=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2920/paper_2 |storemode=property |title=Digital Humanities Competencies Development in Various Learning Environments |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2920/paper_2.pdf |volume=Vol-2920 |authors=Claudio Lucchiari,Raffaella Folgieri,Elena Gaevskaya,Nikolay Borisov }} ==Digital Humanities Competencies Development in Various Learning Environments== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2920/paper_2.pdf
         Digital Humanities Competencies Development in
                  Various Learning Environments∗
           Claudio Lucchiari1                 Raffaella Folgieri1               Elena Gaevskaya2
        claudio.lucchiari@unimi.it          raffaella.folgieri@unimi.it         e.gaevskaya@spbu.ru
                                             Nikolay Borisov2
                         Department of Philosophy Università degli Studi di Milano
                                               Milano, Italy
                                     Saint Petersburg State University,
                                   St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

            Abstract — The research goals are studying and evaluating the application of Personal Mean-
        ing Maps Methodology in museums’ visitors’ and university students’ learning, competencies, and
        perception development. The study was conducted within the course “Museum Information Sys-
        tems”, implemented under the Program “Applied Informatics in Arts and Humanities...” of Saint
        Petersburg State University. Forty-nine third-year bachelors (19–22 years old) took part in the
            The PMM performed the following functions: a methodology for assessing the development
        of students’ knowledge when studying a course during a semester (4 months), when visiting
        an exhibition in a multimedia centre of a Russian museum (2 hours), and also as a tool for
        implementing a comparative analysis of the obtained results Quantitative and qualitative analysis
        of the collected data showed that PMMs allow studying new knowledge of specialists in the field
        of Digital Humanities.
            Keywords: Personal Meaning Maps, Digital Humanities, Blended Learning, Life Long
        Learning, eLearning, Digital Pedagogics, Digital Competences, Technological Pedagogical Content
        Knowledge, Learning Design, ARCS Model

1       Introduction
In this paper, we aimed at assessing visitors’ learning and perception about a topic or a master-
piece when visiting a museum and learning at university. With this aim, we applied the Personal
Meaning Maps methodology (PMM), commonly used for museum experiences, in the course “Museum
Information Systems”, implemented under the Program “Applied Informatics in Arts and Humani-
ties” of Saint Petersburg State University. The Course objectives are the development of students’
competencies aimed at designing, presenting, evaluating various digital humanities resources. Our
pedagogical approach promotes knowledge and skills acquisition that reflect equally humanitarian
and technological components of cultural objects. This aspect is one of the current issues of con-
temporary digital humanities pedagogy. The study presented follows previous research on a scientific
    Copyright c 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0
International (CC BY 4.0).

