=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2923/paper17 |storemode=property |title=Detection of Attacks in Wireless Networks of IoT |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2923/paper17.pdf |volume=Vol-2923 |authors=Olexander Belej,Nataliia Bokla,Lіubov Нalkiv |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/cpits/BelejBa21 }} ==Detection of Attacks in Wireless Networks of IoT== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2923/paper17.pdf
Detection of Attacks in Wireless Networks of IoT
Olexander Beleja, Nataliia Boklaa, and Lіubov Нalkiva
    Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12 Stepan Bandera str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine

                 The article considers the problems of ensuring the fault tolerance and reliability of the
                 system, which are the main characteristics of the wireless Internet of Things. Wireless data
                 networks continue to grow rapidly. However, security in these networks often does not meet
                 the required level. Intrusion detection systems are used to protect against wireless network
                 attacks. Thanks to modern computing capabilities, the task of analyzing the parameters of
                 network traffic for signs of an attack can be solved using data mining. The analysis of
                 network attacks relevant to local wireless networks is carried out. The results of the
                 experiments allow us to conclude about the practical significance of the proposed approach to
                 detecting attacks in local wireless Internet of Things.

                 Keywords 1
                 Internet of things, network traffic, wireless, attack, detection systems.

1. Introduction
   Wireless networks have gained immense popularity. Their wide distribution is due to the
undeniable advantages over traditional cable networks: ease of deployment, mobility of users in the
network coverage area, easy connection of new users. On the other hand, the security of such
networks often limits their use. If an attacker needs to have a physical connection to the network
during an attack on a wired network, in the case of wireless networks, he can be anywhere in the
network coverage area. Also, these networks are subject to attacks that are related to the imperfection
of the data transmission protocol in wireless IoT networks. Due to the low level of security, such
networks are of limited use in IoT.
   Due to the instability and poor protection of wireless networks, various researchers are looking for
ways to improve current protocols. In [1], the author proposes to encrypt the entire MAC data block
(MPDU), including MAC headers, except for the sequence of checking the FCS frame, which will
lead to significant delays in data transmission and low bandwidth of the channel. Another approach is
to enter a hash in the control frame of a certain string known only to a particular sender, by
transmitting which in the future it can be uniquely identified and processed [2]. However, this method
prevents only one type of attack.
   In practice, to protect against network attacks, ordinary users and small organizations are usually
limited to the use of anti-virus software or special additional security modules [3]. Large businesses
are forced to buy expensive wireless intrusion detection systems (WIDS). However, there are
currently no generally accepted standards in this area. Often the problem of assigning a fragment of
network traffic to some type of attack or normal network activity can be solved by using methods of
data mining (DM) [4].
   In [5, 6] to solve this problem, the use of neural networks and the method of reference vectors
Support Vector Machine (SVM) is proposed. In [7] the approach to the organization of the attack
detection system of the neural network based on the two-layer perceptron and the Kohonen network
was considered. It should be noted that the above studies concerned the detection of intrusions into
traditional wired networks [8].

Cybersecurity Providing in Information and Telecommunication Systems, January 28, 2021, Kyiv, Ukraine
EMAIL: oleksandr.i.belei@lpnu.ua (A.1); lubov.i.halkiv@lpnu.ua (A.2); nataliia.i.bokla@lpnu.ua (A.3)
ORCID: 0000-0003-4150-7425 (A.1); 0000-0001-5166-8674 (A.2); 0000-0002-8919-6622 (A.3)
              ©️ 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
              Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
              CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)

    Despite the significant amount of work on the targeted use of data mining methods to detect
attacks specific to local wireless networks, this area of research requires further study and
experimentation with different algorithms for detecting attacks in wireless IoT networks. For this
reason, this study examines the main types of attacks inherent in wireless networks, some
recommended methods of protection against them, and proposes the architecture of an attack
detection system based on data mining methods. At the end of the study, the evaluation of the
effectiveness of the used algorithms for detecting attacks in wireless IoT networks.

