=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3015/132 |storemode=property |title=Easy-to-use Combination of POS and BERT Model for Domain-Specific and Misspelled Terms |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3015/paper132.pdf |volume=Vol-3015 |authors=Alexandra Benamar,Meryl Bothua,Cyril Grouin,Anne Vilnat |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aiia/BenamarBGV21 }} ==Easy-to-use Combination of POS and BERT Model for Domain-Specific and Misspelled Terms== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3015/paper132.pdf
Easy-to-use combination of POS and BERT model
    for domain-specific and misspelled terms

    Alexandra Benamar1,2 , Meryl Bothua2 , Cyril Grouin1 , and Anne Vilnat1

                Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, LISN, Orsay, France,

                 [first name].[last name]@lisn.upsaclay.fr
           EDF R&D, Palaiseau, France [first name].[last name]@edf.fr

        Abstract. In this paper, we present BERT-POS, a simple method for
        encoding syntax into BERT embeddings without re-training or fine-
        tuning data, based on Part-Of-Speech (POS). Although fine-tuning is
        the most popular method to apply BERT models on domain datasets,
        it remains expensive in terms of training time, computing resources,
        training data selection and re-training frequency. Our alternative works
        at the preprocessing level and relies on POS tagging sentences. It gives
        interesting results for words similarity regarding out-of-vocabulary both
        in terms of domain-specific words and misspellings. More specifically, the
        experiments were done on French language, but we believe that they
        would be similar on others.

        Keywords: Natural Language Processing · Language Models · Semantic
        Similarity · Out-of-Vocabulary Words · Part-Of-Speech

1     Introduction

For a variety of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, state-of-the-art results
have been reported with generic pre-trained language models, such as BERT [2]
and other BERT-like models [14,19] or task-specific such as GPT [23] designed
for automatic text generation. In these approaches, the pre-trained language
models are applied to downstream machine learning tasks using task-specific
fine-tuning. Currently, Transformer models [29] are trained on different sets of
generic data (i.e., books, news, Wikipedia, etc.) and are not adapted to domain
datasets, both in terms of vocabulary or syntactic structure. Therefore, these
models are not intended to be used as is but should be tailored to specific data
sets. At the word level, two types of out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words must be
correctly processed: application-specific and misspelled words. In this paper, we
propose a novel method to improve semantic understanding of domain-specific
data. To do this, we present BERT-POS, an easy-to-use technique to integrate
external morpho-syntactic context into BERT-like architectures. The proposed
method combines BERT with an automatic preprocessing stage which saves
    Copyright ©2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative
    Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
2                                A. Benamar et al.

computing time (i.e., Fast learning) and energy consumed (i.e., Green AI). The
use of syntax combined with contextual models enable the addition of contextual
characteristics in corpora that are difficult to process. The addition of morpho-
syntactic information allows to compensate for the difficulties related to the
processing of OOVs by integrating a knowledge of sentence structure. BERT-POS
is based on a pre-training technique that is not only robust on the processing of
domain-specific terms but also on misspelled terms. This study is conducted on
a French dataset through the CamemBERT model [19].

2   Related Work
Fine-tuning language models The problem of adapting the language models was
studied [24] and suggested that combining BERT with other neural networks
obtained better results than fine-tuning BERT-like models, which was favored in
other studies [16,27,33,3]. Specific models are shown to perform best when they
are specific to the textual genre studied (i.e., SciBERT [1] and BioBERT [15]).
However, pre-training BERT-like models can be computationally expensive and
require having a dataset representative of the target data.

Words segmentation Some studies have shown that the decisions made by BERT
tokenizers are difficult to explain when splitting words [25]. It was demonstrated
that the processing of domain-specific OOV terms is strongly impacted by the
splitting of the input terms of the model, leading to a significant decrease in
the semantic understanding of the words [20]. Recent works on misspelling
generation [26,28] proved that BERT is not robust on misspellings and performed
significantly worse on downstream tasks.

