=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2978/mde4sa-paper2 |storemode=property |title=Towards Holistic Modeling of Microservice Architectures Using LEMMA |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2978/mde4sa-paper2.pdf |volume=Vol-2978 |authors=Florian Rademacher,Jonas Sorgalla,Philip Wizenty,Simon Trebbau |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ecsa/RademacherSWT21 }} ==Towards Holistic Modeling of Microservice Architectures Using LEMMA== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2978/mde4sa-paper2.pdf
Towards Holistic Modeling of Microservice Architectures
Florian Rademacher1 , Jonas Sorgalla1 , Philip Wizenty1 and Simon Trebbau1
    IDiAL Institute, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, Otto-Hahn-Straße 27, 44227 Dortmund, Germany

                                             Microservice Architecture (MSA) is an approach for the realization of scalable and maintainable software systems. However,
                                             MSA adoption also increases architecture complexity significantly when compared to monolithic applications. This paper
                                             investigates MSA as an object of study for the development and application of architecture modeling languages (AMLs) to
                                             facilitate MSA engineering through Model-driven Engineering and lifted abstraction. To this end, we present a case study
                                             microservice architecture from the Electromobility domain and identify modeling dimensions to employ AMLs in MSA
                                             engineering. Next, we illustrate AML adoption for certain dimensions using the AMLs from our Language Ecosystem for
                                             Modeling Microservice Architecture (LEMMA). With these contributions, we aim to provide insights on MSA as a driver for
                                             research on holistic AML adoption throughout architecture design, development, and operation.

                                             microservice architecture, model-driven engineering, architecture modeling languages

1. Introduction                                                                                                       terwards careful balancing of microservices’ granularity.
                                                                                                                      Too fine-grained microservices increase network load,
Microservice Architecture (MSA) is a novel approach for                                                               thereby decreasing performance [9], whereas too coarse-
the realization of service-based software architectures [1].                                                          grained services counteract scalability. In addition, MSA
MSA emerged from Service-oriented Architecture (SOA)                                                                  fosters technology heterogeneity [1] by enabling teams
[2, 3] and promotes to decompose software architectures                                                               to independently decide for implementation technolo-
into microservices. A microservice is a service [2] that                                                              gies, e.g., frameworks and databases, which may result
puts particular emphasis on (i) cohesion by fulfilling a                                                              in additional maintainability cost and steeper learning
single, distinct task; (ii) independence in terms of its                                                              curves for new team members [10]. Moreover, MSA as-
implementation, data management, testing, deployment,                                                                 sumes a sophisticated deployment infrastructure includ-
and operation; and (iii) responsibility w.r.t. its interaction                                                        ing specialized components, e.g., for service discovery,
with other components and ownership by exactly one                                                                    API provisioning, load balancing, and monitoring [11].
team [1, 4].                                                                                                             This paper investigates MSA as an object of study for
   Based on these characteristics, MSA adoption is ex-                                                                the design, implementation, and application of architec-
pected to benefit a software architecture’s (i) performance                                                           ture modeling languages (AMLs), i.e., architecture descrip-
efficiency because microservices are independently scal-                                                              tion languages that constitute modeling languages in the
able; (ii) maintainability by allowing targeted modifica-                                                             sense of Model-driven Engineering (MDE) [12, 13]. Our
tion or replacement of functionality given microservices’                                                             hypothesis is that AMLs can reduce the complexity in
high cohesion and loose coupling; and (iii) reliability due                                                           MSA engineering by introducing abstraction to, e.g., (i)
to microservices’ constrained functional scope and their                                                              facilitate reasoning about granularity by reifying service
self-responsibility for fault handling [5, 1, 6, 7].                                                                  boundaries; (ii) make technology choices explicit; and (iii)
   On the other hand, MSA tends to increase the com-                                                                  support the specification of operation infrastructure. Our
plexity of a software architecture because it poses sig-                                                              contribution is twofold. First, we present a case study mi-
nificant challenges concerning architecture design, de-                                                               croservice architecture from the Electromobility domain
velopment, and operation [8]. For example, regarding                                                                  and identify modeling dimensions [13] to employ AMLs in
design, MSA requires microservice identification and af-                                                              the context of MSA. Second, we illustrate AML adoption
                                                                                                                      for certain modeling dimensions of the case study using
MDE4SA 2021: Second International Workshop on Model-driven
Engineering for Software Architecture, September 13, 2021, Virtual
                                                                                                                      the Language Ecosystem for Modeling Microservice Ar-
Envelope-Open florian.rademacher@fh-dortmund.de (F. Rademacher);                                                      chitecture (LEMMA), which is a set of AMLs for MSA,
jonas.sorgalla@fh-dortmund.de (J. Sorgalla);                                                                          that we developed in our previous work [14, 15]. With
philip.wizenty@fh-dortmund.de (P. Wizenty);                                                                           both contributions, we aim to provide insights on MSA as
simon.trebbau@fh-dortmund.de (S. Trebbau)                                                                             a driver for AML research w.r.t. holistic architecture mod-
Orcid 0000-0003-0784-9245 (F. Rademacher); 0000-0002-7532-7767
                                                                                                                      eling, i.e., the usage of AMLs throughout architecture
(J. Sorgalla); 0000-0002-3588-5174 (P. Wizenty)
                                       © 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative   design, development, and operation.
                                       Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
                  ISSN 1613-0073
                                       CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)                                           The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.
Figure 1: Service-based design of the PACP including shared infrastructure components.