2. Attacks Implemented in the Wireless Networks of IoT
    Wireless network attacks are based on the interception of network traffic from an access point or
traffic between two connected stations, as well as the introduction of additional data into a wireless
session. To better understand the types of wireless attacks that an attacker can carry out against a
wireless network, it is important to classify them. Thus, attacks can be directed at different levels of
the OSI model: application, transport, network, channel, and physical.
    Depending on the purpose of the attack, specific to the family of 802.11 protocols, can be divided
into several categories [9]: obtaining unauthorized access to the network; violation of integrity; breach
of confidentiality; violation of access; theft of personal data.
    Depending on the purpose of the attack on local wireless networks, OSI models can be divided
into several categories [10]:
        Obtaining unauthorized access to the network: false access point; MAC spoofing; hacking the
network client; hacking of access points.
        Integrity violation: 802.11 frame input; play 802.11 data, delete 802.11 data; play 802.1X
EAP; play 802.1X RADIUS.
        Breach of confidentiality: eavesdropping; evil twin; AP phishing; the man in the middle.
        Accessibility violations: radio frequency noise; Queensland DoS; Probe with a request for
        Associate/authenticate/disconnect/de-authenticate an attack; 802.1X EAP Start, EAP Failure
        Authentication bypass: pre-shared key; Theft of personal data 802.1X; 802.1X EAP
Decrease; 802.1X password hacking; hacking of domain accounts; hacking WPS pin.
    These attacks are based on the use of vulnerable wireless networks presented in the WVE database
        Sending probe requests with a zero-length SSID tag field (WVE-2006-0064).
        EAP denial attacks (WVE-2005-0050).
        RTS / CTS attacks (WVE-2005-0051).
        The capture of WLAN packets of dissociation (WVE-2005-0046).
        The capture of a wireless local area network by network packets (WVE-2005-0045).
        Sending an invalid authentication reason code.
        Sending too long SSID (WVE-2006-0071, WVE-2007-0001).
        Sending the Airjack beacon frame (WVE-2005-0018).
        Sending invalid channel numbers in beacon frames (WVE-2006-0050).
    Wireless access testing for WPA2-Enterprise. In this case, the connection means a sequence of
packets that begin and end at certain points in time, between which data streams are transmitted from
the source IP address to the IP address of the recipient using a specific protocol [12]. Each connection
is referred to as normal or as some type of attack from four categories of attacks: denial of service
(DoS), unauthorized acquisition of user rights Remote to Local (R2L), an unauthorized increase of
user rights to superuser User to Root (U2R) and sounding. The ratio of the number of attacks of
different types is shown in Tables 1 and 2.

Table 1.
The ratio of the number of attack signatures for the training base in the wireless network of IoT
                         Normal                            67343
                                 DoS                               R2L
                  Class                Quantity     Class               Quantity
                  neptune              41214        guess_passwd        162
                  smurf                2646         ftp_write           8
                  Pod                  201          imap                11
                  teardrop             892          phf                 4
                  land                 18           multihop            7
                  back                 956          warezmaster         40
                                U2R                              Probe
                  Class                Quantity     Class               Quantity
                  buffer_overflow      30           portsweep           2931
                  load-module          9            upsweep             3599
                  Perl                 3            satan               3633
                  rootkit              10           nmap                1493

Table 2.
The ratio of the number of attack signatures for the test base in the wireless network of IoT
                         Normal                            9711
                                 DoS                               R2L
                  Class                Quantity     Class              Quantity
                  neptune              4657         guess_passwd       1231
                  smurf                665          ftp_write          3
                  Pod                  41           imap               1
                  teardrop             12           phf                2
                  land                 7            multihop           18
                  back                 359          warezmaster        944
                                U2R                               Probe
                  Class                Quantity     Class              Quantity
                  buffer_overflow      20           portsweep          157
                  load-module          2            upsweep            141
                  Perl                 2            satan              735
                  rootkit              13           nmap               73

    Some of these types of attacks are losses due to the use of radiofrequency data technology, and
also depend on the human factor and must be addressed through organizational measures. Wireless
intrusion detection (WIDS) systems are significantly different from network security systems, except

3. Attacks Implemented in the Wireless Networks of IoT
    The decision on the security of any network activity in commercial security systems is
implemented using closed algorithms, the principle of which is a trade secret. Moreover, the stated
number and types of detected attacks differ for different products, although in reality, they belong to
the same type of attack, which is explained by the lack of standards in the classification.
    The problem of detecting and classifying attacks can be solved using data analysis methods (DM),
which allow identifying significant relationships, patterns, and trends in large amounts of data on
attacks. The developed system uses algorithms for constructing a classification model based on the
reference vector method, the method of k-nearest neighbors, neural networks, and decision trees.