museum [Villa et al., 2018]. To fit the requirements of a cultural museum, we adapted and extended
the methods used there, obtaining an optimized version.
      The core of this qualitative method consists of comparing a person’s knowledge change before
and after visiting a museum or attending a lesson. Thanks to the qualitative approach used, it is
possible to have a complex picture of a person’s knowledge about a topic. Furthermore, it is possible
to investigate how this knowledge is organized and if and how the individuals developed connections
with other conceptual domains, both related to personal experiences and previous studies. So PMMs
allow exploring both objective and subjective perspectives, the notions a person already has, and
his/her particular vision. It is also used to assess knowledge as an expression of personal perception
about a topic or tour. Though this method requires collecting qualitative data, a quantitative analysis
is possible, and we will describe later how we operationalized it in the present study.
      Methods based on PMMs are particularly interesting in various educational contexts because
they provide professionals (e.g. teachers, researchers, etc.) with significant and original data
about a learner. For instance, it is possible to collect data about personal perception, emotions,
cognitive biases, social interactions, and motivations: all aspects crucially involved in a learning
process [Barsalou, 1999]. These data are precious in education contexts beyond traditional ap-
proaches [Estes, 1960],[Gagné, R. M., 1962], which tended to focus only on top-down aspects of
learning and teaching. Instead, recent cognitive science studies unveil the importance of consid-
ering students as active participants in a teaching setting. This way it is possible to broadly ac-
tivate learners’ cognitive systems, stimulating the brain networks needed for long-standing learn-
ing and sustain their motivation. Learners need to develop flexible and coherent representations
[Barsalou & Wiemer-Hastings, 2005], [Glenberg & Kaschak, 2010], [Pecher et al., 2011] as well as
connections among different conceptual areas. A concept results from deductive and inductive pro-
cesses, a negotiation between the person and the context, new and previous knowledge. For this
reason, a more situated, active, and engaging approach is needed, so to promote the learner’s sense-
making and knowledge development [Soloway et al., 1996].
      In this sense, visiting a museum may be considered a learning context, where it is easier to
promote engaging and meaningful learning activities [Falk & Dierking, 1992]. Moreover, museums
are social contexts with a strong role in lifelong, multi-faceted, rich, and complex learning. However,
the impact of the museum experience of learning is not easily measurable, also because each individual
plays an idiosyncratic role in shaping his/her learning path.
      Broadly speaking, our perspective integrates a constructivist vision [?] with a neuroscientific
approach. In previous research [Banzi & Folgieri, 2012], we have analyzed the effect of methods
like cognitive and perceptual priming, also collecting electroencephalographic data (EEG) by the
use of a Brain-Computer Interface [Allison, 2007], on attention and memory [Folgieri et al., 2013],
[Calore et al., 2012] at the Pinacoteca Ambrosiana (Milan, Italy). Behavioral and EEG data revealed
that the individuals who received the priming stimuli showed an increase in their level of attention
and memory. The EEG also recorded an increase in Beta and Gamma rhythms, known to be related
to active thinking and attention. This study suggested how the cognitive approach can improve their
experience and learning, but a qualitative analysis of the personal experience was not possible. In
particular, we observed that the method could be improved by including other components, such as
interactions and emotions, which can be analyzed using the PMM method.
      In this framework, we believe that the visitor’s learning should be evaluated with a methodology
capable of grasping the qualitative and multi-faceted nature of knowledge development and capturing
each visitor’s perspective.
      We argue that a PMM-based method also has the potentiality to be significantly applied to
investigate and boost the learning process at university, to be considered a tool the help students’
self-reflection and foster exchange feedback with teachers.

2     Materials and methods
2.1    Personal Meaning Mapping
As mentioned in the introduction, the personal meaning mapping, or PMM [Falk, 2003], also considers
the previous knowledge of the visitors and their point of view. For this reason, we chose to adopt this
approach to perform our analysis.
     The PMM is based on a relativist-constructivist approach and emphasizes grasping the personal
point of view on experience, on the process of constructing the personal meaning, based on the
individual’s background.
     It’s a tool that allows highlighting the uniqueness of the learning outcome, different for each
person. The PMM reveals the individual participants’ sense-making due to the interaction between
personal perceptions, previous knowledge, the influence of social interactions, and physical setting.
     PMM stimulates the expression of subjective experience. As a useful and effective tool to
gather and analyze data, it can also be slightly modified based on the setting it’s applied to or
on the specific aim of the studies. Thus it can be used in different ways. [Cook & Cousens, 2009],
[McCreedy & Dierking, 2013].
     In this case, taking into account the museum visit characteristics, in this study, we used the
methods applied by Villa and colleagues (2008) at the Science Museum of Milan “Leonardo da Vinci”.
This method is based on the work of Falk and from the grounded theory [Glaser & Strauss, 1967].
     The different colours reflect:

    1. the visitor individual pre-visit ideas and thoughts (black);

    2. the visitor pre-visit ideas and thoughts, supervised by the researcher (blue);

    3. the visitor individual post-visit ideas and thoughts (green);

    4. the visitor post-visit ideas and thoughts, supervised by the researcher (red)

      Regarding the analysis of the PMM, Falk considers four parameters:
      Extent: measured by counting each word or phrase used in the pre- and post-phases and assessing
the change in the use of appropriate vocabulary and the extension of knowledge of a topic.
      Breadth: refers to the extent of the visitor’s comprehension. It measures the change in the
number of appropriate concepts adopted.
      Depth: involves the level of understanding and is determined based on a scale of four or five
levels, from “superficial” to “deep”.
      Mastery: this refers to how easily the visitor masters the concepts he or she uses. It is the
expression of the quality of one’s understanding and whether it is closer to that of a novice or an
      Since these parameters, although mainly focused on a cognitive-notional aspect of the visit,
and that we also considered the emotional involvement of the learning experience, we extended the
previous methods. This adaptation was also necessary because the visitors are often adults, while
previous works were primarily targeted at children.
      The words in the sentences of the participants were interpreted through two dimensions:

    1. The first consists of categories related to all possible aspects of the visitor experience at a
       museum (see table 1).

