=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3013/20210318 |storemode=property |title=The Use of Cloud-Oriented Learning Technologies in the Digital Competencies Formation of the Future Specialists in Socionomics |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3013/20210318.pdf |volume=Vol-3013 |authors=Dmytro Bodnenko,Valentyna Hladkova,Volodymyr Proshkin,Mylana Sablina |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/BodnenkoHPS21 }} ==The Use of Cloud-Oriented Learning Technologies in the Digital Competencies Formation of the Future Specialists in Socionomics== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3013/20210318.pdf
The Use of Cloud-Oriented Learning Technologies in the Digital
Competencies Formation of the Future Specialists in
Dmytro Bodnenko1, Valentyna Hladkova1, Volodymyr Proshkin1 and Mylana Sablina1
    Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Bulvarno-Kudriavska St., 18/2, Kyiv, 04053, Ukraine

                 Based on a survey of experts, the components of the digital competence of the specialists in
                 socionomic professions are identified: information literacy and the ability to work with data;
                 creation of digital content; communication and interaction in the digital society; security in
                 the digital environment; solving problems in the digital environment and lifelong learning.
                 The model of using cloud- oriented learning technologies for the formation of digital
                 competencies of the future socionomics specialists is theoretically substantiated and
                 experimentally tested. The stages of formation of digital competence of the future specialists
                 of socionomic profile by means of cloud-oriented learning technologies are developed.

                 Keywords 1
                 Digital Competencies, Cloud-Oriented Learning Technologies, Model, Future Specialists of
                 the Socionomic Profile

1. Introduction
    Rapid digitalization of all spheres of human life puts forward several requirements for the digital
preparation of future specialists in socionomic professions, whose activities take place in the human-
human system. Usually such professions are related to medical care, education and upbringing,
household services, legal protection, etc.
    Under the influence of civilizational changes in the educational space, modern specialists in the field
“human-human” must objectively have digital literacy, be mobile, flexible in the selection and
integrated use of all the variety of digital technologies. Such technologies allow the specialists of the
socionomic sphere to perform their functional duties qualitatively. Moreover, the use of digital
technologies allows the development of important competencies: emotional stability, rapid switching
of attention, empathy, observation, organizational skills, etc. Therefore, the formation of digital
competence of socionomic profile specialists and methodological support of the cloud-oriented learning
technologies use in the educational process of Higher Education Institution (HEI) is an urgent task.

2. Literature Review
   In the studies of foreign researches, outlines proposals for the use of cloud-oriented technologies in
the educational process [1], a review of the cloud learning management system is carried out [2], the
impact of SaaS on the formation of a new phase learning management [3]. Researches of theoretical
and practical bases of cloud computing application in education deserve our attention: Noteworthy are
the studies of theoretical and practical bases of application of cloud computing in education:

ICTERI-2021, Vol I: Main Conference, PhD Symposium, Posters and Demonstrations, September 28 – October 2, 2021, Kherson, Ukraine
EMAIL: d.bodnenko@kubg.edu.ua (D. Bodnenko); v.hladkova@kubg.edu.ua (V. Hladkova); v.proshkin@kubg.edu.ua (V. Proshkin);
m.sablina@kubg.edu.ua (M. Sablina)
ORCID: 0000-0001-9303-6587 (D. Bodnenko); 0000-0003-4362-2195 (V. Hladkova); 0000-0002-9785-0612 (V. Proshkin); 0000-0001-
9452-1867 (M. Sablina)
              ©️ 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
              Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
              CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
perspectives of digital humanistic pedagogy and use of ICT in education [4], application of cloud
technologies in teaching higher mathematics in institutions of higher technical education [5], the use of
cloud technologies to teach the basics of mathematical informatics to students of technical universities
[6], the formation and development of cloud-oriented educational and scientific environment of higher
education institutions [7]. The theoretical and methodological principles of using cloud-oriented
technologies for the development of students’ skills in the XXI century [8], [9] are outlined, revealed
the advantages and disadvantages of e-learning [10], [11], revealed the role of informatization and it
the impact on the professional teacher competences[12]. Метою The purpose of our article is to
develop the model of using cloud-oriented learning technologies for the formation of digital
competencies of the future specialists of socionomic profile.

