=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3017/xcbr100 |storemode=property |title=Explanation Container in Case-Based Biomedical Question-Answering |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3017/100.pdf |volume=Vol-3017 |authors=Prateek Goel,Adam J. Johs,Manil Shrestha,Rosina O. Weber |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/iccbr/GoelJSW21 }} ==Explanation Container in Case-Based Biomedical Question-Answering== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3017/100.pdf
         Explanation Container in Case-Based
           Biomedical Question-Answering

    Prateek Goel1 , Adam J. Johs1 , Manil Shrestha2 , and Rosina O. Weber1

        Dept. of Information Science, Drexel University, PHL 19104, USA 1
         Dept. of Computer Science, Drexel University, PHL 19104, USA 2

      Abstract. We present the design of the Explanatory Agent, a case-
      based agent conceived to answer biomedical queries. The Explanatory
      Agent is an autonomous relay agent within the multi-agent architec-
      ture of the Biomedical Data Translator, an initiative by the National
      Center for Advancing Translational Sciences. To answer queries, the
      Explanatory Agent seeks knowledge from multiple sources, ranks the
      results derived from such knowledge, and explains the ranking of re-
      sults. The design of the Explanatory Agent encompasses five knowledge
      containers–the four original knowledge containers and one additional
      container for explanations, the Explanation Container. The design of
      the Explanation Container is case-based and encompasses three knowl-
      edge sub-containers. We utilize a drug-repurposing use case to illustrate
      the Explanatory Agent’s capacity for answering biomedical queries.

Keywords: Case-based reasoning, knowledge containers, explanation container,
translational research, question-answering

1   Introduction
In this paper, we present the design of the Explanatory Agent, a case-based
automated relay agent that answers biomedical queries by accessing multiple
knowledge providers, ranks results, and explains their ranking. The Explanatory
Agent (xARA) is part of and is sponsored by the National Center for Advancing
Translational Sciences (NCATS) Biomedical Data Translator [1] (Translator).
     The Translator is an NCATS’s endeavor motivated by the breadth, complex-
ity, and heterogeneity of biomedical knowledge and data that remain challenging
hurdles for researchers in translational research [1, 2, 3]. The ability to sub-
mit a biomedical question to a centralized system to quickly receive actionable
information is an attractive goal, but has been complicated due to numerous
factors. These include the use of competing or otherwise separate data inte-
gration services, where each may provide partial answers to a question, but
also require some level of expertise to use and integrate for interpretable an-
swers. In consequence, NCATS’s Translator [1] aims to link existing biomedical
knowledge sources and data integration services to deliver actionable answers to
crucial questions in support of patients’ well-being [3]. Translator includes six
autonomous relay agents; the Explanatory Agent is one of them.

Copyright © 2022 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under
Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
2        Goel et al.

    The NCATS defines translational research as “. . . the endeavour to traverse a
particular step of the translation process for a particular target or disease.” p. 455
[4] While “. . .translation is the process of turning observations in the laboratory,
clinic and community into interventions that improve the health of individuals
and the public — from diagnostics and therapeutics to medical procedures and
behavioural changes.” p. 455 [4]. The term that inspired the name of the system
discussed herein is widely used in biomedical science.
    Translator focuses on mitigating two real-world issues associated with biomed-
ical data. The first problem stems from the diversity of biomedical data. Biomed-
ical data are spread in different areas of research without standardization, con-
nection, or a common vocabulary [3]. The second problem refers to the vast
scale of biomedical data, which may be too complex for humans to comprehend
without elaborate methods. For example, there were 1,613 molecular biology
databases available as of January 2019 [5]. For these reasons, the Translator
aims to link data from such databases with patient data, chemical and pharma-
ceutical data, clinical trials, biomedical ontologies, and possible augmentations
that can support scientists while designing and refining the research questions
they should prioritize. The ultimate goal of the Translator is to streamline the
path from a biomedical research lab to the patient’s bedside [1, 2, 3]. Along this
path, the Translator shall accelerate translational research, help generate new
hypotheses, and drive new innovations in clinical care and drug discovery [3].
    The Translator system design incorporates three sets of interlinked compo-
nents, namely, the Autonomous Relay System (ARS), the ARAs and Knowledge
providers (KPs) [1]. KPs are Translator’s internal aggregators, each specializing
in one or many types of knowledge. ARAs are Translator’s reasoning agents,
tasked with selecting which KPs to ask for data, organizing results, ranking
results, and preparing responses. The ARS breaks down user queries into the
internal knowledge graph representation language and transmits them to ARAs,
such as xARA, to provide actionable responses via relations obtained using the
KPs. To realize this multi-agent system, the Translator’s agents utilize a stan-
dardized API language created within the consortium and the Biolink model1
as a data model.
    xARA is a case-based ARA that uses five knowledge containers to rank and
explain results received from KPs to answer user queries transmitted by the
ARS. xARA distinguishes itself from other ARAs by providing ranked results
to biomedical queries based on explanations. To execute received queries, xARA
uses the case-based reasoning (CBR) methodology to make decisions with respect
to which biomedical knowledge sources to refer to and obtain results from. This
paper describes the design of xARA with the four original knowledge containers
[6, 7] along with an additional container for explanations. The Explanation con-
tainer, among others, can produce explanations to support and provide evidence
for biomedical relations. To realize its full potential, the Explanation container’s
design is case-based and maintains its own set of knowledge containers.

       Explanation Container in Case-Based Biomedical Question-Answering           3

    Section 2 provides a discussion of the knowledge containers model [6, 7],
which are important background to this paper. The contribution of this paper
is described in Section 3 with the details of the xARA design.

2   Background on CBR Knowledge Containers
CBR is a methodology to solve new problems by reusing previously stored
problem-solution pairs. The CBR methodology can be described from two mod-
eling perspectives, namely, the CBR Cycle [8] and the Knowledge Containers
model [6, 7]. The CBR cycle presents the CBR methodology as a sequence of
steps to execute the steps retrieve, reuse, revise, and retain. The knowledge
containers model observes the CBR methodology from a knowledge-based per-
spective where its knowledge is distributed across different modules.
    The four original knowledge containers are Vocabulary container, Similarity
container, Case Base container and Solution Transformation container. xARA
implements two of the steps in the CBR cycle, retrieve and reuse, and is designed
around the knowledge containers model.
    The Vocabulary container enables the agent to recognize entities from the do-
main. It helps to complement incomplete input by using vocabulary knowledge.
The knowledge in the vocabulary container is mostly declarative (e.g., ontolog-
ical), and its processes bridge the gap between varying levels of specificity of
incoming problems and stored cases [7].
    The Case Base container retains the contextualized experiences represented
in cases, providing coverage for problems the agent has to solve. Cases are often
represented as problem-solution pairs, and an outcome may be used to keep track
of how successful a solution is when applied to a problem. Cases can be based
on real-world experiences, artificially crafted, or adjusted from existing data.
    The Similarity container keeps the knowledge required to assess similarity
between a new case and the cases in the case base. For this, the Similarity
container accesses the Case Base container. The Similarity container may access
the Vocabulary container when cases are at different levels of specificity, or their
ontological structure is relevant for assessing similarity. It is typical in CBR that
the similarity functions assess similarity at the local level and then aggregate
them into a global score, which is used to represent whether a candidate case
comprises enough similar attributes to solve for the new case.
    The Solution Transformation container consists of the knowledge required to
transform the reused case or cases to correctly solve the new case. Adaptation
is an important component in this container. Adaptation may be needed when
there are significant differences between the new case and the reused case(s).
This container may include substantial knowledge bases, and can be case-based.
4        Goel et al.

