=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2980/paper392 |storemode=property |title=H-Bert: Enhancing Chinese Pretrained Models with Attention to HowNet |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2980/paper392.pdf |volume=Vol-2980 |authors=Wei Zhu |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/semweb/Zhu21 }} ==H-Bert: Enhancing Chinese Pretrained Models with Attention to HowNet== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2980/paper392.pdf
      H-Bert: Enhancing Chinese Pretrained Models with
                   Attention to HowNet

                                            Wei Zhu1,2
                             East China Normal University, Shanghai, China
                              DataSelect AI Technology, Shanghai, China

          Abstract. Pretrained transformers for Chinese show remarkable performances
          on various natural language processing tasks. However, these models are purely
          data-driven and fail to incorporate explicit semantic knowledge, like HowNet. In
          this paper, we propose H-BERT, which enhances the semantic representations
          of Chinese BERT by incorporating sememe knowledge from HowNet in the
          pretraining stage via multi-head attention. Our experiments demonstrate that H-
          BERT can significantly outperform the vanilla BERT on the downstream tasks.
          Ablation study compares different settings of H-BERT and shows that and case
          study also shows that knowledge injection is required at both the pretraining and
          fine-tuning stage.3

          Keywords: pretrained language models · knowledge graph · knowledge enhanced
          Type of submission: Poster

1      Introduction

Since the rise of BERT, pretrained language models (PLMs) have dominated state of
the art (SOTA) for a comprehensive list of natural language tasks [2, 7, 3]. Despite their
powerfulness, PLMs still fall short on a series of tasks that requires entity level and
domain level knowledge [13]. As a result, a branch of literature has been dedicated to
injecting structured knowledge into PLMs, both in pretraining and fine-tuning stages.
One approach is to inject structure information of knowledge graph via entity embedding
[15]. Similarly, [9] and [13] pretrains BERT jointly with knowledge embedding training.
Another approach is to inject knowledge by adding them into the original sentence.
[5] explicitly injects related triples extracted from KG into the sentence to obtain an
extended tree-form input for BERT.
    However, the literature falls short on three aspects. First, many PLMs that inject
knowledge from pretraining suffer from catastrophic forgetting and thus can only perform
well on entity-related tasks such as named entity recognition and relation classification,
but performs poorly on sentence-level tasks like GLUE [12]. Second, there are few
studies on enriching Chinese PLMs with Knowledge. K-BERT studied incorporating
HowNet without pretraining by adding the knowledge facts into the input sentence.
However, it requires manually select the most important two sememes for each word,
which is unsuitable for scale-up and tasks of different domains.
     Copyright c 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License
     Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
2       Zhu et al.

                        Fig. 1. The model architecture of H-BERT.

    In this work, we adopt the core data of HowNet [10] as our knowledge source.
HowNet was initially designed and constructed in the 1990s. Furthermore, it has kept
frequently updating since it was published in 1999. In HowNet, each word has several
sememes, which by linguistic definition, are the minimum semantic units of language
and can well represent implicit semantic meanings behind words. For example, as shown
in Figure 1, the word 中国(China) has a series of sememes, i.e., 国家(country), 中
国(China), 亚洲(Asia), 政治(politics), 地方(place). The sememe set of HowNet is
determined by extracting, analyzing, merging, and filtering semantics of thousands of
Chinese characters. HowNet is widely applied for knowledge-enhanced word/sentence
representations [8, 14] and is shown to be beneficial for a wide range of NLP tasks.
However, the previous work does not combine HowNet with language model pretraining.

     This work proposes HowNet BERT (H-BERT), a transformer-based model that
uses a simple multi-head attention module to incorporate How-Net knowledge. Our
H-BERT model is depicted in Figure 1. A sentence is encoded via two modules. First,
it is tokenized and embedded via the token embedding layer. Second, we recognize
the words which are included in How-Net and obtain their sememes. Tokens in the
same word will have the same sememes. We can treat the sememes of a word as sub-
word features. Sememes are treated as the minimum units, and the sememes of the
tokens will be embedded via the sememe embedding layer. Knowledge from How-Net
is injected via a multi-head attention layer from the token representation to the tokens’
sememe representation (denoted as attn-to-sememes). Here, this attention module can
be implemented right after the token embedding layer or after obtaining the sequential
output of the token encoder.

    We conduct experiments on sentence classification (CLS) and sentence pair classifi-
cation (NLI), which are whole-sentence level tasks, and named entity recognition (NER),
which is an entity-level task. Tasks from different domains are selected. Experimental
results show that our model consistently outperforms the vanilla ALBERT and K-BERT
on a series of tasks, indicating that our model can handle both whole sentence-level and
entity-level tasks equally well. Moreover, we find that pretraining with attn-to-sememe
but exclude this module during fine-tuning also improves the performance of the vanilla
             H-Bert: Enhancing Chinese Pretrained Models with Attention to HowNet           3

2     Methodology
2.1   Sentence Encoder
Figure 1 gives a high-level description of transformer architecture in pretrained model-
s [2]. A sentence is tokenized into tokens and are embedded as H 0 = (w1 , w2 , ..., wTt ).
After going through BERT encoder, we obtain the contextualized representation H L =
(h1 , h2 , ..., hTt ).