Section 2 introduces the case study microservice archi-              • C h a r g i n g S t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t M i c r o s e r v i c e : Man-
tecture. Section 3 derives modeling dimensions from                    ages charging station information like location,
the case study. In Section 4, we apply LEMMA to cer-                   charging type, and plug type, and receives data
tain modeling dimensions by using its AMLs to express                  from charging stations.
various parts of the case study architecture. Section 5              • C h a r g i n g S t a t i o n S h a r i n g M S : Realizes functional-
discusses the resulting insights on holistic architecture              ity for citizens to offer spare charging stations on
modeling for MSA. Sections 6 and 7 present related work                private ground for use by others under certain
and conclude the paper, respectively.                                  conditions and for a given time period.
                                                                     • C h a r g i n g S t a t i o n S e a r c h M S : This service imple-
                                                                       ments functionality to search for spare charging
2. Park and Charge Platform Case                                       stations.
   Study                                                             • B o o k i n g M a n a g e m e n t M S : Enables owners of electric
                                                                       vehicles to book spare charging stations. For this
This section introduces the microservice architecture of               purpose, the service maintains a Blockchain [16]
the Park and Charge Platform (PACP), which we will use                 to prevent manipulation during booking, and sub-
throughout the paper as a case study to illustrate and                 sequent charging and billing processes.
discuss holistic architecture modeling in the context of             • E n v i r o n m e n t a l D a t a A n a l y s i s M S : Supports han-
MSA. The PACP constitutes one of the deliverables of                   dling of air quality indicators, e.g., CO2 pollution,
the PuLS research project1 . PuLS aims to increase the                 temperature, and humidity, and therefore inter-
accessibility of charging stations for electric vehicles by            acts with a municipal Environment Monitoring
enabling citizens to offer spare stations on private ground            System.
for use by other owners of electric vehicles. In addition,
                                                              The listed PACP microservices constitute logical mi-
charging stations are equipped with sensors to contribute
                                                           croservices in the sense of the Command Query Respon-
in urban air quality monitoring.
                                                           sibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern [17]. CQRS decom-
   In PuLS, we design, develop, and operate the PACP to
                                                           poses a microservice into a command part and query
handle charging station offering and booking, and the
                                                           parts. The command part handles incoming requests that
storage and analysis of air quality indicators. The PACP
                                                           result in state changes, e.g., database updates, and the
is a microservice architecture to ensure (i) scalability of
                                                           query parts execute state queries, e.g., database reads.
the solution across city quarters; (ii) modifiability to fos-
                                                           To this end, the command part sends state changes to
ter innovation through quick functionality integration;
                                                           query parts, which then incorporate the changes into
and (iii) technology heterogeneity, in particular of pro-
                                                           their data models. For the PACP, the usage of CQRS has
gramming languages used by project partners. Figure 1
                                                           two benefits. First, query operations are much more fre-
shows the PACP’s design.
                                                           quent than write operations, and CQRS permits separate
   The following paragraphs describe the microservices
                                                           scaling of command and query parts because we realize
and infrastructure components of the PACP.
                                                           them as physically segregated microservices. Second, we
                                                           can optimize storage for query operations and thus, e.g.,
Microservices The PACP consists of five microser- enable time series processing of sensor data.
vices, whose design permits runtime replication of ser-
vice instances. In detail, the services provide the archi- Infrastructure Components Figure 1 considers two
tecture with the following capabilities:                   kinds of infrastructure components.
      Funding by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and      Service-oriented infrastructure components provide a
Digital Infrastructure (grant number 03EMF0203C).               single microservice with capabilities like API provision-
Table 1
Initial modeling dimensions according to Combemale et al. [13] with relevance to MSA.

   #       Modeling                        Stage                      Associated Pains According to Soldani et al. [8]
  D.1      Exploration                     Design                     Service Dimensioning, Size/Complexity (S/C)
  D.2      Communication                   Design                     Service Contracts, S/C
  D.3      Construction                    Design                     API Versioning, Communication Heterogeneity, Service Contracts, Mi-
                                                                      croservice Separation, S/C
  D.4      Implementation                  Development                Microservice Separation, Overhead, Human Errors
                                           Operation                  Operational Complexity, Service Coordination, S/C
  D.5      Testing                         Development                Integration Testing, Performance Testing, S/C
  D.6      Documentation                   Design                     S/C

ing (A P I G a t e w a y ), discovery of other PACP microservices                     vices’ domain models using Domain-driven Design (DDD)
(S e r v i c e D i s c o v e r y ), and data management (D o c u m e n t -            [18, 1]. DDD is a model-based methodology, which we
O r i e n t e d D a t a b a s e and R e l a t i o n a l D a t a b a s e ). Further-   used in the PACP’s design to capture the structures and
more, the PACP secures accesses via the I d e n t i t y a n d                         relationships of the relevant concepts from the applica-
A c c e s s M a n a g e m e n t (IAM) component, which realizes user                  tion domain.
management, authentication, and authorization of mi-                                     Moreover, models are a means to communicate and
croservices’ command and query functionalities.                                       document, e.g., domain concepts or service contracts,
    On the other hand, PACP microservices interact with                               across teams (D.2 and D.6). In MSA, efficient commu-
each other by sending asynchronous events to the cen-                                 nication and a common architectural understanding is
tralized M e s s a g e B r o k e r component (cf. Fig. 1). Following                  crucial since teams and their communication should be
the Domain Event pattern [17], we conceive exchanged                                  decomposed along service boundaries [4]. For the PACP,
events domain events that belong to the portion of the                                we rely on LEMMA models and derived artifacts to share
application domain for which a microservice is responsi-                              microservice APIs and event schemas across teams (cf.
