=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2978/jf-paper31 |storemode=property |title=Summary: Architecture Design Evaluation of PaaS Cloud Applications using Generated Prototypes (short paper) |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2978/jf-paper31.pdf |volume=Vol-2978 |authors=David Gesvindr,Ondrej Gasior,Barbora Buhnova |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ecsa/GesvindrGB21 }} ==Summary: Architecture Design Evaluation of PaaS Cloud Applications using Generated Prototypes (short paper)== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2978/jf-paper31.pdf
Summary: Architecture Design Evaluation of PaaS
Cloud Applications using Generated Prototypes
David Gesvindr1 , Ondrej Gasior1 and Barbora Buhnova1
    Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

                                         Platform as a Service (PaaS) cloud brings great benefits of an elastic platform with many prefabricated
                                         services. At the same time, however, it challenges software architects who need to navigate a rich set
                                         of PaaS services, variability of PaaS cloud environment and quality conflicts in existing design tactics,
                                         which makes it very hard to foresee the impact of architectural design decisions on the overall applica-
                                         tion quality. To support the architects in the design of PaaS cloud applications, we propose a design-time
                                         quality evaluation approach for PaaS cloud applications based on automatically generated prototypes,
                                         which are deployed to the cloud and evaluated in the context of multiple quality attributes and envi-
                                         ronment configurations. In this paper, we outline the approach and its implementation in a prototype
                                         generation and evaluation tool, referred to as PaaSArch Cloud Prototyper1 .

                                         Cloud Computing, PaaS Cloud, Software Architecture Design, Prototype Generation, Quality Evaluation

1. Introduction
PaaS cloud has over time became a popular platform for hosting software applications, which
however need to be architected consciously to take advantage of the Paas cloud services [2, 3].
Unfortunately, existing architectural patterns and quality assessment methods used for on-
premise applications provide very little guidance to software architects during this endeavour.
The existing model-based quality assessment methods struggle in the PaaS cloud context namely
due to missing information about the inner architecture of the PaaS cloud services, which is in
majority of cases not published by the cloud provider. Moreover, most analytical tools work well
in an environment with known architecture and amount of available resources (CPU, memory,
I/O operations, network bandwidth) but experience problems in the PaaS cloud environment, as
these required inputs are not available. A tool capable of quality (e.g., performance) predictions
of modelled application in the PaaS cloud has to deal with the following challenges as described
in [1]: hidden complexity of the platform, multi-tenant environment and frequent updates of
the environment. These aspects that make it practically impossible to estimate PaaS cloud
application performance and other characteristics without its actual deployment to the cloud.
Thus, software architects are often relying on costly manual implementation of application
prototypes, profiled after deployed in the PaaS cloud target environment. That is however very
tedious and costly.
    Use the original publication when citing this work [1]
ECSA 2021
" gesvindr@mail.muni.cz (D. Gesvindr); 448273@mail.muni.cz (O. Gasior); buhnova@mail.muni.cz (B. Buhnova)
                                       © 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
                  ISSN 1613-0073       CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
   To address this, we propose an approach and tool set, called PaaSArch Cloud Prototyper1 ,
supporting automated prototyping of PaaS cloud applications, enabling quick assessment of
various architectural options and integrating different PaaS cloud services. The tool receives a
model of the application architecture (together with some details about the inner behaviour of
the application and its usage of cloud services), and translates it via an automated process into
a source code of a fully functional application prototype, which is together with automatically
generated sample data deployed to the cloud and benchmarked.

2. Related Work
Model-driven quality prediction approaches are a popular way to support quality-driven design
of software systems. To this end, the application is modeled with UML or other domain
specific modelling notation, e.g. Palladio Component Model (PCM) [4]. Then, the model of
the architecture is automatically transformed into a predictive model (e.g. Markov Chain or
Layered Queuing Network) [5] and evaluated. On top of the model, other tools are sometimes
built, like SPACE4CLOUD [6] or SimuLizar [7]. However, in Paas cloud, these approaches suffer
from the unpredictability of the PaaS cloud environment itself, as discussed above.
   Another way to assess the quality of the PaaS applications is to develop a simplified version
of the application, deploy the application and run a set of benchmarks. The benefit of this option
is that the system resources are closer to the final execution environment [8]. The StressCloud
[8] simplifies the process (of full application development) with the generation of synthetic
workload based on modeled CPU, memory and IO utilization using deployed agents in virtual
machines (IaaS). However, such support is not yet available for PaaS cloud.
   Instead of synthetic workload, a better option is to generate prototypes of the application
from its model. This strategy is used by ProtoCom [9], which generates prototypes of Java
applications. Initial attempts to support a variety of platforms [10] remained at conceptual
level [9]. In this work, we complement the state of the art by proposing and implementing
prototype-generation solution for PaaS cloud.

