=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3016/paper3 |storemode=property |title=Consulting the Oracle at Delphi – Combining Risk I and Risk in cyber security |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3016/paper3.pdf |volume=Vol-3016 |authors=Richard McEvoy,Stewart Kowalski |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/stpis/McEvoyK21 }} ==Consulting the Oracle at Delphi – Combining Risk I and Risk in cyber security== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3016/paper3.pdf
Consulting the Oracle at Delphi – Combining Risk I and Risk in
Cyber Security
Richard McEvoy 1 and Stewart Kowalski1
    NTNU, Teknologivegen 22, 2815 Gjøvik, Norway

                 Risk may be analyzed implicitly or explicitly. From industrial experience, the former is less
                 commonly used than the latter on a day-to-day basis, even though the former makes up the
                 primary content of most commercially available risk analysis and management methodologies.
                 Paradoxically, the latter is also more commonly baked into the process and technology used
                 by organizations and its culture of risk management. Hence this represents a sociotechnical
                 issue which requires the resolution of both conflict of methods and ambiguity in the
                 interpretation and application of risk analysis. We propose an approach for resolving these
                 issues, based on experience “in the wild”, and creating a Delphic convergence between the
                 results of both approaches. Ultimately, we would aim to create a methodology for this purpose
                 and propose some criteria for its creation.

                 Keywords 1
                 cyber security, risk, sociotechnical, analysis

1. Introduction
    Explicit risk management is an approach where risks are defined by a tuple of factors (asset, threat,
likelihood, impact) over which function is performed to derive a risk value, e.g., high, medium, low or
$ 1m. This valuation is subsequently used to determine risk management strategy or tactics (treat,
accept, transfer, avoid). Two issues may exist with risk analysis conducted in this fashion. The first is
disagreement (which may be unrecognized) over the valuation of ordinal labels (i.e., qualitative risk
analysis), where utilized. The second is that organizational membership, outside of subject matter
experts, often struggle to understand this kind of analysis as they think in terms of concrete issues to be
fixed (that is, implicit risk analysis terms).
    Implicit risk analysis states risk in terms of issues which may contribute to organizational exposure,
e.g., “the lack of patching”, “poor network segmentation”, “the risk of vulnerability X” “the risk of loss
of confidentiality”. Implicit risk statements conflate risks, with issues which contribute to exposure,
with impacts and so forth. Hence the risks are not stated in these terms, but implicitly, in definitionally
imprecise terms(Freund and Jones 2014). Paradoxically, risk is often still valued, in terms which are
superficially like those used in explicit risk analysis. Labels such as “high”, “medium”, “low” may be
utilized to categorize issues or $ values and the strategy choices of treat, transfer, accept or avoid
applied. But with no formal function, the valuation is even more intuitive and highly subjective than
even the use of qualitative methods in explicit risk analysis and may result in (often unrecognized)
conflict and ambiguity over results and subsequent strategic or tactical choices.
    The solution proposed by adherents of explicit risk analysis is to displace implicit risk analysis in
the organization’s thinking. But this has a potential for adversarial outcomes where members of an
organization seek to introduce explicit risk analysis approaches since the power structure, leadership
values, language, culture, processes and technology of the organization are often geared primarily to

7th International Workshop on Socio-Technical Perspective in IS development (STPIS 2021) 11-12 October 2021, Trento, Italy
EMAIL: thomarm@ntnu.no; stewart.kowalski@ntnu.no
ORCID: 0000-0001-7322-4257 (Thomas Richard McEvoy); 0000-0003-3601-8387 (Stewart Kowalski);
              © 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
              Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
              CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)

