=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2864/paper12 |storemode=property |title=Object Detection Algorithm for High Resolution Images Based on Convolutional Neural Network and Multiscale Processing |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2864/paper12.pdf |volume=Vol-2864 |authors=Rykhard Bohush,Sergey Ablameyko,Sviatlana Ihnatsyeva,Yahor Adamovskiy |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/cmis/BohushAIA21 }} ==Object Detection Algorithm for High Resolution Images Based on Convolutional Neural Network and Multiscale Processing== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2864/paper12.pdf
Object detection algorithm for high resolution images based on
convolutional neural network and multiscale processing
Rykhard Bohusha, Sergey Ablameykob,c, Sviatlana Ihnatsyevaa and Yahor Adamovskiy a
  Polotsk State University, 29 Blokhin st., Novopolotsk, 211440, Belarus
  Belarusian State University, 4 Nezavisimosti Avenue, Minsk, 220030, Belarus
  United Institute for Informatics Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 6 Surganova st., Minsk,
  220012, Belarus

                 In this article we propose an effective algorithm for small object detection in high resolution
                 images. We look at the image at different scales and use block processing by convolutional
                 neural network. Pyramid layers number is defined by input image resolution and
                 convolutional layer size. On each layer of pyramid except the highest we perform splitting
                 overlapping blocks to improve small object detection accuracy. Detected areas are merged
                 into one if they belong to the same class and have high overlapping value. In the paper
                 experimental results using YOLOv4 for 4K and 8K images are presented. Our algorithm
                 shows better detecting small objects results in high-definition video than YOLOv4.

                 Keywords 1
                 Small objects detection, Image pyramid, Convolutional neural networks, YOLO.

1. Introduction
    Video surveillance systems are used to solve various problems such as identification of
pedestrians, vehicles, car numbers detection, in security system and other. Now day 4K and 8K
camcorders are able of recording high-definition video, which can identify object details to improve
and increase the possibility of detection tiny objects [1]. These notions refer to any digital images
containing resolution of approximately 4000 or 8000 pixels [2]. The advantage of using high
resolution systems is the ability not only to accurately small objects detect but also to display the
correct large objects shape. It allows to improve detection accuracy. However, there is also a negative
sides, the main one of which is a large information capacity in each frame or image. This leads to the
need to use fast and efficient image processing algorithms to process high resolution images and
video in real time.
    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are very effective for object detection and became
widespread due to the rapid growth in computing power. Convolutional layers with different filter
types allow to create effective feature sets to describe images that have unclear structure and many
variations within a class. However, GPU computing power and memory size is still insufficient for
processing high-resolution images. Therefore, when using a CNN, input image is scaled to the input
layer size at the first stage. After that, input image is less informative for further processing. It is
important to take into account that image resolution increasing reduces percentage of object size if it
is constant in pixels. At present, most known systems do not consider input image resolution. Such
systems scale to the input layer size and if image or video frame with high-resolution, tiny objects can

CMIS-2021: The Fourth International Workshop on Computer Modeling and Intelligent Systems, April 27, 2021, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine
EMAIL: r.bogush@psu.by (R. Bohush); ablameyko@bsu.by (S. Ablameyko); s.ignatieva@psu.by (S. Ihnatsyeva); e.adamovsky@psu.by
(Y. Adamovskiy)
ORCID: 0000-0002-6609-5810 (R. Bohush); 0000-0001-9404-1206 (S. Ablameyko); 0000-0002-9780-5731 (S. Ihnatsyeva); 0000-0003-
1044-8741 (Y. Adamovskiy)
            © 2020 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
            Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
            CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
be missed. Consequently, the algorithms development for detecting small objects in high-resolution
images is an urgent task.
   This article is structured as follows. In Section 2, related algorithms based on CNNs for object
detection in images are illustrated. In Section 3 our algorithm by multiscale and block processing is
presented. In Section 4 experimental results using database of 4K images and discussion are shown.
Finally, the conclusion and feature work details are provided in Section 5.