    2. The second considers their previous knowledge and includes parameters that define the depth
       of reflection and conceptual elaboration of visitors. It is based on a scheme proposed by
       [Webb et al., 2005]. The four levels of depth go from the lowest one, which refers to an im-
       mediate and straightforward expression of a concept. The highest one refers to the capacity to

         Figure 1: The PMM at the final stage. Colours’ order: black, blue, green, and red

      elaborate on what has been learned to trigger a new insight and related argumentations. Each
      consideration reported from the visitors in the phases of pre- and post-visit was assigned to one
      of the four levels to compare the depth of conceptual expressions on a topic before and after
      the visit.

2.2   The sample
The research object is a blended learning process that includes Face-to-face lectures, workshops,
discussions, etc. The interaction with the electronic application of the course is published in the
e-Learning portal of Saint Petersburg State University and a guided tour of the Multimedia Center
of Russian State Museum. The purposes of the experiment are the following:

   • Identify factors influencing the development of digital humanitarian knowledge among students
     of the 3rd year of study (19 years –22 years).

   • Determining the effectiveness of Personal Meaning Maps (PMMs) as a feedback tool for peda-
     gogical aims.

                      Table 1: The typology of experience [Pekarik et al., 1999]

       5*Оbject experience        Seeing “the real thing”
                                  Seeing rare/uncommon/valuable objects
                                  Being moved by the beauty
                                  Imagining what owning this type of object maybe like
                                  Carrying on with my professional development
       2*Cognitive experience     Gaining information or knowledge
                                  Enriching understanding
       5*Introspective experi-    Imagining different places and times
                                  Reflecting on the meaning of what I was seeing
                                  Reminiscing about my journeys/the experiences of my
                                  Perceiving a spiritual connection
       2*Social experience        Spending time with friends/family/other people
                                  Seeing my children learning new things

                 Table 2: Levels of the depth of the comments [Webb et al., 2005]

  Level                Learner’s action                         Key action
  Level 1: Recall      Requires the recall of information,      List, Tell, Define, Classify, Identify,
                       such as a fact, a definition, a term,    Name, State, Write, Place
                       a simple procedure.
  Level 2: Concept     Involves mental skills and concepts      Estimate, Compare, Organize, In-
                       or produces a response.                  terpret, Modify, Make Predictions,
                                                                Establish Cause/Effect Relations,
  Level 3:Strategic    Requires reasoning, planning, using      Criticize, Formulate, Speculate,
  Thinking             evidence, and a higher level of think-   Build, Review, Investigate, Differ-
                       ing.                                     entiate, Compare
  Level 4: Extended    Requires complex reasoning, experi-      Design, Connect, Synthesize, Apply,
  Thinking             mental design, and planning, devel-      Criticize, Analyze, Create, Try
                       opment, and thinking. Cognitive ef-
                       fort is more demanding, and learn-
                       ers have to make connections within
                       and among the domains of the sub-

     The research was held in the frame of the course “Museum Information Systems”, realized under
the Program “Applied Informatics in Arts and Humanities” of Saint Petersburg State University. The
Course goals are the development of the university students’ competencies in theory and practice of
Digital Humanities in the blended learning process.

