=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3012/OHARS2021-paper2 |storemode=property |title=The Privacy versus Disclosure Appetite Dilemma: Mitigation by Recommendation |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3012/OHARS2021-paper2.pdf |volume=Vol-3012 |authors=Rim Ben Salem,Esma Aïmeur,Hicham Hage |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/recsys/SalemAH21 }} ==The Privacy versus Disclosure Appetite Dilemma: Mitigation by Recommendation== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3012/OHARS2021-paper2.pdf
The Privacy versus Disclosure Appetite Dilemma:
Mitigation by Recommendation
Rim Ben Salem1 , Esma Aïmeur1 and Hicham Hage2
    Department of Computer Science & Operations Research, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada
    Science Department, Notre Dame University-Louaize, Zouk Mosbeh, Lebanon

                                         Social Networking Sites (SNS) are growing exponentially and have undoubtedly become an intrinsic
                                         part of our lives. This is accompanied by a spike in the amount of time spent by users online, namely
                                         teenagers and young adults who allocate an average of three hours a day for various types of SNS. From
                                         commenting, posting sharing opinions to selfies and videos, they expose numerous pieces of personal
                                         information, jeopardizing their privacy. Specifically, this self-disclosure is driven by various factors
                                         including the individual’s sharing needs, the information being shared as well as the target audience. As
                                         such, it is a multi-layered issue to which the one-size-fits-all interventions, currently being used, have
                                         not proven to be most effective.
                                         This paper proposes a novel harm-aware recommender system-based solution to help the user take
                                         privacy-preserving decisions while using social media. This novel take on self-disclosure mitigation
                                         leverages notions from behavioural economics as well as psychological measurements. One of the
                                         contributions of this paper is the conception of the disclosure appetite, which is a user-specific term
                                         that encompasses their perception and their drive to reveal their private information. The tailored
                                         privacy-aware recommendations rely on the psychometric value that is the disclosure appetite as well as
                                         the sensitivity of the data being revealed. Through a trade-off between the two parameters, the system
                                         aims to mitigate the privacy compromise while considering the preferences of the user. In the era of
                                         oversharing and living virtually, this system that handles private data, with the intention of preserving
                                         it, is more crucial than the common uses of recommenders. In most of those cases, the extent of personal
                                         information exchanged does not go beyond preferences. Whereas the consequences and preventive
                                         potential of this work can have a bigger impact on multiple facets of the users’ lives. Finally, an empirical
                                         evaluation is conducted using participants from the US, Canada and Europe.

                                         Personalized recommender system, disclosure mitigation, harm-aware, behavioural economics, psycho-
                                         logical measurements, disclosure appetite

1. Introduction
Recommender systems play a big role in most of the content consumed by users online. From
streaming platforms like Netflix and shopping services like Amazon to personalized assistants
like Siri and Cortana, a multitude of applications have been integrated into our daily lives.
Initially, the major focus of these recommenders was to get to know the user and deliver better-
tailored suggestions in numerous contexts. The better the results are, the more engagement the
system gets from the user and the more lucrative deploying recommender systems becomes for

OHARS’21: Second Workshop on Online Misinformation- and Harm-Aware Recommender Systems, October 2, 2021,
Amsterdam, Netherlands
                                       © 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
                  ISSN 1613-0073
                                       CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)

companies. In the 1990s and early 2000s, there was a surge of filtering techniques applied to real-
life situations to enhance the weave of information tapestry [1] and improve personalization [2].
It was only recently that the interest widened beyond how well the system knows the user to
how well does it protect them and prevent infringements upon their privacy. In fact, pioneering
research on privacy-preserving recommender systems proposes a system called ALAMBIC [3]
for e-commerce use and was published in 2008. No longer was privacy an afterthought or a
collateral cost for better recommendations but it became a requirement to be fulfilled by these
systems. Jeckmans et al. [4] further discuss the privacy concerns in question such as data
collection without the users’ awareness, long time or even permanent retention and profiting
off of personal information. An example of this is the case of the dataset published by Netflix
after anonymization that was still subject to re-identification and exposure of the original user
information [5]. Facing all these threats, the big tech companies delved more into measures of
protecting their databases and repositories against breaches. Removing identifiable information
while keeping the essence of the preferences used for content personalization is one of the
popular techniques known as anonymization. The urgent call for stricter and more user-
conscious recommender systems [6] has been answered with numerous approaches including
encryption, differential privacy [7], and randomization that consists in adding perturbation to the
data. More recently, the focus started shifting to the human side such as the use of social graphs,
which have proven their potential for privacy preservation [8]. There have also been increasing
calls to address fairness, transparency, and how they impact the user’s decisions [9]. This allows
users to understand how and why they are being recommended a specific product and make
the most informed choice. However, one main issue remains: regardless of how secure the
medium and platform are, if the users themselves end up compromising their own privacy,
none of the former measures can remedy that. While companies focus on not implicating
themselves in legal issues by securing their servers and warehouses, the unaware user is still
just as vulnerable and susceptible to becoming a victim. In today’s world, the threats to privacy
are growing exponentially and people are often caught unprepared to face them. This brings it
to the next point, which is what needs to be done once people are made aware of these issues.
What to do about the possible scams and fraud in a world where almost every aspect of our life
is digitized like shopping, ordering food, watching movies, and due to the COVID19 outbreak,
even studying and working? It is not feasible to ask people to stop relying on the services they
have grown accustomed to and draw gains from. Hence, a middle ground between not sharing
at all and oversharing can help users online. Let us take the example of a user, Alice, who is
concerned about her privacy and does not wish to share personal aspects of her life with distant
acquaintances or colleagues. However, after having a bad day, Alice, like a lot of social media
users, starts writing a post detailing her struggles and complaints and is about to share it on an
account visible to her co-workers. Had she been more emotionally stable, she would not share
this type of information with them. It would be very convenient and helpful for Alice if she got
a prompt before the post is published to guide her and remind her of her own preferences. If
that were to happen, she would avoid making a mistake that can compromise her professional
position at work. This paper proposes a recommender system whose purpose is to eliminate or
at the very least alleviate the problems caused by self-disclosure such as Alice’s situation. Her
case is but one of many in which users can find themselves as there happen to be numerous
pieces of personal data that can face jeopardy in many contexts and scenarios. It is up to the

