=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2865/short11 |storemode=property |title=Co-Loan Analysis of Finnish Public Library Loan Data |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2865/short11.pdf |volume=Vol-2865 |authors=Olli Nurmi,Kati Launis,Erkki Sevänen |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/dhn/NurmiLS20 }} ==Co-Loan Analysis of Finnish Public Library Loan Data== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2865/short11.pdf
    Co-Loan Analysis of Finnish Public Library Loan Data

                      Olli Nurmi1, Kati Launis2 and Erkki Sevänen3
             VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland LTD, Espoo Finland
           University of Eastern Finland, Dept. of Literature, Joensuu, Finland
                     University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland
      olli.nurmi@vtt.fi, klaunis@utu.fi, erkki.sevanen@uef.fi

       Abstract. This paper analyses public library loan data of the two most popular
       book genres, novels and crime fiction, to illustrate the cultural and social literacy
       prevailing in Finland. Using a social network analysis method we are able to
       identify and visualize distinct book clusters – rather than simply groups of books
       – providing a considerably more nuanced insight. Firstly, we generated book net-
       works based on library customers’ loan transactions where books were associated
       with each other when they were co-loaned. We then applied a modularity maxi-
       mization method to identify book clusters. The most influential books and au-
       thors were identified by examining their involvement in the network. The results
       show that the reading culture is no longer uniform but is fragmented into multiple
       smaller clusters. Additionally, the position of national classics, popular among
       Finnish readership some decades ago, has radically weakened. The results also
       show that the library users typically borrow multiple books in the same series.
       Through this study, we found that a social network analysis leads to a better in-
       terpretation of the library collection usage and overview of the reading culture.
       The presented approach benefits library users, librarians, and literary scholars.

       Keywords: Social Network Analysis, Library Loan Data, Reading Culture.

1      Introduction and Applied Method

Social network analysis studies have rarely been conducted using public library user
interaction data. A major constraint on data access relates to public libraries’ long-
standing commitment to data privacy. As a general practice, public libraries neither
collect nor store their member-generated transactional logs in any form.
   In our study, we had access to a sample (2016-17, 1.5 million loans) of anonymized
library loan data, which allowed us to generate a network of books based on their loan
transactions. Each book was linked to others when they were co-loaned, creating a co-
occurrence book network.
   We made an assumption that with a large volume of library loan data we could ef-
fectively detect books that were related to each other, forming book clusters. Ideally,
these clusters would consist of a manageable number of books that could then be inter-
preted and characterized. Here we refer to the distributional hypothesis in which the
underlying idea is that “a book is characterized by the company it keeps”.

             Copyright © 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under
            Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

   In literary research, social network analyses have occasionally been used as a means
to visualize certain structural features of a text or a corpus (Moretti, 2013 and Michel
et al. 2010). A common usage is the visualization of relationships between the texts
based on the similarities of the textual contents, and relationships between textual enti-
ties such as words. A further application is the visualization of the relations between
characters appearing in the texts (Jänicke, Franzini, Cheema, & Scheuermann, 2015).
   Over time, book clusters might grow or shrink in size, may split into smaller clusters
or merge forming larger ones. New clusters may also emerge, and old ones can disap-
pear. In this study, we used modularity maximization (Newman 2006) which is a state-
of-the-art method for community detection in static networks (Javed, Younis, Latif,
Qadir, & Baig, 2018). As a tool, we used the Gephi open-source network analysis and
visualization software package.

