=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3014/paper6 |storemode=property |title=What's Wrong with Deep Learning for Meaning Understanding |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3014/paper5.pdf |volume=Vol-3014 |authors=Rodolfo Delmonte }} ==What's Wrong with Deep Learning for Meaning Understanding== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3014/paper5.pdf
What’s Wrong with Deep Learning for Meaning
Rodolfo Delmonte1
    Ca Foscari University of Venice, Italy

                                         In this paper I will tackle the debated question of whether Deep Neural Networks “understand” Natural
                                         Language when they process it either for classification or for generation tasks. I will start by quoting
                                         work currently carried out in the field of explainable AI then I will look into the internal procedures
                                         adopted by current DNNs to cope with the enormous and untreatable dimension of vocabulary size due
                                         to the presence of rare words and the use of subwords or n-gram character sequences. To explain the
                                         inability of DNNs to reuse previously discovered knowledge I will deal with the issue of generalization
                                         and the lack of systematicity in learning models. I will also propose reasons to motivate the difficulty
                                         of generalizing with morphology-rich and weakly configurational languages like Italian. In particular
                                         vocabulary size and rare words need a different approach from the one used with English texts. Eventually
                                         I will propose some alternative ways to deal with the problems discussed in the paper.

                                         Deep Learning, Meaning Understanding, Explainability, Adversarial Datasets, Word Embeddings and
                                         OOV Words

1. Introduction
In this paper I will not produce the nth experiment with Deep Neural Networks (hence DNNs)
in order to show that modifying the learning rate or some other hyperparameter it is possible
to achieve a slight increase in accuracy or F1 for a given collection of datasets. I will rather try
to prove that the idea of increasing the size of training data to a giant amount will in no way
help researchers to discover the way in which humans use language to communicate. I will
criticize the way in which predictions are generated by word embeddings after having pruned
or dropped the long tail of rare words from the vocabulary frequency list, substituting it with
meaningless subword units which have no context. I will also criticize the use of leaderboards
like GLUE [1] to assert that DNNs are capable to understand language because they can cope
with tasks such as NLI or TextEntailment with remarkable accuracy or F1 score. Ultimately, I
will list a series of alternative approaches which reject the idea that unsupervised and/or self-
learning models constitute the only way to carry out fruitful advances in the field of language
understanding. In sum, the paper constitutes a deep reflection on state of the art of DNNs for
language understanding.

XAI.it 2021 - Italian Workshop on Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Envelope-Open delmont@unive.it (R. Delmonte)
GLOBE http://rondelmo.it/ (R. Delmonte)
Orcid 0000-0003-0282-7661 (R. Delmonte)
                                       © 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
                  ISSN 1613-0073
                                       CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
   Current DNNs are data hungry, even though the late appearance of pre-trained models have
changed the experimental setup by facilitating their use. This notwithstanding, every new
reference model is still data-hungry and they have been so for the last 40 years or so when in
1989 the whole story started. It happened in the conference NATO-ASI held in Cetraro(Italy)
where the team from IBM presented for the first time the language model for speech recognition.
At the end of the social dinner, after having drunk a sizeable amount of alcohol, everybody
decided we had to sing a song while doing the conga line around the tables, and the words were
the 5 following ones: ”We need more training data”.
   In this paper I will focus on the fundamental issues regarding Deep Learning (hence DL)
and Language Understanding, i.e. whether or not – in the case of NLP - it is aiming at natural
language understanding as their supporters maintain. For a start, I will assume that Deep
Learning is a highly sophisticated and very powerful technique for (co-occurrence) pattern
matching whose tremendous success is in line with the achievements of ASR (Automatic Speech
Recognition). Both NLP and ASR are now best processed by Transformers [2] and make use of
the self-attention mechanisms which allow training to start directly from raw or unsupervised
data, that in the case of NLP corresponds to raw (curated) text.
   In fact, what DNNs are really doing is predicting sequences of words or sentences without any
associated meaning. On the contrary, among supporters and inventors of this techniques, there
is the belief that DNN understand (the meaning of) natural language they are predicting. Geoff
Hinton1 and Yann LeCun2 , the two most prominent researchers in the field of Deep Learning and
NLP, have many times declared that neural networks are a computational embodiment of the
way in which the human brain learns language. Yoshua Bengio in a recent article[5], declared
that current machine learning methods seem weak when they are required to generalize beyond
the training distribution, which is what is often needed in practice.
   As for computer video, Yann LeCun[6] describes the situation as more dramatic, seen that
when using knowledge stored in pretrained models of video images difficulties arise when
trying to recognized a new unseen set of frames. Representing missing video frames or patches
is almost impossible due to the infinite number of video frames that can be added.3
   However, we don’t intend to dismiss completely DNN and think they are useful tools but we
need a better way to do that. The question I will pose at the start is “Why is it that Deep Neural
Networks (DNN) make such terrible mistakes when systems are regularly deployed?”, and what
may be the causes for such error prone behaviour. At the end of the paper I will comment on a
number of proposals for a more convenient and promising way of using DL in language related

