=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2864/preface |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2864/preface.pdf |volume=Vol-2864 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2864/preface.pdf
Sergey Subbotin

Computer Modeling and
Intelligent Systems
Proceedings of The Fourth International Workshop

Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine
April 27, 2021
Subbotin S., (Ed.): The Third International Workshop on Computer Modeling
and Intelligent Systems (CMIS-2021). Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, April 27, 2021,
CEUR-WS.org, online

This volume represents the proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Com-
puter Modeling and Intelligent Systems (CMIS-2021), held in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine,
in April, 2021. It comprises 44 contributed papers that were carefully peer-reviewed
and selected from 112 submissions.

        Copyright © 2021 for the individual papers by the papers’ authors.
        Copying permitted only for private and academic purposes.
        This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors.

It is my pleasure to present you the proceedings of The Fourth International Work-
shop on Computer Modeling and Intelligent Systems (CMIS-2021), held in
Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine on 27 of April 2021.
    The CMIS workshop was held in 2021 for the fourth time at the National Univer-
sity "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic" (http://www.zp.edu.ua), which is the largest and old-
est regional center for science and higher education in the Zaporizhzhia region of
South-Eastern Ukraine.
    The leading place in the training of IT-specialists at the National University
"Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic" is occupied by the Department of Software Tools
(http://pz.zntu.net), which is the largest IT department in the region and the largest
university's department in terms of the number of students. The Department of Soft-
ware Tools of the National University "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic" was the organizer
and base for all CMIS workshops, including the CMIS-2021 workshop.
    In 2021, the University and the Department of Software Tools celebrate the 30th
anniversary of the opening of the Software Engineering specialty at the university, as
well as the 25th anniversary of the first graduation of the students on this specialty.
The department has trained more than two thousand programmers of bachelor's, spe-
cialist's (engineer's), master's levels over the years of existence of this specialty. Thus,
the Department of Software Tools has made a significant contribution to the devel-
opment of IT education and industry in the Zaporizhzhia region. The Fourth Interna-
tional Workshop on Computer Modeling and Intelligent Systems (CMIS-2021) is
timed to coincide with this significant dates.
    The main purpose of the CMIS-2021 workshop is a discussion of the recent re-
search results in all areas of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies.
    The workshop is soliciting literature review, survey and research papers including,
whilst not limited to, the following areas of interest:
    – Artificial Intelligence (Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, Computational
Intelligence (Neural Networks, Fuzzy and Hybrid Systems, Intelligent Optimization
and Search), Knowledge-based Systems);
    – Computer Science Methods for Modeling;
    – Info-Communication Technologies for Data Analysis (Data Mining, Decision
Support, Signal and Image Processing) and Applications for Engineering, Medicine
and Education.
    The CMIS-2021 workshop joined scientists from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus,
Belgium, China, Czech Republic, Germany, Indonesia, Israel, Kyrgyzstan, Morocco,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, United King-
dom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and Uzbekistan. The number of countries
of CMIS-2021 authors and PC members is 21 (instead of 12 in 2020).
    The language of CMIS-2021 Workshop is English. The workshop took the form of
oral presentations of peer-reviewed regular papers. The video of presentations is
available at https://www.facebook.com/groups/cmis.workshop/.
   The CMIS-2021 Organizing Committee have received 122 paper submissions (in-
stead of 177 submissions in 2020, and 130 submissions in 2019), out of which 44
were accepted for presentation as a regular papers (instead of 83 in 2020, and 81 in
2019) in the result of reviewing process, where the editor, program committee mem-
bers, external and peer reviewers sought to ensure a high scientific level, as well as a
high-quality presentation of the selected papers.
   The paper acceptance ratio in 2021 is 39% (instead of 47% in 2020, and 62% in
2019). These papers were published in this volume of CMIS-2021 proceedings.
   The workshop would not have been possible without the support of many people.
I would like to thank the Workshop Program Committee Members, organization staff,
and external reviewers for their excellent and tireless work. I sincerely wish that all
attendees benefited scientifically from the workshop and wish them every success in
their research. It is the humble wish of the workshop organizers that the professional
dialogue among the researchers, scientists, and engineers continues beyond the event
and that the friendships and collaborations forged will linger and prosper for many
years to come.

  May, 2021
                                                      Sergey Subbotin, Dr. Sc., Prof.,
                                        CMIS-2021 PC Chair and Proceedings Editor
                                           Head of the Department of Software Tools,
                                       National University "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic"