=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2906/paper3 |storemode=property |title=Automated GDPR-Compliance in Requirements Engineering |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2906/paper3.pdf |volume=Vol-2906 |authors=Abdel-Jaouad Aberkane |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/caise/Aberkane21 }} ==Automated GDPR-Compliance in Requirements Engineering== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2906/paper3.pdf
Automated GDPR-Compliance in Requirements

                    Abdel-Jaouad Aberkane[0000−0002−4557−0715]

     Department of Business Informatics and Operations Management, Faculty of
     Economics and Business Administration, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium

        Abstract. In the last lustrum, the EU General Data Protection Regula-
        tion (GDPR) profoundly impacted data processing organizations as com-
        pliance with this Regulation became obligatory. Due to resource poverty,
        complying with the GDPR can be a challenge for small and medium-
        sized enterprises. In this research, we consider GDPR-compliance as a
        high-level goal in software development that should be addressed at the
        outset of software development, that is, during requirements engineering
        (RE). Moreover, we argue that natural language processing (NLP) can
        be utilized to automate this process. Therefore, this Ph.D. research aims
        to address the challenge organizations face by developing an NLP-based
        automated approach towards GDPR-compliance in RE. In particular, we
        aim to develop an approach to assess whether a set of system require-
        ments complies with the GDPR to achieve data protection by design and
        by default, thus providing organizations with an efficient and effective
        solution to ensure GDPR-compliance. This paper presents our research
        questions and their relevance, the adopted research method, preliminary
        results, and the current state of our research.

        Keywords: General Data Protection Regulation · Machine Learning ·
        Natural Language Processing · Requirements Engineering

1     Introduction
Provisionally agreed upon in 2015, the General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR) came into effect in May 2018 to ensure and safeguard data subjects’
rights. The GDPR applies to any personal data processing of European data
subjects—regardless of whether the data processing itself takes place in the
European Union—and ensures that individuals are not deprived of their data
protection rights. Furthermore, the GDPR’s transnational application results in
far-reaching implications on the digital market of the world [2].
    To achieve GDPR compliance, organizations should take technical and orga-
nizational measures necessary to ensure data protection by design and by default
to achieve GDPR-compliance [16]. Since the conditions for data processing are
    Copyright © 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative
    Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
22     A. Aberkane

fundamentally being set by the soft- and hardware used for the task [19], we con-
sider GDPR-compliance to be a high-level goal in software development. In this
Ph.D. research, we aim to address GDPR-compliance at the outset of software
development, meaning requirements engineering, to achieve data protection by
design and by default. Requirements engineering consists of the elicitation, eval-
uation, specification, analysis, and evolution of the objectives, functionalities,
qualities, and constraints to be achieved by a software-intensive system [18]. In
this research, these constraints are set by the GDPR.
    Complying with the GDPR demands significant efforts, which can be espe-
cially troublesome for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) due to lack
of resources to take the necessary technical, and organizational measures [8, 17].
Moreover, the need to find efficient and effective solutions to ensure GDPR-
compliance [8] is emphasized by the fact that the vast majority of businesses
(99%) in the European Union are SMEs [7].
    Therefore, we propose using natural language processing (NLP) techniques—
a popular approach amongst requirements engineers [4]—as a means of automat-
ing GDPR-compliance in organizations. Requirements engineering is especially
conducive for the use of NLP since requirements are often expressed in natural
language [11].
    The main focus of this Ph.D. research is to prevent organizations from com-
promising the privacy of data subjects and ensuring data protection by design
and by default, by addressing GDPR-compliance at the intersection of RE and
NLP. The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 presents
our research questions. Section 3 describes the adopted research method. The
preliminary results are presented in Section 4. Section 5 presents the current
stage of our research. Related work is presented in Section 6. Finally, Section 7
concludes this paper and elaborates on our plans for future work.