        He said: “I think that the most exciting areas over the next years will be really understanding text and videos.
I will be disappointed if in five years’ time we do not have something that can watch a YouTube video and tell a
story about what happened.”[3]
        said “The next big step for Deep Learning is natural language understanding, which aims to give machines the
power to understand not just individual words but entire sentences and paragraphs.”[4]
        In their words “There are an infinite number of possible video frames that can plausibly follow a given video
clip. It is not possible to explicitly represent all the possible video frames and associate a prediction score to them. In
fact, we may never have techniques to represent suitable probability distributions over high-dimensional continuous
spaces, such as the set of all possible video frames.”
2. Exploring and Explaining Weaknesses and Limitations of DLM
I will start by discussing what’s wrong with the use of DNNs by commenting a recent paper
by Camburu et al.[7], where the aim of the researchers was showing whether current post-
hoc explanatory methods4 are able to find out if DNNs achieve trustable and reliable results.
These methods have been developed with the goal of shedding light on highly accurate, yet
black-box machine learning models. In fact their results are not clarifying what is going on
in the hidden layers of the DNN. On the contrary, the explainers predict the most relevant
token to be among the tokens with zero contribution. When applied to real-world neural
networks, explainers are commonly validated under the assumption that the learned models
behave reasonably. However, neural networks often rely on unreasonable correlations, even
when producing correct decisions. NN rely more often on spurious and irrelevant correlations as
discussed below. The most common instance-wise explanatory methods are feature-based, i.e.,
they explain a prediction in terms of the input unit-features (e.g., tokens for text and super-pixels
for images). There are two major types of explanations: (i) feature-additive: provide signed
weights for each input feature, proportional to the contributions of the features to the model’s
prediction; (ii) feature-selective: provide a (potentially ranked) subset of features responsible
for the prediction; (iii) example-based: identify the most relevant instances in the training set
that influenced the model’s prediction on the current input. In their paper they tested three
among the most common explainers and found out that all explainers are prone to stating that
the most relevant feature is a token with zero contribution.
   Before dealing with the lack of generalization or failures of transportability I will rather
comment on two events that happened lately (September 1st), related to terrible mistakes made
by Facebook. Facebook’s policy on the use of AI algorithms is guided by Yann Lecun, a man
who strongly supports the use of unsupervised models or rather self-supervised models as
they are now called. The decision whether contents to appear on FB contain dangerous and
derogatory material for minorities or for the general public is eventually left to be made by
the algorithm. Errors will be backed by backpropagation in the network. When the network
chooses the wrong candidate the weights are lowered at all edges that enter that node. In
this way the wrong association between a given training example and the current observation
will not be properly weighted. Current ML or DL algorithms are called “Frankenalgorithms”
menacing our lives because they are incomprehensible.[8])
   The algorithm that has the task to filter out unwanted public material erased the pages of
anticomplotists’ Wu Ming 1 (alias Roberto Bui the author of La Q di Qomplotto (edizione Alegre))
and a number of similar social networks (Magazzino Parallelo and ARCI Cesena) who were
working on a public document on the same topic, because of its inability to tell negation(anti)
of negative values (complotists like QAnon). This is the “double negation” curse which is one
of the hardest task in language processing. More recently September 23rd, all social networks
on Facebooks related to “Stazione dell’Arte”/Art Station organizing the largest exhibition of
the Sardinian artist Mirella Bentivoglio have been cancelled. Also the page showing the art
work “Fiore Nero”/Black Flower has been obscured reason being it incites to hate. The art work

