=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2899/paper015 |storemode=property |title=Network communication and identification of the cyber-physical systems |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2899/paper015.pdf |volume=Vol-2899 |authors=Anatoly V. Shukalov,Igor O. Zharinov,Oleg O. Zharinov }} ==Network communication and identification of the cyber-physical systems== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2899/paper015.pdf
Network communication and identification of the cyber‐physical
Anatoly V. Shukalov1, Igor O. Zharinov1 and Oleg O. Zharinov2
  Faculty of Information Security and Computer Technologies, ITMO University, 49, Kronverksky Av., Saint
Petersburg, 197101, Russia
  Department of Problem-Oriented Computing Complexes, Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace
Instrumentation, 67, Bolshaya Morskaia str., Saint Petersburg, 190000, Russia

                Cyber-physical system net communication and identification are connection and information
                theory elements, which let define data transmission dynamic routes. The net commutation is
                done with gate system, concentrators and routers to provide distributed connection of close and
                far range radius for the production equipment. The net commutation is done during the
                connection system different topologies virtual construction for the production operation
                processes. The net identification is done with a number of physical, logical and information
                attributes, which in their values or properties represent clearly a connection system industrial
                device. The different options how to address a device and meta-data are shown, which are
                important for net identification procedure. There are information net dynamic topology options
                proposed, which represent the cyber-production operation environment using equipment
                identification principles for technological and control data routing and processing.

                Keywords 1
                Network, communication, cyber-physical system, Industry 4.0

1. Introduction

    The cyber-physical system (CPS) information net topology basic property is its physical and virtual
connection channels architecture resilience, which are used to transmit messages and cloud servers
agents communication [1, 2]. The main inter-net cyber-physical production (CPP) exchange participant
is a CPS containing telecommunication units of reception and transmission and data processing [3, 4].
A combination of CPSs forms a complicated production segment containing information, measuring
and controlling components, which are for product manufacturing in the company operation net [5, 6].
    The CPP technological tasks solution is done as a plurality of net technologies of feeble link
establishing CPS telecommunication connections to transmit messages of different priorities for
permissible time [7, 8]. A CPP trouble area is the information net dynamic topologies to define the CPS
self-organization property with different options of their usage [9, 10].
    The CPP traffic is a combination of [11, 12]:
        the CPS out-coming messages packages, which inform the cloud applications of the processes
    and equipment actual conditions;
        the CPS incoming messages packages receiving control commands.
    The packages useful load is a CPS control device element containing net agents identification means,
means to measure and transmit technological data to the link channel, microprocessor messages and
executive mechanisms processing means, which position is regulated remotely [13, 14].

III International Workshop on Modeling, Information Processing and Computing (MIP: Computing-2021), May 28, 2021, Krasnoyarsk,
EMAIL: aviation78@mail.ru (Anatoly Shukalov); mpbva@mail.ru (Igor Zharinov); zharinov73@inbox.ru (Oleg Zharinov)
ORCID: 0000-0003-0283-5207 (Anatoly Shukalov); 0000-0003-2508-5939 (Igor Zharinov); 0000-0003-1219-8205 (Oleg Zharinov)
             © 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
             Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
             CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)

2. The CPS net identification

    To improve industrial object production indicators means to build an effective CPS interaction
scheme. The Industry 4.0 CPP technology more important status is its Internet of Things (IoT) net using
mechanisms of multi-channel data transmission and reception and packages routing compatible with
any link protocols types. The IoT wireless nets subject area includes logical and physical message
transmission aspects and supports any CPS communication models with connection control function in
the available address company space [15].
    Computer nets technologies and industrial equipment integrated calculation systems unification
made actual the new type of production means synthesis problem being controlled with radio
technologies. CPS autonomous devices connected to the net make some production operations and
transform radio frequency packages into IP (Internet Protocol)-traffic in the CPS addressing model
level. The CPS identification control system provides only one way to address them and initializes
equipment initial state inside the company information net with some machine decoders and special
software applications, which convert the connection protocols.
    The perspective things for CPP implementation are some competing net automatic identification
systems, which are potentially useful for CPS peripheral telecommunications:
        CPS identification based on unique МАС (Media Access Control)-addresses decoding
    established by physical equipment designer in the net adapter;
        CPS identification based on wireless message demodulation containing unique within the
    company address space logical IP;
        CPS identification based on MSISDN (Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services Digital Number),
    IMEISV (International Mobile Terminal Identity & Software Version Number), IMSI (International
    Mobile Subscriber Identity) or IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) numbers, which
    format let clearly associate industrial equipment sample with inner-net domain names;
        CPS identification based on meta-data attributively characterized in the machine information
    level available for installed software and machine-ware components net analysis (software versions,
    operation system type, electronic units devices nomenclature and other) and other.
    The CPP net CPS stable identification is done in business analytics platform having attributive
properties registers, addresses tables and equipment protocol to guarantee agent clear identification in
the industrial automatics application field. New ways of CPS net interaction in fact are related to the
company address space are based on telecommunication technology development theory and are
justified with automatic production systems functionality specifics.
    The Industry 4.0 technologies multiplicative influence for a CPP provides the industrial object
critically crucial processes stable control where the CPS net component is an intellectual instrument.
The CPP architecture integration feature is to apply machine telemetry engaging all variety of
information protocols for a net structure organization (configuration) through which the technological
data and control data are being translated. Connection among CPS devices forms the CPP control loop
closed state when the reverse chains are defined with commutative congregations, which have the
dynamic packages transmission routes and net services.

