=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2898/paper16 |storemode=property |title=Development of the health-preserving competence of a physical education teacher on the basis of N. Bernstein's theory of movements construction using virtual reality technologies |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2898/paper16.pdf |volume=Vol-2898 |authors=Mykola B. Yevtuch,Vasyl M. Fedorets,Oksana V. Klochko,Mariya P. Shyshkina,Alla V. Dobryden |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aredu/YevtuchFKSD21 }} ==Development of the health-preserving competence of a physical education teacher on the basis of N. Bernstein's theory of movements construction using virtual reality technologies== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2898/paper16.pdf
Development of the health-preserving competence of
a physical education teacher on the basis of
N. Bernstein’s theory of movements construction
using virtual reality technologies
Mykola B. Yevtuch1 , Vasyl M. Fedorets2 , Oksana V. Klochko3 , Mariya P. Shyshkina4
and Alla V. Dobryden5
  Institute of Pedagogy of the NAES of Ukraine, 52-D Sychvykh Striltsiv, Kyiv, 04053, Ukraine
  Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education, 13 Hrushevskoho Str., Vinnytsia, 21050, Ukraine
  Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, 32 Ostrozhskogo Str., Vinnytsia, 21100, Ukraine
  Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of the NAES of Ukraine, 9 M. Berlynskoho Str., Kyiv, 04060,
  Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, 2 Sadova Str., Uman, 20300, Ukraine

           The article studies the results of the research aimed at the improvement of the methodology of develop-
           ment of the health-preserving competence of a Physical Education teacher in conditions of post-graduate
           education on the basis of Nikolai Bernstein’s theory of movement construction using virtual reality
           technologies. Based on the use of AR/VR technologies a software application “Virtual Model Illustrating
           Nikolai Bernstein’s Theory of Movement Construction” was developed. The stated model is one of the
           tools of the “Methodology of development of the health preserving competence of a Physical Educa-
           tion teacher on the basis of Nikolai Bernstein’s theory of the levels of movement construction”. The
           experimental study determines that the application of the virtual model within the stated methodology
           is an effective tool for the development of the health preserving competence of a Physical Education
           teacher. The application of the virtual model allows the actualization of the health preserving, conceptual,
           gnoseological, biomechanical, inclusive, corrective potentials of Nikolai Bernstein’s theory of movement
           construction. The use of the virtual model presents the ways of targeted and meaningful use of Nikolai
           Bernstein’s theory of the levels of movement construction by a Physical Education teacher and the
           improvement of physical and recreational technologies and concrete physical exercises and movement
           modes. Due to the application of virtual reality tools, health-preserving, preventative, corrective and
           developmental strategies are being formed among which the significant ones are: “Application of syner-
           gistic movements to adaptation to movement activity, and recreation”, “Application of spatial movements
           for actualization of the orientation and search activities and development of spatial thinking”, “Use of
           movements with a complicated algorithm for intellect development”.

           health-preserving competence, Physical Education teacher, post-graduate education, virtual reality,
           N. Bernstein, biomechanics, methodology, pedagogy of health

1. Introduction
The application of digital technologies in education is a priority vector of innovative develop-
ment, which gives the chance to disclose the potential of a personality and education [1, 2].
Burov et al. [1], Semerikov et al. [2] speak of the significance of digital technologies for educa-
tion, “…integration of virtual reality technologies into the educational process would facilitate
the increase of the quality of education”. These scientists note that this would facilitate the
achievement of the “flexibility of the educational process”. The stated scientists emphasize that
the use of modern digital technologies in the field of education can be viewed as an opportunity
for improving education accessibility for children with disabilities as well as children with
special educational needs [3, 4, 5]. An important idea of these authors is that “the described
technologies will allow to minimize the link of the educational process to a certain place or time
as well as enable the access to educational resources in a form that would suit the learner…” [1].
   The stated digital technologies are significant for the development of a health preserving
competence of a Physical Education teacher in conditions of post-gradual education [6, 7]. This
is caused by the need of an educator to perceive a person in conditions of movement activity at
a qualitatively new level. The demand for such a perception, apart from health preservation,
is the importance for prevention of various disorders as well as the need in the improvement
of the skills of a Physical Education teacher related to working with the movement sphere of
a person [8]. We actualize the need to use digital technologies, particularly, of virtual reality
technologies, to increase the qualification level of a Physical Education teacher in conditions
of post-graduate education, first of all, for the study of complicated movements spatial and
anthropological phenomena and theories, which they disclose.
   Movement as a manifestation of human nature and a way of existence, personality formation
and development and its corporality in the professional activity of a Physical Education teacher
is a central phenomenon that he or she works with. Therefore, a person’s health is also
perceived and interpreted in the format of movement activity [8]. At the same time, the nature
of movement activity, which includes the knowledge and the practically oriented perception
of its in-depth, neurological and systemic mechanisms is currently not fully understood by
a Physical Education teacher. Consequently, the knowledge about movement as the essence
of human existence is not fully used in the professional activity, primarily, within the health
preserving aspect. The insufficient understanding of the in-depth and systemic physiological,
neuro-physiological and psychophysiological mechanisms of movement activity by a Physical

AREdu 2021: 4th International Workshop on Augmented Reality in Education, May 11, 2021, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine
Envelope-Open bruney333@yahoo.com (V. M. Fedorets); klochkoob@gmail.com (O. V. Klochko); shyshkina@iitlt.gov.ua
(M. P. Shyshkina); alladobruden@gmail.com (A. V. Dobryden)
GLOBE http://esu.com.ua/search_articles.php?id=17432 (M. B. Yevtuch);
https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=sfjR5w0AAAAJ (V. M. Fedorets);
https://sites.google.com/view/klochko-oksana-v (O. V. Klochko);
https://iitlt.gov.ua/eng/structure/departments/cloud/detail.php?ID=269 (M. P. Shyshkina);
http://irbis-nbuv.gov.ua/ASUA/0038843 (A. V. Dobryden)
Orcid 0000-0001-6116-4760 (M. B. Yevtuch); 0000-0001-9936-3458 (V. M. Fedorets); 0000-0002-6505-9455 (O. V. Klochko);
0000-0001-5569-2700 (M. P. Shyshkina); 0000-0002-6505-9455 (A. V. Dobryden)
                                    © 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
                                    Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
               ISSN 1613-0073
                                    CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)

Education teacher is caused by a number of factors. Among the above mentioned factors,
the following main ones can be singled out: the complexity and specificity of the issue; the
insufficient understanding of its practical and technological significance; the need to study
the neurological foundation of movement; domination of practical and technological training
without proper consideration of the knowledge about the nature of movement; underestimation
of the importance of the theoretical knowledge about the nature of movement for a professional
and thus its insufficient operationalization (in the sense of transformation of theoretical concepts
into practices and technologies) as well as targeted use in health preserving technologies and
practices of physical education. The stated vector, which discloses the nature of movement
activity, is primarily, even though incompletely, studied within the framework of formation and
development of the professional competence.
   In Ukraine, an important factor of insufficient actualization of knowledge about the nature of
movement activity, were the limitations to studying biomechanics, which existed in the former
Soviet Union. In the former Soviet Union,the foundations of biomechanics as a science that
discloses the nature of movement were made by an outstanding scientist Nikolai Bernstein
[8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15] at the end of 1940-s. One of the focal points of biomechanics is the
theory of the levels of movement construction developed by Nikolai Bernstein. In the 1950-s,
Nikolai Bernstein and his movement theory were severely criticized and essentially forbidden,
and the scientist was persecuted [8, 13, 15] because of the fact that sociocultural processes,
including the educational ones, are somewhat inert, biomechanics as a science that discloses
the nature of movement and is even currently insufficiently used in the training a Physical
Education teacher and development of his health preserving competence. Accordingly, this also
applies to the issues of insufficient application of biomechanics, namely, Nikolai Bernstein’s
classic theory of movement construction in the course of post graduate training of Physical
Education teachers.
   The current processes of European orientation and humanization of the Ukrainian education
as well as the active use of the child-centric, inclusive [16, 17], competence based and innovative
approaches, determine the new intellectualized and humane format of Physical Education [8, 18,
19, 20, 21, 22] as a diverse creative anthropological practice and as a variant of a “technology of
self”, improvement of both the movement sphere and corporality as well as self-realization and
personal development and creativity. In this aspect the application of a personality-oriented
approach is relevant as it includes the need to consider the personal and age biomechanical
peculiarities of a child. One of the main aspects in setting this problem is the introduction
of inclusive education. The inclusive paradigm determines the need for a Physical Education
teacher to develop intellectual skills of taking into consideration the sensor and motor capabilities
of children with special educational needs. Accordingly, in this aspect it is important that an
educator gains knowledge and skills that make it possible to correct the sensor and motor
disorders with Physical Education [16, 17].
   The above mentioned tendencies determine professionalization and a central vector in post-
graduate training of a teacher. This creates a need for a practice oriented disclosure of the mature
of movement, both in the state of norm and pathology caused by certain motor disorders. An
important aspect of actualization of the stated problem is also the issue of primary diagnostics of
the state of the motor system, which includes the teacher’s understanding of the peculiarities of
its neurological foundations in order to personalize and optimize the motion activity at Physical

Education lessons [8]. Diagnosing of the peculiarities and the state of the motor system, based
on the knowledge about its nature is significant for health preservation as it allows the teacher
to design and organize movement activities of the pupils using a targeted, conceptual and
nature corresponding approach as well as correct those activities in the course of the classes.
In conditions of commercialization and competition it is important for a Physical Education
teacher from the point of their professional and social adaptation and self-realization.
   The peculiarity of Nikolai Bernstein’s theory of the levels of movement construction [8,
9, 10, 11, 12, 14] is its systemic nature and the fact that it is rather difficult for perception as
well as practical application. That is why, effective representation tools are needed in order
to present this theory in conditions of post-graduate education and with the focus on its
practical implementation. The possibility of using the augmented reality technologies is one
of such effective tools. Apart from general tendencies towards digitalization of education, the
determining reasons for choosing technologies of virtual and augmented reality include the
possibility to work with spatial objects, which is important for biomechanics, which studies
mostly spatial changes and movement of a human body; another important factor is the time
factor – the need to cover complex scientific theories in the context of their practical application
within a short period of time, which is always the case in conditions of post-graduate training;
another significant factor is the representative and sense-forming potential of augmented and
virtual reality.
   The scientific pedagogical literature does not sufficiently cover the issue of strengthening the
health-preserving competence of a Physical Education teacher in conditions of post-graduate
training, using the knowledge about the nature of movement, which is disclosed in Nikolai
Bernstein’s theory of the levels of movement construction. The studies do not highlight the ways
and methods of using virtual reality for a practically oriented representation of the stated theory
in the course of post-graduate training of a Physical Education teacher. Together with the health
preserving significance of Nikolai Bernstein’s theory of the levels of movement construction,
which is being disclosed using augmented reality, it is relevant for the development of the
professional competence of a Physical Education teacher as well as for working with children
with special educational needs. All these factors put together prove this study to be relevant.
   Purpose. Improvement of the methodology of development of the health-preserving compe-
tence of a Physical Education teacher in conditions of post-graduate training on the basis of
Nikolai Bernstein’s theory of movement construction using technologies of virtual reality.

2. Selection of methods and diagnostics
The following approaches were used in the study: analysis of the scientific literature; competence
based; systemic; morphological-functional; anthropological [23]; biomechanical [8, 9, 10, 12, 14,
20, 21, 22]; ontological, neurophysiological, pathopedagogical (Fedorets et al. [24], Yevtuch et al.
[25]); hermeneutic, inclusive [8, 16, 17].
  The following concepts were applied: knowledge transfer (Takeuchi and Nonaka [26]) and
anthropologization (Ushinskii [27]).
  Digital technologies. Digital technologies were used [1, 2, 3, 6, 7]. The study worked with
the Internet resources of the technology of virtual reality, namely the software application

“Virtual Model Illustrating Nikolai Bernstein’s Theory of Movement Construction” [28, 29]. The
CoSpaces Edu software was used to develop and view the virtual reality software application
   Methods of mathematical statistics. Wilcoxon’s T-test [30]. In order to confirm the statistical
significance of the difference in the results of solving the control problems of physical education
teachers before and after the experiment, we used Wilcoxon’s T-test. The criterion is used to
compare the indicators of the same sample in two different conditions. In this case, the “typical”
shift is considered to be a shift in the direction of increasing the values of the studied feature.
   We formulate hypotheses:
   𝐻0 : The values of the indicators after the experiment exceeds the values of the indicators
before the experiment at the level of significance 𝑝 < 𝜓.
   𝐻1 : The values of indicators after the experiment are less than the values of indicators before
the experiment at the level of significance 𝑝 < 𝜓.
   The calculation of the sum of the ranks of “atypical” shifts 𝑇𝑒𝑚𝑝 is carried out according to
the formula
                                           𝑇𝑒𝑚𝑝 = ∑ 𝑟𝑖 ,                                        (1)
where 𝑘 is a number of atypical shifts, 𝑟𝑖 is the ranks of atypical shifts (𝑖 = 1…𝑘).
   𝑇𝑐𝑟 is found in the table for a given n (number of indicators) according to the level of sig-
nificance 𝜓. 𝜓 is determined in accordance with the problem 0.05 or 0.01, i.e. 𝑝 < 0.05 or
𝑝 < 0.01.
   If 𝑇𝑒𝑚𝑝 ≤ 𝑇𝑐𝑟 at the level of significance p<𝜓, the shift in the “typical” direction in intensity
with high probability prevails, we accept hypothesis 𝐻0 . If 𝑇𝑒𝑚𝑝 > 𝑇𝑐𝑟 , with an intensity with
high probability is dominated by a shift in the “atypical” direction, we accept hypothesis 𝐻1 at
the level of significance 𝑝 < 𝜓.
   Our own methodological concepts. The developed “Virtual Model Illustrating Nikolai Bern-
stein’s Theory of Movement Construction” is the determining, conceptualizing and system
organizing part of the study. The stated virtual model is a part of the “Methodology of de-
velopment of the health preserving competence of a Physical Education teacher on the basis
of Nikolai Bernstein’s theory of the levels of movement construction”. This methodology is
formed on the basis of using pedagogical tasks, analysis of movements and movement modes
as well as on the study of practically all significant situations, issues and biomechanical and
anthropological phenomena in the normal and pathological states. A significant component
of the methodology is the implementation of tasks aimed at the development and correlation
analysis of physical exercises and movement modes based on the application of N. Bernstein’s
theory of movement construction [8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 20, 21, 22]. The important approaches used
within the framework of this methodology include problem based learning and flipped learning
as well as game-based teaching methods and Socratic (maieutic) methods. The analysis and
study of pedagogical, movement and sport experiences and practices of Physical Education
teachers seems important.
   Within the stated methodology, we use our own methodological technique “Wheels of
problems and senses”. This technique represents a broadened and adapted to practical use

“version” of the hermeneutic circle. In the course of its development we used the holistic and
systemic approaches as well as ideas of contextual learning. The developed “Virtual Model
Illustrating Nikolai Bernstein’s Theory of Movement Construction” [28, 29] was used throughout
the stated methodology and represents its “central” and sense-forming component.
   Methodology of control over the efficiency of application “Virtual Model Illustrating Nikolai
Bernstein’s Theory of Movement Construction” as a part of the methodology. The basis of the
control methodology is presented by 10 interrelated questions. The questions are given in the
form of a test. A Physical Education teacher needs to choose one correct answer of the four
suggested options. This is done to form a systemic and practically oriented understanding of
this issue in a teacher as well as to develop his skill of conceptualizing relevant issues of motor
activity in a practical way with the focus on health-preservation. Here is the list of the question.
   1. From the list of movements select those in which level A is the leading one.
   2. From the list of movements select those in which level B is the leading one.
   3. From the list of movements select those in which level C is the leading one.
   4. From the list of movements select those in which level D is the leading one.
   5. From the list of movements select those in which level E is the leading one.
   6. Which movement level (choose from A, B, C, D, E) domineers in dancing or physical
      exercises that have a relatively complex algorithm or scenario? How can this be used at
      the lessons of Physical Education from the point of health-preservation and personality
   7. At which level of movements (choose from A, B, C, D, E) the movements are implemented
      with minimal energy losses? How can this be used from the point of health-preservation
      in organization of workout process at Physical Education lessons?
   8. Development of which level of movements (choose from A, B, C, D, E) is the basis of
      praxis? How can this be used at the lessons of Physical Education from the point of
      health-preservation and personality development?
   9. At which movement level (choose from A, B, C, D, E) basic motor disorders are formed
      in conditions of infantile cerebral paralysis? Is it possible to consciously and arbitrarily
      influence this level?
  10. Which of the levels of movements (choose from A, B, C, D, E) is associated with orientation
      and search activity, and can be fully realized thanks to the visual analyzer. The formation
      of which thinking is facilitated by the actualization of this level of movements? How can
      this be used at the lessons of Physical Education from the point of health-preservation
      and personality development?

3. Results and discussion
Improving the health-preserving competence of a physical education teacher in the conditions
of postgraduate education is a defining and system-organizing educational precondition for
the effective preservation of the health and life of children in the conditions of the educational
process. Guided by the paradigm of competence approach and the ideas of inclusion, creativity,

child-centeredness and humanization, we define the health-preserving competence of a physical
education teacher as an integrative professional and personal ability of a teacher aimed at
preserving the life and health of students with typical development and special educational
needs in the educational process by forming a healthy lifestyle, prevention and correction of
disorders; by promoting the formation of children’s competence in personal health-preserving,
physical activity, corporeality, physical image, personal freedom, as well as the development
of socially adapted, harmonious, ecophilic and life-creating personality through the use of
physical culture means. A relevant component of improving the health-preserving competence
of physical education teachers in postgraduate education is the use of virtual and augmented
reality technologies to deepen and expand practical knowledge about motor activity as a
manifestation of human nature and as a way to his or her health.
   Let us consider the ways and peculiarities of using the virtual model (“Virtual Model Illus-
trating Nikolai Bernstein’s Theory of Movement Construction”) as a system organizing model
within the “Methodology of development of the health preserving competence of a Physical
Education teacher on the basis of Nikolai Bernstein’s theory of the levels of movement con-
struction”. In this methodology, the virtual model is the central and sense-forming element,
representing a spatial image-semiotic system. We formed the stated methodology on the basis of
methodological idea of cyclic, repetitive, rhythmic, step-by-step development of knowledge and
senses as well as on the “panoramic” and holistic perception of reality. Together with knowledge
development, we actualize the formation of corresponding senses, values, intentions, reflections,
interpretations and professional health preserving attitudes. Cyclicity and repetitiveness, being
the determining structural and didactic ideas of knowledge representation and sense shap-
ing, are initially defined by systemic nature and a “multi-dimensional” and diverse specifics of
N. Bernstein’s theory of movement construction [9, 12, 14]. Within the framework of this theory
five levels of movements are defined – A, B, C, D, E. Being interrelated and interdependent, these
levels represent a complex hierarchic system. It is relevant that every level of motor activity
is relatively autonomous and specific and may be considered as a determining and defining
for movements that are characterized by common features. At the same time, a certain level
is presented as a necessary component or the basis for the next, “higher” level of movements.
According to the above described understanding, movements activity may be presented either
by all levels or by one, two (e.g. balancing movements), three (e.g. walking) or more (up to five)
   Highlighting the essence of N. Bernstein’s theory, we characterize each level of movements
in the relation to other levels and thus disclose the phenomenology of movements activity
as a whole. At the same time, we highlight one key determining aspect (vector) and a few
additional ones. These additional aspects facilitate a deeper, widened and interpretation oriented
disclosure of the key aspect by supplementing its senses. In this pedagogical system the key
aspects (vectors) are presented as problem-conceptual lines. These lines differ from the aspects
(in a narrow sense) as they are clearly directed, aimed at problem setting, interpretation and
constructing of new knowledge. The orientation towards knowledge and sense construction,
transfer and transformation includes the actualization of an individual problem as well as the
formation of complex and general understandings about movement perceiving the peculiarities
of all five levels. Thus, the consideration of the issue of movements activity is being actualized
through its consideration within the “individual-general” system, which is one of the central

correlations in hermeneutics [31]. The stated “individual-general” correlation is reflected in the
concept of a hermeneutic circle. In our pedagogical system of didactic positions, the central
and main differences between the problem-conceptual line and aspect lie in the fact that it
is primarily viewed and formed as a certain epistemiological, hermeneutic, value-conceptual
and practically and technologically oriented subsystem with the corresponding orientations.
The consideration of a certain problem-conceptual line (aspect) discloses the nature of all five
levels of movement as a complex system and accentuates each of these levels as a particular
“movement ontology”. By actualizing each next aspect as the previous one we “take it through”
all A, B, C, D, E levels.
   For instance, while disclosing the nature of movement through the representation of “Key
manifestations of movement” and “Movement characteristics”, we analyze and illustrate it
with the help of a virtual model. The movement is structured into subsystems represented by
a certain level: A (tonic movements) – ensures muscle tonus, mimic movements, trembling
from cold and stress, etc. (see figure 1); B (synergistic movements) – synergistic, economic,
balancing, reciprocal (movements in which antagonist muscles contract and relax in turn),
smooth, “round” movements etc. (e.g. body movements when a person stands, balances or does
physical exercises without lifting the legs from the surface or changing his or her position) (see
figure 2); C (level of spatial movements) – movements that ensure active spatial movements:
jumps, walking, running, thrusts (see figure 3); D (level of concrete actions) – movements that
ensure an effective and targeted work with objects, tools – praxis (see figure 4); E – intellectual
movements: language movements and dances and “motion scenarios”, which have a complicated
structure (see figure 5).
   We briefly represent another important problem-conceptual line, which is a group of inter-
related aspects – “Movement as a manifestation of existence, movement as a body scheme,
movement as a spatial and orientation phenomenon”. Level A – level of tone – is a manifestation
of existence as a given; is “discloses” the space of the body as a self-sufficient, self-referential and
self-reflective system; the level of tone (A) essentially “forms” the “vital body” as a self-referential
phenomenon both in the consciousness and in reality; this level ensures the formation of a
“primary” scheme of the body; discloses the corporal “self” as the one that is in the body in
general, actualizes it; existential of corporality; forms a certain orientation within one’s body,
which is relatively independent from the environment. Level B – level of synergy – swaying,
synergistic movements form: movement as such, which is characteristic of a body and the
movement of body parts relatively to the body as well as swaying shifts (sways, bends etc.) of a
body in space; discloses the corporal “self” as such exists in the body through synergistic move-
ments; actualized the existential of space [32], the existential of corporality as the existential of
movement [8] by shifting parts of the body (limbs and the body itself) relatively to it; discloses
the existential of temporality through movements, which are repetitive and periodical, forming
a “temporal-biochemical-swaying” process, which facititates the perception of time; forms
orientation within one’s body with regard to and depending on the movement of parts of the
body (arms, legs) relatively to it and while making swaying movements, also taking gravitation
into consideration; balancing movements give the realization of gravitation and thus form a
close connection with the Earth as a planet and the foundation of life; these movements are a
precondition for forming spatial metaphors, which represent the basis of the sensor-motoric
thinking. Level of spatial movements – C: represents and “unveils” the space, landscape and the

Figure 1: Level A – Tonic movements [28]. The figure shows a man standing. This is provided by
the tonic level (A). A person can jump sharply. This is an example of changes in the tonic level –
ballism. Movement: muscle tone, statotonic, coordination-tonic, facial expressions, trembling in the cold,
grouping when falling. Level basis (is the “background level”) – B, C, D, E. Characteristic of movement:
unconscious (automatic), the involvement of all muscles of the body, basic and background for all levels,
associated with the subconscious. Attitude to space and orientation: own body.