recommender system to recommend, in a personalized manner, which pieces of information
not to disclose, such that to balance the user’s disclosure needs with their privacy preferences.
This issue is a lot more crucial than the majority of uses of recommender systems where the
user only shares preferences in cuisine for example and gets recommended restaurants as a
response. Thus, the aim of this paper is to avoid these dire consequences, motivate users and
promote better practices on social media. To do that, the proposed harm-aware recommender
system mediates between the privacy concerns and the disclosure preferences of internet users
specifically on Social Networking Sites (SNS) and contributes the following:

   – A model to estimate the user-specific drive for disclosure that we call disclosure appetite.
     It is a term that we introduce as the personalized level of disclosure that is acceptable or
     necessary to the user. It is inspired by the “risk appetite”, which is defined for organiza-
   – An objective representation of personal data in order of sensitivity, which is an updated
     version of a well-established social penetration theory;
   – A novel user-centric harm-aware recommender system to mitigate self-disclosure through
     personal and objective considerations using a Rasch model approach. Based on a compro-
     mise between the two, the system recommends that the user deletes or keeps each piece
     of data in the original input.

   The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses existing work that relates to our
research. Section 3 details the recommender system, Section 4 reports on the evaluation of the
platform and in Section 5, a discussion ensues from the findings. Finally, we conclude this paper
and shed light on future directions.

2. Related work
Solove [10] define privacy as a need to control who has access to personal information and a
form of solitude, intimacy, anonymity, or reserve. Disclosing private information can be seen
as the outcome of a risk-benefit analysis known as privacy calculus [11]. However, people are
often susceptible to the privacy paradox [12]. The latter is defined as the discrepancy between
the users’ reported concerns about privacy and the actual acts they commit that compromise
it. This inconsistency, which already existed in offline contexts, became even more prevalent
with the growth of the virtual universe in general and social media platforms in specific. As
a result, discussions arose on whether virtual citizens even care about privacy as much as
they claim to [13] or are their actions more reflective of their perception of the matter. In
addition to trying to determine the roots of self-disclosure, existing research has been tackling
the issue of oversharing personal information online and how to mitigate it. Notably, several
studies highlighted the need for reasoning assistants to guide users and limit their personal
data disclosure.
    Although there are user-centric approaches on the system side such as developing privacy-
preserving protocols [14], focusing on the user side is just as crucial. For instance, the privacy
assistant PACMAN [15] exists as a social media assistant and a reminder to users to carefully
choose the audience of their posts. The proposed solution takes as input the user’s information

to utilize the existing yet often ignored or forgotten options to limit self-disclosure such as
limiting the audience of certain posts. In fact, Facebook users for example have always had the
option to share either with the public or with friends but rarely do people assess to whom every
post of theirs should be visible. That is the case especially for users who are very active and
remain engaged on a plethora of pages and groups.
   Another way to remedy the issue is the use of nudges to discourage users from harmful
actions [16], an approach that has become a popular practice. Nudges are either positive
behaviour reinforcements or ill-advised activity deterrence called preventive nudges and in both
cases, the aim is the wellbeing of the person. Prompts, cues, notifications are all forms of nudges,
which can rely on general knowledge or user-specific parameters. Their mechanisms can be
clustered into four major categories: decision information, decision structure, decision assistance,
and social decision appeal [17]. Existing applications of these concepts to disclosure mitigation
include the platform [18] that relies on a user’s disclosure preferences, and risk aversion to
deliver nudges and to auto-adapt following the user’s reaction. User-centric solutions [19]
have been garnering attention as the belief grows that privacy protection is not a one size
fits all concept [20]. In more critical contexts such as mobile payment, privacy-preserving
recommendations play a very important role in reinforcing the opinion of experts on secure
online purchases [21]. There is a gap between the ubiquity of card fraud cases and the buyer
negligence to adopt the recommended measures, and the research concluded that implementing
nudges can help users make better and more informed decisions. Regarding privacy-concerned
recommender systems that aim to alleviate incidents on social media [22], the example of
YourPrivacyProtector [23] fits this category. Based on simple machine learning techniques, the
proposed solution shows great promise in assisting Facebook users by suggesting a different
privacy setting than the default one. Another example of privacy settings recommendations is
SPAC [24], which learns the user’s behavioural patterns and uses their history and profiles in
order to predict the best configuration.
   Most of these assistants and recommenders consider the privacy of a post being shared as a
whole rather than put a value on each personal piece of information. Other approaches [18]
put metaphorical price tags on different bits of data in order of sensitivity. This paper falls
within the latter scope and instead of opting for an all or nothing method, aims to mitigate
harms in order of sensitivity while also considering personal preferences. For this reason, data
is regarded as a group of items appraised differently by the system and recommendations are
based on the Rasch model [25] that incorporates singular objective values and a person measure.
This duality of recommender systems and the Rasch model has been explored in other contexts
before. Existing work includes tailoring goals for nutrition assistance systems [26], in which the
proposed app offers dietary tracking, visual feedback, and personalized recipe recommendations
and showed higher success in comparison with the non-user-specific alternative. Similarly
to this research and in the domain of energy conservation and health, the Rasch model, once
again is used and proves its fit for modelling user behaviour [27]. Knijnenburg [28] proposes a
user-tailored approach that considers the benefits and privacy loss for commercial use. The
paper demonstrates and justifies the failure of the existing generic nudges, persuasive cues, and
all one-size-fits-all approaches as effective privacy-preserving solutions. Our work falls within
the same scope of personalizing harm-aware recommendations with the aim of increasing
their acceptance rates amongst users. However, to the best of our knowledge, it presents

