=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3013/20210361 |storemode=property |title=The Use of ICT for Training Future Teachers: An Example of the Course on «Art Education of Preschool Children» |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3013/20210361.pdf |volume=Vol-3013 |authors=Anna Bielienka,Olena Polovina,Inna Kondratets,Tetiana Shynkar,Kateryna Brovko |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/BielienkaPKSB21 }} ==The Use of ICT for Training Future Teachers: An Example of the Course on «Art Education of Preschool Children»== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3013/20210361.pdf
The Use of ICT for Training Future Teachers: An Example of the
Course on «Art Education of Preschool Children»
Anna V. Bielienka 1, Olena A. Polovina 1, Inna V. Kondratets 1, Tetiana Yu. Shynkar 1 and
Kateryna A. Brovko 1
    Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2, Bulvarno-Kudriavska Str., Kyiv, 04053, Ukraine

                 The article highlights the problem of training of future teachers on the material of the course
                 «Art Education of Preschool Children». The main attention is paid to the use of ICT as an
                 effective means of improving the quality of education and the formation of information culture
                 of applicants. The scientific researches devoted to application of Information and
                 Communication Technologies, definition of levels of readiness of students to use ICT and the
                 outline of the received skills of the teacher who has mastered information and communication
                 competence are analyzed. The principles, methods and forms of ICT use in the context of the
                 discipline «Art Education of Preschool Children» are revealed and its efficiency is
                 demonstrated. The correlation between forms and methods of interaction with applicants and
                 certain information and communication technologies is shown, the possibilities of using each
                 of them are specified. Factors of ICT use efficiency are determined.

                 Keywords 1
                 Professional training, future teachers, Information and Communication Technologies, Art
                 Education, forms and methods of interaction with students

1. Introduction
   At the present stage of the development of society and education one of the main tasks is to prepare
future professionals for active and constructive vital activity in the information society, ensuring
quality, accessibility and efficiency of education, creating conditions for lifelong learning through
widespread implementation of ICT methods and tools in educational practice. Implementation of this
task involves achieving the following goals: the formation of information culture of applicants, the
creation of new and additional conditions to improve the quality of education, development of new
forms of education and educational technologies that based on ICT, etc. [1].

2. Analysis of Publications
    In a worldwide scientists project «Іntel Education. Transformation. Policy. Tool» one of the main
tasks of UNESCO is to train professionals who know how to use ICT to work with information, are
able to reflect, agile and flexible in solving tasks, effectively manage their life trajectory [5].
    The challenges caused by COVID-19 in the context of the socio-economic situation in the world,
and in Ukraine in particular, actualizes using distance learning technology in higher education
institutions. Despite the unstable socio-economic situation, the system of distance education is
developing rapidly in higher education [7]. Distance learning in higher education contributes to the
introduction of new forms of learning, individualization, optimization of the educational process, is the