Earth with the existing objects and perspectives; presents movement as a “spatial” existence
through spatial movement; discloses the existential of spatiality and temporality; actualizes the
existential of corporality and the existential of locomotion [8] through movement of the body
in space; forms an orientation and goal setting in space; is a precondition of forming spatial
metaphors as the basis of thinking and values [33]. Level of concrete actions – D; “forms” a
“world of things” in the consciousness (the object domain); discloses the orientation within the
objects and actions; “creates” praxis as an ability for targeted, creative and “transformational”
work with objects, tools and the environment and to a certain extent as a “specific” interaction
with people and animate objects (plants, animanls). Level of intellectual movements – E: forms
mental and corporal activity as a semiotic-conceptual and intentionally-targeted, in the formats
of language and communication; discloses the language and dialogue as existence and a mental-
communicative way of existing in it; determines the spaces and fields of concepts, senses and
values; discloses intellectual activity as a human way of being; actualizes the existentials of love
and health as a manifestation of human nature.
   The presented brief overview of the three problem-conceptual lines (aspects) in the learning
process discloses with the help of the “Virtual Model Illustrating Nikolai Bernstein’s Theory of
Movement Construction” the essence of movements activity in a consecutive, “layer-by-layer”,

Figure 2: Level B – Synergistic movements [28]. Movement: base walking and dancing (rhythmic),
maintaining balance and balancing, facial expressions. Level basis (is the “background level”) – C, D, E;
rhythm of speech and intonation. Characteristic of movement: movements without taking into account
the spatial structure of the environment, economical, balancing, stereotic, equilibrium, “pulsating”,
rhythmic, repetitive, smooth and precise, partially automatic, the basis of walking, may be partially
automatic and unconscious. Attitude to space and orientation: own body and the immediate surrounding

Figure 3: Level C – Spatial movements [28]. Movement: movement based on orientation in space,
walking, running, throwing, jumping. Level basis (is the “background level”) – level D, E. Characteristic
of movement: spatially oriented, differentiated, precise, conscious, conscious movements. Attitude to
space and orientation: three-dimensional space.

cyclic way. In the course of this process the knowledge from various fields (knowledge transfer)
is used, which is then naturally integrates into a certain epistemological system. Such a variety
of knowledge facilitates the actualization of the hermeneutic potential of N. Bernstein’s theory,
which accordingly launches the active formation of interpretations, reflections, understandings
and senses. From the didactic point of view, the stated methodology of knowledge representation
and perception allows to present the knowledge in various ways, not being limited to a fixed
hierarchic model. Problem-conceptual lines may be represented in any order and combination.
This creates a corresponding learning diversity, facilitates spontaneous manifestations and
is a precondition for creativity and active dialogue-based interaction. Physical Education
teachers can independently choose the aspect that needs to be analyzed in the context of
N. Bernstein’s theory. This may further be used for a formal description of the methodology for

Figure 4: Level D – Substantive action [28]. The figure shows the idea of movement of level D –
Substantive action. It is primarily formed through contact in the “man–man” system as a contact. In this
case, the participation of level A (tonic movements) is relevant – which forms the possibility of contact
with another person, and later (in the process of human development) with the object (tool). Movement:
actions and work with objects, praxis. Level basis (is the “background level”) – level E. Characteristic of
movement: has a complex algorithm, is targeted, subject-manipulative and meaningful, system-forming
and meaning-forming factor is the goal and the result is focused on the action with the objects, this
level is semantic and objective, conscious movements. Attitude to space and orientation: “space” of
objects and tools that are in three-dimensional space.

Figure 5: Level E – Intellectual (speech) movements [28]. Movement: intellectualized movements –
sign language and partly body language and dance (understood as complex choreographic actions),
reading, spoken and written language and reading. Characteristic of movement: characteristics related
to speech, physical communication, complex dances and motor scenarios, conscious. Attitude to space
and orientation: for language – space of objects and ideas, ideal (virtual) spaces of values, values; for
dances and complex motor scenarios – three-dimensional space, space of speech, “space” of tools and
objects, space of ideas, values and meanings.

the improvement this virtual reality model of the stated issue and creation of a corresponding
interactive model.
   Within this pedagogical system we present the repeated and multi-dimensional highlighting
of the nature of movement, together with the actualization of its various aspects and with a
corresponding subsequent formation of complex understanding of the movements field and a
human being, as a methodology (methodological technique) of cyclic and layer-by-layer shaping
of knowledge, values and senses, calling it the “Wheel of problems and senses”. The axis idea of

