=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3013/20210182 |storemode=property |title=The Application of Tracker Video Analysis for Distance Learning of Physics |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3013/20210182.pdf |volume=Vol-3013 |authors=Ihor Chernetskyi,Iryna Slipukhina,Nataliia Kurylenko,Sergii Mieniailov,Magdalyna Opachko |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/ChernetskyiSKMO21 }} ==The Application of Tracker Video Analysis for Distance Learning of Physics== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3013/20210182.pdf
The Application of Tracker Video Analysis for Distance Learning
of Physics
Ihor Chernetckiy 1, Іryna Slipukhina 2, Nataliia Kurylenko 3, Sergii Mieniailov 4 and
Magdalyna Opachko 5
   National Center “Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, Degtyarivska Street 38/44, 04119 Kyiv, Ukraine
  Kherson State University, University Street 27, 73000 Kherson, Ukraine
  National Aviation University, Lubomira Guzara Avenue 1, 03058 Kyiv, Ukraine
  State University “Uzhhorod National University”, Narodna square, 3, 88000 Uzhhorod, Ukraine

                 Educational experiments, demonstrations, and laboratory works are the basis for the study of
                 the natural sciences. The drastic restriction of lessons in a real physics laboratory in 2020 –
                 2021 clearly demonstrated their negative effect on the quality of education. In terms of
                 distance and blended learning, video analysis of real experiments, processes, and phenomena
                 is a real competitor to the corresponding digital models. The free software Tracker toolkit
                 allows measuring physical quantities on the basis of video material, processing the received
                 data, and comparing them with mathematical models. Tracker usage expands methods of
                 obtaining and practical application of information, shows how to identify the actions of laws,
                 and, therefore, forms the scientific competency of students. The general rules for creating
                 educational videos suitable for analysis using Tracker are given in the article. There are
                 demonstrated different approaches to creating instructions for laboratory works based on
                 video analysis on the examples of labs such as measuring the acceleration of free fall
                 (mechanics), determining the surface tension of a liquid (molecular physics), the study of the
                 rotational motion of the Sun (astronomy). Reference videos, didactic recommendations, a
                 collection of video problems, and instructions on non-traditional methods of educational
                 experiment adapted for video analysis using Tracker have been created. They are posted in
                 the section “Instrumental digital didactics” of the resource www.stemua.science of the
                 National Center “Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, which is popular among online
                 users. Video analysis techniques are used for formal and non-formal education of pupils and
                 students in the conditions of COVID-19; this has been verified during the training of
                 educators and distance summer science school (2020).

                 Video Analysis, Tracker, Instrumental Digital Didactics, Distance Learning, Didactics of

1. Introduction
   At this time, there is observed a significant activity of the pedagogical community in the direction
of finding innovative forms, methods, and means of blended learning in the situation of existing and
future threats (first of all COVID-19). Thoughts on the reliability of distance learning are discussed by
T. Yeigh and D. Lynch [1]. M. Lieberman believes that the situation with distance learning may be a
“new norm of education”, which will necessity to be continued [2]. J. Hargis notes that for successful
distance learning teachers have to properly integrate the learning material into the virtual environment