3. Research Methods
   In the research process methods were used: analysis of scientific literature, the definition of
categorical-conceptual apparatus; synthesis, generalization, systematization; diagnostics
(questionnaires and statistical processing). The research was performed within the framework of a
complex scientific topic of the departments of the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. Scientific topic
of the Faculty of Computer Sciences and Mathematics is “Theoretical and practical aspects of using
mathematical methods and information technologies in education and science”, SR № 0116U004625
and scientific topic of the Faculty of Management is “Improvement of management mechanisms in
economic and social spheres of Kyiv” SR № 0116U003994.

4. Research Results
    The subject of digital activity of a “human-human” type specialist are social systems, groups, people
of all ages. Examples of socionomic professions are teachers, doctor, hairdresser, political scientist,
advertising specialist, HR specialist, manager. Digitalization of socionomic professions causes
appropriate requirements for such specialists: digital literacy, adherence of ethical norms and rules of
online business communication, tolerance and ability to understand behaver of another person by
analyzing his activity in social networks, the use of wide range of SAAS services to support joint
activities, etc.
    To determine the functions of digital competence, we turned to the results of C.Scott’s study, where
he highlights the following ability to use ICT and digital media; critically analyze digital media content;
to carry out effective communication and collaboration; to have a technical component that provides
safe and efficient use of gadgets; free use a wide range of consumer software to implement everyday
tasks [13].
    Appropriate for the formation of digital literacy, we see the classification of digital literacy
components (as the basis of qualitative human interaction with the “number”) identified by D. Belshaw
[14] components: Cultural (how to be have), Cognitive (how to do), Constructive (how to use),
Communicative (how to communicate) Confident (how to belong), Creative (how to make), Critical
(how to evaluate), Civic (how to practicipate).
    The use of cloud-oriented learning technologies is one of the driving forces for formation of
specialists’ digital competences. In particular, considering the cloud technologies as a means of teaching
the basics of mathematics information to students of technical universities O. Markova gives the
following interpretation “… by cloud learning technologies … we understand sun ICT learning, which
involves the use of network ICT with centralized network storage and data processing (program
execution), when the user acts as a client (user of services), and “cloud” is a server (service provider)”
[6]. It is worth noting, that cloud-oriented learning environment is associated with the above concept.
The cloud learning technologies is a learning environment in which cloud computing technologies are
used to support content-technological and information-communicational educational functions [9]. We
will rely on these definitions in our scientific work.
    We have systematized the ideas of Makovoz O.S. and Perederiy T.S., to outline the advantages and
disadvantages of using cloud technologies in educational process [15]. So, the advantages include:
maintaining the relevance of information; wuick adjustments; the possibility to customize the software
to the needs of a particular teacher; opportunity to prepare well for the lesson; the opportunity for a
student to complete a missed lesson; universal access to the Internet; accounting for the use of software.
Disadvantages include: trust in the service provider, upon which the the smooth operation and
preservation of important data depends; high requirements for the quality of communication channels;
the number of errors and information leaks increases with usage.
    Analysis of the functionality of cloud services (SAAS) allowed us to plan a hypothesis that their use
significantly helps to form future professionals' digital competence.
    The need for such a formation was determined by us in 2019 as a result of a confirmatory experiment
at the Borys Hrinchenko University of Kyiv and Khmelnytsky National University. In consequence of
the teachers- experts' survey (a total of 28 people), we outlined the components of digital competence
(DC) of future specialists of socionomic professions:

       •    DC1 – information literacy and data handling skills (the use of computer and mobile devices,
            and basis and application software, apps, Internet and online applications, digital identity
            management, viewing, searching and filtering data, information and digital content, critical
            evaluation and interpretation of data, information and digital content, data management,
            information and digital content, etc.);
       •    DC2 – the creation of digital content (development, editing, and integration of digital
            content, creative use of digital technologies, etc.);
       •    DC 3 – communication and interaction in the digital society (interaction through digital
            technologies, dissemination and exchange of data through digital technologies, cooperation
            through digital technologies, responsibility, legal and ethical norms);
       •    DC 4 – security in the digital environment (protection of devices and secure connection to
            the Internet, protection of personal data and privacy, protection of health and well-being,
       •    DC 5 – solving problems in the digital environment and lifelong learning (solving technical
            problems, self-assessment of their own digital competence, identifying and eliminating
            gaps, solving life problems with digital technologies, lifelong learning, and professional
            development in the digital environment).

    With the help of specially developed and adapted known methods, the real state of students' digital
competence formation at three levels was established: high, medium, and low (see Table 1). 145
students of specialties “Mathematics”, “Management”, “Journalism”, “Philology” (Borys Grinchenko
Kyiv University) took part in the experiment, which is about 5% of the general population - the number
of students of the two faculties of the university.
    The participants of the experiment were divided into groups - control (CG, volume 67 students) and
experimental (EG, volume 78 students).

Table 1
The level of students’ digital competence (statement experiment), %
        Levels                  High              Medium                Low                      χ2
     Components            CG         EG        CG       EG         CG       EG
         DC 1             10,2       10,0      45,4     44,8       44,4     45,2               0.014
           DC 2           8,6         9,2       39,5        40,2       51,9        50,6        0,042
           DC 3           14,8       13,7       54,9        55,0       30,3        31,3        0,058
           DC 4           7,7         8,2       35,4        38,2       56,9        53,6         0,22
           DC 5           12,5       11,9       48,9        45,5       38,6        42,6        0,334