2. Related Works
    Generally, most of the image object detection algorithms for high definition images are carried out
using two principals: image dividing into blocks and CNNs application for each block. In [3], the
algorithm for the accurate of small objects detection in high-definition video are presented. Each
image is separated into overlapping blocks and object detection in each block is performed with CNN
YOLO. After that, the detected objects post-processing is performed in each subframe and the same
class probabilities adjacent areas are marge. Compared to the classic YOLO, the algorithm shows the
better results when detecting tiny objects in high-definition video. But the main disadvantage of this
algorithm is sufficiently high probability of combining several different objects that are located at the
processed blocks boundaries into one region and skipping the object due to its fragmentation into
    Yongxi and Javidi [4] use neighbor visual features and high-level image features to predict
bounding boxes to guide a two-stage search process that adaptively focuses on areas that may contain
tiny objects. Objects are detected on a reduced image copy using the AlexNet model. The original
image was divided into non-overlapping blocks to detect small objects. Sizes of such blocks varied
from 600 to 75 pixels and blocks were processed using the SCN (Spatial Correlation Network). The
overlap varied from 25 to 50% relative to the block sizes. For this algorithm, authors obtained a recall
value of 80% based on SUN2012 dataset [5]. It is known that the recall metric doesn’t allow
evaluating false positives, and the dataset used by the authors contained almost no images with 4K
    In [6] the algorithm for detecting human uses a two-stage approach. First, the original image is
scaled down to low-resolution space. Low resolution object detection guides the attention of the
model to the important areas of the input image. In the second step, the algorithm is returned to high
resolution only, only reviewing the selected areas. Large blocks are split into smaller blocks to refine
the bounding boxes of the detected regions of interest. Found regions merging is based on the
vertically elongated (rectangular) person shape. This means that the algorithm is not adapted for other
object classes. For both stages model YOLO v2 is applied. Algorithm accuracy was estimated using
PEVID-UHD dataset [7] and a closed dataset containing a slightly larger number of objects. Average
precision is 90.7% for the first dataset and 75.4% for the second. At the same time, in some cases, the
use of block overlap in the range of 20 to 50 pixels is not sufficient; in addition, it is not adaptive to
input image size.
    Unel et al. [8] use CNN PeleeNet for detecting small objects of the "vehicle" and "pedestrian"
classes in images with 2K resolution and dimensions [1920×1080] onboard a micro aerial vehicle.
    The algorithm uses block image processing of the PeleeNet model with 25% overlap between the
tiles. For this algorithm mAP metric on VisDrone2018 dataset is 36.67%. The proposed technique is
implemented on Nvidia Jetson TX1 and TX2. However, this paper does not provide an estimate of the
block overlap effect on the algorithm accuracy. The number of missed objects of the "pedestrian"
class is significantly higher than the "vehicle" class. Consequently, this algorithm detects small
objects much worse even for images with a resolution below 4K.
    As we can see, it is important to use CNN with high accuracy but with low computational costs.
CNN YOLO favorably differentiate by other models because it processes entire image without
previous RoI extraction. It means that CNN considers contextual information about whole image and
it’s important. YOLO is a one-stage object detector. In addition, as stated in [9] YOLO is the fast
object detection system that performs better than famous Faster R-CNN. This is of great importance
because computational costs is a significant parameter when processing high-resolution image and
video frames. YOLO is more effective by computational cost. On the downside, there are many
localization errors particularly for tiny objects, due to the input image scaling. At paper [10],
considers YOLO modifications: YOLO v2, YOLO9000. Improvement in segmentation an
classification has been achieved through the use of new Darknet-19 classification model with anchor
boxes; batch normalization from [10]; using k-means; direct location prediction; RPN usage; fine-
grained features; multi-scale training. Top-5 accuracy was 91.2% but proposed algorithm took a big
computational cost. Also multi-scale training gave better opportunity to detect small objects, but it is
not enough for 4K resolution systems. YOLOv2 [10] uses five anchor-boxes, CNN Darknet-19, and
Batch Normalization for predictions on each convolutional layer, which increased the detection
accuracy. The next version as YOLOv3 [11] has further improved its detection accuracy indicators.
This was achieved using CNN darknet-53, residual connection, multi-scale object detection through
the FPN (Feature Pyramid Network) use. YOLOv3 uses 1×1 detection kernels on feature maps for
object detection in three different network layers for three different sizes. This improves detection
accuracy and detects smaller objects. However, YOLOv3 loses out in terms of speed compared to
YOLOv2. A solution to this problem is proposed in YOLOv4.
    YOLOv4 represents state-of-the-art architecture, with one of the best ratio accuracies and
detection object speed [12]. The approach is based on the Darknet53 convolutional neural network
that uses Cross-Stage-Partial-connections (CSP), pyramids for feature extraction, anchor-box for
detection. To achieve high detection speed rates and accuracy, as well as the ability to use available
training equipment, YOLOv4 uses several methods to increase efficiency without computational cost
or with negligible computational complexity. These include: using genetic algorithms to optimize the
learning rate, Mosaic and CutMix dataset augmentation methods, SAT (Self-Adversarial Training),
modified SAM (Spatial Attention Module) and PAN (Path aggregation Network) modules, SPP
(Spatial Piramid Pooling), class label smoothing, CmBN - using Cross mini-Batch Normalization,
Mish activation, CIoU-loss, etc. Various optimization methods combinations allow to achieve an
average precision AP of about 43%. Thus, as a model of CNN for object detection in high-resolution
images, we will use YOLO v4.

