=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2920/paper_3 |storemode=property |title=Professional Training for Data Analysts: Current Trends, required skills and competences |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2920/paper_3.pdf |volume=Vol-2920 |authors=Ekaterina Terbusheva }} ==Professional Training for Data Analysts: Current Trends, required skills and competences== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2920/paper_3.pdf
    Professional training for data analysts: current trends,
               required skills and competences∗
                                          Ekaterina Terbusheva1
                                           terbushevae@gmail. ru
                                Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
                                    St. Petersburg, Russian Federation


            The article discusses the requirements for different professionals in the field of data analysis
        and views on the training of such specialists. The key competencies for data analysis are revealed
        based on a literature review, training programs review and labor market analysis. The paper
        describes a study of the Russian labor market, which compares the required skills in the vacancies
        selected by the keywords “Analyst”, “Data analysis”, “Data mining”, “Machine learning”, “Big data”
        and “Data Science”. The obtained results can be used in the development of data analysis curricula
        for students of various specialties.
            Keywords: data analysts training, skills for analytics, data analysis curricula, labor market
        analytics, data science, education.

1       Introduction
Data analysis is becoming an important competence for many professionals. The analysis of the data
accumulated in connection with the global digitalization allows us to extract useful information and
make more effective decisions on its basis. For example, in the field of education, information obtained
from the learning process data due to analysis can be used to the personalization of learning by
creating intelligent learning systems (adaptive learning systems, systems with individual instructions)
[Scherzinger et al., 2018] [Chen et al., 2020] [Qi, 2018].
      In this regard, training of future specialists for data analysis will be increasingly in demand.
According to a joint study by hh.ru and the big data academy from Mail.ru Group, in 2019 there were
9.6 times more vacancies in the field of data analysis compared to 2015 [DS specialists]. Recognizing
the importance of qualified human resources, the study of necessary skills, as well as the labor supply
and demand, is one of the major focus in economics, sociology, and education. Previously, the skills
in demand were easy to assess and adapt to, because changes in a certain area were quite slow and
gradual, but now, development in many areas is rapid and the marketable skills can change quickly
and not always in a predictable way.
      There are different specialists in the field of data analysis. Depending on the application area and
the analysis methods used, the following professions are distinguished: business analyst, data analyst,
data scientist, big data analytics, marketing analyst, statistician, etc. The rapid development of the
data analysis field requires regular research of these and new vacancies in this field. It is important
    Copyright c 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0
International (CC BY 4.0).

to understand the differences between existing vacancies, as well as the key skills expected from
professionals. Such knowledge allows us to timely respond to changes and train qualified specialists.
      This article is devoted to the study of vacancies in the field of data analysis in the Russian
labor market and the identification of the necessary skills expected from applicants, as well as a
review of training programs for such specialists. The study is organized as follows. Section 2 provides
an overview of the key competencies and skills of data scientists based on the literature. Section 3
discusses training programs for students in the field of data science, both in Russian universities and
abroad. Section 4 describes the study of the Russian labor market, which are compared the required
skills in the vacancies selected by the keywords “Analyst”, “Data analysis”, “Data mining”, “Machine
learning”, “Big data” and “Data Science”.

2    An overview of key competencies in data analysis
A data analyst can interact with IT teams, management, and data scientists to set goals, collect data
from various sources, clean and reduce data, analyze and interpret results using standard statistical
tools and methods, identify trends, correlations and patterns in data sets, make summary reports and
visualize data for management, design, create and maintain relational databases and data systems,
determine whether the problems are caused by code or data. The term “Data Scientist” appeared
recently but has already entrenched itself in the labor market. A data scientist is distinguished from a
data analyst by stronger technical skills in mathematics (linear algebra, calculus, probability theory,
etc.), statistics (hypothesis testing, summary statistics, etc.), machine learning, data mining, soft-
ware engineering (including distributed computing, algorithms and data structures), data clean and
integration, data visualization, unstructured data processing, programming (R and/or SAS, Python,
C/C + +, Java, Perl), big data processing (Hadoop, Hive, Pig), cloud services (like Amazon S3)
[Misnevs et al., 2016].
      In the article [Valencia, 2016] the competencies for a data science specialist are divided into spe-
cific and general (interdisciplinary) ones. In [Toleva-Stoimenova et al., 2019], this division is defined
as hard (technical) and soft (non-technical) skills, and analytical competencies are considered as the
intersection point of hard and soft data processing skills. Various specialists include the following
skills as soft skills: analytical type of thinking, the ability to work with a large amount of information,
attention, systematic thinking, the ability to business thinking and interact with clients, communi-
cation and presentation skills, business acumen, enterprise, curiosity, interdisciplinary orientation,
associative thinking, creativity. In [Bonesso et al., 2020], based on a study of flexible competencies
in data analysis and data science, they were divided into 6 groups:

    • awareness (self-awareness, empathy, organizational awareness as an organization’s understand-
      ing of current capabilities, abilities, potential, and results);

    • action (achievement orientation, initiative, focus on performance, self-control, risk management,
      collection of information, flexibility);

    • social (customer focus, persuasion, conflict management, teamwork, developing others, leader-

    • cognitive (diagnostic thinking, pattern recognition, system thinking, lateral thinking);

    • exploratory (questioning, observing, experimenting);

    • organizational action (visionary thinking, strategic thinking, opportunity recognition.

It is also appropriate to add ethical principles regarding questions of citation, data ownership, data
security and privacy to the group of soft social skills.

      A comparative analysis of the skills expected from a data analyst in Russia and the United States
[Skhvediani et al., 2019] showed that soft skills are most often found in American vacancies, and hard
skills in Russian ones. For example, in the Russian Federation programming skills are important,
while in the USA these skills are not included in the five most frequent requirements for candidates.
Among the 5 main categories of skills, only 3 ones are the same: statistical packages, structured data
management, decision making.

3    Trends in training data analysts
In the early 2010s, a shortage of specialists in the fields of big data processing and analysis was
identified in the world, and the growth of further demand for such specialists was predicted. To meet
the demand, universities have begun to actively develop and offer relevant curriculum.
     Currently, the website of the keystone company, which provides recruiting and marketing services
in the field of higher education and allows you to find information about degrees and career paths from
around the world, presents 312 master’s programs, 63 undergraduate programs and 6 PhD programs
in the field of data analysis [DegreePrograms]. The top 5 countries in terms of the number of master’s
degree programs presented on the website are the USA, Great Britain, France, Spain and Germany
(Fig. 1). From Russian universities here you can find 8 master’s programs: practical data analysis

Figure 1: Number of master’s degree programs in data analysis available to international students on
the keystone website

(Ural Federal University, campus and online), data and network analytics (HSE University, online),
Data Science (HSE University, campus and online), Data Science (The Skolkovo Institute of Science
and Technology, Skoltech), Data Science (Southern Federal University), Data Management (North-
Caucasus Federal University, campus). These statistics do not show the total number of programs
in the field of data analysis in the countries, since many programs may not be posted on the site or
may not be available to foreign students, but it shows the relative development in the training of the
specialists in question.
     A group of researchers in mathematics, statistics, and computer science [De Veaux et al., 2017]
developed curriculum guidelines for undergraduate programs in data science. To successfully cope with

all stages of data processing, from data collection to the presentation of results, it is recommended
to develop the following key competencies: analytical thinking, mathematical foundations, model
construction and evaluating, fundamentals of algorithms and programming, data preparation and data
management, knowledge transfer. The proposed content of the undergraduate program is presented
in Table 1.
      Currently, there is a tendency in Russia to training of specialists in the field of data analysis under
the master’s programs. At the Department of Theoretical Informatics of the Faculty of Mechanics
and Mathematics of the Moscow State University, it is planned to teach a specific specialization
in methods and algorithms of the representing, modeling, and analyzing large data based on the
courses “Data Models and Basics of Database Systems”, “Databases. Additional chapters”, “Big data
analytics. Basic algorithms”, “Big data analytics. Additional chapters”, as well as a number of special
workshops on selected areas in data science. It is assumed that students already know the material
on linear algebra and its applications, on probability theory and statistics, and on programming
[Glavatsky et al., 2016].
      An example of a program aimed at developing both technical and flexible skills is the master’s
program in Machine Learning and Big Data Technologies of Southern Federal University, which has
the following structure:
   • general professional disciplines (methodology of scientific activity, psychology of personal re-
     source management, professional and academic communication in the field of computer science,
     research project);

   • professional disciplines (algorithms and data structures, mathematical foundations for big data
     analysis, IS design and management, data mining methods, methods of artificial intelligence,
     software and hardware of information systems, modern problems and methods of applied com-
     puter science, technology of big data analysis, IT projects management, IT security, software
     and hardware information security and IS administration);

