=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3013/20210419 |storemode=property |title=GeoGebra Classroom as a Component for the ICT support of Inquiry-based Mathematics Education in Blended Learning |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3013/20210419.pdf |volume=Vol-3013 |authors=Mariia Astafieva,Oksana Hlushak,Oksana Lytvyn |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/AstafievaHL21 }} ==GeoGebra Classroom as a Component for the ICT support of Inquiry-based Mathematics Education in Blended Learning== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3013/20210419.pdf
GeoGebra Classroom as a Component for the ICT support of
Inquiry-based Mathematics Education in Blended Learning
Mariia Astafieva 1, Oksana Hlushak 1 and Oksana Lytvyn 1
    Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 Bulvarno-Kudriavska Str, Kyiv, 04053, Ukraine

                 The article describes the essence of pedagogical strategy the Inquiry-based learning (IBL). It
                 considers the features of the pedagogical strategy IBL application in the educational process
                 of higher education institutions during teaching of mathematical disciplines (Inquiry-based
                 mathematics education, abbr. IBME). There are indicated some difficulties to implement the
                 IBME paradigm in the context of blended learning, which limits direct "live" contact between
                 the teacher and students, and students among themselves. Modern techniques are able to
                 compensate "live" communication sufficiently, moreover it is not lost completely due to the
                 blended learning. The most important task is the search for the digital tools that would help
                 implement the main idea of IBME. It is active and research-oriented teaching of mathematics
                 on a constructivist basis, which optimally combines individual (autonomous) and group work
                 of students. Possibilities are revealed, and the expediency of using the virtual platform
                 GeoGebra Classroom in IBME classes is argued. In particular, this expediency is justified to
                 ensure the research orientation of teaching higher mathematics on the basis of inquiry. And
                 also for effective pedagogical control of students individual work and team work developing
                 their own knowledge. In the article there are stated examples of practical exercises in the
                 disciplines "Mathematical analysis" and "Projective geometry and image methods", which
                 illustrate the way how not to lose the opportunity to form ability of students to learn
                 independently through implementing the principle of collaborative learning.

                 Keywords 1
                 Higher mathematics education, IBL, IBME, ICT support, GeoGebra Classroom, Blended

1. Introduction
    Modern trends of human civilization development, fundamental changes in the socio-economic
structure of society, scientific and technological progress, rapid technological development, new
challenges and threats (i.e. economic, environmental, political, military) require now and highly
demand in the future specialists for high-tech industries. This reasons significantly raise requirements
level for mathematical training of university graduates. Therefore, the intensification of targeted
scientific research, international projects on the issues of mathematical training of students, the
development of practices, the study and creative implementation of positive experience is noticeable.
In particular, there is an acute issue to change the educational paradigm, such as: leave traditional
teaching, when the teacher as a person who provides ready-made facts, to one in which the student is
an active recipient of knowledge. The Council of Europe Education Department defines active,
research-oriented learning as a leading educational methodology that will help shape the key
competences required for a culture of democracy [1].
    One of the constructivist learning strategies is Inquiry Based Learning (IBL). Its origins are traced
back to the works of Piaget, Dewey, Vygotsky, and Freire. Learning through personal experience,
active action and interaction is the main principle of constructivism. IBL is research-oriented learning,