Overcoming OOVs in BERT Several studies have worked on overcoming domain
specific OOVs and misspellings in BERT. For instance, [4,17] proposed to con-
struct representations at the character-level and obtained promising results for
domain-specific terms. Other studies have tried to add external features to deal
with misspellings such as a word-recognition module [22] or other strategies [5,8].

3   Proposed Method
In this section, we propose BERT-POS, a preprocessing method for encoding
morpho-syntactic information into BERT-like embeddings which does not require
a complementary phase of fine-tuning [4,15]. Figure 1 presents the processing
chain of our method. For this experiment, we chose CamemBERT because it used
SentencePiece [13], which was easy to use when working with re-constructing
words from sub-units. Nevertheless, we assume that this work could be easily
applied to architectures that use WordPiece [32] such as BERT. First, the dataset
was split into sentences or sequences of words when the sentences were too difficult
to distinguish. Empirically, we split the documents into sequences of 150 tokens.
The POS tagging step consists of concatenating each word with its POS using "_"
                        Combination of POS and BERT model for OOVs terms                3

character. Here is an example of annotating a sentence containing n words and
m POS tags: word1 _posa , word2 _posb , word3 _posa , . . . , wordn _posm . This
annotation technique is commonly used for non-contextual models to disambiguate
polysemous words which differ in their grammatical category. Here, our objective
is to force the addition of morpho-syntactic information in the embeddings. For a
given sentence, if the SentencePiece tokenizer does not recognize a word, it splits
it into known sub-units. This creates problems with new sentence structures
containing a lot of small words. In parallel, we encode a vector for each word and
a vector for each POS tag. For every word, a vector is generated by computing
the sum of the sub-vectors associated with the sub-tokens of the words. The
same process is done with tags and subtags. We made sure that all the POS
tags were not recognized as words so that a unique embedding is re-constructed
for each tag. Finally, we computed the average of each occurrence of the pairs
{wordi , posj } to construct an unique vector for each word of the corpus.

Fig. 1: BERT-POS Framework (left) and one encoding example for the sentence
J’ai un problème de facturation, which could be translated as "I have a billing
problem" and tagged as " I_prop have_verb a_det billing_noun problem_noun
._punct” (right)

4      Datasets
Before detailing our experiments and results, we present our datasets containing
French emails in Table 2a. Both datasets are made-up of French email messages:
 – EASY [21]: a subset of the corpora was extracted to only collect the emails.
   The dataset is annotated in syntactic relations.
 – EDF-Emails3 : anonymized customer emails extracted from October 2018
   to October 2019. This dataset is more difficult to process, since it contains
   emails with different formality levels, containing spelling and syntactic errors.
     This work is part of a broader study for Electricité De France (EDF) with the aim of
     improving a classification system. EDF is the leading electricity supplier in France.
4                                  A. Benamar et al.

    Moreover, it contains Energy-specific vocabulary which can be existing words
    in French or words belonging to the specific domain. Table 1 contains several
    examples of misspellings, SMS language and domain terms that exist in the
    corpus. The distribution of POS tags in this corpus, obtained with spaCy4
    [7], is described in Figure 2b.         INTJ
Dataset         Domain              #docs        DET
EASY            Diverse genres         765     PUNCT
EDF-Emails      Customer emails     99 993              0       2,000,000       4,000,000

      (a) Description of the datasets        (b) Distribution of POS tags in EDF-Emails

               Fig. 2: Datasets’ content and POS tags distribution.

Email                                        Translation
Bonjour je suis PERSON je envoye un mes- Hello I am PERSON I sen a message to
sage pour ve dire cset possible pour peyer la tell ye ist possible for peying the bill step
facture peu à peu pasque je pas bouceaoup by step becose I not alot on money. Please.
l’ argent .. S’ il vous plait . Merci         Thank you
Bonjour , Nous souhaitons être informés Hello, We would like to be informed and
et bénéficiés de votre offre Mes jours Zen benefited about your My Zen days and my
et mes jours Zen plus . Dans l’ attente de Zen days plus offer. Waiting for your return
votre retour par téléphone Cordialement by phone Regards PERSON
Bonjour Je voulais savoir comment cela Hello I wanted to know how it goes as I
se passe comme je vous ai fait parvenir un sent you an energy check of 48 € ??? . . .
chèque énergie de 48€ ??? . . . Cordialement Regards ,,
Table 1: Examples of emails in EDF-Emails dataset with translations in English.
PERSON: anonymized name; red: syntactic errors; violet: domain-specific expres-
sions; orange: smileys

