=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2865/short6 |storemode=property |title=ZipfExplorer: A Tool for the Comparison of Shared Lexis |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2865/short6.pdf |volume=Vol-2865 |authors=Steven Coats |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/dhn/Coats20a }} ==ZipfExplorer: A Tool for the Comparison of Shared Lexis== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2865/short6.pdf
ZipfExplorer: A Tool for the Comparison of Shared Lexis
                                Steven Coats[0000-0002-7295-3893]

                        English, University of Oulu, 90014 Oulu, Finland

        Abstract. Word frequency statistics and lexical diversity measures can provide
        insights into discourse differences between texts. The ZipfExplorer, a tool and
        online app for the interactive visualization and comparison of word frequencies
        in two texts, shows side-by-side rank-frequency profiles and interactive tables of
        shared lexis, enabling keyword analysis and shedding light on discourse differ-
        ences. Four lexical diversity measures (type-token ratio, Gini coefficient, power-
        law alpha parameter, and Shannon entropy) are calculated for the shared word
        types. Word frequency information is provided for a selection of mainly literary
        texts, and users can upload their own files. This paper provides an overview of
        the visualization of word frequency distributions, describes the functionality of
        the ZipfExplorer tool and demonstrates some of its features, and briefly discusses
        the lexical diversity measures calculated by the tool.

        Keywords: Word Frequencies, Visualization, Lexical Diversity, Zipf.

1       Introduction

Word frequencies are a fundamental starting point for many analytical procedures in
corpus-based linguistic, literary, or cultural analysis and for natural language pro-
cessing tasks.1 The study of word frequency distributions and their statistical properties
continues to be an active topic of research in computational linguistics [2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7,8], and in recent years, the analysis of word frequencies has been facilitated by the
availability of large corpora or other data sets and open access to data via platforms
such as CLARIN, GitHub, or the Center for Open Science as well as by dedicated li-
braries of scripting functions in popular programming languages such as R or Python
[9, 10, 11, 12]. The representation of word frequencies in an interactive visualization
format, however, has not generally been a primary focus, despite the fact that interactive
visualizations can facilitate exploratory data analysis, enhance pedagogy, and comple-
ment textual presentation of research [13, 14].
   In language and linguistics or literary or cultural studies, the comparison of word
frequencies in two texts or between a selected text and a reference corpus is a primary
method for gaining insight into differences in discourse content. The ZipfExplorer2 is
an online tool for the interactive visualization of word frequencies in texts or corpora,

1   This paper, an expanded version of [1], includes a more detailed discussion of the Zipf
    distribution and the lexical diversity measures calculated by the ZipfExplorer. In addition,
    some code changes have been made to enhance the useability of the tool.
2   https://zipfexplorer.herokuapp.com

              Copyright ยฉ 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under
             Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

named after Zipfโ€™s Law [15, 16], the fact that for most longer natural language texts or
corpora, the frequency of a given word type is approximately inversely proportional to
its rank in a sorted list of the frequencies of word types for the text. The ZipfExplorer
provides an interactive means to show the concept of โ€œkeynessโ€ [17, 18], or the extent
to which a lexical item occurs more often or less often than would be expected in com-
parison to a reference text. The tool shows word frequency distributions for the textual
overlap of two texts, or the word types that they share, a text aspect that may also be of
theoretical interest in terms of its relationship to the concept of textual entailment, or
recognizing, given two text fragments, whether the meaning of one text can be inferred
(entailed) from the other [19], as well as to word error rate and derived measures of
textual similarity used in speech recognition [20]. In addition, the tool, built using the
Bokeh module in Python [21], calculates several lexical diversity measures (type-token
ratio, Gini coefficient, power-law alpha parameter, and Shannon entropy). The code for
the tool is publicly available.3