ICTERI-2021, Vol I: Main Conference, PhD Symposium, Posters and Demonstrations, September 28 – October 2, 2021, Kherson, Ukraine
EMAIL: m.astafieva@kubg.edu.ua (M. Astafieva); o.hlushak@kubg.edu.ua (O. Hlushak); o.lytvyn@kubg.edu.ua (O. Lytvyn)
ORCID: 0000-0002-2198-4614 (M. Astafieva); 0000-0001-9849-1140 (O.Hlushak); 0000-0002-5118-1003 (O. Lytvyn)
            ©️ 2020 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
            Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
            CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
the process of knowledge constructing knowledge by formulating questions and finding answers to
them. The IBL approach, launched in the 1960s by Joseph Schwab, is developed actively in foreign
countries. However, in Ukraine only during the last few years it has been included in pedagogical
practice, mainly school, as the implementation point of the Concept of the New Ukrainian
School (2016) [2].
    The inquiry based mathematics education (IBME) is based on the paradigm of teaching higher
mathematics, in which students are encouraged to work in the same way as professional
mathematicians, such as: observe, experiment, notice properties and patterns, ask questions and look
for mathematical and scientific ways to answer them, express hypotheses, summarize, interpret and
critically evaluate solutions, communicate effectively in the process of finding, presenting and
discussing ways and results. Within this paradigm the teacher is a partner (tutor, facilitator) of overall
activities with students. Conditions of distance learning create known problems together with the
implementation of such cooperation. It is due to the lack of direct contact between the teacher and
students and students among themselves. It is only the use of information and communication
technologies and the simplest technical means that helps to ensure information and reproductive
training without any special losses, such as: you can post relevant material on the network, record
video lectures and the process of solving typical tasks, give similar tasks for independent work, check
the correctness of the implementation and set estimates. But IBME needs a fundamentally different
model of organization of the educational process in the classroom, when the teacher organizes
pedagogical support for independent student learning, student is on teacher's radar, and teacher can
effectively guide the trajectory of student’s research. So, it leads to new knowledge for student.
Therefore, the purpose of our study was to explore the possibilities GeoGebra tools to support such
teaching of mathematics (in offline or online formats) and to develop a methodology for their usage.

2. Literature Review
   There are many characteristics and explanations of the Inquiry based learning essence in scientific
sources [3-10]. Summarizing the developments of the researchers, we note that the introduction of
research-oriented learning in the educational process in mathematics allows students to be attracted to
the real scientific process of discovery, active student participation and responsibility of the person for
obtaining new knowledge, promotes deep exposure of students in the process of mathematical
knowledge and collaborative work to analyse mathematical ideas.
   The use of ICT contributes to an increase in the effectiveness of such training, as noted by
researchers Rocha Fernandes, Geraldo W., Rodrigues, António M., Rosa Ferreira, Carlos Alberto
[11]. However, they point out that there is not enough research on strategy and didactics on the
practical use of ICTs to support IBL teaching in mathematics and science.

3. Research Methods
   In a course of the research, the following methods were used: analysis of scientific literature,
determination of categorical-conceptual apparatus; synthesis, generalization, systematization;
diagnostics (interviews and questionnaires).