    The proposed architecture of the intelligent attack detection system has a modular scheme for the
organization of interaction between components with a dedicated subsystem of the sensor and
centralized control through the administrator console. The architecture of the attack detection system
is presented in Fig. 1.

Figure 1: Structure of the attack detection system in the wireless network of IoT

    The basis for detecting attacks is the knowledge base, the construction of which at the stage of the
initial configuration of the system involves a block of construction of the classification model. The
classification model is based on the signatures of the training sample and then used to classify the
actual activities of the network.
    The attack detection module of the designed attack detection system can be functionally divided
into a submodule for detecting network attacks at the transport and application level and a submodule
for detecting attacks at the communication level.
    The system works in two models:
        Сonfiguration model, when a set of signatures is loaded into the block to build a classification
model as an input, each of which is a pair {vector of traffic parameters | attack type}.
        Normal operation model, when the values of the motion parameters are given as input data to
the sensor subsystem.
    The main tasks of detecting and classifying attacks can be solved using DM methods to detect
significant correlations, patterns, and trends in large arrays of network attacks. To analyze large arrays
of attacks, we will use DM methods, which form the basis of the algorithm for constructing a
classification model of the proposed system.

4. Methods for Analysis of Attacks in Sensor Wireless Networks of IoT
    The reference vectors (SVM) method was used to analyze attacks and IoT wireless networks. In
this case, each state of the system is represented as a point in multidimensional space, the coordinates
of which are the characteristics of the system. Two sets of points belonging to two different classes
are separated by a hyperplane in this space. In this case, the hyperplane is constructed in such a way
that the distances from it to the nearest instances of both classes are maximum, which provides the
greatest accuracy of classification.
    Fig. 2 shows the classification of network attacks in two-dimensional space using SVM.
    The figure shows a training data set, which is a set of points of the form {𝑥𝑖 , 𝑦𝑖 }, 𝑖 = 1, … , 𝑙, where
𝑥𝑖 ∈ 𝑅 𝑛 , 𝑦𝑖 ∈ {1, −1} is an indicator of the class to which the point belongs x i . The classes of points
are linearly separable, that is, there is such a hyperplane, on one side of which there are points of the
class 𝑦𝑖 = 1, and on the other of the class 𝑦𝑖 = −1. Points located directly on the hyperplane satisfy

the equation:
                                      ω ∙ x − b = 0,                                          (1)
where the vector ω is the perpendicular to the dividing hyperplane, the quantity |𝑏|⁄‖ω‖ (the
absolute value of b divided by the modulus of the vector ω) determines the distance from the origin to
the hyperplane, the operator “∙” denotes the scalar product in the Euclidean space in which the data

Figure 2: Classification of support vectors in the wireless network of IoT

    All points for which the condition ω ∙ 𝑥𝑖 − b = 1 is lie in the hyperplane H1 parallel to the
separating hyperplane and at a distance |1 − 𝑏|⁄‖ω‖ from the origin. Similarly, those points for
which the condition ω ∙ 𝑥𝑖 − b = −1 are lie in the hyperplane H2 parallel to the plane H1 and the
separating hyperplane, at a distance |−1 − 𝑏|⁄‖ω‖ from the origin. Thus, the distance between the
plane and the positive reference vector is 1⁄‖ω‖, and therefore, the width of the strip is 2⁄‖ω‖.
    The method of detecting attacks based on the reference vector method was used to build a
classification model based on the training sample. The model was tested for attacks such as buffer
overflow, rootkit, and SYN flood, and demonstrated the appropriateness of using the support vector
method as the basis for an attack detection system. The advantages of this method are high accuracy,
generalization, and low computational complexity of decision making. The disadvantage is the
relatively high computational complexity of building a classification model.
    The k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) method is used to assign network attacks to the class that is most
common among neighbors for certain attacks. Neighbors are formed from many objects whose classes
are already known and based on the given value of k (k≥1), it is determined which of the classes is the
most numerous among them. If k=1, then the object simply belongs to the class of the only nearest
neighbor. The k-NN method is one of the simplest DM methods. The disadvantage of the k-NN
method is its sensitivity to the local data structure.
    Neural networks can solve practical problems related to the recognition and classification of
network attacks. The neural network consists of interconnected neurons that form the input,
intermediate, and output layers. Learning occurs by adjusting the weight of neurons to minimize
classification errors. The advantages of neural networks reveal their ability to automatically acquire
knowledge in the learning process, as well as the ability to generalize. The main disadvantage is the
sensitivity to noise in the input data.
    Decision trees are used to record in detail the attributes on which the target function depends, the
values of the target function are written in "leaves", and the attributes that distinguish network attacks
are written to other nodes. To classify a new object, you need to go down the tree from root to leaf
and get the appropriate class, the path from the root to leaf acts as a classification rule based on the

values of the attributes of the attacks. The advantages of decision trees are a simple principle of their
construction, good interpretation of the results; the disadvantage is the low accuracy of classification.
    To determine the most effective method of constructing a classification model using a wireless
attack detection system, a comparison of the considered DM methods will be performed.