      The course includes 64 hours, there are thirty-two hours of face-to-face classroom work and thirty-
two hours of asynchronous work. The students do homework individually and in groups in the online
part of the course, which is published on the Saint Petersburg State University e-learning platform
(LMS BlackBoard). The face-to-face part of the course is held as lectures, seminars, discussions
according to the following units: Introduction to Museum Studies, Museum as Information System,
Information Technologies Application in Museums, Digital Cultural Heritage and Digital Humanities.
Special attention is paid to a wide range of aspects of virtual museums issues. In this regard, the
“Virtual Museum” is one of the significant terms of the course.
      Fifteen years of cooperation between the State Russian Museum and Saint Petersburg State
University within the framework of the international project “Russian Museum: Virtual Branch”
opens up broad opportunities for understanding the theoretical aspects of the phenomenon and their
practical implementation at the modern museum.
      Russian Museum provides Saint Petersburg State University students with a wide range of
opportunities to study the originals and copies of masterpieces of Russian Fine Arts. Along with
providing access to open online resources, students get possibilities to work with the project’s media
library, which includes almost 3000 electronic and print publications. In addition, students attend
the virtual lecture hall of the Multimedia Center of the Russian State Museum and have face-to-face
meetings with the museum’s specialists at the University or the Museum is of particular importance.
This collaboration is a warp for holding an experiment to explore the perspectives of PMMs application
to the educational process both at the university and the museum.
      A guided tour around the thematic multimedia exhibit “Our Romantic Emperor”, dedicated to
the era of Paul I, was held at the Multimedia Center of the Russian Museum. During the excursion, the
museum’s expert accompanied and introduced the visitors to the life of Emperor Paul I, members of
his family and courtiers reflects in works of art and museum objects and based on historical facts. The
guide’s narrative was completed by an individual study of the exhibits based on the interaction with
multimedia installations and games. Students received access to the treasures of painting, drawing,
applied art, filmed in the highest quality, the bachelors’ learned about the types and genres of fine art,
artists and styles, as well as the process of restoration, attribution of paintings. Thirty-five third-year
bachelors (19-22 years old) took part in the experiment.
      During the experiment process, the students were asked to complete two types of PMM: one is
dynamic and another is static. The dynamic PMM (d-PMM) refers to a map completed during the
semester, while a static PMM (s-PMM) is a map designed within 2-3 hours before and after the tour.
Control and experimental materials were derived respectively by Static and dynamic PMMs.

2.3   Experimental setup
The term “Historical Hero” was chosen as the term used to work with the static PMM. The filling out
procedure of PMM corresponded to the standard algorithm and included the following stages. Each
student filled up the map before and after the visit following four steps: implementation of stages
1 and 2 of the completion of the PMM included defining the student’s ideas (shown in black) and
the student’s thoughts, reflected in the interview with the researcher (marked in blue). After the
guided tour, the 3rd and 4th stages of the PMM filling in were carried out, which consisted of adding
more statements by the students before the second interview with the researcher (3rd stage, shown
in green) and after the interview (4th stage, marked in red).
       The definition “Virtual Museum” was offered to students to work with dynamic PMMs. The
filling out of the dynamic PMM procedure was carried out following the proposed algorithm. It
included four steps, two before and two after a guided tour around the multimedia Center in Russian
Museum. However, this work differed from the previous one because of the time extension to filling
in the PMM, which included 4 months (autumn term), in contrast to the 2-3 hours in the case of the
static PMMs completion.

      The design of the dynamic PMM at the first stage (defining the student’s ideas with black colour)
took place in the first lesson. The preparation is of the dynamic PMM based on the reflection of the
student’s thoughts raised during the interview with the researcher (stage 2, blue colour) was carried
out at the 8th lesson after participating in the educational process. This path included listening to
lectures, participating in seminars, interactive interaction with the electronic part of the course, and
immediately visiting the museum.
      The third stage of the dynamic PMMs filling out was carried out during the tenth lesson, which
took place in the museum. Right after the guided tour, students filled in the PMM, which consisted of
the students’ statements, thought up before the interview with the researcher (stage 3, green colour).
The fourth stage of the study was conducted at the 14th lesson and consisted of refining the students’
statements, which were made at the third stage of the experiment. The thoughts expressed during
this interview are marked with red (4th stage, red colour).
      Quantitative results of the experiment are presented in Tables 3 and 4. Comparison of the depth
of the comment in the control and experimental materials (Table 3) showed that the museum visit
with pedagogical aims had a deeper effect on students’ training than a guided tour without previous
lectures, seminars, and self-study.

