=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2865/short5 |storemode=property |title=Emotion Annotation: Rethinking Emotion Categorization |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2865/short5.pdf |volume=Vol-2865 |authors=Emily Öhman |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/dhn/Ohman20a }} ==Emotion Annotation: Rethinking Emotion Categorization== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2865/short5.pdf
                 Emotion Annotation:
           Rethinking Emotion Categorization

                        Emily Öhman1[0000−0003−1363−7361]

                           University of Helsinki, Finland
                            Tampere University, Finland

      Abstract. One of the biggest hurdles for the utilization of machine
      learning in interdisciplinary projects is the need for annotated train-
      ing data which is costly to create. Emotion annotation is a notoriously
      difficult task, and the current annotation schemes which are based on
      psychological theories of human interaction are not always the most con-
      ducive for the creation of reliable emotion annotations, nor are they opti-
      mal for annotating emotions in the modality of text. This paper discusses
      the theory, history, and challenges of emotion annotation, and proposes
      improvements for emotion annotation tasks based on both theory and
      case studies. These improvements focus on rethinking the categorization
      of emotions and the overlap and disjointedness of emotion categories.

      Keywords: Emotion Annotation, Textual Expressions of Emotions, The-
      ories of Emotion.

1   Introduction

Sentiment analysis has progressed along with general developments in Natural
Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning in the past two decades [35],
with more and more advanced models and algorithms aiding in the detection
of sentiments and emotions in text. Most of these machine learning models are
supervised, which means that they require large manually annotated datasets.
Annotation tasks range in difficulty based on the data being annotated, the
annotation scheme, and the training received by the annotators. Emotion an-
notation is notoriously difficult, a notion shared by many emotion researchers
particularly in the field of NLP (see e.g. [4, 7, 29, 34, 48, 50]).
     To the best of my knowledge, most emotion detection papers use some vari-
ation of Ekman’s [19–21] six core emotions (anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sad-
ness, surprise), or Plutchik’s [43] eight core emotions (anger, anticipation, dis-
gust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise, trust). These are based on well-known psy-
chological theories that have been researched extensively for decades and were
therefore natural starting points for computational emotion detection. However,
whether these categories are the best at describing human emotions is a question
still debated in the emotion community [45] and recently whether these emotions

           Copyright © 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under
          Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

correspond to human emotions as expressed in text has been asked in several
sentiment analysis and NLP papers (see e.g. [16, 40]).
     One of the reasons that make emotion annotation difficult is the modality,
i.e. text versus speech versus video and so forth. In typical human interactions,
emotions are expressed through multiple modalities simultaneously [15], but in
annotation tasks, the focus is usually on one single modality, most commonly
text. Emotions are expressed in text through various means that are limited
by linguistic, cultural, and social constraints. In contrast, the most commonly
used emotion annotation schemes are based on psychological theories that are
in turn based on human interactions, not text. Therefore annotating outside the
originally intended modality or environment makes the emotion annotation task
     In the next section the theory of emotions are discussed from a cultural, lin-
guistic, and computational aspect. Previous work related to emotion annotation
and annotation theory is presented in section 3. Finally, the future of emotion
annotation is discussed in terms of alternative annotation schemes and other
steps to be taken in order to improve the annotation process.

2   Emotion Theories in NLP

The one thing all emotion analysis studies, both quantitative and qualitative,
have in common, is that they try to analyze human feelings. These feelings can be
defined differently, using different psychological, or even physiological, theories
of emotion and labeled as affect, feeling, emotion, sentiment, or opinion ([5, 40]).
What exactly these terms mean is interpreted differently in different fields and
sometimes even between researchers in the same field. As there is no consensus
on what human emotions are [45], the first step in any sentiment analysis or
emotion annotation task is to define the terms and the theory that is being
relied on in that specific study.
    As recent survey studies show, most modern research on emotions, particu-
larly in NLP, is at least to some extent based on the work of Ekman [19]. This
includes the work of Robert Plutchik, especially his Wheel of Emotions [43], as
well as SenticNet [11] (see e.g. [10, 27, 30, 32, 42]).
    For SenticNet [9, 10, 12] Plutchik’s wheel was reworked to show the change
in emotional intensity on a Gaussian curve. The idea is that this would fit bet-
ter with human-computer interaction and studies in affective computing. The
emotions are further categorized into pleasantness, attention, sensitivity, and
aptitude. Although SenticNet is a well-known model in the field of NLP (based
on citation counts and sources), it has not become as prevalent as one would
    Most recently, the work of Keltner and Cowen [14, 15, 25, 26] have tried to
tackle the categorization of emotions in a number of studies and have come up
with an emotion categorization consisting of 27 distinct emotions by studying
emotion responses to a number of different stimuli such as videos, music, facial
expressions, speech prosody and even nonverbal vocalization [15, 16]. This is the