2    Research Questions

The goal of this Ph.D. research is to achieve NLP-based automated GDPR-
compliance in RE. In doing so, we aim to build a bridge between GDPR, NLP,
and RE to provide organizations with insights towards GDPR-compliance. Fur-
thermore, we intend to develop a machine learning approach based on NLP to
facilitate GDPR-compliance and prevent organizations from compromising EU
citizens’ privacy, thus ensuring data protection. To achieve this, we adopt an
incremental approach which is reflected in our research questions (RQs) and the
corresponding sub-research questions (SRQs):

RQ1 “What is the current state of research as to NLP-based automated GDPR-
compliance in RE? ” This RQ aims to map the existing literature on the intersec-
tion of GDPR, NLP and RE relevant to achieving automated GDPR-compliance.
However, since preliminary research yielded no relevant studies, it was decided
to formulate SRQs to search all possible combinations of the three domains (i.e.,
GDPR, NLP, and RE):
               Automated GDPR-Compliance in Requirements Engineering          23

   SRQ1 “What NLP approaches are useful for RE and for which RE ac-
   tivity? ” Literature shows that several NLP approaches are available for the
   different activities in RE. However, no systematic literature mapping exists
   where these different approaches are mapped with the tasks they can be used
   for while upholding the higher goal of automating GDPR-compliance in RE.
   SRQ2 “Which NLP approaches are available for achieving GDPR-compliance
   in organizations? ” In addition to mapping the NLP approaches explicitly de-
   veloped for the RE domain, it is also interesting to explore NLP approaches
   outside the RE paradigm that focus on achieving GDPR-compliance in orga-
   nizations. This insight will allow us to investigate the possibility of learning
   from these approaches and transfer this learning to the RE phase in software
   SRQ3 “Which state-of-the-art RE solutions are available for achieving
   GDPR-compliance? ” This question endeavors to identify state-of-the-art RE
   solution types that maintain and possibly facilitate the GDPR. The answer
   to this question will provide us with a topical mapping of the RE develop-
   ments in achieving GDPR-compliance.

 RQ2 “How to automatically assess organizations’ GDPR-compliance based
on their privacy policy? ” This research question aims to assess organizations’
GDPR-compliance through an NLP-based machine learning approach. Organi-
zations use privacy policies to convey the taken GDPR-measures to data sub-
jects. We will particularly focus on SMEs and provide them with an efficient and
effective approach to identify possible GDPR non-compliance.
RQ3 “How do organizations differ in their approach to GDPR-compliance? ”
Building on the previous RQ, this question aims to identify the influence of
organizational factors such as size and industry on GDPR-compliance. The con-
strued machine learning approach of RQ2 will be used to classify a data set
comprising organizations and their respective privacy policies on their GDPR
compliance. The resulting classification will be combined with organizational
meta-data of the corresponding organizations, after which possible relationships
between GDPR-compliance and organizational factors will be identified through
machine learning. The outcome may validate the need for a tailored approach
towards GDPR-compliance for organizations, addressed in RQ4.
RQ4 “How to automatically identify the GDPR-compliance of a set system
requirements? ” This question is built on the outcomes of RQ2 and RQ3 and
aims to devise an automated approach based on NLP and machine learning,
tailored to the outcome of RQ3, that can be used to assess, by using NLP-based
machine learning, the GDPR-compliance of a set system requirements at the
outset of software development and thus achieving data protection by design
and by default.
    Summarized, we adopt an incremental approach towards our goal of NLP-
based automated GDPR-compliance in RE. First, we intend to explore the lit-
erature on the intersection of GDPR, NLP, and RE. Next, we aim to develop
an NLP-based machine learning approach to assess the GDPR-compliance of
organizations’ privacy policies. Furthermore, we aim to identify the organiza-
24      A. Aberkane

tional factors that influence this GDPR-compliance. Based on the identified
factors, we intend to devise an automated approach based on machine learn-
ing that focuses on achieving GDPR-compliance by design and by default, by
automatically assessing system requirements at the beginning of the software
development process on their GDPR-compliance. This approach will enable re-
quirements engineering professionals to identify requirements automatically that
may lead to non-compliance, consequently instilling a proactive stance towards
GDPR-compliance. The envisaged outcomes and solutions are intended to facil-
itate GDPR-compliance in organizations by providing the corresponding profes-
sionals with the means to achieve this compliance.

