding to a component d ∈ D, the set 5: Initialize environment env with state s1 of all action components; 2) using the maximum y d as a sin- 6: for t = 1 to T do gle TD target; and 3) using the average of the y d as a single 7: if rand() <  or t ≤ Mmin then TD target, which was found to give the best performance: 8: Select valid action function a0t randomly γ X d d y=r+ Qtar (s0 , arg maxQd (s0 , a0 )) (1) 9: Select action parameters a1t , a2t , . . . randomly |D| a 0d d∈D 10: else 11: at = {adt = arg maxQd (st , ad ) | d ∈ D} Their training loss is the average of the squared errors of each ad component’s action-value and y from Equation 1. 12: Take action at in environment, observe st+1 , rt+1 Action components were also used (Huang and Ontañón 13: M [t mod N ] ← (st , at , rt+1 , st+1 ) 2019) to represent actions in the microRTS environment to 14: Priority[M [t mod N ]] = max(Priority) train an agent using the Advantage Actor Critic (A2C) algo- 15: Anneal  according to schedule rithm, a synchronous version of the policy gradient method 16: if t ≡ 0 mod C and t > Mmin then θtar ← θ Asynchronous Advantage Actor Critic (A3C) (Mnih et al. 17: if t ≡ 0 mod K and t > Mmin then 2016). In that work each component is not used in ev- 18: Sample k transitions (sj , aj , rj , s0j ) from M ery action, but the policy gradient action log-probability 0 19: a0 ← arg maxQ0 (s0j , a0 ) (log(πθ (st , at )), where πθ is the policy network) used in a0 training is always the sum of the action log-probabilities 0 20: md ← 1 if ad is a parameter to a0 , else md ← 0 for each action component. AlphaStar (Vinyals et al. 2019b) 21: if s0j is terminal then also uses a policy gradient method and sums the action log- 22: yj ← rj probabilities from each action component, but masks out the 23: else contribution from unused components. 24: Set yj as in Equation 2 In our implementation, on step 24, we use the mean target 25: Update θ minimizing md L(yj , Qd (sj , adj )) P component y as in Equation 1, but modified so that unused d components of the target action are masked out using md = Priority[j] ← md |yj − Qd (sj , adj )| 1 if component d is in use for an action, md = 0 otherwise: P 26: γ X d d d y=r+ m Qtar (s0 , arg maxQd (s0 , a0 )) (2) |D| a0d d∈D function could be masked out in steps 9 and 11 in general, but are not in this work since all values of the parameters we used The loss to be minimized with gradient descent on step 25 (screen and screen2) are valid. Only parameters that are used of Algorithm 1 is the sum of the losses of each used compo- by the chosen action function a0t are used in the environment nent’s action-value compared to the target y: update in step 12. X LT otal = L(y, Qd (s, ad )) 3.1 Loss Functions d∈Dused In double DQN network updates are made during training where Dused are the components in use for a particular ac- using the TD target value tion, and L() is the Huber loss used in DQN (Mnih et al. y = r + γQtar (s0 , arg maxQ(s0 , a0 )), 2015), which is squared error for error with absolute value a0 less than 1, and linear otherwise. where r is the reward, γ is the discount, Q and Qtar are We considered and tested two alternative loss calculations. the primary and target network, and s0 and a0 are the next The first method was to sum the Huber losses of the compo- state and action taken in the next state. With a single action nents compared pairwise with component the loss to be minimized is L(y, Q(s, a)), where r 0 L() is some loss function (e.g. squared error). When using yd = + γQdtar (s0 , arg maxQd (s0 , ad )), |Dused | ad0 component-actions, there are separate action-values for each component of the action. In general, an action is a tuple of masking out unused components from the action taken but action components (a0 , a1 , ..., an ), with an individual action not from the target action. This method is similar to method depending on a subset of those components. That is, some 1) tested with BDQ (Tavakoli, Pardo, and Kormushev 2018). components are not used for every action. This raises the It has the advantage of comparing losses from different ac- question of how to calculate training loss when the action tion component branches of the network to their correspond- components used from one action to the next differ. ing branch, but since it updates the primary network toward Input Both the screen and screen2 branches receive as input function the output of the shared CNN, which is fed into a 