What I Want in a (Computational) Partner Christopher Landauer Topcy House Consulting, Thousand Oaks, California, 91362 topcycal@gmail.com Abstract is well-described in earlier papers on Self-Awareness and Self-Modeling Landauer and Bellman (1999) Landauer and This is a position paper about some stringent conditions that Bellman (2002) Landauer (2013). we should expect any computational partners to satisfy before We are not at all suggesting that this is the only way to we are willing to trust them with non-trivial tasks, and the methods we expect to use to build systems that satisfy them. address these issues, or even that these are the only impor- tant issues; only that we think that all of these issues are We have implemented many of the methods we describe to demonstrate some of these properties before, but we have not important and must be addressed, and that this approach has collected them into a single implementation where they can gained enough coherence and completion, with supporting reinforce or interfere with each other. This paper is a pre- computational methods, to attempt an implementation. liminary description of a design of such an implementation, There is a large literature in multiple communities that ad- which we are in the process of defining and constructing. dresses some of these problems: organic computing Würtz (2008) Müller-Schloer et al. (2011), which is largely about Introduction the system qualities needed to enable collections of largely autonomous systems to be effective in complex real-world The structure of the paper is as follows: it will start with environments, interwoven and self-integrating systems Bell- some context and a list of relevant tasks and locations for man et al. (2021), which are concerned with the difficult which computer assistance could be extremely helpful. and dynamic boundaries between cooperating systems, and Then comes the first main part of the paper: the set of how much a system needs to know about its own behav- characteristics and responsibilities that should be expected, iors and capabilities to integrate effectively into a team, and These include predictability (we can know what it is likely to even explainable artificial intelligence, though that is cur- do), interpretability (we can follow what it is doing), and ex- rently largely limited to explaining a few classes of learning plainability (we can understand why it did whatever it did), algorithms. guarantees of behavior, graceful degradation, reputation and trust management, and continual improvement. Context The second main part of the paper is about the “enablers”, The context of this work is a software-managed system (also that is, the methods and approaches that we think will lead to called constructed complex system, cyber-physical system, systems that can satisfy all of these expectations to the extent technical system) in a difficult environment: complex, dy- required (there is, of course, an application-dependent engi- namic, remote, hazardous, malicious or even actively hos- neering decision about how much of each of these properties tile, or all of the above. These systems will go places we is needed). The chief enablers are Computational Reflec- cannot (or should not) go, or provide physical or computa- tion, Model-Based Operation, and Speculative Simulation, tional assistance when we do. each of which will be explained in that part of the paper. The paper follows this description with a list of problems, Relevant Tasks and Locations that is, major difficulties with these application areas that we The kinds of tasks we are expecting to be relevant are quite think every computing system will have to address if it is to varied: be used in that environment. We are sure that this list is far from complete, and will likely never be complete, but we are • search and rescue (remember also that dogs and other an- expecting that it is complete enough to proceed. imals may be helping); Finally, the paper closes with a few notes about our con- clusions and prospects. In the interests of space, it does • medical maintenance, prevention and intervention, emer- not discuss the integration of models and components that gencies; Copyright ©2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). • IED (Improvised Explosive Devices) and other bombs, use for our own planning. An important aspect of these also biological, chemical, or radiation threat detection; properties is the notion of an “audit trail”, that is, a descrip- tion of what was and was not done and why (essential ele- • shelter / road / bridge / space station construction; ments of the decision process that made the choice and the • scientific exploration; and information used to do so), with the implications of making alternative choices (this is much more than the usual kind of • cooperative / competitive games. audit trail that records only what was done). It is also im- portant to be able to know what can be expected in different We are not so much interested in autonomous vehicles, not situations, before those situations occur. because it is not important or prominent today, but because These explanation will necessarily involve multiple lev- we are waiting for that area to have a purpose beyond tak- els of detail, not only the usual multiple time and space ing people where they want to go (unless that counts as a scopes (range of consideration) and scales (resolution de- competitive game in a hostile environment). tail), but also multiplicity and granularity in the semantic do- The potential locations in which these activities might main detail (which could be a superficial summary or more take place are also varied: detailed descriptive terminology; each is useful for different • inside a building or other structure, perhaps collapsed and purposes). / or unstable; We expect these systems to undergo verification and vali- dation (see any Software Engineering book for these terms) • outside buildings in an urban area; as usual at design / test / deployment time, but also contin- ually at run time (not just to satisfy requirements, which is • in a remote wilderness area (forest and jungle, hill and verification, but also to satisfy expectations, which is valida- canyon, ice and rocks and tundra); tion). • airborne, surface maritime, or undersea; A perennial trade-off in system design is flexibility vs. assurance. The issue is to balance the flexibility of adap- • active conflict zone; and tive behavior with the assurance of (semi-)predictable be- havior. We are strongly on the side of emphasizing flexi- • off-planet, either on another or in space. bility, with explicit processes that