    They test three most popular explanatory methods with the corresponding explainer algorithm, and they are:
denounces discrimitative behaviours: what must have gone wrong is the representative image
– which is a patchwork of newspaper articles dealing with black dresses, black horses, black
flowers and black coffins, is interpreted again as a negative image which may incite violence.
Deep Learning(hence DL) is regarded a success in classifying written texts, however as shown
by the two examples above, negation and negative events are not easy to disentangle and may
totally confound DL. But that is not the only failure of DL.5

2.1. Biases, Generalization and Transportability
In their paper Bender et al.[9], come to the following conclusion about the possibility of a
LM to approximate language understanding: “a stochastic parrot”. If DL could really learn
language like children do it in their process of language acquisition it would be possible to
benefit from Systematicity while coping with Variability. Systematicity means that children
show a remarkable ability to infer the phonological, structural, lexical and semantic system of
language. However, none of this kind happens in DL because neural networks are unable to
produce inferences from what they previously learnt, and apply it to new unseen text, as clearly
shown in[10]. Ruis et al.[11] comment on the ability humans have to generalize the use of new
words learnt into a variety of contexts, and this ability is ascribed to our “aptness for systematic
compositionality”. This aptness is then linked to our “algebraic” capacity to understand and
produce potentially infinite linguistic combinations at sentence or phrasal level from known
linguistic components. The same authors blame modern deep neural networks, which have
shown their powerful capacity in many domains – in particular in challenging tasks such as
NLI and Text Entailment -, but “have not mastered comparable language-based generalization
challenges”, and this is clearly a fact that underlies “their sample inefficiency and inflexibility”.
Systematic, rule-based generalization is at the core of the recently introduced SCAN dataset. In
a series of studies, Lake et al.[12], tested various standard deep architectures for their ability
to extract general compositional rules supporting zero-shot interpretation of new composite
linguistic expressions. In most cases, as reported by the authors, neural networks were unable
to generalize correctly. These results demonstrate the challenges of accounting for common
natural language generalization phenomena with standard neural models.
   In order to show that DNNs “understand language” a public leaderboard has been organized
called GLUE[1] – General Language Understanding Evaluation benchmark, followed by Su-
perGLUE lately - containing eight language understanding tasks. The tasks can be regarded
as benchmarks against which to measure the ability of the system to cope with specific issues
in language understanding, and are all made up by existing data, accompanied by a single-
number performance metric and an analysis toolkit. However, as has been argued in a number
of papers, these tasks contain surprising cues that allow DNNs to perform better. In their
paper on SuperGLUE, Wang et al.[13] comment on the continual improvements achieved and
surpassing non-expert human performance. As they mention, progress has been made possible
by increasing computer power, data quantity and as a consequence model increasing capacity.