ble. To this end, the message broker integrates an event                              Sect. 4).
schema registry and behaves as an event store. The reg-                                  Next to domain concept definition, models can be con-
istry allows centralized management of event structures                               structed in MSA engineering, e.g., to specify APIs and
and their sharing across project partners, whereas the                                their versions, or reason about communication hetero-
event store permits access to events in their order of                                geneity (D.3).
appearance and thus auditing, e.g., of charging station
booking processes.                                           Development Stage Code generators may support
                                                             the development of microservices (D.4) by producing boil-
                                                             erplate code from models [13, 19]. We use this approach
3. Modeling Dimensions for                                   for the PACP to reduce manual overhead and human er-
     Microservice Architecture                               rors in recurring coding tasks like connecting a service
                                                             to the message broker (cf. Fig. 1). Furthermore, it enables
Based on our experience in realizing the PACP (cf. Sect. 2), us to keep the model-based architecture design consis-
we identify initial modeling dimensions according to tent with the implementation of microservices’ domain
Combemale et al. [13] and with relevance to MSA. We data, APIs, and deployment specifications (cf. Sect. 4).
consider AMLs central means to construct models for In addition, it is possible to run early integration tests
these dimensions and later enable their processing. Ta- with the generated code or manually extend it, e.g., for
ble 1 lists the identified modeling dimensions together subsequent performance testing (D.5).
with the related stage and pains [8] in MSA engineering.
   The following paragraphs summarize per stage the Operation Stage For the PACP, the use of models is
rationale for each dimension.                                also beneficial in the operation stage of MSA engineering.
                                                                                      More precisely, we use models to harmonize the descrip-
Design Stage In microservice design, models can make                                  tion of service deployment, infrastructure operation and
a microservice’s granularity explicit by reifying the struc-                          usage across heterogeneous technologies. The result-
tures and relationships of domain concepts in the ser-                                ing model-based description of the PACP’s operation
vice’s responsibility (cf. Dimension D.1 in Table 1). This                            specifics then facilitates reasoning about the architec-
modeling purpose aligns to the construction of microser-                              ture’s operational complexity (D.4).
4. Modeling Park and Charge                                                                   The C S M M team constructed the domain model in collab-
                                                                                          oration with domain experts using DDD. Line 1 defines
   Case Study Microservices with                                                          the bounded context C h a r g i n g S t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t , which
   LEMMA                                                                                  comprises three domain concepts.
                                                                                              The E l e c t r i f i e d P a r k i n g S p a c e concept in Lines 2 to 9
This section illustrates the modeling of PACP microser-                                   represents a parking space with a charging station. The
vices (cf. Sect. 2) along the dimensions from Sect. 3 using                               concept is a DDD e n t i t y and thus has a domain-specific
LEMMA. LEMMA specifies textual AMLs for the model-                                        identity [18] determined by the i d field, which therefore
ing of MSA-based software systems from various archi-                                     exhibits the DDML’s i d e n t i f i e r keyword [15] (cf. Line 3).
tecture viewpoints [20]. Each LEMMA viewpoint clusters                                    In addition, the concept clusters the fields n a m e and p l u g -
one or more AMLs, whose metamodels [13] formalize                                         T y p e (cf. Lines 4 and 5), which, like i d , are of LEMMA’s
MSA concepts and enable stakeholders to state their con-                                  built-in s t r i n g type.
cerns towards a microservice architecture [15]. By using                                      Moreover, the E l e c t r i f i e d P a r k i n g S p a c e concept is a
LEMMA as a concrete modeling approach for MSA, we                                         DDD a g g r e g a t e . As such, it embeds other domain con-
aim to provide insights on MSA as a driver for AML re-                                    cepts like C h a r g i n g T y p e and P a r k i n g S p a c e S i z e in the form
search w.r.t. the holistic usage of AMLs in microservice                                  of p a r t s (cf. Lines 6 and 7), and defines a transactional
design, development, and operation.                                                       boundary, e.g., for database access [18]. Consequently,
    Each of the following subsections presents an excerpt                                 instances of embedded domain concepts must not ex-
of one or more LEMMA models for a certain viewpoint                                       ist without a corresponding E l e c t r i f i e d P a r k i n g S p a c e in-
on the PACP’s C h a r g i n g S t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t M i c r o s e r v i c e   stance.
(C S M M ; cf. Sect. 2). The complete code of all PACP models                                 Lines 10 to 13 illustrate the DDML’s support for mod-
can be found on GitHub2 .                                                                 eling enumerated domain concepts. Since all concepts
                                                                                          defined in LEMMA domain models constitute custom
4.1. Modeling Microservices’ Domain                                                       types [15], it is possible to use the C h a r g i n g T y p e enumer-
     Data                                                                                 ation as a field type and embed it in the E l e c t r i f i e d P a r k -
                                                                                          i n g S p a c e concept.