implicit risk thinking. So, risk analysis experts can become caught in a power struggle when they seek
to introduce explicit, more formal and less subjective, approaches.
    This last issue, we believe, points to a more fundamental sociotechnical issue underlying the
divergence between explicit and implicit risk management and, indeed, human and organizational
response to risk. Explicit risk management is, we believe, highly process and technology focused and
normative in its results. Risk analysis results in recommending changes to process, policy and
technology while ignoring organizational and cultural issues. It also tends to be design oriented rather
than oriented to resolving day to day issues. Implicit risk analysis, on the other hand, because it is issue-
centric and deals with ongoing problems and blockages, makes such issues concrete for management
and employees and, despite gaps in the utility of outcomes, offers (or, at least, appears to offer) better
chances for resolution. It is also closer to how results are presented in GRC systems and to auditors,
where the focus is often compliance with control frameworks, not managing explicitly stated risks.
    Based on practical experience, we offer a novel approach to risk elicitation and analysis which may
form a basis for reconciling these approaches. In essence, we use a set of categories to draw out
assumptions about assets, risks, threats and impacts and the costs of addressing these in business terms.
Applying ordinal valuations to these allows for a reduction in ambiguity (and potential for unexpressed
disagreement). Furthermore, it becomes easy to introduce explicit risk valuations into this approach as
a contributing factor in the discussion. We believe our approach could form the basis for a Delphic
convergence between explicit and implicit risk analysis - with resulting managerial improvements and
reduction in conflict and ambiguity.
    This paper makes the following contributions. First, while the issues of explicit versus implicit risk
management are known, we identify sociotechnical factors which contribute to this divergence.
Second, we outline an original technique which has been used “in the wild” which may provide a basis
for reconciling these approaches. Third, we provide criteria for the development of a more formal
methodology to achieve this goal – with the further aim of drawing sociotechnical thinking into risk
analysis and management.
    Risk I in the title, therefore, refers to the current approaches to risk analysis and Risk II to proposed
approaches which include sociotechnical thinking in and sociotechnical solutions to issues in risk
analysis and management. The inspiration is taken from Hollnagel’s definitions of Safety I and Safety
II (Hollnagel 2018)
    In section 2, we review the relevant literature. Section 3 discusses the issues raised by the conflict
and conflation of explicit and implicit risk approaches in more detail. Section 4 describes our approach
as a counter proposal which addresses limitations we identify with both techniques. Section 5 discusses
the requirements for creating a more formal methodology to incorporate sociotechnical thinking in risk
analysis and management methodologies. Section 6 concludes and describes future work.

2. Literature Review
The gold standard of risk analysis and management is often taken to be ISO27005 (Wahlgren,
Bencherifa et al. 2013) which sets out a framework for such analysis. The framework sets out how a
risk analysis and management process should take place and be re-iterated by an organization. The
process begins with establishing the business context of the organization, followed by a risk discovery
and subsequent analysis, leading to recommended solutions, whose implementation is monitored. At
the same time, there should be ongoing communication with management about the results of the
analysis and progress towards reducing risk to acceptable levels.
    The problem with this becomes clear from a review of current risk analysis and management
methods which start from the assumption that a new system is being developed(Ionita 2013), but do not
explicitly address how iterations of the process or blockages to it should be dealt with. Indeed,
repeating the process would seem likely to repeat the solution, yet if the solution has not been applied
in the context of the organization for reasons which exist outside the scope of these methods, this
suggests either that it may not be appropriate and that alternatives should be sought or that other