   • electives (intelligent Internet technologies, information, and psychological security of the indi-
      Not many universities in Russia which provide education for data science professionals. Neverthe-
less, following the leading universities of the country (St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg
State University of Economics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow State University,
HSE), training programs related to data analysis and data science are beginning to be developed at
other universities. For example, for the direction of training “Applied Mathematics and Informatics”
at Petrozavodsk State University in the 2021/2022 academic year, a new master’s program “Intelligent
Internet Technologies” is opening. Intelligent Internet technologies are based on data collection and
analysis solutions in the Internet of Things. The program includes the following academic disciplines:
technologies of intelligent spaces, intelligent Internet technologies, cyber-physical systems with arti-
ficial intelligence, technologies for programming data processing services, technologies for organizing
computing in the Internet environment, planning the capacity of network infrastructures, distributed
systems of the Internet of things, management of the software development process, documentation
and analytics in IT projects [Korzun et al., 2021].
      The existing master’s programs require certain technical skills in the fields of mathematics,
statistics, programming, and designed for training of students who have an undergraduate degree in
information technology and computer science. Such students already have a number of competencies
shown in Table 1.
      In addition to the incoming requirements focused on technical knowledge and skills, the arti-
cle [Toleva-Stoimenova et al., 2019] also proposes to evaluate the analytical thinking of students in
general as a necessary indicator of the student’s readiness to successfully completion of the program.
Analytical thinking abilities refer to the highest forms of cognitive activity and include the analysis

                   Table 1: Content of the undergraduate program in data science

                                            Competence group

        Objectives                                                   Content

                                         Mathematical foundations
- to form values of mathe-        - mathematical structures (functions, sets, relations) and logic;
matical methods with under-       - linear modeling and matrix computation (matrix algebra and factorization,
standing of their limitations;    eigenvalues/eigenvectors, projection/least-squares);
- to develop geometric, intu-     - optimization (calculus concepts related to differentiation);
itive, and visual thinking.       - multivariate thinking (concepts and numerical computation of multivariate
                                  derivatives and integrals);
                                  - probabilistic thinking and modeling (counting principles, univariate and
                                  multivariate distributions, and independence).
                                  Algorithms and Software Foundations
- to acquire the ability to       - development of algorithms (problem decomposition, evaluating alternative
build algorithmic solutions;      solutions, choosing an effective algorithm);
- to provide the readiness to     - programming concepts (procedural and functional programming);
implement them by program-        - data structures (lists, vectors, date frames, dictionaries, trees, and graphs);
ming in a high-level language.    - tools and environments (for input, output and transfer of data, transfor-
                                  mation and exploration of data, visualization and analysis, version control
                                  - work with big data (parallel programming, distributed data storages, work
                                  with streaming data).
                                              Data management
- develop the ability to effec-   - databases and systems that support big data;
tively apply the principles of    - query languages, both for relational databases (sql) and NoSQL systems;
data management.                  - collection of weakly structured data via the Internet, web services, access
                                  to streaming data;
                                  - cleaning and converting data into structured forms.
                                             Statistical modeling
- introduce students to statis-   - concepts of statistical analysis, statistical inference;
tical data analysis;              - exploratory data analysis and graphical data analysis methods;
- prepare for further compari-    - point and interval estimation and testing of hypotheses: statistical (as
son of linear models and non-     the central limit theorem, the law of large numbers) and algorithmic (as
linear approaches.                bootstrapping) approaches; likelihood theory, Bayesian methods;
                                  - Monte Carlo simulation of stochastic systems, inference based on resam-
                                  pling (bootstrap, jackknife, permutations);
                                  - introduction to models: simple linear, multivariate and generalized lin-
                                  ear models, algorithmic models (like decision trees and nearest neighbor
                                  method), unsupervised learning (clustering);
                                  - introduction to model estimation and selection (regularization,
                                  bias/variance tradeoff, cross-validation, penalized regression, ridge regres-
                                      Statistical and machine learning
- develop practical skills in     - alternatives to classical regression and classification - algorithmic analysis
applying widespread machine       of models, solving scalability and implementation issues - performance met-
learning methods to solve         rics and prediction quality, cross-validation - data transformations (creation
problems in various fields.       of new features, dimension reduction methods, such as principal component
                                  analysis, smoothing, and aggregation) - supervised vs. unsupervised learn-
                                  ing - ensemble methods (such as boosting, bagging, and model averaging)

     of statements or evidence, the ability to draw conclusions using inductive or deductive reasoning,
     the ability to evaluate, make decisions, or develop solutions to problems. To evaluate analytical
     competencies, the authors propose a questionnaire with five types of questions:
            [to identify similarities, differences, patterns in sequence, contradictions; to answers following
            the provided definition instead of using intuitive properties of this entity; to distinguish between
            facts and opinions; to compare and apply basic mathematical facts in everyday situations; to
            self-evaluation of their analytical thinking skills.

