=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3013/20210096 |storemode=property |title=The Development of a Multi-Agent System for Controlling an Autonomous Robot |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3013/20210096.pdf |volume=Vol-3013 |authors=Natalia Axak,Mykola Korablyov,Matvey Ushakov |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/AxakKU21 }} ==The Development of a Multi-Agent System for Controlling an Autonomous Robot== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3013/20210096.pdf
The Development of a Multi-Agent System for Controlling an
Autonomous Robot
Natalia Axak 1, Mykola Korablyov 1 and Matvii Ushakov 1
    Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Nauky Ave. 14, Kharkiv 61166, Ukraine

                 A control system for autopilot transport robots in warehouses has been developed to solve the
                 problem of transportation, loading and unloading of the goods. The system is implemented on
                 the basis of an organizational model of the mobile robots control process using a multi-agent
                 approach. The proposed model describes the interaction of agents, the functions and the
                 amount of work they perform, as well as the set of admissible states. The implemented algo-
                 rithm for finding the shortest path in the virtual world of a warehouse to find needed targets.
                 The developed system effectiveness has been demonstrated using computer simulations.

                 Keywords 1
                 multi-agent system, path planning, autonomous robot, work planning

1 Introduction
    Currently, large companies (joint stock companies) merged into several companies tend to have
central warehouses, where the products arrive for storing for a certain time. Any warehouse processes
at least three types of material flows: input, output and internal. The presence of an input flow means
the need to unload the transport, check the quantity and quality of the arrived cargo. The output flow
necessitates loading on transport or leave for production, internal - the need to move the cargo in the
warehouse. In general, the complex of operations contains the following sequence: unloading of
transport, acceptance of goods, placement for storage, release of goods from storage locations, intra-
warehouse movement of goods.
    Any warehouse is faced with the problem of warehousing and cargo handling. Symptoms of errors
in managing warehouse processes are: lack of space, ineffective use of equipment and technical re-
sources, high costs of storage and handling of goods, poor quality of customer service. One of the
tasks to increase the efficiency of the warehouse is to improve the organization of processes and tech-
nology for performing work. The solution of technical problems includes the development of algo-
rithms for the effective placement of goods at storage locations, movement of goods in the warehouse,
picking routes.
    To solve the problem of internal transportation - movement of goods in the warehouse, a multi-
agent control system for autopilot transport robots in warehouse premises is proposed, which will
increase the efficiency of using a warehouse space without equipment downtime and queues.

2 Literature review
   The warehouse topic as well as mobile robot controls at the warehouse, one of the most promising
topics. When controlling several robots, it may be necessary to coordinate the actions of agents and
distribute the amount of work between them. One robot can perform certain tasks, while some of them