Table 3: Level of the Depth of the Comments in the Control and the Experimental PMMs
[Webb et al., 2005]

 Level          quantities     quantities     Learner’s action            Key actions
                of    РММ      of    РММ
                (dPMM)         (sPMM)
 Level 1: Re-   49             49             Requires the recall of      List, Tell, Define, Clas-
 call                                         information, such as a      sify, Identify, Name,
                                              fact, a definition, a       State, Write, Place
                                              term, or a simple proce-
 Level   2:     30             17             Involves mental skills      Estimate, Compare, Or-
 Concept                                      and concepts or pro-        ganize, Interpret, Mod-
                                              duces a response.           ify, Make Predictions,
                                                                          Establish Cause/Effect
                                                                          Relations, Summarize
 Level     3:   17             1              Requires       reasoning,   Criticize,    Formulate,
 Strategic                                    planning, using evi-        Speculate,        Build,
 Thinking                                     dence, and a higher         Review,      Investigate,
                                              level of thinking.          Differentiate, Compare
 Level    4:    19             1              Requires complex rea-       Design, Connect, Syn-
 Extended                                     soning,     experimental    thesize, Apply, Criti-
 Thinking                                     design, and planning,       cize, Analyze, Create,
                                              development,         and    Try
                                              thinking.       Cognitive
                                              effort is more demand-
                                              ing, and learners have
                                              to make connections
                                              within and among the
                                              domains of the subjects.

     The comprehension of dynamic PMMs allows us to distinguish three groups of students depend-

ing on the depth of assimilation of the term “virtual museum” [Webb et al., 2005].
      Level 1: Students can reproduce the term “virtual museum” and classify signs of virtual museums.
      Level 2: Students can arrange objects within the term “virtual museum”. For example, learners
can distinguish a virtual museum as a form of Internet publication and multimedia exhibit, an original
work of fine arts and its electronic copy, restoration of the original, and creating its digital copy.
Students’ statements, which demonstrate the understanding of the role of humanities knowledge in
creating a virtual museum, are especially valuable. For example: “An expert in art history develops
the museum concept, and the museum is implemented by specialists of information technologies”,
“Virtual Museum is a product of the joint work of art historians and programmers”, “Content virtual
museum is a combination of information technology and humanitarian knowledge”.
      Level 3-4: Students can evaluate objects, phenomena within the “virtual museum” definition
and provide different explanation/narrative buildup methods. For example, an assessment of the
panoramic cinema and online lecture hall as promising areas for developing the Multimedia Center’s
exhibit, and a demonstration of virtual reconstructions of 2005-07 as historical rarities. The following
students’ statements are examples of their understanding of such an approach: “A multimedia exhibit
reflects the history of the development of information technologies application in a museum and this
aspect will be more interesting over time”, ”It is especially interesting that you can see the most
modern and most "ancient" technologies”.
      The analysis of static PMMs allowed us to characterize two groups of students according to the
depth of term “Historical Hero” understanding [Webb et al., 2005].
      Level 1: Students can explain the “Historical Hero” definition, list members of the Romanov
dynasty, describe the empire court lifestyle, St Michael Castle construction process and peculiarities
of this building
      Level 2: Students can characterize the role of Paul I in the history of Russia, comparing it with
other historical figures.
      The explanation of the results [Webb et al., 2005], [Villa et al., 2018] evidence that guided tours
of the museum in the context of a traditional pedagogical process throughout the semester allow
developing professional competencies at the level of conceptualizing knowledge, rising strategic and
advanced thinking. Meanwhile, a one-time guided visit, which is not supported by the materials of
the educational process, may lead only to knowledge reproduction or re-organization.
      The comparison between dynamic and static PMMs according to the typology of experience
[Pekarik et al., 1999] shows the smallest correlation in the following parameters (Table 4).
      Evaluation of experience in the aspect of “continuing my professional development”: (35 (dPMM)
- 24 (cPMM),
      Enrichment of understanding: 49 (dPMM) - 12 (cPMM), Individual reflection regarding visual
objects: 49 (dPMM) - 30 (cPMM).
      These results can be interpreted from the point of view of professional competencies development
of future specialists in the digital humanities field. Students consider the Multimedia Center of
Russian State Museum as a “Virtual Museum” rather than the “Historical Hero” world. In other
words, bachelors continue their professional development, their enrichment of expert understanding
and individual reflection about what they saw in the multimedia exhibition with “Virtual Museum”,
rather than the history and art museum.