As described in Sect. 3, a microservice’s granularity shall                                   Lines 14 to 18 model the E l e c t r i f i e d P a r k i n g S p a c e C r e -
result from its responsibility in the application domain.                                 a t e d concept as a DDD v a l u e O b j e c t and d o m a i n E v e n t [18,
LEMMA specifies the Domain Viewpoint and its Domain                                       21]. The C S M M ’s command microservice (cf. Sect. 2) uses
Data Modeling Language (DDML) [15] to allow domain                                        the concept to inform query microservices about new
experts and microservice developers the model-based                                       parking spaces (cf. Sect. 4.4). LEMMA’s DDML provides
identification and clustering of services’ domain concepts.                               the i m m u t a b l e keyword to protect value objects against
The DDML covers modeling dimensions D.1 and D.3 (cf.                                      state changes (cf. Line 16). As opposed to entities, DDD
Table 1) as it enables DDD-based organization of domain                                   recognizes value objects to model domain concepts that
concepts in bounded contexts [18] and the separation of                                   do not have domain-specific identities [18]. Instead, the
microservice data based on these contexts [1].                                            identities of their instances result from the values of all
   Listing 1 shows an excerpt of the C S M M domain model                                 fields and changes to the states of value object instances
in LEMMA’s DDML.                                                                          should require new value object instances.
Listing 1: Excerpt of the C S M M domain model in LEMMA’s
           DDML (file “domain.data”).                                                     4.2. Modeling Technology and Pattern
 1   context ChargingStationManagement {                                                       Metadata
 2    structure ElectrifiedParkingSpace {
 3     string id,                                                             LEMMA specifies the Technology Viewpoint to support
 4     string name,
 5     string plugType,                                                                   coping with MSA’s technology heterogeneity [1]. For
 6     ChargingType chargingType,                                                   this purpose, the viewpoint comprises the Technology
 7     ParkingSpaceSize parkingSpaceSize,
 8     ...                                                                                Modeling Language (TML) [14]. It covers modeling di-
 9    }                                                                                   mensions D.4 and D.5 in the Development stage of MSA
10    enum ChargingType{
11     FAST,                                                                              engineering (cf. Table 1) by enabling the construction of
12     NORMAL                                                                             technology models. These models can capture a variety
13    }
14    structure ElectrifiedParkingSpaceCreated {                                                                     microservice programming languages, communication
16     immutable string name,
17     ...                                                                                protocols, and operation technologies. However, it also
18   }}                                                                                   allows the definition of arbitrary metadata using technol-
                                                                                          ogy aspects [14]. Such aspects may augment elements in
         https://www.github.com/SeelabFhdo/mde4sa-2021                                    other LEMMA models with additional semantics regard-
ing, e.g., technology-specific configuration options, but                  P u t M a p p i n g annotation, which elevates Java methods to
also pattern concepts.                                                     handlers for HTTP P U T requests [23].
   The following paragraphs describe the usage of LEM-
MA’s TML for the construction of technology models        Modeling Pattern Metadata with the TML Since
that reify microservice technologies and pattern concepts,the TML itself does not constrain the semantics of tech-
respectively.                                             nology aspects and supports their usage on a variety of
                                                          modeled elements, e.g., microservices, their interfaces,
Modeling Technology Metadata with the TML In operations and containers [14], we also use them to reify
Listing 2, we present an excerpt of a technology model information about concepts from design and architecture
for the Spring framework3 and thus the technology on patterns relevant to MSA. More specifically, LEMMA’s
which the majority of PACP microservices rely for their aspect mechanism enables to capture pattern metadata
implementation.                                           and augment modeled elements with them so that the
                                                          elements become semantically recognizable as being in-
Listing 2: Excerpt of the technology model for the Spring volved in the realization of a design or architecture pat-
           framework in LEMMA’s TML (file “Spring.tech- tern. Listing 3 shows the technology model for the CQRS
           nology”).                                      pattern as used by the PACP (cf. Sect. 2).
 1   technology Spring {
      protocols {
       sync rest data formats ”application/json”
                                                                           Listing 3: Excerpt of the technology model for the CQRS
 4      default with format ”application/json”;                                       pattern in LEMMA’s TML (file “Cqrs.technolo-
      service aspects {
 7     aspect PutMapping for operations {                        technology CQRS {                                                    1
 8      selector(protocol = rest);                                           service aspects {                                                   2
 9     }                                                                      aspect CommandSide for microservices {                             3
10     ...                                                                     string logicalService;                                            4
11   }}                                                                       }                                                                  5
                                                                              aspect QuerySide for microservices {                               6
    Line 1 introduces the S p r i n g technology. Next, the p r o -            string logicalService;                                            7
                                                                              }                                                                  8
t o c o l s section in Lines 2 to 5 specifies the synchronous                 ...                                                                9
r e s t protocol, which represents REST-based interaction                   }}                                                                   10

[22] between PACP microservices and external consumers
                                                                              The model specifies the C Q R S technology (cf. Line 1)
(cf. Sect. 2). Protocol definitions in the TML must also
                                                                           and defines two service-related technology aspects (cf.
provide information about supported data formats. Thus,
                                                                           Lines 2 to 10). The C o m m a n d S i d e aspect in Lines 3 to 5
in Line 3 we express the support of the r e s t protocol for
                                                                           enables the augmentation of modeled microservices that
the JSON data format4 and also select it as the protocol’s
                                                                           constitute the physical command microservices in adop-
default format in Line 4.
                                                                           tions of the CQRS pattern (cf. Sect. 2). The Q u e r y S i d e
    Lines 6 to 11 cluster the s e r v i c e a s p e c t s section of
                                                                           aspect in Lines 6 to 8, on the other hand, supports the
the Spring technology model. The section illustrates the
                                                                           semantic enrichment of modeled microservices, which
definition of the P u t M a p p i n g aspect to reify the epony-
                                                                           represent physical query microservices in a CQRS sce-
mous Spring annotation5 . LEMMA distinguishes be-
                                                                           nario. Both aspects declare the l o g i c a l S e r v i c e property
tween service-related and operation-related technology
                                                                           (cf. Lines 4 and 7). It can store the name of the logical mi-
aspects [14]. Service-related technology aspects are appli-
                                                                           croservice to which a set of physical CQRS microservices
cable to elements of modeled microservices (cf. Sects. 4.3
and 4.4), whereas operation-related technology aspects
                                                                              The C o m m a n d S i d e and Q u e r y S i d e aspects provide, e.g.,
target elements of modeled operation nodes (cf. Sect. 4.5).
