=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2980/paper304 |storemode=property |title=AGDLI: ArCo, GVP and DBpedia Linking Initiative |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2980/paper304.pdf |volume=Vol-2980 |authors=Stefano Faralli, Andrea Lenzi, Paola Velardi |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/semweb/0001LV21 }} ==AGDLI: ArCo, GVP and DBpedia Linking Initiative== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2980/paper304.pdf
     AGDLI: ArCo, GVP and DBpedia Linking

 Stefano Faralli1[0000−0003−3684−8815] , Andrea Lenzi2[0000−0002−8997−9862] , and
                       Paola Velardi2[0000−0003−0884−1499]
                       University of Rome UnitelmaSapienza, Italy
                            Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

      Abstract. We present the ArCo, GVP and DBpedia Linking Initiative
      (AGDLI), a research activity within the project SMARTOUR: intelligent
      platforms for tourism, funded by the Italian Ministry of University and
      Research. Our initiative is aimed at linking ArCo’s cultural entities to the
      well known Getty Vocabulary Program and DBpedia ontologies, with the
      main goal of providing a semantically rich representation of the Italian
      cultural heritage for tourism-related knowledge-based applications. In
      this paper we provide a detailed description of the initiative and describe
      the current research developments and outcomes.

      Keywords: ArCo · Getty Vocabularies · DBpedia · knowledge-based

1   Introduction

Nowadays, we are observing an increasing number of novel semantically-enabled
and knowledge-based applications. Hence, Linked Open Data are more and more
gaining the attention from public administrations and industries all over the
world. In this paper3 , we describe the ArCo, GVP and DBpedia Linking Ini-
tiative (AGDLI ). Our initiative is a research activity part of the SMARTOUR:
intelligent platform for tourism project (see Section Acknowledgements). The
main goal of the initiative is to study semi-supervised methodologies to gener-
ate semantically rich definitions of Italian cultural heritage entities, to be used
in different knowledge-based tourism related applications, such as recommender
systems [6] and semantically-enriched augmented reality tools for point of inter-
ests discovery [5]. To this end, we decided to link the entities defined in ArCo 4
[2] with the concepts defined in the Getty Vocabulary Program 5 (GVP ) [4] and
  Copyright © 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative
  Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
        S. Faralli, A. Lenzi and P. Velardi

DBpedia [1]6 ontologies. ArCo is a state-of-the art knowledge graph of the Ital-
ian cultural heritage, which defines 169 million triples describing 820 thousand
cultural entities. In ArCo (see Figure 1), important properties - such as the type
(dc:type) - are valued with literals or not linked with existing ontologies e.g. au-
thorship attributions (I0:Agent). The GVP is a top ontology on which the Art &
Architecture Thesaurus® (AAT ), the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names®
(TGN ), and the Union List of Artist Names® (ULAN ) vocabularies are based
on. AAT, TGN and ULAN vocabularies provide semantic definitions for con-
cepts useful for cataloging, documenting and retrieving information related to
art, architecture, and other material culture. By targeting both the GVP and
DBpedia ontologies, we can generate, with high coverage, links for ArCo entities
and their properties. This may considerably enrich the ArCo ontology, which
currently defines only 14 high-level classes with a depth of 4, while e.g. the
AAT ontology provides more than 55K domain specific concepts divided in 8
facet taxonomies with an average height of 13 levels. In this paper, we provide
a description of the current research outcomes and future work of the AGDLI

2   The linking initiative

In Figure 1, we depict an excerpt of the ArCo schema. In this diagram we high-
light some of the properties of ArCo CulturalProperty entities that we link to
the GVP ontology. Specifically, we are investigating semi-supervised method-
ologies to automatically: i) mine and link the dc:type and rdfs:label properties
of CulturalProperty instances to the AAT ; ii) link the cities of the addresses of
CulturalProperty instances to the TGN ; iii) link the agents of authorship at-
tributions of CulturalProperty instances to the ULAN ; iv) normalize the date
intervals of CulturalProperty instances into a machine readable format7 , such
as the Open Date Range Format 8 . We note that ArCo is in Italian, while the
GVP is mainly in English, which represents an additional challenge of our link-
ing initiative. In Figure 2, we depict an example of mining concepts from ArCo
entities’ textual descriptions and linking them to corresponding concepts in the
AAT. In this task:

 1. we automatically translated from English to Italian the AAT terms. To this
    end, we used the Google Translate API9 . Note that, we preserved the original
    Italian terminology when already provided by the AAT;

  This initiative’s aim is intended to provide a ready to use resource for time-based
  tourism applications.
  Dublin     Core     Collection   Description:    Open     Date    Range     Format
                                                        AGDLI: ArCo, GVP and DBpedia Linking Initiative