2      Data Sample and Data Preparation

Vantaa City Library is a part of the Helmet network (Helsinki Metropolitan Area Li-
braries), consisting of the city libraries of Helsinki, Espoo, Kauniainen, and Vantaa.
The Helmet collection, consisting of 3.4 million items, is available for Vantaa City
Library users through this network.
   Our data sample include all records collected from the Vantaa City Library during
the period 20 July 2016–22 October 2017 involving about 1.5 million loan interactions.
In this data women borrowed the majority of fictional titles: they borrowed 76 percent
of the fiction books, which, of course, has a great effect on the results (Launis, Cherny,
Neovius, Nurmi & Vainio, 2018).
   Typically, the number of loans peak during holiday periods, when so called light
reading titles are more frequently borrowed. The data collection period of 15 months
was long enough to smoothen these sorts of temporal fluctuations from the overall loan
   In this work, we selected adult loan data for novels and crime fiction for closer anal-
ysis. To study the interconnections between the literary works (i.e. book titles) we
merged the loan data regarding different editions, manifestations, and copies for each
book title. We then identified the co-loans based on the paired presence of the books
within a specific loan cart. The lists of co-loaned books were not sampled from unique
library visits but was each an aggregation of data across multiple library visits. An in-
tuitive selection criterion to establish a robust link between the books was an aggregated
number of co-loans of at least five. The size of the resulting two co-occurrence networks
is presented in the Table 1.

Table 1. The size of the co-occurrence networks. The nodes represent books and the edges indi-
cate robust associations between the books.

      Nodes (books)       Edges (associations)           Genre

      533                 395                            novels

      618                 572                            crime fiction

Surprisingly, the number of robust associations between the books was rather low. The
reason for this was that the number of book loans per title had a heavy-tailed distribu-
tion where only a fraction of the books were popular with many co-occurrences far
from the “head” or central part of the distribution.
   The frequently loaned books were followed by a majority of less popular books
which gradually “tailed off” asymptotically. The books at the far end of the tail have a
very low probability of co-occurrence and robust associations.

3       Results

3.1     Book Clusters
The method identified six major clusters of novels, which mostly contain entertaining
fiction written by women for women. Many of the books in these clusters are published
in series.
   Figure 1 depicts that four of the six book clusters were formed around contemporary
female writers, writing entertaining fiction in series and under a pseudonym. Three of
these ‘entertaining’ clusters – popular fiction or ‘light reading’ written in series and
targeted for female readership – were formed around Finnish, contemporary female
authors, with the pseudonyms Enni Mustonen, Marja Orkoma and Anneli Kivelä. In
their novels, the story is typically located in idyllic, rural areas of Finland. The novels
discuss not only love but also everyday life from the women’s point of view.

      Fig. 1. Co-occurrence network of novels showing six of the largest novel clusters.

At the top and middle right are clusters containing entertaining novels with lively his-
torical depictions, from the popular Finnish female author Kirsti Manninen (alias Enni
Mustonen). In Mustonen’s series “Järjen ja tunteen tarinoita” (Stories of Reason and
Emotion), borrowed in this cluster, women’s life stories and the history of Finland are
intertwined. The series takes place in the 18th–20th century and contains the novels
Nimettömät (The Nameless, 2004), Mustasukkaiset (The Jealous Ones, 2005), Lipun-
kantajat (The Flag Bearers, 2006), Sidotut (The Bound Ones, 2007) and Parittomat
(The Unpaired Ones, 2008). Mustonen is accurate and skilful in presenting how histor-
ical vortexes have had influence and have been felt in the lives of ordinary contempo-
raries. Her most recent series “Syrjästäkatsojan tarinoita” (Stories of an Onlooker,
2013) has been a success both in libraries and in bookstores; one of the novels of this
series (Ruokarouva, Housekeeper, 2016) was the most popular fictional work among
women in the Vantaa City Library data used for this article. One reason for this could