                                                                           model analyzers with a reliable means to recognize the
    Furthermore, LEMMA allows constraining aspects’ ap-
                                                                           command and query services of a logical CQRS microser-
plicability depending on the peculiarities of target ele-
                                                                           vice in order to verify that all query microservices provide
ments. For example, the P u t M a p p i n g aspect is applicable
                                                                           operations to consume update events from the command
at most once to modeled microservice operations (cf. the
                                                                           microservice (cf. Sect. 4.4).
s i n g l e v a l keyword and the f o r o p e r a t i o n s directive in
Line 7). Additionally, the target operation must make use
of the r e s t protocol (cf. the protocol s e l e c t o r in Line 8).      4.3. Modeling Microservices’ Application
These three constraints map to the semantics of Spring’s                        Programming Interfaces
      https://www.spring.io                                                LEMMA defines the Service Viewpoint for developer
      https://www.json.org                                                 concerns in microservice implementation [15]. The view-
javadoc-api/org/springframework/web/bind/annotation/                       point specifies the Service Modeling Language (SML) for
the model-based expression of microservices, their in-             apply the A p p l i c a t i o n aspect from the S p r i n g technology
terfaces, operations and endpoints. The SML supports               model to the modeled microservice.
microservice separation and the design of APIs as im-                  Line 8 introduces the microservice’s definition. LEM-
plicit service contracts [24], and thus covers modeling            MA provides modifiers to constrain a microservice’s vis-
dimensions D.2, D.3, and D.4 (cf. Table 1).                        ibility to, e.g., architecture-internal components or the
   Listing 4 shows an excerpt of the service model for             owning team [15]. The C S M M ’s command microservice,
the C S M M ’s physical command microservice in LEMMA’s            however, exhibits the p u b l i c modifier so that it will be
SML. The model also reifies technology choices based on            reachable by architecture-external components like charg-
LEMMA’s TML (cf. Sect. 4.2).                                       ing stations (cf. Sect. 2). In addition, the service is of a
                                                                   f u n c t i o n a l nature. Hence, it provides a business-related
Listing 4: Excerpt of the service model for the C S M M ’s com-    capability to the architecture, and does not serve infras-
           mand microservice in LEMMA’s SML includ-                tructure or generic utility purposes [15].
           ing technology choices based on the TML (file               Lines 10 to 13 introduce the microservice’s commands
           “chargingStationManagement.services”).                  API as the C o m m a n d s interface with a REST endpoint. The
 1   import datatypes from ”domain.data” as Domain                 SML integrates the @ e n d p o i n t s annotation for endpoint
 2   import technology from ”Spring.technology” as Spring
 3   @technology(Spring)
                                                                   specifications that constitute combinations of a technol-
 4   @Spring::_aspects.Application(                                ogy-specific protocol like the r e s t protocol from the im-
 5    name=”ChargingStationManagementCommand”,
 6    port=8071
                                                                   ported S p r i n g technology model (cf. Sect. 4.2), and one
 7   )                                                             or more addresses like the URI segment “/resources/v1”.
 8   public functional microservice
 9    de.fhdo.puls.ChargingStationManagementCommand {
                                                                       Lines 14 to 21 define the c r e a t e E l e c t r i f i e d P a r k i n g -
10    @endpoints(                                                  S p a c e operation as part of the C o m m a n d s interface. Callers
11     Spring::_protocols.rest: ”/resources/v1”;
12    )
                                                                   invoke the operation to trigger the creation of electri-
13    interface Commands {                                         fied parking spaces managed by the C S M M (cf. Sect. 4.1).
14     @endpoints(
15      Spring::_protocols.rest: ”/electrifiedParkingSpace”;
                                                                   Lines 14 to 17 determine the URI segment and HTTP re-
16     )                                                           quest method [23] for the REST-based invocation of the
17     @Spring::_aspects.PutMapping
18     public createElectrifiedParkingSpace(
                                                                   operation. While the URI segment is again configured
19      @Spring::_aspects.RequestBody                              as an endpoint address for the imported r e s t protocol,
20      sync in command : Domain::ChargingStationManagement.
21       CreateElectrifiedParkingSpaceCommand);
                                                                   the operation receives the request method via the P u t -
22    }                                                            M a p p i n g technology aspect from the Spring technology
23    ...
