=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3016/paper5 |storemode=property |title=Multi-paradigmatic approaches in cybersecurity economics |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3016/paper5.pdf |volume=Vol-3016 |authors=Mazaher Kianpour,Stewart James Kowalski,Harald Øverby |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/stpis/KianpourKO21 }} ==Multi-paradigmatic approaches in cybersecurity economics== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3016/paper5.pdf
Multi-Paradigmatic Approaches in Cybersecurity
Mazaher Kianpour, Stewart James Kowalski and Harald Øverby
Department of Information Security and Communication Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

                                        In cybersecurity economics, the selection of a particular methodology is a matter of interest and importance for
                                        the researchers. Methodologically sophisticated research forms an essential basis for understanding the chal-
                                        lenges and opportunities for the richer descriptions of the behavior of cybersecurity practitioners (i.e., what they
                                        are doing and why they are doing it). This requires a broad and self-reflective approach to understand the use
                                        of a technique in socio-technical research within cybersecurity economics. Such understanding recognizes that
                                        research in this field involves more than just applying a method to create knowledge and diffuse it throughout
                                        society, organizations, and governments. This paper argues in favor of a multi-paradigmatic approach to cy-
                                        bersecurity economics research. Rather than adopting a single paradigm, this study suggests that results will
                                        be more prosperous and reliable if different methods from different existing paradigms are combined. Hence,
                                        it puts forward the desirability and feasibility of the multi-paradigmatic approach in cybersecurity economics
                                        research. It also outlines several practical guidelines that help design multi-paradigmatic research studies. These
                                        are illustrated with a critical evaluation of three examples of studies.

                                        cybersecurity economics, paradigm crisis, multi-paradigmatic approach, socio-technical research

1. Introduction
The study of cybersecurity economics is developing as a field of research in which it becomes essential
to determine the kind and soundness of models to build in the future, to explore and observe how to
implement them in practice, and to understand how these models affect the systems within which
agents interact. This field is strongly motivated to explain substantive and considerable real-world
phenomena in the cybersecurity area. For example, Gordon and Loeb’s theoretical model [1] found that
optimal cybersecurity investment does not always increase with the agent’s increasing vulnerabilities.
However, when more real-world observations were made, Willemson [2] and Hausken [3] provided
demonstrations that this rule does not always hold and the basic model can not explain these anomalies.
Hence, considering the complexity of these phenomena, this study considers cybersecurity as part of a
complex socio-technical system that involves interactions among many stakeholders, social institutions,
and physical systems. Moreover, drawing upon sociology, risk in complex systems is emergent and
evolves as a product of collective actions [4, 5]. Here, we build on these discussions by arguing
that the impacts of the decisions made by agents within the context of cybersecurity should also
be understood as emergent and non-deterministic. Therefore, decision-makers need cybersecurity
economic models to capture features, such as complexity, out-of-equilibrium dynamics, and social rules.
Now, the relevant question is whether these studies have been successful in representing a stylized

STPIS’21: Workshop on Socio-Technical Perspectives in Information Systems, October 14-15, 2021, Trento, Italy
" mazaher.kianpour@ntnu.no (M. Kianpour); stewart.kowalski@ntnu.no (S. J. Kowalski); haraldov@ntnu.no (H. Øverby)
                                    © 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
               ISSN 1613-0073
                                    CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)

view of reality that effectively offers an applicable, robust, and cohesive explanation of the fundamental
problems of economics (i.e., scarcity, uncertainty, dominance and change) of cybersecurity in a complex
socio-technical system like cyberspace.
   To answer the question whether the proposed models in cybersecurity economics are sound enough to
solve the known and unknown problems within cybersecurity, this paper adopts an inductive approach
and uses observations to reach a conjecture. Verizon’s breach report confirms that 86% of breaches
in 2019, up from 71% in 2018, were financially motivated. According to threat research by RiskIQ1
and threat researchers worldwide, every minute, US$11,400,000 will be lost to cybercrime in 2021, up
from US$2,900,000 in 2020. Besides, the results of a study by Accenture show that malware is the most
expensive type of cyber-attack, and Kaspersky reported a 14% boost in the number of unique malware
in 2019 over 2018. In addition to these reports, there are various reports from national and international
agencies that the types and sophistication of cyber-attacks are increasing [6, 7]. Microsoft Digital
Defense Report also shows that the criminals behind these attacks are now spending significant time,
money, and effort to develop scams that are sufficiently sophisticated to victimize increasingly savvy
professionals [8]. Moreover, IBM2 , in collaboration with Ponemon Institute, reports that the average
time to identify and contain a data breach in 15 studied countries/regions has stayed consistent in 2019
and 2020. However, in some regions and countries such as Scandinavia, United Kingdom, South Korea,
India, Australia, and Brazil, this time has increased. The faster the data breach can be identified and
contained, the lower the costs. While this time has increased in these countries, the same report shows
that they have increased their investment in deploying new technologies such as security orchestration,
automation, and response solutions to save the cost of data breaches.
   In addition to these reports, the main scientific venues such as the New Security Paradigm Workshop
(NSPW) and the Workshop on the Economics of Information Security (WEIS), or other workshops held
by leading research centers including U.S. Naval War College’s Center for Cyber Conflict Studies the
question of the soundness of the cybersecurity economics models have been raised under the concepts
like paradigm shift, science of security, or the need for new security paradigm indicating a growing
dissatisfaction on how cybersecurity economics is treated in the research and practice. For example,
these studies [9, 10, 11, 12, 13] presented at NSPW challenge current security paradigms adopted by
researchers and practitioners. They suggest different approaches to drive the field of cybersecurity
economic forward. At WEIS, Grossklags et al. argue that security decisions follow different security
paradigms, often reflected in different organizational structures, due to diversity of security practices
[14]. Moreover, at the workshop on “Cyber, Security and Economics: Challenges to Current Thinking,
Presumptions and Future Cyber Defense Transformations”, hosted by NWC’s Center for Cyber Conflict
Studies (C3S), David Mussington3 stated that “There is problem in cyber policy, and that problem is
that we can’t speak with enough specificity about the problem in order to find solutions that actually
work. Hence, economists need to talk to cyber people so they can make progress toward a shared goal
of understanding the environment better and measuring effects.” Chris Demchak4 also added at this
workshop, and then she elaborated in her paper [15], that cybersecurity researchers are operating with
some deep presumptions. These presumptions are being undermined by the realities of national cyber
insecurity. Therefore, it is necessary to lay out the disconnects in order to help innovate the strategies
and policies effective systemically against the emerging and deeply cybered challenges.

