=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3014/paper1 |storemode=property |title=Bridging Signals to Natural Language Explanations with Explanation Graphs |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3014/paper1.pdf |volume=Vol-3014 |authors=Ivan Donadello,Mauro Dragoni }} ==Bridging Signals to Natural Language Explanations with Explanation Graphs== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3014/paper1.pdf
Bridging Signals to Natural Language
Explanations With Explanation Graphs
Ivan Donadello1 , Mauro Dragoni2
    Free University of Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy
    Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy

                                         The interest in Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) research is dramatically grown during the last few
                                         years. The main reason is the need of having systems that beyond being effective are also able to describe
                                         how a certain output has been obtained and to present such a description in a comprehensive manner with
                                         respect to the target users. A promising research direction making black boxes more transparent is the
                                         exploitation of semantic information. Such information can be exploited from different perspectives in
                                         order to provide a more comprehensive and interpretable representation of AI models. In this paper, we
                                         focus on one of the key components of the semantic-based explanation generation process: the explanation
                                         graph. We discuss its role and how it can work has a bridge for making an explanation more understandable
                                         by the target users, complete, and privacy preserving. We show how the explanation graph can be integrated
                                         into a real-world solution and we discuss challenges and future work.

                                         Explainable AI, Explanation Graph, Natural Language Explanations

1. Introduction
The role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within real-world applications significantly grown in the
last years. Let us consider how much pervasive became the presence of AI-based algorithmic
decision making in many disciplines like Digital Health (e.g. diagnostics, digital twins) and
Smart Cities (e.g. transportation, energy consumption optimization).
   Unfortunately, the usage of AI-based models, built by machine learning algorithms, introduced
the issue that such models are black box in nature. Hence, the main challenge to tackle is to
understand how the model or algorithm works and generates decisions because such decisions may
affect human interests, rights, and lives. For this reason, it is crucial for high stakes applications
such as credit approval in finance and digital diagnostics where AI-based systems may only
support the experts during the decision making process. Beside the technical challenge, strategies
for generating explanations have to take into account also regulators’ laws like European Union’s
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 1 [1], US government’s “Algorithmic Accountability

XAI.it 2021 - Italian Workshop on Explainable Artificial Intelligence
" ivan.donadello@unibz.it (I. Donadello); dragoni@fbk.eu (M. Dragoni)
 0000-0002-0701-5729 (I. Donadello); 0000-0003-0380-6571 (M. Dragoni)
                                       © 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
    Proceedings            CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
                  ISSN 1613-0073

Act of 2019” 2 , or U.S. Department of Defense’s Ethical Principles for Artificial Intelligence 3 ).
This aspect is fundamental for tackling the fairness, accountability, and transparency-related risks
withing such automated decision making systems.
   Explainable AI (XAI) is a re-emerging research trend, as the need to advocate the principles
mentioned above in order to promote the requirements of transparency and trustworthiness that
AI-based decision-making system must have for actually supporting experts in their activities.
   In this paper, we target the challenge of designing a strategy able to support the generation
of explanations adhering to the principles of the transparency of the AI-based system, the
understandability of the content with respect to the end user, and the privacy preservation of the
delivered content. Among the different type of explanation generation strategies mentioned in
Section 2, we want to highlight how the usage of a knowledge-based solution, and by focusing in
particular on the role of the explanation graph, may be one of the most suitable alternative for
satisfying the requirements mentioned above.
   The start by surveying, in Section 2, the most significant categories of explanation generation
and rendering strategies. Then, we present the concept of explanation graph, its crucial role
during the explanation generation process and we present, in Section 4, a use case where the
explanation graph has been applied. In Section 5, we summarizes lessons learned and future
challenges about the integration of explanation graphs within AI-based system and then we
conclude the paper.