3    Research Method

This research adopts the design science research methodology. Design science
research is a research paradigm that focuses on answering questions related to
human problems by creating new and innovating artifacts [9]. This research
paradigm is built upon the fundamental principle that knowledge and under-
standing of a design problem and its solutions are acquired in the building and
application of an artifact. In examining how artifacts can be developed, design
science research can be seen as an embodiment of three closely related cycles of
activities: the relevance cycle, the rigor cycle, and the design cycle [10]. The rel-
evance cycle links the contextual environment with the research and introduces
the research artifacts into environmental field testing. The rigor cycle bridges
the knowledge base with the research and adds incrementally the new knowledge
created by the research to the knowledge base. Lastly, the design cycle iterates
between the core activities of building and evaluating the design artifacts and
processes of the research.
    In this Ph.D. research, the need to find efficient and effective solutions to
ensure GDPR-compliance in organizations forms the problem space of interest.
We intend to address this by developing an NLP-based machine learning ap-
proach to assist organizations in meeting GDPR-compliance in RE. However,
first, we aim to validate this need and understand the problem space by devel-
oping an artifact that assesses GDPR-compliance of organizations based on the
measures adopted as communicated through their privacy policies, followed by
identifying the organizational factors that contribute to non-compliance—thus
iterating between the relevance cycle and the design cycle while contributing
to the knowledge base. Based on the outcome, we intend to develop a machine
learning approach—in the design cycle—to achieve GDPR-compliance by design
and by default, by automatically assessing system requirements in the RE phase
of software development on their GDPR-compliance. Finally, we aim to evaluate
the performance of this machine learning approach using expert-labeled data.
                Automated GDPR-Compliance in Requirements Engineering             25

4   Preliminary Results
This Ph.D. research started with conducting a systematic mapping study [1],
following the guidelines in [12], to address RQ1 and its sub-research questions and
identify the current research state of NLP-based automated GDPR-compliance
in RE. The mapping study resulted in 448 relevant studies. The majority of
these studies—420 studies—were identified as relevant to SRQ1, which centers
around NLP and RE. SRQ2, focusing on GDPR and NLP, yielded nine studies.
SRQ3, which centers around GDPR and RE, resulted in 20 studies. One of the
retrieved studies fell within all pairwise research field combinations (i.e., NLP &
RE, NLP & GDPR, and GDPR & RE) [15]. The referenced study presents a
recommender-based privacy requirements elicitation approach (EPICUREAN)
which uses NLP and machine learning techniques in the RE activity of domain
understanding & elicitation to determine and recommend appropriate privacy
settings to the user and, as a result of this, simplifying privacy settings according
to the GDPR.
    Regarding SRQ1, 420 studies were identified, mentioning 199 different NLP
approaches useful for RE. The most common NLP approaches were part-of-
speech tagging, pre-processing, and text-classification with 165, 117, and 104 oc-
currences, respectively. SRQ2, aimed to identify studies that discuss NLP ap-
proaches used to achieve GDPR-compliance in organizations, yielded nine studies
in which text-classification and pre-processing were the most frequently occur-
ring NLP approaches with 4 and 2 occurrences, respectively. Furthermore, the
retrieved studies related to SRQ2 addressed the GDPR concept of anonymiza-
tion four times, privacy was addressed twice, consent and lawfulness, fairness
and transparency occurred each once. Lastly, regarding SRQ3, 20 studies were
identified that discussed RE solutions for achieving GDPR-compliance in organi-
zations. The most frequent occurring solutions types were Approach and Method,
proposed as a solution by four studies each.
    Next to the key findings that addressed our research questions, we discovered
several interesting phenomena. First, the mapping revealed a tendency among
researchers from the RE community to concentrate mainly on the RE activi-
ties of domain understanding & elicitation and specification & documentation.
Concurrently, the activities of evaluation & negotiation, and quality assurance
receive less attention. This development was true for research related to both
SRQ1 and SRQ2. For studies related to SRQ1, this may imply that researchers
overlooked the possibility of using NLP for the activities of evaluation & nego-
tiation, and quality assurance. Another possibility is that RE tasks in the latter
are less suitable for automating with NLP. Second, it could be foreseen from
the line of questioning in our research questions that the resulting studies will
gravitate towards design science research. Therefore, it is not unexpected that
the vast majority of studies focused on proposing a solution and acted within
this research paradigm. However, this is done at the expense of other research
types, to the detriment of the diversity of RE as a research domain.
    Despite identifying only one study on the intersection of GDPR, NLP, and
RE, we have—during the mapping process—identified possibilities for bridging
26      A. Aberkane

these research fields to achieve GDPR-compliance through data protection by
design and by default in RE. In particular, we focus on literature related to
SRQ2 and SRQ3 because they address the GDPR explicitly. Scrutinizing the
solutions proposed by literature related to NLP and GDPR (SRQ2) gives rise
to the opportunity of introducing these approaches to classification problems in
the RE domain, for instance, using NLP-based machine learning solutions that
identify GDPR-compliance on requirement documents. Moreover, examining the
studies related to SRQ3 presents possibilities of using NLP techniques to assist
with manual and potentially repetitive tasks on the junction of GDPR and RE.