ICTERI-2021, Vol I: Main Conference, PhD Symposium, Posters and Demonstrations, September 28 – October 2, 2021, Kherson, Ukraine
EMAIL:     manlabkiev@gmail.com;       slipukhina2015@gmail.com;     kurylenko.n.v1976@gmail.com;         msm56msm@gmail.com;
ORCID: 0000-0001-9771-7830; 0000-0002-9253-8021; 0000-0002-1083-3247; 0000-0002-4871-311X; 0000-0003-0494-6883
            ©️ 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
            Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
            CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
following certain instructions [3]. Search for effective methods of the natural sciences teaching based
on educational experiments, demonstrations, and laboratory works is especially important in this
context. Their practical implementation (usually according to the offered instructions) consists of the
following main stages, which are performed directly in the school laboratory (classroom):
    •    assembling the experimental installation;
    •    conducting an experiment;
    •    data collection;
    •    data processing and making conclusions (begins in the classroom and ends at home).
    The organization of distance learning of physics at secondary schools (K-12) and institutions of
higher education in the conditions of COVID-19 proved the difficulties of performance (which, in
fact, was obvious) of the first three stages of laboratory works and experiments. The solution of this
important problem in 2020 – 2021 for all natural sciences, as shown by a study of posts on the
Internet and own practical experience, was carried out in three main ways.
    The most common and simplest approach to the organization of laboratory work is the use of
software for computer simulation of experiments. Therefore, the first pieces of training of teachers in
the situation of distance learning СOVID 19 were aimed at these tools [4]. It should be noted that the
use of modeling in the teaching of natural sciences and mathematics [5], especially for the
organization of virtual laboratory work in physics, is popular at all levels of education [6, 7]. There
are now many learning resources that offer a variety of interactive models suitable for conducting
virtual experiments. Importantly, a significant number of such offers are free, for example, PhET
Interactive Simulations [8], ComPADRE [9], VirtuLab [10], Tinkercad [11], and others.
    Another approach is to create a video of the experiment in the laboratory during remote access of
learners and send data to them. Such educational material, as a rule, shows the procedure of
assembling an experimental setup, conducting an experiment, and measuring physics quantities. The
obtained data are provided to learners for further processing and are distributed in various ways, most
often this is done using the resources of educational institutions or on the YouTube channel [12].
    An innovation of experiments arrangement in natural sciences is also m-learning based on the use
of measuring elements of the smartphones as measuring devices [13, 14]. However, this method of
learning also has limitations: the need for clear instructions, the difficulty of self-interpretation of
graphic material, the need to switch between different units of measurement and more.
    Long-term research suggests that an effective alternative to solving a wide range of educational
difficulties in physics based on the observation of the real processes may be the use of video analysis
[15], [16], [17]. The growing attention to the use of these tools in education at different levels is
confirmed by statistics on the frequency of their use in scientific reports (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Data on the annual number of scientific publications for the keywords “education” + “video
analysis”; (according to www.app.dimensions.ai)
2. Analysis of Related Research
    The history of the use of video materials for scientific analysis began with the advent of
photography as a technology. The study of E. Muybridge conducted in the late nineteenth century is
one of the first in this context. His work on the problem of fixation and photographic display of
various types of movement, such as animal movement, significantly contributed to the development
of mechanics and biomechanics of athletics [18]. H. Edgerton, a pioneer of stroboscopic photography,
became the famous successor of Muybridge in the twentieth century. The technology he initiated was
later used to study a wide range of processes: from ballistics and synchronous motors to an atomic
explosion during the first milliseconds [19].
    Photo and video methods of data research are still widely used in all fields of science: biology uses
the methods for microorganisms investigation; astronomy uses they for distant galaxies research with
extraterrestrial telescopes; medicine uses they to obtain data on the features of the human body
(microphotography, magnetic scanning, ultrasound, etc.); history uses they to analyze photo and video
archives; criminology apply the methods to obtain photographic evidence.
    At present, it is difficult to overestimate the role and importance of video analysis in experimental
physics and related STEM disciplines. Digital technologies allow learners to quickly and efficiently
record the dependence of the relative position of objects on time and study the process without
interfering with its progress. This, in particular, allows to not intervening when observing the progress
of a physics phenomenon. Elements of photography and video are used by researchers and engineers
to study a wide range of phenomena and experiments: from filming mechanical movements, such as
studying the motion of a body in a wind tunnel, to fixing the tracks of elementary particles.
    Video analysis for educational purposes has been widely used since the beginning of the XXI
century. Combining a full-scale experiment and digital processing of its data, video analysis helps to
compare abstract physics concepts with real phenomena and processes “in life”; it can be effectively
used in various innovative teaching methods for the development of critical thinking [17]. But, first of
all, as noted by A. Artiningsih and S. Nurohman, the use of video analysis during physics study
significantly increase the formation of research skills of students [20].
    In the era of wide use of various gadgets, especially smartphones, participants of the educational
process can create videos of phenomena and processes or use a huge number of available online
resources – video aggregators for educational research, such as “The LivePhoto Physics Project” [21].
    A variety of free or commercial programs can be the software for analytical processing of video
material: Coach Logic [22], Physics ToolKit [23], Data Point [24] and others. At this time, all well-
known manufacturers of training equipment, such as Vernier (Logger Pro) [25], Pasco [26] or Phywe
[27], offer software for video analysis.
    However, in our opinion, Tracker, the system of video file analysis and physical modeling,
remains the most successful in terms of perfection and accessibility. It is free, multiplatform
(compatible with Windows, IoS, Linux), and open source product that is constantly updated and
improved (now available version 5.1.5) [28]. This soft with significant capabilities is integrated with a
network of Web-resources and is small in size. The Tracker toolkit, namely the functionality of its
Data Tool and Data Builder analysis modules, can be combined with video of the experiment and
allows capturing and processing its data.
    The greatest didactic value of Tracker, which explains its popularity among teachers, is the
presence of a system of analysis of tabular data with the approximation of the results to a
mathematical model of the process [29]. This is important, for example, to eliminate some common
misconceptions through the comparison of own mental hypotheses and mathematical models from the
video of the real process [30]. Other benefits are the import of a large number of video file types,
open source code, and the ability for users to add their own developments to the Tracker library.
    Tracker significant didactic effectiveness has been noted in many pedagogical studies around the
world. Objects that can be studied on the basis of this software product can be quite various: from the
study of kinematic, dynamic characteristics, and physics laws of motion [31, 32, 33] using laboratory
equipment, transport tools and robots [34, 35] to the study of optical phenomena, such as spectral
analysis [36]. Tracker has also been proven to be effective in developing flexible skills of students
[17]. Learning to work with Tracker is one of the components of teacher training [37].
   However, the effective use of moving image analysis technology during the teaching of STEM
disciplines requires at least three conditions: the accessibility to high quality video; skills of using
analytical tools of special programs; knowledge of the methodology of processing an array of
experimental data regardless of methods of obtain them.