this methodology is the cyclic and repetitive knowledge formation, reproduction, transfer and
transformation in various aspects, contexts, formats and in correlation with various problems
and aims of movements activity and corporality. This, in turn, determines the hermeneutic and
sense forming potentials of the methodology as well as the existence of knowledge in the form
of a problem. Accordingly, in the course consideration of various aspects and their analysis in
correlation with the nature of various levels of motor activity organization, knowledge is being
constantly updated. The very existence of knowledge in the form of problematization, as a
problem and as interpretations, facilitates its preservation, development, growth and widens the
opportunities for a value based and practical orientation of creativity. Using the ideas expressed
by S. Frank, we may characterize such knowledge as “living knowledge” [34]. Thus, thanks to its
multi-dimensional, systemic, representative nature, N. Bernstein’s theory allows to disclose the
phenomenology of movement using the “Wheel of problems and senses” methodology, which
is a practical and targeted application of the idea of a hermeneutic circle and which, speaking
metaphorically, forms new knowledge and senses in the course of its “movement” within the
“knowledge space”.
   The “Virtual Model Illustrating Nikolai Bernstein’s Theory of Movement Construction” forms
the foundation of the above presented practical implementation of the ideas of a layer-by-layer
and cyclic shaping of knowledge and senses about movement with the help of the “Wheel of
problems and senses” methodology (methodological technique). The stated model contains
anthropic images, typical situation (e.g. a person is running – level C, or talking – level E)
and “motion spaces” in which the peculiarities of every level of movements is being disclosed.
The virtual spaces of the stated model as well as the corresponding anthropic images are used
to study the peculiarities of various levels of movements and are also subsequently used as
sense-forming contexts to highlight and particularize the relevant issues of the motion sphere,
health preservation and disclosure of the human phenomenon as a whole.
   Thanks to the use of the “Virtual Model Illustrating Nikolai Bernstein’s Theory of Move-
ment Construction”, the “Wheel of problems and senses” and the problem-conceptual lines,
which form it to a great extent, motor activity is disclosed as a manifestation of the poly-
ontological human nature [35]. Accordingly, the motor activity is represented as a particular
“existential-vital-movements-activity-intellectual ontology”, and is not reduced (simplified) to
mechanic movements. Motion is viewed as a continuum of anthropological phenomena – from
purely “biological-corporal” ones (levels A, B) and “corporal-spatial” (level C) and “corporal-
praxeological” to “gnoseological-linguistic” and spiritual ones (level E).
   For a “dialogue-based” “immersion” of course participants into the “biomechanical essence
of movement”, the initial demonstration of the virtual model includes the actualization of
maieutic and interactive practices. The idea of this aspect is to disclose movement as a complex,
multi-level anthropic system. In the virtual model, the five levels are demonstrated in the form
of anthropic images and are a spatial formation. Such a presentation is essentially a “spatial”
as well as “anthropic” metaphorization. It creates the effects and levels of movements are
presented using real examples and in real situations, which are considered with the relation to
and together with the use of the virtual model.
   While focusing the attention of course participants on the phenomena of complexity and
consistency as the determining ones in movement construction, we analyze when the stated
complexity is distorted by considering the virtual model. Therefore, the fine interaction between

the levels of movements is also distorted. The fact that probable distortions really exist, can be
modelled and thus “extracted” from N. Bernstein’s level theory poses a special methodological
interest [8, 9, 10, 11, 9, 14]. We suggest that the course participants model probable distortions
on the basis of knowledge about the nature of movement disclosed with the help of the virtual
model. The stated aspect of decomposition with the subsequent “construction” of movement is
possible even after the basic familiarization with N. Bernstein’s theory.
   Using the virtual model and, consequently, the “layer-by-layer and periodic consideration”,
we present various aspects of movement, each time quickly analyzing the peculiarity of all five
levels. In the course of this process, the movements, sport, life and professional experiences of
Physical Education teachers are being actualized. As an example, we will consider the problem
of sense as a significant component of organizing movements activity by analyzing three levels
(A, B, C) of N. Bernstein’s theory.
   A – “The level of tone” – reflects the sense of corporal existence. In this aspect we focus on
the existentiality of corporality, remembering classical ideas of L. Binswanger [32]. We consider
the stated aspect in the spirit of existential pedagogics (Bollnow [36]). Thus, it is significant for
the humanization of the educational process and the formation of a kind attitude of a teacher
towards a child, which corresponds to the child-centric ideas of the “New Ukrainian School”.
While analyzing the “A” level, we indicate that the main “purpose” of a child is the existential
perception of self as a possibility and a reality – “I AM” and “BE”.
   Senses of the next level B (“Synergistic movements”), which is well represented in the virtual
model, is also characterized by human corporality. At the same time, relevant senses of human
existence in the environment are added. This level is directly linked with the Earth, namely
with gravity. Balancing movements are also included into this level. Thanks to this level, the
essential initial contact with the Earth is created. I this aspect, we actualize the ideas of Embodied
Cognitive Science within the framework of which the relevant aspect of intellectual activity is
the body and human corporality, which are “inscribed” and interact with the environment.
   Senses of level C (“Spatial movements”) are primarily disclosed through a possibility to shift
the position in space, which is effectively presented in the model. Thus, through the realization
of this level, the orientation and search activity, which is one of the preconditions of the intellect
and a manifestation of the vitality and spatial nature of a person, is manifested and developed.
   The main reason for actualizing the idea of senses of motor activity is for the teacher to
understand the ways and possibilities for motivating the pupils to work out and lead a healthy
lifestyle. For instance, at level A (tonic movements) the educator works with the senses of
corporal being and being as such. This includes beauty, health, the sense of life [8, 32]. This is
the “source” of motivation and not the fact that a child “must” workout.
   Level B (“Synergistic movements”), just as the previous one, allows a person to understand
himself in relation with “himself” and the “environment”, with the Earth. At this level, in order
to form senses and influence a pupil, it is necessary to be congruent. In our opinion, this level is
linked with a person’s perception of his/her body. To a certain extent, it may be called “corporal
reflective”. It discloses the corporality dynamically, in synergistic movements and through
rhythms (it is the basis of dances).
   At level C (“Spatial movements”), it is important to use the informative-value and vital
potential of the “Earth space” in order to form senses and motivations for motor activity and
healthy lifestyle. A relevant point is the environmentally friendly application of landscape

