=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3010/PAPER_11 |storemode=property |title=Secure and authenticated protocols for VANETS |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3010/PAPER_11.pdf |volume=Vol-3010 |authors=Heena Khanna,Manmohan Sharma,Dhavleesh Rattan }} ==Secure and authenticated protocols for VANETS== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3010/PAPER_11.pdf
Secure and Authenticated Protocols for VANETs
Heena Khanna a,b, Manmohan Sharma b Dhavleesh Rattan c
  PCTE Group of Institutes, Ludhiana, Punjab, India
  Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, India
  Punjabi University, Department of Computer Engineering, Patiala, India

                 With the ever-growing increase in the number of vehicles on road today, the security of the
                 driver and the passengers has become more crucial and challenging than ever before in
                 history. A secure and authenticated message transmission amongst the vehicles is the desired
                 solution everyone is aiming at. The advancements in digital communication have given a new
                 horizon to Vehicle-Vehicle communication. Nevertheless, authentication and privacy is still
                 an open issue to be addressed in order to have a robust VANET. This survey compiles the
                 contribution by the researchers for a Secure and Authenticate formulation of VANET.
                 Towards the end, we enlist some open issues which can make a base for future research

                 Keywords 1
                 V2V communication, Vehicular Communication, Wireless Communication, V2V Network,
                 VANET, Vehicular Network

1. Introduction
    Two or more vehicles communicating with each other during their drive on road is stated to be
V2V communication [1]. To avoid any probable crash, vehicles connected with each other shares the
details about location, directions, swift turns, speed, brakes & also for emergency. Mesh network is
used by connected vehicles to send, receive and retransmit signals further to communicate. Range for
sending signals is upto 300 meters & signals are sent in omni-diretion creating 30 degrees awareness
in the vincity (US Department of Transportation). Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) is
used to establish the communication. DSRC is a dedicated wireless communication channel used for
automotive usage to establish one way or more short range connections. Federal Communication
Commission (FCC) and International Organization Standard (ISO) have approved DSRC. Ad- hoc
network thus created as nodes with Vehicle is called as Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET) which
further is a subset of Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET ) [2]. This VANET comprises of the moving
vehicle as well as stationary infrastructure called as Road Side Units(RSU) [3]. Vehicle
communication to any other physical device is another variation in this and termed as Vehicle to
Infrastructure. It is also termed as Internet of Vehicles in continuation and parallel to Internet of
Things (IoT) [4].

    VANET seems to be a promising solution to have secure transportation but it comes with a lot of
challenges. There can be multiple types of attacks on various layers of networks which can be
categorised in either Active or Passive ones. Most of the attacks are found at Network Layer which is
the most crucial to keep the network secure[3], in this survey the authors discusses all the possible
attacks in VANET. To say it in a crux form, VANET needs to be secured for privacy, authenticity
and shall ensure secure message dissemination [5]against all the mentioned attacks [3].

Algorithms, Computing and Mathematics Conference, August 19 – 20, 2021, Chennai, India.
EMAIL: heena.pkalra@gmail.com (Heena Khanna)
ORCID: 0000-0003-0785-8459 (Heena Khanna)
            © 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
            Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
            CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)

    There are many researchers who have come up with some potential protocols to provide a secure
and authenticate VANET which are discussed and compared at length in this survey. The protocols
have been clumped according to their core technique and have been elaborated according to their year
of proposal. The main focus of this survey is to compile the significant contributions in VANET in the
last decade despite of the technology so that it can facilitate the group of researchers who are working
in the same direction.

   This work is categorized in three major segments. In the first segment, the related surveys have
been articulated for their contribution. In the second segment, we categorise the protocols according
to their techniques and compare their progress and results. In the last segment we lay down the
learning from all the existing protocols and list the potential concerns for future researches.

2. Related Surveys
   The research progress in V2V communication has been reviewed by many authors. This section
summaries some of the significant researches being done in the last decade.

    [5] discusses comprehensively about various privacy preserving and authentication techniques
used in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network. The survey compared the work done in the field of security &
authentication based on ID-Based, RSU based Key Authentication, Cryptography based bilinear
pairing and smart card based protocols. It also shed light upon the protocols that addressed the
overhead in the PKI based methods. Not only that, the work also compared the protocols that use
message aggregation & cooperative message authentication including batch verification. The survey
concluded that three major areas need the robust solutions namely a) authentication of the messaged
as well as the vehicles. b) Secure message dissemination and c) user privacy. [6] unfolds how the
progress made in the V2V communication has not only given a modern approach to the
Transportation but has given hackers the access to the life of the people travelling in the vehicle.
Manifesting the point authors have looked upon all major attacks that have been made in the recent
past in sensing, communication and control layers. The authors also presented an extensive study on
all prospective attacks in V2X communications giving a contrast of their detection probability,
properties and ease of attack. Towards the end paper unfolds various Machine Learning & Blockchain
based solutions to deal the aforementioned attacks. [3] categorized the attacks on V2V
communication on the basis of the Network Layer, being Active or Passive attack and type of attack.
Along with the listing and elaborating the attacks authors talked about the proposed solutions which
are given by the researchers for each of the attacks. Moreover, it is concluded that a protocol is
required which can deal with all types of attacks and provide a mechanism where a trust system is
build amongst the people in the Vehicular Network. [7] grouped the attacks in five security services
namely Availability, Confidentiality, Authenticity, Integrity and Non-Repudiation and listed the
attacks under them and analyzed the authentication schemes for each one of them. Authors also
studied various Network & Mobility Simulators. [8] presented the discussion on various algorithms
using Machine Learning as a major contributor in safe and authenticated message transmission in
V2V. Authors also discussed that there is a need of an algorithm which not only protect from DoS
attacks but covers the damage from other attacks as well.

    [9] present survey on the researches being done for wireless communication in Vehicles related to
their applications in real life, their corresponding protocols and multiple security issues. Authors have
analyzed all the researches for their strengths and weaknesses for future work perspectives. [10] gave
a contrast of various security issues over the VANET and listed the proposed solutions to handle those
issues. The analysis also mentions some motivation for the future work in the same direction. [11]
focused how urbanization is leading to increase traffic in the cities and consequently the need of
secure data transmission is highlighted. Moreover the authors logged a range of researches talking
about inter transmission o f the packets in multiple models of communication. Routing scalability and
reliability can be assured using clustering says [12]. The authors made a taxonomy of the clustering
techniques used for selection of cluster head, affiliation and overall management. Not only the

benefits but the shortcomings of the algorithms have also been analyzed. The requirements of modern
cars and the security issues and proposed solutions are listed by [13]. Whereas, the importance of
Encryption and authentication is highlighted by [14] in their survey where the a comparative study is
presented for the existing algorithm for VANET. Working on VANET requires the know-how of
various Simulation tools which is studied and analyzed by [15] in their paper. They also gave contrast
between various attacks and mechanisms used to deal with them. [16] Emphasizes on the
authentication for VANET and therefore did a survey on various schemes available for ensuring the
authentication. [17]not only emphasized upon the existing security threats but explores on the possible
attacks in future which provides a motivation to the researchers to explore and work on their possible
solutions. Countermeasures for priori and prosteriori are discussed and analyzed by [18] and a sketch
had been proposed for the same alongside the limitations and tensions in VANET then were
elaborated and compared.

Table 1: A summary of all the reviews and surveys
Year          Paper     Survey
2020          [5]       Secure authentication and privacy-preserving techniques in Vehicular Ad-hoc
                        Networks (VANETs)

2020          [6]       Cyber security challenges in vehicular communications
2020          [3]       A Survey on Security in VANETs

2019          [7]       A Survey on Recent Advances in Vehicular Network Security, Trust, and Privacy

2018          [8]       Intelligent and Secure Vehicular Network using Machine Learning
2018          [9]       Vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET): Review

2018          [10]      A systematic review on security issues in vehicular ad hoc network
2017          [12]      A Comparative Survey of VANET Clustering Techniques

2017          [13]      Security and privacy in vehicular communications: Challenges and opportunities

2017          [14]      A review on VANET security attacks and their countermeasure

2016          [15]      Recent Advances in VANET Security: A Survey

2016          [16]      A survey on authentication schemes of VANETs

2012          [17]      Survey on security attacks in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs)

2009          [18]      Safety and Privacy in Vehicular Communications

3. Analysis of Existing Work
   This section elaborates various researches being done over a decade for secure Vehicle to Vehicle
communication. We have categorized the algorithms in specific categories whereas some of the algorithms are
common and fall in more than one category.

3.1. Various clustering based algorithm for routing techniques in VANET
   There are five different categorisation of VANET routing algorithm on the basis of the area and/or
application. They are, Geo cast routing protocol, Cluster based routing protocol, Broadcast routing protocol,
Topology based routing protocol and Position based routing protocol. [19] Over the years the researches have
proposed various models choosing a specific or a hybrid approach to have an efficient and secure model of

VANET. Out of all these categories, clustering based algorithms have been explored the most and given some
significant contribution in VANET. In this section, various clustering routing algorithms have been compared
and analyzed.

    [20] proposed a location based routing protocol with cluster based flooding for VANET. The performance of
this algorithm has considered a positional routing protocol called LORA_CBF and also with two non-positional
routing algorithms AODV[21] and DSR [22] . The results showed that the performance of positional based is
better than the non-positional ones. [23] came up with a clustering based algorithm with delay tolerance. It
worked on route discovery for data dissemination following the clustering techniques. It performed better in
terms of cost, overheads , stability of the clusters, packet loss ration and end-to-end delay when compared with

   In [23] clusters are formed on the basis of the average speed of the vehicles whereas [26] grouped the
vehicles with long travel time and less deviation in speed is selected as Cluster Head and/or Improved cluster
head. Due to the same [26] proved showed lower end-to-end delay as compared to CBLR[27].

   [28]shared an improved Genetic algorithm-based route optimization technique (IGAROT) which used K-
Means Clustering to remove road anomalies. When the algorithm was compared to GA, IGAROT showed
42.0% , 75.7% and 4.24% better results in high, medium and low car density environment respectively.

Table 2: Various clustering based algorithm for routing techniques in VANET
Year         Paper    Technique/Method       Focus         Strength &        Result
Published                                                  Weakness
2004         [20]     Location Routing       Route         It is ideal for   Analyzed with the non-positional
                      Algorithm with         Discovery,    the               algorithms AODV[21] & DSR [22] with
                      Cluster-Based          Time, End     dynamically       the positional based LORA-CBF and it
                      Flooding (LORA-        to End        changing          proved to be a better
                      CBF)                   Delay,        topologies,
                                             PDR           large
                                                           networks &
2017         [23]     Cluster-based On-      End to        It costs less     Performed better than LID[24] & HD[25]
                      demand                 End           than [24] &       in terms of cluster stability
                      Delay tolerant         Delay,        [25] due to
                      routing (CODE)         Packet        the
                                             Loss          minimum
                                             Ratio,        overhead
2019         [28]     Improved Genetic       Received      Prompt            The proposed methodology performs
                      algorithm-based        signal        notifications     better that the conventional genetic
                      route optimization     Strength,     of the            algorithm in various car density scenarios
                      technique              transmit      agencies
                      (IGAROT)               power,        involved in
                                             frequency     road
                                             and path      maintenance.
2016         [26]     Vehicle with long      End-End       Scalable,         Has lower end-to-end delay as compared
                      travel time and less   Delay         Efficient and     to CBLR
                      deviation in speed                   distributed
                      is selected as
                      Cluster Head//