     Table 4: Typology of experience in control and experimental PMM [Pekarik et al., 1999].

3   Discussion and Conclusion
The experiment shows that PMM is an effective tool that reflects the cognitive processes of both
museum visitors and university students. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that
the filling out of PMM is intended to have the museum visitors reflect and think about information
and the transformation of their knowledge during a 2-3 hours period. In a university context, the
use of PMMs lasts four months and aims at two goals: the first consisting of obtaining relevant and
meaningful feedback about the method; the second consisting of investigating the blending learning
      Dialogues between students, experts and teachers represent a fundamental component of educa-
tion. In e-learning feedback forms are transforming, so studying and design the feedback methods in
a contemporary learning environment for pedagogical purposes is topical.
      Therefore, to achieve success at university education goals, an adaptation of the PMM method
was carried out. PMM was defined for two groups, namely, dynamic and static. Dynamic PMMs
(d-PMMs) reflect the student learning outcomes during the learning activities, including museum-
guided tours. The Static PMMs (s-PMM) are used to record the results of only the museum-guided

tour. Because the experiment aims to study the application of the PMM to the learning process as a
whole, a set of dynamic PMM (d-PMM) was considered as experimental group materials and static
PMM (s-PMM) were control materials, allowing the evaluation of the experiment results.
      Firstly, based on the fact that students present scientific concepts as flexible and consistent
statements [Barsalou & Wiemer-Hastings, 2005], [Glenberg & Kaschak, 2010], [Pecher et al., 2011],
creating affiliations between various theoretical and experimental areas, PMMs enable to track stu-
dents’ knowledge development according to a four-level model: from repetition and conceptualization
at stages 1 and 2 to demonstrate the capabilities of strategic and advanced thinking at stages 3-4.
      Significantly, this pedagogical tool activates common theoretical knowledge of learners and the
student’s personal experience, which altogether create conditions to gain a more complete intercon-
nection between digital and humanitarian knowledge, as well as the scientific phenomenon and a
historical fact.
      Secondly, PMMs allow for each student to create a “baseline for discussions” and for the whole
group to create criteria as the starting step for interactions with professionals, which ultimately serves
the development of competencies related to the implementation of a wide range of communications
in academic and business spheres. This aspect is coherent with the idea that knowledge follows from
a negotiation between an individual and the environment [Brown et al., 1989].
      Here is the third benefit of PMMs as a method for university education. Museums are natural
environments that allow acquiring knowledge in an informal context of learning and realizing “learning
by choice” [Falk & Dierking, 1992]. Museums can play a key role in lifelong learning PMMs aid
students to enrich competencies of interaction with a cognitive environment, the museum’s collections
in this case.
      Finally, PMM serves to develop competencies related to the self-evaluation of one’s knowledge.
It is extremely important today when each person has to play an active role in designing their lifelong
learning trajectory, determining its content, duration, location, etc. This approach corresponds to
the current situation when the traditional “top-down” process of creating repositories of abstract
and common codes in the brain of learners is transformed into the design of individual educational
trajectories on students’ demands.
      Every beginner scholar has individual characteristics, perceptions, emotions, social interactions,
and motivations that affect his/her learning and generate cognitive distortions. Feedback is a signifi-
cant way to identify these distortions and to recognize if these are mistakes or creative insights.
      E-learning allows to expand the arsenal of feedback methods by attracting the potential of a
group of students, external experts, etc Such an approach, in turn, allows developing innovative
pedagogical methods aimed at the growth of the students’ competencies demanded in the modern
academic community. In this context, the Personal Meaning Maps can be successfully applied as a
tool of feedback at different levels with different goals. In particular, as shown in this study, PMMs
may be used to assess personal experience, the enrichment of specific knowledge, and emotion, and
other social aspects.
      Furthermore, PMMs may measure changes in knowledge organization and consolidation over the
short, medium, or even long run. Finally, PMMs can be considered a valid and easy-to-use method
to be applied to various contexts. In this view, PMMs are also educational tools that the students
will be able to use in their future professional life.
      Further development will consist of performing a quantitative analysis of the collected data and
designing and developing a tool to fill a digital version of PMMs. Also, we intend to continue the
study by including in the research the collection of EEG data from visitors.

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