32 filter action values 3x3 convolutional layer, followed by a 1 filter 1x1 convo- function branch lutional layer as described in (Vinyals et al. 2017), giving output dimensions of 84x84x1 and the action advantages of screen each screen position. We experimented with adding the one- action values hot encoded output from the function branch as input to the Shared CNN screen branch screen branch followed by additional convolutional layers, and similarly with the screen and screen2 branch with a sin- gle layer added with value 1 in the position corresponding to screen2 action values the screen choice and 0 elsewhere, but found that for the ac- tion functions and scenarios used in these experiments there Value branch screen2 branch was surprisingly no gain in performance. We believe a larger network combined with more training time may be required Figure 2: Diagram showing overall design of the network. to take advantage of these connections. Each convolutional and dense layer (except those leading to action advantage outputs) is followed by a ReLU activation the action-values of unused components of the target action and batch normalization. Training hyperparameters were se- we didn’t expect it to perform well. lected through informal search. We use the Adam optimizer The second alternative method we tried was to use the with learning rate of 0.001, a discount of 0.99, batch size Huber loss of the average of the action-values of the action of 64, and L2 regularization. Minibatch training updates are taken by the primary network (unused components masked performed every 4 steps, and the target network is updated out) compared with the same average y from Equation 1. every 10,000 steps. The prioritized experience replay mem- This method seems reasonable since it uses the same for- ory size is 60,000 transitions, and all parameters are as de- mula to calculate both the primary network total action-value scribed in the sum tree implementation (Schaul et al. 2016). and discounted target network next state value. However, In each training the exploration  is exponentially annealed branches with positive and negative action-values can cancel from 1 to 0.05 over the first 80% of total steps. each other out in both inputs to the loss function, resulting in a small loss when individual components of the primary net- 4 Experiments work action-value may have a large error relative to the target network. Both alternative loss calculations resulted in worse We did three experiments to test the performance of our net- performance and were not used in our final experiments. work structure and action representation in different environ- ments. First, we compared performance when training for 3.2 Network and training parameters different amounts of training steps; second, we compared performance on different scenarios, ranging from small (4 The neural network used to predict action-values consists of units each) to large (32 units each) instances of a combat sce- a shared convolutional neural network (CNN), followed by nario; third, we tested transfer learning performance by using separate branches for state value and the three action com- models trained exclusively on one scenario in other scenar- ponents we used (function, screen, screen2). The network’s ios. Performance of all trained models is compared to that of overall design is shown in Figure 2. a number of simple scripted players. All training and evalua- The state input categorical feature maps are first prepro- tion is done with the opponent being the game’s built-in AI, cessed to be in one hot format with dimensions 84x84x6. i.e. the same opponent a human player playing the single- Next the input is run through a series of blocks consisting player game would face. of parallel convolutional layers whose outputs are concate- nated. First the one-hot input is run through each of 3 con- volutional layers with 16 filters each and kernel sizes 7, 5, 4.1 StarCraft II Combat Scenarios and 3. The output of those layers is concatenated along the Experiments were conducted on custom StarCraft II maps channel dimension and given as input to each of two convo- that each contain a specific combat scenario. The scenarios lutional layers with 32 filters and kernel sizes 5 and 3. Those limit the size of the battlefield to a single-screen sized map, two outputs are concatenated and fed to a final convolutional which removes the requirement to navigate the view to differ- layer