     The director of the Center for Public Policy and Private Enterprise at the University of Maryland
     The director of NWC’s Center for Cyber Conflict Studies (C3S)

   These findings imply that the research on cybersecurity economics has not been able to provide
a good explanation for real-world cybersecurity phenomena. Consequently, this study questions the
appropriateness of the paradigm that our research follows. The failures mentioned above can be rooted
in technical, legal, or organizational measures employed to maintain and enhance information assets’
security. They can be assessed in the level of individuals, groups, organizations, or nations as a whole.
As many technical and behavioral standards, policies, regulations, and norms emerge from decentralized
repeated decisions of many heterogeneous actors operating in dynamic, complex environments, these
failures are also introduced by ignorance of these environments’ characteristics and lack of a clear set of
tools to approach certain problems. [16] and [17] argued that cybersecurity economics is a powerful
tool to analyze security failures. The literature of this field also shows that concepts and theories from
other fields, such as behavioral, institutional, and evolutionary economics, have made their way into
the economics of cybersecurity. However, the empirical evidence and the significant anomalies we
mentioned above show that the field of cybersecurity economics is thrown into a state of paradigm
   Kuhn stated that paradigm crisis is followed by a scientific revolution and should be responded
with a search for a revised disciplinary matrix [18]. These anomalies can not be explained by the
currently accepted paradigm within which scientific progress has thereto been made. Therefore, he
suggested paradigm shift. This concept has become a cliché with many meanings, including the several
meanings of the word “paradigm” as used by Kuhn in his original publication. While the introduction of
new technologies, including Internet and Artificial Intelligence, has created paradigm shift in the way
business is conducted or research is directed [19], the discourse on paradigm shift has been incoherent
in economics and social science literature because of the different uses of the term and the different
levels of sophistication in its application [20]. Moreover, the paradigm shift in some disciplines like
social science has been like a fad. For others, the discussion of a paradigm shift is more of an awareness
and, at best, correction practice. However, the arguments about a multi-paradigmatic approach and
pluralism is viewed useful in helping us better define the nature and limits of our research.
   Consequently, as Figure 1 shows, we modified the Kuhn Cycle of Scientific Revolution and suggest that
research on cybersecurity economics can benefit from multi-paradigmatic approaches. The research on
cybersecurity economics started with one paradigm and one schools of economic thought (i.e., neoclas-
sical economics) [21, 1]. Then, important problems were observed in cybersecurity economics studies
and practices. However, paradigm restrictions and contending theories led to emerge of new problems
and not efficient solutions. Adoption of multi-paradigmatic approaches empowers the researchers and
practitioners to see the problems from different perspectives and their solutions are explored, assessed
and developed using multiple paradigms. Conceptualization of multi-paradigmatic research in this field
moves us towards transdisciplinary research defined as “research efforts conducted by investigators from
different disciplines working jointly to create new conceptual, theoretical, methodological, and transla-
tional innovations that integrate and move beyond discipline-specific approaches to address a common
problem [22].” The key idea of transdisciplinary is moving beyond disciplines and breaking down the
boundaries between traditional disciplines and creates new ways of looking at existing and emerging
issues. This is different from interdisciplinary research, which simply combines two or more varying
disciplines and perspectives. In our proposed cycle, it is probable to observe model drift and model
crisis due to the ever-changing nature of cyberspace and cybersecurity. However, multi-paradigmatic
approach help to identify the problems more efficiently and propose richer solutions.
   Based on the conjecture formed followed by our inductive reasoning, will now formulate our argument
in more detail: while adopted paradigms have not been able to respond the described crisis, they still

                                                                                                Model Crisis

                       Normal                                                     Transdisciplanry
                       Science                                                       Research

    Paradigm                                                       Paradigm
                                         Model Drift                                                    Model Drift
     Change                                                         Choice

            Model                                                          Model
                                 Model Crisis                                                   Model Crisis
          Revolution                                                     Revolution

  (a) The Kuhn Cycle of Scientific Revolution                  (b) Our Proposed Cycle in Cybersecurity Eco-
                                                                   nomics Research
         Figure 1: Our proposition to foster multi-paradigmatic approaches in cybersecurity economics re-

have substantial, exploratory, analytical, and interpretive potentials. Since research advances within
              that are subject to modification and control, researchers need to decide which paradigms to
                                    Model Drift
support    and which ones to redirect. This study sets out to open up academic discussions concerning the

need to challenge the monolithism culture in cybersecurity economics research and upgrade the values
associated with multi-paradigmatic research as criteria for assessing research papers and academic
   Although     there exist a number of works in sociology that discuss the need for a multi-paradigmatic
                             Model Crisis
             [23, 24, 25], we have not been able to find a related work on theorizing the nature of multi-
paradigmatic approach to the construction and development of cybersecurity economics model. Hence,
this paper can be an initiative to consider the methodological and conceptual challenges arise when
studying cybersecurity economics as a research area. The paper is organized into four main sections.
Section 2 presents an overview on cybersecurity economics research. Section 3 discusses the background
of multi-paradigmatic approach and defines terms that we use in this paper. Section 4 puts forward
the feasibility of the multi-paradigmatic research in practice. Section 5 provides a more substantive
contribution to cybersecurity economics by outlining four practical guides that may help design multi-
paradigmatic research in cybersecurity economics. These are illustrated with a critical evaluation of
three examples of recent studies in Section 6. Finally Section 7 concludes the paper and outlines the
limitations and future work.

2. An Overview on Cybersecurity Economics
Currently, there is no consensus on a definition of the term cybersecurity economics. Multiple studies
have created their definitions, most of which are broad. Probably the most accepted definition for
cybersecurity economics is an area concerned with providing maximum protection of assets at the
minimum cost [1, 26]. However, Rathod and Hämäläinen adopted a wider perspective to the economics of
cybersecurity based on strategic, long-term thinking incorporating economics from the outset [27]. They
stated that cybersecurity economics and analysis provides benchmarks for the economic assessment of

national and international cybersecurity audits and standards. It also provides policy recommendations
to align policies and regulations to ensure trust within a digital environment. Additionally, Ahmed
argues that cybersecurity economics addresses the issues of protection of Information and Commu-
nications Technology (ICT) applications designed to facilitate the economic activities that normally
face cybercrimes that cost the companies and countries a significant amount of money and disturb
the economic and financial activities around the globe as has been indicated in ICT-based sustainable
development [28].
   Despite the many different definitions of cybersecurity economics, all of these studies point out that
cybersecurity economic situations are characterized by direct and indirect interdependencies among the
agents involved. Each agent’s behavior affects the available options of other agents and even the results
that they can achieve. Given a particular situation and different options, which option do agents choose
and why? Does the outcome satisfy them? Does it unintentionally leave other agents worse off while it
has been an optimal decision for some of them? What is the role of government in compensating for
the limitations of markets in achieving mutually beneficial exchange in the cybersecurity market?
   To answer these questions, we would imply that it is crucial to be aware that cybersecurity economics
covers a broader range of situations than exchanging products and services for money. Therefore, this
paper defines cybersecurity economics as a field of research which offers a socio-technical perspective
on economic aspects of cybersecurity such as budgeting, information asymmetry, governance, and types
of goods, to provide sustainable policy recommendations, regulatory options, and practical solutions
that can substantially improve the cybersecurity posture of the interacting agents in the open socio-
technical systems. A socio-technical perspective is essential for understanding and managing the state
of cybersecurity today, as well as how to enhance it moving forward. This field of study includes
organizations having to decide how to value their assets and scarce resources and adapt economic
theories to practice in complex, uncertain environments. Cybersecurity economics studies include how
the role of individual and organizational behavior in developing a security culture; forces motivating
stakeholders to invest in cybersecurity provision; market structures and regulatory structures; and,
environmental, institutional and distributional consequences of the social decision situations. The
studies also investigate the cybercrime economics and motivation, tools, and interest of actors in today’s
underground marketplaces.
   Cybersecurity economics studies established their foundations and premises on different schools of
economic thought5 . The question of which schools are most appropriate for cybersecurity economics
research has been a focus of concern for some time. From the perspective of a particular school of thought,
the primary problems can be divided into four categories: scarcity, uncertainty, dominance, and change.
Since there has been a growing interest in and commitment to neoclassical economics, the primary
literature of cybersecurity economics focuses on scarcity and optimal allocation of resources. However,
this is evidenced by a shift in recent publications that other problems such as uncertainty and change have
also draw the researchers’ attention. This diversity of problems is because cybersecurity economics draws
on and provides nexus for many diverse and multidimensional issues such as budgeting, interdependent
risks, information asymmetry, governance, and types of goods. Cybersecurity economics must concern
itself with the general evolution of digital ecosystems and human behavior and relationships. Thus, it
has to draw upon different schools based on the underlying assumptions and a vast range of disciplines
such as technology, sociology, psychology, ethics, and mathematics.
       While a full explanation of why some researchers take specific school of thought is beyond the scope of this paper, some
scholars put schools of thought with different ideas into a single paradigm, or, as we support in this study, separate a school
of thought into different paradigms [29].

   We emphasize that all these schools of economic thought are scientific and informative. They look at
economic phenomena from their particular paradigmatic viewpoints, and together they provide a more
balanced understanding of the economic phenomenon under consideration. However, the purpose of
this paper is to describe a process whereby a researcher reflects upon differing research paradigms in the
field of cybersecurity economics. This field of research requires more studies on research methodologies
and conundrums and dilemmas of research experienced in the research process. This work is an initiative
to direct the research efforts towards these topics. The next section, we present a brief background on
multi-paradigmatic approach and define the terms to be used to make the position advocated in this
paper as clear as possible.

3. Background and Definitions
The real world, according to Bhaskar, should be seen as ontologically stratified and differentiated [30].
That is, it consists of a multitude of structures that create the events that occur and do not occur.
Adopting a particular paradigm is like viewing this world through a particular instrument and focus
on certain aspects of the situation. Research studies have been trying to deal effectively with the full
richness of the real world. These studies are not single, discrete events. They are processes that proceed
through a number of phases which pose different tasks and problems for the researchers. In some phases,
the usefulness of research methods is different. However, combining a range of methods may yield
better results. The advantages of multi-method studies are highlighted by Tashakkor and Teddie [31].
However, our argument is a strong one in support of multi-paradigmatic approach, suggesting that it is
important to utilize a variety of paradigms in cybersecurity economics research. While research methods
are systematic tools used to find, collect, analyze, and interpret information, paradigms determine how
members of research communities view both the phenomena their particular community studies and the
research methods that should be employed to study those phenomena. For example, dealing with only
what may be measured or qualified, or subjectively ignoring social and political contexts of cybersecurity
produces different, and sometimes incompatible, results which causes perplexity6 .
   There is a need for further clarification of just what is meant by multi-paradigmatic approach, what
is useful about these approaches, if the academic debate is to progress and if practitioners are to achieve
the greatest benefits from adopting them. We start by defining some terms to be used in Table 1. These
terms are open to many interpretations. Therefore, we recognize that these are not claimed to be
correct in an absolute sense. Moreover, a multi-paradigmatic research design space provides freedom of
well-informed choice and the potential for transformative research design. The key to envisioning a
multi-paradigmatic research design space is to imagine paradigms not as all-encompassing frameworks
but as referential systems of knowledge generation.
   As Table 1 shows, by the term paradigm we mean a specific academic framework for conceptual-
ising, investigating and communicating about the world. Each paradigmatic view about the world’s
constitution, structure, values, and assumptions is known to be valid. Although paradigms might
resemble worldviews to some extent, they are not so all-encompassing. The notion of paradigm has been
translated differently in differnet fields. For example, Govianni Dosi defines technological paradigm as
an outlook, a set of procedures, a definition of the relevant problems, and of the specific knowledge
related to their solution [33]. A paradigm, in that context, is then a collectively shared logic at the
convergence of technological potential, relative costs, market acceptance, functional coherence and

       Complicated and baffling situations that you are unable to deal with or understand.