3. The Purpose of the Article
   Distance learning of physics and other STEM disciplines on the basis of video analysis requires
the development of a significant number of didactic materials for different topics of physics in
accordance with existing curricula and for individual levels of data processing skills of learners.
Therefore, the purpose of the article is to highlight the practical experience of creating and using
teaching methods for scholars (K-12) and students based on Tracker Video Analysis, which have
demonstrated the effectiveness during formal and non-formal education in conditions of COVID-19
and are an important part of the instrumental digital didactics.

4. Method
    Open data sources (Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, and Research Gate) were used to
classify current research on the use of video analysis in teaching physics and other natural sciences;
combinations of keywords “education”, “video analysis”, “Tracker”, “distance learning”, “physics”,
etc. were used. Data on site traffic www.stemua.science are obtained on the basis of
www.cloudflare.com. Methods of video analysis using for teaching physics and STEM disciplines
were created in collaboration with the Department of educational and thematic knowledge systems of
the National Center “Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine” (NC JASU) and discussed with
teachers during professional pieces of training. Qualitative testing of the proposed method of teaching
physics took place in 2020 - 2021 and was aimed at the preliminary implementation of the created
video materials of the physics experiments and detection of didactic peculiarities of their use.
Educational tasks based on video analysis were used by the authors during distance learning of
students of secondary schools (K-12) and higher education institutions (formal education), as well as
at a distance summer scientific school organized by NC JASU in June 2020 (non-formal education),
in which more than 100 young people from different regions of Ukraine took part.