be that the genre this novel represents of historical novels and historical romance have
been popular in Finland since the mid nineteenth century (See Launis et al., 2018).
    In the middle is the cluster with Pirkko Syynimaa’s (alias Marja Orkoma) novels.
These novels take place in the fictional Blackbird Valley. Syynimaa is best known for
her crime novels, published under the pseudonym Pirkko Arhippa. At the bottom right
is the blue cluster including Anne Seppälä’s (alias Anneli Kivelä’s) novels that are pub-
lished in the series titled “Katajamäki” (2007–). The stories, again, take place in an
idyllic countryside village. The series is conveniently written so that each part can also
be read as a separate story. The main characters vary from one story to another. They
are women at different stages of their lives, leaving behind the city dust of Tampere
and Helsinki and their problems by choosing rural peace. They want to evaluate thier
past, weigh their future options, and seek a new direction.
    The green cluster at the top left contains novels from contemporary Finnish authors
Sirpa Kähkönen, Minna Rytisalo, Miika Nousiainen, Riikka Pulkkinen, Jari Tervo,
Leena Parkkinen and Pirjo Hassinen. Their books are considered high-quality novels,
valued by critics and often referred to in the media. The cluster also includes novels
from the international bestselling authors Kate Morton and Emma Cline.

3.2     Central Authors
We can identify the central authors by looking the total number of associations. There
are at least two relevant ways of doing this which give different results.
   Firstly, we can consider the total number of the associations per author regardless of
the quality of the associations. In many cases, books are written in series and part of
these associations are between books by the same author. Second way is to omit these
self-loops and consider the total number of associations between different authors
books. The result of this analysis is shown in Table 2 for crime fiction.

Table 2. Authors whose books had the most associations in total and authors with most associa-
tions between each other.
                                                Authors with highest number
 Authors with highest number                    of associations between each
 of associations between books                  other

      Mari Jungstedt                   SE          Anna Jansson                       SE
      Seppo Jokinen                    FIN         Mari Jungstedt                     SE
      Jarkko Sipilä                    FIN         Jo Nesbø                           NO
      Outi Pakkanen                    FIN         Jarkko Sipilä                      FIN
      Christian Rönnbacka              FIN         Lars Kepler                        SE
      Ann Cleeves                      UK          Stefan Tegenfalk                   SE
      Kati Hiekkapelto                 FIN         Leena Lehtolainen                  FIN
      Katarina Wennstam                SE          Katarina Wennstam                  SE
      Anna Jansson                     SE          Kristina Ohlsson                   SE
      Jussi Adler-Olsen                DK          Samuel Bjørk                       NO

Interestingly there is a difference in the share of Finnish or Swedish authors in the two
lists being 5/3 in the first and 2/6 in the second list. This indicates that people borrowing
crime fiction written by a Finnish author keep up reading the same book series and do
not often borrow crime fiction by some other author. This pattern was not visible among
the borrowers of Swedish authors’ books.
    Well-networked authors included Mari Jungstedt, Jarkko Sipilä, Katarina Wennstam
and Anna Jansson. Mari Jungsted and Anna Jansson have sold millions of copies which
have been translated into various languages.

4      Reading Culture in Finland

The results indicate that the Finnish reading culture has changed radically since the
classical studies by Katarina Eskola focusing on the readers and their literary manners
and taste in the 1970s and 1980s. The position of national classics (such as Väinö Linna
and Mika Waltari), which were popular among the Finnish readership some decades
ago, has radically declined. The reading culture is not uniform anymore (cf. Eskola,
1979, 1990) and it is fragmented into multiple smaller clusters. In another connection
(Launis & Mäkikalli 2020) we have shown that the young readers in our data favour
the translations of the newest Anglo-American young-adult fiction, novels such as John
Green’s The Fault in Our Stars and Estelle Maskame’s DIMILY-trilogy. Interestingly,
the authors favoured by young readers are highly visible on the Internet and on social
media; the impact of digitalization is clearly visible in the data.
    On the other hand, some aspects of the literary taste of Finnish readers seem to be
quite permanent. Even though brand new titles, domestic fiction and winners of the
annual literary prize (Finland-prize) are very much favoured by the readers, also depic-
tions of Finnish history narrated in a realistic manner and depicting hard work and the
countryside still seem to tempt readers, as can be seen in the clusters addressed in this
article. A good example of this is the book Ruokarouva (Housekeeper) by Kirsi Man-
ninen (pen name Enni Mustonen) (Launis, Cherny, Neovius, Nurmi & Vainio, 2018).
    Our results are in line with Kimmo Jokinen’s (1997) study. He stated that stories
picturing everyday life in a realistic and detailed fashion are typical for the Finnish
reading culture – both the previous article focusing on women readers in Vantaa City
Library (Launis, Cherny, Neovius, Nurmi & Vainio, 2018) and the co-occurrence anal-
ysis used here reveal that this kind of entertaining fiction is still very much favoured by
Finnish readers, forming the book clusters shown above. In the Finnish reading culture,
there is not much room for literature that deviates from this form of literature – nor for
literature that plays with experimental forms.
    The results also show that library users typically borrow multiple books in the same
series. This can be explained by the increased use of branding, where a set of marketing
and communication methods are applied to distinguish the author from competitors,
aiming to create a lasting impression in the minds of the readers. An author brand is, in
essence, a promise to its readers, including emotional benefits. When readers are famil-
iar with an author’s brand, they tend to favour it over competing others.