  Term                       Definition
  Research Paradigm          Universally recognized scientific achievements that, for a time, provide model
                             problems and solutions for a community of practitioners. Each paradigm gen-
                             erates and develops theories, concepts, and means of experimentation, instru-
                             mentation, and equipment which are different from those of other paradigms
  School of thought          A school of economic thought is a group of economists who share common
                             ideas about economic philosophy, hold similar opinions on how the economy
                             functions, and usually apply similar methodologies in their analyses.
  Methodology                Theory of how research should be undertaken, including the theoretical and
                             philosophical assumptions upon which research is based and the implications
                             of these for the method or methods adopted. The epistemology (the philosophy
                             of how we come to know) explicitly drives the methodology (the practice of
                             how we come to know)
  Epistemology               The nature of knowledge. That is, they are assumptions about how one might
                             go about understanding the world, and communicate such knowledge to oth-
                             ers. That is, what constitutes knowledge and to what extent it is something
                             which can be acquired or it is something which has to be personally experi-
  Ontology                   The very essence of the phenomenon under investigation. That is, to what
                             extent the phenomenon is objective and external to the individual or it is sub-
                             jective and the product of individual’s mind.
  Method                     Techniques and procedures used to obtain and analyse research data, including
                             for example questionnaires, observation, interviews, and statistical and nonsta-
                             tistical techniques.
  Multi-method Research      Use of more than one technique in different phases of research (i.e., data col-
                             lection, analysis, interpretation, and evaluation).
  Multi-paradigmatic         A process to systematically and thoughtfully listen, understand, appreciate,
  Approach                   and learn from multiple paradigms, values, standpoints, and perspectives, and
                             bring them together on research projects that we are working on.

    Table 1
    Definition of Important Terms

other factors. However, in this study we focus on research paradigms as defined in Table 1. Table
2 shows four popular paradigms and their associated methodologies employed in the cybersecurity
economics literature. This is not a comprehensive list and we can find studies that have adopted other
paradigms such as Emanacipatory, Positivism, and Pragmatism. The variety of these paradigms suggests
that adoption of multiple paradigmatic views would provide the researchers and practitioners with a
greater appreciation of problem situation (discussed in Section 5) than any of them could by itself. Since
each paradigmatic view brings with it its own set of practical methodologies (some of them are outlined
in Table 2), the multi-paradigmatic approach increases the number and widens the variety of methods
which can potentially be employed in a research project.
   Nevertheless, we recognize, like Kuhn, the incommensurability (but not incompatibility) of paradigms
due to their contrasting ontology, epistemology and methodology. The advocates of the single paradigm
research argue that paradigms are incommensurable and incompatible which means that two paradigms
should/could not be used the in context of the same study [34]. This idea is based on the fact that there
are quite different epistemological, ontological and methodological assumptions that underpin different

  Paradigm                Description                                                             Methodologies
  Functionalist           It sees the world objectively and requires logical proofs and           System Theory, Socio-
                          deductions, verifiable facts and hypotheses, exact and certain          technical     Systems
                          measurements.                                                           Theory, Contingency
                                                                                                  Theory,        System
                                                                                                  Dynamics, Organiza-
                                                                                                  tional Cybernetics
  Interpretivist          It sees the world subjectively and recognizes individual dif-           Social Systems Sci-
                          ferences, the social world, and it accepts that we are unpre-           ences, Soft Systems
                          dictable.                                                               Methodology, Robust-
                                                                                                  ness Analysis
  Post-modernist          It holds a unique appreciation of the limitations of human un-          Critical Pragmatism,
                          derstanding and biases. It knows little about the depth and             and Local Systemic
                          complexity of the world and questions reflexively the very              Intervention
                          bases of our assumptions.
  Critical Realism        It sees the world as being complex and organised by both overt          Chaos and Complex-
                          and hidden power structures. It also perceives the social world         ity Theories
                          as being orchestrated by people and institutions.

    Table 2
    Four Popular Paradigms in Cybersecurity Economics Literature

paradigms. The incommensurability of the paradigms has left the multi-paradigm debates without
proper theoretical grounding for their use as an approach to research and practice. There are known
approaches such as atheoretical pragmatism [35], complementarism [36], and metaparadigmatic [24] to
the problem of paradigm incommensurability7 . Moreover, the successfully adoption of this approach
in several fields such as business, management [38, 39], organizational behavior, and system science
[23] reflects the feasibility of our proposition. Landry and Banville [40] and Mingers [41] also have
strong arguments in favor of desirability of pluralist methodology in the research field of information
systems. In addition, single-paradigmatic research has been criticized by two well-established research
paradigms; interpretivism [42], and criticalism [43, 44]. The interpretive research paradigm is concerned
with context-based understanding of individual’s thoughts and values, and social actions. As social
values and actions became more important in today’s societies, researchers began to embrace the critical
paradigm. This paradigm concerns with social equity, diversity and sustainability. These research
philosophies support multi-paradigmatic approaches to conduct inquiries that are not limited to one
aspect or one agent in socio-technical systems.
   In this paper, the fundamental idea of a multi-paradigmatic approach in cybersecurity economics
research is 1) dialectically listen to different paradigms, disciplines, theories and research stakehold-
ers perspectives; 2) create a practical research plan by combining important ideas from competing
epistemological values; 3) conduct the research ethically; 4) facilitate dissemination, understanding,
and utilization of research findings for both other researchers and practitioners; and 5) continually
evaluate the research outcomes and utilization process to analyze if the research is having the desired
socio-technical impacts. This approach is advantageous due to its capability in approaching dynamic
and complex situations. It also empowers researchers to remain open to drawing upon new research
methodologies and paradigms if new and unexpected problems eventuate. To be multi-paradigmatic does
       Since Discussing these approaches is beyond the scope of this paper, we suggest to read [37].

not permit the researcher to be less rigorous or ethical in the research process, rather it entails a heavier
burden of research thoroughness [45]. We see paradigms as useful constructs to aid understanding.
They are not claimed to be the only and the best aids. They help in differentiating various perspectives
that exist regarding a given phenomenon. There is no single paradigm that can capture the essence of
reality and apprehend the totality of that phenomenon.
  Since academic models are inevitably the products of a partial view point, they will always be biased
[46]. Hence, a multiplicity of paradigms and perspectives is required to represent the complexity and
diversity of phenomena and research problems. The next section views multi-paradigmatic approach as
one of the elements significant to the growth in cybersecurity economics. According to this perspective,
the establishment of a multi-paradigmatic approach requires that different disciplines be observed; these
being sociology, psychology, behavioral science and what might be described as social psychology.
Therefore, the next section discusses the feasibility of adopting this approach.

