=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2907/poster2 |storemode=property |title=Validating Extended Feature Model Configurations using Petri Nets |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2907/poster2.pdf |volume=Vol-2907 |authors=Rakshit Mittal,Dominique Blouin,Soumyadip Bandyopadhyay |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/apn/MittalBB21 }} ==Validating Extended Feature Model Configurations using Petri Nets== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2907/poster2.pdf
           Validating Extended Feature Model
            Configurations using Petri Nets

  Rakshit Mittal1,2 , Dominique Blouin2 , and Soumyadip Bandyopadhyay1,3
                BITS Pilani, KK Birla Goa Campus, Goa, 403726 India
              Telecom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 91120 France
                   Hasso-Platner Institute, Potsdam, 14482 Germany

     Today’s systems are often highly configurable requiring to model them as
product lines. For this, feature modeling has been developed to capture the as-
pects of commonality and variability of systems, which are then represented as
configurations of feature models. Validating such configurations is therefore an
important topic. Yet, existing approaches have several limitations such as scala-
bility issues for large systems and system families and cannot handle the different
feature modeling language variants or extensions that have been proposed.
    We present our ongoing work on a novel approach to validate feature model
configurations by translating them to Petri Nets. The approach can handle ex-
tended models of extended feature modeling languages and proposes an incre-
mental validation scheme.
    We detail the major steps of our approach using a simple example Feature
Model depicted in Fig. 1(a). The example Feature Model has 8 features from
A to H, with A as the root feature. Other than the feature-relationships that
are apparent from the figure, there exists a cross-tree constraint (B =⇒ C) and
a cardinality constraint h1, 3, A, Di. B, E are dead-features and D, H are false-
    Transformation: The transformation from Feature Model to Petri net has
been developed to construct a constraint satisfaction problem from the con-
straints of the feature model. Features are mapped to unique places and feature-
relations/constraints are mapped to unique transitions. The functions associated
with the out-going edges (in yellow) are the key take-away from this section.
These functions consist of a multiplication of two terms. The multiplier is a
Boolean condition (within []) type-cast to integer. The Boolean conditions, are
designed so that “when a transition is fired, if the configuration does not satisfy
the constraint represented by the transition, the values of the tokens in all the
corresponding post-places are modified” 4 . The multiplicand has been designed to
preserve the cardinality of the feature and corresponding token. In a configura-
tion, for each feature, there is a token in the corresponding place with the same
corresponding value as the cardinality in the configuration.
    Validation: The verification of a feature configuration follows from the logic
used in defining the functions associated with the output-arcs. To do so, all
  Copyright © 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative
  Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
  derivation methodology for the out-going function corresponding to each feature-
  relation and constraint available at https://github.com/raks0009/FM2PN
Fig. 1. The motivating example. Only the Boolean multipliers of the out-going
functions are described in (b). Complete model available at https://github.com/

corresponding transitions (constraints) are fired (tested). If there is a change in
the marking of the Petri net, the particular transition (firing which results in a
change in the marking) is associated with a constraint that is not satisfied by
the configuration. The transition is flagged for the user to rectify. If the values
associated with all features in the configuration are compliant, the algorithm
terminates without any flags, and the configuration is validated.
    In the motivating example, the described approach tells the user that the
firing of transitions t3 and t7 results in a change in the marking. Transition t3
corresponds to the ‘AND-optional’ feature relation between B and E. In the
configuration, E is selected but B is not, which is incorrect. Similarly, transition
t7 corresponds to the cardinality constraint between A and D which specifies
that for every instance of A there can be minimum 1 and maximum 3 instances
of D. A has the cardinality 1 and D has cardinality 4 in the configuration which
does not follow this constraint, hence the transition is flagged.
    Advantages and Limitations: The proposed approach can handle validation
of feature configurations that adhere to extensions of feature models, something
that is relatively unexplored in the literature [1]. The model transformation
is also much more scalable than the Petri net based method described in [2].
Future work is aimed at formalizing, and implementing the approach. We are
also working on a staged configuration approach for incremental validation.
1. Benavides, D., Segura, S., Ruiz-Cortés, A.: Automated analysis of feature models
   20 years later: A literature review. Inf. Syst. 35(6), 615–636 (Sep 2010)
2. Mennicke, S., Lochau, M., Schroeter, J., Winkelmann, T.: Automated verification
   of feature model configuration processes based on workflow petri nets. SPLC ’14,
   Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA (2014)