5. Analysis of Cyberattacks in Sensor Wireless Systems of IoT
    The accuracy of recognition of the considered types of attacks using SWS was evaluated by
comparing the results of classification using different DM methods.
    Based on the above classification of attacks by OSI model levels, attacks on local wireless
networks can be divided into two groups: physical attacks and communication layer attacks, which
are specific to wireless networks; application-level network attacks inherent in any LAN organization
technology, including Ethernet.
    The corresponding sub-module of detection of attacks of the offered system during experiments
uses signatures of base NSL KDD-2009 as an example of network attacks and level of application
programs. To form a training sample of wireless attacks at the channel and network level, a test local
wireless network with WPA2-PSK access protection technology was organized. The collected
packages were analyzed and reduced to the form used in the NSL-KDD-2009 database.
    Initially, 41 attributes were used to describe the attacks in the NSL-KDD-2009 database, which
reflects the application, transport, and network layers of the OSI model. Selected functions are
presented in Table 3. To describe attacks characterized by a large number of connections to the target
node, a window lasting two seconds (DoS-attacks) was selected, as well as a window of 100
connections to the same node (probe).

Table 3.
Important traffic settings for network and application layers in IoT
  Features                                Description                                      Type
  Characteristics of the TCP compound
  duration                                Connection time (s)                              Numerical
  protocol_type                           Transport layer protocol                         Text
  service                                 Application layer service                        Text
  flag                                    Status of connection                             Binary
  src_bytes                               Incoming stream, byte                            Numerical
  dst_bytes                               Outbound stream, byte                            Numerical
  land                                    The addresses are the same, 0 otherwise          Binary
  wrong_fragment                          Number of incorrect fragments                    Numerical
  urgent                                  Number of urgent packages                        Numerical
  Session Features
  hot                                     Number of “hot” indicators                       Numerical
  num_failed_logins                       Number of failed login attempts                  Numerical
  logged_in                               Successful entry                                 Binary
  root_shell                              Access with administrative credentials           Binary
                                          Number of access attempts with
  num_root                                                                                 Numerical
                                          administrative credentials
                                          Number of attempts to use the command
  num_shells                                                                               Numerical
  Stats in 2 seconds / 100 connections
                                          Number of connections with a matching
  count / dst_host_count                                                                   Numerical
  serror_rate/ dst_host_serror_rate       % connection with error “SYN”                    Numerical
  rerror_rate / dst_host_same_src_ % connections with “REJ” error /%
  port_rate                               connections with the same source port

  same_srv_rate /
                                          % of connections with the same service           Numerical
  dst_host_same_srv_ rate
  diff_srv_rate / dst_host_diff_srv_
                                          % connection to various services                 Numerical
  srv_serror_rate /
                                          % connections with “SYN” error                   Numerical
  dst_host_srv_serror _ rate
  srv_rerror_rate /
                                          % connections with error “REJ”'                  Numerical
  dst_host_srv_rerror _ rate
  srv_diff_host_rate /
                                          % connections with different hosts               Numerical
  dst_host_srv_diff_ host_ rate

    The first step was to process the data from the database because for the algorithms to work
smoothly, all attributes must have numeric values distributed between zero and one. To do this, text
attributes were converted to binary, while numeric - normalized to the minimum and maximum
    After that, the data of the training sample were sent to the input of the building block of the
classification model, which forms the basis of the knowledge base, by various methods of CM. The
attack detection module then classified the test set entries based on the appropriate model according to
the criteria contained in the knowledge base and assigned a network activity class label. Based on the
coincidence of evaluation and actual labels of classes, the effectiveness of attack detection was
evaluated according to the following criteria:
    1. The total percentage of correctly classified attacks A (accuracy):
                                                      ,                                           (2)
where TP is the number of true-positive records, TN is the number of true-negative records, N is the
total number of classified records.
    2. The accuracy of the classification P (precision):
                                               𝑇𝑃                                            (3)
                                        𝑃 = 𝑇𝑃+𝐹𝑃,
where FP is the number of false-positive records.
  3. Completeness of classification R (recall):
                                        𝑅 = 𝑇𝑃+𝐹𝑁,                                                (4)

where FN is the number of false-negative entries.
  The traffic parameters used to describe the data link attack signatures are shown in Table 4.