4. Feasibility of a Multi-Paradigmatic Approach in Cybersecurity
   Economics Research
The construction of cybersecurity economics models, and more recently, decision support systems, has
undoubtedly been driven by pragmatic concerns of practitioners and decision makers to secure their
environment (e.g., organizations, governments, or groups). It has also been influenced by the desire of
the professional associations, primarily standard and technology institutes (e.g., NIST or NIS-Directive)
to codify what they consider "best" or "good" practice to guide practitioners and to provide basis for
professional qualifications and quantification. The resulting focus on underlying multidimensionality,
uncertainty, and complexity indicates that tt is time to go beyond a narrow, limited view of reality and
embrace a multidimensional worldview of multiple interconnected realities that possess the will and the
vision to enhance the cybersecurity posture of our societies. We understand that going beyond involves
transforming consciousness to higher levels of awareness and understanding of oneself, others, and the
complex interconnectedness of all things. Thus, one might ask, "Is multi-paradigmatic approach feasible
in cybersecurity economics research?"
   The answer to this question arises two conceptual challenges. First, note that this proposition can be
conceptualized in different ways: 1) it might hold that multi-paradigmatic approach should support and
encourage researchers to adopt a variety of research paradigms and does not specify when and how they
should be used, 2) different paradigms are viewed as compatible, consistent, and commensurable such
that each paradigm would be seen appropriate for a particular research context and set of assumptions,
3) as advocated in this paper, all research situations in cybersecurity economics context are seen as
inherently complex and multidimensional, and thus should benefit from different paradigms. Second,
when used in cybersecurity economics research, different paradigms often produce mixed knowledge
that incorporate issues from both abstract and concrete disciplines. One can make a strong case that
this knowledge causes confusion and question the usability of it in practice and context.
   To address these challenges, we describe the multi-paradigmatic approach in cybersecurity economics
research as a process of i) examining critically personal and professional values and beliefs, ii) exploring
how worldviews have been shaped and governed by largely invisible social and cultural norms, iii)
appreciating and understanding the intertwined role of institutions in reducing uncertainties and
establishing sustainable, secure cyberspace, and iv) delineating future scenarios as away to anticipate
challenges, opportunities, and threats for organizations and governments’ contingency planning. This

process produces a style of research that synthesizes divergent insights. The results of this research are
more likely to be accepted and used because of participatory nature of cybersecurity8 . Therefore, we
emphasize that multi-paradigmatic approach is a process that evolves dialectically. It requires much
effort and skill to accomplish, deal with, and understand. This approach can be viewed as a team or
group process where members are purposively included. They have different perspectives that are
important for the research or evaluation of the results and outcome. In this sense, the group can help to
mediate some tensions withing the context of cybersecurity such as 1) micro, meso and macro levels in
decisions, 2) treating cybersecurity as a private good or public good, 3) individual needs, local needs
and national needs, 4) order and chaos in cyber crisis management, and 5) individual to institutional
perceptions and values.
   We must also recognize that this process has philosophical (e.g., paradigm incommensurability),
cultural (e.g., reluctance and resistance in adoption of a multi-paradigmatic approach among the research
community), psychological (e.g., the demands of moving between fundamentally different sets of
assumptions), and practical (e.g., establishing a diverse research community working on cybersecurity
economics) problems . It is also true that a filed of research cannot aim to discover everything about
everything. It must have defined boundaries and particular questions to answer. However, a multi-
paradigmatic approach does not ask for impossible. It simply suggests establishing a dialectic discourse
and realizing a rational consensus in which a research situation within cybersecurity economics is
influenced by a range of various factors that can change the richness and validity of the results. Moreover,
these problems can be alleviated to some extent when the research is organized into a research program.
That is, the result and conclusions of individual research projects, which might be largely single
paradigmatic, can be linked to others that adopt a different paradigm by other researchers. This results
in the overall research program being rich and multi-paradigmatic. Consequently, we found this
approach to be feasible and practicable. Hence, the multi-paradigmatic research within cybersecurity
economics should be viewed as a regulatory focus that suggests a match between orientation to a goal
and the means used to approach that goal. The next section of this paper offers some practical guidance
for adoption of a multi-paradigmatic research and three examples of research that have adopted such

5. Practical Guide for Multi-paradigmatic Approach
We have so far argued that multi-paradigmatic approach in cybersecurity economics research is both
desirable and feasible, although there are a number of challenges to be overcome. However, a valid
question that arises and may concern researchers is: how can we utilize this multi-paradigmatic
character, as described, for the benefit of our research and practice? In this section, the first part suggests
some practical guidance to adopt a multi-paradigmatic approach in a systematic way. The second
part illustrates these guides with three examples of multi-paradigmatic research within cybersecurity
   Understanding the problem and making decision about which methods are appropriate to solve that
problem has been the first part of a long-established method to formulate the research design. In order to
utilize the multi-paradigmatic character we must rethink this part to accurately determine and examine
the possible contribution of different paradigms in the specific issue under study, and discuss it with

      Cybersecurity, as defined in Section 2 is a set of activities that involves particular people (individuals or groups), orga-
nizations, governments, and institutions taking part in it.