                                         gvp:Concept                                                                                                          DCCD

                                                                   type                                label                            date

                                                         dc:type                          rdfs:label


                        clvapit:hasGeometry                    arco-location:hasCulturalPropertyAddress              arco-cd:hasAuthorshipAttribution

                                     clvapit:Geometry                                         clvapit:Address                      arco-cd:AuthorshipAttribution

                 arco-location:hasCoordinates                                            clvapit:hasCity                 arco-cd:hasAttributedAuthor

                              arco-location:Coordinates                                          clvapit:City                                      l0:Agent

                                                          arco-location:long                  rdfs:label                         rdfs:label

                                     lat                long                                           city                             author

 arco-cd:                                                                                                         owl:sameAs
                                                                                         owl:sameAs                       owl:sameAs
                                                                               owl:Class                       gvp:PhysPlaceConcept                         gvp:PersonConcept
 rdfs:                                   DBpedia                                                                          ULAN

Fig. 1. A diagram representing an excerpt of ArCo ontology (green boxes) and the links
to external classes and properties (yellow boxes) our initiative is aimed to generate.

 2. we applied standard text pre-processing techniques (e.g., tokenization, low-
    ercasing) to ArCo entities’ textual descriptions. To this end, we adopted the
    Stanford NLP API10 ;
 3. we automatically collected all the occurrences of Italian AAT terms in ArCo
    entities’ rdfs:label and dc:type resulting preprocessed textual properties. In
    this step, for each ArCo’s entity, we obtained a collection of links with AAT
    concepts. As a result, we obtained a collection of ambiguous links to all the
    AAT concepts having the same skosxl:literalForm 11 (see the example of as
    described in Figure 2,).
 4. since these tasks are error-prone, we performed a manual refinement of the
    translated AAT ’s terms, fixing translation errors and adding synonyms, sin-
    gular, plural and hypernymous forms for terms occurring in the the textual
    properties of missing linked ArCo’s entities;
 5. we repeated steps 3 and 4 until an adequate coverage was reached.
          S. Faralli, A. Lenzi and P. Velardi

Fig. 2. An example of automatically mined and linked concepts form the
rdfs:label and the dc:type properties of the arco-arco:CulturalProperty described
at https://w3id.org/arco/resource/HistoricOrArtisticProperty/1500409235. Note that
both the singular form Italian words ”figura” (figure) and ”statua” (statue) were cor-
rectly linked to the corresponding English plural forms ”figures” and ”statues”.
To link ArCo’s cities to TGN and DBpedia we performed string matching12 with
the corresponding terms and entities. At the time of writing, we are investigating
on effective linking methodologies of ArCo’s I0:Agents with ULAN entities, and
on dc:date normalization.

3      Current Outcomes and Conclusions
In this paper, we introduced the AGDLI initiative. As a result, we obtained13 :
 – the automatic translation in Italian of the 55K AAT terms;
 – a total of 5.6 M triples (skos:relatedMatch and skos:related ) linking the 98.2%
   (by dc:type) and the 99.9% (by rdfs:label ) of arco-arco:CulturalProperty en-
   tities to candidate AAT concepts;
 – a total of 6.6 K triples (skos:relatedMatch) linking the 86.3% of clvapit:City
   instances to candidate TGN entities; iv) 4.7 K novel owl:sameAs relations,
   now linking the 100% clvapit:City to DBpedia.
     We applied different similarity measures e.g., string edit distance-based similarity.
     Resources are available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC
     BY 4.0) at https://sites.google.com/unitelmasapienza.it/agdli/.
                         AGDLI: ArCo, GVP and DBpedia Linking Initiative

As already introduced in Section 2, the next planned activities are aimed at both
linking ArCo’s authorship attributions to ULAN entities and normalizing the
CulturalProperty’s dc:date.
    Moreover, we are planning to apply semi-supervised methodologies for the
disambiguation of the generated candidate links. For instance, generated links to
AAT concepts can be refined with semi-supervised word sense disambiguation
approaches, while the generated matches with TGN candidates can be disam-
biguated based on the distance between the geographical coordinates of ArCo
and TGN entities.
    Further plans of the AGDLI initiative include, among others, the applica-
tion and investigation of knowledge graph completion methodologies [3] to link
isolated (unmatched) entities of the resulting graph, and the adoption of best
practices for continuous resource maintenance and deployment.

This work was carried out within the research project ”SMARTOUR: intelligent
platform for tourism” funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research
with the Regional Development Fund of European Union (PON Research and
Competitiveness 2007-2013).

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