                      Improved cluster

3.2. Fog Computing Based Algorithms for Security
     [29]Discussed about various perspectives of data transmission in Vehicles. The paper analyzed various
available models for data transmission like 3G and 4G cellular networks, RSUs, Mobile Cloud Computing etc
and also analyzed their shortcomings in terms of expense and availability. They proposed to utilize the idle
parked and moving vehicles as both computational and communication vehicles. The huge potential of VFC is
taken forward to make V2V communication better. [30]Has worked upon reducing the hand off time and
increasing the throughput for the vehicular data transmission in Fog computing. The research proposes a
solution called as CVFH – A cross Layered and Neighbouring vehicle aided fast handoff wherein they focussed
upon two major strategies to achieve their target of reducing the hand off and increasing the throughput during
the high speed of Vehicles and High rate of packet transfer. CVFH suggests that in order to decrease hand off
delay the Vehicle can choose the Access Point used by the neighbouring Vehicle. Secondly CVFH suggests that
the Vehicle shall carry on with the existing Access Point by the time a new connection is established. The
simulations have shown CVFH to be a better performer as compared to IEEE 802.11 [31]Proposed a data
dissemination model to address the issues involved in Fog Computing while transferring High Volume and non
urgency based data transmission. The research also focuses on the fact that the fog model becomes expensive
and how to utilize the fog Based Computing efficiently. Therefore they proposed Delay Tolerable
Network(DTN) approach . In this approach they assign different role to Cloud and Fog Severs. Here, the Cloud
is given the job to manage data flows & content queries where as the Fog Servers are dedicated to disseminate
data using Delay Tolerant Network. The research results showed that their model depicts a higher delivery
success ratio and less delay to ensure a better system to disseminate important data in Fog Computing.
[32]Initiated to work on a model that creates a layer in between the Vehicle and the server to speed up the data
transfer. Just like when the client send a request to the server and cache memory maintains the information for
better processing the next time. They have proposed a model called SIVNFC which prevents DoS Attacks
across the network. [33]

   Have done an analysis to check the data transmission on 28GHz. In order to overcome the problems to high
level of interference and High Packet Error they have done a deep interference analysis to derive the right
expressions of Packet Error Probability and Ergodic Capacity. The same has been simulated extensively to be
proven to next revolutionary step in V2V Communication.

    [34] Introduced an intermediary fog layer to improve latency in Vehicle to Vehicle communication. The
algorithm works on the efficiency in terms of improving the delay in the messages. To ensure the authentication
it used Long Term & Short Term Pseudonym/Keys. [35]integrated hybrid optimization techniques for
authentication of the network. It integrated Cuckoo Search Algorithm, Firefly Neural Network, Firefly
Algorithm and Key Distribution Establishment in the protocol to ensure the network is prevented from DoS and
SNI Attacks. The results showed improved throughput and less jitter. [36]extended the research and introduced
the implementation of Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) and Genetic Algorithms to detect real time DoS attacks in
IEEE 802.11p. Algorithm is also capable to classify between genuine and attacked vehicles with the help of
Feed forward back propagation neural network (FFBPNN). The algorithm proved to give 92% accuracy and
reduced the jitter by 72%.

    To ensure the safe communication in VANET, trusted authority (TA) comes into the picture. Self
authentication amongst the RSU and Vehicles can diminish the burden of TA. [37] proposed a fog based model
for anonymous authentication to ensure real time communication and reduced pressure on TA using pseudonym
based tracking mechanism to update and track. The algorithm gave promising results in terms of privacy
protection & authentication. Where[37] talked about anonymous authentication [38] proposed an algorithm for
mutual authentication and generates a secret key for secure communication between two vehicles. It ensures
privacy protection and claims practicality for the implementation reducing the communication cost.

   Table 2 lists all the Fog Based protocols with their comparison.

Table 3: Fog Computing Based Algorithms for Security

Year         Paper    Technique/Method       Focus             Strength &       Result
Published                                                      Weakness
2017         [34]     The authors            Security          Latency of       Lesser Delay
                      introduce the                            key transfer
                      concept of Fog                           is reduced
                      Computing and                            due to the
                      used to the concept                      Fog Node.
                      of LTP/LTK &
2019         [35]     A Fog integrated       Security          Prevents the     Throughput 8100 at PIR 0.02
                      VANET Scheme                             network          PIR 0.001 to 0.02. Maximum jitter is
                      compared with                            from DoS         96ms
                      Firefly and Cuckoo                       and SNI
2019         [36]     VFC with Hybrid        Security          Provides real    92% Prediction accuracy . Reduced the
                      Optimization                             time             jitter by 72%.
                      Algorithm like                           detection of
                      Cuckoo, Firefly &                        HDSA in
                      ABC                                      IEEE802.11p
2017         [37]     Fog Computing & d      Anonymous                          Ensured privacy protection and
                      pseudonym-based        Authentication                     efficient authentication.
                      batch anonymous
2019         [38]     Authenticate Key       Security                           Improved Communication &
                      Agreement without                                         Computation Cost
                      bilinear pairing