the first Rasch model-based recommender system for disclosure mitigation on social media.
Moreover, it has consideration for different contexts, which are the social circles involved in
the disclosure. Thanks to our proposed approach, privacy preservation can progress beyond
the restrictive all or nothing solutions, but more importantly, the emphasis is put on the need
for a user-centric approach. The need and desire for disclosure is a highly subjective matter,
as a result, the mitigation is equally tailored by the individual’s preferences. The next section
sets the foundations for user modelling and provides the disclosure appetite measure that is
used along with the objective data parameters to limit the disclosure and its infringement upon
privacy; an approach that shows potential in addressing self-disclosure.

3. Recommender system-based approach for disclosure
This section details the harm-aware recommender system. Specifically, when potential data
disclosures are detected, the private data shared are reported along with the context. The
recommender system receives this information then, retrieves the user-specific disclosure
appetite and the sensitivity of the data in question. Upon receiving the disclosure mitigating
recommendation, the user acts by either accepting or rejecting the prompt. The proposed system
is agnostic to the mechanism and technology behind disclosure detection. Various techniques
could be used, ranging from a simple search using keywords to more sophisticated and cutting-
edge solutions such as Google Cloud Natural Language. However, disclosure detection is not in
the scope of the current paper and is not detailed further. Specifically, what is of interest is the
personalized privacy-preserving and disclosure-mitigating recommendations that come after a
disclosure is detected.

3.1. Personalized harm-aware recommender system
Disclosure mitigating recommendations are based on the trade-off between the user’s prefer-
ences, motivations and data sensitivity. This can also be interpreted using the privacy calculus
theory that compares risks and benefits. To achieve this 2-parameter based system, we choose
to work with Item Response Theory (IRT) as this paradigm, by design, is user-centric and fits
our design. The model takes as input “user ability” and “item difficulty” and the output is the
probability of them answering the question correctly. The proposed system is built on the
foundations of the Rasch model, a special case of IRT based on personal and objective parameters.

The original Rasch model:

𝑋𝑛𝑖 = 𝑥 ∈ {0, 1} is the dichotomous random variable where, 𝑥 = 1 denotes the correct answer,
𝑥 = 0 an incorrect response to a given assessment item. In the Rasch model for dichotomous
data, the probability of outcome 𝑋𝑛𝑖 = 1, which is a correct answer, is given by:

                                                       𝑒 𝛽𝑛 −𝛿𝑖
                                     𝑃 {𝑋𝑛𝑖 = 1} =                                              (1)
                                                     1 + 𝑒 𝛽𝑛 −𝛿𝑖

  Where: 𝛽𝑛 is the ability of person 𝑛 and 𝛿𝑖 is the difficulty of item 𝑖.

The adapted Rasch model:

Before presenting the mathematical aspect of the model, it is worth noting that one of the main
strengths of the proposed system is the fact that recommendations pertain to specific pieces of
data rather than the content as a whole. It is based on mitigation instead of total elimination. In
the context of the proposed recommender system, 𝑋𝑛𝑖 = 𝑥 ∈ {0, 1} is the dichotomous random
variable where, 𝑥 = 1 denotes an accepted recommendation by user 𝑛 concerning item 𝑖 (user
accepts to delete the item/piece of data). 𝑃 is the probability of outcome 𝑋𝑛𝑖 = 0 as if the user
would disclose the information (reject the recommendation to delete piece of data 𝑖):

                                                       𝑒 𝛽𝑛 −𝛿𝑖
                                     𝑃 {𝑋𝑛𝑖 = 0} =                                             (2’)
                                                     1 + 𝑒 𝛽𝑛 −𝛿𝑖
  In terms of accepting the recommendation:

                                                        𝑒 𝛿𝑖 −𝛽𝑛
                                     𝑃 {𝑋𝑛𝑖 = 1} =                                             (2”)
                                                     1 + 𝑒 𝛿𝑖 −𝛽𝑛
   Where: 𝛽𝑛 : user-specific disclosure appetite, 𝛿𝑖 : sensitivity/value of a piece of data.
   𝛽𝑛 is the 𝑛𝑡ℎ user’s drive, motivation and preference to disclose. It is a measure inspired by
its economics counterpart: the risk appetite, the level of risk that an individual or organization
is willing to accept while pursuing its objectives. In the proposed system, three contexts are
considered and they represent the social circle, with whom the users are sharing their private
data. These social circles are grouped into the following three categories: close friends & family,
colleagues and acquaintances and the general public. As such, for each user, a separate 𝛽𝑛 value,
one for each of social circle is maintained, reflecting the 3 variants of the disclosure appetite
depending on the context. The rationale behind this approach resides in the fact that different
contexts affect the sharing motivation and preferences [29], a person might have a very high
drive for disclosure with family members but would be reluctant to do so with the public. A
different person might be careless with their own data and have a similar disclosure attitude
across all contexts. 𝛿𝑖 differs from 𝛽𝑛 in the sense that the former is the same for the entire
population. This concludes the general presentation of the user-specific system.

3.2. Configuring the disclosure appetite and data sensitivity
The proposed approach relies on the Rasch model’s representation of the trade-off between
the data sensitivity and the disclosure appetite. Figure 1 represents the steps taken by the
recommender system.
   The following subsections detail each step of the process, starting with the estimation of the
disclosure appetite and data sensitivity to tuning/fitting the model and finally performing the

                                           Fit the user-specific                   Personalize
     Es�mate disclosure
                                           disclosure appe�te                  recommenda�ons
      appe�te and data                     given the anchored                  using the adapted
                                              data sensi�vity                     Rasch model

Figure 1: The proposed process to get the personalized harm-aware recommendation

3.2.1. Estimate disclosure appetite and data sensitivity
At this stage, the system does not yet have preestablished values of data sensitivity nor dis-
closure appetite. So, the first step is to estimate these values. There are numerous Rasch
estimation methods. As such, a comparison of the following four methods was performed: Joint
Maximum Likelihood Estimation (JMLE), Marginal Maximum Likelihood (MMLE) Estimation,
Conditional Maximum Likelihood Estimation (CMLE), Pairwise Maximum Likelihood Estimation
(PMLE) [30]. Throughout this estimation process as well as the calibration and anchoring of
the data sensitivity the data used is provided by participants whom we detail in the evaluation
(Section 4). A “user”, in this paper, refers to an individual amongst the participants in the survey.

Optimal estimation method: The estimation methods are judged based on 2 criteria: first, how
well does the model fit the current data and second, how well would it fit future data that is
yet to be seen. The first criterion can be measured through the goodness of fit as well as the
Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). The second can be observed though the reliability value that
indicates reproducibility. The reliability coefficient reflects the correlation between the true
measure and the observed measure. Throughout this paper, Winsteps version 4.8.1 [31] is used
for the estimations and evaluations and it relies on the Cronbach’s Alpha to calculate this metric
for the disclosure appetite reliability and all the results are reported in Table 1. The global fit
measure relies on Pearson chi-square and the output: the p-value is a number between 0 and 1
with higher values indicating better fit. JMLE returns the highest value of 0.82 while CMLE has
the lowest 0.61.

Table 1
Comparison of estimation methods
       Estimation         Global fit   Data sensitivity = columns   Disclosure appetite= rows
       method             (p-value)    RMSE         Reliability     RMSE        Reliability
       JMLE                   0.82     0.023             0.79       0.017         0.74
       MMLE                   0.78     0.024             0.74       0.038         0.71
       CMLE                   0.61     0.034             0.68       0.019         0.63
       PMLE                   0.67     0.030             0.63       0.031         0.59

   The reliability of data sensitivity, in theory, should be at least > 0.70 to be considered accept-
able and for the disclosure appetite, the reliability is considered good if it’s > 0.70 and very
good if it’s > 0.80. As for RMSE, a measure of 0.05 or smaller is good fit, between 0.06 and 0.08
is reasonable and > 0.1 = poor fit. Taking all these metrics into account, JMLE outperformed
MMLE, CMLE and PMLE and reported good results. Thus, the data sensitivity values that are

fixed henceforth in upcoming sections are the ones estimated using JMLE.

Modeling the data sensitivity: It is important to keep in mind that the recommender system
relies on the Rasch model to establish a trade-off between “disclosure appetite” (user’s gain
from disclosing information) and “data sensitivity” (user’s loss of privacy). In this section, the
focus is on the latter parameter. Based on the choice of the estimation method JMLE, Table 2
reports on examples of these results per personal data type.

Table 2
Data sensitivity measure per examples of pieces of data
                                   Piece of data           Sensitivity
                                   Banking information        0.98
                                   Religious opinion          0.56
                                   Biographical data          0.17

   Overall, the model was tested on 13 pieces of data; they are, in order of highest to lowest
sensitivity: Banking information, ID-Passport, Medical records, Home address, License plate, Photos
of diploma, Religious belief, Political belief, Travel plans, Selfies, Charity contributions, Preferences
(products and services), and Biographical data. These values are calculated based on answers
given by users to disclosure scenarios (see examples in the Evaluation section).
   Now that these values are obtained, it is important to proceed to the categorization or
dichotomization process, which entails grouping several pieces of data together rather than
viewing each one uniquely. This is crucial to prepare for generalization. For example, in the
present paper, 2 types of official documents are considered: ID and passport so knowing how
sensitive they are can give an insight into the value of a driver license. That can be achieved
thanks to the generalization of the model performed in this step. While this can be achieved
using simple approaches (such as equal bins), it will not really tend to the specificities of the
values of data reported in Table 2. How the private information is attributed numeric levels of
sensitivity and categorized is crucial as this defines the “item value” in the Rasch model and is in
direct correlation with the probability of the user accepting/refusing the recommendation. Table
3 highlights the layer bounds using Andrich thresholds, which are the boundaries separating the
categories. The representative element is the sensitivity value of each layer. Based on these
results, this paper proposes a four-layer model for private data in order of sensitivity.