Table 4.
Important traffic settings for network and application layers in IoT
   Features                       Description                                            Type
   802.11 Protocol Features
   frame_ type/subtype            Frame Type / Subtype                                  Text
   protocol_type                  Link Protocol Type                                    Text
   source_address                 Source MAC Address                                    Text
   destination_address            Destination MAC address                               Text
   Length                         Frame size, bytes                                     Numerical
   SSID                           SSID tag value                                        Text
   sequence_number                Frame number                                          Numerical
   fragment_number                Fragment Number                                       Numerical
   DS_status                      Distributed system sharing                            Numerical
   more_fragments                 More fragments for transmission, 0 otherwise          Binary
   retry                          Retransmission of the previous frame, 0 otherwise     Binary
   pwr_mgt                        The client is in power saving mode, 0 otherwise       Binary
   more_data                      Buffered frames for transmission, 0 otherwise         Binary

   protected_flag               Frame data is encrypted, 0 otherwise                  Binary
   order_flag                   Processing frames strictly in order, 0 otherwise      Binary
   duration                     ACK + SIFS Transmission Duration, μs                  Numerical
   chan_number                  Channel number                                        Numerical
   signal                       The signal level of the transmitter,%                 Numerical
   TX_rate                      Baud Rate, Mbps                                       Numerical
   cipher                       Used encryption algorithm                             Textual
   reason_code                  Deauthentication Reason Code                          Numerical
   Statistics in 2 seconds
   mng_frm_count                The number of management personnel                    Numerical
   ctrl_frm_count               The number of control frames                          Numerical
   probe_count                  Number of connection requests                         Numerical
   frag_count                   The average number of fragmented packets              Numerical

   The experiments were carried out according to the algorithm shown in Fig. 3.

Figure 3: Algorithm for attack detection in sensorless systems of IoT

    The support vector method was implemented using the SVS C-SVC library LibSVM, and the
radial basis function (RBF) was used as the kernel function. The maximum learning error was limited
to 10-5.
    The classification results using various DM methods are shown in Tables 5 and 6.
    When classified by the method of k-nearest neighbors experimentally, as the optimal parameters of
the algorithm, we chose a value of k equal to five. The neural network was implemented as a

multilayer perceptron with two hidden layers. Training lasting 1500 cycles was performed using the
algorithm of inverse error propagation. The maximum learning error is 10-7.
   Decision trees were constructed using the standard RapidMiner operator, the minimum threshold
for forming a new node was four, the minimum number of node leaves was one, and the maximum
number of levels was 10.

Table 5.
Network application layer attack performance indicators in IoT, %
                           Support       Vectork-nearest
       Network     activity                                        Neural network Decision trees
Group                      Method               neighbors
                           fullness accuracy fullness accuracy fullnessaccuracyfullnessaccuracy
DoS neptune                     98.97     99.98 97.25         97.50 99.36 99.98 97.32 99.93
normalnormal                    96.56     92.28 96.55         93.63 97.07 87.25 97.10 90.98
R2L guess_passwd                76.69    100.00 66.86         95.48 66.37 97.03 65.72 99.88
DoS smurf                      100.00     99.70 97.59 100.00 95.19 99.53 100.00 100.00
Probe satan                     93.74     76.47 94.83         76.76 90.75 81.84 96.19 80.62
U2R buffer_overflow             25.00     62.50 35.00 100.00 0.00             0.00 25.00 62.50
DoS back                        98.05     98.60 99.44 100.00 96.10 97.73 77.16 92.33
R2L warezmaster                 59.11     99.11 82.20         99.74 16.10 98.06 63.56 100.00
DoS pod                         95.12     72.22 95.12         72.22 82.93 70.83 95.12 46.99
Probe nmap                      98.63     93.51 97.26         91.03 79.45 90.62 98.63 74.23
Probe ipsweep                   97.16     93.84 97.16         74.86 97.87 79.31 99.29 88.05
probe portsweep                 91.08     56.30 85.35         73.22 89.17 61.67 84.71 54.07
DoS teardrop                    83.33     21.28 83.33         14.08 75.00 18.75 100.00 24.49
DoS land                        57.14    100.00 57.14 100.00 0.00             0.00 14.29 100.00
Average                         83.61     83.27 84.65         84.89 70.38 70.19 79.58 79.58

