Classification of Contract-Amendment Relationships Fuqi Songa a Data Science, Hyperlex, 13 Rue de la Grange Batelière, 75009 Paris, France Abstract In Contract Life-cycle Management (CLM), managing and tracking the master agreements and their associated amendments is essential, in order to be kept informed with different due dates and obligations. An automatic solution can facilitate the daily jobs and improve the efficiency of legal practitioners. This paper proposes an approach based on machine learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to detect the amendment relationship between two documents. The algorithm takes two PDF documents preprocessed by OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and NER (Named Entity Recognition) as input, and then it builds the features of each document pair and classifies the relationship. Different configurations are experimented on a dataset consisting of 1124 pairs of contract-amendment documents in English and French. The best result obtained a F1-score of 91%, which outperformed 23% compared to a heuristic-based baseline. Keywords amendment detection, document linking, NLP, relationship classification, contract life-cycle manage- ment(CLM) 1. Introduction and Problem Statement In Contract Life-cycle Management(CLM), the contracts and other documents are not isolated elements. There exists links among them, the most common and important one being the contract-amendment relationship between a master agreement (MA) and an amendment. Track- ing and handling such links is essential in different CLM tasks so as to lower the potential legal risks and be up to date relatively to the evolution of a contract through its amendments. Conventionally, the task is performed manually or semi-automatically within a digital solution, which is time-consuming and error-prone. A fully automatic solution is expected to overcome these drawbacks and to facilitate the CLM process. This article therefore proposes a method for automatically detecting linked documents based on machine learning algorithms and NLP techniques. The problem can be formulated as a binary classification problem that takes two documents as input and classifies the relationship between them. A key problem is to identify a good feature set for the classification algorithms. I apply a ML-driven preprocessing pipeline, including principally OCR and NER. The pipeline outputs the recognized document content and named entities, such as corporate names and contract numbers. Depending on the quality and content of documents, the extracted text and named entities might contain errors and be inaccurate. Taking these factors into account and trying to be robust, this article proposes a similarity and cross reference-based approach RELATED - Relations in the Legal Domain Workshop, in conjunction with ICAIL 2021, June 25, 2021, São Paulo, Brazil Envelope-Open (F. Song) © 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CEUR Workshop Proceedings ISSN 1613-0073 CEUR Workshop Proceedings ( Figure 1: General pipeline of contract-amendment relationship classification for extracting features from a pair of documents. The approach is robust to different errors introduced during preprocessing and allows taking into account multiple uncertain factors to classify the relationship. The general schema of the entire process is illustrated in Figure 1: the pipeline takes a pair of PDF documents as input and perform three main steps to detect whether or not the two documents are related, namely, preprocessing, feature extraction, and classification. The paper focuses on the definition of the features and the classification algorithms. The preprocessing step that applies OCR (Optical Character Recognition), NER (Named Entity Recognition [1, 2]) and entity aggregation [3, 4] will not be elaborated. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 analyzes the key features that can distinguish the related contract-amendment documents from nonrelated ones and explains how the features are represented. Section 3 presents the dataset and the baseline algorithm used to evaluate the approach. Section 4 experiments different configurations to classify the relationships and analyzes the benchmarking results. Section 5 discusses two typical application scenarios using the contract-amendment classification as a key component. Section 6 draws some conclusions and extends the future works. 2. Feature Building 2.1. Analysis In the quantification of the contract-amendment relationship of two documents, the following key pieces of information allowing to distinguish the related documents from nonrelated ones are identified: • D o c u m e n t n a m e : In general, the document name provides a lot of indices that help to deduce the relationship between a pair of documents. Indeed, often the document name follows certain patterns (which vary for different persons and different organizations), for instance, Contract No. X12345.pdf and Contract No. X12345 Amendment 1.pdf ; • L e g a l p a r t i e s : Very frequently, the legal parties engaged in the contract are the same for the master agreement and its amendments, with the roles of legal parties in a contract explained in [5]; • D o c u m e n t b o d y : The document body of the master contract and amendments tend to be similar in general and are semantically related. An amendment recalls the key information in the master contract and specifies the modifications in relation to the master contract; • R e f e r e n c e s : The indices that are referred explicitly in two documents to establish the relationship. The typical ones are dates and contract numbers, for instance, “... Contract N°X12345 signed on 14 May 2003 ...” is a typical way used in an amendment to address the relationship with the master agreement. Once the features are identified, the next question is how to represent these features with numerical values. One of the key issues is that the extracted information is not 100% accurate, for instance, the extracted dates or legal parties might be inaccurate or missing. Therefore, this paper proposes to build the features based on the distance between two pieces of infor- mation in two documents. Section 2.2 explains the representation of a single document and Section 2.3 illustrates the feature representation of a document pair that will be used to classify the relationship. 