      On the web it is possible to find a host of example cases of DL mistakes that can be ac-
cessed – I have found two websites with a long list of AI failure stories: https://www.lexalytics.
 But also improvements on the algorithm producing the model decoding plays an important role,
 basically in the ability to encode more and more information on the context surrounding each
 token. However, as the authors have to admit, “While some initially difficult categories saw
 gains from advances on GLUE (e.g., double negation) , others remain hard (restrictivity) or even
 adversarial (disjunction, downward monotonicity)… it remains difficult to extract many details
 crucial to semantics without the right kind of supervision”. In other words, fully unsupervised
 approaches are non appropriate with heavily semantically based tasks.
     The ability to generalize to new and unseen cases is the inference predicting power of the
 model. In BERT, the inference ability is created by the MLM (Masked Language Model) which is
 taught to predict one or more masked token/s in the training corpus – the cloze task. However,
 the algorithm is prevented from taking vector values associated to the actual masked token and
 forced to choose the ones of the closest token, in order to avoid overfitting. Overfitting and the
 lack of ability to generalize to new instances is however the real missing point. This may be
 due to the so-called “sampling bias”, i.e. the presence of noise, a lot of errors in the enormous
 amount of data used to produce the model. But - in the case of transfer learning with BERT[14]
- it may also be related to the choice of a surrogate token and its word embeddings, which may
 be close to the original token and may have been chosen only by chance. This introduces an
 anomaly in the computation that doesn’t harm accuracy in case the test set is taken from the
 same corpus of the training set. More concretely, Le Bras et al.[15] raise the question of whether
 DNN models have learned to solve a dataset rather than the underlying task by overfitting to
 spurious dataset biases. For instance, the success in the use of Universal Sentence Embedders
(hence USE) by most DNNs in heavily semantic downstream tasks may be due to superficial
 heuristics (as supposed in[16]) for the NLI - Natural Language Inference) and not to a deep
 modeling of semantic features.
     The existence of such biases is argumented in[15] where they describe an experiment in
which biases are filtered out. Their approach is called AFLITE, and it is meant to adversarially
 filter dataset biases, as a means to mitigate the prevalent overestimation of machine performance.
The results show a better generalization ability with out-of-distribution task but also a dramatic
 drop in performance from 92% to 62% accuracy for a heavily semantically oriented dataset, SNLI.
The same happens with another semantically heavy datase, the ARCT (Argument Reasoning
 Comprehension Task), as reported by Niven et al.[17] in a paper where they analyse the
 results obtained by BERT. They discovered that what triggers “comprehension” and consequent
 decision-making in the correct choice is presence of particular non relevant cues, like “not” and
 other spurious or incoherent statistical cues . After the discovery, the authors modified the test
 set accordingly eliminating the special cues and ran the experiment with BERT achieving just
 53% accuracy, against a previous 77%.
     Now let’s consider what happens when a new domain or a new genre is chosen. In their paper,
 Marshall et al.[16] focus on the lack of transportability of pretrained models in a new context,
 a fact already shown by[18]: permutations of training data implies substantial changes in
 performance. In their introduction, Marshall et al. note that the lack of transportability – without
 retraining - for NLP tasks “has been raised by healthcare experts who have expressed their
 frustration in the limitations of algorithms built in research settings for practical applications
 and the reduction of performance outside of their development frame”. More generally, Pearl[19]
 remarks that “current systems lack the ability to recognize or react to new circumstances they
have not been specifically programmed or trained for”. Word embeddings’ accuracy degrades
when used over different datasets according to[20]. In other words, the universal model does
not exist yet that can be used for any new dataset for the same task for which it was created.
Experiments carried out by Marshall et al. show the degradation of performance when moving
models created for the NLI from one dataset to another, using SciTail, MultiNLI and SNLI
datasets. When training and testing is done in the same dataset accuracy score vary from 93.08
to 83.5 for MultiNLI and 90.4 for SNLI; but when datasets are changed accuracy drops down to
52.72 for SciTail with SNLI test set, 44.49 for MultiNLI with SciTail, and 44.2 for SNLI with SciTail.
Better results are obtained when using MultiNLI as variation dataset. Similar degradation is
observed for NER (Name Entity Recognition) task. In a previous paper on explainability for MRC
(Machine Reading Comprehension), another task which is based on language understanding
and reasoning, researchers from the same Department[21] focus on the ability of models to
develop explanations which go beyond the surface form of the text on which they have been
trained with similar results.
   There is an important component of this kind of research which has gone unnoticed so far,
and it is the fact that GLUE and other similar benchmarks are all wrought upon the English
language. English is a strongly configurational language that preserves the linear structure of
its syntactic component, thus failing to constitute a valid example for weakly configurational
languages like Chinese, Japanese, but also Russian, Serbian, Italian. In particular, in a paper
on lexical and syntactic complexity measures, Delmonte[22] compares the non-projectivity
parameter associated to Italian (6.65%) as being very close to Latin (7%) versus American English
as attested by PTB (Penn TreeBank) which is well below 1%. In particular, positional encoding
which is used in transformer architecture to enforce contextual dependencies, in fact reduces
its usefulness in texts belonging to weakly configurational languages.