                                    Researchers               Intellectual


Figure 2: The relationships of researchers, research situation, and intellectual resources forms the research
context for the issues under study.

other members of research group or community. Hence, we suggest that three sets of relationships
need to be considered first to determine both the initial actions taken and planning or design of the
research process. Figure 2 shows these sets. The research situation includes stated aims, objectives,
research questions together with stakeholders, funding bodies, and particular types of institutions (e.g.,
regulatory agencies, standards bodies, and cybersecurity associations). The next set is the researcher or
researchers engaged within the research situation. The intellectual resources consist of theories, research
methods and methodologies, and frameworks that could potentially be relevant to the research situation.
Two sets of researchers and intellectual resources are also interrelated as the required resources are
not necessarily within the researchers’ current capabilities. These relationships cover the complex
interaction of people, ideas, knowledge, social and institutional practices, and technology.
   As one of the contentions of this study, in the development of cybersecurity economics research,
little attention has been paid to these relationships, particularly the role of researchers in the research
context and their relationships to both the intellectual resources and research situation. The position
of a researcher, or a group of researchers in a department or faculty, is influenced by many factors
ranging from the nature of an individual’s training to the tradition of a research group and the level
of sophistication about the epistemological issues involved. This position impacts on the researchers’
practical and critical view creating the false impression that cybersecurity economics research is far away
from the world of practitioners. Therefore, a group of researchers conducting theoretical or practical
research in a conscious, cooperative and reflective manner is bound to integrate critical elements in their
efforts, since any issue that arises in their studies has socio-technical dimensions. It should be noted
that it is not expected to cover all possibilities in a study. However, the research context, as described
above, allows us to practically conduct a research that choices are made consciously in the light of full
range of prospects, rather than from a very limited repertoire.
   After realising relationships in the form of research context, researchers could investigate the issue
under study. This investigation can be conducted in several subgroups. Each subgroup can engage
in investigation of distinct data since what constitutes data varies depending on the paradigm. Next,
they see if they have come to similar or different conclusions. Such setting would help researchers
realise all the epistemologies underlying their research, as well as the consequences of each choice
they make. It also enables them to recognize and understand the crucial conceptual boundaries of
the combinations they use in research and practice. Thus, they would be open to alternative ways of
thinking, born from combining elements from different paradigms. This would gradually ensure the
key condition for utilizing the multi-paradigmatic approach in cybersecurity economics research. We
emphasize that each element drawn from a specific paradigm should be established as a choice, so that
the multi-paradigmatic character does not endanger the theoretical cohesion of the research conducted.

It is essential that researchers preserve the epistemic integrity of research methods drawn from various
paradigms. In this approach, multiple paradigms serve as referential systems of knowledge creation
processes and establishing suitable criteria for validating this knowledge. Therefore, cybersecurity
economics researcher draw upon these paradigms and employs a hybridity of research methods with
which to address complex, socio-technical research problems associated with the demands of professional
practices. They need to ensure that appropriate quality standards, or empirical or experimental epistemic
warrants, are used to regulate and justify different type of knowledge produce during the inquiry.
    A last, yet significant, step we can add concerns mapping methodologies and assumptions in the
research. Various methodologies could be regarded as a complementary set because they each rested
upon different assumptions about the nature of some problem contexts. This study has continually
stressed the need to challenge fundamental assumptions such as rationality and self-interest behavior.
Ardalan says in order to understand a new paradigm, theorists should be fully aware of assumptions upon
which their own paradigm is based [47]. The point is that employing a multi-paradigmatic approach
produces emergent and holistic reality constructed according to multiple disciplines and complex
epistemological values. Therefore, the success of this approach and appropriately mapping assumptions
and methodologies in a particular study requires that researchers thoughtfully dialogue with all validity
types relevant to that study. As a starting point for this dialogue, this section identifies and highlights
five interconnected core themes with special relevance in cybersecurity economics:
    Complexity. There is a growing consensus on the complex nature of both cybersecurity and the
economics subjects (i.e., subjects that are formed by a multiplicity of interacting heterogeneous agents
that connect dynamically and change their behavior as the interactions unfold.) Agents are asymmetric
at different levels, and therefore their capabilities are subject to various constraints such as transaction
costs, bounded rationality, market imperfections, to which the actions of the agents must conform. The
following characteristics are considered as the common nature of complexity:
    • Heterogeneity, Adaptation, and Evolution: heterogeneous group, network, or society are
      distinctly nonuniform in one of the characteristics, conditions, and compounds that define their
      behavior. Individuals, organizations, and governments operate in networks of complex adaptive
      groups of agents that interact, adapt, learn, and evolve. For example, humans are adaptive agents
      in their interpersonal systems, organizations are adaptive agents in regulatory systems, and
      governments are adaptive agents in political and economic systems. As the interaction among
      the heterogeneous agents occurs, agents learn and adapt, leading to a systematic and ongoing
      evolutionary process where both the individual agents and the whole system are subject to change.
      It is important to learn to flow with the change because we have limited resources and capabilities
      to fully control the change processes. Therefore, cybersecurity economists need to leverage the
      best of these changes and deal with interrelated factors that are adaptable and evolving. They
      also need to empower the decision-makers to capture the contexts and clarify their tactical,
      operational, and strategic positions to pursue the system’s purpose. Heterogeneity, evolution,
      and adaptation are the most striking features of the complex socio-technical systems that have
      made one-size-fits-all approaches unlikely to succeed. Moreover, considering these features is
      important to propose proportionate cybersecurity measures and controls.
    • Nonergodicity. As we mentioned earlier, change is a constitutive element of digital ecosystems.
      These systems do not exhibit a nontrivial development on the local and global scale. Their
      state depends on the unpredetermined path that the system has followed (i.e., path-dependent).
      Moreover, their development is irreversible, meaning that they cannot meet the same status again
      that they had met before on their development path. In such systems, even a minor incident for an

      agent might significantly affect the overall dynamics of the system during a cumulative process.
      This property is supported by [48, 49].
    • Phase Transition. The system shows a phase transition if it undergoes exogenously introduced
      sudden changes in its characteristics, behavior, or the structural patterns that it generates [50].
      Disruptive technological innovations are an example of phase transition in digital ecosystems.
      It is important to preserve the security of the system and protect the valuable assets after the
    • Emergence. In a system, emergence occurs when simple interactions among low-level system
      components give rise to new and unexpected patterns or properties, disparate from the properties
      of the system as a whole [51]. In digital ecosystems, which are known as adaptive and self-
      organizing systems [52], regular modifications to the system, caused by ever-changing agents
      behavior and interactions, may lead to the creation of unforeseen patterns, properties, or outcomes,
      thereby exhibiting emergent behavior. Internet and some artificially intelligent application are
      popular examples of emergence in digital ecosystems. The authors in [53]9 state that security in
      cyberspace undoubtedly belongs to emergent properties.