Table 6
Link Level Attack Performance Indicators in the wireless network of IoT
                       Support Vector Methodk-nearest neighborsNeural network Decision trees
                       Fullness accuracy fullness accuracy fullnessaccuracyfullnessaccuracy
  Normal                     98.03      92.49 97.65         99.26 94.37 99.38 95.48 95.11
  rogue_client              100.00      37.56      6.22     20.00 32.44 20.00 100.00 69.02
  EAPOL_logoff_flood          8.82     100.00 26.85        100.00 0.12 100.00 44.08 100.00
  auth_flood                 85.14      94.03 100.00        93.67 100.00 92.50 97.30 100.00
  EAPOL_start_flood         100.00     100.00 100.00        50.58 100.00 44.14 100.00 100.00
  deauth_flood              100.00      99.10 100.00        99.75 100.00 84.39 100.00 100.00
  caffe_latte                 0.00        0.00 100.00      100.00 100.00 70.97 100.00 100.00
  Chopchop                  100.00      62.86 100.00       100.00 100.00   3.28 100.00    2.27
  client_fragment            97.44      99.77 100.00        99.89 100.00 96.98 100.00 100.00
  AP_fragment                98.73      97.01 99.75         98.25 100.00 98.26 100.00 100.00
  data_replay                99.82      98.13 100.00        99.98 99.96 99.53 100.00 100.00
  MAC_spoofing              100.00        6.63 100.00       10.91 0.00     0.00 0.00      0.00
  evil_twin_AP              100.00     100.00 100.00        64.78 100.00 94.30 100.00 94.90
  EAP_replay                100.00     100.00 100.00       100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
  beacon_flood              100.00     100.00 100.00        99.95 99.91 100.00 100.00 99.86
  RTS/CTS_flood              99.82      99.82 100.00        84.64 100.00 91.49 100.00 91.68
  fake_auth                  55.56     100.00 66.67         85.71 77.78 10.45 100.00 100.00
  Average                    84.90      81.61 88.07         82.79 82.62 70.92 90.40 85.46

   As can be seen from Table 5, the methods of supporting vectors and k-nearest neighbors showed
similar results in the process of detecting attacks, the decision tree and the neural network worked

somewhat worse. The low detection rate of certain types of attacks, such as master-master,
guess_passwd, buffer_overflow, and land, is due to the uneven distribution of training samples for
different classes—the predominance of common signatures and attacks in the DoS and Probe
categories. For the same reason, some attacks were misclassified, so the results are not presented in
Table 5. However, according to Table 6, the k-nearest neighbor method and decision tree are superior
to SVM and neural networks in solving the problem of link-level attacks.
    Thus, the analysis of experimental data shows that the algorithms used to detect network attacks in
IoT have different values of attack detection efficiency, depending on the type of network activity and
the level of the OSI model on which the attack is implemented.

6. Conclusion
    The article proposes to use a combination of four algorithms and one classifier, which determines
the final class of network activity by weighted voting.
    The study allows to classify network attacks occurring in wireless LANs in the Internet of Things
and to build the architecture of the proposed attack detection system, which is based on the use of DM
methods to recognize network attacks on the database and compare these methods during experiments
to detect network attacks in IoT.
    The selected methods have shown high accuracy and completeness of detection of cyberattacks
during experiments, and the developed system of detection of attacks in wireless IoT networks can
have practical application. The obtained results provide the development of sound recommendations
for eliminating the identified bottlenecks and improving the security of the IoT network. Based on
these recommendations, the user makes changes to the configuration of the real network or its model,
and then, if necessary, repeats the process of vulnerability analysis and security assessment. Thus, the
required level of computer network security is ensured at all stages of the IoT life cycle.
    The architecture and principles of operation of the proposed system for detecting attacks in
wireless IoT networks will be the basis for further research. The scope of further research includes
improving network attack models and assessing the level of IoT protection, in particular: metric
security systems and rules for their calculation, development of system components, modification of
the approach to wireless network security analysis, and further experimental evaluation of proposed
solutions for IoT networks.

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