problems exist which are not addressed by process and technological centric risk analysis and
management methods and need a wider (we propose, sociotechnical) lens.
    Work by Wangen et al. (Wangen, Hallstensen et al. 2018) suggests that ISO27005 is not complete
as a framework, while the creators of SABSA, a security enterprise architecture methodology, show
that poor definition of business context, especially future proofing solutions, can lead to serious
organizational mismatches (Sherwood, Clark et al. 2004). Furthermore, work by the authors shows that
sociotechnical considerations are missing from risk analysis and management methodologies(McEvoy
and Kowalski 2019, McEvoy and Kowalski 2019).
    Other authors have commented on the lack of maturity in cyber security risk analysis and
management. The creators of the FAIR methodology have identified that risk is dealt with implicitly
rather than explicitly by many organizations with consequent poor definitions of what constitutes risk
or how to assess it. They also highlight issues with qualitative approaches to risk which use ordinal
values, which are often interpreted in different ways without these differences being recognized. They
propose a formal definition of the derivation of risk (using an ontology) and a quantitative methodology
for analyzing risk as a cure(Freund and Jones 2014).
    With the notable exception of SABSA(Sherwood, Clark et al. 2004), we would argue that most risk
analysis methods, while they may formally take account of the nature of the business and management
goals, offer an approach which is “context-free” in business and operational terms. Indeed, in some
cases, methodologies recommend that any current countermeasures be discounted in the initial analysis
of risk (e.g., CRAMM(Yazar 2002)) and that subsequent comparison is used only to discount measures
already taken rather than consider operational or other (e.g., business, economic, cultural, social,
cognitive) issues which may block the imposition of security controls. Furthermore, in general,
measures are drawn from frameworks such as ISO27001 or NIST CSF(Calder and Watkins 2010,
Teodoro, Gonçalves et al. 2015) which focus on technical and process requirements and largely ignore
other sociotechnical factors such as culture and organization(McEvoy and Kowalski 2019).
    A very different approach is proposed by Langner, particularly with regards to control systems
security, where he shows that risk management can be regarded as a matter of system stability and
resilience rather than the absence of breaches – a concept he borrows from financial risk
management(Langner 2011). This is similar in some respects to proposals regarding the management
of safety risk by (Rasmussen 1997) where control and feedbacks are proposed for controlling risk which
is seen as a sociotechnical problem and systemic in nature. The latter also highlights economic
pressures which are often missing in risk analysis and sociotechnical thinking.
    Finally, research in the related safety industry points to analyzing risk using systemic methods and
a risk management approach which should be human rather than technology centric, e.g., (Hollnagel
    In our approach, following Hollnagel (ibid.), we seek to reconcile explicit and implicit risk
management and offer a channel for introducing sociotechnical thinking into risk analysis. We do this
by analyzing risk in additional categories, whose priorities are agreed with leadership and employees.
The use of ordinal values for sorting priorities represents an agreement with management on current
business goals, but also allows a scaled vector to be used to determine the degree and seriousness of the
sociotechnical gap(Al Sabbagh and Kowalski 2011). We believe this approach allows us to go beyond
pure technical or process considerations, leading to more flexible risk strategies that take account of
business and operational actualities rather than simply normative security requirements. We also
believe this approach allows to introduce explicit risk considerations alongside implicit ones without
initiating a power struggle. This kind of conflict resolution which furthers business ends while creating
a more humanistic approach to work is very much a part of the origin of sociotechnical approaches(Trist

3. A Conflict of Methods?
   In the introduction, we summarized the divide between explicit and implicit risk analysis and
touched on the differences between quantitative and qualitative analysis. The authors of the FAIR
method identify these issues as arising from the immaturity of cyber security risk analysis methods
(Freund and Jones 2014) and it can also be seen in the creation of multiple risk methods with differing

approaches to risk elicitation, understanding of risk factors, risk calculation and risk communication,
though there are some commonalities between them (Ionita 2013).
    While we agree that the industry would benefit from a precise and agreed ontology of risk and from
a cost/benefit analysis based on quantitative techniques rather than qualitative (ordinal) valuations, we
consider that risk analysis approaches have more fundamental issues than a conflict of methods,
ambiguity in results or a lack of definitional precision. The divergence between explicit and implicit
risk approaches is a symptom of these underlying issues. Nor is this simply a matter of cognitive
biases(Acciarini, Brunetta et al. 2020) at the individual level. They are sociotechnical in nature.
    Commercial and government cyber security risk analysis methodologies are generally process and
technology oriented and do not take into account sociotechnical or human factors in their
analysis(McEvoy and Kowalski 2019). They also start from the premise of “blank slate” which allows
technical and process controls to be applied without regard to the organizational environment. This
tends to normative solutions which may not match local requirements, but lacking the toolset to analyze
human, organizational or cultural factors leads to the imposition of measures which create issues that
lead either to failure to apply the recommended risk controls or to “shadow” practices as policy and
process fail to match circumstance (Fürstenau and Rothe 2014) – a failing which is also common in the
safety industry under the label of process drift (Berman and Ackroyd 2006). These blockages and
shadow practices create issues which are subsequently identified by implicit risk thinking by managers
and experts working on operational systems and seeking to address problems rather than being engaged
in system design or redesign.
    The creators of FAIR have also mapped out a history of the development of risk management
methods(Freund and Jones 2014) which developed over time in the absence of economic analysis from
the use of FUD2 to control frameworks and maturity analyses. Each of these approaches has left a mark
on how organizations view risk and what mechanisms and processes they have in place to manage them.
The primary tendency has been a move towards compliance rather than risk. For example, GRC
systems are oriented towards applying relevant control frameworks such as NIST or ISO27002. This
leads to a situation where management, experts, auditors and staff focus on identifying control gaps and
raising these as security issues (while mislabeling them as risks as described – see Introduction and
Literature Review). Again, these solutions tend to be normative, process and technology driven, perhaps
more strongly than the risk methodologies. They fail to move away from technical and process -centric
    We argue that, having identified issues and blockages, the risk analysis technique is foreshortened,
likely due to work pressures and lack of economic resources undermining the risk management process
(Rasmussen 1997) and well as a lack of risk management training and awareness. Hence, as described
(Introduction) issues are analyzed as risks, labeled “high”, “medium”, “low” and treated or accepted. It
should be noted that this also represents a reduction in the solution space as it not possible to avoid or
transfer issues or control failures.
    Hence, we believe that the divergence between implicit and explicit risk management is not simply
a result of immaturity, or lack of awareness, but arises from sociotechnical issues. First, an over-focus
on technical and process solutions which are context-free, normative and claim “objective” validity, but
create local issues. Second, a heavy emphasis on control frameworks and maturity requirements, with
a similar focus on process and technology, not only recreating the same issues but also emphasizing
their identification and resolution as a security goal – free of both the context of economic risk and
human and organizational requirements. Third, work pressures and a lack of organizational expertise
leads issues being analyzed in a way which is superficially similar to formal explicit risk analysis but
lacks the formal mechanisms, leading to subjective resolutions which are likely based on political rather
than utilitarian considerations. Often economic pressures lead to the “risks” (i.e., the issues) being
“accepted”, left with no resolution, because they are perceived as being too expensive to fix (but with
no comparison with the cost of not doing so). Clearly, this drift over time in working practices leads to
precisely the breaches warned about in (Rasmussen 1997) in the safety context, but here are equally
applicable to security.