5. Results and Discussion
   Long-term practice of methodical video material creating for effective organization of teaching on
the basis of Tracker (as well as other similar programs) requires compliance with certain conditions
during the process of recording. We have clarified the rules for creating videos suitable for their
further analysis, in particular, for building a mathematical model:
   •     a gadget with high-quality optics to record video should be used;
   •     frequency of shooting is selected in accordance with the type of phenomenon that is planned
   to be recorded (from 30 frames per second to 1000);
   •     the device must be motionless and the experimental setup must be completely in the frame
   during recording;
   •     the object must move in a plane perpendicular to the recording device;
   •     the moving object should contrast with the background.
   A number of videos of experiments for laboratory works in mechanics, molecular physics, optics,
atomic and nuclear physics have been created in the STEM laboratory of MANLab NC JASU, which
are posted in the sections “Instrumental digital didactics” of the resource www.stemua.science [37].
This activity was aimed at developing appropriate methods of distance learning of physics and
consisted of the following main tasks:
   •     provide the maximum number of the laboratory works with reference videos suitable for the
   use of Tracker (or other similar software products);
   •     create detailed instructions for data collection and analysis for each laboratory work;
    •    create “unconventional” methods of conducting the experiment adapted for the use of
    •    create didactic material for the formation of video tasks.
    Note that while studying mechanical phenomenon by means of the process record, a certain
algorithms are used to determine keyframes, shooting frequency, single segment, position of the
coordinate system, tracking the position of objects on each frame manually or automatically, selecting
parameters for research, analysis of graphical or tabular representation of experimental data,
construction of a mathematical model corresponding to the studied phenomenon, and selection of
appropriate coefficients to match the behavior of the model in the recorded experiment.
    Let us consider a few examples of the main didactic approaches to application of video analysis
based on Tracker that were used by us for creating instructions for laboratory work on the school
course of physics (K-12); they can also be successfully used for teaching junior students of higher
education institutions.
    One of the important laboratory experiments for mechanics study is to determine the acceleration
of free fall. However, as we know, the study of this fundamental concept since the time of Galileo
causes some difficulties: a body motion under the action of gravity occurs in a certain environment
(mostly in the air). Therefore, the motion only closely corresponds to the conditions of free fall of
bodies. The method proposed by us allows determining the acceleration of the fall of various objects,
comparing the obtained values with the standard one, and making conclusions about the existing
influence of the environment. In the context of the application of software for video analysis, the task
of this lab is divided into two main stages:
    •    conducting an experiment with different bodies and creating videos of their fall;
    •    determination of the numerical value of the acceleration of falling bodies and comparison
    with the standard value of the acceleration of free fall.
    In order to create reference videos, our method considers the processes of a tennis ball, a ping-
pong ball, and a rubber “jumper” ball falling. Their movement against the background of a delineated
surface or ruler is recorded by a digital camera or camcorder installed in accordance with the
abovementioned rules. The next stages of the work are carried out using analytical tools Tracker [28].
Figure 2 shows the program window for the laboratory work. Tracker tools plot markers of body
positions on the board background in consecutive frames; created automatically tabular and graphical
data x(t) are shown on the right.

Figure 2: Look of Tracker window

   An interesting continuation of this work is the determination of the acceleration of free fall on the
Moon. To do this, we can use a video of astronauts conducting the Galileo experiment, which is
available on the NASA website and is freely downloadable [38].
   Note: despite the fact that a significant amount of educational research using Tracker is related to
mechanics, its tools are suitable for labs performing in other topics of physics. An example is a
laboratory study to measure the surface tension of a liquid by the method of air bubble formation at a
given temperature at a small depth (Rebinder method) [39]. The condition for the formation of an air
bubble is the creation of excessive pressure in it. According to the dependence of the Laplace pressure
model under the curved surface, its maximum value inside a bubble will be at the bubble minimum
diameter that is at the moment of the bubble formation at the end of the capillary [40]. The installation
for a surface tension measuring consists of a vessel with the investigated liquid, a glass tube
(capillary), a water aspirator, a glass connector, a crane, silicone tubes, and a water manometer
(Figure 3).

Figure 3: The installation for measuring the liquid surface tension by the method of bubble
formation at a given temperature