5    Transformer Models
Table 2 presents the pre-trained CamemBERT models used for the experiments,
without any fine-tuning. To study the impact of training datasets on performance,
we use four CamemBERT models5 which differ by the datasets used during
  We randomly selected and manually annotated the first 300 tokens of EASY and EDF-
  Emails datasets and compared the results obtained with spaCy (fr_core_news_lg)
  to calculate a POS tagging accuracy for the respective datasets: 0.95 and 0.83.
  We worked with the models implemented in the transformers library [31]. The models
  were downloaded on May 2021.
                                                   Combination of POS and BERT model for OOVs terms                                                                      5

             – Oscar [19] is a set of monolingual corpora extracted from Common Crawl.
               It was selected using a classification model for each language following the
               approach of [6] based on FastText [12]. The classifier was previously pre-
               trained on Wikipedia, Tatoeba and SETimes, and covering 176 languages.
             – CCNet [30] is a dataset extracted from Common Crawl but with a differ-
               ent filtering from that of Oscar. It was built with a language model using
               Wikipedia, thus allowing it to filter out noise (code, tables, etc.). CCNET
               thus contains documents longer on average than Oscar.
             – Wikipedia is a homogeneous corpus in terms of genre and style which was
               preprocessed using WikiExtractor.

                                         Models                                                     #layers Dataset Size (GB)
                                         camembert-base-oscar-4gb                                           12           Oscar                  4
                                         camembert-base-ccnet-4gb                                           12           CCNet                  4
                                         camembert-base-wikipedia-4gb                                       12          Wikipedia               4
                                         camembert-large                                                    24           CCNet                135
                                                  Table 2: CamemBERT models’ description

 6                           Experiments
 In this section, we aim to assess the impact of the training dataset on language
 models, to analyze its importance in terms of quality and distance towards the
 applicative dataset.

 6.1                             Tokenization Problems on Misspelled and Domain Terms

                           100                                                                            100
                                                                               Cumulated percentage (%)
Cumulated percentage (%)

                            90                                                                             80

                            80                                                                             60

                            70                               model                                                                            model
                                                    camembert-base-wikipedia-4gb                           40                        camembert-base-wikipedia-4gb
                                                    camembert-base-oscar-4gb                                                         camembert-base-oscar-4gb
                            60                      camembert-base-ccnet-4gb                                                         camembert-base-ccnet-4gb
                                                    camembert-large                                        20                        camembert-large
                                 1   2   3    4    5     6     7     8     9          10                        1   2     3     4    5    6     7     8     9       10
                                                  #Tokens                                                                           #Tokens
                                             (a) EASY                                                                         (b) EDF-Emails

Fig. 3: Cumulative percentage of the number of sub-tokens obtained for each
word of the vocabularies
    Figure 3 presents the differences between our datasets and the training
 datasets of CamemBERT’s models, presented in Section 5. For each word of the
 vocabularies, we compute the number of tokens obtained by the models presented
6                                A. Benamar et al.