24   }
                                                                   model (cf. Listing 2). Line 18 introduces the c r e a t e E l e c -
                                                                   t r i f i e d P a r k i n g S p a c e operation and Lines 19 to 21 define
   LEMMA’s AMLs provide an import mechanism to in-                 its synchronous incoming parameter c o m m a n d [15]. The
tegrate models from different viewpoints [15]. A model             type of the parameter corresponds to a concept from the
import must specify (i) the kind of the imported model el-         C S M M ’s domain model that constitutes a structured com-
ements (after the i m p o r t keyword); (ii) the path to the im-   mand for the creation of a newly managed parking space.
ported model (after the f r o m keyword); and (iii) an import      Hence, the parameter also receives an application of the
alias (after the a s keyword). Line 1 relies on LEMMA’s            R e q u e s t B o d y aspect from the S p r i n g technology model.
import mechanism to import the C S M M domain model (cf.           This aspect maps to the eponymous Spring annotation7 ,
Listing 1) under the alias D o m a i n . The import of domain      which leads to the extraction of parameter values from
models by service models determines the portion of the             the request bodies of inbound HTTP requests.
application domain, for which a modeled microservice is
responsible. Line 2 imports the Spring technology model            4.4. Modeling Asynchronous
(cf. Listing 2) under the alias S p r i n g . As described in
Sect. 4.2, technology model imports integrate LEMMA’s
                                                                        Microservice Interaction
Technology Viewpoint with the Service Viewpoint so                 As described in Sect. 2, PACP microservices interact asyn-
that modeled microservices can be augmented with in-               chronously using a message broker and events. We de-
formation that reflect technology choices.                         cided for Kafka8 as broker technology and most events
   Lines 3 to 24 model the C S M M ’s command microservice.        originate from command microservices informing query
Line 3 uses the SML’s @ t e c h n o l o g y annotation to assign   microservices about state changes.
the microservice the imported S p r i n g technology model.           To model Kafka-based sending of such CQRS update
In order to configure the name and port of the Spring              events by command services, we again rely on LEMMA’s
application that realizes the microservice6 , Lines 4 to 7             7
      https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/   RequestBody.html
html/application-properties.html                                         https://kafka.apache.org
SML as it supports the (i) specification of event produc-                           operation-related modeling dimension D.4 (cf. Table 1)
tion and receipt by service operations; and (ii) augmen-                            and makes the operation infrastructure of a microservice
tation of model elements with broker and pattern infor-                             architecture explicit. Listing 6 shows an excerpt of the
mation from technology models (cf. Sect. 4.2). Listing 5                            operation model for the C S M M ’s command microservice.
shows an extended version of the service model for the
C S M M ’s command microservice (cf. Listing 4) with ele-                           Listing 6: Excerpt of the operation model for the C S M M ’s
ments for asynchronous event sending.                                                          command microservice in the OML (file “charg-
Listing 5: Extended version of the service model for the                             import microservices                                            1
           C S M M ’s command microservice (cf. Listing 4)                            from ”chargingStationManagement.services” as Services          2
           with elements for asynchronous microservice                               import technology
                                                                                      from ”container_base.technology” as ContainerBase              4
           interaction.                                                              import nodes from ”eureka.operation” as ServiceDiscovery        5
                                                                                     import nodes from ”keycloak.operation” as IAM                   6
 1   ...                                                                             import nodes from ”mongodb.operation” as Database               7
 2   import technology from ”Kafka.technology” as Kafka                              @technology(ContainerBase)                                      8
 3   import technology from ”Cqrs.technology” as CQRS                                container CommandContainer                                      9
 4   ...                                                                             deployment technology ContainerBase::_deployment.Kubernetes     10
 5   @technology(Kafka)                                                              with operation environment ”openjdk:11-jdk-slim”                11
 6   @technology(CQRS)                                                               deploys Services::de.fhdo.puls.                                 12
 7   @endpoints(Kafka::_protocols.kafka: ”kafka-server1:9092”;)                       ChargingStationManagementCommand                               13
 8   @CQRS::_aspects.CommandSide(”ChargingStationManagement”)                        depends on nodes ServiceDiscovery::Eureka, Database::MongoDB,   14
 9   functional microservice                                                          IAM::Keycloak {                                                15
10    de.fhdo.puls.ChargingStationManagementCommand {                                 default values {                                               16
11    ...                                                                              eurekaUri=”http://discovery-service:8761/eureka”              17
12    interface Commands {                                                             ...                                                           18
13     ...                                                                            }                                                              19
14     @Kafka::_aspects.Participant(                                                 }                                                               20
15      topic=”parkingSpaceCreatedEvents”
16     )
17     sendParkingSpaceCreatedEvent(                                                   Lines 1 to 4 import the service model of the C S M M ’s
        async out event : Domain::ChargingStationManagement
                                                                                    command microservice (cf. Listing 4) and a technology
20   }}                                                                             model for container technology10 . Lines 5 to 7 import
                                                                                    three other LEMMA operation models that specify the
    Lines 2 and 3 add imports for the Kafka technology                              PACP’s service discovery and IAM component as well
model9 and the CQRS technology model (cf. Listing 3),                               as the database of the C S M M ’s command microservice (cf.
respectively. Next, Lines 5 and 6 apply both models to                              Sect. 2). LEMMA supports the decomposition of opera-
the command microservice. Consequently, we can con-                                 tion models to separate definitions of centralized infras-
figure an endpoint for the k a f k a protocol from the K a f k a                    tructure components, e.g., service discoveries, from those
technology model to specify the location of the Kafka                               of microservice-specific components, e.g., containers.
broker (cf. Line 7). Moreover, we apply the C o m m a n d S i d e                      Lines 8 to 20 model the C o m m a n d C o n t a i n e r to deploy
aspect from the C Q R S technology model to the microser-                           the C S M M ’s command microservice. For this purpose, the
vice (cf. Line 8) so that it is semantically recognizable as                        container applies the imported C o n t a i n e r B a s e technol-
the physical command microservice of the logical “Charg-                            ogy model and leverages the provided K u b e r n e t e s deploy-
ingStationManagement” microservice (cf. Sect. 4.2).                                 ment technology11 with a Java image for its execution
    Lines 14 to 19 define the s e n d P a r k i n g S p a c e C r e a t e d -       (cf. Lines 10 and 11). LEMMA’s support for container-
E v e n t operation for sending Kafka events after the cre-                         based deployment also determines microservices’ techni-
ation of newly managed electrified parking spaces. To                               cal replicability [4]. More precisely, modeled microser-
this end, the P a r t i c i p a n t aspect configures the event’s                   vices (cf. Sect. 4.3) act as templates for runtime service
topic. In addition, the operation specifies the asynchro-                           instances, whose replicability characteristics are to be
nous outgoing parameter e v e n t [15], which is typed by                           determined by modeled containers.
the E l e c t r i f i e d P a r k i n g S p a c e C r e a t e d domain event from      Lines 12 and 13 specify that the modeled container
the imported C S M M domain model (cf. Listing 1).                                  deploys the imported C S M M command microservice.