  According to the results of the experiment, most students have a medium and low level of digital
competence, which clearly confirms the need for research.
     We compared the two empirical distributions obtained data using Pearson's statistical criterion
χ2 . Thus, comparing students of control and experimental groups in accordance with the levels of
                                                      2            2                2
development of DC 1 – DC5, it was found that 𝜒𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙        < 𝜒𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 , where 𝜒𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 = 5,991 for the
significance level p ≤ 0.05 and the number of freedom degrees, which is equal to 2.
     To achieve the study's purpose, we developed a model of digital competence formation of future
specialists of socionomic profile through cloud-oriented learning technologies. In particular, each
component of the proposed model is based on the use of free cloud services.
     Preparation unit – contains organizational and methodological materials to ensure the educational
process (are electronic educational and educational and methodological materials). The data is
combined for its intended purpose (an inverted class model can be used). Examples of using services:
Google Class, YouTube, LMS Moodle, Google Disk.
     Theoretical unit – allows you to access materials and, using the means of communication, to analyze
the content together with classmates and / or teachers. Examples of using services: Hangouts Chat,
Google Documents, Google Spreadsheets (with the ability for students to edit and comment on online
     The block of technological and methodological support - provides the creation of joint documents
for small research groups that perform the tasks assigned to each small group. For example, the
formation of a table of correspondence for informational textual content as e-learning, content plan,
content program. Examples of the use of services: Google Documents, Google Spreadsheets (with the
ability for students to edit and comment on online documents), PicxelExpres, WeWedeo, Google forms
(to provide an experimental survey of recipients by student researchers).
     The practical block is the consolidation of the received achievements by students, which is based on
the processing of the developed data, as well as the publication of the research results and the defense
of the project before the audience. Example of using services: Google Documents and/or Google
Presentations (for project demonstration), Google Spreadsheets, Google Forms (for evaluation and
analysis of project results).
     Prognostic block - based on the received results the trajectory of further improvement of digital
readiness and digital competencies (strategic planning of development of digital competence) is
     We offer for digital competence formation future specialists in the socionomic profile of the use of
cloud-based learning technologies in combination with traditional (classical) forms of the learning
organization. To carry out the experiment, the interdisciplinary connection of such disciplines is used:
"ICT in research", "Information Relationship Management", "Research Methodology", "Personnel
Management", "Mathematics", "ICT in professional activities". Execution of the project is carried out
according to the table algorithm "Use of cloud-oriented learning technologies in the process of
professional training of the future specialist of socionomic profile" (Fig. 1). Offered by us methodical
support is an upgraded to cloud-oriented acmeological technology version developed by the author of
the model "Organization of research work of students in learning computer science disciplines" [15].
     Each stage of the algorithm is preparatory to the next, contains a brief description of activities and
services that can be used during its implementation. Note that the algorithm is not linear, but involves
the return from any stage to the appropriate (problematic) component, which requires refinement (or
modernization) by a future specialist.
     We will focus on the practical part of the model implementation. Depending on the peculiarities of the
educational process, the following practice-oriented methods in the training of a socionomic specialist
along with cloud-oriented learning technologies are used: brainstorming, situational method (case
method), synergetic acmefuching, educational discussion, demonstration and illustration, video method,
Figure 1: Model of using cloud-oriented learning technologies for the formation of digital competence
future specialists of socionomic profile
    Raising the level of the digital readiness of the future socionomic specialist can be achieved by
introducing cloud-based learning technologies and innovative pedagogical learning technologies in the
educational process: interactive, problem-based learning, inverted learning, project learning, positional
learning. Having our own vision of digital competence formation we propose to build this process with
the implementation of developmental (acmeological) technology in cloud services, which, in our
opinion, is quite effective in the process of professional training.
    Of particular interest among students was project work, which provided the creation of the author's
project of professional development (self-development) of socionomic profile future specialist using
the formed digital competencies. Work on this project, followed by its protection, took place in face-
to-face form with the maximum use of cloud-based learning technologies and cloud services.
    Professional competence aimed at actualizing the potential of personal and professional
development of the future specialist, the development of his professionalism (among which one of the
first places is occupied by digital competence). Professional competence is realized based on the use of
a modular system of pedagogical-professionalized acmeological training and acmeological
developmental classes.
    To ensure the convenience of teachers and teamwork of students, as well as to increase the
motivational competition between teams, the teacher-coach creates a table of team activities. The table
of team activities contains: - names of teams and a list of team members (rapid interaction), the name
of the cloud service for each team's project (thus ensuring no duplication of research topics), fields to
fill in links to cloud services component tasks (at each stage the teacher and the team monitor
compliance with the project implementation deadline.
    At the same time, the implementation of the tasks received by students in cloud services provides
rapid interaction of small group members. In particular, at the stage of "Grouping in small groups"
students form a team and share access to the online document(s). These documents serve as a "draft"
and an "experimental mini platform" where participants accumulate their ideas and experiences.
Example, Google Documents, Google Spreadsheets. And then, step by step at each stage, one (or more)
cloud services are used to prepare the project and create the appropriate intermediate or reporting
electronic resource (Google Presentation, Mind Map, Padlet, Awwap, graphic, audio-, video-, flash-
cloud editors, etc.). In the final stage (global project protection) Google Spreadsheets (and/or) Google
Forms are used (to analyze the results of the project).