4. Research Results
    There are three levels of student research work organization on the way to new knowledge, such
as: structured inquiry, guided inquiry, open inquiry [12].
    We will describe the activities of teachers and students at each level in the implementation of
    Level І. Structured Inquiry
    The teacher formulates a research question (task), briefly describes the procedure (solution idea),
and students through implementing the proposed procedure or idea come to an answer (get a result).
Decision steps, intermediate conclusions or results are explained and argued by students.
   Level ІІ. Guided Inquiry
   The teacher formulates only a research question or task. Students analyze independently (i.e. a
known problem or a new one, problem parameters, etc.), formulate hypotheses regarding the idea of a
solution or result, choose a way, method, procedure, tools that will help find an answer to the posed
question, present and justify their choice and the result, formulate certain conclusions (e.g. either the
solution is the only one, or is sensitive to minor changes in parameters, has interesting special cases;
or the rational method is chosen, what are its "pros" and "cons", which other solutions are
possible, etc.).
   Level ІІІ. Open Inquiry
   Students determine independently a research question or task, look for a way to research
(solution), develop and implement an appropriate procedure, choose the necessary tools, present their
results and conclusions based on the obtained research. Depending on the situation, the teacher acts as
a consultant, partner, team member, tutor, facilitator or opponent.
   Depending on the level of students readiness and their preliminary experience in search and
research activities, the teacher implements one or another level of Inquiry. Obviously, in junior
courses one should start from the first or second levels, gradually moving to the third level when the
research work of students fully repeats the work of scientists, except the example of solving simple
(for a scientist but not for a student) problems.
   Our experience shows that the tools of the free dynamic GeoGebra environment are good support
for IBME, especially in a blended learning. Stated blended learning we mean a purposeful process of
mastering knowledge, skills and abilities, which is carried out by an educational institution within the
framework of formal education, and part of which is implemented remotely using digital technologies
and computer support.
   Research activity in mathematics is impossible without conducting an experiment, mostly
imaginary, without a high level of thinking. Especially the so-called "visual" thinking that is, thinking
with visual images and with the help of visual operations. GeoGebra has many possibilities to provide
the appropriate conditions [13].
   Learning through question formulation and research through collaboration, communication and
teamwork is a special feature of the IBL [14]. Working on a common task in a micro group, students
learn to interact to achieve a common goal. They become resources of each other on the way to new
knowledge, and also they learn to reason and hear the arguments of others, to oppose convincingly
and improve their thinking in general. However, in order to succeed in the study of mathematics, it is
necessary to be able to work autonomously and self-controlled without the help of others. Group work
without purposeful and well-founded pedagogical support can lead to a situation when individual
students (for example, with low academic achievements) cannot (or do not want to) interact.
Obviously, these students will not get any benefit from such group work, they simply "drop out" of
the process. They need individual guidance of the self-study process from the teacher's side. The
GeoGebra Classroom helps to provide such guidance.
   To implement IBME, GeoGebra Classroom can be a tool to engage students in the research
process and a means of studying educational material [15]. With GeoGebra classroom teacher can
create teaching materials that include: text, video, GeoGebra applet (either previously created or
empty), pdf file, image, question (open or multiple choice), and page links. During the GeoGebra
classroom, the teacher observes the implementation of the proposed tasks. It is very important that the
teacher sees the whole process of group activity and progress of each individual student continuously,
not in fragments, so he can quickly respond to mistakes made by the student, adjust his learning or
research trajectory, provide timely support, help to understand and eliminate obstacles. Such
individual work with each student in the GeoGebra classroom is effective both in distance learning
(using video conferencing services) and in classroom. Because even if the class is held in the
classroom, the teacher cannot see at the same time what each of the students is doing in the notebook
or on the computer. This is possible with the GeoGebra classroom. This tool promotes the
implementation of an individual approach, taking into account the characteristics of students.
   Each of the students of the group during the GeoGebra classroom does not see what his classmates
are doing, so the students work at their own pace, in a comfortable environment. In addition, students
cannot "peek" at the idea of a solution from classmates, thus effectively eliminating the possibility of
writing off.
   The implementation of IBME using GeoGebra class in the educational process is illustrated by two
examples of classes in mathematical disciplines for students majoring in 111 "Mathematics".
   Case 1. In one of the classes in the study of the derivative (academic discipline "Mathematical
analysis"), first-year mathematics students were offered two options for the problem (Figure 1):
according to the known graph of the function f(x) (option 1) or the derivative f'(x) option 2) to
construct a sketch of the graph of the derivative f'(x) or the function f(x) respectively.
   Taking into account that first-year students do not have significant research experience, the teacher
chose the first level of work organization of structured inquiry. Therefore, the task was accompanied
by some instructions from the teacher:
   "Justify the construction by giving reasoned answers to the questions:
   a) what properties of a given function at certain intervals determine the corresponding (which
ones?) properties of the function whose graph we are plotting?
   b) is there enough information in some parts of the graph of this function to unambiguously depict
the graph of the new function? in case of a negative answer, indicate what minimum information is
   For convenience, build each section of the graph in a different color"

Figure 1: Graphs of functions: f(x) (left); f'(x) (right)

    In addition to plotting graphs, students had one more task:
    "Suggest two questions that you would like (or might ask) ask concerning the graph of the function
f(x) (f'(x)) about the function f'(x) (f(x))".
    Students performed the construction of appropriate schedules in GeoGebra Classroom. One half on
the known graph of the function built a graph of its derivative. On the contrary, the other one, on the
graph of the derivative function restored the graph of the function itself. Each student saw only his
task and did not know what task his classmates had.
    The goal set by the teacher was to form students' ability to consider and to explain mathematical
structures (in this case, the derivative of a function) from different points of view, to interpret them in
different forms, in particular, analytical and graphic. The achievement of this goal was facilitated by
the use of IBME technology and GeoGebra Classroom tools. IBME technology has activated such
cognitive processes as asking your own questions, analyzing visual images, the ability to notice
details, translating visual information into analytical language and vice versa, argumentation, proof.
GeoGebra Classroom allowed each student to independently analyze, draw conclusions and make
decisions on constructions, while working at their own pace. The teacher had the opportunity to see
all students at once, to observe "online" every step of each student, his/her searches and hesitations,
for example, when a student built a certain fragment of the graph, and then replaced it with another
one. Thus, according to the student's actions, the teacher could "read" the course of his reasoning, see
all the weaknesses and errors, and thus accurately diagnose the problem and take appropriate
measures to solve it.
   After the graphs were built, the teacher organized a panel discussion of the results. For analysis,
the teacher chose two constructed graphs from each option and demonstrated them on the screen
(Figure 2, 3).