                                                                                       Lines 14 and 15 configure the container to depend
4.5. Modeling Microservice Deployment                                               on the PACP’s Eureka-based service discovery12 and
                                                                                    Keycloak-based IAM provider13 as well as the MongoDB
In the following, we accompany the domain and service
                                                                                    database technology14 for document-oriented storage of
model of the C S M M ’s command microservice (cf. Sects. 4.1,
4.3, and 4.4) with an operation model for LEMMA’s Op-         10
eration Viewpoint [15]. The viewpoint specifies the Op- master/technology/container_base.technology
eration Modeling Language (OML), which covers the                https://www.kubernetes.io
     9                                                                                 13
    https://www.github.com/SeelabFhdo/mde4sa-2021/blob/                                     https://www.keycloak.org
master/technology/Kafka.technology                                                          https://www.mongodb.com
charging station information (cf. Sect. 2).                            as-needed technology augmentation of models with the
   Finally, the container uses the d e f a u l t v a l u e s section   TML (cf. Sect. 4.2). This approach copes with MSA’s tech-
of LEMMA’s OML [15] in Lines 16 to 19 to determine                     nology heterogeneity [1] and facilitates the reconstruc-
values for technology-specific configuration options that              tion of technology information from microservice im-
account for all deployed microservices. More precisely,                plementations. However, it requires upfront technology
the e u r e k a U r i option receives the URI to the PACP’s ser-       model construction, and balancing of semantic-oriented
vice discovery so that the deployed C S M M command mi-                and technology-oriented modeling. For example, the P u t -
croservice can leverage its capabilities.                              M a p p i n g aspect in Sect. 4.2 reifies the eponymous Spring
                                                                       annotation. Yet, it targets HTTP P U T requests so that the
                                                                       name P u t fits better to the intended semantics. AML re-
5. Discussion                                                          search could study trade-offs between semantic-oriented
                                                                       and technology-oriented modeling, e.g., by comparing
This section provides insights on MSA as a driver for AML
                                                                       the effectiveness of flexible AMLs like those of LEMMA
research w.r.t. holistic architecture modeling. Therefore,
                                                                       with modeling languages that integrate keywords for
we discuss experiences from adopting LEMMA’s AMLs
                                                                       MSA patterns or technologies (cf. Sect. 6).
to the PACP (cf. Sects. 2 and 4) in the different stages of
                                                                           Behavior modeling is another area for MSA-inspired
MSA engineering (cf. Sect. 3).
                                                                       AML research. Currently, none of LEMMA’s AMLs sup-
                                                                       ports behavior modeling w.r.t. service logic or data ex-
5.1. AMLs in MSA Design                                                change as we initially perceived it technology-specific.
Concerning MSA design, LEMMA’s DDML focuses on                         In this respect, MSA represents an interesting field to
tactical DDD, i.e., the modeling of domain concepts within             study the integration of technology-specific behavior
bounded contexts [18] (cf. Sect. 4.1). While tactical DDD              languages, e.g., programming languages, with modeling
allows determination of a microservice’s granularity in                languages. However, AML research might also focus
terms of domain concept structures and relationships, it               on adopting technology-agnostic behavior modeling lan-
does not provide means to express domain-driven ser-                   guages, e.g., UML sequence diagrams, to MSA engineer-
vice interaction. For this purpose, strategic DDD is appli-            ing for a facilitated reasoning about service interactions.
cable as it classifies the relationships between bounded                   Due to MSA’s technology heterogeneity, teams are
contexts [18]. Next to DDD, there also exist alternative               free to employ AMLs in MSA engineering. Hence, AML
approaches like Event Storming [25], which partition                   research could study the collaboration of modeling and
microservices and their interactions based on domain                   non-modeling teams. For the PACP, we implemented a
events. However, all these approaches use models to ab-                set of model transformations to integrate LEMMA-based
stract from technical details, and foster the collaboration            microservices with other teams’ components. For syn-
between domain experts and developers. For instance,                   chronous service interactions, we support the transfor-
strategic DDD relies on graphical context maps [18], while             mation/derivation of LEMMA models to/from OpenAPI
Event Storming combines a textual notation with box-                   specifications15 . For asynchronous service interactions,
and-line diagrams [25]. Thus, we perceive potential for                we transform/derive LEMMA models to/from Avro event
AML research to study the effectiveness of these ap-                   specifications16 . While this approach is sufficient for the
proaches and formalize them to allow automated rea-                    PACP, it requires dedicated transformations as well as
soning of resulting models [13].                                       additional specification management.