ICTERI-2021, Vol I: Main Conference, PhD Symposium, Posters and Demonstrations, September 28 – October 2, 2021, Kherson, Ukraine
EMAIL: h.bielienka@kubg.edu.ua (A. V. Bielienka); o.polovina@kubg.edu.ua (О. A. Polovina); i.kondratets@kubg.edu.ua
(І. V. Kondratets); t.shynkar@kubg.edu.ua (T. Yu. Shynkar); k.brovko@kubg.edu.ua (K. A. Brovko)
ORCID: 0000-0003-2759-1149 (A. V. Bielienka); 0000-0001-6021-5677 (О. A. Polovina); 0000-0001-7816-0766 (І. V. Kondratets); 0000-
0002-5656-2032 (T. Yu. Shynkar); 0000-0001-8572-9316 (K. A. Brovko)
              ©️ 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
              Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
              CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
logical evolution of the traditional model of learning. Most universities use different platforms for
distance learning (mostly Moodle) [6].
    Scientific and practical conferences on various levels on the introduction of e-learning and distance
learning in higher education institutions are systematically held. In particular ICTERI: International
Conference on ICT in Research, Education and Industrial Applications, gives scientists and
practitioners the opportunity to get acquainted with quality developments, innovations in the field of
ICT and use them in professional activities. The number of studies aimed at using ICT in the educational
process of higher education institutions increased. This is a study of such Ukrainian scientists as
D. Bodnenko [11], O. Buynytska [9], L. Varchenko-Trotsenko [9], S. Vasylenko [4], O. Zhiltsov [10],
O. Lytvyn [10, 11], N. Morse [4], V. Proshkin [10,11] and others. Scientists S. Vasylenko and N. Morse
conducted research to identify the most used, popular innovative technologies, ICT, best pedagogical
practices, through comparison with the experience of EU universities and provided recommendations
for the training of higher education competitive in the labor market [4].
    The focus is on the quality of courses for higher education and their availability for the needs of the
current generation of students. ICT in the educational process creates the preconditions for updating
both content and learning technologies. One of the requirements for all participants in the educational
process in the high educational institutions is the readiness of the future specialist to use ICT in
educational work with children and their own professional development. G. Kozlakova identifies three
levels of such readiness, namely: their own level of computer technology skills, the ability to directly
use them in professional activities, the ability to improve their professional level through the Internet.
Head of an International Research Project on Assessing and Teaching 21st Century Skills and
Competencies of the Melbourne University notes that in the XXI century. Emphasis was placed on the
ability to interact and communicate, to be creative and to think critically. Educational programs should
be aimed at developing critical thinking, creative ingenuity, creativity, etc. [2]. The International
Society for Technology in Education has identified six categories of National Educational Technology
Standards that characterize the skills of a teacher with information and communication competence: 1)
comprehension skills creation and use of technologies, the ability to use them; 2) skills in ethical,
cultural and social specifics related to technology; 3) skills that emerge as a result of using technology
tools to improve the learning process, the development of creative potential; 4) skills in using
telecommunication tools to cooperate with participants in the educational process; 5) use of ICT tools
for collecting, researching information; 6) skills in using ICT to solve problems, decision-making [3].
    Among the problems of ensuring the quality of the educational process with the use of ICT is a
partial violation of the principle of human-centeredness. This is especially acute during the training
polylogue: focus on test slices of quality of education, to perform tasks online, students experience
serious difficulties in communication, in the ability to persuade, argue, motivate, interest, present,
conduct, organize any form of work. This problem has a negative impact on the quality of training of
future preschool teachers, as the key task is to teach students professional communication with all
participants in the educational process, and, most importantly, with children. Such skills, first of all, are
formed in the process of teaching professional methods and, at the same time, show contradictions
between the existing theoretical basis (basic research, innovative technologies, new educational
programs) of professional training of future teachers and low level of professional competence. parts of
students to work in preschool institutions [8]. For us, there are certain challenges in preparing students
of the second (master’s) level of specialty 012 Preschool Education for the Organization of Art
Education in a blended and distance learning: prejudice against artistic activity, misunderstanding of
the role of art for personal development; underestimation of ICT tools and technologies in art
professional education, etc.
    The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the effectiveness of
the use of ICT in the training of future teachers on the material of the course «Art Education of Preschool