2. Related Work
Explanations are often categorized along two main aspects [2, 3]: (i) local explanations versus
global explanations, and (ii) self-explaining versus post-hoc explanations.
   Local explanations relate to individual prediction and they provide information or justification
for the model’s prediction on a specific input. Global explanations concern to the whole model’s
prediction process and they provide similar justification by revealing how the model’s predictive
process works, independently of any particular input. Instead, self-explaining explanations emerge
directly from the prediction process which may also be referred to as directly interpretable [4]
and they are generated at the same time as the prediction by using information emitted by the
model as a result of the process of making that prediction. Examples of models belonging to
this category are decision trees and rule-based models. Finally, post-hoc explanations require
post-processing since additional operations to generate the explanations are performed after the
predictions are made. LIME [5] is an example of producing a local explanation using a surrogate
model applied following the predictor’s operation.
   Beyond the challenge of generating an explanation, and AI-based system has also to decide
how to present it depending on the end user that will consume it. The capability of deciding which
is the most appropriate way to render an explanation is crucial for the overall success of an XAI
approach. The literature presents three main categories of approaches for rendering the generated
explanations. The first category is saliency-based representations 4 that are primarily used to

     Within many works in the literature are referred also as feature importance-based explanations
visualize the importance scores of different types of elements in XAI learning systems, such
as showing input-output word alignment [6], highlighting words in input text [7] or displaying
extracted relations [8]. Saliency-based representations were the first strategies used for rendering
explanations and they became very popular since they are frequently used across different AI
domains (e.g., computer vision [9] and speech [10]).
   The second category is represented by raw declarative representations. This visualization
technique directly presents the learned declarative representations, such as logic rules or trees, by
using, as suggested by the name, the corresponding raw representation [11]. The usage of these
techniques implies that end users can understand the adopted specific representations.
   Finally, the third category concerns the exploitation of natural language explanation. This type
of explanations consists in their verbalization by using human-comprehensible natural language.
The actual content of each explanation can be generated by using data-driven strategies (e.g. deep
generative models) [12] or by using simple template-based approaches [13] where, for example,
knowledge-based strategies are used for selecting the proper terminology to use based on the type
of communication to provide and of type of end users [14].
   Our work starts from the adoption of natural language explanation with the aim of designing
explanations generation pipelines able to exploit knowledge-based representations and reposito-
ries. Such pipelines support the generation of texts tailored with respect to both the knowledge
capabilities of the target users and by preserving also privacy and ethical aspects connected with
the information to deliver.