   Furthermore, MSA enables teams to employ different
approaches with varying degrees of autonomy in ser-                    5.3. AMLs in MSA Operation
vice design and realization [4]. For example, a team may
own microservices, which incorporate shared artifacts [1]              In MSA operation, the usage of markup languages like
owned by other teams or which do not rely on such                      YAML17 is frequent for the textual specification of op-
artifacts at all. Thus, AMLs for MSA must support dis-                 eration nodes and LEMMA’s OML (cf. Sect. 4.5) aims
tributed modeling including model evolution and integra-               to allow harmonization of heterogeneous textual speci-
tion. To this end, LEMMA allows, e.g., model decomposi-                fication approaches through models. As a result, AML
tion within or across team boundaries using imports [26],              research could next focus on model processing in the con-
and versioning of evolvable model elements [15].                       text of MSA operation. For instance, static analyzers may
                                                                       support in the reconstruction of MSA operation models
                                                                       from textual specifications. That is, because approaches
5.2. AMLs in MSA Development                                           like Kubernetes enable holistic operation specification
Technology abstraction is a key benefit of MDE and thus                   15
AMLs [13]. LEMMA enables technology-agnostic model-                       16
ing in the DDML and SML (cf. Sects. 4.1, 4.3, and 4.4), and               17
ranging from service deployment to infrastructure con- T y p e and A r t e f a c t T y p e to capture operation nodes and
figuration and usage.                                        deployed artifacts provider-independently. A CPIM is
                                                             then transformed to a provider-specific CPSM. Similarly
                                                             to LEMMA’s OML (cf. Sect. 4.5), CloudML focuses on
6. Related Work                                              operation aspects of cloud-native applications that may
                                                             incorporate microservices. However, in the OML mod-
To the best of our knowledge, there currently exist no
                                                             eled nodes and the artifacts deployed to them always
studies that investigate holistic AML adoption in MSA
                                                             require technology information, which could involve
design, development, and operation. Hence, we present
                                                             cloud-provider-specific configuration profiles. On the
work related to AMLs for MSA, thereby focusing on the
                                                             other hand, CloudML ships with a definitive set of prop-
modeling of heterogeneous parts of microservice archi-
                                                             erties, e.g., m e m o r y for node types, to describe deploy-
tectures to support holistic MDE adoption.
                                                             ment. Thus, when compared to LEMMA’s OML and its
   Le et al. [27] present the DcSL modeling language to
                                                             integration with the TML, CloudML lacks flexibility in
bridge the gap between domain experts and software
                                                             adding new configuration properties. Furthermore, due
developers. LEMMA’s DDML (cf. Sect. 4.1) follows a sim-
                                                             to LEMMA’s design as a modeling ecosystem, operation
ilar notion in addressing the concerns of domain experts
                                                             models in the OML can directly refer to artifact models,
and microservice developers. However, DcSL focuses on
                                                             i.e., microservices in LEMMA’s SML, thereby enabling
UML to capture domain information in models, and nei-
                                                             holistic architecture modeling that combines design, de-
ther supports DDD patterns nor addresses distributed do-
                                                             velopment, and operation information.
main models as required in MSA engineering [1]. More-
over, LEMMA’s DDML is part of an ecosystem dedicated
to microservice architecture modeling, and permits do- 7. Conclusion and Future Work
main concept referencing across models, e.g., to integrate
the Domain Viewpoint with the Service Viewpoint (cf. This paper investigated Microservice Architecture (MSA)
Sects. 4.3 and 4.4). Additionally, Le et al. do not evaluate [1] as an object of study for the research on architecture
DcSL in the context of a cohesive case study (cf. Sect. 2). modeling languages (AMLs) [12] with a special focus on
   Terzić et al. [28] present MicroBuilder to facilitate MSA holistic AML adoption throughout MSA design, develop-
engineering by MDE. The tool entails the MicroDSL lan- ment, and operation. To this end, we first presented a
guage, which provides modeling concepts for data struc- case study microservice architecture (cf. Sect. 2). From
tures, service endpoints, and REST APIs. MicroDSL is the case study, we derived an initial set of modeling di-
evaluated by modeling the domain data and synchronous mensions [13], and identified related stages and pains [8]
APIs of a web shop application. However, this evaluation in MSA engineering (cf. Sect. 3). Section 4 applied our
omits the application of AMLs for the specification of Language Ecosystem for Modeling Microservice Archi-
asynchronous interaction and microservice operation as, tecture (LEMMA) [15] to construct models for the case
unlike LEMMA (cf. Sects. 4.4 and 4.5), MicroDSL does study’s domain data, technology choices, service APIs,
not provide corresponding modeling concepts.                 and operation. The usage of LEMMA illustrated MSA’s
   MDSL [29] is a modeling language with means to de- potential to stimulate AML research w.r.t. the model-
fine microservice contracts including required and pro- based organization and integration of architecture con-
vided data. MDSL focuses on the expression of API cerns (cf. Sect. 5).
providers and consumers with logical endpoint types. By         In the future, we plan to strengthen the presented
contrast, LEMMA’s SML considers microservice APIs to insights on holistic AML adoption for architecture design,
constitute collections of operations, which are organized development, and operation by an empirical investigation
in service-specific interfaces (cf. Sect. 4.3). Hence, MDSL of LEMMA’s applicability for MSA practitioners. Given
focuses on a higher level of abstraction than our SML MSA’s current popularity, such an investigation could
so that an integration of both languages seems benefi- particularly contribute to the clarification of benefits and
cial. For instance, MDSL models may cluster information challenges concerning industrial AML usage.
about microservice contracts in a technology-agnostic
manner. These models could then be transformed to
SML models, whose technology-specific extension would References
allow, e.g., subsequent microservice code generation.
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