Figure 2: Plotting a derivative of a function according to the graph of the function itself

Figure 3: Plotting a function from the graph of its derivative

   During the discussion, students found out whose graph is closer to the "original", where mistakes
were made, their reasons (ignorance or not taking into account which mathematical fact caused the
error), explained and argued the construction. In particular, they noted that Student 1 acted more
"professionally" than Student 2. Because at all key points of change in the behavior of the graph of the
function followed the slope, using the appropriate tool in GeoGebra, which is reflected in the graph of
the derivative. Student 2 made most of the transitions "by feel", and also did not reflect the
correspondence between the direction of the graph convexity of the function (the sign of the second
derivative) and the nature of the monotonicity of its derivative and did not see some breakpoints of
the derivative.
   Analyzing Student 3 and Student 4 graphs, it was noticed that the students "detected" errors on
graph of Student 4 and even explained the reason why both graphs differ not only from each other,
but also from the "original". This situation is natural, because the problem of recovering a function
from its derivative has many solutions.
   The purpose of the second task was to teach students to ask mathematical questions as well as to
develop language competence, namely – to formulate them competently in writing (students entered
the answers in the appropriate form in the class task).
    The questions that were posed by the students have varying complexity level and different levels
of research focus. For example, questions whose answers require the direct use of known facts:
    1. How many roots does the equation f′(x) = 0 have? If so, what are the roots?
    2. At what interval does the function f(x) become?
    As well as more complex, which involve research:
    3. Is it possible to specify the intervals of monotonicity of the function f′(x)? If so, what are the
    intervals? On which of them f′(x) increases, and on which it decreases? If not, explain why.
    4. Does the equation have roots f'(x) = 0. If yes, then indicate them.
    Finally, students reflected on what they had learned, evaluated their own progress and learning
strategy. The are some statements from students below.
    "At first I couldn't figure out what to do, but the teacher's support and explanation helped me more
or less cope."
    "I liked looking for the slope of a curve in GeoGebra. It's very convenient. I didn't have to use this
tool before. But it was difficult to draw with a mouse; a pen would be much easier."
    "For some reason it did not occur to me that I should also look at the second derivative. Now, after
we have considered it, I understand."
    "It was difficult. It's easier when we solve it in a group, because if you don't know something
there's someone who knows. But when you do it yourself, you'll certainly understand and won't
    Case 2. It is known that when solving problems requiring constructions, students encounter
difficulties associated with spatial imagination and manipulation of geometric objects within the
framework of a flat image of spatial figures. At the same time, it is important that the student must
carry out the complex construction on his own, consciously going through the entire algorithm. The
problem is that the teacher cannot follow the entire process of building each student in the limited
time of the lesson.
    The cross-sectional tasks are special here: the images constructed by students during the execution
of the same task will be different. As an example, we will demonstrate the use of a classroom for
constructing a cross-section of a cylinder using the trace method. First, the teacher asks the students to
find out what is the difference between the construction of cross-sections of polyhedra and solids of
revolution? Taking into account, we construct cross-sections of solids of revolution by points, this in
itself is a long process with a large number of constructions which students perform each at their own
pace. The students were given the task: 1) to construct a section of a cylinder with a plane given by a
trace on the plane of the lower base and a point on the visible part of the cylindrical surface; 2)
analyze the shape of the formed section depending on the position of the cut plane trace relative to the
base of the cylinder and a point on the surface of the cylinder. The teacher used a guided inquiry, so
she did not give any more instructions and only observed the students' work and "gently" guided them
in the right direction.
    The group of second-year students majoring in mathematics, who participated in the experiment,
was small – 8 students. This allowed the teacher to follow the progress of each student. In Figure 4
shows a screenshot of the Classroom overview.
    The figure shows how different the pace of the students' constructions is: at the moment when
student 1 completed all the constructions and received a cross-section, Students 6 and 7 had just
figured out the problem and started working. Obviously, working together Students 1 and 7 (for
example, in pairs) will not help the development of Student 7 and will slow down the development of
Student 1. GeoGebra Classroom functionality allowed to the teacher to see in real time everyone's
progress or problems and, accordingly, to guide his activities.
Figure 4: Screenshot of Classroom overview "Cylinder cross-section"