ICTERI-2021, Vol I: Main Conference, PhD Symposium, Posters and Demonstrations, September 28 – October 2, 2021, Kherson, Ukraine
EMAIL: natalia.axak@nure.ua (N. Axak); mykola.korablyov@nure.ua (M. Korablyov); matvii.ushakov@nure.ua (M. Ushakov)
ORCID: 0000-0001-8372-8432 (N. Axak); 0000-0002-8931-4350 (M. Korablyov); 0000-0003-0230-1555 (M. Ushakov)
            ©️ 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
            Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
            CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
may be too complex to perform, for example, spatially separated tasks. Earlier the interaction of sev-
eral robots was carried out using centralized and distributed methods. Centralized methods strived to
provide a turnkey solution; however, such methods were time-consuming and computationally expen-
sive due to the serious complexity of the specific problem [1, 2]. Auction techniques have been used
as efficient, decentralized methods for coordinating multi-robots [3]. A common environment for
routing multi-robots were proposed, as well as analysis of trading rules for various team purposes. A
strategy for assigning a dynamic task for a heterogeneous team of multi-robots in real scenarios were
proposed in [4]. This strategy was expected to be effective, scalable to solve problems of increasing
complexity with minimal intervention. For this purpose, a basic auction was chosen, which was im-
plemented to solve the problem of control of multi-robots, which needs coordination and organization
of a set of subtasks. A simple auction strategy was chosen that provides linear costs associated with
increasing the number of robots that make up a team.
    The interaction and the distribution of work among the robots is receiving increasing attention. To
solve the problems of coordinating mechanisms of the multi-robots in [5], attention is paid to the
problem of the distribution of multi-robotic tasks. In [6], the question of the negotiation approach is
considered, which is based on the simultaneous division of the task in heterogeneous multi-robotic
systems. In addition, the issue of how to expand the bilateral protocol of negotiations to more than
two parties is considered. The protocol is being tested in numerical simulations with various scenarios
and applied to three real-life missions. In [7], the special attention paid to the problem of effective
coordination of the multi-robots. Typically, a multi-robot coordination strategy proposes a centralized
approach in which each robot (agent) is responsible for its own planning. The key advantage of cen-
tralized approaches is that they can generate global optimal plans. While most distributed approaches
can overcome the barriers inherent in the centralized approach, they can only create suboptimal plans
because they cannot take full advantage of the information available to all team members.
    In [8], the problems of performing dynamic tasks by multi-robots are formalize, using state transi-
tions, represented through the behavior tree. A structure with distributed algorithms is proposed for
communication between robots, negotiation protocols and coordination using a priority mechanism. In
[9], the hybrid software architecture is proposed which supports both adaptability and reactivity of the
robots behavior in dynamic environments. The structure of the multi-agent system for an autonomous
robot is developed, in which different roles of agents interact to achieve different functional capabili-
    The task assignment and the path planning are the two main problems faced by the robots with
many tasks. The study [10] proposed a methodology for optimizing task allocation and route planning
in the case of multiple start and end points, where each robot starts and ends at the same warehouse.
Since planning the trajectory of several robots in dynamic environments is a difficult task, in [11], the
most appropriate path plan was developed to achieve the goal through overcoming the obstacles en-
countered by service robots. For this, navigation based on particle swarm optimization proposed.
    In [12], the interaction of the robot and the environment in navigation tasks was presented, in
which robots have no idea about their habitat and planning functions; instead, the active environment
is responsible for these aspects. This was done by creating cells for traffic management in the corre-
sponding area. Cells interact with each other to manage information about the environment and build
instructions on how the robots move. In [13], a multi-robot path planning algorithm proposed using
Deep Learning combined with the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) algorithm. Deep Q-
Learning used to strengthen the learning algorithm in combination with the CNN algorithm, which is
necessary for efficient situation analysis. CNN analyzes the exact situation using information about
the image of the environment, and the robot moves based on the situation analyzed using the Deep Q-
Learning. In [14], the authors investigated the behavior of the system during joint hunting with several
robots. They developed a mathematical model to represent the problem of cooperative hunting involv-
ing multiple robots. Dynamic path planning problems for indoor mobile robots are NP-Hard. Route
planning algorithms usually suggest the following: the mobile robot will achieve its goals in the short-
est time, overcoming the minimum distance with the least energy consumption, as well as finding a
free route in an environment in which dynamic and static objects are located, including a larger num-
ber of robots. Analysis of the path planning problem for mobile robots showed that genetic algorithms
[16, 17, 18] and a popular path-finding algorithms A * and D * [13, 19, 20, 21, 22] are most often
    Thus, the studies of the architectures of control systems for the autonomous robots and approaches
for their implementation have advanced and have shown significant success in modeling and develop-
ing a complex software system for robots. However, there are certain limitations and disadvantages,
and therefore such methods and algorithms need to be improved and improved. The agent-based ap-
proach is advisable to use for the development of new models
    The aim of the work is to develop a multi-agent control system for autopilot transport robots to
solve the problem of transporting goods in warehouses, which is capable of searching. To achieve this
goal, it is necessary to solve to develop an organizational model of the mobile robots control process,
its components and their interaction.

3 Organizational model of multi-agent system for control autonomous
    To control transport robots in warehouses, we will use the agent-group-role (AGR) organizational
concept [15]. The advantage of the organizational concept is the ability to model the complex system
behavior, which helps to verify the designed system. By a group we mean a team, capable of achiev-
ing the goal autonomously and consistently, with minimal control actions. The aspects are: DQ– find-
ing the minimum route in the environment in which dynamic and static objects are located; DD– dis-
tribution of a work in the coordinated joint activity of agents-robots. We represent the multi-agent
system MAS in the following form:
                                     MAS = A,V , C  ,                                       (1)
where A = Ai , k m    ( i = {exe, init , coord} , m = 1,2,3 ) – the set of agents, k – the number of agents

in the subset Aexe , k 2 – the number of agents in the subset Ainit , k 3 – the number of agents in the
subset Acoord , V – the virtual world of the warehouse, consisting of a two-dimensional lattice of rec-
tangular patches, C – the connections between agents and the environment: the agents exchange
   The composition of the MAS is fixed and is a set of heterogeneous (by functions, i.e. performing
different functions) agents N =  k m , known total amount of the works R                         0 , which needs
                                                                                       exe ,k1

                                                                             
to be performed. Identified types of the agents Ai ,km , with certain characteristics that reflect the
tasks assigned to them.
                                                                                                 i , km
   The states of the agents include their functions F and fixed volumes of work R
                                                              A                                            (2)
                                            S = F , R i ,km  .
                                        Ai ,k
                                                  i , km   w j → min w j{0;1} ,

                   0, if the agent is not working
where value w j =                                 ,
                   1, if the agent is working
                                                     Ai, k
                                                                  j  R
                                                             mw           A

     This means that the total amount of work does not exceed the capabilities of all agents. To distrib-
ute the amount of work between agents, denote the amount of work performed by a particular agent as
J i ,km . Then we have a continuous problem:
                                   Ai,km J i,km  R A → min Ji, k m .                                     (5)
   When condition (4) is satisfied, the agents should be ordered and sequentially loaded to the maxi-
mum until the entire amount of work is distributed.
   To ensure distributed cooperation between agents, an organizational model is proposed, consisting
of the following components (Fig. 1):
• a set of a fixed number of agents that determines the composition of the group;
• a system structure describing the relationship between group members and their interactions;
• the states of the agents include: the functions and the scope of a work performed by the agents, as
  well as sets of allowed states;
• the awareness of the agents – an information from external and internal parameters.

Figure 1: The structure of the organizational model for the process of control an autonomous robots

   The organizational model is presented in groups G = G D , GQ ,G R , where G D – the distribution;
GQ – the quest; GR – the resolution. In the G D group, work is distributed among agents. The coordi-
nator agent Acoord distributes the work among the executing agents and orders Aexe agents according
to the degree of their workload. The GQ group searches for the minimum route. The initiating agent
Ainit determines the location of the free executing agent Aexe and the coordinates of the placement of
the target cargo P . In the GR group, tasks are solved: Aexe , agents, having received tasks from Ainit
move along the constructed route to the target cargo P and move it to the destination.
   The dynamic characteristic S D of organization C allows you to control the observance of the DQ ,
DD aspects to achieve the goals
                  S D =  : TIME state( , , C ) |= complacent (conjiuction( DQ , DD )) ,
where state ( , , C ) |= complacent (conjiuction( DQ , DD )) determines that the condition state ( , , C ) at
the moment  in the organization C in trace  there is a characteristic
 complacent (conjiuction( DQ , DD )) with predicate |=, denoting the correspondence relationship be-
tween state and state characteristic.
   Each request for the delivery of the target product P is served after a certain time delay (Fig.2).