Table 3
Categorization or binning based on Andrich thresholds
                           Layer    Upper bound      Representative element
                             1         0.258                 0.176
                             2         0.543                 0.457
                             3         0.747                 0.643
                             4         1.000                 0.882

   The proposed approach, in this work, to update the representation of personal data in a
layered manner based on sensitivity is inspired by the Social Penetration Theory (SPT) [32].
Specifically, SPT explains the trade-off people make while they consider revealing their private

information to gain a sense of intimacy with others. SPT proposes a six-layer model to order
data based on lowest to highest sensitivity: Biographical data, preference in clothes, food and
music, goals and aspirations, religious convictions, deeply held fears and fantasies, and concept of
self. Figure 2 illustrates the proposed 4 layers in correspondence with the thresholds from Table
3 and the different measures of data sensitivity such as the ones reported in Table 2.
                                          1.      Biographical data
                                          2.      Preferences, Selfie, charity contribution
                                 [2]      3.      Travel plans, religious and political opinions,
                                 [1]              license plate, photos of diploma
                                          4.      Banking information, official documents (ID,
                                                  passport), Medical records, home address

Figure 2: Social penetration-inspired classification of personal data.

   At this point, the Rasch model-based probability can be computed using equation 2” as the
system has data sensitivity values as well as disclosure appetite values using JMLE. The purpose
of fitting the model (or the calibration process) is to obtain a better, more personalized estimation
of the disclosure appetite.

3.2.2. Fit the user-specific disclosure appetite
This is another estimation process similar to the earlier conducted JMLE. However, in this
section, the data sensitivity is anchored as detailed in subsection 3.2.1. Its values are considered
to be anchored and the fitting module takes them as input along with the estimated disclosure
appetite by JMLE. The Anchored Maximum Likelihood Estimation (AMLE), a method based on
the concept of fixing “item difficulties” and estimating “person values”, is used. It is worth
reiterating that “item difficulty” corresponds to “data sensitivity” in the proposed disclosure
mitigating recommender system. Table 4 shows scenarios that users respond to on a 6-point
Likert scale: “Definitely no” - “No” - “Somewhat no” - “Somewhat yes” - “Yes” - “Definitely yes”.

Table 4
Scenarios used as samples for AMLE
    Piece of data      Context         Scenario
    Political belief   Close friends   During the presidential election, would you add a banner on your profile picture
                       & family        that displays to your friends the candidate you are supporting?

    Travel plans       Colleagues &    You are about to go on your most awaited trip to your favourite destination. You
                       acquaintances   have booked a 5-star hotel with great accommodations and you have already
                                       planned every detail of the vacation. Would you share this with your colleagues?

   Going back to the example of Alice, the user used as an example in the introduction, prior
to the model fitting process, her disclosure appetite was calculated using a basic preference
elicitation, and her measured disclosure appetite was 0.3. When given realistic scenarios for the
system to get to know her better, she responded that with “definitely yes” to revealing her travel

plans with her colleagues and acquaintances. That data, as specified in the previous section
belongs to layer 3 of the proposed personal data classification in order of sensitivity. Given
this information and the context “with colleagues and acquaintances”, her disclosure appetite
increases from 0.3 to 0.34. Another user, Bob, who when presented the same hypothetical
scenario but answers “Strongly no”, sees a decrease in his disclosure appetite from 0.5 to 0.46.
For both Alice and Bob, the values adapted here are the disclosure appetites for the specific
context “colleagues and acquaintances” and none of the other 2 variables (“public” and “close
friends and family”) is modified. As seen in Figure 1, at this point, the remaining step is the
personalization of the recommendations.

3.2.3. Personalized recommendations
The Rasch model introduced and explained at the beginning of section 3.1 can now be used to
perform recommendations. Suppose that the system is acting as an assistant to Alice and Bob
whose disclosure appetites are 𝛽𝐴 = 0.34 and 𝛽𝐵 = 0.46 respectively. These values were updated
(as highlighted in section 3.2.2) following the fitting process. Both of them face the same exact
scenario such as “sharing a selfie in which they are acting funny or maybe they are drinking”
and they are about to share it with colleagues and acquaintances. This piece of information
belongs to layer 2 of the data sensitivity model and is given the value 𝛿𝑖 = 0.457 in Table 3.
                                                                                  𝑒 0.457−0.340
Alice whose disclosure appetite in this context is 0.34, has a probability of 1+𝑒     0.457−0.340 = 0.529
of accepting the recommendation advising her not to share the photo. Bob, on the other hand,
has a job with less formality and his colleagues are comfortable sharing selfies while partying.
This explains his relatively higher disclosure appetite that is 0.46 and as the system got to know
his preferences in the steps prior to the recommendation, the probability that he would accept
to not share the data in question is 0.49 (the probability of rejecting the recommendation is
1 − 0.49 = 0.51). As a result, the system does not intervene by nudging him to reduce the
disclosure. Following the recommendation, for each user who was nudged, the disclosure
appetite is adapted according to their decision so if Alice accepts the recommendation she got,
the value goes down but if she refuses if increases. The next step is to assess how well does the
disclosure mitigating system perform beyond the theory and using real participants.