   Dynamic. Due to the growing interconnectedness in the digital ecosystem, cybersecurity economics
decisions are extending from conventional static temporal optimization to dynamical inter-temporal op-
timization problems [54]. Thereby, an enhanced understanding of individual and institutional dynamics
signifies a noticeable change in the direction of cybersecurity economics research. The following are
considered as general properties of dynamic systems:

    • Time. For real-life dynamic socio-technical systems, the performance is usually time-variant. A
      realistic analysis and a model describing the system’s behavior need to take into account both
      the random and temporal character of the system and include the time-variant uncertainties.
      Such an analysis is crucial for reducing the costs, improving the sustainability of the systems,
      and making informed preventive condition-based security-related decisions. This results in more
      computationally expensive models; however, there are various techniques such as surrogate
      modeling [55] that facilitate the analysis. Generally, the time-variant analysis methods can be
      categorized into two types: simulation methods (e.g. Monte Carlo Simulation [56] and Importance
      Sampling [57]) and analytic methods (e.g. outcrossing rate-based methods [58]) [59].
    • Irreversibility. Dynamic systems are either time-reversible or time-irreversible. Weiss defines a
      stationary process 𝑋(𝑡) as time-irreversible if {𝑋(𝑡1 ), 𝑋(𝑡2 ), ..., 𝑋(𝑡𝑚 )}
      and {𝑋(−𝑡1 ), 𝑋(−𝑡2 ), ..., 𝑋(−𝑡𝑚 )} do not have the same joint probability distributions for every
      𝑡𝑚 (𝑚 ∈ N) [60]. Arrow and Fisher noted that the decision problem relating to irreversibility
      derives from the fact that an irreversible action is sufficiently costly to reverse that this should be
      taken into account in the initial decision [61]. [62] discusses that in a complex, evolving system
      that is imperfectly understood, irreversibility should be taken into account since it provides a
      straightforward way of analyzing strategies that affect the transition probabilities for the system
      in any given state.
    • Out-of-equilibrium dynamics By introducing bounded rationality, heterogeneity in prefer-
      ences, and social interactions, we should not expect to find a unique and stable equilibrium in
      which agents fully control and adapt all the changes that affect them. It is essential to mention
      that out-of-equilibrium dynamics are the rule, not the exceptions. The notion of equilibrium has
       Only the abstract is in English

      lost relevance in orthodox economics after recognizing that economic relations take place in a
      complex ecosystem. This poses significant challenges to the policy and practical implications of
      cybersecurity economic models. They are not able to respond to ongoing reality where various
      goals, preferences, and mental models coexist and coevolve.
    • Non-linearity. Non-linear dynamic systems behave differently in different regions in the state
      space. The non-linear adjustment of agents’ cybersecurity posture to shocks caused by cyber-
      attacks, new regulations and budgeting changes is attracting increasing attention in the empirical
      literature [63, 64]. These studies have found strong evidence of non-linearity in cybersecurity
      when regulations and investment are used as the variables governing cybersecurity. In a non-linear
      setting, the adjustment process depends on the sign (positive or negative) and the magnitude of
      the system’s shocks and history. It is important from the policymaking viewpoint because the
      possibility of structural collapse or institutional degradation increases in non-linear systems.

   Interdisciplinarity. cybersecurity is complex and controversial. Hence, cybersecurity economics
cannot be understood simply as a single, independent discipline. The insight that interdisciplinarity is
necessary is not new. However, to make interdisciplinarity work, researchers would have to spend efforts
on finding effective ways to share and understand their discourse and training paradigm-switching
capabilities (being able to view and analyze a complex issue from different perspectives). These efforts
are not limited to academia but also are essential for policy- and decision-makers. Drawing knowledge
from other established disciplines such as cognitive science, information systems, and computational
intelligence empowers them to cover modeling, measuring, and managing cybersecurity within the
context of stakeholders’ tactical and strategic goals.
   Social Rules and Institutions. Social rule system theory and complex institutional arrangements
are applied to the description and analysis of how agents are organized and structured through their
actions and interactions. We demonstrated that cybersecurity economic models connect to reality
through economic variables (e.g., ALE, ROSI, and ENBIS) and understanding the economic institutions
and social rules. Social rules and institutions profoundly shape the behavior of operating agents and
systems. Thus, it is a fundamental error to suppose that they are unlikely to override the preference of
agents to pursue their diverse goals. Cybersecurity is governed by institutions that are composed of
numerous rule configurations. The rules have strong interdependencies, both with each other and with
system conditions. A change in any of these rules produces a different situation and may lead to different
outcomes. For example, GDPR impacted the data collected and stored in emerging private, and public
blockchain [65]. This regulation has impacted the decisions and created barriers for an organization to
embrace this technology.
   Ethics. Although explaining the moral behaviors by mainstream economic models is difficult, such
ethical foundations have been extended into economic analysis. Consider cyber insurance and cyber
policies as two examples. Insurers and insureds in the context of cybersecurity insurance seek their own
self-interest, but their behavior is also often honest and honorable. Or, policies, regulations, and rules
are typically designed to maximize aggregate welfare in the societies, which is certainly an ethical goal.
Therefore, neglecting ethics means ruling out possible explanations of behavior. As we argued before,
the goal of cybersecurity economics is to explain and predict the behavior and patterns of the agents
and systems, design institutions, and recommend policies and regulations. Therefore, cybersecurity
economists should be willing to modify, extend, or reject the methods and approaches that they employ
to fulfill this goal based on practical and moral evidence.