2.2   Sememe Embedding
Now we discuss how to incorporate the HowNet knowledge. First, in a sentence, we
match all the words (not overlapping) included in the sememe via FlashText [11]. Then
sememes of these words are obtained. The tokens will have the same sememe if a word
has more than one token after sub-word tokenization. Now we have a sememe sequence
S 0 = (s1 , s2 , ..., sTt ), in which si = [sem1 , sem2 , ..., semli ] means the word si is in
has li sememes according to HowNet. For tokens in words that are not in HowNet, li = 1
and we given it a special padding sememe, denoted as < s − pad >. For example, in
Figure 1, different words have different sememes, and some have no sememes. The
tokens’ sememes are embedded to tensor SE 0 = (se1 , se2 , ..., seTt ). The sememe
embedding layer is randomly initialized and is learned along with pretraining.

2.3   Knowledge Injection
Knowledge is injected via multi-head attention. The token embeddings H 0 are treated
as query, and the sememe embeddings SE 0 are treated as key and value. Knowledge
enriched representation of the sentence H S is obtained by multi-head attention from the
query to the sememes. We call this knowledge injection module as attn-to-sememes.

2.4   Training and Fine-tuning
We include the attn to sememes in the pretraining stage. During pretraining, for masked
language modeling (MLM), the masked tokens will be treated as tokens with no sememes,
i.e., it only has a padding sememe < s − pad >. We believe that including sememe
knowledge during pretraining can help to speed up learning semantic meanings of tokens.
     For pretrained H-BERT, we can fine-tune it in two approaches: (a) discarding the
attn-to-sememe module and fine-tuning H-BERT in the same way as BERT; (b) taking
advantage of HowNet during fine-tuning, that is, extracting the sememe informaitons
from the sentence, and using the attn-to-sememe module to inject sememe information
to H-BERT’s encoder.
                    Model    #params chn lcqmc xnli msra ner fin ner ccks ner
                 ALBERT base 9.9M 91.10 84.21 60.97 85.14     78.43 90.63
                   K-BERT     9.9M 91.53 84.71 61.37 85.78    78.63 90.82
                  H-BERT v3 10.3M 91.48 84.67 61.46 85.69     78.58 90.78
                  H-BERT v2 10.3M 91.58 84.84 61.72 85.97     78.76 90.93
                  H-BERT v0 10.3M 92.08 85.16 61.93 86.48     79.08 91.15
                 ALBERT large 16.5M 93.54 87.21 64.89 87.53   80.35 92.46
                  H-BERT v1 16.8M 94.47 88.34 65.94 89.07     81.23 93.35
Table 1. Main results on the 6 benchmark datasets. Average scores of ten runs are reported. We
also report each models’ number of parameters.
4         Zhu et al.

3     Experiments
3.1    Experimental Setup

Pretraining is done on the Chinese Wikipedia corpus. We use the vocabulary of Google
Chinese Bert [2] for tokenization. We pretrain three models totally from scratch: (a)
ALBERT base [3]; (b) ALBERT large [3]; (c) H-BERT v0, which uses a randomly
initialized ALBERT base as the encoder and includes an attn-to-sememe module on
the embedding layer; (d) H-BERT v1, which is in the large model setting; (e) H-BERT
v2, which is a base model and puts the attn-to-sememe module on the last layer of its
Transformer encoder. (f) H-BERT v3, which is H-BERT v0 fine-tuned without attn-to-
sememe. For H-BERT v0 and H-BERT v2, the hidden size of transformers is reduced
to 640. The hidden size of H-BERT v1 is set to 980. Moreover, the attn-to-sememe
module reuses the encoder’s parameters. Thus, the number of parameters is comparable
to ALBERT base. We apply our pretrained vanilla Albert base on the open-sourced codes
of K-Bert [5] to obtain the results.
    During fine-tuning, we mainly follow the hyper-params of [3]. Each model runs 10
times to ensure reproducibility.

3.2    Datasets

We experiment across a diverse set of 6 benchmark NLP tasks and demonstrate the
effectiveness of our model. For text classification, we select ChnSentiCorp (chn)4 . For
NLI, we select LCQMC [6] (lcqmc) and XNLI [1] (xnli). For named entity recognition
task, three datasets from different domains are selected. MSRA NER (msra ner) [4] is
from the open domain, Finance NER5 (fin ner) is from the financial domain, and CCKS
NER6 (ccks ner) is collected from the medical records.

3.3    Results and Analysis

The experimental results are reported in Table 1. The main takeaways are:

    – H-BERT v0 consistently outperforms ALBERT base and K-BERT with comparable
      parameters, demonstrating H-BERT’s effectiveness.
    – H-BERT v1 outperforms ALBERT large, demonstrating that our method can also
      work for large pretrained models.
    – H-BERT v3 performs worse than H-BERT v0, but it is better than ALBERT base,
      showing that attn-to-sememe helps improve the generalization ability of pretrained
      models. In addition, adopting attn-to-sememe during fine-tuning is beneficial for
      downstream tasks.
    – Comparing H-BERT v2 with H-BERT v0, we can see that it is better to apply
      attn-to-sememes at the embedding layer of the encoder model.
   https://github.com/pengming617/bert classification
   https://biendata.com/competition/CCKS2017 2/
              H-Bert: Enhancing Chinese Pretrained Models with Attention to HowNet               5

4    Conclusion
This article proposes to enhance the Chinese pre-trained language models with simple
attention to sememes module. Experiments on 6 benchmark datasets shows that: From
the architecture point of view, attn-to-sememes should be applied at the embedding layer;
(2) attn-to-sememes are required at both pretraining and fine-tuning stages for better
downstream performances. Our model can beat the vanilla ALBERT significantly across
6 datasets with roughly the same amount of parameters, showing that our model can
effectively inject knowledge into PLMs.

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