in Table 2. The more tokens are obtained for a single word, the less the model is
semantically accurate. We note that for EASY and EDF-Emails, the Wikipedia
corpus is the furthest one regarding lexical proximity. It could be explained
because the dataset is the lexically poorest from the ones extracted from the web
or because our domains of applications are more present in the web-extracted
corpora. This result is very relevant, because it shows that the level of cleanliness
of the learning corpus (i.e., construction of sentences, order of words, etc.) is not
more important than the proximity to the application corpus. Moreover, there
is no differences when using CamemBERT using OSCAR than CCNet, which
implies that the pre-processing step of CCNet does not have any impact on our
datasets. Therefore, we will not use CamemBERT’s CCNet model in further
analysis. The vocabulary of the EASY dataset is known, at best, at 70% while
the one from EDF-Emails is only understood at 20%. Those major differences
are expected to be seen while computing similarity, as discussed in Section 6.3.
Examples of tokenization with CamemBERT’s models is presented in Table 3,
using four frequent words in EDF-Emails: domain-specific (i.e., meter, linky and
refund) and Emails-specific (i.e., cordially). The domain-specific words exist in all
models’ vocabularies, except for "linky" (i.e., a French electric meter proposed by
EDF), which does not exist in general French language. Interestingly, we observe
that the Wikipedia model tokenize this word differently than the others. The
segmentation of OOV words is purely based on statistics rather than linguistic
properties [20]. This can lead to a loss of semantics when reconstructing words
after their tokenization. Indeed, we expect to obtain different words surrounding
"linky" when using CamemBERT’s Wikipedia compared to the others, due to
the sub-units obtained following the tokenization.

           Word                Model                  Tokens
                              wikipedia          [”_l”, ”in”, ”ky”]
                               others            [”_l”, ”ink”, ”y”]
                              wikipedia   [”_rem”, ”bour”, ”s”, ”ement”]
                               others         [”_remboursement”]
                              wikipedia      [”_cord”, ”iale”, ”ment”]
                               others           [”_cordialement”]
Table 3: Tokenization of domain-specific terms with CamemBERT models (i.e.,
SentencePiece tokenizer) on EDF-Emails. The models presented in Table 2 based
on OSCAR, CCNet and the large model obtained the same results and are
referred to as others

6.2   Visualizing Differences in Global Structure
Figure 4 presents the significant impact of applying BERT-POS on vocabulary
distribution by visualizing the extracted representations of words from EASY
and EDF-Emails datasets. The representations are visualized by t-SNE [18].
As expected, we demonstrate that word vectors from our approach are more
separable regarding POS categories than those from CamemBERT. This indicates
                     Combination of POS and BERT model for OOVs terms            7

     (a) EASY Dataset - CamemBERT (top) and CamemBERT-POS (bottom)

  (b) EDF-Emails Dataset - CamemBERT (top) and CamemBERT-POS (bottom)
            Fig. 4: t-SNE visualization of words with CamemBERT

that we managed to cluster syntactically similar words together by adding POS
features into CamemBERT before encoding data. To validate our observations, we
carried out a k-means clustering with Euclidean distance. We use two metrics to
evaluate clustering results objectively: purity and Normalized Mutual Information
(NMI). Given that, we do not seek to obtain a single representative cluster of each
morpho-syntactic category but several clusters, the purity metric is particularly
interesting in this study. We perform k-means clustering 10 times on EDF-Emails,
and on each implementation randomly generate the initial seeds. We select the
number of clusters with the elbow method [11]. The results are detailed in
Table 5 and highlight that the size of training data does not modify the syntactic
representation of terms. There are two possible explanations for this: 1) the
small dataset contains representative examples of the larger one or 2) a small
dataset is sufficient to model syntactic properties of sentences, as computed by
8                                A. Benamar et al.