3. Object detection algorithm based on multiscale representation and
   convolutional neural network
   Our algorithm is a group of the following steps as showed in Figure 1. The algorithm requires a
pyramidal image representation as a decreasing scale copies set. Scale decreases as we go higher on
the pyramid. Images are broken into blocks at each pyramid level. There is object detection in each
block with an application CNN. It is necessary to divide the image into minimal number of parts, so
that the object on the CNN input block is not fragmented. Therefore, overlapping blocks are used.
Moreover, the higher overlap amount, the larger object can be detected without the probability of its
division into parts. However, it will require additional computational cost. After image processing
using CNN, a procedure for combining the found regions at all levels is required. Thus, our algorithm
includes four basic steps.
   1. Determination of the number of levels in the image pyramid. It should be borne in mind that
   the top-level size should be close to the input layer size for used CNN. Number of levels is
   determined considering possible image rotation as:
                                     P   max(W , H ) / l   1 ,                             (1)
   where W, H the input image width and height; l×l - the used CNN input layer size; [*] - nearest
   This approach eliminates objects fragmentation at a minimum scale and allows them to increase
   their correct classification as a whole in image.
   2. The image is separated into blocks with overlapping on the p layer. Their number is
   determined by the expression:
                           W / p l   H / p l  
                     Bp              1             1   BWP    BH P  ,         (2)
                                k            k            
   where p is the pyramid level number, p=1, …, P; k-block shift amount, in pixels.
Figure 1: Flow chart of our proposed algorithm

   The last incomplete block is merged with the previous block and scaled to the input CNN layer
   size when the BWP or BH P is rounded down. Otherwise, if the block size is rounded up, then the
   block values are padded with zeros.
   The block overlap number can be calculated using the equation:
                                           100 % ,                                            (3)
   3. Region of interest (RoI) detection that may contain an object or the object fragment. For this,
   each block is processed using CNN, and the detected RoI is described by a feature set:
                                   F   x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 , Е, Cl  ,                           (4)
   where x1, y1 - upper left corner coordinates of the found region in the image; x2, y2 – lower right
   corner coordinates of the found region in the image; Cl – the selected object class; E is CNN
   confidence in the correct classification.
   4. Merging ROI.
   4.1. Localization of coordinates of the object at different levels of pyramid can be determined with
   slight deviations. In addition, if the object is large, then its fragment can be identified as an
   independent ROI at some middle or lower levels. Therefore, we use an analysis of the overlaps
   number at all levels and blocks, as well as belonging to the same class to combine ROI Oi and
   Oj :
                                  IoU (Oi , O j )  0,5, Cli  Cl j ,                             (5)
                                              Oi  O j
                          IoU (Oi , O j )               , i, j 1, N | i  j ,                   (6)
                                              Oi  O j
   The merged region F (O ') descriptor is formed as follows:

                  F (O ')  
                                                                  
                             min x1Oi , x1O j , min y1Oi , y1O j , max x2Oi , x2O j ,     
                                                                                           .      (7)
                                    Oi
                                            Oj
                                                        Oi
                                                                   
                               max y2 , y2 , max E , E , Cl max E , E             Oi  Oj 
   4.2. The same object or its fragments can be detected with a coordinate shift at different scales or
   in neighboring cells during block detection results processing. In addition, the smaller size object
   fragment features may by different from the original object features and even be closer to another
   class descriptors. Therefore, post-processing is additionally applied when combining process. To
   do this, it is proposed to use the rule according to which all areas obtained in the previous step are
   analyzed and combined:
                         IOU (O 'i , O ' j )  0,2, Cli  Cl j , d x  t x , d y  t y ,           (8)
   where dx and dy are the difference values between the candidate regions sizes along the x and y
   axes, respectively; tx and ty are threshold levels.
   The false objects merging probability of the same class that are located at an insignificant distance
   from each other will be increased if the threshold value is decreased at step 4.1.

4. Experimental results and discussion
   The object detection algorithm was tested on a sample of 820 4K images. These images were taken
under different weather conditions, with different mounting heights and camera tilt angles. The
annotated image dataset was prepared using labelImg tool [13]. We used YOLOv4 implementation
from [14]. The annotated images dataset includes 6125 objects of two classes ("person" and
"vehicle"). The objects sizes vary from [24×14] to [322×780]. The "vehicle" class is a composite class
because it includes the "bus", "car", and "truck" classes. In Figure 2 total marked 11 objects, of which
3 belong to the class "person", and 8 belong to the class "vehicle".
   The proposed algorithm is implemented in the Python programming language using the PyTorch
machine learning framework for experiments. Basic operations on images are implemented using the
OpenCV computer vision library. To increase the detection speed, batch image blocks processing for
each pyramid level is applied using CUDA technology.
   We calculate mAP (mean Average Precision) metric to assess the performance of the algorithm.
Metric mAP is calculated by taking the mean AP over all classes. At the same time, at the first stage,
the number of true positive T p and false positive Fp detections were calculated. For this,
intersection over union (IoU) metric was applied for the detected and annotated objects on the images
of the dataset with a threshold level T  50 % for making a decision. Then the precision p and recall r
were calculated:
                                         p           ,                                         (9)
                                             T p  Fp
                                        r             ,                                       (10)
                                             Tp  Fn
where Fn - false negative detections
   Based on the obtained values, the AP metric was calculated according to the formula (9) for each
class for 11 threshold levels in the range from 0 to 1 with a step (0.1) [15]:
                                             1 10                                           (11)
                                       AP    pint (ri )
                                             11 i 0
where pint ( ri )  max p ( r ) , r  ri .
  At the last stage, we calculate the mAP metric obtained in the previous step for two object class.