Figure 2: Free Agent Service Request Example Aexe,1
   If at time 1 the agent Acoord issues a request to move the product P with coordinates ( x P , y P ) to
the group GQ then at time  2 after  1 the group GQ issues possible routes to the agents Ainit,k 2 at
time  3 after  2 the agent Ainit, j (j=1,…,k2 ) ends a message to the free agent Aexe, j (j=1,…,k1 ), lo-
cated at the coordinates ( x A , y A ) , the route to the product P with coordinates ( x P , y P ) .
    Temporal formalization is expressed as a dynamic characteristic in TTL (with a free variable to
trace  ):
         ,, Aexe  Acoord
       [state(  ,  1,output(Acoord)) |=
       communication_from_to(request_to move product (xp,yp), Acoord, GQ) 
         2 > 1
       state (  ,2,output(GQ)) |=
               communication_from_to(inform_routes, GQ, Ainit)] 
         3 > 2
       state (  ,3,output(Ainit)) |=
               communication_from_to(route {(xA,yA)-> (xp,yp)}, Ainit, Aexe,1)] 

3.1 Second algorithm based on negotiations (SАN)
   For the most efficient distribution of the works, the agents interact with each other through negotia-
tions. During the negotiation process, the most suitable performer for each job is identified. The nego-
tiation process in the distribution of a work consists of the following components: the negotiation ob-
ject and the negotiation protocol – a set of rules according to which the agents interact.
   The subject of negotiation implies a range of issues on which an agreement must be reached. The
negotiations take place on the stage of distributing DD work between the agents. In the course of the
negotiations, the agent-initiator Acoord is looking for a potential the executor agent Aexe,k1 to perform
some work. The object of the agent negotiations at the stage of a work distribution will be the distance
between the autopilot robot and the product that needs to be moved. The movement of goods P is
characterized by the maximum duration t P , after which its movement becomes irrelevant. That is, if
the executing agent Aexe,k1 searches for the product P longer than t P , then his work will be meaning-
less. Figure 3 shows the function f (t P ) , which describes the dependence of the equilibrium value on

Figure 3: Balancing function

   The set of admissible values of Y is the set (t, f (t P ) ), that satisfy the condition
                   (t , f (t )  Y , if (( f(t) = min ( f (t1 ), f (t 2 ),...f (t n ) )  ( f(t)  f (t p ))) .
   The negotiation protocol is shown in Figure 4. The Acoord agent sends messages to the executing
agents Aexe,k1 . The message contains the coordinates of the target location and the final point of deliv-
ery. In the responses from the executing agents there is a load indicator, (for example, IsValid=false –
the agent is 100% loaded) and its coordinates ( x A , y A ) . Based on these responses, the Ainit agent
builds DQ routes and sends them to the Acoord agent. Agent Acoord distributes work D D : a message is
sent to agent Aexe, j (j=1,…,k1 ) with the maximum value of the function f (t P ) and the load indicator
и IsValid=true. The rest of the agents receive a message that the executor agent for work has already
been found.

Figure 4: Negotiation protocol

   The main purpose of agent Ainit,k 2 is to find the best path for agent Aexe,k1 from its location
 ( x A , y A ) to product P with coordinates ( x P , y P ) . Figure 5 shows a map with open cells on which the
autopilot robot can move; closed cells, inaccessible for movement; starting point; end point of move-
ment of the autopilot robot.
      For each node, the following values are determined: G – distance traveled, H – remaining dis-
tance, F = G + H – total distance. After defining an F – value for each node, the nodes are sorted in
descending order of that value. Obviously, a node with a value of F = 3 is more suitable.

Figure 5: The virtual world of the warehouse

    When the next node is reached, it is necessary to recalculate the value of the current node and de-
termine a new direction (Figure 6.a). The H value is not recalculated. But situations may arise when
the nodes have the same characteristic values, such situations are called dead ends. If such a situation
is detected, then control goes to the next level.

Figure 6: a - Selecting a new cell (node); b - Move to the next node
    The path is built from the parent nodes contained in each node. If there is no parent, then such
node is considered the initial one. Each time the current cell is changed, the indicators for neighboring
nodes are recalculated. After each step, the cycle repeats (Figure 6.b).
    When moving from one node to another, the previous data is saved, which can be used to build a
return path (Figure 7). When the current position of the node coincides with the final one, the iteration
over the nodes ends and the reverse path is built. Also, to find the optimal path, the wave tracing algo-
rithm was used. Its idea is as follows: there are 2 points - start and finish.