Figure 2: Example of project implementation with the help of cloud services
    The formative stage of the experiment, the purpose of which was to test the effectiveness of the
proposed methodological support for the use of cloud-based learning technologies for the formation of
digital competencies of future socionomic professionals profile was held in 2020.
    In the control group, the educational process was carried out according to the traditional methodical
system of digital training of the future specialist.
    To assess the quality of digital training of future professionals used not only the method of "control
sections", but also a comprehensive assessment and self-assessment using the author's questionnaire.
The questionnaire was developed to determine the level of development of existing digital competencies
among the future socionomic profile professionals, which, in our opinion, contributes to better training.
The survey was conducted five times a semester every three weeks. The questionnaire provided criteria
for assessing digital readiness and a brief description of them. Each student was evaluated not only by
the teacher, but also by self-assessment.
    After completing the online questionnaire (completed in Google Forms), all the results were
consolidated into a summary table (each survey participant had his own code, the table recorded the
corresponding amount of points for each of the eight-five components separately for each slice). Based
on all these data, summary graphs that reflect the levels of development of parameters and the dynamics
of their development in both control and experimental groups are constructed. Based on these graphs,
we developed prognostic trajectories.
    We believe that to improve and assess the development of digital competencies of the future
specialist appropriate components that will contribute to the formation of this readiness, namely:
analytical (how to be), gnostic (how to do), constructive (how to use), creative (what new can be done),
critical (how to evaluate), communicative (how to communicate), creation (how to develop and improve
oneself), prognostic (how to predict the development of professional competence).
    The results of the control group indicate an insufficient level of effectiveness of traditional methods
of training and, accordingly, not high enough quality of digital competencies of the future specialist.
(Table 2).

Table 2
The level of digital competence of students (molding experiment), %
        Levels               High                 Medium                 Low                         χ2
   Components            CG          EG        CG          EG        CG                  EG
         DC 1           8,4        24,1       49,2       60,7       42,4                15,2       21,632
         DC 2           8,9        20,2       48,8       59,6       42,3                20,2       13,278
         DC 3           10,6       38,7       57,2       51,0       32,2                10,3       27.656
         DC 4           8,7        22,2       40,4       59,3       50,9                18,5       24.606
         DC 5           10,9       24,9       53,5       58,3       35,6                16,8       12.426

  We compared the obtained data using Pearson’s 𝜒 2 statistical criterion again. Thus, comparing
students of control and experimental groups according to the levels of DC1 – DC5 development, it was
                  2            2                  2
found out that 𝜒𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙   > 𝜒𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑐𝑎𝑙 , where 𝜒𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 = 9,21 for the significance level p ≤ 0.01 and the
number of freedom degrees which is equal to 2. This shows that the organization of the educational
process by means of cloud-based technologies is effective. Note also that when choosing the volumes
of the control and experimental groups, we used Pearson's criterion 𝜒 2 . It is obtained that 𝜒𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙   <
  2                   2
𝜒𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑐𝑎𝑙 , where 𝜒𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 = 3,841for the significance level p ≤ 0.05 and the number of degrees of
freedom, which is equal to 1. This means that the volumes of the control and experimental groups do
not differ statistically.
  The analysis of the received data testifies to obvious growth of development of components of digital
competencies of the future specialist of a socionomic profile. Having conducted a criterion analysis for
each student, we can predict the dynamics of changes in his professional qualities, which, in our opinion,
will significantly improve his further development as a representative of the socionomic profession and
in the formation of his digital readiness for practice.
5. Conclusion
    In the research based on a thoroughly practical approach, the model of formation of future specialists'
digital competencies of a socionomic profile by means of cloud-oriented technologies of training is
created. Recommendations for the use of the presented model are given. The stages of the model
implementation are highlighted, the activity aimed at the formation of digital and subject competence
of students is outlined with the indication of cloud-oriented learning technologies and cloud services,
the terms of the model stages implementation are given. Based on the expert assessment, the
components of digital competence of future specialists of socionomic professions are formed:
information literacy and ability to work with data; creation of digital content; communication and
interaction in the digital society; security in the digital environment; solving problems in the digital
environment and lifelong learning.
    The practice of introducing the formation of digital competencies by using the model developed by
us in combination with the project methodology and the method of small groups helps to better master
and learn these competencies.
    We see prospects for further research in the introduction and methodological support of the model
of using cloud-based learning technologies for the formation of digital competencies of future
professionals in the fields of "human-human", "human - technology", "human - nature" and reveal
details of the specifics the use of IT components.

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