4. Evaluation
The proposed recommender system estimates the disclosure appetites of users and the personal
data sensitivity, then adapts the person’s value, and provides more personalized, privacy-
preserving recommendations. This section provides insights on the different points to evaluate
and corroborate:

    – The calibration and validation of the disclosure appetite values (to determine how accurate
      the user model is)
    – The context-specific disclosure appetite consideration (to corroborate the need to consider
      disclosure context)
    – The evaluation of the overall personalized recommender system as an effective harm-
      aware system.

4.1. Survey administration
There is no preexisting available dataset that can be used for the evaluation. Hence, 800 people
were recruited over a period of 4 days using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk [33]. The demographics
are reported in Table 5. The participants are equally divided from two geographical locations:
Europe and North America (US and Canada). The survey has a total of 40 questions and was
hosted on Limesurvey [34].

Table 5
Demographic characteristics of the study sample
        Demographic variable       Category                                          Frequency %
        Gender                     Female                                                58%
                                   Male                                                  41%
                                   I prefer not to answer                                < 1%
        Age                        18-24                                                 25%
                                   25-34                                                 25%
                                   35-44                                                 25%
                                   45+                                                   25%
        Occupation                 Student                                               49%
                                   Employee                                              19%
                                   Business owner /Self-employed/professional            12%
                                   Manager/Official                                       9%
                                   Researcher                                            < 1%
                                   Retired/Unemployed                                     9%
                                   I prefer not to answer                                <1%

   Before completing the survey, respondents are presented with a consent form providing the
purpose of the research, affiliation of the researchers and information on the anonymity of the
responses and the right of withdrawal. The participants are not required to submit any uniquely
identifiable information (real name, email, phone number, etc.) and they remain anonymous
throughout the entire process.
   The survey is composed of three linked sections shown in Figure 3. The evaluation is based
on a 10-fold cross-validation meaning that 9 folds are used for estimation and calibration and 1
fold for the tests.

                                                                  •2.1) Used to estimate β given thatδ
     Sec�on 1      •1.1) Used to estimate β            Sec�on 1    values are anchored based on 1.1)
                    and δ parameters                               and β calibrated based on 1.2)

                  •1.2) Used to calibrate β                       •2.2) Used to evaluate: The calibration
                   values given that δ values                      of the model as well as the entire
    Section 2+3                                    Section 2+3     system through the calculation of
                   are �ixed (anchored)
                   based on 1.1)                                   accepted recommendations

        Batch 1 : Estimation & calibration                          Batch 2 : Testing

Figure 3: A batch breakdown of the evaluation dataset

   Table 6 shows an example of a question flow that the participant answers in the survey.
Section 1, 2 and 3 follow the reasoning “what does the user prefer to share?”, then: “What would
they actually share given specific situation?” and finally: “Do they accept the personalized
disclosure mitigating recommendations?”.

Table 6
Example of a scenario flow throughout the survey sections
 Section 1 ques-    Section 2 question                                                            Section 3 question
 I have shared      You are healing from a severe illness. You developed                          You have answered yes, but previously you indi-
 my      medical    specific habits like your diet or your bedtime that                           cated that your medical records are sensitive
 records publicly   could help other patients who suffer from the same                            and you would not share them with the pub-
 before.            disease. Would you be prepared to share this with                             lic. Based on your own pre-set preferences, the
                    everyone as well as your medical record for the                               system advises you not to share this. What would
                    benefit of the public?                                                        you do?

  Now that the premise of the evaluation is explained, next is a report on the results.

4.2. Results
This section is dedicated to observations made and results recorded through the evaluation
process of the system. Figure 4 shows that the probability to accept the recommendation
depends on:

   – The user-specific disclosure appetite: the higher the disclosure appetite the less likely the
     user is to accept.
   – The item sensitivity: the higher the sensitivity, the more likely the participant is to accept
     the recommendation.

                                     0.6                                                                   Sensi�vity=0,9
                                     0.5                                                                   Sensi�vity = 0,02
                                     0.4       0.38

                                                                                                           Sensi�vity = 0,5


                                           0          0.1   0.2   0.3      0.4        0.5   0.6      0.7     0.8    0.9       1
                                                                        Disclosure appe�te
Figure 4: Probability of accepting a disclosure mitigating recommendation as a function of disclosure

  For a person whose disclosure appetite is 0.5, the probability of them accepting the recom-
mendation and proceeding to conceal a piece of information with the sensitivity 0.02 is 0.1. For
the same person, the probability is 0.38 if the piece of data in question is highly sensitive (0.9
sensitivity). So the probability increases with the increase of sensitivity. Comparing a person
with a disclosure appetite of 0.8 and someone with a 0.2 measure, Figure 4 shows that the higher

the appetite, the less likely it is that the recommendation would be accepted. Previously, it was
detailed that each section serves a different purpose in the evaluation process. Section 2 of
batch 2 (testing batch), which presents the hypothetical scenarios as in Table 6, is used to better
fit the model and tailor it. To assess the impact of this process, an evaluation of how well the
recommendations are received by the user (accepting is the desired outcome) with or without
calibration is used and reported in Table 7.
Table 7
Valuation of the disclosure appetite calibration
                   Disclosure layer          errors prior to calibration      errors post-calibration
                       Layer 1                          0.04                           0.03
                       Layer 2                          0.11                           0.05
                       Layer 3                          0.07                           0.02
                       Layer 4                          0.05                           0.01