emotion annotation scheme partly relied on in GoEmotions [16]. But although
this categorization has its benefits, it too suffers from some of the same issues
other categorization schemes suffer from, namely that it is not designed for
emotion detection in text.
    There are some significant differences in the surface realization of emotion
in different languages. These differences do not mean that certain emotions are
not present in that language, but the fact that the emotion words available in
different languages are so different makes exploring emotions in text particularly
difficult. The concept of a certain emotion might only exist in one language or
some emotions might be separate categories in one language and not be differ-
entiated at all in another.
    The same is true for text type. Narrative texts in particular, such as nov-
els or movie scripts and subtitles, have been shown to have lower annotator
agreement scores than other text types [3, 46, 47]. In traditional literary analysis
mood is often studied [37, 44]. This might be another alternative for other types
of narrative texts.
    The joint modeling of emotion classification and semantic role labeling has
also been shown to be beneficial to emotion detection tasks [38]. Similarly, as-
signing appraisal dimensions to event descriptions improves the classification
accuracies of discrete emotion categories [23].

3   Emotion Annotation and Classification

Supervised machine learning tasks rely on annotated data, but the annotation
of datasets can be very costly and time consuming [4, 17]. Crowd-sourcing can
often be a cheaper alternative to hiring expert annotators, and has been used
successfully in several projects to create different types of annotated datasets,
including sentiment and emotion annotated ones [49, 22, 31, 32, 39]. One issue
with using non-experts to solicit annotations is that there is a risk of the quality
suffering. This risk can be mitigated by carefully controlling selection criteria
[24], and being aware of typically difficult instances to annotate such as requests,
the speaker’s emotional state, neutral reporting of positive or negative facts and
so forth [29].
    Due to the subjectivity of most annotation tasks, however, humans do not
always agree with each other on how to annotate. Whether a tweet, for example,
expresses surprise or fear can be ambiguous, and heavily depends on the reader’s
interpretation. There is rarely one single reading that can be judged as being
correct [13] as the annotation task is generally highly subjective even with careful
annotator guidelines [29]. It should also be noted that emotions do not have
distinct and clear boundaries that separate them and they often occur together
with other emotions [32].
    Table 1 shows the distribution of emotion combinations in the multilabel
XED [41] dataset. The most common annotation is single-label, however, after
that the combination of emotions becomes more intriguing. Anger and disgust
are the most common pair, followed closely by all the possible pairs consisting of

anticipation, joy and trust. Statistically speaking it is not surprising to see anger
and anticipation co-occur to such a high degree, but intuitively speaking this is
something that warrants a closer look. It might be linked to the source data which
is movie subtitles and therefore a true reflection of the emotions expressed by
the subtitles and suggestive of an emotion akin to suspense or nervousness. The
fact that anticipation co-occurs with all emotions makes training an algorithm
to detect anticipation specifically, a difficult task.

                 Table 1. Label combinations in the XED dataset

                  Number of unique label combinations: 147
                  Total # of combinations
                       anger antic. disg. fear joy sad. surpr. trust

When a part of the XED dataset was re-annotated into positive, negative, neu-
tral, and other by expert annotators at the University of Turku, the results
for anticipation were by far the worst (see figure 1). Here the corresponding
sentiment for what was originally annotated as anticipation seems to for the
majority of cases be neutral, with positive a close second and negative and other
only marginally present. This not only highlights the difficulty of emotion anno-
tation, but also how particular emotions are much harder to categorize as well
as generalize. When a category such as suspense is missing from the annotation
scheme, there seems to be significant overflow into adjacent categories regardless
of the typically perceived congruence or polarity of that category.