3. Discussion
   The observational experiment was aimed at determining the motivation of future teachers for the
discipline «Art Education of Preschool Children» and clarifying their levels of artistic competence.
3.1.    The Level of formation artistic Competence of future Teachers
    Criteria, indicators of formation of artistic competence in future teachers were determined, in
    1) motivational criterion (indicators: the presence of positive motives for mastering artistic
competence; the ability to set goals with faith in achieving them; the need for creativity and the desire
to implement it);
    2) emotional criterion (indicators: emotional support of creativity and emotional attitude to the
creative process; sincerity, immediacy of the experience caused by works of art; readiness for artistic
    3) intellectual criterion (indicators: the presence and stability of artistic knowledge; the presence of
knowledge about the impact of art on the development of children's personality and forms of
organization of art education; the presence of associative and creative thinking, creative imagination);
    4) activity criterion (indicators: possession of technical and methodological tools for the
organization of art education of preschool children; demonstration of special abilities (figurative vision,
poetic and musical hearing, stage diction and plasticity, etc.); independence and initiative in finding and
trying to find original creative solutions).
    According to the results of the research, the levels of formation of artistic competence of future
teachers are determined and characterized:
    - sufficient level (there are positive motives for mastering artistic competence; the ability to set goals
with faith in achieving them; the need for creativity and the desire to achieve it; sincerity, truthfulness,
immediacy of experience caused by works of art; willingness to artistic reflection; availability
knowledge of the influence of art on the development of children's personality and forms of art
education, a high level of associative and creative thinking, creative imagination, mastery of technical
and methodological tools for art education of preschool children, willingness to demonstrate artistic
abilities, independence and initiative in finding and trying to find original methods of solving creative
    - latent level (characterized by the partial presence of positive motives for artistic activity; lack of
clear idea and desire to master certain competencies; the dominance of internal motives and a certain
dependence on external factors; partially expressed creative activity; variability in the needs for
learning, creativity, self-improvement; the level of development of creative thinking, creative
imagination, creative imagination at the stage of readiness, but without vivid expression; presence of
manifestations of insecurity, fear, copying, etc.);
    - juvenile level (marked by a small indicator of positive motives for artistic activity; reduced ability
to set goals and lack of strong faith in achieving the goal; low level of creative activity, thinking,
imagination; weakly expressed needs for learning, creativity, self-improvement, continuous
professional growth, in self-expression, indicators of pedagogical, intellectual and creative abilities are
characterized by imperfection and primitiveness).
    Corrective pedagogical diagnosis of the study of the levels of formation of artistic competence took
place in future teachers, who were conditionally united into two groups: experimental group (EG) 58
people and control group (CG) 63 people.
    Methods of pedagogical diagnostics were comprehensively used to determine the levels of artistic
competence of future educators: observation, dialogues / polylogues, conversations, questionnaires,
interviews, diagnostic creative tasks. An author's online questionnaire «I am in the Art Space» was
proposed, which contained three blocks of questions:
    1. emotionally oriented (aimed at determining the presence of an emotional reaction to works of
    2. technologically oriented (determined the level of understanding, awareness and formation of
students' tools regarding the influence of art on the development of the child's personality);
    3. reflection-activity (aimed at clarifying the situation regarding the needs of future teachers) in
communication with art and its implementation.
    In general, the questionnaire was aimed at determining the level of formation of future teachers of
artistic competence: emotional and reflective attitude to art and knowledge about artists and their works;
the level of awareness of the influence of art education on the development of personality; the level of
artistic activity of future teachers (attending artistic thematic events, events, institutions).
    We also determined the levels of artistic competence of future teachers with the help of a use the
method Spiderscribe «I know five…» (outlining the level of awareness of students about artists from
different arts) and a reflection exercise «The artistic potential of my childhood».
    Using of a number of diagnostic methods allowed determining different levels of formation of
artistic culture in the respondents, mostly latent: 63% of EG students and 61% – CG. Juvenile level was
found in 26% of EG respondents and, accordingly, 29% of CG students. Only 11% of future EG teachers
and 10% of CG teachers showed a sufficient level. The data are presented in Figure 1.








                             EG                                                      CG

                                  latent level   juvenile level   sufficient level

Figure 1: The level of formation of artistic competence to the formative stage of the study

   According to the results of the statement stage and the logic of the study, the need to use ICT to
improve the effectiveness of the formation of artistic competence of future teachers in mastering the
discipline «Art Education of preschool children» was outlined.