limit it when appropriate. Some of these tasks are obviously more relevant to some of This requires behavioral constraint management, to account these locations than others, and we do not expect any system for guarantees of behavior, both safety and liveness (these to manage all (or even more than one or two) of them the terms and related ones are defined in Alpern and Schneider way we generally expect humans to be able to do. (1986)). If the environment stays within the specified constraints, Characteristics and Responsibilities then the system will behave as advertised (this is called The first main point in this paper is our current list of the an “assumption - guarantee” model in Kwiatkowska et al. desired and / or expected characteristics and responsibilities (2010) and Chilton et al. (2013); this model has been stud- of such a system: ied for quite some time). We want the system to exhibit graceful degradation, • predictability and interpretability and explainability; which means, that if the environment does not stay within the expected constraints, then the system will only gradu- • verification and validation; ally lose capability (up to a certain catastrophic level of per- • flexibility vs assurance; nicious behavior). In this sense, we want the system to be robust and resilient. A system is robust if it can maintain • reputation and trust management; function in the face of disruptive efforts or effects. A system is resilient if it can restore function in the aftermath of a dis- • continual improvement; and ruption. These definitions are of course dependent on the • power assist. meanings of “maintain” and “restore” (and “disruption”), but those meanings can be turned into graded measurements, To our mind, some of the most important properties of a both for how much a system is disrupted and how much and system are its predictability (we can know for our own plan- how quickly and how well it recovers. They are also clearly ning what it is likely to do), interpretability (we can rec- task- and location-specific. ognize and follow what it is doing), and explainability (we Another area where design engineering often fails is in the can understand why it did whatever it did and not something notion of “appropriate efficiency”. We know that efficiency else). These properties allow us to build a viable mental is the enemy of robustness, and we are expecting this sys- model of what that system is, which we can (indeed, must) tem to be extremely robust. We are willing to spend a little efficiency to gain that robustness. A Computationally Reflective system has access to all of Reputation and trust management are also essential. Not its own internal computation and decision processes, can only do we want the system to do the right thing, it must reason about its capabilities and behavior, and can change be trusted that it does the right thing, that it will do the that behavior when and as appropriate (see Kiczales et al. right thing under increasingly varied and difficult circum- (1991) Buschmann (1996) for a description of reflection, or stances, and that it will tell us when it cannot, hopefully Landauer and Bellman (1999) for a description of our ap- before that happens. The system should provide deficiency proach). In addition to whatever external expectations there and degradation announcements, so we know what we can are, it engages in a process we call “continual contempla- expect. There also needs to be a method for new role ne- tion”, examining its own activity for anomalies and potential gotiation, based on a system’s current or projected degraded improvements. or enhanced capability. The mechanisms and processes of For our purposes, the easiest way to do this is through establishing and maintaining trust are well-studied in the lit- models (this is “Model-Based Operation”). The way we erature, but we are also expecting the system to have notions use the term, “model-based operation” is more than model- of trust of its own behavior, something like a self-assessment based design or engineering (as in Schmidt (2006)), which of reliability (e.g., if it tries to perform a certain action, will make extensive use of modeling during system design and that action occur?). development. All system knowledge and processes are There are some other aspects of the system that are not as maintained as models, which can be examined as part of important to us at first, but that will become important if we the decision processes, and exercised or interpreted to pro- want to use these systems. duce the system’s behaviors. That way, when the system There should be a way for human operators to over-ride changes the models, it changes its own behavior. In some almost anything, with varying levels of justification effort applications requiring extreme flexibility, even the model in- required. Of course, that can become problematic in time- terpreter can be one of the models, so the very notation in and life-critical decisions. There should be a kind of “power which the system is written can change. assist” mode (as in power steering and power brakes in au- In that sense, we call these systems “self-modeling” (as tomobiles), where the system lets its operators drive it under described in Landauer and Bellman (2002), Landauer et al. certain circumstances, with little or no decision making (just (2013)). While there are many ways such a system might be providing low level support to operator selected actions). implemented, we have shown the efficacy of Wrappings as This becomes even more useful if we instrument everything one way to do these things. Wrappings are described in Lan- and analyze it later, to suggest operating improvements. dauer and Bellman (1999), Landauer (2013), and in many Finally, we expect the system to analyze itself for contin- other papers. We will not describe them here for lack of ual improvement along several paths. It will be improving space, except to say that they provide a Knowledge-based current behaviors by streamlining behavior combinations: if integration infrastructure that is extremely flexible and ex- decisions are made the same way every time, they can be pressive. compiled out of the code until the relevant part of the envi- For us, modeling is pervasive throughout the lifetime of ronment changes (this process is called “partial evaluation” the system (we have written about this issue in Landauer and Jones (1996); it can be very useful in conjunction with a Bellman (2015a), Landauer and Bellman (2015b), Landauer process that watches for relevant environmental changes). and Bellman (2016a), for example). In fact, we expect the We do