          In the next section we will look at the competencies that should be included in data analysis
     curricula based on labor market research.

     4     Analysis of the Russian labor market
     Let’s analyze the most popular job site in the Russian Federation - hh.ru in order to determine the
     current development of analytics in the Russian Federation, to identify the need for data analysis ex-
     perts and the requirements for them. Vacancies were collected separately for the keywords “Analyst”,
     “Data analysis”, “Data mining”, “Machine Learning”, “Big Data” and “Data Science” using an open
     project “Automation of search and analysis of vacancies hh.ru” [GitHubProject] and data were anal-
     ysed using Python libraries. Data mining (DM) is a direction in the field of information technology
     that studies methods for detecting hidden and useful patterns based on data. Machine Learning and
     Big Data are related to Data Mining areas. The number of vacancies found on the hh.ru website for
     each request for one month of 2021 in the Moscow region is shown in Table 2.

                                      Table 2: Number of vacancies on hh.ru

         Request on hh.ru      Number of vacancies            Request on hh.ru     Number of vacancies
           Data analysis             2000                      Machine learning          1506
             Analyst                 2000                         Big Data               1058
           Data mining                372                       Data Science              596

          372 vacancies were found for the keywords “Data mining”. The number of different companies
     that are looking for such specialists is 176. In the description of each job on the site, there is a
     separate field with key skills expected from the candidate. The analysis of these key skills helps to
     discover the actual knowledge and technologies used to solve the real problems of data analysis at the
     present stage. The top 10 key skills that are most prevalent in the “Data mining” vacancies are given
     in Figure 2.
          The most popular skills can be divided into several categories:

         1. Data mining

         2. Programming languages (often Python, less often C++, Java, VBA)

         3. Databases (SQL, Oracle, MS SQL Server)

         4. Mathematical statistics

         5. Operating systems (Linux)

         6. Foreign languages (English)

                            Figure 2: Key skills of a Data mining expert

      To show in more detail what is hidden under the first skill “data mining”, let’s look at the
identified tasks in the field of data mining based on the ontology of this area [OntoDM], which
includes the ontology of data types, the ontology of basic entities, and the ontology of research in the
field of DM. The concept “data mining task” refers to the main entities of the DM. The taxonomy of
tasks based on data types is given in Figure 3.

                              Figure 3: Taxonomy of data mining tasks

     The key skills for the jobs found on the vacancies website in the other search queries listed at
the beginning of this section are similar. The visualization of the key skills in the different groups

of vacancies using the Euler-Venn diagram (Fig. 4), which shows the intersections by skills for the
studied vacancies, allows to conduct a comparative analysis.

                            Figure 4: Frequent skills in data analysis jobs

     The main differences are:
   • vacancies for the query “Data Analysis” and “Analyst” involve a wider range of activities than
     vacancies for the query “Data mining” (for example, they include specialists who know statis-
     tical analysis and data visualization in Excel, as well as professionals who can model business
     processes using specialized tools);

   • vacancies on request “Bid data” also involves knowledge of technologies for working with big
     data, that cannot be processed using a single PC (such as Hadoop, Spark, Cloud technologies)
     and project management skills;

   • The top skills of a data scientist are identical to the top skills of a machine learning specialist,
     with the exception of PostgreSQL and the inclusion of project management and teamwork skills.

The demand for data analysis specialists exists and remains unmet, both in Russia and abroad.
The rapid development of data science leads to the emergence of new specializations in this field
and requires regular updating of existing and the development of new curricula aimed at training
qualified specialists. As the overview of the key competencies of the data science specialist showed,

it is necessary to develop both the technical rigid and flexible skills described in the article. The
study of the labor market in the Russian Federation allowed in addition to the skills in the fields of
mathematics, statistics, databases, management and big data processing, software development, which
are defined by many authors, to identify additional competencies expected from Russian specialists:
skills in working with the Linux operating system, knowledge of English, knowledge of specialized
tools for modeling and visualization of business processes.
      When training data analysts, we need to consider these key skills that are relevant for solving real-
world practical problems. We plan to apply the research results to adapt the educational data mining
training program [Piotrowska et al., 2019] to prepare specialists for the organization of personalized
learning based on the data of the digital educational environment.

The research was carried out within the state assignment of Ministry of Science and Higher Education
of the Russian Federation (project № FSZN-2020-0027)

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