2.2. Document Representation A preprocessed document is formally denoted by: 𝑑𝑜𝑐 = (name, text, legal_parties, keywords, nature) wherein • name denotes the file name given by users; • text denotes the plain text extracted by OCR; • legal_parties lists all distinct corporate names extracted by NER from the clause of decla- ration of parties; • keywords includes named entities extracted by NER that could be used as cross references, and more specifically dates and contract identifiers in this paper. It is however important to note that the same entity may play distinct roles in the master agreement and in the amendment. For instance, a named entity signature date in master agreement that is used as a reference in amendment can be with simple type date; • nature represents the type of a document in three categories: contract, amendment or other. nature is determined during the preprocessing, thanks to a text classification algorithm (with F1-score about 90%). This information is used to filter the document pairs to classify. More precisely, the classification of relationships is only performed between a pair of documents where one is a contract and the other is an amendment. 2.3. Feature Representation The feature associated with a pair of documents (𝑑𝑜𝑐1 , 𝑑𝑜𝑐2 ) is denoted as ℱ = (𝑓1 , 𝑓2 , 𝑓3 , 𝑓4 ) wherein: • 𝑓1 ( D o c u m e n t n a m e ) : 𝑓1 represents the similarity between the document names, the string metric is a string and token-based compound metric described in [5]; Figure 2: Distribution of feature values in relation to link types • 𝑓2 ( D o c u m e n t t e x t ) : To compute the similarity of two texts, the first step is to embed the text to numerical vectors and then compute the cosine similarity [6]. In this article, two embedding methods are tested: TF-IDF and FastText, which is elaborated in Section 4; • 𝑓3 ( L e g a l p a r t i e s ) : The absolute number of shared legal parties. For each corporate name in 𝑑𝑜𝑐1 .𝑙𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑙_𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠, we compute the string similarity with each corporate name in 𝑑𝑜𝑐2 .𝑙𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑙_𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠. When the similarity is greater than the defined threshold (0.85), we increment the number of shared legal parties; • 𝑓4 ( R e f e r e n c e s ) : The absolute number of shared keywords, computed following the same principle as 𝑓3 . Features 𝑓1 and 𝑓2 are real numbers ranging [0, 1] whereas features 𝑓3 and 𝑓 4 are discrete numbers (0, 1, 2, ...). 3. Dataset and Baseline The dataset1 consists of 1124 pairs of documents in relationship contract-amendment of real contracts from different companies. The dataset has been annotated manually by legal experts by presenting them the pairs of potentially linked documents. The dataset includes different types of contracts with different levels of qualities. 617 pairs of documents are in French and 507 pairs in English in order to test a robust multilingual approach. As for the negative samples, 1124 document pairs have been sampled randomly from the contract base and verified manually by legal experts. The measurements are precision, recall and F1-score (macro) [7]. The dataset is preprocessed using the pipeline illustrated in Figure 1 which outputs the processed documents in the format defined in Section 2.3. The correlation between the selected 1 Due to confidentiality reasons, the dataset is not publicly accessible. features and the relationships to classify is analyzed in Figure 2. The figure shows the histogram and density of each feature in relation to the link types. TF-IDF is used as embedding for com- puting the text similarity. A clear pattern can be observed between the related and nonrelated datasets on the four features, more precisely the values being generally higher for related pairs. However no feature is discriminating enough to separate related pairs from nonrelated ones. To the best of the author’s knowledge, due to the specificity of the research problem, few works have been published on the topic of classification of contract-amendment relationships. To evaluate the proposed approach, a heuristic-based baseline is used without the application of ML techniques, namely, using only the document name and the extracted text. The rules are as follows: if the similarities of document name and text (with TF-IDF) between two documents are both greater than 0.5 (as observed in Figure 2), the two documents are considered as related, otherwise nonrelated. 