3. From Explanation Graph To Explanation Rendering
Visualization techniques mentioned in Section 2 aims to convert the output generated by black box,
usually provided in a structured format, into a graphical representation. Such a representation
would enable the design of different strategies for transforming the provided outputs into a
representation that can be easily understand and consumed by the target user.
   Explanations generated starting from structured formats such as the one mentioned above help
users in better understanding the output of an AI system. A better understanding of this output
allows users to increase the overall acceptability in the system. An explanation should not only
be correct (i.e. mirroring the conceptual meaning of the output to explain), but also useful. An
explanation is useful or actionable if and only if it is meaningful for the users targeted by the
explanation and provides the rationale behind the output of the AI system [15]. For example, if
an explanation has to be provided on a specific device, such a device represents a constraint to be
taken into account for deciding which is the most effective way for generating the explanation.
Such explanation can be in natural language/vocal messages, visual diagrams or even haptic
   Here, we focus on the construction of explanation graphs from the structured output provided
by black box models and how to exploit it for generating Natural Language Explanations (NLE).
An explanation graph is a conceptual representation of the structured output provided by the
black box model where each feature of the output is represented by means of conceptual knowl-
edge enriched with further information gathered by external sources. An explanation graph
works as a bridge between the signals produced by the black box model and an understandable
rendering of such signals. Producing such explanation carries a challenge, given the requirement
of adopting proper language with respect to the targeted audience [16] and their context. Let us
consider a sample scenario occurring within the healthcare domain where patients suffering from
diabetes are monitored by a virtual coaching system in charge of providing recommendations
about healthy behaviors (i.e. diet and physical activities) based on what patients ate and which
activities they did. The virtual coaching system interacts with both clinicians and patients. When
an undesired behavior is detected, it has to generate two different explanations: one for the
clinician containing medical information linked with the detected undesired behavior including
also possible severe adverse consequences; and one for the patient omitting some medical details
and, possibly, including persuasive text inviting to correct the patient’s behavior in the future.
In this scenario the privacy issue is limited since the clinician use to know the whole health
conditions of the patients. However, in general, not all personal information of patients can be
delivered in the generated explanations and the selection of the proper ones are demanded to the
constraints defined within the AI-based system.
   The end-to-end explanation generation process, from model output to an object usable by
the target users, requires a building block in the middle supporting the rendering activity. Such
rendering requires explanations having a formal representation with a logical language equipped
with predicates for entities and relations. This formal representation can be directly represented
as an explanation graph with entities/nodes and relations/arcs. The explanation graph has two
main features making it suitable to be integrated in several complex domains. First, through the
connections with further possible knowledge bases, it auto-enhance itself with other concepts
from domain ontologies or Semantic Web resources. Second, the adopted representation format
already provides an easy render in many human-comprehensible formats that can be understood
also by less expert actors. Such an explanation graph can be easily obtained from the XAI
techniques explained above. The explanatory features and the output class provided, for example,
by a SHAP model [17, 18] can be regarded as the nodes of the explanation graph, whereas arcs are
computed on the basis of the SHAP features values. SHAP’s output is one of the possible inputs
that the generator of the explanation graph can process. Indeed, such a generator is agnostic with
respect to the type of model adopted by machine learning systems, since it can work with any
approach providing an output that can be represented with a graph-like format. The explanation
graph can also work as bridge for accessing different types of knowledge usable, for example,
to enrich the content of natural language explanations by respecting privacy and ethical aspects
connected with the knowledge to use.
   Explanations require a starting formal (graph-like) representation to be easily rendered and
personalized through natural language text [19]. The generation of such natural language expla-
nations can rely on pipelines which takes the structured explanation content as input and, through
several steps, performs its linguistic realization [20]. The work in [19] injects in such a pipeline a
template system that implements the text structuring phase of the pipeline. Figure 1 shows the
explanation generation process starting from a SHAP analysis of a model output.
   Features contained within the SHAP output are transformed into concepts linked with a
knowledge base related to the problem’s domain. Such a knowledge base is exploited also for
extracting relationships between the detected concepts. This preliminary explanation graph
can be enriched with further knowledge extracted from publicly available resources (e.g. the
Linked Open Data cloud) as well as with private data (e.g. personal health records). Finally, the
explanation graph, through the NLE rendering component is transformed into a natural language
    As mentioned above, generating natural language explanations starts from the creation of
the explanation graph, since it provides a complete structured representation of the knowledge
that has to be transferred to the target user. As first step, the features of the SHAP output are
transformed into concepts of the explanation graph and they are, possibly, aligned with entities
contained within the knowledge base related to the problem’s domain. Such entities represent the
first elements composing the explanation graph that can be used as collector for further knowledge
exploited for creating the complete message. Beside the alignment of SHAP output features with
the domain knowledge, such a knowledge base is exploited for extracting the relationships among
the identified concepts. The extraction of such relationships is fundamental for completing the
explanation graph as well as for supporting its transformation into its equivalent natural language
representation. Once the alignment between the SHAP output and the domain knowledge has
been completed, the preliminary explanation graph can be extended in two ways. First, public
available knowledge can be linked to the preliminary explanation graph for completing the
domain knowledge. Second, personal information of the specific end user can be attached to the
explanation for improving the context of the explanation itself and for supporting the motivation
of the explanation, if any. It is important to highlight that the usage of personal information can
be restricted to specific target users. Hence, a privacy check has to be performed before to include
    Let us consider as example the explanation graph shown in Figure 2. Some medical information
associated with the identified food category may not be contained in the domain knowledge
integrated into the local system. Hence, by starting from the concept representing the food
category, we may access, through the Linked Open Data cloud, the UMLS5 knowledge base for
extracting information about the nutritional disease risks connected with such a food category.
Beside public knowledge, the explanation graph can be enriched with user information provided
if and only if they are compliant with respect to possible privacy constraints. User information can
be provided by knowledge bases as well as probabilistic models. Also in this case the explanation
graph generator is agnostic with respect to the external source to exploit. In the use case we
present below, the generator relies on an external user-oriented knowledge base containing facts
that can be exploited for deciding which kind of linguistic strategy to adopt.
    Finally, the created explanation graph can be rendered in a natural language form through
a template system for natural language explanations (TS4NLE) [19] that leverages a Natural
Language Generation (NLG) pipeline. Templates are formal grammars whose terminal symbols
are a mixture of terms/data taken from the nodes/arcs of the explanation graph and from a
domain knowledge base. Terms in the explanation graph encode the rationale behind the AI
system decision, whereas the domain knowledge base encodes further terms that help the user’s
comprehension by: (i) enhancing the final rendered explanation with further information about
the output; and, (ii) using terms or arguments that are tailored to that particular user and increase
the comprehension of the explanation. Generally, the user’s information are encoded in a user
model is previously given, in form of an ontology or knowledge graph.
    TS4NLE is structured as a decision tree where the first level contains high-level and generic

Figure 1: The images show the process of transforming a SHAP output into an explanation
graph that is then transformed into its equivalent natural language explanation.
templates that are progressively specialized and enriched according to the user’s feature specified
in the user model. Once templates are filled with non-terminal terms, the lexicalization6 and
linguistic realization of the pipeline are performed with standard natural language processing
engines such as RosaeNLG7 .