    Fear, uncertainty and doubt

4. Industry Experience
    Based on industry experience, we propose a different approach which seeks to reconcile both
implicit and explicit risk analysis approaches and introduce a sociotechnical element to risk elicitation
and risk analysis which works with organizations rather than proposing context free, technocentric
solutions. The approach has been applied to two health organizations in the UK and also to a defense
establishment – as well as being adopted by a major UK government office, but we only present one of
the cases. Some of the issues have been fictionalized but are based on real examples in the authors’
    A regional NHS body in the UK requested an assessment of their current security posture as part of
preparing to gain ISO27001 status and to contribute to creating an overall IT strategy. They expressed
a willingness to engage not only with technical and procedural aspects of the assessment, but also to
consider sociotechnical aspects such as security culture and organizational arrangements as part of their
consideration of the overall strategy. They also requested the creation of a methodology to allow them
to repeat further such assessments in future with other consultancy practices.
    To achieve this, one of the authors, prepared an approach which took security issues identified during
the investigation and analyzed them using the following factors, which were agreed with senior
    Each of the factors was further divided into subcategories – see Table 4.1 – and assigned ordinal
values between 1 and 5 to represent increasing complexity and cost for resolving the issues, taking
account of both social and technical elements.

Table 4.1
Qualitative Analysis of Cost and Complexity of Resolving Cyber Security Issues
                               5               4               3               2                      1
     Threat Type           Multiple         Cyber           Human          Technical              Force Maj.
        Impact           Organization      Division          Team           Service               Individual
    Vulnerability           Structural  Operational       Design Fault       HMI                   Technical
    Business Goal          Multiple    Patient Safety Compliance          Availability              Other

   The categories and subcategories were defined as follows:

   1.   Threat Type – various types of attack
            a. Multiple – an attack which combined multiple other factors such as social engineering and
            b. Cyber – a malware or penetration type attack
            c. Human – social engineering or another human agent attack such as tailgating
            d. Technical – a technical event which caused an outage
            e. Force Majeure – a natural event which caused an outage
   2.   Impact – likely impacts on achieving business goals at different organizational levels
            a. Organization – the whole organization would be affected by the outcome
            b. Division – a division of the organization would be affected by the outcome
            c. Team – a team would be affected
            d. Service – a service offered by the team would be affected
            e. Individual – only an individual would be affected
   3.   Vulnerability – the exposure to attack
            a. Structure – the vulnerability was part of how the organization as a whole function, e.g., a faulty
                policy or a management gap
            b. Operational – an exposure in IT or security operations, e.g., a lack of a SIEM
            c. Design Fault – a hardware or software design issue
            d. HMI – a poorly designed system-human interaction leading to, e.g., shadow practice
            e. Technical – for example, a faulty configuration