    When the crane is open, water begins to flow out of the vessel. The volume of air above the water
in the vessel increases; thus, the pressure in the vessel decreases. At a certain pressure above the
surface of the liquid an air bubble is pressed out into the liquid from the end of the capillary tube. The
tube diameter is known or determined by a digital microscope. The pressure arising under the action
of surface tension forces is equal to the pressure difference measured by the manometer. Based on the
created video recording of the experiment, Tracker instruments determine the extra pressure at the
time of separation of the bubble on the scale of the liquid manometer and calculate the surface tension
of the liquid (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Tracker program window when measuring the surface tension of liquid by the method of
bubble formation at a given temperature
    Another interesting example of the use of video analysis is the study of the rotational motion of the
Sun based on video recording of the motion of the photosphere gas, which is studied by the motion of
formations on the surface of this star. The main object of identification is a sunspot. A video image of
its surface obtained by the SOHO Space Observatory can be used for analysis [41]. With the help of
Tracker tools we can determine, for example, the speed of the photosphere and the period of rotation
of the Sun at different latitudes. A detailed description of the work with the video lecture can be found
at http://surl.li/tegv.
    The approbation of our laboratory works and video tasks was carried out during distance and
blended learning in formal and non-formal schooling as well as during educational activities for
students and teachers from different regions of Ukraine. One of the important and popular forms of
teaching talented youth is summer science schools. Such a school under the patronages of NC JASU
in June 2020 was carried out distantly and was devoted to the study of processes in mechanical
systems. Participants of the school were offered to perform four laboratory works. The labs “Study of
oscillations of the filament pendulum” and “Study of oscillations of the spring pendulum” were
performed according to traditional methods, supplemented by the use of video analysis. Two other
laboratory experiments are included in the curriculum of the profile level in physics (K-12). The task
of “Study of the oscillations of the physical pendulum” is to determine the distance between the center
of mass and the point of suspension at which the period of oscillation of the pendulum will be
minimal. Fulfillment of “Study of the phenomenon of mechanical resonance” is proposed using a new
methodological approach based on the study of the oscillations of a steel ruler with neodymium
magnets; video recording was at a frequency of 500 frames/s, which made it possible to accurately
determine the frequency of oscillations and their amplitude. The methods of carrying out of the works
are described in detail and step by step in the section “Instrumental digital didactics” of the virtual
STEM laboratory MANLAb [37].
    Reference videos were created for each of the laboratory works. The tasks consisted of two main
stages: determination of certain physics quantities (period, frequency, amplitude, etc.) based on video
analysis and comparison of experimental and theoretical data. Each participant's report contains tables
with experimental data, graphs built in Excel, and creative tasks using Tracker. In addition,
participants were invited to perform a creative task related to their own project and its implementation
using Tracker tools. An important motivating factor is that the authors have the opportunity to publish
their work on the resource http://stemua.science in the sections “Methods” or “Research work”. An
example of such a development is “Determination of spring stiffness using mathematical pendulums”
    The quality of carrying out each stage was evaluated separately: the maximum score for one work
is 5 points and additional points for the creative task; obtained by the student data were compared
with previously calculated ones using the same video. The accuracy of calculation and execution of
all tasks designated in the work was considered. Special attention was paid to the analysis and
understanding of graphic material.
    The event took place distantly; more than 100 students of secondary schools were registered to
participate in the summer scientific school, 78 of whom successfully completed the laboratory
practice. Based on the total assessments, conclusions were made about mastering the proposed
methods by the participants and their distribution in accordance with the accomplishment of the work
(Figure 5).
                    low        medium       adequate      above         high       creative

Figure 5: Distribution of participants according to the ability to use Tracker: horizontally - the level of
mastery of video analysis; vertically - number of persons, %

    An important conclusion is that a significant number of scholars of secondary schools are able and
willing to use practical and analytical tools of video analysis to study physical phenomena using
detailed instructions. However, only 3% of participants were able to demonstrate their skills at a
creative level.
    Methodical work on the creation of didactic materials based on video analysis was started in the
STEM laboratory of NC JASU in 2006 and continues to this day. More than 35 different methods of
performing laboratory work with the use of tools for video analysis have been created and tested in
formal and non-formal education, secondary (K-12) and higher school; the reference video recordings
and video lectures have been created. A study of statistics using www.cloudflare.com showed a
significant interest of the world community of educators in the methods of video analysis created and
tested by us; they are now available at www.stemua.science in free access (Figure 6).

Figure 6: Web Traffic www.stemua.science Requests by Country (above) and the number of visits for
March-April 2021 (below); (according to www.cloudflare.com)
6. Conclusions
   The result of the work is the adaptation of the software product Tracker for distance and blended
learning. The examples of video analysis using Tracker described in the article have been widely used
through the activities of NC JASU. The creation of the manual “Instrumental digital didactics” [42] is
an important result of the current period of this study and an attempt to systematize the existing
pedagogical experience. This publication demonstrates the basic technical requirements and
methodological approaches in the context of the application of video analysis for distance and blended
learning of physics and other natural sciences. A collection of video tasks using the Tracker was
created during the research. A high recording frequency was used to measure more accurately the
position of bodies; consequently, a high-quality video archive was created. It is posted in the section
“Additional materials” [37]. It should be noted that the Tracker resource [28] contains data on
educational studies suitable for carrying out entry-level projects.
   The method of video analysis was used as a supplement to the basic educational process in physics
at general secondary schools as well as for teacher training courses. Qualitative approbation of this
method was carried out on the basis of the National Aviation University, Kherson State University,
and Uzhhorod National University. It should be noted that performing the tasks of video analysis
using Tracker encouraged students to create similar videos on their own. This is confirmed by the
active participation of students of Kherson State University in the competition for the best video
experiment and video puzzle. This competition is a part of the “Science Week”. Videos edited by
students can be used as a means of career guidance or during their internship, etc.
   Further pedagogical investigations in the context of the study are aimed at improving the
methodology of physics study with an emphasis on achieving a creative level of application of the
tools for video analysis. As a result, a student mastered the Tracker algorithm should be able to make
own research or use materials available in the library.

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