2       Background

Among the first to systematically study lexical type frequencies was the early 20th-cen-
tury American Germanist George Zipf, who noted that when the words of a text are
ordered in decreasing frequency, the relationship between a the frequency and the rank
for a word of rank r can be expressed as ๐‘“๐‘Ÿ โ‰ˆ ๐ถ๐‘Ÿ โˆ’1 , where C represents a constant. A
Zipfian rank-frequency profile, when plotted in double logarithmic space, is typically
close to a straight line, but the shape of a frequency distribution for only those lexical
types that are shared with a comparison text or reference corpus depends not only on
the frequency information of the particular texts under consideration, but also on the
degree of textual overlap between the two texts. Visualizations of shared lexis, in addi-
tion to highlighting discourse similarities and differences between texts through the
examination of particular word types, can also give insight into the interplay between
frequencies, derived lexical diversity measures, and the shape of discrete frequency
distributions in general.
   Following Zipf [15, pp. 45โ€“48; 16, p. 25], word frequency distributions are typically
displayed in double logarithmic space, with frequency on the y-axis and frequency rank
on the x-axis, as in the top right quadrant of Figure 1, which shows four visualizations
of the word frequency distribution for Charles Dickensโ€™ 1859 novel A Tale of Two Cit-
ies. Each circle on the plot corresponds to a distinct word type. The most frequent type,
at the top left of the plot, is the word type โ€œtheโ€, occurring 8,058 times in the text,
followed by โ€œandโ€, โ€œofโ€ and other common words.

3   https://github.com/stcoats/zipf_explorer

     Fig. 1. Four representations of word frequency information for A Tale of Two Cities.

The plot in the top left represents the same information in linear space, whereas the
lower left plot is the so-called degree distribution (sometimes also referred to as the
frequency spectrum): Here, the word frequency counts themselves have been binned,
so that the top left circle is the proportion of all word types that occur once in the novel
(the hapax legomena). Hapax comprise 47% of the word types in the novel; words that
occur twice (dis legomena) 16%, and so on. While the information contained in the Zipf
rank-frequency plot and the degree distribution plot is equivalent, the latter plot is more
difficult to interpret in terms of discourse, as points on the plot do not correspond to
individual word types. In the bottom left of Figure 1, the complementary cumulative

distribution function is depicted: the cumulative proportion of types with a frequency
equal to or greater than a given frequency. Thus, 100% of types in the novel occur at
least once, 53% at least twice, 37% at least three times, and so on. The complimentary
cumulative distribution visualization is the reflection of the Zipf double-logarithmic
profile across a line extending from the bottom left to the top right of the subplot. Be-
cause the upper two plots in Figure 1 are intuitively easier to understand, the ZipfEx-
plorer visualizes rank-frequency utilizes them, rather than the degree distribution or the
complementary cumulative distribution.

3      Tool Functionality

In Figure 2 the default linear-scale view for the shared vocabulary types in Mary Shel-
leyโ€™s Frankenstein and H. G. Wellsโ€™ War of the Worlds is depicted: Each subplot shows
the rank-frequency profile for the text selected via the dropdown menus to the right of
the plots. Points on the plots show word relative frequency (per 10,000 words) on the
y-axis and type rank in an ordered list of the frequencies of all words in the shared lexis
on the x-axis. Values for the lexical diversity measures type-token ratio, Gini coeffi-
cient, alpha exponent of the best-fit power-law distribution, and Shannon entropy are
shown above the plots. Hovering over a word type will show its rank, frequency, rela-
tive frequency, and the log-likelihood measure [22, 23] and associated p-value com-
pared to the shared lexis of the comparison text.

                                 Fig. 2. Default tool view.

Words can be highlighted with a hover tool and selected with a box-drawing tool (in
the toolset above the right-hand subplot). Selected words are highlighted in the sortable
tables below the plots; clicking on a word in one of the tables highlights it in the plots.