6. Examples of Empirical Research
The second part of this section focuses on giving three examples that have followed a multi-paradigmatic
approach in their studies. These are good examples, but they are by no means perfect as various
limitations are highlighted bellow10 . First, the study by Gilad et al. has made the dominance modern
warfare a focus of attention [66]. The study shows how countries can establish procedures and deter-
mine the budgets to optimally allocate cyber-defense resources to prevent harmful cyber-attacks on
the complex computer networks that manage their infrastructure, business, security, and government
operations. The second example aims to identify and investigate the antecedents of enhanced level of
cyber-security at the organisational level from both the technical and the human resource perspective
using human–organisation–technology (HOT) theory [67]. Finally, the third study examines the in-
teraction between firms in a specific industry and a strategic hacker by considering industry-specific
characteristics including the intrinsic vulnerability, intentions of the hacker, competition between firms,
and similarity of security technologies [68].
   Study 1: This study accounts for various strategic behaviors and technological capabilities of the agents
that are involved in their demonstrated research situation. They draw special attention to the need for
coordination and synchronization of the intelligence process across the users of military intelligence, such
as policymakers in the government and various security agencies. The mapping between assumptions
(budget constraints, heterogeneous maturity levels of both attackers and defenders, and amount of
possessed intelligence) and methodologies is followed cautiously supported by the literature and authors’
observations. The analytical model inspects the physical, personal, social, and institutional views and
assesses the impacts of security intelligence on the country’s military capability, national security, and
   Study 2: This study acknowledges the multi-dimensional nature of the cybersecurity economics
research. It investigates the determinants for enhanced cybersecurity level in organisations. The
determinants are identified through literature review and questionnaires. The results provide significant
insights on technical, legal, organizational, and managerial aspects of cybersecurity across different
sectors such as healthcare, retail, and education. While this study has not included the social aspects in
their constructs and measurement items, it has partially covered the physical, personal and institutional
   Study 3: Wu et al. consider the strategic hacker’s behaviour and industry-specific characteristics to
offer a number of managerial implications that could be referenced in the security practice of competitive
context. Moreover, they show that different intentions generate different hacker’s behaviour. Therefore, it
prompts the competitive firms to notice the strategic importance of discriminating against the opponent’s
intentions and assessing the potential threats in security strategies. The assumptions of this study and
research situation direct the authors to employ research methodologies that are appropriate to deal with
several real-world conditions such as competitive firms, free-riders, and asymmetric relations.
   Evaluating these studies shows that they have developed multi-paradigmatic research wherein a
range of ideas were combined to meet the needs of particular research situations. In relation to the
argument of this paper, the studies demonstrate clearly the way in which different paradigms, even
when applied to the same data, yield different views of the world. Moreover, in terms of the research
context (see Figure 2), it is interesting to note how research methods affect the relationship between the
research situation and researchers in such multi-paradigmatic studies. However, our evaluation also
     It should be noted that our analysis relies on the published studies. We have not investigated the authors’ background
and their research community for further description of relationships shown in Figure 2

reveals limitations of these particular research studies11 .
   Regarding the first study, we pose two critical questions that can be answered considering the research
topics that we outline earlier in this section: What is the relative importance of accuracy, quality, and
reliability of the military intelligence when assessing the ethical behavior of cybersecurity practitioners
in the military or policy-makers? Does the cybersecurity practitioners’ belief that a formal code of
ethics is necessary significantly change the key elements of effective intelligence? This should have
led to empirical investigations and complementary qualitative methods to identify differences in how
ethical issues are perceived in such settings. In the second study, there is no qualitative data and little
consideration of the social and political aspects of antecedents for enhanced level of cybersecurity.
Moreover, the interrelationship of the antecedents is overlooked in this study. This limitation ignores the
emergent characteristics in complex socio-technical systems. Techniques such as interpretive structural
modelling and analytic network process can be used to address these limitations. Finally, to obtain
the equilibrium solution, the third study solves the optimisation problem based on two unrealistic
assumptions: 1) the firm’s security decisions have been exogenously given, and 2) all players are entirely
reasonable and risk neutral. Methods that might help with this could be Cumulative Prospect Value
(CPV) [69] or Quantal Response Equilibria (QRE) [70].
   Our reflection on the investigation of cybersecurity economics literature shows that to conduct the
research successfully requires a multi-paradigmatic approach to be adopted. The objectives of this field
of research will be constantly changing and the nature of the inquiry by the researchers and practitioners
will be dynamic. Therefore, a multi-paradigmatic approach will facilitate finding solutions to emerging
problems and developing responsive and multi-pronged cybersecurity strategies using the outcomes
provided by the cybersecurity economics research.

7. Summary and Conclusion
Different paradigms are adopted in cybersecurity economics studies. This paper sets out a statement
of the new studies establishing the case for multi-paradigmatic approaches to foster transdisciplinary
research in the field of cybersecurity economics. This approach is applicable to a wide range of
research contexts in this field and can be considered as a means of transforming the policies, structures
and processes of cybersecurity governance and management, and for the purpose of ensuring that
both science and technology contribute to sustainable development of secure socio-technical systems.
Therefore, this paper discussed the desirability and feasibility of this approach along with some guidelines
that can be followed to initiate a multi-paradigmatic research project. While paradigms place severe
constraints on the future directions of research development, multi-paradigmatic approach channels
opportunities to advance in cybersecurity economics. For example, mutual adaptation of individuals’
behavior and technological systems in the wider institutional framework in which organizations operate
is an example of multi-paradigmatic research context that develops new knowledge relevant to the
enhance governance of cybersecurity. Or, other newly emerging problems such as sovereignty in
cyberspace [71], cybersecurity as a public good [72] or ambiguities regarding active cyber defence
[73] are among the topics that multi-paradigmatic work on them constructs practical and applicable
   Moreover, multi-paradigmism is unavoidable if realistic insights and relevance for practical affairs are
to be achieved. This is why we aim to sensitize future researchers to develop their work with an explicit

        These limitations are not outlined in the studies and they are the result of our critical evaluation

acknowledgment of different ontological, epistemological, and methodological perspectives. However,
researchers are not the only actors in a research field. From a practitioner perspective, our paper may
motivate practitioners to be more reflective, more ethically aware, and more context-sensitive. From
journal and publication channels perspective, our paper emphasizes that the reviewers positively examine
the assumptions and the grounds that inform the research process. Moreover, this multi-paradigmatic
character can function as an opportunity for dialogue and complementarity. This paper has hinted
at the importance on paradigm dialogue directed towards five core themes with special relevance in
cybersecurity economics. It also investigated three new studies to discover if this approach can be
utilized to offer new perspectives and therefore enrich cybersecurity economics research, providing a
deeper understanding of the complex and multifaceted issues under study.
   While the manner of employing multi-paradigmatic approach to analyze complex problems in cyber-
security economics is explicated in this work, the way in which methodologies might be combined to
change problem situations is not thought through. Our future work will provide a better understanding
of this process and presents a framework for the multi-paradigmatic research design. This framework is
an important artifact since it helps to prevent confusion in the research process. However, as stated
above, multi-paradigmatic approach has been practiced in other fields, and therefore it is important
to consider what could be learnt from their experience. Therefore, a systematic literature review on
the detailed characteristics of this approach can help to advance this concept among the cybersecurity
economics researchers.

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