4. Natural language explanations use case: persuasive
   messages for healthy lifestyle adherence
In this section, we provide the description of a complete use case related to the generation of
persuasive natural language explanation within the healthcare domain.
   Given as input a user lifestyle (obtained with a diet diary or a physical activity tracker), AI
systems are able to classify the user behavior in classes ranging from very good to very bad. The
explanation graph contains the reason for such a prediction and suggestions for reinforcing or
changing the particular lifestyle. According to the user model (e.g., whether the user has to be
encouraged or not, the users’ barriers or capacities), the template system is explored in order to
reach a leaf containing the right terms to fill the initial non-terminal symbols of the template.
A user study regarding the Mediterranean diet states that such tailored explanations are more
effective at changing users’ lifestyle with respect to a standard notification of a bad lifestyle. A
further tutorial of this use case is available online8 .
   The explanation graph contains entities connected by relations encoding the rationale of the AI
system decision. Figure 2 contains the explanation graph for a 65 years old user that consumes
too much cold cuts. Such a graph is rendered with TS4NLE as: “This week you consumed too

Figure 2: Explanation graph for users exceeding in cold cuts consumption in the diet & healthy
lifestyle adherence application.

much (5 portions of a maximum 2) cold cuts. Cold cuts contain animal fats and salt that can
cause cardiovascular diseases. People over 60 years old are particularly at risk. Next time try
with some fresh fish”.
       Lexicalization is the process of choosing the right words (nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs) that are required
to express the information in the generated text, it is extremely important in NLG systems that produce texts in multiple
languages. Thus, the template system chooses the right words for an explanation, making it tailored.
   The generation of the natural language explanation shown above is performed by TS4NLE
by following the steps below. After the generation of the explanation graph, the message
composition component of TS4NLE starts the generation of three textual messages for the
feedback, the argument and the suggestion, respectively. This is inspired by the work in [21]
and expanded taking into consideration additional strategies presented in [22]. These consist of
several persuasion strategies that can be combined together to form a complex message. Each
strategy is rendered through natural language text with a template. A template is formalized as a
grammar whose terminal symbols are filled according to the data in the violation package and
new information queried in the reference ontology. Once templates are filled, a sentence realizer
(i.e. a producer of sentences from syntax or logical forms)generates natural language sentences
that respect the grammatical rules of a desired language9 . Below we describe the implemented
strategies to automate the message generation, focusing also on linguistic choices. The template
model together with an example for instantiating it, is represented in Figure 3.
   Explanation Feedback: is the part of the message that informs the user about the not compliant
behavior, hereafter called “violation”, with the goal that has been set up. Feedback is generated
considering data included in the explanation graph starting from the violation object: the food
entity of the violation will represent the object of the feedback, whereas the level of violation
(e.g., deviation between food quantity expected and that actually taken by the user) is used to
represent the severity of the incorrect behavior. The intention of the violation represents the fact
that the user has consumed too much or not enough amount of a food entity. Feedback contains
also information about the kind of meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack) to inform the user
about the time span in which the violation was committed.
   Explanation Argument: it is the part of the message informing users about possible con-
sequences of a behavior. For example, in the case of diet recommendations, the Argument
consists of two parts: (i) information about nutrients contained in the food intake that caused the
violation and (ii) information about consequences that nutrients have on human body and health.
Consequences imply the positive or negative aspects of nutrients.
   In this case, TS4NLE uses the intention element contained in the selected violation package to
identify the type of argument to generate. Let us consider the violation of our running example
where the monitoring rule limits the daily fruit juice drinking to less than 200 ml (a water glass)
since it contains too much sugar. In the presence of an excess in juice consumption (translating to a
discouraging intention) the argument is constituted by a statement with the negative consequences
of this behavior on user health. On the contrary, the violation of a rule requiring the consumption
of at least 200 gr of vegetables per day brings the system to generate an argument explaining the
many advantages of getting nutrients contained in that food (an encouraging intention). In both
cases, this information is stored within the explanation graph.
   Explanation Suggestion: this part represents an alternative behavior that TS4NLE delivers
to the user in order to motivate him/her to change his/her lifestyle. Exploiting the information
available within the explanation graph, and possibly collected from both public and private
knowledge, TS4NLE generates a post suggestion to inform the user about the healthy behavior