5      Discussion

A co-loan data analysis enables grouping books according to their readerships. This
enriches and opens up new directions in literary and library/information studies. Visu-
alizing book relationships enables researchers to interpret the usage of a library collec-
tion in new ways rather than simply looking at the relative popularity of the books.
   Overviews can vary from visualizations that display the individual books in a col-
lection and their relationships (i.e. the document space) to displays that show themes or
topics associated with the contents of the books (i.e. the semantic space). We can look
at relationships between local and temporal clusters, and clusters across time, as well
as clusters grouped by class or gender, as well as physical or temporal proximity.
   One of the obvious advantages in carrying out a network analysis is that very com-
plex connections can be made clear and structured. This way conclusions can be drawn
about a large quantity of connections that would otherwise possibly appear to be irrel-
evant or overly complicated.
   Several algorithms can be used to calculate the importance of any given node in a
network. In the libraries’ case, we can use these algorithms to identify authors or books
with influence over the whole network. By promoting these influential authors or
books, librarians could increase their effect on promoting reading.
   One of the disadvantages of using a network analysis is that people might have the
tendency to solely focus on “the big picture”, thus neglecting all the small and some-
times personal/human factors that also play a role in a certain analysis. Looking at li-
brary loans in such a calculating way might invoke a certain utilitarian viewpoint that
does not take into account other library functions.
   Library users may benefit from visualizations of book clusters, which may offer
them new ways in finding books to read. Placing the books in clusters facilitates the
library users’ ability to shift smoothly from one cluster to another when searching and
selecting new books. The visualization is also useful in educating library users to un-
derstand how modern collaborative recommendation engines work.
   The method offers a new tool for librarians in their collection management and helps
to identify book clusters and their relations. Books may be divided into natural groups
and category management can be aligned accordingly. The books may even be placed
in new ways that could help users to find interesting books. This type of analysis can
also facilitate new ways to create book recommendations. In addition, the results show
that series of books should be marked to enable the readers to locate them easily.
   Literary scholars can use the described methods to investigate social structures if
they have access to the large data sources available in libraries. For example, they could
identify local and global patterns and gain a better picture of the prevailing literary
culture. Changes and trends can be detected by repeating this kind of analysis periodi-
   In practical applications, we need datasets that contain thousands or millions of
transactions to create meaningful book clusters. The results must be considered with
care because the method cannot say anything about how the reader has understood,
used, or reflected on the written texts.

    The quality of the results obtained depends on a variety of factors, such as the quality
of the descriptors used for the relationship, the scope of the database, and the adequacy
of statistical methods for simplifying and representing the findings.
    Topics for further research include the tie formation or tie strength connecting the
books together. In this study, we used co-loans as an indication of a link between the
books, but there might be other forms of linking such as co-searching in a web cata-
logue. Even the absence of links between book clusters may reveal some interesting
literary phenomena. A lack of interconnectedness between groups may result in “filter
bubbles” in terms of information exchange.
    Additional visualisations are accessible at Libdat-project webpage as interactive
graphs (http://virtual.vtt.fi/virtual/libdat/index.htm).

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