Figure 2: Examples of annotated images for test

    To use the CNN capabilities more optimally when detecting and identifying small size objects, it is
necessary to determine the CNN threshold confidence and the input layer size, when the greatest work
efficiency. Experiments have shown that the smaller the scaling, the greater the accuracy in detecting
small objects in high-resolution images. So, with the input layer size [608 × 608], mAP is 22%, and
with the size [1024 × 1024] the highest value for mAP is 48% is achieved on a test images set with
4K resolution, while the confidence threshold is T  50 % . We used computer with CPU Intel Core
i9-10900 2.8 GHz, 64 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti. Based on step one of our algorithm
and more effective layer size 4K resolution image must be presented in the pyramid form of three
levels for processing.
    At the experiments next stage, the algorithm accuracy was evaluated for various block overlap and
CNN threshold value with a step of 5%. It should be noted that for the minimum original image scale,
threshold value of T  50 % , which corresponds to the most effective for the used CNN. The
experimental results are presented in Table 1. The analysis shows that for any α and T values, the
considered algorithm's mAP is higher than the mAP of the CNN used. The best result is provided with
   50 % and T  75 % , and mAP = 68.3%.
   Figure 3 shows processed 4K resolution parts of images from the prepared dataset. We can see in
Figure 3a two detected objects using YOLO v4 and four detected objects using our algorithm in
Figure 3b.

Table 1
Influence of overlap and confidence threshold on object detection accuracy, mAP,%
                                T      40      50          60      70
                               65     64.6%   68.0%       62.7%   61.6%
                               70     66.6%   67.6%       63.5%   62.8%
                               75     66.3%   68.3%       65.8%   64.4%
                               80     62.0%   62.4%       65.2%   63.7%


Figure 3: There are 4K‐image parts with examples of object detection: a) using YOLOv4; b) using the
proposed algorithm

   Also, the proposed algorithm was tested on 4K [16] and 8K [17] images. Figure 4 shows the object
detection result by the proposed algorithm with parameters which were determined as a result of
experiments: image 4K with resolution [3840×2160], input layer size [1024×1024], number of
pyramid levels P=3,   50 % and T  75 % . In this case, 90 objects were detected, their minimum
size is [33×11] pixels. Small objects give the greatest gain in object detection based on presented
algorithm for 4K images (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Examples of object detection on a 4K image based on proposed algorithm

   Figure 5a shows a reduced copy for 8К image with resolution [7360×4912]. YOLOv4 based image
processing result is proposed in Figure 5b. On this image 27 objects were detected. The 8K image has
a huge size, so object detection result is presented only for bottom right part of the image. Our
algorithm detected 114 objects and their minimum size is [26×31] pixels on this image. Figure 5c
shows the object detection result by the proposed algorithm with parameters which were determined
as a result of experiments: input layer size [1024×1024], number of pyramid levels P=4,   50 %
and T  75 % . Figure 5c shows that small objects give the greatest gain in object detection on image
8K resolution. We can see (Figure 5c) that the presented algorithm even detected the drivers of
vehicles, who stopped in front of the pedestrian crossing.

5. Conclusion
    This article proposes the algorithm for detecting objects in 4K and 8K images, which includes the
following basic steps: forming an image pyramid until the top level dimensions are close to the input
layer dimensions of the used CNN; overlapping block splitting for all resulting layers; using CNN for
each block object detection; post-processing for the results obtained in the previous step. We used a
YOLOv4 CNN for object detection with an input layer size of [1024×1024]. It gives high efficiency
in detecting small objects in 4K and 8К resolution images. The proposed algorithm was implemented
using Python with PyTorch machine learning framework, computer vision library OpenCV and
CUDA technology. To conduct experiments to assess the proposed algorithm effectiveness, a high
resolution images dataset with annotated small and medium size of objects of two classes ("person"
and "vehicle") was prepared. Experiments have shown that mAP metric can reach 68.3% for the data
used. The obtained results indicate that the proposed approach is promising for solving applied
problems of small object detecting in high resolution images. In some cases, if objects of one class are
located nearby, then possibly our algorithm will mistakenly merge them. Therefore, our further work
will be done to solve this problem.
                       a)                                                   b)

Figure 5: Examples of object detection on 8K image: a) reduced copy of 8K image; b) using YOLOv4
algorithm; c) using the proposed algorithm

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