3.3. ID & Signature Based Algorithms for Batch Authentication
    The need of VANET came into the picture when the number of vehicles increased due to urbanization and
affordability of vehicles. Initially horns, hand waves and other mediums of traffic controls were sufficient and
gradually the traffic police came into the picture. Now, with the advancement of technology & digitization the
call for VANET has tremendously increased so as to improvise the transportation system and ensure smooth and
safe travel. However, technology always comes with a threat of security & authentication. In order to
authenticate the sender of the information various protocols have been introduced. The protocols can be
categorized into two heads, individual authentication & batch verification. With the increased number of
vehicles, one-to-one authentication becomes impossible & inefficient and therefore the concept of Batch
Scheme of authentication proved itself to be more effective [39]. [39] have integrated Bilinear pairing to
authenticate the signatures in batch and performance proved the algorithm to be performing better than [40] and
is also capable to handle replay and non-repudiation. However, it still lacks when it comes to identifying illegal
signatures. To overcome the shortcomings of [39], [41] came up with another algorithm after analyzing the
work of [41] and arriving at a conclusion that it lacks the capability to handle impersonation attack. The
algorithm is based upon the four step process Key Generation & pre-distribution, pseudo identity generation,
message signing and message verification. Bilinear pairing has been recognized as one of the most complex
operation when we talk of cryptography in modern times [42]. To provide a better an simpler mechanism a set
of researchers have come up with CPAA based schemes without integrating Bilinear pairing. [42] Proposed a
scheme which supports privacy protection and mutual authentication at the same time. The proposed scheme
could be used for V2I and V2V both. Whereas [43] continued the work on CPAA and integrated One way Hash
function and Elliptic Curve Cryptography provide a scheme with lesser cost of computation and
communication. To reduce the cost even more [44] suggested to opt for aggregate signature instead of individual
signature verification. They integrated Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem. The research results show that the signature
verification time has improved from 94.3% to 92.7%.

Table 4: ID & Signature Based Algorithms for Batch Authentication
Year         Paper    Technique/Method       Focus             Strength &      Result
Published                                                      Weakness
2013         [39]     Batch Scheme           Authentication    Secure &        Compared with [40] and performed
                      based on Bilinear                        Efficient.      better in terms of efficiency

                     pairing                                 Can handle
                                                             attack and
2014         [41]    Batch Scheme           Authentication                   Works on impersonation attack and
                                                                             improved version of [39]
2015         [42]    Conditional            Authentication   Could be        Improved communication &
                     Privacy-Preserving                      used for        computation cost
                     Authentication                          V2I and
                     (CPPA) without                          V2V both.
                     bilinear pairing                        Easier to
2016         [45]    DiffieHellman is       Security         Vehicles        Improved confidentiality,
                     used to ensure                          with thin       authentication, access and
                     security & Discrete                     network are     availability. PDR 98%.
                     Logarithmic                             benefitted      End-to-end delay is 0.16
                     encryption scheme                       as it works
                     is used for                             on secure
                     Cryptography.                           positioning
2019         [43]    ID Based Signature     Authentication                   Lower computational cost due to
                     Scheme without                                          batch signature verification
                     bilinear paring
                     IBS-CPAA added
                     to Elliptic Curve
                     Cryptography &
                     general one way
                     Hash Function
2018         [44]    Certificate less       Authentication   Useful for      Improved communication &
                     aggregate signature                     V2I,            computation cost. Reduced
                     without pairings                        reduced         computing time. Verification time is
                                                             cost of         450ms for 1000signatures, improved
                                                             verification.   by 94.3% to 92.7%

3.4. Smart Card Based Algorithms for Authentication & Security
    In the last decade Smart Card Based authentication has been explored more than ever before. They have an
incredible capacity to hoard enormous amount of data with the help o f embedded circuit chip and memory chip.
Smart cards offer a strong security base and have been used in many authentication algorithms, encryption
techniques and asymmetric key services. [46]

    Researchers have explored Smart Cards authentication capabilities for VANET as well. [47]’s PAAVE
generates on-the-fly anonymous keys amongst RSU and the vehicles. Their results show improved efficiency,
Communication Overhead and Computational time. [48] continued the work to provide an even more efficient
way which not only diminishes the cost but also withstands attacks like offline password guessing attack, smart
card loss attack, impersonation attack and some more. [49] proposed Anonymous & light weight scheme for the
authentication of User and the message at not only authentication stage but also at password change and data
transmission phases as well. The protocol can deal with offline password guessing attack and impersonation
attack and also works on Packet loss ratio & latency. All these protocols used Smart Card for anonymous
authentication whereas [50] came up with an authentication protocol which uses real identity of the drivers. It
uses Spanish eICard and ensured 60-70% correctly obtained identities.