The tables show frequency rank, the word form, frequency, relative frequency, differ-
ence in relative frequency compared to the other text, and the log-likelihood value:
higher log-likelihood values indicate are calculated for types with larger frequency dif-
   The default texts available for comparison are selectable via a drop-down menu to
the right of the plots. In addition, users can upload their own texts for comparison with
the upload buttons. A โ€˜Remove most frequent wordsโ€™ drop-down list removes 0, 10, 20,
50, 100, or 200 of the most frequent words in English, based on the Project Gutenberg
English Corpus from Sketch Engine [24]. As many of the most frequent words are de-
terminers, prepositions, conjunctions, or other function words that bear relatively little
semantic information, removing frequent words can help to highlight content and dis-
course differences between the texts. Below the remove words drop-down menu, the
total number of types and tokens in the original texts is shown along with the percentage
of types that are shared in the two texts. To examine the word frequency distribution of
a single text, rather than the distributions of the shared lexis in two texts, the same text
can be selected for both plot windows.
   The source texts are a selection of mainly literary texts from Project Gutenberg, a
corpus of inaugural addresses of U.S. presidents from NLTK [25], the Brown Corpus
and its subsections [26], and the Freiburg-Brown Corpus of American English [27].

3.1    Sorting

The columns in the tables below the subplots can be sorted. They show original word
order in the left-hand text, word form, rank in the frequency table, relative frequency,
difference to the other text in relative frequency, and log-likelihood score. Sorting can
show items that are much more relatively frequent in a text. In Figure 2, the personal
pronouns โ€˜myโ€™, โ€˜youโ€™, and โ€˜Iโ€™ are more frequent in Frankenstein, a text with a first-
person point of view, than in the third-person War of the Worlds.

               Fig. 3. My, you, and I in Frankenstein and War of the Worlds.

The types โ€˜up, โ€˜outโ€™, and โ€˜thereโ€™ (Fig. 4) are more relatively frequent in War of the
Worlds; when considered along with other prepositions, place adverbials and location
names, it becomes clear that spatial organization plays a greater role as a narrative ele-
ment in War of the Worlds than in Frankenstein.

              Fig. 4. Up, out, and there in Frankenstein and War of the Worlds.


3.2    Hapax Types

Hapax can also shed light on discourse differences. Highlighting the hapax types in
Frankenstein (in the left-hand rank-frequency profile of Fig. 5) shows their ranks and
relative frequencies in War of the Worlds: although many are also hapax in the other
text, or are found mainly in the tail of the frequency distribution for Frankenstein, the
types โ€˜smokeโ€™ and โ€˜redโ€™ are much higher in the profile in War of the Worlds โ€“ a fre-
quency difference that reflects the discourse content of the latter novel.

                Fig. 5. Distribution of types that are hapax in Frankenstein.

3.3    Stopword Removal
Using the drop-down menu to the right of the subplots, 10, 20, 50, 100, or 200 of the
most-frequent types in the Gutenberg corpus can be removed from the visualizations
and tables. Because these types, which are mostly function words such as determiners,
pronouns, and relativizers or common verbs, structure texts in important ways but con-
tribute relatively little to discourse content, removing them may serve to highlight dis-
course differences between two texts.

    In terms of the distribution shape and the derived lexical diversity statistics, the re-
moval of common words has the effect of increasing the relative frequency of the re-
maining words. In effect, removing stopwords tends to change the shape of the Zipf
profile in double-logarithmic space to a more curvilinear form โ€“ when function words
are no longer considered, word frequencies deviate substantially from a power-law dis-
tribution. As can be expected, removal of common words tends to increase the lexical
diversity of the texts for the remaining shared types, which tend to be more uniformly
distributed in terms of their relative frequencies.

4       Lexical Diversity

The ZipfExplorer displays four lexical diversity measures: the type-token ratio, the Gini
coefficient, the exponent ฮฑ for the best fit of a power-law distribution, and the Shannon
entropy ๐‘ฏ [3, 4, 28]. These measures, while related, can be used to highlight different
                                                     ๐‘›๐‘ข๐‘š๐‘๐‘’๐‘Ÿ ๐‘œ๐‘“ ๐‘‘๐‘–๐‘ ๐‘ก๐‘–๐‘›๐‘๐‘ก ๐‘ก๐‘ฆ๐‘๐‘’๐‘ 
aspects of lexical diversity. The type-token ratio,                           has a range in
                                                           ๐‘›๐‘ข๐‘š๐‘๐‘’๐‘Ÿ ๐‘œ๐‘“ ๐‘ก๐‘œ๐‘˜๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ 
the interval (0,1], with smaller values indicating less lexical diversity.
   The Gini coefficient, which can be calculated with