   The probability of the user accepting to delete a specific piece of data is calculated prior to
and post-calibration and is then compared to the actually reported action of the user. An error
occurs when the two do not match, namely if the probability is 0.6 > 0.5 but the user does not
accept the recommendation, this is an estimation error that the system reports and Table 7
records these values across the different layers of personal data specified in Figure 2.
   One of the foundations of the proposed system is the consideration of the context, which
is the audience with whom the data is shared. Table 4, shows examples of different scenarios
with the corresponding context. Each user has three different disclosure appetites depending
on whether the private information is being shared with “close friends and family”, “colleagues
and acquaintances” or the “public”. The results reported in Figure 5 corroborate this approach.
Figure 5 (a) highlights the results of using one single 𝛽 value for each user across all contexts,
which means that if the user decides to share data with their family members, their overall
disclosure appetite increases as a result, the system assumes that the user’s drive to share
with the public has increased as well. This has led to a lack of understanding of the user’s
attitude, which is backed up by the results namely the percentage of accepted recommendations
regarding disclosure with close friends and family in particular. Associating a value with each
context in Figure 5 (b) has led to an increase from 3% to 59% for the age group 18-24, from 27%
to 47% for people aged 25-34 and a 20% difference for the category 45+.
                 Close friends & family                          Public                Colleagues & acquaintances

                                                           90                                     8082      8890
                                                                     100       76       68                72
  100          5871              66         7078                           5963
                            47         49           5264                            4754        53
   50     34           27                                             50

    0                                                                  0
           18-24        25-34          35-44          45+                  18-24     25-34      35-44       45+
                                 (a)                                                      (b)
Figure 5: Percentage of accepted recommendations per age group depending on context considerations,
graph (a) shows results using a single value for disclosure appetite across all contexts and (b) corresponds
to context-specific values.

   This concludes the validation of the first two evaluations and the remaining one is to assess
the overall performance. In other words: how well are these user-centric recommendations
received by the users. To do so, it is also interesting to look at how the different demographic
pieces of information play part in the user’s decision. The results highlighted in Figure 6 show
that the percentage of accepted recommendations does not differ a lot based on whether the
participant is from North America or Europe. Before going into more details, it is important to
note that overall, 891 recommendations were pushed across all 800 participants. Specifically,
some users displayed an attitude more inclined to disclose and were given 8 recommendations
across the entire survey, for example, while other participants were less inclined, and got fewer
recommendations as per the proposed Rasch model. As pointed out throughout the paper, the
recommendations are tailored and not given to all users in the same situations. Moving on to
the results: for the most sensitive data (belonging to layer 4), 461 recommendations were given,
amongst which, 177 for European participants and 284 for North Americans. For the former
group, 93% showed a willingness to accept the disclosure mitigating recommendations while
the percentage is 86% for North Americans (Figure 6 (c)). There was not a large gap based on
gender either. Comparing students to non-students and based on the age category yielded more
noticeable differences such as a 52% difference between participants aged 45+ and 18-24 when
it comes to accepting recommendations concerning layer 2. Similarly, non-students showed
a 61% willingness to accept recommendations centred around data with the same sensitivity
(same layer) while students were only 14% agreeable to the prompt.
                                  89   84 83                              90   7794                    76 68     81 78     93 86
  100                 61     59                100              72      73             100
         31 24                                          38
                 14                                   19      20                             18 9

    0                                            0                                       0
        Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4              Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4         Layer 1   Layer 2   Layer 3   Layer 4

        Students           Non students                      18-24      45+                  Europe         North America

                   (a)                                         (b)                                       (c)

Figure 6: Percentage of accepted recommendations per demographic criterion

  Specifically, recommendations are only pushed to users if they declared in section 1 (of the
survey) that they would not disclose a piece of data but end up saying they would when given a
realistic scenario in section 2.

4.3. Discussion
The evaluation has featured encouraging preliminary results. In particular, it demonstrated
the utility and need for such a user-centric disclosure mitigating recommender system and
its potential is corroborated by the response of the individuals to recommendations. When it
comes to protecting data from the most sensitive layer (layer 4), the percentage of accepted
recommendations ranged from 77% to 94% ((a) and (b) from Figure 6). These results translate to
privacy preservation meaning that 94% of users were going to disclosure very crucial data but
were deterred by the system, which fulfils the aim of this work. It is worth mentioning that we
acknowledge the fact that in the testing setup, users are given hypothetical scenarios to respond