5    Current Stage
At this stage, we are working towards an approach to automatically assess orga-
nizations’ GDPR-compliance based on their privacy policy (RQ2). As mentioned
in Section 2, this question aims to assess organizations’ GDPR-compliance by
developing an NLP-based machine learning approach that can be used to as-
sess privacy policies’ GDPR-coverage based on a set of predefined assessment
criteria. The results of such a classification may imply that a particular organi-
zation fails to comply with the GDPR-measures. Specifically, we will focus on
SMEs—due to the threat of resource poverty—and provide them with an efficient
and effective approach to identify possible GDPR non-compliance. Currently, we
are concerned with collecting and labeling data that can be used to train our
machine learning model. After this process, we aim to build the classification
model and evaluate its usefulness. Consequently, we will extend this research
to RQ3, which focuses on identifying how organizations differ in their approach
to GDPR-compliance. In detail, we aim to use machine learning techniques to
identify factors (e.g., organization size) that influence GDPR non-compliance.

6    Related Work
As manifested through our mapping study, research related to automating GDPR-
compliance is still in its infancy. Due to the relative novelty of the GDPR (i.e., it
is enforced since 2018), not much research was conducted on the intersection of
GDPR, NLP, and RE. In fact, our mapping study (See Section 4) identified only
one study on the convergence of GDPR, NLP, and RE [15]. The authors present
a recommender-based privacy requirements elicitation approach that uses natu-
ral language processing techniques to determine and provide—in line with the
GDPR—users with privacy setting suggestions tailored to their needs. Our re-
search does not focus on eliciting requirements; instead, we aim to automati-
cally assess system requirements on their GDPR-compliance using NLP-based
machine learning. The following paragraph will shed light on some contiguous
research that centers on using NLP towards GDPR-compliance.
    In [14], a new model auditing technique is presented to help enforce data
protection regulations (e.g., GDPR) by aiding users in detecting whether their
data was used to train a machine learning model. In the same stream, [3] proposes
                Automated GDPR-Compliance in Requirements Engineering            27

an automated privacy policy extraction system that considers users’ privacy
concerns while providing the user with GDPR items to assist in privacy-aware
decision making. Reference [5] proposes a supervised machine learning system
that identifies personal information in large data sets to ease processing such data
in an organization according to the GDPR. Along the same lines, [6] presents
a system based on NLP and machine learning capable of correctly identifying
sensitive data, assisting companies in complying with standards such as the
GDPR. Moreover, [13] presents an approach that implements NLP to detect
personally identifiable information in contracts.
    However, the studies above are located on the crossing of GDPR and NLP,
whereas our research aims to use NLP to automate GDPR-compliance in RE
to achieve data protection by design and default, thus combining the fields of
GDPR, NLP, and RE.

7   Conclusion and Future Work
This paper presents our research approach to achieve data protection by design
and by default through developing an NLP-based machine learning approach to
assess system requirements on their GDPR-compliance. In preparation for devel-
oping this approach, we have conducted a systematic mapping study to outline
the current research state on the junction of GDPR, NLP, and RE. The mapping
study shows potential for our intersectional research. Currently, we are devising
a machine learning approach to assess organizations’ privacy policies on GDPR-
compliance to validate the need for data protection by design and by default as
intended by our primary objective. Thereafter, we aim to identify organizational
factors that influence GDPR-compliance. Finally, we plan to develop an NLP-
based machine learning approach that focuses on achieving GDPR-compliance
by automatically assessing the compliance of system requirements at the begin-
ning of the software development process. In summary, this Ph.D. research con-
tributes to a novel research stream on the intersection of GDPR, NLP, and RE
by developing an NLP-based automated approach towards GDPR-compliance
in RE and towards ensuring data protection by design and by default.

This Ph.D. research is supervised by Prof. Dr. Geert Poels and Dr. Seppe vanden

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