Word            Model           Neighbors
Train set: OSCAR
                CBERT       linkys, linkie, linké, linked, linkl
                CBERT-POS ginko, zac, cbe, log, installateur
(proper noun)
                Fine-tuning linkie, linked, linkdy, linké, linkys
                CBERT     règlement, débit, transfert, retrait, rétablissement
                          settlement, debit, transfer, withdrawal, reinstatement
              CBERT-POS services, intervention, règlement, télépaiment, besoin
                          services, intervention, payment, telepayment, need
              Fine-tuning règlement, informée, surtout, non, gratuit
                          settlement, (is) informed, mostly, no, free
                CBERT       merci, bonne, ph, obtenez, sincère
                            thanks, good, ph, (you) get, sincere
                CBERT-POS cordiallement, chaleureusement, sincèrement, infini-
                            ment, remerciant
                            *cordiallly, warmly, sincerely, infinitely, thanking
                Fine-tuning restant, si, merci, quelle, bonne
                            remaining, yes, thank you, which, good
Train set: Wikipedia
                CBERT       linki, linkin, linke, linkey, linké
                CBERT-POS linki, ld, li, link, log
(proper noun)
                Fine-tuning linki, lindky, linly, lynky, linxy
                CBERT     remboursements, remboursment, remboursse-
                          ment, remboursés, remboursable
                          refunds, *refnd, *refuund, (they were) reimbursed, re-
              CBERT-POS remboursements, rembousementt, reglement, rè-
                          glement, régularisations
                          refunds, refundd, *règulations, regulations, regulariza-
              Fine-tuning remboursements, remboursemment, remboursr-
                          ment, remboursemenr, reimboursement
                          refunds, *refundds, *refnd, *refundr, reimbursement
                CBERT       cordialemement, cordialment, cordialemment,
                            cordiales, cordialementt
                            *cordialylly, *cordialy, *cordiallly, *cordiales, *cordial-
                CBERT-POS cordiallement, cordiales, franchement, amicale-
                            ment, chaleureusement
                            *cordiallly, *cordiales, frankly, kindly, warmly
                Fine-tuning cordialment, cordiales, cordiallement, cordiale,
                            *cordialy, *cordiales, *cordially, *cordial, *cordiallially
Table 4: First 5 neighbors of frequent words using CamemBERT, CamemBERT-POS
and CamemBERT after fine-tuning. : translated word containing spelling mistakes.
Words in bold share the same root as the input word. Pronouns in translated verbs
indicates their conjugation in French. CBE: Electronic Blue Counter - GINKO: Enedis’
Information System serving the Linky smart meter - ZAC: Joint Development Zone -
Sub: abbreviation for "subdivision"
                     Combination of POS and BERT model for OOVs terms               9

                                            # clusters
                          13                   14                      15
           NMI     .150    .481   .164   .151    .498    .165   .153   .496    .163
          Purity   .518    .838   .584   .521    .853    .589   .521   .862    .589
           NMI     .128    .484   .164   .122    .470    .165   .124    .462   .157
          Purity   .495    .862   .592   .490    .836    .601   .490    .838   .592
           NMI     .130    .519    -     .130    .515     -     .131   .513     -
          Purity   .555    .869    -     .559    .877     -     .560   .882     -
Table 5: K-means clustering after t-SNE on EDF-Emails. We compare the quality
of the results (i.e., using NMI and purity metrics), according to the clustering of
morpho-syntactic categories, between CBERT (i.e., CamemBERT), CPOS (i.e.,
CamemBERT-POS) and FT (i.e., Fine-Tuned CamemBERT, see Section 6.4)

6.3     Comparing local neighborhoods
Both models demonstrate semantic and syntactic sensitivity regarding word
similarity. It is observed through comparing the nearest associates for a given
word on EDF-Emails dataset, as presented in Table 4. We use the EDF-Email
dataset because it contains more noise than general domain. Nevertheless, we
computed similar results with the EASY dataset, as shown in Table 7. We
computed cosine similarity between frequent words and the rest of the vocabulary
to evaluate the neighbors surrounding these words obtained with both models.
Applying the camembert-base-wikipedia-4gb model on EDF-Emails allows to
generate strong similarities between terms which share the same root, or which
are spelling variants of existing words. On the contrary, using the camembert-
base-oscar-4gb model produces clusters of synonyms or words that appear in a
similar context. Most of the time, CamemBERT finds similar words according
to word structure: it associates verbs with their conjugated forms while not
always respecting the proximity regarding the tense of the verbs. However,
CamemBERT-POS enhances the possibility of regrouping words that appear in
the same context: synonyms and antonyms. However, two distinct phenomena
are observed. First, the term "linky", which does not resemble any word in the
general field, is now associated with other very specific domain terms, such as
another type of electric meter or even meter installation areas. Second, these
domain-specific terms are not chosen randomly and have close links, indicating
that CamemBERT-POS does not only cluster random OOVs together but keeps
the meaning of the terms. Therefore, the proposed method avoids relying on the
tokenization step as much by adding morpho-syntactic context. To quantify the
differences between the neighbors generated by CamemBERT and CamemBERT-
POS, we use comparative metrics. We implemented the Jaccard distance [9], which
estimates how dissimilar two sets are by computing the number of intersecting
elements in two sets. To calculate the distance, the first 50 neighbors obtained
by each method were used and we computed the dissimilarity between the sets
of neighbors obtained with CamemBERT and CamemBERT-POS. We averaged
10                                                      A. Benamar et al.