3.2. Program for using ICT in the format of the discipline «Art Education of
Preschool Children»
   We have developed a step-by-step program for using ICT in the format of the discipline «Art
Education of Preschool Children», which is based on the principles of:
   1. the unity of three formats – online, offline and mixed;
   2. synthesis of approaches to education (technological, culturological, competence);
   3. electivity (giving learners some freedom to use ICT to achieve goals, content, forms, methods,
teaching aids; giving learners some freedom to use ICT as a tool to determine the timing, time, place
and evaluation of results);
   4. creating a corporate learning atmosphere;
   5. software a situation of success.
   The program was tested remotely on the moodle platform and involved the active use of information
and communication tools for the implementation of teaching methods:
    1. Hangouts, Easel.ly, Movie Maker, Padlet, Piktochart, AnswerGarden for the implementation of
cognitive-cognitive teaching methods (methods of concentrated learning, critical thinking,
commenting, heuristic observation, comparisons, facts, research, hypotheses, prediction, errors);
    2. Web 3.0 Technologies, Zoom, Slides, Prezi, Hangouts, Padlet, Socrative, Spiderscribe, bubble.us
for the implementation of methods of cooperative learning (method of intervision; learning in small
groups; team learning; group generation of ideas; intergroup dialogue; projects, group puzzle or mosaic,
method «I-You-We», diary of artistic impressions);
    3. Hangouts, Zoom, Easel.ly, Padlet, Piktochart, AnswerGarden for the implementation of
interactive learning methods (techniques «Aquarium», «Brownian motion», «Bunch», «Rivin’s
dialogue», «Socrates’ dialogue», «Vienn diagram», «Roundabout», «Angles», «Microphone»,
«Debate», «Brainstorming», «Unfinished sentences», «Loop discussion», «Press», «Tornado»,
«6x6x6»; games «Six hats of thinking», «Six pairs of shoes»);
    4. Hangouts, Zoom, Pinterest, Padlet, Socrative using of multimedia support contributed to the
modeling of various personal and professional situations, the development of emotional culture skills.
Allowed to implement the method of imitation or role (metaphor method; observation, games (role,
imitation, operational; business theater, blitz performance), empathy, psychological or plastic studies,
psychogymnastics, meditation and relaxation exercises);
    5. editors to create information and graphic models GoAnimate, GIF– animations, Movie Maker,
Microsoft Excel, Powtoon, Pinterest, Spiderscribe o use the method of graphic models or illustrative
(frames approach, diagrams, «I know, I want to know» table, graphic exercises, poster symbolic
visualization, projective techniques, art techniques) provided a combination of verbal presentation of
learning content with its symbolic and verbal image, which greatly facilitated the processes of self-
knowledge and to understand;
    6. diagnostic methods (biographical method (history of the act), acmeological methods, interviews,
questionnaires, surveys, diagnostic and emotional exercises).
    The approbation of these methods took place due to the fact that the university created a single
information and educational environment – an integrated environment of information and educational
resources (electronic library, educational systems and programs), software and hardware and
telecommunications tools, current rules for their support, administration and use. provide unified
technological means of information, information support and organization of the educational process.
    Using ICT in the art world of future teachers was aimed at developing their analytical abilities,
critical thinking, the ability to reasonably use multimedia applications for educational purposes:
multimedia presentation; slide show; electronic report; multimedia report; electronic journal; virtual
tour; multimedia edition; educational games hosted both on the Internet and on various media (off-line),
multimedia simulators, educational multimedia systems, linguistic multimedia systems, multimedia
Internet resources, such skills were formed, in particular, under while working on the topic «Using
artistic retronovations and innovations». Students prepared a video presentation using PowerPoint,
Powtoon, Slides, Movie Maker) about a certain technology («Museum Pedagogy» by Karl Friesen [12],
technology of creativity development by Emilia Reggio and Loris Malaguzzi [13], technology «Talent
education» by Shinichi Suzuki [14], «Lessons of admiration» [15], etc.), and then in a practical lesson
created «pedagogical advertising» (GIF-animations, video advertising, video excursions). The lesson
was conducted in the form of a business game in audio and video chats. Students – «advertisers»
convinced the «expert» in the effectiveness and efficiency of the created product. Should note that the
task of the «expert» is to indicate the arrows (identify weak aspects) of this technology. It is worth
noting that the students got acquainted with art technologies in other thematic classes. For example,
while studying the topic «Fine arts activities of preschool children», students studied the technologies
«Colorful Joy» by L. Shulga [16], «The intrigue of the art of painting or how to talk to children about
art» by Françoise Barb-Gall [17], the technology of free drawing (experience of educational institutions
in the Czech Republic) [8], «Iroritay» – a system of working with color [18], «Sumy-e すいぼくが» –
painting based on 5 elements (Japan) [19], etc. In the context of music education, we studied the
technologies of Emile Jacques-Dalcroze «Music and Rhythmic Education» (Switzerland) [20], Zoltan
Koday «National Music Development» (Hungary) [21, 22], Karl Orff «Schulwerk» (Germany) [23],
Marie-Louise Aucher «Singing Maternity Hospital» (France) [8] and others. Shared information on
forums, blogs, microblogs, websites.
    Conducting practical classes required finding tools that would conditionally create an atmosphere
offline. Among the effective information and communication tools we note educational and game
simulators, which allowed to organize discussion platforms:
    -    «Early child development: cognitive violence or stimulation of creative activity?»;
    -    debate «Will beauty save the world?»;
    -    of Socrates’ dialogues «Order? Sample? Art? Freedom of choice?»;
    -    role-playing games «Six hats of thinking», «Six pairs of shoes of the mode of action» (by E.
    -    role theater «Plastic Etudes»;
    -    simulate rhythmic minutes, musical-rhythmic exercises, musical engines, musical pauses and
musical greetings;
    -    work in the workshop «Creating a case of an animator»;
    -    interactive game «Roundabout» on the topic «Practice in working with the grain of the image»,
    Interactive games conducted on Hangouts, Zoom, Cisco Webex, Skype «Art Book Trailers»
platforms became popular among students. With the help of the graphic editor Adobe Photoshop, Elena
Tararina mastered art techniques; author's methods of Olena Polovina's education and Inna Kondratets'
reflection exercises. Effectively discussed the issues:
    - «Formation of critical thinking skills in the analysis of albums for the development of creative
        abilities of preschool children»;
    - «Creating conditions for emotionally uplifting mood of children during art activities junior and
        middle group»;
    - «Individual and collective art activity»;
    - «Musical and rhythmic activity of preschool children: from imitation to improvisation»;
    - «Method of creative structured improvisation of Oleg Drach and the possibility of its application
        in working with preschool children»;
    - «Еnvironment in a preschool institution».
    For this used presentations based on the Pecha-Kucha method (jap. ペ チ ャ ク チ ャchatter). This
method contributes to the formation of digital competence, as the time-limited format of the
presentation requires the absence of textual information on the slide text. Instead, there should be a
series of associative illustrated slides, each of which is displayed for 20 seconds, after which it changes
automatically. The standard limited duration of the report of 6 minutes 40 seconds puts students in the
conditions of careful selection of information and its critical rethinking; teaches concise formulation of
ideas; hone skills in identifying accurate associative illustrations and searching for them in online
    The pedagogical tools of elaboration of the theme «Communication in art» allow select the method
of «picturesque performances». Picturesque performance as a method of art education of future
educators is used in two versions – offline and online and involves the presentation of the idea;
elaboration of literature and other sources that can be used by participants to deepen their understanding
of a particular picture and create an appropriate thematic atmosphere; work by the method of creative
structured improvisation to characterize the images of the characters; the choice of props that will help
convey the atmosphere of the picture; modeling of picturesque performances; artistic reflection at the
final stage (reflection exercises that motivate students to self-knowledge and determine their own
emotions; develop the ability to analyze and evaluate their feelings, the process and results of artistic
activity). We used multimedia (digital information (texts, graphics, animation), analog information of
visual image (video, photos, pictures, etc.), analog information of sound (language, music, other
sounds). The final product is a video created in ICT, on the basis of which artistic reflection is carried
    The task for independent work of students provided a comprehensive approach to its implementation
and was optimized by one task: to develop, test and present an art project (theme of the student’s choice)
for preschool children. While working on the project, students used multimedia tools: electronic
simulators, publications placed in the institutional repository, process modeling, Microsoft PowerPoint,
PhotoShowPro, etc. The presentation of independent work takes place at an interactive educational
   The construction of a system of control and testing of knowledge and skills of students was carried
out through the use of control programs-tests. Thus, there was a approbation of forms, methods and
techniques that ensure the effectiveness of the formation of students' digital competence on the material
of art.
   The correlation of certain forms and methods of interaction with students and information and
communication technologies in the format of the discipline is given in Table 1.