to and are not naturally using their social media accounts and getting real-time recommendations,
on their actual personal data. While this can introduce a bias in the results, the scenarios that
were given in the survey were crafted such that users could relate to them, effectively mitigating
and reducing the effect of this setup on the users’ responses. Nonetheless, validating this kind
of system with real users and real data has its own intricacies and considerations and not just
from a technical perspective. The findings of this paper further validate the privacy paradox. In
fact, in the first section of the survey, individuals show a high consideration for their privacy
expressing that they have never shared a piece of data only to respond in section 2 (Figure 3)
saying that they would reveal that information when a specific situation arises.
   Our approach to addressing the privacy paradox aims to reduce the discrepancy between the
users’ judgement (how they evaluate the data sensitivity) and their behaviour when put in a
particular situation (proceed with the disclosure or accept the recommendation). Bridging this
gap, as proposed in this paper, is done through nudging the users, such that their behaviour
conforms to their judgement. This is achieved through providing personalized recommendations
that are in fact aligned with the user’s judgment. The preliminary results using a proof of
concept of the personalized harm-aware recommender system show its potential, especially
when dealing with the most sensitive data: 93% of Europeans and 86% of North Americans agreed
with recommendations to reduce disclosure (Figure 6 (c)). When calculating the correlation
between each demographic parameter and the decision to accept or refuse the recommendation,
Pearson correlation is used. A high degree is reported for the criteria “age group” and “being a
student vs non-student” (respectively 0.62 and 0.53 correlation), moderate for the gender (0.41)
and low degree for the country (0.17). This offers insight on the criteria to focus on in the
future, to further improve the recommendations. However, in its current state, the personalized
harm-mitigating recommender system already is an improvement compared to a previous
preliminary study that we conducted. In fact, the purpose of that one was to investigate the
need for mitigation over elimination through evaluating the acceptance rates of nudges such
as “delete only this part” against “delete the entire post”. North American participants were
presented with various scenarios to respond to, but the same recommendations were given to
all of them (without any personalization). In the preliminary study, 68% of participants accepted
the disclosure-reducing recommendations involving data that is classified as belonging to layers
2, 3 and 4. If we consider the same North American region and recommendations from the
same layers, the present paper reports a 77% acceptance rate (averaging the results from Figure
6 (c)) thanks to the addition of personalization using the Rasch model.
   Moving on to the context, the results in Figure 5 show that dividing the audience into
three categories allows for a better tailored user-specific disclosure appetite value and as a
result a better understanding of the disclosure behaviour and the probability of accepting
recommendations. But another consideration is the fact that between the three social circles,
users were less likely to accept to reduce oversharing with “close friends and family”. An example
of this is the recorded 53% in comparison with an 82% percentage of accepted recommendations
for people aged between 35-44. This can be explained by the trust that users place in closer
social circles. These results are still encouraging as 53% is an improvement showing that
participants are willing to change their decisions when prompted in a way that considers their
preferences. Had they not received the recommendation, they responded that they would have
proceeded with the disclosure, which proves the efficacy of the system. This validates the

proposed user-centric approach but also highlights a future direction, which is to consider a
more specific way to approach disclosure with more emotional value and trust attached to it.
Figure 5 shows that the highest percentage of accepted recommendations is associated with
the context “public” and the lowest with the context “close friends and family”. This further
corroborates existing research [35] on friendship and how it can be a catalyst for disclosure and
compromising one’s privacy. Finally, a major highlight of this paper is, not only its encouraging
results during the evaluation but also the fact that the proposed user-centric recommender
system can be generalized to a multitude of uses as it is agnostic to the type of data being
shared. This is particularly important seeing as the field of application concerns privacy and
sensitive data unlike most common uses of recommendations that are mainly concerned with

5. Conclusion and future work
Today’s social media users are facing bigger threats than ever. The most concerning fact is
that although the menaces are becoming more prevalent, users themselves, who are potential
victims, are not becoming equally more aware. They need help to protect themselves as
well as others around them such as the use of a security training platform [36]. This paper
proposes a novel user-centric recommender system to help people achieve two conflicting
goals: achieve the personal preferences for disclosure of information while protecting their
privacy. The scope of this work extends beyond the generic preference-based recommendations
to a more critical application. What is at stake is not simply whether the person’s preference
in food or clothes is leaked but the fact that their uniquely identifiable information can be
compromised. The proposed system estimates the user-specific drive for sharing their data
and defines it as the disclosure appetite inspired by its economic counterpart called the risk
appetite. Furthermore, this work updates the well-established social penetration and extends
it to social media disclosure. The privacy-preserving recommender system uses a trade-off
between the disclosure motivation and the data sensitivity to guide users through the privacy
versus disclosure appetite dilemma. Being agnostic to the specific data that is shared (text, video
etc.) paves the way for reusability in other applications and forms of privacy preservation. From
this point onwards, the research is headed towards testing with real users in real-life scenarios
and evaluating their responses to the personalized recommendations while attempting to share
something on SNS.
   The reported results are encouraging as a measure of the system’s effectiveness (accepted
recommendations). However, we do intend to investigate the other metric: user satisfaction.
Although our system considers implicit feedback in the form of accepting or rejecting the rec-
ommendation and adapts to this action, explicit feedback can further improve recommendations.
An updated version of the 6-item scale by Knijnenburg et al. [37] be adapted to the social context
and enhance the user experience and subsequently, the harm awareness goal. Moreover, this
paper acknowledges that the issue is not simply a matter of revealing information about oneself
but can extend to others. Sharing a photo that has another person in it is a form of disclosure of
others that brings forth another aspect called multiparty privacy [38]. The existing techniques
in this scope such as the auction, negotiation and aggregation-based mechanisms are far from

ideal. Thus, it could prove to be quite challenging to extend the user-centric recommender
system proposed in this paper to an optimal multiparty-aware disclosure-mitigating model.

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