3. Word Embeddings and DSM
Most ML and DL systems are based on Word Embeddings which in turn are theoretically based
on DSM – Distributed Semantic Models. According to the theory, input word embeddings should
contain a certain amount of syntactic and semantic information that is then used by each layer
of the neural network to find the most similar vector in the pre-trained model in order to make
a classification choice or receive a label. In fact, word embeddings may contain morphological
variations, but also homographs non homophones (récord/recòrd), in case of polysemous words
(and most frequent words usually have a long list of homographs with different meanings) they
will all be packed in the same embedding but with different context (hopefully). According to
experiments carried out by[23] using BERT, the eight nearest (measured by cosine similarity)
neighbours of the word DOG are ”dogs (0.67), cat (0.44), horse (0.42), animal (0.38), canine (0.37),
pig (0.37), puppy (0.37), bulldog (0.37), and hound (0.35)”, but we don’t know in which way
this happened and it is certainly most akward and unpredictable for humans to make such
associations. Even though all eight candidates share the same semantic domain, we may wonder
why ”horse” gets better score than say ”canine”; the same applies to ”pig” which gets a better
score than ”puppy” or ”bulldog”.
   The use of word embeddings is now taken for granted6 as the best way to encapsulate syntax
and semantics related to a given word. Embeddings may be considered from two connected
points of view: the presence of OutOfVocabulary words and the way in which similar candidates
are chosen by means of distance measure related to spatial dimensions like sine/cosine.
   Let’s consider how Out of Vocabulary Words are treated in BERT, where subword vectors
are used for representing both the input text and the output tokens. When an unseen word is
presented to BERT, it will be sliced into multiple subwords, even reaching character subwords
if needed. That is how it deals with unseen words. In Ruzzetti et al.[25] a new method is
proposed to build embeddings of OOV words starting from dictionary definitions, which are
taken from WordNet. Subword tokenization algorithms rely on the principle that frequently
used words should not be split into smaller subwords, but rare words should be decomposed
into meaningful subwords. For instance ”inapprehensible” might be considered a rare word
and could be decomposed into ”in” ”ap” ”pre” ”hen” and ”s” ”ible”. Both ”pre” and ”hen” as
stand-alone subwords would appear more frequently while at the same time the meaning of
”inapprehensible” is lost by the composite meaning of ”pre” and ”hen”. In other word, in some
cases it is possible for a OOV word to be represented as, at the very least, the collection of its
meaningless bigrams or trigrams and in all these case subword and character tokens will be
used to generate embeddings for, thus no longer retaining the composite meaning. Subword
embedding vectors will be then averaged to generate an approximate vector for the original
   A better way to deal with n-gram subwords is proposed in[26], where a system for subword-
based compositional word embedding is presented. The model is called probabilistic bag-
of-subwords (PBoS), as it applies bag-of-subwords for all possible segmentations based on
their likelihood. The hidden assumption here is that words are made of meaningful parts (cf.
morphemes) and that the meaning of a word is related to the meaning of their parts. As we
saw previously, a word embedding vector is composed by taking the sum or average of the
vectors of the subwords (character n-grams) that appear in the given word. However, the
importance of different subwords is ignored since all of them are given the same weight. In the
PBoS, the subword segmentation part is a probabilistic model capable of handling ambiguity
of subword boundaries and ranking possible segmentations based on their overall likelihood.
The final word embedding vector is then the probabilistic expectation of all the segmentation
vectors. This blurs the boundary between words and non-words, and automatically enables
the system to handle unseen words, alternative spellings, typos, and nonce words as normal
cases. This approach is similar to the one used for languages using ideographs like Chinese,
Korean and Japanese (see[27]). In their experiments, presence of OOV in the corpus has an
adversarial impact on task performance. Mitigation methods for the presence of OOV words are
applied based on subwords with their context which they try to cover in a preliminary phase
when analysing the task corpus, prioritizing frequent OOV subwords. Languages with a rich