Table 5: Smart Card Based Algorithms for Authentication & Security
Year         Paper   Technique/Method       Focus            Strength &        Result

Published                                                     Weakness
2010         [47]     PAAVE-                 Authentication   Generates the     Improved efficiency,
                      Anonymous              &Security        anonymous         Communication Overhead and
                      authentication using                    keys on the       Computational time.
                      Smart Cards                             fly for vehicle
                                                              s and RSUs.
                                                              Vehicle has to
                                                              store one
2014         [48]     Efficient              Authentication   Can resist        Improved Computational &
                      Authentication         & Security       offline           Communication Cost.
                      Protocol                                password
                      Ensures anonymity                       guessing
                      by dynamically                          attack, smart
                      generated login ids                     card loss
                                                              attack, DOS
2017         [49]     Anonymous & light      Authentication   Can deal with     More than 50% of Computational
                      weight scheme for      & Security       as offline        & Communication Cost. Works on
                      the authentication                      password          Packet loss ratio & latency.
                      of User and the                         guessing
                      message.                                attack and
                      Diffie-Helman                           impersonation
                      protocol; smart                         attack
                      cards; hash
                      centralized trusted
                      authority for
                      loading smart-cards
                      with login id and

2016         [50]     Obtains the real       Authentication   Improved          In 60-70% of the cases the identity
                      identities of the                       results shown     is correctly obtained.
                      drivers through t he                    on the real
                      Spanish eICards                         map during
                                                              the simulation

4. Conclusion & Future Scope
    Researchers have been working intensely on improving the security mechanism in V2V communication and
have proposed various techniques as discussed in this survey. By comparing the work accomplished till date
some open issues have been discovered which can be used as a potential input for the future researchers. Firstly,
all the cluster based algorithms have been proved to be better than other techniques but the researchers must
keep on comparing their work within the domain with other cluster based algorithms. Also, it is assumed that
the real time environment has the RSUs and other infrastructure in place which is not the reality. The design
complexities while implementation should not be ignored. Apart from Firefly and Cuckoo, spline and
polynomial fit could be used for better comparison and improved results. There are very less impressions of
researches using IoT in this domain, so that’s another prospering field. Implementation of Elliptic Curve
cryptography in future to stimulate the identification process to work on location based mechanism is yet
another unexplored area. These are few areas where the future researches can be directed and help in achieving
the real time solutions.

   In this survey we discussed about various algorithms focusing on Secure and Authenticated algorithm under
four categories namely Clustering Based, Fog Based, ID Based and Smart Card Based. Towards the end we
shared some uncovered topics for future work with a hope that these issues are addressed by the researchers and
a potential solution is proposed.

Table 6: Abbreviations
DLIES                                 Discrete Logarithm Integrated Encryption Scheme
DoS                                   Denial of Service
SNI                                   Smart & Normal Intrusions
PDR                                   Packet Delivery Ratio
PIR                                   Packet Injection Ratio
VFC                                   VANET-cloud and fog computing
HDSA                                  Hybrid DoS Attacks
ABC                                   Artificial Bee Colony
LTP                                   Long Term Pseudonym
STP                                   Short Term Pseudonym
LTP                                   Long Term Key
STK                                   Short Term Key
TA                                    Trusted Authority
RSU                                   Road Side Unit
FFBPNN                                Feed forward back propagation neural network
VFC                                   Vehicular Fog Computing
VANET                                 Vehicular Ad-hoc Network
CBLR                                  Cluster Based Location Routing
CPPA                                  Conditional Privacy-Preserving Authentication
PAAVE                                 Protocol for Anonymous
                                      Authentication in Vehicular Networks (PAAVE)

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