Figure 7: Built path

    The object can move in 4 directions: up, down, left, right. When the algorithm starts, the step value
equal to 1 is entered in the neighboring cells. At the next increment of the cycle, the step value is in-
creased by another 1. After filling the cells of the first step, the neighboring cells of the first step will
be filled, they will already contain the value 2. It is important that the cell hasn’t already been passed
before or should not be a wall (impassable). The cycles are repeated until the finish line is reached.
The exit from the main loop is the value of the start cell that is not equal to -1 or when there is no so-
lution (the number of steps bigger than the number of cells).
    Figure 8 shows the 4 stages of the wave tracing algorithm.

Figure 8: Demonstration of the wave algorithm
  Point S indicates the location of the object (starting point), F - the position where the target is, the
numbers are indicating number of steps.

4 The simulation of a multi-agent system for control an autonomous robot
    The experiments were conducted on Intel Core i3-7100, 3.9 GHz, OS Microsoft Windows 12, Uni-
ty 3D and С#. When the application starts, the scene is loaded, on which the map is initialized (Fig.
9), the agents of the autopilot warehouse robots, and the station are created.

  Figure 9: Simulation for scene with 2 warehouse robots

   The location of the robots is defined in random way. The agent, that was created on station, corre-
sponds to the agent-initiator, which distributes the work to other agents. The agents-executors are
created for each warehouse robot communication with initiator and receive the assignment from it. On
Fig. 10 it is shown that one of warehouse robots is doing its job and the others are in some standby

Figure 10: Warehouse scene by showing the coordinates of the placement of goods

    After the assignments are received, the robot is transferred to the "Busy” state and the task is added
to the queue of the tasks being executed. After that, the shortest path to the target is determined, and
after loading the product, the calculation of the shortest path for shifting the cargo is performed. At
the same time, the Ainit,k2 agents communicate with each other in order to quickly resolve possible con-
flict situations (for example, when 2 robots are nearby). When the robot has completed its task, it is
removed from the job queue. Then the robot goes into the "Waiting" state or starts performing tasks
that are in the queue. In the course of the experiments, the results of modeling the control system for
an autopilot transport robot in warehouses are compared, both with the use of the mechanism of agent
negotiations for the wave and the A * algorithm, and without it. The tests were run by five robots gen-
erated at random starting positions. The placement of goods and the map, which was used to build the
shortest path for each robot, was generated 1000 times. The test was repeated 1000 times. Table 1
shows the number of steps from the robot to the load, the search range, the time to build the route and
the number of deadlocks that have arisen (the robots are at the same distance) both with the use of the
agent negotiation mechanism for the wave and the A * algorithm, and without it.

Table 1
Simulation results.
                        Without using the mechanism of            Using the mechanism of agency ne-
                             agency negotiations                              gotiations


                       Steps to

                                                                  Steps to




   Algorithm A *        67        120      0,58        19          67        96       0,39      -
  Wave algorithm        83        138      0,75        21          83        101      0,52      -

   As is shown in Table 1 solving the problem of transportation along given coordinates using the
mechanism of agency negotiations is carried out faster with a smaller search range and without the
occurrence of deadlocks. Thus, the proposed multi-agent system shows the possibilities for creating
agents with behavior models capable of changing existing connections and establishing new connec-
tions depending on the changes that have occurred in the scene. This opportunity is necessary when
responding quickly to changes in the outside world. The initiating agent and the executing agents ne-
gotiate using messages. A script was developed to demonstrate the process of a successful task as-

5 Conclusions
   Autonomous solutions and distributed collaboration between agents provide high flexibility. In this
case, feedback and coordination from the central coordinator is used to achieve high efficiency. Stud-
ies show that additional strategies can be developed to prevent deadlocks by improving agent deci-
sion-making and coordinator behavior.
   On the basis of the proposed model, a multi-agent system of an auto-pilot warehouse robot has
been developed, which distributes work between agents, and also searches for the shortest path of the
autopilot robot from the current point to the target.
   The information received by each individual robot is planned to be analyzed to obtain a more effi-
cient solution in the future.

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