3. The CPS information net topology

    Incoming and out-coming packages connection lines, which are used to connect a CPS to the net
and the way to transport the messages to the agents depend on the topology features, which are CPP
dynamic structures in their role. The CPP information net dynamic topology options are given in Figure

                CPS1              CPS4                   Ring                    The CPP information net
                                                 CPS1               CPS3        dynamic topologies options
                CPS2              CPS5           CPS2               CPS4             CPS1               CPS2

                                Tree                                                      Bus
                  CPS1                 CPS3                                CPS1           CPS3         CPS5
                            CPS2                 CPS5

                                       CPS4                                     CPS2            CPS4

                     IoT wireless information net with dynamic topology           Gate

                         CPS1              ...             CPSM                             Control server

              Material             Transport CPS                      Item
                                                                  Operation net
                                                         Ethernet wired information net
                                                              with static topology

Figure 1: The CPP information net dynamic topology options

   A connection session done with end CPS devices could be done in the following relatively simple
information net topology configurations:
        the structure communication «point-point», which are basic for two-direction CPS connection
   are normally installed in a company in the proximity to each other. The CPS contact is done without
   intermediary gates of low connection radius. The topology option is a functional net unit, which is
   a part of more complicated commutation types;
        the structure communication «ring», which is for the traffic exchange in an isolated CPP
   segment (CPS group). The CPS ring net feature is its connection channel low passing through ability
   justified with subsequent packages transmission through all agents structure from the message
   sending unit to the reception one. The message translation long state depends on the CPS number
   (net agents), which passes through the traffic. The structure connection control is directed to the data
   transmission minimal net way search;
        the structure communication «star» is for CPS control with the central unit resources to
   coordinate information and operation technological equipment group activity. The controlling
   commands generated in structure are based on the data analysis collected from a CPS through the
   net. A big number in the structure of CPSs being monitored (a CPP huge segment) with a relatively
   simple topology requires a high-production calculator in the central unit, which simultaneously serve
   to several connections in parallel including the constant connection high-speed channel;
        the structure communication «bus», which is information processes integrator for equally
   valuable agents with multiplexed data transmission discipline. The bus structure feature is a
   simultaneous message decoding with all CPSs and the following traffic processing with only the
   CPS for which it was addressed. The data exchange in the structure is done in a mono-channel
   provided with the net coverage zone. The structure central unit in each moment of time could be
   only one of CPSs (any of them) to initiate the exchange;
        the structure communication «tree» is normally asymmetric and is characterized with the
   information exchange in the net segments with close or far action radius using external or internal

   (CPS integrated) concentrators and traffic routers. In the structure they use telecommunication
   protocols oriented for the information exchange in several alternative routes to increase the created
   connections reliability;
       the structure communication «cell» uses local net channels and gates to transform and transmit
   the data between the operation system earth segment and the CPP cloud platform. The structure
   supports the cell connection mechanisms to regulate the CPS wireless traffic. The data exchange is
   done with CPS in pairs with long radius net coverage. The original configuration installs randomly
   and then are corrected dynamically;
       the structure communication «hybrid» relates with nets with programmable configuration. The
   structure uses different configuration options of elementary topologies and connection transit
   channels. It supports information exchange protocols for heterogeneous nets with increased action
   radius, which are important for production and engineer CPSs hybrid control. The broad broadcast
   storm collision justified with radio ether information capacity are eliminated with restrictions
   imposed on connection protocols and re-translators number installed in the CPP sites.

4. Conclusion

    Companies, which create a CPP today actively look for a way how to solve the net construction
problem, which are tolerant to the time delays in the connection channel. The reached results are
concentrated to implement CPSs specially designed for the IoT net, which function autonomously with
individual algorithms. The net exchange in some CPSs are based on standard procedures (the line
listening, awaiting for available connection and traffic transmission, confirmation that address agents
have received the necessary messages) with subsequent connection sessions and idling periods in the
given time slots.
    The IoT net building oriented to control plant CPS devices including the designing of more
complicated industrial equipment samples where the support operation and information processes
functions are maximum-ly divided. Coordinator units elements to control the net must be reasonably
placed directly as a part of CPS, which in some topologies are serviced with gates. Connection session
made with a new generation CPS will automatically synchronize the equipment inner timer with the
external net time according to which they transform information in the operation environment into the
cloud applications data. This kind of information exchange let CPS not to release some additional traffic
to the net containing controlling information (service one).
    The CPS information exchange with the environment dynamic topology must be constructed with
time logical addresses and physical constant addresses of equipment, which transmit and receive
messages in a short time window. The connection interval continuance made by the local net designers
including general access CPP nets must be defined with statistical data to characterize the average time
of the safe package delivery. The industrial IoT segment containing a lot of broadcasting CPSs must be
projected with the level of electromagnetic disturbances considered and how to protect the equipment
from that. The message transport from the end CPS devices to the server and reverse, which must be
done with traffic planning, which is transmitted through the gates to the transit nets and Internet.
    The given topology options form the dynamically reconfigurable calculation net containing physical
CPS devices with integrated software. The CPS interaction net space is an informative and
communication including components of operation and cybernetic nature to unite heterogeneous
connection channels into a single CPP platform. The data exchange combined mechanisms into static
and dynamic net structures are done through the net gates to provide concord and work together for
information protocols and connection technologies based on poly-model telecommunication interfaces.
    The CPP information net topology details let form new industrial objects control models, which use
CPSs. CPSs integration into a multi-loop system of automatic control is done with multi-domain CPS
device representation connected to wired or wireless connection channel. To optimize the information
tides they need a control server to distribute the CPP traffic among net agents. A multi-domain mode
to describe a CPS into CPP information nets are done in program level of digital twins models to reflect
physical industrial equipment into the electronic objects virtual environment space.

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