     In Devlin[14] we find this statement: “I’m not sure what these vectors are, since BERT does not generate
meaningful sentence vectors. It seems that this is doing average pooling over the word tokens to get a sentence
vector, but we never suggested that this will generate meaningful sentence representations.” In fact, in a later paper
by Reimers and Gurevych[24] a solution has been suggested to encapsulate a complete sentence embeddings into a
single vector representation and use cosine measures to compare sentence pairs. However this procedure will not
produce semantically valuable representations.
morphology on the contrary, require the long tail of rare words to be preserved as discussed
in a paper[28] on Italian word embeddings. They discover that the ”accuracy increases as the
number of dimensions of the embedded vectors increases. This indicates that Italian language
benefits of a rich representation that can account for its rich morphology.” They tested an
extended number of hyperparameters on the Analogy dataset and found that an increased value
of vector dimension and in the number of negative samples gave best results. This meant taking
into account also very infrequent words and a much larger vocabulary.

4. Producing Meaningful Communication
Despite enormous improvements in hardware and data collection have lead to achieve impres-
sive performance in language modeling and a number of NLP related classical tasks, what
is missing from these approaches is the ability to produce meaningful communication. The
lacking feature seems to be commonsense ability that characterize humans in their behaviour.
According to Yann Lecun[6], common sense could be achieved by machines using AI techniques
like self-supervised learning7 However this is not what experimental work tells us. In a paper
by Bisk et al.[29] language understanding is contextualized into linguistic communication based
on a shared experience of the world. “Meaning does not arise from the statistical distribution
of words, but from their use by people to communicate. Many of the assumptions and un-
derstandings on which communication relies lie outside of text”[29]. Modern approaches to
learning dense representations allow us to better estimate these distributions from massive
corpora. However, modeling lexical co-occurrence8 , no matter the scale, is still the way in
which modeling the written world takes place. Models constructed this way blindly search for
symbolic co-occurences void of meaning. Chevalier-Boisvert et al.[30] formulate the following
question in their Introduction “How can a human train an intelligent agent to understand
natural language instructions?“. In their paper, they present the BabyAI research platform,
whose purpose is to facilitate research on grounded language learning and express the following
final evaluation: “We put forward strong evidence that current deep learning methods are
not yet sufficiently sample-efficient in the context of learning a language with compositional
properties.“ Past work has found that pretrained word and sentence representations fail to
capture many grounded features of words[31] and sentences, and current NLU systems fail on
the thick tail of experience-informed inferences, such as hard coreference problems[32].9