      4.    Business Goal – these are interpreted as being the organizational assets – see (Sherwood, Clark et al.
                a. Multiple – multiple goals would be affected by the impact
                b. Patient safety – a high priority goal in a health organization
                c. Compliance – regulatory compliance was identified as a key secondary goal
                d. Availability – the most common priority in the CIA triad in information security
                e. Other – allowed miscellaneous, e.g., local, goals to be identified as well

    The assessment was carried out through a series of interviews with staff and management at different
levels of the organization. This included review meetings with managers to agree on categorizations
and subcategorizations of issues and their priorities and to gain perspective on whether other parts of
the organization might also be affected (changing impact levels). This also provided an opportunity for
early reflection on findings and potential solutions.
    The analysis started with the identification of issues which the organization believed were relevant
to its cyber security posture. This is the normal starting place for an implicit risk analysis. But the
subsequent analysis by categories and subcategories meant that the issue was analyzed in two directions.
The first direction, represented by the categories, was in the direction of a formal explicit representation
of risk, The risk vector of threat, impact, vulnerability and asset (business goal) is clearly present in the
definition of the categories. While an ordinal analysis was used, it should be obvious that financial
figures could also be introduced to enhance the analysis and remove any ambiguities over priorities.
    The second direction, represented by the subcategories, was in the direction of sociotechnical issues.
The subcategories were intended to give a starting place to understanding the origin of the issues and
to provide the beginnings of a qualitatively rich description of the organizations’s problems while being
able to associate these back with explicit risks.
    For example, – say a security problem (fictionalized, in this case) was described as follows:
“Passwords may be accidentally revealed by staff in a small research division keeping informal records
of passwords for multiple [40 +] databases leading to data leaks, possible compromise of confidential
subject information, and regulatory notices or fines”. This would be evaluated as a “human/compliance
failure” potentially leading to regulatory penalties, in a “team” due to poor “HMI” design (expecting
staff to remember multiple complex passwords by themselves) and affecting the business goal of
“regulatory compliance”. A vector of ordinal values i=(3,3,2,3) would result from the analysis.
    The resulting vectors can be prioritized by sorting on their ordinal values. Furthermore, an
advantage of the approach is that the sort order does not have to be fixed. For different business
purposes, different orderings could be selected of the categories and different businesses may select and
order some of the subcategories differently. What these priorities where can be agreed with the
    For example, Table 4.2 shows different issues, referred to by a short descriptive label, which yield
different risk orders depending on which categories are given greater weighting in the sort order.
    The different sort orders effectively represent different strategies for resolving the issues and the
underlying theme is their difficulty of resolution. For example, if all factors were sorted “low to high”,
with the exception of business goals (high to low) to give an overall rank order, this represented the
strategy of undertaking “effective quick wins”. If the same sort were carried out “high to low” across
all factors, it represents approximately where the greatest level of time and resources would be needed
to resolve key business issues.
    Adding, or removing, categories from the sort – an obvious addition being costs - or changing the
sort order, therefore, allows the risk analysis to have more flexible goals than simple prioritization of
risk by cost3. This more flexible approach crosses the bridge from implicit to explicit expressions of
risk by allowing sociotechnical considerations to be included in risk reasoning and to be part of the risk
    Finally, each of the security issues analyzed was defined in such a way that a deeper analysis of
sociotechnical factors was enabled by being able to discuss why particular issues were recalcitrant of
solution. The approach also allowed for analysis of any patterns arising from individual factors such as

    Or qualitative impact assessment.

a preponderance of design vulnerabilities, or issues affecting patient safety. Basic statistical analysis of
the identified factors and their weights could therefore point to areas of further investigation with regard
to underlying (systemic) causes of security failures – see (McEvoy , McEvoy and Kowalski 2019) for
potential candidates.
   The technique applied across the regional body was used to identify organizational factors such as
a need to unify information security provision across the Trusts. This arose because the
subcategorization of security issues allowed for a wider discussion than the imposition of “normative”
security measures. In other words, the discussion was not just about technical, or process solutions
based on normative control frameworks, but allowed the risk analysts to open the discussion out to
aspects such as organizational structure, the nature of local blockages and issues, design issues and the
contribution of shadow IT and security practices to either supplement or undermine security. Yet this
expansion of the terms of reference of the risk analysis beyond explicit risk factors or control
frameworks did not result in an extension of the normal timeframe to carry out a standard risk analysis