the similarities obtained for the hundred most frequent words in the corpus. As
shown in Figure 5, both models generate significantly different neighbors with a
Jaccard similarity averaging 0.08, confirming that CamemBERT-POS drastically
changes words representation.

Word    CBERT                                                                          CBERT-POS
kikou   idem, grâce, mauvaise, félicitations, ok salut, cool, bonjour, bonsoir, félicita-
cool    sb, ok, combien, gaffe, quant                                                  ok, joueur, okidoki, super, gaffe
salut   bonjour, moi, ok, hello, oui                                                   cool, bonsoir, bonjour, félicitations,
Table 6: First 5 neighbors of words written in familiar language in EASY dataset
using camembert-base-wikipedia-4gb. Words in bold are synonyms

                                                             1.0                                                 1.0
                             1.00       0.08     0.31                                   1.00     0.08    0.31

                                                             0.8   CPOS-S CPOS CBERT                             0.8
                                                             0.6                                                 0.6
                             0.08       1.00     0.14                                   0.08     1.00    0.14
                                                             0.4                                                 0.4
                             0.31       0.14     1.00        0.2                        0.31     0.14    1.00    0.2
                             CBERT     CPOS     CPOS-S                                 CBERT    CPOS    CPOS-S
                                    (a) Oscar                                                  (b) Wikipedia
Fig. 5: Jaccard similarity for the 50 closest neighbors of the 100 most frequent
6.4     Fine-Tuning
We aim to compare the results obtained with CamemBERT-POS regarding OOV
terms with CamemBERT after fine-tuning the language model. Our implemen-
tation follows the fine-tuning example released in the BERT project to use a
vanilla baseline to compare against. All hyperparameters remain as default values.
We trained the model on two Epochs, using 100,000 Emails. The results are
presented in Table 4. Surprisingly, the results obtained after fine-tuning are not
that different from the ones with CamemBERT. It mostly generates spelling
variations in OOV’s neighborhood. For this application, fine-tuning does not
seem adequate when working with domain-specific data when we aim to deal with
emerging terms in a context of poor writing. As we do not intend to re-train the
model frequently, the process of adding external and automatic features is more
adapted to our application study. Furthermore, Table 5 shows that fine-tuning
the language model slightly improved the processing of morpho-syntactic words.

6.5     Ablation Study
Layer selection BERT encodes multiple types of characteristics depending on the
network layer used to represent sentences [10]: the first layers encode morpho-
                                           Combination of POS and BERT model for OOVs terms                                                       11

 syntactic information better than higher layers. To evaluate the impact of the
 choice of the layer in our evaluation, we observe the differences of neighbors for
 the word "linky" for the dataset EDF-Emails with the model camembert-base-
 wikipedia-4gb in Figures 6 and 7. We note that the neighbors caracteristics remain
 consistent from one layer to another. CamemBERT-POS regroup similar POS
 tags together and reduce the distance between semantically close words. With
 CamemBERT-POS, the new interesting neighbors are either related to electrical
 offers ("smart", "blue", "green", etc.), other electrical meters (SMA, CBE, meter,
 etc.) or installation companies (Scopelec, ENEDIS, etc.).