with 32 filters and kernel size 3. All convolutional lay- ent areas of the environment. In each episode an equal num- ers here use padding and a stride of 1 to keep the output to ber of units are spawned for both the RL or scripted player the same width and height, so as to preserve spatial data for being tested, and a built-in AI controlled player. Units appear the action parameters which target parts of the screen. in two randomized clusters, randomly assigned to the left or Next the network splits into a value branch and one branch right side of the map, which are symmetric about the cen- for each action component. The value and function branches tre of the map. The built-in AI enemy is immediately given each have a max pooling layer of size and stride 3, followed an order to attack the opposite side of the screen, causing by 2 dense layers of size 256. The function branch ends with them to rush at the RL player’s units, attacking the first ene- a final dense layer outputting the action advantages of the mies they reach. Once given this command, the in-game AI function action component. takes over control of the enemy units, which executes a policy which prioritizes attacking the closest units of the RL player. 300k Steps, Smoothed Reward Over 100 Episodes Reward / (Scenario Unit Count) This use of the built-in AI to control the enemy for combat 0.2 experiments has been shown to be effective for testing and 0.1 0 training combat algorithm development (Churchill, Lin, and -0.1 Synnaeve 2017). -0.2 We trained and evaluated our models and scripted players -0.3 4m vs. 4m -0.4 8m vs. 8m on scenarios with equal numbers of Terran Marines (a ba- -0.5 16m vs. 16m sic ranged unit in the game) per side, numbering 4, 8, 16, -0.6 32m vs. 32m or 32. The Marine scenarios will be referred to as “#m vs. -0.7 #m”, where # is the number of Marines. We also evalu- 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 ated our models on scenarios with the same counts of Protoss Steps Stalkers, referred to as “#s vs. #s”. Stalkers are larger units 600k Steps, Smoothed Reward Over 100 Episodes Reward / (Scenario Unit Count) with longer range and a shield which must be reduced to zero 0.1 before their health will deplete. These scenarios were con- 0 structed in a symmetric fashion in order to give both sides an -0.1 equal chance at winning each battle. If one side is victorious -0.2 -0.3 from an even starting position, it must mean that their method 4m vs. 4m -0.4 is more effective at controlling units for combat. An effec- 8m vs. 8m -0.5 tive human policy for such scenarios involves first grouping 16m vs. 16m -0.6 32m vs. 32m up the players’ units into a tight formation, and then using -0.7 focus-targeting to most efficiently destroy enemy units. 0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 Episodes end when all units of one side are destroyed Steps (health reduced to 0), or until a timer runs out. The timer is set at 45 real-time game seconds for Marine maps, and Figure 3: Model training reward (normalized to the number 1:30 for the Stalker maps since Stalkers have more health of Marines in the scenario) per episode (smoothed over 100 and shields causing the battles to last longer. The map then episodes) for 300k (top) and 600k (bottom) step models. resets with a new randomized unit configuration and a new episode begins. The maps output custom reward informa- tion to PySC2, which are calculated using the LTD2 formula For each scenario/step count combination we trained three (Churchill 2016), which values a unit as by its lifetime dam- models and used the best performing of those for the transfer age, a function of its damage output per second multiplied learning experiments. Trained models were evaluated by run- by remaining health. The unit values are normalized to equal ning 1000 episodes with a deterministic policy (i.e.  = 0), 1 for a full health unit of the highest value in the scenario, using the trained model for inference only. In evaluation, the and the difference in total unit value (self minus enemy) be- result can be a win (1 point), draw (0.5) or loss (0). Wins oc- tween steps is added to the step reward. Since there are posi- cur when all enemy units are destroyed. Draws happen if both tive rewards for damaging enemy units and negative rewards sides simultaneously lose their last unit. If the map timer runs for taking damage, episode rewards tend to be similar in sce- out, the side with the most combined health/shields wins. If narios with different numbers of units. The damage part of that metric results in a tie then the episode is counted as a the LTD2 calculation doesn’t affect the rewards in scenarios draw. Evaluation results are presented as a score, equal to the that feature only one unit type, as in the experiments pre- number of wins plus half of the number of draws, divided by sented here, but it will affect future experiments with more the number of evaluation episodes. scenarios with mixed unit types. The total reward per step is We also evaluated several scripted players: observed by the RL player in step 12 of Algorithm 1. No Action (NA) - This player takes the no_op action only, which is equivalent to a human player providing no input. 4.2 Training and Evaluation Its units will attack and follow enemy units if they move We trained models in scenarios with 4, 8, 16, and 32 Marines into range, controlled by the in-game AI. per side, for 300k and 600k steps. In informal testing we Random (R) - This player takes random actions. Both the found that 300k steps was enough to see good performance function choice and any arguments are randomized. in these scenarios, and we chose double the number of steps Random Attack (RA) - This player selects all friendly to compare with a longer training time. Training rewards per units, and subsequently attacks random screen positions. episode for 300k and 600k steps is shown in Figure 3. Train- ing was performed on a machine with an Intel i7-7700K CPU Attack Weakest Nearest (AWN) - This player selects all running at 4.2 GHz and an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti friendly units on the first frame and then attacks the en- video card. It takes 5 hours to train for 300k steps using the emy with the lowest health, choosing the enemy nearest to GPU and running the game as fast as possible. To train a the average of the friendly units’ positions as a tie breaker. model we use PySC2 to run our custom combat scenarios for as many episodes as needed to reach the step limit. The RL 5 Results and Discussion player receives input from the game environment and takes Results of our experiments can be seen in Table 1. The first actions as described in Algorithm 1. column shows the scenario for which the experiment is being Learned Policy - 300k Steps Learned Policy - 600k Steps Scripted Players Trained on Marines Trained on Marines Scenario NA R RA AWN 4m 8m 16m 32m 4m 8m 16m 32m 4m vs. 4m 0.173 0.013 0.570 0.907 0.691 0.661 0.619 0.625 0.663 0.606 0.444 0.414 8m vs. 8m 0.146 0.019 0.561 0.721 0.694 0.691 0.692 0.541 0.693 0.585 0.356 0.440 16m vs. 16m 0.119 0.004 0.391 0.038 0.591 0.546 0.695 0.450 0.643 0.213 0.300 0.503 32m vs. 32m 0.044 0.002 0.116 0.000 0.329 0.280 0.441 0.332 0.340 0.247 0.130 0.471 4s vs. 4s 0.142 0.000 0.352 0.910 0.497 0.491 0.008 0.479 0.525 0.291 0.236 0.408 8s vs. 8s 0.179 0.000 0.240 0.678 0.420 0.406 0.015 0.386 0.512 0.192 0.204 0.303 16s vs. 16s 0.211 0.001 0.030 0.013 0.114 0.183 0.034 0.356 0.288 0.152 0.154 0.196 32s vs. 32s 0.130 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.075 0.239 0.223 0.320 0.386 0.193 0.355 0.170 Table 1: Experiment scores ((wins + draws/2)/# episodes) of scripted players and learned policies evaluated for 1k episodes in multiple scenarios. Columns give the policy being evaluated, and rows give the scenario. e.g. the number in the 300k 4m column, 8m vs. 8m row gives the score of the model trained for 300k steps on the 4m vs. 4m scenario when evaluated on the 8m vs. 8m scenario. The best performing policy in each category (scripted, trained for 300k steps, and 600k steps) is bolded. conducted along a row, with the other column values showing was able to obtain a score of 0.663 when applied to the 4 which policy controls the player units for the experiment. vs. 4 Marine scenario, and 0.643 when applied to the 16 vs. 16 Marines scenario, which was even better than the policy 5.1 Scripted Player Benchmarks trained itself on 16 Marines. We did however notice that re- sults get worse as the difference in unit count between train- The results of the scripted players can be seen in columns 2-5 ing and testing scenarios gets larger, which was expected. of Table 1. The performance of the benchmark scripted play- ers on the Marine scenarios shows a large range of results. One surprising result however was that for several scenar- The NA policy scores as high as 0.173, as