                                        2 โˆ‘๐‘›๐‘– ๐‘–๐‘ฅ๐‘– ๐‘› + 1
                                  ๐บ=             โˆ’
                                        ๐‘› โˆ‘๐‘›๐‘– ๐‘ฅ๐‘–    ๐‘›

ranges from 0 (no diversity) to 1 (maximum diversity) for n word types with relative
frequencies x.
   The exponent ฮฑ results from the best-fit line to the degree distribution function
(lower left plot in Fig. 1) for the frequency information for the shared lexical types,
calculated using the powerlaw package in Python [9] with the equation ๐‘“(๐‘›) โˆ ๐‘›โˆ’๐›ผ .
The alpha parameter is related to the slope z of the Zipf rank-frequency profile by ๐›ผ =
     1       1
1 + (๐‘ง =        ) [29]. The parameter typically ranges in value between ~1.5 and 3, alt-
     ๐‘ง      ๐›ผโˆ’1
hough higher or lower values are calculated for the shared vocabulary of extremely
dissimilar or extremely short texts.4
   Shannon entropy [30], calculated with

                                  ๐ป = โˆ’ โˆ‘ ๐‘ฅ๐‘– log 2 ๐‘ฅ๐‘–

has a maximum theoretical value of log2(n), for data consisting of n unique types.
   The diversity statistics calculated by the tool provide evidence for the sensitivity of
lexical diversity measures to sample size [2, 4]. For the textual overlap between two
texts or a text and a corpus, the shorter text will likely exhibit lower Gini values and a

4   In these cases, however, word frequencies are unlikely to be distributed according to a power
    law, and thus the measure is not necessarily a good diversity indicator. See Clauset, Shalizi
    and Newman (2009).

higher type-token ratio, whereas the longer text will exhibit a smaller ฮฑ exponent and a
higher ๐‘ฏ value. Removing frequent words will often increase values for the type-token
ratio and the alpha parameter, and decrease the values for the Gini coefficient and the
Shannon entropy, although this depends on the texts in question, their original frequen-
cies, and the degree of textual overlap. For texts with a relatively large proportion of
shared types, such as two novels by the same author, and with the removal of frequent
function words, the lexical diversity measures may give insight into topical diversity in
terms of narrative development. For texts that share relatively few types, the relation-
ship between the measure values and the properties of the underlying original texts is
less straightforward.

5      Conclusion

The ZipfExplorer enables the interactive exploration of word frequencies in the shared
lexis of two comparison texts or corpora, potentially shedding light on discourse simi-
larities and differences and properties of frequency distributions. The lexical diversity
measures type-token ratio, Gini coefficient, alpha parameter of the power-law function,
and Shannon entropy, calculated by the tool, vary according to text length and textual
overlap and are also affected by the removal of common function words.
    In a pedagogical context, the ZipfExplorer provides a hands-on way to make fre-
quency information concrete. Given the increasing importance of artificial intelligence
models not only in linguistics and other sciences, but ultimately in many working-life
and administrative domains and in the contexts of daily life, the tool can serve as a
starting point for understanding how linguistic frequency distributions underlie the
large data sets used train machine learning models.
    The tool may also be useful for the comparison of various discrete distributions in
computational studies of language or digital humanities, and for applied analysis in
literary, historical, or cultural studies in which โ€œdistant readingโ€ approaches are em-
ployed. Planned further development of the tool is to allow upload of different file for-
mats, enable text extraction from URLs, and enable automatic annotation of part-of-
speech tags or named entities whose frequency distributions may be of interest. It is
also hoped that other researchers will use the code for the tool (or parts thereof), avail-
able at GitHub, in order to create new and exciting ways to visualize linguistic data
such as word frequency information.

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