Fig. 1. Re-annotation by expert annotators. Image courtesy of Associate Professor
Sampo Pyysalo of the University of Turku.

Annotation reliability is usually measured by calculating inter-annotator agree-
ment, sometimes referred to as inter-rater correlation. These scores have not been
that good for emotional labeling. For a sentence-level sentiment polarity annota-
tion task (positive/negative), inter-annotator agreements stayed at around 57%
with Krippendorf’s α scores of α = 0.4219, well below even tentative reliability
(α = 0.666...) [7]. In a word sense disambiguation task, κ values were around
0.3, indicating very low agreement [36].
     Previous annotation tasks have shown that even with binary or ternary clas-
sification schemes, human annotators agree only about 70-80% of the time and
the more categories there are, the harder it becomes for annotators to agree
[6, 8, 33]. For example, when creating the DENS dataset [28], only 21% of the
annotations had consensus between all annotators with 73.5% having to resort
to majority agreement, and a further 5.5% could not be agreed upon and were
left to expert annotators to be resolved. In [3] all annotators agreed upon only
8.36% of sentences, and for DENS, for the final dataset only 21% of the anno-
tations had consensus between all annotators [28] — and this was after noisy
annotations had already been removed.
     Among the things that have been shown to influence inter-annotator agree-
ment are: the domain of the data being annotated, the number of labels and
categories in the annotation scheme, the training and guidelines of the annota-
tors as well as the intensity of that training, how many annotators there are in
total, for what purpose the annotations are, and of course the method used to
calculate the inter-annotator agreement [6]. Some of these considerations relate
to the mathematical aspect of calculating agreement, including the point about

the number of annotators. Interestingly, Bayerl et al. [6] found that increasing
training improved agreement scores, when Mohammad [29, 32] found that mini-
mal guidelines improved agreement scores because over-training annotators led
to confusion and apprehension in judgment tasks.
    Some emotions are also harder to detect and recognize. [16] show that the
emotions of admiration, approval, annoyance and gratitude had the highest inter-
rater correlations at around 0.6, and grief, relief, pride, nervousness, embarrass-
ment had the lowest interrater correlations between 0-0.2, with a vast majority
of emotions falling in the range of 0.3-0.5. Liu et al. [28] too note that they
had difficulties with the categories of disgust and surprise. In their case, disgust
was such a small category that it was discarded, and surprise was such a noisy
category, that it too was discarded. Alm [2], who had the same observations
regarding both disgust and surprise, speculates that this is because surprise is
characterized in text by ‘direct speech’ and ‘unexpected observations’ that only
indicate surprise 1 in the context of those surrounding sentences. On the other
hand, she found that fear 2 was often marked by words directly associated with
fear. Sentences that contained outright affect words were more likely to have
high inter-annotator agreement [2].
    Similarly, Demszky et al. [16] found that lexical items that are significantly
associated with a particular emotion had also significantly higher interrater cor-
relation, and that the reverse is also true. Their results supports the notion that
some emotions are more verbally explicit (gratitude, admiration, approval ) and
other more contextual (grief, surprise, relief, pride).
    If human annotators find it this hard to agree, it seems unreasonable to ex-
pect computers to perform much better. Especially since if computers are trained
on human annotated data, these disagreements can easily confuse a computer in
the learning process reducing the accuracy of predictions further, and even more
so since the performance of the classifier is measured again on human annotated
data. Although computers are getting better and better at natural language
understanding and machine learning is progressing fast, human annotators are
unlikely to ever achieve better agreement rates, and therefore the key to improv-
ing machine learning results does not lie solely with improving algorithms, but
on improving the reliability of datasets.
    Some researchers have adopted different annotation schemes beyond the typ-
ical 6-8 categories based on Ekman and Plutchik [19, 43]. As mentioned, GoE-
motions is one such dataset [16]. In GoEmotions posts were pre-tagged based
on a small annotated dataset that were used to train a classifier that then pre-
assigned emotion labels. This approach was also used to balance the sentiments
and emotions in the dataset and of course to guide the annotators. As mentioned
in the previous section, despite the carefully curated dataset and meticulous an-
notation task, the final emotion labels were far from balanced. The accuracies
achieved by their BERT [18] model can still be considered good for such a large
number of categories (27) at an f1 averaged macro score of 0.46 for all categories,
    surprised in her annotation scheme
    fearful in her annotation scheme.