units will attack ios, the best policy was not one one that was trained on that when enemies get within range even if the player does noth- same scenario. For example, the policy trained on 16 vs. 16 ing. The random bot gets scores from 0 to 0.019, whereas Marines for 600k time steps was the 2nd worst policy when the random attacking bot ranges from a score of 0.116 in the applied in the 16 vs. 16 Marine scenario. Another surpris- 32m vs. 32m scenario to 0.570 in the 4m vs. 4m scenario. ing result was that most of the policies trained for 300k time This shows that simply choosing to attack all the time is a steps ended up performing as good, or even better than those good strategy, but that it isn’t enough to win often with higher trained for 600k time steps. This indicates that either the sce- unit counts (in the 32m vs. 32m scenario the bot is likely at- narios are not complicated enough for more training to result tacking its own units sometimes). AWN achieves a score of in better policies, or that the variability in model performance 0.907 in the 4m vs. 4m scenario, but scores 0 in the 32m is too large to see a trend for the number of models we trained. vs. 32m scenario, indicating that formation becomes a big- By visual observation, most trained models learn to select ger factor in more complex scenarios. We observed that units all friendly units and then mainly attack. Some learn to target often get stuck while trying to move to attack the same target. the ground near friendly units, causing those units to cluster. The scripted players perform best in the 4m vs. 4m scenario Some models also learn to target damaged enemy units. and perform worse as the number of units increases in all cases except R in the 8m vs. 8m scenario. Scripted players 5.3 Learned Policies - Unit Type Transfer perform similarly in the Stalker scenarios. The results in the bottom 4 rows of Table 1 are for exper- iments carried out with policies learned on scenarios with 5.2 Learned Policies - Battle Size Transfer Marine vs. Marine battles, but applied to scenarios with Results for the learned policies can be seen in columns 6- Stalker vs. Stalker battles. In general, the results show that 9 (300k training steps) and 10-13 (600k training steps) of while the scores for these Stalker scenarios are not as high Table 1. We believe that these results yield two major obser- as the Marine scenarios, the policies can indeed be trans- vations. The first is that like scripted players, smaller sized ferred to units of different types. In particular, we can see battles yielded higher scores for learned policies. We believe that smaller sized scenarios perform well, with scores taper- this is because smaller battles are less complex, with far fewer ing off for larger scenarios. We believe this is due to the fact possible states, and therefore are easier for learning effective that as more units enter the battlefield, the differences be- policies. Also, smaller battles end faster, so more battles are tween those units such as size and damage type become more able to be carried out in the same number of training steps. apparent, causing the policy to perform worse. One surpris- The second observation is that the experiments demonstrated ing result was that the policies trained on 16 vs. 16 Marines, the ability to transfer a policy trained on battles of one given especially the one trained for 300k steps, performed much size to another, while maintaining similar results. For exam- worse than the other policies overall, for which we currently ple, a policy trained on 4 vs. 4 Marines for 600k time steps have no explanation. 6 Conclusion and Future Work Pang, Z.-J.; Liu, R.-Z.; Meng, Z.-Y.; Zhang, Y.; Yu, Y.; and Lu, T. 2019. On reinforcement learning for full-length game In this paper we presented an application of component- of StarCraft. In Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial action DQN to combat scenarios in a complex real-time strat- Intelligence (AAAI-19), volume 33, 4691–4698. egy game domain, StarCraft II. We showed that with short training times and a relatively easy to implement RL system, Samvelyan, M.; Rashid, T.; de Witt, C. S.; Farquhar, G.; good performance can be achieved in these combat scenar- Nardelli, N.; Rudner, T. G. J.; Hung, C.-M.; Torr, P. H. S.; ios. We successfully demonstrated transfer learning between Foerster, J.; and Whiteson, S. 2019. 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