Table 4.2
Example Security Issues
           Issue               Threat Type               Impact              Vulnerability       Business Goal
    Patching Failure                4                      2                      3                    2
  Password weakness                 3                      3                      2                    3
   No power backup                  1                      4                      4                    3
  No MFA on Remote                  5                      5                      3                    2

5. Discussion
We are not claiming at this point that the method illustrated represents a complete solution to the
fundamental issues we have identified in the section 3 (A Conflict of Methods?). But our experience
shows that it is possible to start to disentangle these issues by, initially, at least, accepting them in the
form presented and determining their nature, based on a set of agreed categories, and their priority, in
terms of difficulty to resolve. It is important, however, not to misapply the approach used in explicit
risk methodologies to determine impact or to decide whether to treat/accept/avoid or transfer a “risk”
which is really a security issue that could relate to multiple risks. Instead, we need a formal approach
to breaking down these issues and relating them to their potential business impact and the cost of
imposing countermeasures, while also resolving additional sociotechnical barriers.
    To borrow inspiration from Hollnagel (Hollnagel 2018), we need to move away from Risk I
(technology and process oriented, normative, context-free) risk analysis and move towards Risk II
(human and sociotechnically oriented). As part of this, we believe the issues thrown up by implicit risk
analysis are a stronger starting place for such a risk analysis but need both explicit adduction of risk
and sociotechnical analysis of causes to be able to move towards cost-effective resolutions.
    Hence, we propose the following criteria for the creation of a formal risk methodology which
comprises both directions of analysis.

    1.   The risk methodology should start with issue elicitation at different levels of the organization.
    2.    A well-defined and agreed explicit risk ontology should be used for explicit risk analysis derived from
         the issues raised (Freund and Jones 2014)
    3.   Economic analysis of risk should be used to remove ambiguity caused by ordinal labelling (Ibid.)
    4.   Factorial analysis of sociotechnical aspects of issues should be incorporated into the approach (McEvoy
         , McEvoy and Kowalski 2019)
    5.   Risk prioritization should be flexible to allow different prioritization strategies to be used at different
         parts of the organization’s timeline or for different purposes. A pure cost or impact prioritization is not
         a sufficient basis for decision making.

  6.   Countermeasures should not be simply process and technology oriented but encompass sociotechnical
       aspects as well.

 We believe that this approach will organizations to more accurately prioritize cyber security issues
 and as well as identifying explicit risks, also identify underlying sociotechnical causes and hence
 result in a more flexible and more rounded approach to cyber security risk.
   The other advantage of this approach is that it does not require switching the organization from
 considering implicit risk to considering explicit risk, setting up a potential cultural conflict, but rather
 by starting with issues which are already under peoples’ focus and consideration and expanding the
 analysis in two different directions with communication and consensus on the shape the analysis
 takes leads the organization to a better acceptance of the analysis and its results.

6. Conclusion and Future Work
 In this paper, we described how formal methods of cyber security risk analysis focus on developing
 an explicit view of risks, while commonly practiced informal approaches use an implicit view of
 risks. Many of the weaknesses associated with both methods have been described elsewhere. But
 we believe these approaches are tied to one another by a view of risk which is focused on technology
 and process and does not recognize sociotechnical aspects of security exposure. In turn, pressures
 on the organization foreshorten analysis and lead to a reduced solution space and often a failure to
 properly address issues, hence increasing the exposure of the organization to security risk over time.
       We believe the solution lies in formally incorporating both approaches to risk analysis and
 management and enhancing these with a sociotechnical element. We outline criteria for creating such
 an approach and we contrast the earlier process and technically oriented approaches which we
 designate Risk I and our convergence of sociotechnical, explicit and implicit approaches which we
 call Risk II. We seek to ensure that this is done in full communication with management and staff
 leading to consensus on the approach and outcomes. A Delphic convergence should hence be
 achievable both in theory and in practice by our approach.
       Future work will focus on developing this methodology and a suitable software architecture to
 support its implementation as a practical business tool.

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