5. Alternative Approaches
In this section I will present a number of alternative approaches to the ”unsupervised” universal
use of DNNs for natural language understanding purposes. Nye et al.[34] present a neuro-
       In Yann Lecun words: “We believe that self-supervised learning (SSL) is one of the most promising ways
to build such background knowledge and approximate a form of common sense in AI systems.” And further on
“self-supervised learning may be helpful in unlocking the dark matter of intelligence”
       remember that the fundamental elements constituting all the computation in DNN are word co-occurence
frequency absolute/relative value and number of pixel
       The following test sentence “I parked my car in the compact parking space because it looked (big/small)
enough.” still presents problems for text-only learners[33]
symbolic model which learns entire rule systems from a small set of examples, which, rather
than predicting directly outputs from inputs, pass through an intermediate explicit set of rules.
The approach involves using program synthesis to learn explicit rule systems from just a
few examples. Compared to pure neural approaches, the approach has two main advantages:
robustness and interpretability. They train the model to induce the explicit system of rules
governing a small set of previously seen examples, drawing upon techniques from the neural
program synthesis literature. As the authors specify, “the approach combines a neural ”proposer”
and a symbolic ”checker”. The system output is fully explainable in this manner because the
representation produced by the model is a symbolic program. It is also interpretable: when
mistakes are made, the incorrect program can be analyzed in order to understand the error.
   Lake et al.[12] criticize the idea of using seq2seq models to cope with problems that require
compositional generalization and the ability to do that in new domains and unseen text. Then
they describe in detail a solution based on what they call meta-seq2seq framework, which
requires meta-training and meta-learning. This requires memory-augmented neural networks
and a different architecture and the aim is to allow the network to acquire the compositional
skill needed to solve new problems. New seq2seq problems are solved entirely using the
activation dynamics and external memory of the networks; no weight updates are made after
the meta-training phase ceases.10
   Gary Marcus[35, 36, 37] focuses on the need to introduce “reasoning” into the learning
process and defines a program to do that. It is a four-step program: initial development of
hybrid neuro-symbolic architectures, followed by construction of rich, partly-innate cognitive
frameworks and large-scale knowledge databases, followed by further development of tools for
abstract reasoning over such frameworks, and, ultimately, more sophisticated mechanisms for
the representation and induction of cognitive models. According to Marcus, progress towards
these four prerequisites could provide a substrate for richer, more intelligent systems than are
currently possible. Learning11 the meaning or the content of written text is still a challenge for
DL, even if the size of the training corpus has increased to an incredible amount. DL is unable
to learn abstract concepts from examples as would human beings. Always according to Marcus,
these problems ”include the need to bring meaning and reasoning into systems that perform
natural language processing, the need to infer and represent causality, the need to develop
computationally-tractable representations of uncertainty and the need to develop systems that
formulate and pursue long-term goals.”
   Another important and promising substitute for the DNNs is Quantum Mechanics which

       This is how they describe the new framework:“As is standard with meta learning, training is distributed across
a series of small datasets called “episodes” instead of a single static dataset, in a process called “meta-training.”
Specific to meta seq2seq learning, each episode is a novel seq2seq problem that provides “support” sequence pairs
(input and output) and “query” sequences (input only). The network loads the support sequence pairs into an
external memory to provide needed context for producing the right output sequence for each query sequence. The
network’s output sequences are compared to the targets, demonstrating how to generalize compositionally from
the support items to the query items.” And further on: “Through its unique choice of architecture and training
procedure, the network can implicitly learn rules that operate on variables, an ability considered beyond the reach
of eliminative connectionist networks but which has been pursued by more structured alternatives.”
       It is also the same concept of learning that has to be reconsidered, ”leading to a (perhaps new) form of learning
that traffics in abstract, language-like generalizations, from data, relative to knowledge and cognitive models,
incorporating reasoning as part of the learning process”.
is used for expressing adequately Quantum Logics . Sordoni and colleagues[38] developed a
Quantum Language Model (QLM), a generalization of prior language modeling approaches
that provides the means to model term dependencies without severing the connection between
the probability of observing a multiword expression and the probabilities of observing its
component terms. van Rijsbergen[39] and Melucci[40] are responsible for explaining how
tensor product representations and quantum entanglement can be represented with subspaces,
and this affects the way that categories or natural kinds might be modelled in an IR system.
Details of this proposal have been put forward by an extended number of people, besides the
ones cited above, including[41, 38, 42]. The example used is “ivory tower”, whose meaning is not
a linear composition of the individual meanings of “ivory” and “tower”, instead it carries a new
meaning. Thus a new language modeling paradigm is proposed based on Quantum Probability
to account for such intricate non-linear combination of word meanings. The model proposed is
the Semantic Hilbert Space which is used to formulate quantum-like phenomena in language
understanding, and to model different levels of semantic units in a unified space[43] . This is
achieved through an end-to-end neural network architecture, which provides means for training
the network components. Each component corresponds to a physical meaning of quantum
probability with well-defined mathematical constraints. Moreover, each component is easier
to understand than the kernels in convolutional neural network and cells in recurrent neural
networks. Thus the main outstanding feature of the Quantum Probability driven network
is the nature of their components, i.e. “Self-Explainability”. It is a bottom-up architecture
that represents each level of semantic units in a uniform SHS, from the sememe to sentence
representation. The framework is made operative through “superposition, mixture and semantic
measurement”. As the authors comment on the related experiment made on six benchmarking
text datasets, the performance is effective, robust and most of all “self-explainable”.
   Finally, we include the point of view expressed in the paper by Bender et al.[44] on the
environmental impact of DNNs and on the need to abandon the search for larger and larger
datasets without curating them appropriately or investigating on the existence of derogatory
language that might offend social groups. This is how they express these concepts: “This means
making time in the research process for considering environmental impacts, for doing careful
data curation and documentation, for engaging with stakeholders early in the design process,
for exploring multiple possible paths towards long-term goals, for keeping alert to dual-use
scenarios, and finally for allocating research effort to harm mitigation in such cases.“