             50                                                                         50

             40                                                                         40

             30                                                                         30

             20                                                                         20

             10                                                                         10
                                         PROPN                                                                        PROPN
                                         OTHER                                                                        OTHER
              0                                                                          0
                  1   2   3   4    5   6    7    8   9   10   11      12                     1   2   3    4   5   6      7    8   9   10   11      12
                                       Layer                                                                      Layer

                                  (a) CBERT                                                              (b) CBERT-POS
  Fig. 6: Closest first 50 neighbors of "linky" computed using cosine similarity
  divided in two categories: neighbors that are proper nouns and others

             50                                                                         50

             40                                                                         40


             30                                                    ROOT                 30                                                      ROOT
                                                                   DOMAIN                                                                       DOMAIN
                                                                   OTHER                                                                        OTHER
             20                                                                         20

             10                                                                         10

              0                                                                          0
                  1   2   3   4    5   6     7   8   9   10   11      12                     1   2   3    4   5   6     7     8   9   10   11      12
                                       Layer                                                                      Layer

                                  (a) CBERT                                                              (b) CBERT-POS
  Fig. 7: Closest first 50 neighbors of "linky" computed using cosine similarity
  divided in three categories: neighbors that share the same root as "linky" (ROOT),
  terms that are relevant and domain-specific (DOMAIN) and others (OTHER)

  Number of POS tags A final experiment was carried out to determine whether a
  high level of POS knowledge was required, or if only certain POS were relevant.
  To answer this, we built CamemBERT-POS-Small and calculated the neighbors
  as before. We chose the most important morpho-syntactic categories with regards
  to semantics: nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Results are shown in Table 7.
  At first sight, we notice that this method does not answer the problem of
  tokenization with the Wikipedia model as well as CamemBERT-POS for these
12                                A. Benamar et al.

words. Interestingly, we observe that the cloud is less altered with this method
than with the complete CamemBERT-POS, as shown in Figure 5. Yet, we obtain
other very relevant synonyms for domain words like "meter" and "refund". We
conclude that CamemBERT-POS requires having a fine-grained knowledge of
the syntax to get around the processing of OOV terms. However, the word cloud
can be impacted by adding a few relevant tags. The addition of these tags allows
to obtain interesting clusters of semantically close neighbors.

Word                         Oscar                               Wikipedia
linky          linki, link, compteur, linkie, lo- linki, link, lot, lotissement, li
               *linki, *link, meter, *linkie, subdi-*linki, *link, sub, subdivision, *li
remboursement paiement, réglement, rattrapage, remboursements, remboursse-
              retrait, règlement               ment, remboursment, rem-
                                               boursez, remboursemen,
              payment, *séttlement, catch-up, refunds, *refuund, *refnd, (you) re-
              withdrawal, settlement           pay, *refun
cordialement   bisous, re, bref, client, heureuse- cordiallement,         corialement,
               ment                                cordilement, sincère, sincerement
               kiss, re, anyway, customer, fortu-*cordiallly, corially, cordilly, sincere,
               nately                              sincerely
Table 7: First 5 neighbors of frequent words using CamemBERT-POS-Small,
presented in Section 6.5. *: translated word containing spelling mistakes. Words
in bold share the same root as the input word.

7       Conclusion and Future Work

We studied the effect of syntactic noise (i.e., spelling mistakes) and domain-
specific vocabulary in French textual data on the performance of CamemBERT.
We further show that, on a difficult corpus, the proximity between words is
drastically impacted by the tokenization of OOV words. To address the problem
of noisy vocabulary (i.e., OOV), we propose BERT-POS, a method that reduces
the impact of tokenization while processing OOV terms. Our work stands out from
the literature in two ways. First, the combination of morpho-syntactic markers
and language models remains a very limited field of research, in which our work
fits. Even though BERT is a contextual model, new words can alter the structure
of the sentences entering the model. External markers (i.e., morpho-syntactic
markers) allow sentences to be re-structured when they become too fragmented.
Second, we offer a model that does not require re-training or fine-tuning and
is easy to set up, which is, to our knowledge, the first such model built with a
goal of improving tokenization issues. In our future work, we want to evaluate
the impact of adding syntax on different tasks, by conducting a large number
of experiments on different domain datasets. This will allow us to assess the
robustness of our method in different domains and on several tasks.
                       Combination of POS and BERT model for OOVs terms                 13


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