=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2920/short_1 |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2920/short_1.pdf |volume=Vol-2920 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2920/short_1.pdf
      Proceedings of the NESinMIS – 2021
   (New Educational Strategies in the Modern
           Information Space – 2021∗
                  Tatiana Noskova                    Xenia Piotrowska
                 noskovatn@gmail.com                   krp62@mail.ru

                 Olga Yakovleva                          Tatiana Pavlova
            o.yakovleva.home@gmail.com                  pavtatbor@gmail.com

                                 Tatiana Ust’ygova
       Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Saint Petersburg

                                   Russian Federation

          The article presents a critical review and record of the conference “New Educa-
      tional Strategies in Modern Information Space - 2021”, held on April 7, 2021 in the
      Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Saint Petersburg. The main topic
      of the conference, digital educational environment included the following thematic
      sections:Digital educational practices, Digital educational environment; Training of
      the digital industry.
          Keywords:digital educational environment, modern information space, educa-
      tional strategies, computer science

    Copyright c 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

1     Introduction
     On April 7, 2021, the Institute of Computer Science and Technological Education of
the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia held the annual International Scientific
Conference “New Educational Strategies in the Modern Information Space”. It was or-
ganized for the 16th time [NESinMIS, 2012, NESinMIS, 2018, NESinMIS in Rus., 2019,
NESinMIS –2019, 2019, NESinMIS –2020, 2020, NESinMIS –2020 in Rus, 2020],
[NESinMIS–2021 in Rus., 2021].
     Conference participants were both Russian and foreign researchers. The geogra-
phy was diverse: Poland (The University of Silesia in Katowice), The Netherlands (The
University of Twente), Italy (University of Milan), Slovakia (The Constantine the Philoso-
pher University in Nitra), China (Nanjing Normal University), USA (University of Illinois,
Springfield, Illinois), Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (Transnistrian State University
named after T.G. Shevchenko).
     There was represented a variety of geography of Russian cities. There were re-
searchers from Russian educational institutions: Perm (Perm National Research Poly-
technic University), Arkhangelsk (Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V.
Lomonosov), Russky Island Vladivostok (Far Eastern Federal University).
     The conference was actively attended by educational institutions of St. Petersburg.
Researchers from the St. Petersburg State University, The Herzen State University of
Russia, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI”, the Saint Petersburg State
Forest Technical University, the St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television
and some educational institutions of St. Petersburg.
     The Conference informational support was organized by NESinMIS-2021 site.

2     Topics of Interest
      The conference topics concerned

    • Digital educational environment: General education and vocational school

    • Digital technologies for modern industry

    • Digital educational practices

     The analysis of the results of network discussions showed that the conference par-
ticipants showed the greatest interest in the work of the section “Digital educational

3    The Committee members of
     “New Educational Strategies in Modern Information
     Space - 2021”
Organizing Committee
     Tatiana Noskova Full doctor, Professor, The Herzen State Pedagogical University
of Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, Chair,
     Tatiana Pavlova, PhD, Associate-professor, The Herzen State Pedagogical Univer-
sity of Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation,
     Xenia Piotrowska, Full Doctor, Associate-professor, The Herzen State Pedagogical
University of Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation,
     Olga Yakovleva, PhD, Associate-professor, The Herzen State Pedagogical Univer-
sity of Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, Chair,
     Tatiana Ust’ygova, Assistant-professor, The Herzen State Pedagogical University
of Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
     Elisabeth Kovaleva, Postgraduate student, The Herzen State Pedagogical Univer-
sity of Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation

CEUR-WS Proceedings Editors
    Tatiana Noskova Full doctor, Professor, The Herzen State Pedagogical University
of Russia, Russian Federation, Chair
    Xenia Piotrowska, Full Doctor, Associate- professor, The Herzen State Pedagogical
University of Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation

Program Committee with CEUR-WS
      Tatiana Noskova, Full doctor, Professor, The Herzen State Pedagogical University
of Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
      Peter N. Boltuc, Full Professor, Department of Philosophy and Department of
Computer Science, University of Illinois, Springfield, Illinois, USA; University Professor,
E-LearningWarsaw School of Economics, Poland
      Nikolay, Borisov, Full Professor, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Peters-
burg, Russian Federation
      Piet Kommers, Full doctor, Professor UNESCO, The University of Twente, En-
schede, The Netherlands,
      Xenia Piotrowska, Full Doctor, Associate-professor, The Herzen State Pedagogical
University of Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation,
      Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska, Full doctor, Associate-professor, The University
of Silesia in Katowice, Poland,
      Rustam, Shadfiev, PhD, Professor, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China
      Martin Drlik, PhD, Associate-professor, The Constantine the Philosopher Univer-
sity in Nitra, Slovakia,
      Claudio, Lucchiari, PhD, Associate-professor in Cognitive Science, Department of
Philosophy, University of Milan, Milan, Italy
      Tatiana Pavlova, PhD, Associate-professor, The Herzen State Pedagogical Univer-
sity of Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation,

     Olga Yakovleva, PhD, aAssociate-professor, The Herzen State Pedagogical Univer-
sity of Russia, Saint-Petersburg
     Raffaella, Folgieri, Assistant-professor, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Hu-
manities, University of Milan, Milan, Italy

4    Conference Facts
     The high research level was proved by the participants’ academic level and their
research standing: 20% had the status of Full Doctor and 31% PhD in Computer Science,
Psychology, Pedagogic, Applied Math, Technology and Engineering; 49% - Postgraduates
and students. More than half of the participants (53%) were young scientists under 39
whose interests apportioned the conference topics.

