SAML 2021 - First International Workshop on Software Architecture and Machine Learning Karthik Vaidhyanathana , Henry Muccinib , Ivica Crnkovicc , Michael Keelingd and Ipek Ozkayae a,𝑏 University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy c Chalmers University of Technology), Sweden d LendingHome, San Francisco, California, United States e Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, United States Software systems are becoming more and ture (SA) and ML. As a result, there have been more complex due to their ever-increasing per- emerging contributions from the scientific and vasive nature, resulting in various architect- practitioner community in these two research ing challenges to ensure better performance, areas. However, these contributions are scat- reliability, security, etc. On the other hand, tered across different communities of software the field of Machine Learning (ML) has ad- engineering, self-adaptation, ML, etc. The ob- vanced rapidly with the availability of a larger jective of the First International Workshop amount of data, better computing infrastruc- on Software Architecture and Machine Learn- ture supplemented by the increasing number ing (SAML) 2021 was to bring together prac- of domain experts. This revolution has span titioners and the research community in one ned across the different software domains, and common platform to explore: i) how to come as the years progress, software systems, by up with better SA practices for architecting leveraging ML, are moving from the notion ML-based systems; ii) how to leverage ML of being another software to more intelligent techniques to better architect software sys- software systems. However, the increasing tems; iii) state of research and practice in ar- adoption of AI, especially ML, has given rise chitecting ML-based systems and in using ML to different challenges associated with devel- techniques for architecting modern software opment practices, deployments, ensuring data systems. quality, etc., in addition to the challenges of a The SAML 2021 workshop was held in vir- traditional software system. In recent times, tual mode on September 14, 2021, and was both the research and practitioner commu- collocated with the European Conference on nity have started exploring these research ar- Software Architecture (ECSA). The workshop eas at the intersection of Software Architec- received a total of six high-quality submis- sions (two full papers, three short papers, and one position paper) with authors represent- " (K. Vaidhyanathan); (H. ing seven different countries. After a thor- Muccini); (I. Crnkovic); ough single-blind peer-review process involv- (M. Keeling); ing three members from the Program Com- (I. Ozkaya) © 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permit- mittee per submission, five were accepted (one ted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 Inter- national (CC BY 4.0). full paper, three short papers, and one posi- CEUR CEUR Workshop Proceedings tion paper). The accepted papers covered dif- ( Workshop ISSN 1613-0073 Proceedings ferent areas of using ML techniques for ex- Program Committee tracting architecture descriptions, a reference architecture for ML-enabled systems, techni- • Jan Bosch - Chalmers University of Tech- cal debt in ML-enabled systems, and self-adap nology, Sweden tation for ML-enabled systems. The workshop program included a keynote • Tomas Bures - Charles University, Czech by Liming Zhu, Research Director, Data61, Republic Austrailia on Distributed Trust Architecture • Ilias Gerostathopoulos - Vrije University, - The New Reality of ML-based Systems. Fur- Netherlands ther, the workshop program consisted of pa- per presentations, interactive discussions, and • Ian Gorton - Northeastern University, United a panel consisting of members from academic States and practitioner communities: i) Jan Bosch, Chalmers University of Technology Sweden; • Helena Holmström Olsson - Malmö Uni- ii) Timothy J. Halloran, Software Engineer, versity, Sweden Google, USA; iii) Grace Lewis, Principal Re- • Grace Lewis - Carnegie Mellon University, searcher and Lead of TAS, Carnegie Mellon United States University, USA; and iv) Anastas Stoyanovsky, Staff Software, Lending Home, USA. The at- • David Lo - Singapore Management Univer- tendees of SAML 2021 represented an inter- sity, Singapore national audience, and the discussions con- tributed to expanding further the research bo • Lucy Ellen Lwakatare - University of Helsinki, undaries of SA for ML and ML for SA. Finland We would like to thank the program com- • Tommi Mikkonen - University of Helsinki, mittee members for all the support and for Finland providing high-quality reviews. We would also like to thank the ECSA 2021 Organizing • Jørn Ølmheim - Equinor ASA, Norway Committee, particularly the workshop chairs Matthias Galster and Patrizia Scandurra, for • Romina Spalazzese - Malmö University, Swe- their valuable help and support. den Workshop Chairs • Karthik Vaidhyanathan - University of L’Aquila, Italy • Henry Muccini - University Of L’Aquila, Italy • Ivica Crnkovic - Chalmers University of Tech- nology, Sweden • Michael Keeling - LendingHome, United States • Ipek Ozkaya- Carnegie Mellon University, United States