3. Our approach
Our approach allows software architects to evaluate performance related quality metrics of a
proposed PaaS cloud application’s architecture in early design stages by leveraging automatically
generated prototypes of the application. In this way, the architects can evaluate different variants
of the proposed architecture with significantly lower effort than manual implementation of
prototypes. In effect, they have better continuous control over the quality of the application
and can prevent later costly reimplementation. As the software architecture of the application
evolves, the model can be updated and performance of newly generated prototype can be
compared with previous versions of the architecture.
   The individual steps of our approach (done by the software architect as well as the prototyping
tool) are depicted in Figure 1.
     Project homepage:       https://lasaris.fi.muni.cz/research/software-architecture-optimization-in-paas-cloud-
                                               1. Model creation
                                        Manual process done by SW architect
                                          Output: Application Model

                                                                                     Adjustments of the application‘s architecture based on performance of the prototype
                                        2. Model analysis and validation
                                             Fully automated process
                                      Output: Validated Application Model

                                             3. Resource allocation
                                              Fully automated process
                                Output: Allocated resources in the cloud and their
                                               connection strings

                                    4. Prototype source-code generation
                                            Fully automated process
                           Output: Generated source code of modelled application
                                        in target language (C#, Java)

                                5. Prototype compilation and deployment
                                          Fully automated process
                            Output: Application deployed in the cloud ready for
                                          benchmark execution

                                    (optional) 6. Sample data generation
                                           Fully automated process
                            Output: Application storage filled with sample data
                                     required for benchmark execution

                                          7. Prototype evaluation
                                     Manual process done by SW architect
                            Output: Performance measurements of the prototype

Figure 1: Prototyping process

   1. Model creation – The software architect creates a model of the designed application
      that describes all important aspects that significantly influence evaluated quality metrics.
      Simple sample model is in Figure 2.
   2. Model analysis and validation – The model is loaded by the tool and is validated
      against our meta-model to determine if the prototype can be correctly generated.
   3. Resource allocation – One of the advantages of our tool is that it automatically takes
      care of resource allocation in the cloud environment. Resources need to be allocated prior
      to code generation as connection strings need to be incorporated into the prototype.
   4. Prototype source-code generation – Based on the description of application’s behavior
      in the model, the source code of executable prototype is generated.
   5. Prototype compilation and deployment – Generated source code is compiled and the
      executable application is deployed to the target cloud hosting environment.
   6. Sample data generation – Another advantage of our tool is that it can automatically
      generates sample data based on the description of their volume and complexity in the
   7. Prototype evaluation – When the prototype is ready for evaluation, our tool generates
      a list of URL endpoints that can be passed to current state-of-the-art web benchmark
                   C:\Users\David\Documents\simple-sample-app.json                               1
                    1 { "$type": "Prototype",
                    2    "Applications": [
                    3      { "$type": "RestApiApplication", "Name": "SimpleSampleApplication",
                    4        "Platform": "DotNet46",
                    5        "Actions": [
                    6          { "$type": "CallableAction", "Name": "GetProducts",
                    7            "Operation": {
                    8              "$type": "LoadEntitiesFromEntityStorage",
                    9              "EntityName": "Product", "EntitySetName": "Products",
                   10              "EntityStorageName": "SampleDB",
                   11              "Filter": { "$type": "FilterCondition", "UseKey": true,
                   12                "OnAttribute": "Id", "NumberOfResults": 30 }}
                   13          }]}],
                   14    "Entities": [
                   15      { "$type": "Entity", "Name": "Product",
                   16        "Properties": [
                   17          { "$type": "PropertyInfo", "Name": "Id", "Type": "Int32" },
                   18          { "$type": "PropertyInfo", "Name": "Name", "Type": "String" },
                   19          { "$type": "PropertyInfo", "Name": "Price", "Type": "Decimal" }
                   20        ]}],
                   21    "Resources": [
                   22      { "$type": "AzureSQLDatabase", "PerformanceTier": "standard",
                   23        "ServiceObjective": "S0", "Name": "SampleDB",
                   24        "EntitySets": [
                   25          { "$type": "EntitySet", "EntityName": "Product",
                   26            "Name": "Products", "Count": 25000 }]},
                   27      { "$type": "AzureAppService", "Name": "SampleWebHosting",
                   28        "PerformanceTier": "StandardS3",
                   29        "WithApplication": "SimpleSampleApplication" }]
                   30 }

Figure 2: Valid simple sample model serialized in JSON format.

4. The Tool
Steps 2–6 in our approach are fully automated using our tool PaaSArch Cloud Prototyper. The
the tool itself is implemented as a set of libraries in the .NET framework using C# packed
together with a console application, which displays the progress of prototype generation based
on input model. The tool currently contains code generators, which generate final prototypes
in .NET/C# and supports automated deployment and management of Microsoft Azure cloud
resources. Thanks to its extensibility, new code generators can be implemented to support
extensibility of the application model by adding new operations and cloud resources. Support for
additional cloud providers (Amazon, Google, etc.) can be added via resource manager plug-ins.
Detailed description of the tool’s architecture is available in [1].

5. Evaluation
Our approach and outcomes of the implemented prototype generator were evaluated on multiple
case studies as described in [1]. Numerous variants of the software architecture of designed
applications were modeled and evaluated using our approach. Based on generated prototypes
and their evaluation, we were able to choose the variant of the architecture design with the
most desirable qualities based on the given requirements of the project. We also evaluated that
both the prototype and the final implementation manifested the same degree of scalability.
6. Conclusion
In our work, we take advantage of the cloud elasticity and introduce a design-time quality eval-
uation technique for PaaS applications based on automatically generated application prototypes,
which can be deployed to the cloud and evaluated in the context of multiple quality attributes
and environment configurations. As part of this work, we discuss the implementation of the
approach in terms of the PaaSArch Cloud Prototyper, which automates the approach to assist
software architects in the design of cloud applications that will be effectively utilizing the PaaS
cloud platform and combining the available services in an optimal way.

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