                         Figure 1: Some NESinMIS-2021 Facts

5    Overview of Accepted Papers
      The total number of submitted reports was 47. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, scien-
tific discussion was held with the remote participation of Russian and foreign colleagues
via video. From March 9 to April 7, 2021, Internet-forum was organized as a virtual

scientific discussion. So temporary difficulties did not prevent the conference organizing
committee from recommending the best 13 scientific papers in English for publication with
CEUR-WS platform. Another 37 papers were published in Russian in Herzen University
Proceedings of NESin MIS[NESinMIS–2021 in Rus., 2021].
      The reports, presented at the Conference, allowed drawing a broad picture of modern
digital education development. Such aspects as an individual educational route, adap-
tive learning, electronic communication, web-resources design, educational data, and text
mining, DDL and content-language integrated learning, formation of teachers’ digital
competencies through algoritmization and data-mining drill were discussed. In the voca-
tional training context, the most topical questions of e-learning, developing professional
skills, and students’ autonomy were debated. Besides, risks and issues of the electronic

                 Figure 2: Information on accepted papers and reports

environment influence on a person were considered - computer anxiety, and upbringing in
the electronic informational and educational environment.

     We would like to thank all the participants of the conference, the authors, reviewers
and members of Organizing, Program, Post Proceedings, and Executive Committees,
who helped in the selection of the papers by providing timely assistance. We would like
to thank the local organizers of the conference whose devotion and efficiency made this
instance of “New Educational Strategies in the Modern Information Space” in 2021 as a
useful and effective scientific forum.

[NESinMIS, 2012] New Educational Strateges in Modern Informational Space. (2012).
   Proceedings of Scientific Conference. Ed. by T. Noskova et al. Desember, 2, 2012,
   Saint-Petersburg, Russia. 208 p.(In Rus.) = Novye obrazovatel’nye strategii v sovre-
   mennom informacionnom prostranstve: Sbornik nauchnyh statei. SPb.: Izd-vo Lema,
   2012. - 208 s. Avaible at http://http://fit-herzen-conf.ru/pdf/2011-12.pdf

[NESinMIS, 2018] New Educational Strateges in Modern Informational Space(2018) Pro-
   ceedings (Scientific papers). Ed. by T. Noskova et al. March, 26, 2018, Saint-
   Petersburg, Russia. 220p.(In Rus.) = Novye obrazovatel’nye strategii v sovremennom
   informacionnom prostranstve: Sbornik nauchnyh statei po materialam mezhdunarod-
   noi nauchnoi konferencii.26 marta 2018 goda. SPb.: Izd-vo RGPU im. A.I. Gercena.-
   220s. Avaible at http://fit-herzen-conf.ru/pdf/2018.pdf

[NESinMIS in Rus., 2019] New Educational Strateges in Modern Informational
   Space(2019) Proceedings (Scientific papers). Ed. by T. Noskova et al. March,
   26, 2019, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. 220p.(In Rus.) = Novye obrazovatel’nye strategii
   v sovremennom informacionnom prostranstve: Sbornik nauchnyh statei po materi-
   alam mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferencii.26 marta 2019 goda. SPb.: Izd-vo RGPU
   im. A.I. Gercena.- 220s. Avaible at http://fit-herzen-conf.ru/pdf/2018.pdf

[NESinMIS –2019, 2019] New Educational Strateges in Modern Informational
   Space(NESinMIS – 2019) Proceedings. Ed. by T. Noskova et al. March, 26, 2019, Saint-
   Petersburg, Russia.CEUR-WS, Vol. 2401. – 96p. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2401/

[NESinMIS –2020, 2020] New Educational Strateges in Modern Informational
   Space(NESinMIS – 2020) Proceedings. Ed. by T. Noskova et al. March, 25, 2020, Saint-
   Petersburg, Russia.CEUR-WS, Vol. 2620. – 122p. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2630/

[NESinMIS –2020 in Rus, 2020] New Educational Strateges in Modern Informational
   Space(NESinMIS – 2020) Proceedings. Ed. by T. Noskova et al. March, 25, 2020,
   Saint-Petersburg, Russia.CEUR-WS, Vol. 2620. – 122p.(In Rus)= Novye obrazova-
   tel’nye strategii v sovremennom informacionnom prostranstve: Sbornik nauchnyh
   statei po materialam mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferencii. Saint-Petersburg, March
   09-25, 2020. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43797539

[NESinMIS–2021 in Rus., 2021] New Educational Strateges in Modern Informational
   Space(NESinMIS – 2021) Proceedings. Ed. by T. Noskova et al. March 16 – April,
   7, 2021, Saint-Petersburg, Publish House "Asterion".In Rus – 228p.= Novye obrazo-
   vatel’nye strategii v sovremennom informacionnom prostranstve: Sbornik nauchnyh
   statei po materialam mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferencii. https://www.elibrary.
   ru/item.asp?id=46253373DOI: 10.53115/9785001880363