pedagogics, spatial metaphors etc.
   In the course of implementation of this virtual model, we consider the issue of inclusion (as
one of the central problem-conceptual lines) in order to give the teacher an understanding of the
ways of improving pedagogical interaction with as well as teaching the children with special
educational needs [16, 17], and also to broaden the professional abilities of an educator in terms
of correction of sensor-motoric and other disorders with the help of Physical Education tools.
   Motor health-preserving strategies are formed on the basis of M. Bernstein’s theory of construction
of movements. Based on the practical and technological understanding of the features of
biomechanics, psychology and neuronal foundations of different levels of movement revealed
in M. Bernstein’s theory and through the reception of pedagogical and sports experiences of
physical education teachers the strategies are developed that are considered as health-preserving
and prophylactic ones. The very same strategies are to some extent corrective and developmental.
These strategies can be used for health-preserving improvement of existing physical culture
and health technologies and practices as well as for the development of new ones. We will
briefly present the main aspects of motor health-preserving strategies.
   Motor health-preserving strategy “Application of synergistic movements to adaptation to
movement activity, and recreation” is developed on the basis of practically oriented under-
standing of synergistic movements – level B. The feature of these movements is economical,
adjusting, pulsating, repetitive, rhythmic, balancing and to some extent “recreational” nature
(see figure 2). This strategy can be applied to the formation of new motor actions (in the sense
of physical exercises), as well as used in the already existing ones with the actualization of the
synergistic component. That is, already known exercises can be performed in a “synergistic
mode”. Such movements are balancing, rhythmic, repetitive and are realized with a sense of
ease. The movements can also be performed partially in an automated mode, which creates
the effect of rest, comfort of the movement itself, “comfortable” feeling of your body, as well as
calming due to the actualization of the rhythmic component. The application of spatial and
body-spatial motor metaphors is relevant, in which there is an orientation in the directions
up/down, forward/backward, right/left, the movement around own axis. The application of this
“synergistic strategy” is necessary for the “soft entry” into motor activity, which corresponds
to human nature i.e. for warming-up and getting out of the load – for a hitch. “Entering”
and “exiting” motor activity should be delicate and inconspicuously synchronize the work of
the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and musculoskeletal system, taking the body to
a qualitatively new level of functioning systematically, smoothly, rhythmically, not abruptly,
quickly, “avalanche like” and not synergistically. Synergistic movements also play a setting
and tuning role for a particular activity or other movements. Let’s remember the soft, delicate,
oscillating and rhythmic movements when a woman shakes a baby. In the same semantic series
there are synergistic (rhythmic, oscillating) combat or “marriage” (expressed in animal dances)
movements, both in humans and in animals that have a corresponding reflection in dances.
   The motor health-preserving strategy “Application of spatial movements for actualization
of orientation-search activity and development of spatial thinking” is formed on the basis of
actualization of orientation-search activity which has expressive spatial character (see figure 3).
In the implementation of this activity, visual and auditory analyzers are activated as the main
ones that provide adaptation in space. The development and active functioning of the mentioned
analyzers (visual, auditory) is a sensory prerequisite for the formation of spatial thinking,

orientation and imagination. To implement this strategy, we recommend using outdoor activities,
the potential of landscape pedagogy and tourism, as well as the demonstration of landscapes
and spatial objects and their discussion. It is important to use motor games with elements of
orientation in space and complex-coordinated movements and movements on various including
circular trajectories and their subsequent analysis and discussion. The application of spatial
motor metaphors, elements of theatrical pedagogy, which includes reincarnation into various
images in which the motor and spatial-motor components are expressive, is relevant.
    The motor health-preserving strategy “Application of movements with a complex algorithm
for the development of intellect” is formed on the basis of updating the intellectual potential of
the level E – intellectual movements) (see figure 5). We recommend using relatively complex
motor scenarios, including choreographic and those that can be performed both individually
and collectively, as well as to teach to work with spatial images, routes and actions, thinking
about their trajectory and method of implementation. An example is the performance of combat
movements in martial arts combined into a special system (dance) – kata. The combat motor
actions are integrated and transformed into a sequence of movements and a sequence of actions
(if movements with objects or weapons) in kata. Motor actions are thus interconnected and
“intercurrent” successive combat movements that are integrated into a system. They represent
“motor-spatial algorithms” and a system of body-movements “tools” of influence and action. The
spatial-temporal integration of motor actions is based on: principles and cultural traditions and
experiences of combat, ideas about the enemy and the combat situation, modeling and reflexive
understanding of the probable problem, concentration and meditation techniques, knowledge
of biomechanics and human psychology. Thus, the kata from the standpoint of cognitivistics
can be considered as a “body – space – activity” semiotic system defining characteristic, which
is cognition. It is interesting to use the representative potential of movements, which includes
the ability to communicate through motor activity and demonstrate complex ideas, feelings,
which is also considered in the framework of theater pedagogy. The use of music and the arts
in general, including poetry, is important. The use of elements of play, carnival, imitation of
life scenarios, as well as narrative and communicative skills of a teacher is important for the
actualization of this level.
    We recommend using augmented and virtual reality technologies in the implementation of
all these motor health-preserving strategies, which will allow implementing them at a new
quality level.
    One of the significant results of contemporary European centric transformations of the
Ukrainian education is the formation of intellectualized, axiologized, “human-centric”, psychol-
ogy driven and “humaniticized” physical culture [18, 22]. Such physical culture is considered
as a relevant component of movements activity, development and existence of a child and not
only as a school subject. Thus, it is represented as a system of personality-oriented and culture-
corresponding techniques of the body, which we view in correlation with mental, spiritual
and health preserving practices as well as, to a certain extent, their inseparable components.
Judging from the anthropological-cultural and humanistic positions, it is important that the
teacher perceives the cultural heritage and includes it into the value-conceptual contexts of the
educational process, namely, for the organization of motor activity, development of corporality
and the corporal image of the pupils.
    In the light of such views, physical culture may be viewed not only as a corporal technique