Table 1
The correlation of certain forms and methods of interaction with students using information and
communication technologies in the format of the discipline
    The forms and methods of                   ICT                        Possibilities of use
     interaction with students
      Pedagogical advertising           GIF animations            Creation of video advertising,
                                          Go Animate                       video excursions
                                          Movie Maker
      The implementation of                 Hangouts                  Techniques «Aquarium»,
  interactive learning methods                Zoom               «Brownian motion», «Bunch»,
                                             Easel.ly             «Rivin’s dialogue», «Socrates’
                                             Padlet                            dialogue»
          Art techniques               Adobe Photoshop             Creating photo collages with
                                               Pixlr                      further discussion
         Methods of image                     Prezi              «Prezi-Battle», presentation to
                                          PowerPoint              discuss methods of education
                                            Facebook              and their promotion on social
    The Pecha-Kucha method                Power Point              Presentation of the obtained
                                          Movie Maker                           results
     The method of «Painting                Pinterest            Creation of multimedia (digital
           Performance»                   Spiderscribe             information (texts, graphics,
                                            Socrative                     animation); analog
                                            PowToon                 information of visual image
                                                                  (video, photos, pictures, etc.);
                                                                   analog information of sound
                                                                       (language, music, other
                                                                   sounds). The final product –
   The methods of cooperative                 Zoom               Learning in small groups, team
              learning                        Slides              learning, group generation of
                                              Prezi                  ideas, intergroup dialogue
      The implementation of                 Hangouts                   Development of critical
   cognitive-cognitive teaching              Easel.ly                   thinking, commenting,
              methods                     Movie Maker                   heuristic observation,
                                                Padlet                  comparison, facts, research,
                                              Piktochart                  hypotheses, predictions
         Project method                      PowerPoint                   To create and design joint
                                            PhotoShow Pro                    projects; gathering
                                                Padlet                 information and discussions on
                                            AnswerGarden                       social networks;
                                                Skype                         holding meetings
   The method of imitation or                 Hangouts                  Using of multimedia support
             role                               Zoom                   contributed to the modeling of
                                              Pinterest                     various personal and
                                                Padlet                   professional situations, the
                                              Socrative                  development of emotional
                                                                                culture skills.
       Reflection exercises                  Google Drive                  Creating a portfolio of
                                             Google Form                        impressions.
                                           (questionnaires)                        Fitback
 The method of graphic models                 GoAnimate                    Greatly facilitated the
        or illustrative                    GIF– animations              processes of self-knowledge
                                             Movie Maker                     and to understand
                                            Microsoft Excel
   The system of control and                   Mooddlе                   As a result of studying the
    verification knowledge                Google Form (tests,           discipline, students conduct
                                            questionnaires)            «Prezi-Battle»; creation of final
                                                 Prezi                  group projects, slide shows,
                                                 Slides                           schemes