but ranging from 0.00 (grief) to 0.86 (gratitude) for specific emotions. Both the
GoEmotions [16] and the XED [41] datasets are also multilabel, meaning that
one data point can have multiple labels. This models the real world better than
single-label categorization, but introduces additional hurdles for the machine
learning algorithm.
    Abdul et al. [1] achieved some truly remarkable accuracy scores (f1 of 95.68%)
by distilling 665 Twitter hashtags into the full 24 categories of Plutchik [43] (the
core emotions and their 3 levels of intensities where e.g. anger is the core emotion,
annoyance its less intense category, and rage its more intense category). It is
not entirely clear how they have managed such a high classifier performance.
The authors emphasize the size of their dataset (1.3M tweets), but it seems
more likely that they managed to create some truly disjoint categories in their
distantly supervised pre-processing stage.
    Öhman et al. [41] tried combining some categories that co-occurred and were
confused the most by their model, such as anger and disgust. This resulted in
significant increases in accuracy. The exclusion of the categories of neutral and
surprise also improved the results, as did replacing names and locations with
generic tags using NER (Named Entity Recognition).

4   The Future of Emotion Detection in NLP

There are no claims in this paper as to what the “correct” theory of emotions
should be, but the theories of emotion that much of the NLP work – and subse-
quent downstream tasks in digital humanities and computational social sciences
– today is based upon, is heavily reliant on emotion theories created for a very
different modality than text. I believe the key to improving emotion detection
is first and foremost a re-thinking of emotion categorization. There are a few
different options here: Ideally, new theories specifically developed for the modal-
ity of text could be developed or explored. However, this would require vast
interdisciplinary collaboration. A second, less resource-heavy option, could be
something akin to the approach taken in [16] where sentences were pre-tagged
with emotions based on the classifications results from a classifier trained on a
small dataset. Another, similar approach would be to use existing emotion lex-
icons to pre-tag data. However, this would likely work best for the data points
where lexical items are highly correlated with the overall emotion expressed.
This has already been shown to be the easiest data for annotators to annotate,
so the effects might be marginal.
    A larger issue has to do with the overlap of emotion categories. Many cate-
gories are by definition closer to each other than others and it is quite impossible
to create truly disjoint categories, unless some very relevant categories are ex-
cluded. With very few categories, such as simply positive and negative, the range
of emotions expressed is not suitable for most downstream tasks. The more cate-
gories that are in the annotation scheme, the better the categorization represents
true human emotions, but this usually means more overlap between categories

possibly leading to more confusion for the learning algorithm in machine learn-
    In [39] I describe annotator experiences from an emotion annotation task.
Based on the comments from the annotators, the first step in making the anno-
tation task less repetitive and thus easier for annotators would be to add context
to the sentence being annotated. However, although annotating with context is
much easier for the annotator, it also renders the annotation heavily context-
dependent. Overall, more context is a desirable feature, however, having the same
sentence in two different contexts, with that context unavailable to a machine
learning model, could lead to a confusing training process. More research into
the pros and cons of context-dependent annotations versus context-free annota-
tions is required. In addition to comparing these two approaches, one possible
solution would be to expand the sequence to go beyond sentence-level.
    There is some evidence that the optimal granularity lies between sentence and
document level - social media posts or paragraphs are likely close to optimal here.
Tweets in particular are somewhat self-contained and due to platform constraints
also quite short and therefore lend themselves well to emotion annotation. Since
not all downstream tasks are based on Twitter, unfortunately, Tweets as source
data are likely to be quite domain-dependent.
    All in all, the process of emotion annotation and detection is very difficult
with many hurdles still to be resolved. With this paper, we would like to con-
tribute to solving some of these issues.

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