An Abstract Fixed-point Theorem for Horn Formula Equations (Abstract) Stefan Hetzl and Johannes Kloibhofer Institute of Discrete Mathematics and Geometry, TU Wien, Austria, We consider the problem of solving a formula equation, i.e., given a formula ∃X ϕ where ϕ is first-order and X is a tuple of predicate variables, to find a substitution [X\ψ] s.t. ϕ[X\ψ] is a valid first-order formula. This problem is also known as Boolean solution problem in the literature [9] and is closely related to second-order quantifier elimination. More specifically, we focus on the class of Horn formula equations, which is defined by restricting ϕ to be a Horn clause set w.r.t. the predicate variables. We state and prove a fixed-point theorem for Horn formula equations based on expressing the fixed-point computation of a minimal model (in the sense of logic programming) of a set of Horn clauses on the object level as a formula in first- order logic with a least fixed-point operator. This result is shown by an extension of the fixed-point approach of Nonnengart and Szalas to second-order quantifier elimination [7]. Our fixed-point theorem applies not only to the usual semantics of second-order logic and first-order logic with a least fixed-point operator but also to model abstractions, a semantics for logical formulas that corresponds to abstract interpretation of programs using Galois connections [2]. Our fixed-point theorem allows both new results and simpler proofs of exist- ing results as applications and corollaries. 1. It entails expressibility of the weakest precondition and the strongest post- condition, and thus the partial correctness of an imperative program, in first-order logic with a least fixed-point operator. 2. It allows a generalisation of a result by Ackermann [1] on approximating a second-order formula by first-order formulas in a direction different from the recent generalisation [8]. 3. It allows to obtain a result from a recently introduced approach to automated inductive theorem proving with tree grammars [3] as another straightforward corollary. 4. Since it incorporates abstract interpretation, it permits to considerably sim- plify the proof of the decidability of affine formula equations originally pre- sented in [5]. This work is rooted in the second author’s master’s thesis [6]. Some of these results have been presented at the 8th Workshop on Horn Clauses for Verification and Synthesis [4]. Copyright © 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). 60 Stefan Hetzl and Johannes Kloibhofer References 1. Ackermann, W.: Untersuchungen über das Eliminationsproblem der math- ematischen Logik. Mathematische Annalen 110(1), 390–413 (1935). 2. Cousot, P., Cousot, R.: Abstract interpretation: A unified lattice model for static analysis of programs by construction or approximation of fix- points. In: Graham, R.M., Harrison, M.A., Sethi, R. (eds.) 4th ACM Sym- posium on Principles of Programming Languages. pp. 238–252. ACM (1977). 3. Eberhard, S., Hetzl, S.: Inductive theorem proving based on tree gram- mars. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 166(6), 665–700 (2015). 4. Hetzl, S., Kloibhofer, J.: A fixed point theorem for Horn for- mula equations. In: Kafle, B., Hojjat, H. (eds.) 8th Workshop on Horn Clauses for Verification and Synthesis (2021), available at 2021 paper 1.pdf 5. Hetzl, S., Zivota, S.: Decidability of affine solution problems. Journal of Logic and Computation 30(3), 697–714 (2020). 6. Kloibhofer, J.: A fixed-point theorem for Horn formula equations. Master’s thesis, TU Wien, Austria (2020) 7. Nonnengart, A., Szalas, A.: A Fixpoint Approach to Second-Order Quantifier Elim- ination with Applications to Correspondence Theory. In: Orlowska, E. (ed.) Logic at Work: Essays Dedicated to the Memory of Helena Rasiowa, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, vol. 24, pp. 307–328. Springer (1998) 8. Wernhard, C.: Approximating resultants of existential second-order quantifier elim- ination upon universal relational first-order formulas. In: Koopmann, P., Rudolph, S., Schmidt, R.A., Wernhard, C. (eds.) Workshop on Second-Order Quantifier Elim- ination and Related Topics (SOQE 2017). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 2013, pp. 82–98 (2017) 9. Wernhard, C.: The Boolean Solution Problem from the Perspective of Predicate Logic. In: Dixon, C., Finger, M. (eds.) 11th International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems (FroCoS). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 10483, pp. 333–350. Springer (2017). 19