    In Figure 5 shows the student's attempts to investigate the resulting construction (item 2 of the
assignment). All students independently came to the conclusion that the shape of the section of the
cylinder changes depending on the position of the trace of the secant plane and the position of point A
on the lateral surface of the cylinder. And after a joint discussion the results, under the guidance of the
teacher, were formulated a conclusion about all possible cross-sectional options (empty set, point,
line, rectangle, ellipse, circle, complex figure of segments and arcs of an ellipse) depending on the
position of the secant plane.

Figure 5: Section view depending on the position of the secant plane

   To assess the effectiveness of the lesson, a survey of students was conducted. The analysis of their
answers showed that the students positively assessed the classes and unanimously recommend using
such an approach to those topics of the discipline "Projective geometry and methods of images",
which provide for construction tasks. 75% of respondents unequivocally agreed that classes in this
format provided a better understanding of the construction algorithm. No one respondent thinks that
when working in a notebook it was clearer. Half of the students indicated as the advantages of
completing tasks in the classroom that the teacher can immediately suggest if something is being done
incorrectly. Three students out of eight indicated that the mistake can be easily corrected. 12.5% of
respondents noted both options. The disadvantage of using the GeoGebra environment and working in
the classroom is that a quarter of students believe that they cannot compare their building process with
the construction in other students, a quarter of students spend more time on the task, and 37.5% of
respondents did not see any deficiency at all. Impressions of students after the lesson:
   "I enjoyed working in this format"
   "Cool and convenient"
   "Great program, but it takes more practice to navigate easily"
   "It shows and proves the properties of the cross section. I liked it, but I need to understand the
GeoGebra tools"
   "Classes are interesting, but it is not always clear how this program works"
   "It was more interesting, so the material was easier to learn"

5. Conclusions and prospects for further research
   Analysis of the scientific literature and the results of European research projects and own practice
show that IBME's strategy in higher education is effective for training professionals who can use
mathematical knowledge and skills to solve professional problems, ready to quickly and effectively
acquire knowledge and solve problems as well as autonomously and in a team.
   In the conditions of distance and blended learning, which is especially important now, the
implementation of such a strategy requires serious ICT support. However, the method of effective
involvement of digital tools at IBME is insufficiently developed. This pedagogical technology
involves research orientation of individual and team work of students to construct their own
knowledge and effective pedagogical guidance of this process, so it requires specific digital tools.
   As our case shows, one of such tool is the virtual platform GeoGebra Classroom. It provides a
continuous and effective relationship between the teacher and each student, the ability to work both
autonomously and in a microgroup, work with interactive mathematical tools, promotes discussion of
ideas, and results etc.
   We see the prospect of further research in the conduct of a pedagogical experiment on the use of
GeoGebra Classroom and the theoretical substantiation of its effectiveness to support experiment-
oriented strategies for teaching higher mathematics. At the practical level, attention will be focused on
didactic developments in the disciplines of higher mathematics and methodological recommendations
for their implementation in the educational process of higher educational institutions.

6. Acknowledgements
    The research findings of this article were conducted within the framework of the "Partnership for
Learning and Teaching in University Mathematics" (PLATINUM) program of the EU Erasmus +
KA203 – Strategic Partnership for Higher Education, 2018-1-NO01-KA203-038887. This article
reflects only the views of the authors, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for
any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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