4. Research results
    The experimental work involved assessing the levels of artistic competence of future teachers and
testing the effectiveness of the use of ICT in the format of the discipline «Art Education of preschool
children». A comparative analysis of the levels of formation of artistic competence of future teachers is
presented in the diagram (Figure 2).
    Application of a number of diagnostic methods allowed to determine the levels of formation of
artistic culture in the respondents after the formative stage of the experiment: the latent level was
revealed by 18 % of EG students and 56 % – CG; juvenile level was found in 51 % of EG respondents
and 31 % of CG students; 31 % EG future teachers and 13 % of teachers CG showed a sufficient level.
    The obtained data testify to the positive changes that took place in the experimental group during
the formative stage of the experimental work due to the use of ICT in the format of the discipline «Art
Education of Preschool Children».






                              EG                                                      CG

                                   latent level   juvenile level   sufficient level

Figure 2: The level of formation of artistic competence after the formative stage of the study

5. Сonclusion
   The experimental study showed that the development of any topic in the initial discipline «Art
Education of Preschool Children» involves the use of ICT. It allows students to view and display video
fragments, photographs, illustrations; demonstrate reproductions of works by artists, works of sculptors,
architects, musicians, actors, composers, dancers; visualize technological methods by means of
multimedia display of short slide films; create graphic material (tables, diagrams); carry out and model
online tours and art routes through museums, theaters of the world and Ukraine; to model various forms
of art education; immerse yourself in space and time; to intensify the learning process.
   Approbation of the ICT program proved that the use of various information and communication
technologies increases students' interest in the discipline; motivates to self-improvement and self-
development; modernizes the content of disciplines with innovative forms of interaction and methods
and techniques; forms the appropriate professional competence of future teachers.

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