not by any means think that these are all the impor- system itself to build models, as a way of coping with the va- tant properties, but we think they are enough to make system garies and hazards of its environment, by retaining essential behavior more amenable to difficult applications. properties of it for analysis and planning, as well as perspec- tive views of how those models change in time. Enablers That puts model construction at the center of our consid- The second main point of this paper is that we believe that erations. The system will perform, as part of its continual all of this is feasible: there is a set of enablers that we be- contemplation, what we call “Behavior Mining”, an exami- lieve can supply these aforementioned properties. They have nation of the event and action history, for the purpose of dis- played a prominent role in recent work in Self-Aware and covering persistent structures or event patterns that can be Self-Adaptive Systems (see Lewis et al. (2016), Bellman used for system improvement. This includes history main- et al. (2017), Kounev et al. (2017), Bellman et al. (2021), tenance and management, so the system has access to the Bellman et al. (2020)), and we are using several results and activity. Machine Learning techniques can be valuable here, approaches from that area in this design. but they are just one of the possible approaches (e.g., gram- Among the most important ones we have used are Com- matical and event pattern inference), and in any case, they putational Reflection, Model-Based Operation, and Specu- do not usually address data in the form of partially ordered lative Simulation (there are others, but these are the three sets of multiple-resolution descriptions of events. we wish to discuss here). This process entails a continual identification of common structures and behaviors, based on internal activity indi- Problems cators. Our Wrapping integration infrastructure (see Lan- There is of course a myriad of potential problems. The un- dauer and Bellman (1999), Landauer and Bellman (2002), fortunate part is that most of them cannot be overcome, only Landauer (2013)) facilitates such access, encapsulation of mitigated, and some not even that. On the other hand, it is commonly co-occurring activities, and bottom-up evolution our contention that almost all these same problems apply no of empirical system structures (the structures change in re- matter what kind of system is constructed and deployed. sponse to behavior changes). Bad models. When you live by your models, you die by Another significant model process is Model Deficiency your models: it is known that computer programs are eas- Analysis, based on the discovery of anomalies, such as ier to subvert when they are formally proven than otherwise noticing unusual or unexpected behavior (e.g., “that’s pecu- (don’t attack the object being protected, attack the protector liar”), the discovery of novelty, including the exploitation of by side-stepping the formal model). The only thing we can side effects, and other model evaluations (e.g., for resource do here is call for help. This is the one of these problems cost-effectiveness reliability). that is caused by our emphasis on models, but we prefer the To manage all of this complexity of knowledge embod- model-based approach anyway for its ability to be analyzed. ied in models, we use processes we have called Dynamic Lack of data. There are many things we can try to do: Knowledge Management (see Landauer (2017) and Lan- go get more, find workarounds (some workarounds can be dauer and Bellman (2016b)), including knowledge refactor- planned in advance, in anticipation of certain kinds and lev- ing and constructive forgetting. els of data unavailability). We can have the system make The third enabler, Speculative Simulation, is a way for the best guesses, using some kind of hazard-risk-consequence system to try decisions out before committing to them, or map, with a corresponding sensitivity analysis over potential just explore the space of possibilities (much like the “play” decisions (which ones have the worst consequences, which described in Bellman (2013)). This kind of analysis includes ones can the system afford to treat in its current state). actions and adaptations, and clearly requires models of the Hardware failures are foreseeable from years of reliabil- effects of system choices. Most of the “what-if” scenario ity studies, but specific instances are largely unpredictable. descriptions that we have seen are for risk management, usu- They are related to the second most difficult category. ally from a business standpoint, but sometimes for engineer- Unforeseen circumstances and consequences, about which ing design. We have not seen any good ones for opportu- there are only a few things we can do, none of which are nity exploitation, that is, how to recognize that a certain pro- guaranteed to work at all (we have only the barest minimum cess or resource could save time or improve accuracy, but of available responses to this problem Landauer (2019)). this ability is clearly useful for systems in complex environ- We can design the system with numerous and varied back- ments. ups (alternative ways to carry out some tasks) and failsafes This is one of the hard parts, but also the most exciting (consistent levels of reduced functionality), that may provide for us. We are expecting the system to act as an experimen- enough time for a problem to be addressed or even solved. tal scientist, exploring and attempting to explain its environ- And of course, the most difficult of all. Reliability of hu- ment. To make this effective, the system needs methods for mans and other partners. We hope their training and knowl- hypothesis generation, experimental design, and experiment edge suffices, as they hope ours does. evaluation. There are others, of course, but these are at least among The most important and difficult questions to be answered the most pernicious and persistent ones. here are: Conclusions and Prospects • How does the system decide it needs to do an experiment? We hope this note contains enough description to explain When it doesn’t know something. why we think that an implementation can be constructed, what we intend its basic structure to be, and how we ex- • How does it decide that it needs to know something it pect the system to satisfy the original expectations. We doesn’t know? There are missing steps in an analysis or know that it does not explain how all of these properties will explanation. be achieved, because in many cases, the answer is not yet known. 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