      Current version of TS4NLE supports the generation of messages in English and Italian. In particular, Italian
language requires a morphological engine (based on the open-source tool called morph-it10 ) to generate well-formed
sentences starting from the constraints written in the template (e.g., tenses and subject consistency for verbs)
Figure 3: TS4NLE model (template and example of violation) for generating the text of an
explanation. The top part represents the generation of the feedback. Choices on template and
message chunks depend on the violation package. This holds also for both the argument and
suggestion. Dashed lines represent a dependency relation. A template of type “informative” is
used in the example. The middle part represents the generation of the argument, which is given
as part of the explanation when violating diet restrictions. Finally, the bottom part represents the
generation of the suggestion.
that he/she can adopt as alternative. To do that, the data contained in the explanation graph are
not sufficient. TS4NLE performs additional meta-reasoning to identify the appropriate content
that depends on (i) qualitative properties of the entities involved in the event; (ii) user profile; (iii)
other specific violations; (iv) history of messages sent.
   Continuing with the running example, first TS4NLE queries the domain knowledge base
through the reasoner to provide a list of alternative foods that are valid alternatives to the violated
behavior (e.g., similar-taste relation, list of nutrients, consequences on user health). These
alternatives are queried according to some constraints: (i) compliance with the user profile and
(ii) compliance with other set up goals. Regarding the first constraint, the reasoner will not return
alternative foods that are not appropriate for the specific profile. Let us consider a vegetarian
profile: the system does not suggest vegetarian users to consume fish as an alternative to meat,
even if fish is an alternative to meat by considering only the nutrients. The second constraint
is needed to avoid alternatives that could generate a contradiction with other healthy behavior
rules. For example, the system will not propose cheese as alternative to meat if the user has the
persuasion goal of cheese reduction.
   Finally, a control on message history is executed to avoid the suggestion of alternatives recently
proposed. Regarding the linguistic aspect, the system uses appropriate verbs, such as try or
alternate, to emphasize the alternative behavior. Both tools11 and the colaboratory (Colab
notebook) session are online12 for freely creating new use cases using the TS4NLE approach.

5. Discussion And Conclusions
The use of explanation graphs is an intuitive and effective way for transforming meaningless
model outputs into a comprehensive artifact that can be leveraged by targeted users. Explanation
graphs convey formal semantics that: (i) can be enriched with other knowledge sources publicly
available on the web (e.g. Linked Open Data cloud) or privacy-protected (e.g. user profiles); (ii)
allow rendering in different formats (e.g. natural language text or audio); and, (iii) allow full
control over the rendered explanations (i.e. the content of the explanations). Natural language
rendering with a template-system allows full control on the explanations at the price of high
effort in domain and user modeling by domain experts. This aspect can be considered the major
bottleneck of the TS4NLE approach. Such bottleneck can be mitigated by using machine learning
with human-in-the-loop techniques to increase variability in the generated natural language
   Concerning the effort needed for improving the flexibility of the overall approach, it is important
to highlight that, also on the knowledge management side, links between features provided as
output by a machine learning model and ontological concepts have to be defined. Depending on
the complexity of the domain (or task) in which the system is deployed, this activity may have a
different impact.
   These aspects represent the main challenges that we aim to address in the future. In particular,
we aim to abstract the conceptual model on top of the explanation graph for making it more
general across domains. Then, we intend to enhance the template-based approach by designing a
strategy for reducing the experts’ effort in designing new templates. Finally, we plan to set up a
use case with real users for performing the validation about the usage of explanation graphs. A
candidate, and challenging, scenario is the monitoring of people affected by chronic nutritional
diseases where data from both sensors and users (e.g., food images [23]) can be linked with
conceptual knowledge in order to support the generation and exploitation of explanation graphs.

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