6. Conclusion
In this paper we have assumed that DNNs are powerful classifiers but have poor predictive
power because of their inability to reuse the knowledge encoded in their model for new domains.
In particular we have shown that DNNs lack the essential quality called Systematicity, that
is the ability to apply learned relations to new and unseen contexts in a fully trustable and
reliable manner; the need to reduce dimensions of unique wordforms vocabulary has introduced
the technique of word decomposition on a bag-of-subword level, thus destroying any possible
meaning-wordform relation; subword vocabularies have been used to cope with less frequent
wordforms with the excuse that that would mitigate the impact of OOV words but this has
negative impact in languages different from English, morphological rich and also scripta lan-
guages which are sign rich; transfer learning is a modality that does away with the masked word
used by Transformers to be predicted, rather it accepts a token whose word embedding vector
cosine value approximates it thus introducing an anomaly into the backpropagation process;
the gradient descent score is computed by a negative cross entropy log-probability loss formula
minimizing the (mean square) error and trying to converge to an optimum, which is in fact
favouring the least different approximation rather than the most similar one12 ; all semantically
heavy benchmarks are in English, a language that does not represent - from a syntactic structural
point of view - the majority of mostly used languages in the world. Rather English constitutes a
statistically valid baseline being strongly configurational and thus structurally strongly invari-
ant; eventually, knowing distributional co-occurence features of a word/phrase/paragraph or
sentence does in no case correspond to knowing its meaning. Understanding language requires
the ability to make inference, causality and reasoning with uncertainty, abilities totally lacking
in current DNNs. To summarize our position towards the use of LMs and DNNs we assume
Bender et al.’s argument in favour of a more ethical and sustainable research framework. In
particular we fully subscribe to the need to weigh the risk of ”substantial harms, including
stereotyping, denigration, increases in extremist ideology, and wrongful arrest” represented by
gigantic pretrained models. NLP researchers should investigate the possibility of utilizing other
techniques in approaching NLP tasks that are effective without being endlessly data hungry
and harmful - even though the use of pre-trained models has now reduced the need to compute
a new model for every experiment.

Thanks to an anonymous reviewer for useful comments and improved references. The opinion
expressed in the paper have been confirmed by a small experiment with BERT that has been
used to verify what is widely accepted and published in the literature and reported in the paper.
Thanks to Nicolò Busetto for help in producing the results which will appear in a another
dedicated paper.

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