and a motion practice of a particular culture, but first and foremost as a culture forming
unit. We believe that corporal techniques make up the basis of preserving physical as well as
psychological, existential and spiritual health.
   N. Bernstein [8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15] defined a person and his/her locomotor sphere as a set of
super complex integratively functioning intentional systems, which have a certain potential for
autonomy (in a modern auto-poetic understanding). This made his views radically different from
the views of a simple person (lat. Homo simplex) and a reflex person, mechanic person, automated
person. N. Bernstein’s ideas are disclosed and have undergone value based comprehension
with the help of virtual reality and they lead us to an idea that movement is a manifestation
of the higher nature of human existence as well as to an understanding of metaphysical and
ontological for mans of motor activity.
   An experimental study. To analyze the efficiency of using the “Virtual Model Illustrating Niko-
lai Bernstein’s Theory of Movement Construction” within the “Methodology of development
of the health preserving competence of a Physical Education teacher on the basis of Nikolai
Bernstein’s theory of the levels of movement construction” in the Communal Higher Educa-
tional Institution “Vinnytsia Academy of Continuous Education” and study was conducted in
2019 among 165 Physical Education teachers, who were taking the professional growth training
course. The experimental group was made up of 85 people.
   Let us prove the statistical confidentiality of the obtained results. The number of tasks that
had to be completed by the Physical Education teachers before and after the The results showing
the number of correct answers of Physical Education teachers to the question before and after
using the methodology of development of health-preserving competence of a physical education
teacher in the conditions of postgraduate education on the basis of N. Bernstein’s theory of
construction of movements with the use of virtual reality technologies 𝑛1 = 10 and 𝑛2 = 10 (see
figure 6).
   Let us confirm the statistical significance of exceeding the values of the indicators of the
results of solving control problems by physical education teachers after the experiment over the
values of the corresponding indicators before the experiment using the Wilcoxon’s T-test [30].
   We find the difference between the values of the corresponding indicators of the results of
solving control tasks by physical education teachers before and after the experiment (table 1).
   We arrange the obtained absolute values of the differences in the indicators of the studied
trait before and after the experiment in ascending order. Rank them in ascending order of
absolute differences with using average ranks (because there are related ranks) from 1 to 10
(table 1).
   Analysis of the table data showed that there are no “atypical” shifts. So, calculated by formula
                                        𝑇𝑒𝑚𝑝 = ∑ 𝑟𝑖 = 0.
  Find the critical value for the Wilcoxon’s T-test for 𝑛 = 10, using the data in table 1:
  for 𝑝 < 0, 05 the 𝑇𝑐𝑟 = 10,
  for 𝑝 < 0, 01 the 𝑇𝑐𝑟 = 5.
  The empirical value 𝑇𝑒𝑚𝑝 = 0 < 𝑇𝑐𝑟 = 5 at the significance level 𝑝 < 0.01.

Figure 6: The results showing the number of correct answers of Physical Education teachers to the
question before and after using the methodology of development of health-preserving competence of a
physical education teacher in the conditions of postgraduate education on the basis of N. Bernstein’s
theory of construction of movements with the use of virtual reality technologies.

  Hypothesis 𝐻0 is accepted. The values of the indicators of the results of solving control tasks
by physical education teachers after the experiment statistically with a high probability exceed
the values of the indicators before the experiment at the level of significance 𝑝 < 0.01.

3.1. Conclusion
The application of virtual reality technologies for health and practically oriented perception
of the phenomenology of movement activity, the essence of which is disclosed in Nikolai
Bernstein’s theory of movement construction, is an important innovative tool for improvement
of the health preserving competence of a Physical Education teacher in conditions of post-
graduate education. Based on the use of AR/VR technologies a software application “Virtual
Model Illustrating Nikolai Bernstein’s Theory of Movement Construction” was developed. This
virtual model is an effective tool for the development of the stated competence.
   The results of the analysis of the research aimed at the study of the efficiency of the virtual
model within the “Methodology of development of the health-preserving competence of a
Physical Education teacher on the basis of Nikolai Bernstein’s theory of the levels of movement
construction” using the Wilcoxon’s T-test prove the statistical significance of the efficiency
of application of the given methodology, namely, a statistically viable positive dynamics of
the educational achievements of Physical Education teachers have been determined. With
the help of the virtual model the health-preserving, intellectual, gnoseological, hermeneutic,

Table 1
The value of the corresponding indicators of the results of solving control tasks by physical education
teachers before and after the experiment, their difference and ranks of absolute values of differences
    Order       Before         After the Difference, 𝑥𝑎𝑓 𝑡𝑒𝑟 −   The         absolute Ranks of abso-
    number of the          ex- experi-   𝑥𝑏𝑒𝑓 𝑜𝑟𝑒 (%)            value of the lute values of
    the task, 𝑛 periment, ment, 𝑥𝑎𝑓 𝑡𝑒𝑟                          difference           (%), differences, 𝑟𝑖
                𝑥𝑏𝑒𝑓 𝑜𝑟𝑒 (%)   (%)                               |𝑥𝑎𝑓 𝑡𝑒𝑟 − 𝑥𝑏𝑒𝑓 𝑜𝑟𝑒 |
    1           21            77            56                   56                    3.5
    2           25            81            56                   56                    3.5
    3           35            98            63                   63                    7.5
    4           17            61            44                   44                    1
    5           13            75            62                   62                    6
    6           15            82            67                   67                    9
    7           16            89            73                   73                    10
    8           10            68            58                   58                    5
    9           8             71            63                   63                    7,5
    10          43            97            54                   54                    2
    Sum total   -             -             -                    -                     55

representative, axiological, praxeological, technological and sense forming potentials of Nikolai
Bernstein’s theory are being disclosed. This facilitates the formation in a teacher of systemic
views and structural-functional, holistic and value-conceptual understandings of movement
as the basis of life and health as well as the “existential-vital-movement-activity-intellectual
   Disclosing the theory of movement construction through the application of the virtual model
and other tools as viewed as a gnoseological precondition of fundamentalization of the health-
preserving knowledge and the corresponding competence and it is also a cognitive factor of
the health-preserving oriented professionalization and axiologization of the work of a Physical
Education teacher. The use of a virtual model for the representation of Nikolai Bernstein’s
theory in the methodology of the health-preserving competence of Physical Education teachers
is a necessary condition for the development of the stated competence both in the context of
its integration with the professional competence as well as to raise the scientific, fundamental
and technological level. This also facilitates the effective practically oriented application of the
state theory by a Physical Education teacher for the analysis and improvement of physical and
recreational technologies as well as of concrete physical exercises and movement modes.
   Accordingly, a Physical Education teacher gains professional opportunities for the application
of Nikolai Bernstein’s theory in the health preserving and correction-development work with
children with special educational needs as well as in inclusive education practices. On the basis
of the health-preservation oriented disclosure of the nature of movement, health-preserving,
preventative, corrective and developmental strategies are being formed among which the
significant ones are: “Application of synergistic movements to adaptation to movement activity,
and recreation”, “Application of spatial movements for actualization of the orientation and
search activities and development of spatial thinking”, “Use of movements with a complicated

algorithm for intellect development”.

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