4. Classification Different configurations are experimented to evaluate the impacts of these variables on the classification and to try to find the best configuration for the final model. • T e x t e m b e d d i n g : TF-IDF [8] and FastText [9] for evaluating the impacts on the document content feature. FastText is a non-contextual word embedding taking the subwords into account, which is potentially more robust to OCR errors. The pretrained English and French word vectors 2 are used in the experiments; • T r a n s f o r m a t i o n s : The strategies to transform the feature values: 1) None: no transforma- tion, 2) Binary: the real values are mapped to binary 0 or 1 relatively to a threshold, and 3) Decimal: the real values are mapped proportionally to an integer between 0 and 10; • C l a s s i f i c a t i o n a l g o r i t h m s : 1) Random Forest (RF), 2) Linear SGD classifier (Linear), and 3) Multi-layer perceptron (MLP). All configurations use the same split of the dataset with 60% for the training set, 20% for the validation set, and 20% for the test set. Table 1 lists the results of all combinations of different variables. The first row lists the scores of the non ML baseline. The best ML configuration is the combination of RF, TF-IDF, and None transformation, which obtained an F1-score of 90.9%, with a strong gain of 23% over the baseline. In Figure 3, to get a better understanding of the impact of each variable, the average F1-score for each variable is computed, aggregating on the other variables. On the one hand, it is observed that the classifier RF performs better than MLP and Linear while no transformation on feature values performs better than the other two strategies. On the other hand, is appears that no significant difference between the two text embedding representations FastText and TF-IDF. Additionally there is no significant differences observed between French and English documents, which is not surprising since the features selected are generic and language-dependent. In terms of errors, about 35% of them arise from some required piece of information being not correctly extracted (partial, missing or incorrect), for instance, a missed contract number 2 Table 1 Benchmarking results of different configurations on test set Classifier Embedding Transformation Precision (%) Recall (%) F1-score (%) Baseline TF-IDF None 77.5 64.7 67.6 RF FastText Decimal 90.9 87.7 89.2 RF FastText Binary 90.3 88.5 89.4 RF FastText None 89.7 88.5 89.1 RF TF-IDF Decimal 90.8 89.0 89.8 RF TF-IDF Binary 91.3 88.3 89.7 RF TF-IDF None 90.4 91.4 90.9 MLP FastText Decimal 89.5 85.0 87.0 MLP FastText Binary 89.5 87.0 88.2 MLP FastText None 88.8 88.6 88.7 MLP TF-IDF Decimal 89.1 86.1 87.5 MLP TF-IDF Binary 89.1 84.4 86.4 MLP TF-IDF None 89.2 88.1 88.6 Linear FastText Decimal 83.2 82.5 82.9 Linear FastText Binary 87.9 81.9 84.4 Linear FastText None 87.1 85.5 86.3 Linear TF-IDF Decimal 84.1 65.5 69.1 Linear TF-IDF Binary 86.6 86.0 86.3 Linear TF-IDF None 88.0 88.2 88.1 Figure 3: Average F1-score by aggregating different variables on test set will lead to an incomplete feature representation. About 25% of errors are due to confusion between amendments and other document types (such as appendixes) that exhibit naming patterns similar to amendments. 20% of errors result from the trained model being not able to capture the specific conventions followed by each organization, for instance, the contract referencing system. For the remaining 20%, no reason could be clearly identified. 5. Applications Identifying the amendment relationship between a pair of document is a key step for real life CLM automation. For instance, the following two concrete scenarios are identified and implemented: • L i n k e d d o c u m e n t s s u g g e s t i o n : When the user uploads a new document, the software can suggest a list of potentially linked documents to the user. The user will need to simply verify and validate the suggested documents instead of searching or selecting manually the linked documents; • A u t o m a t i c s o r t i n g : For new users, when they upload their contracts (generally a big volume) for the first time, this function could help them to structure their contract database by making explicit links between the master agreements and their amendments. In practice, some settings and thresholds on the prediction probability may differ according to the above-mentioned scenarios. In the first application, we wish to favor the recall so as to suggest all possible linked documents: a relatively low threshold of probability will be sufficient. Additionally, a parameter top_x to limit the number of suggestions can be set, namely, to keep x top best predictions. Whereas in the second case, we prefer to set a higher threshold to guarantee a high precision, in order to ensure that the automatically sorted documents are correct. 6. Conclusions and Future Works This paper addresses the problem of contract-amendment classification in CLM and shows some promising results. A distance and cross reference-based approach is proposed to build the features of a pair of documents and several configurations are evaluated to classify the relationships. The best configuration outperforms 23% in terms of F1-score compared to the baseline, which is a heuristic-based method without the application of machine learning techniques. The obtained results can be applied to different application scenarios in the CLM automation and bring real benefits to the final users. Based on the error analysis performed in Section 4, the following aspects will be studied in future to improve the approach: • R e i n f o r c e p r e p r o c e s s i n g : As 34% of errors are related to the fact that the required infor- mation is not well extracted, the reinforcement of OCR and NER could improve these issues. Furthermore, these improvements will contribute to other tasks in the whole CLM pipeline; • T r a i n m o d e l b y u s e r : To capture the user preferences, training on the dataset of each user would help to make the model more customized and accurate; • I m p r o v e c r o s s - r e f e r e n c e d e t e c t i o n : The current method checks the number of some shared keywords as a feature to detect cross document references. However, this can be improved with Named Entity Linking (NEL) [10], particularly a graph-based approach [11]; • E x p l o r e t e x t u a l f e a t u r e s : The current distance-based features could be enriched by adding textual features using such as Doc2Vec and BERT; • F i n e - t u n e t h e s e t t i n g s : The thresholds for computing features 𝑓3 and 𝑓4 are chosen empirically, which can be fine-tuned in order to find the optimal configuration. 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