3     The Explanatory Agent Design

                                                The xARA is one of the Trans-
                                                lator’s ARAs that obtains, exe-
                                                cutes, and provides ranked and
                                                explained responses for user queries.
                                                The xARA uses biomedical exper-
                                                tise embedded in its cases to de-
                                                cide which KPs within the Trans-
                                                lator to consult to produce an-
                                                swers to user’s queries. Aiming
                                                to provide useful answers, xARA
                                                relies on explanation methods,
                                                natural language understanding
Fig. 1. xARA implements retrieve and reuse models, or simple rules, to rank
with five knowledge containers: Case Base, Sim- results and indicate to users the
ilarity, Vocabulary, Solution, and Explanation  reason a result is ranked.
                                                    The xARA implements two
steps of the CBR cycle, retrieve and reuse, using five knowledge containers (Fig.
1), namely, Case Base, Similarity, Solution, and Vocabulary, with an additional
container for explanations. The Explanation container is case-based and uses
sub-containers in its design. In Fig. 1, the steps retrieve and reuse are grouped
with the containers they use. Note in Fig. 1 that adjacent knowledge containers
are those that are connected. The Similarity container needs to access the Case
Base container and potentially the Vocabulary container. The Solution container
may also use the Vocabulary container and it is connected to the Explanation
container. The description of the containers in xARA follows.

The Case Base Container The primitive cases in xARA are based on queries
and responses that the KPs can return. Additionally, derived cases are created
based on expansions of primitive cases. The indexing of cases includes node cat-
egories and predicates. Node categories may represent biomedical concepts such
as diseases, drugs, genes, chemical reactions, and proteins. Predicates represent
semantic associations between those concepts, such as treats, involved in, or con-
tributes to. The Case Base container is used when the retrieve step uses the
Similarity container to find cases.

The Similarity Container The Similarity container computes scores for can-
didate cases to determine which ones to reuse. The xARA relies on a threshold
to determine which cases will be reused. Multiple cases may be reused. The Sim-
ilarity container relies on the Vocabulary container to assess similarity between
nodes and predicates. The Biolink ontology 2 is used to determine how close two
predicates are by way of structured similarities. There is also an associated level
       Explanation Container in Case-Based Biomedical Question-Answering          5

of specificity, given that when a specific predicate is not available, a more general
predicate can be used. For example, when a query asks for drugs that inhibit a
certain protein, if this exact relation is not available, the more abstract relation
drugs that are correlated with that same protein may be used. The global similar-
ity aggregates local functions and considers the relative relevance of each of the
elements considered such as nodes and predicates. Their combined functionality
identifies the most relevant cases for reuse.

The Vocabulary Container The Vocabulary container in xARA provides
support for similarity functions as mentioned above, and processes the new case
into the representation used in similarity assessment. The queries may or may not
be represented in the scope of the agent’s knowledge or be limited in providing
enough detail about the query, so the Vocabulary container helps the agent
convert the query into the format the Similarity container needs for performing
retrieval and identifying cases for reuse. For example, queries may indicate the
specific name of a disease rather than the category Disease. The cases are indexed
at the level of categories and not by specific names of entities. The functions to
assess the category of a named entity is in the Vocabulary container, which
enables the new case to be represented at the same specificity as the candidate

The Solution Container The transformation of reused cases to produce so-
lutions include multiple steps in xARA. The first step is to extract the strategy
adopted in the reused case. Because Translator data are represented as knowl-
edge graphs, queries may consist of different configurations of nodes and edges
with various hops. The case problems however are all one-hop triplets, so there
may be transformations and combinations of previous cases. The Solution con-
tainer also houses the functions to produce an output in accordance to Trans-
lator standards. Before preparing the final response, results received from KPs
are explained and ranked in the Explanation container.

The Explanation Container The need for a container for explanation data
and functions stems from the fact that xARA uses various methods and external
data sources to produce explanations to the results obtained from multiple KPs.
The explanation container could have been potentially designed as a standalone
tool, but it has not; the explanation is a functionality offered by the xARA to
justify how it ranks results obtained by other agents.
    The explanation container relies on its own set of sub-containers: xCase Base,
xSimilarity, and xSolution. As mentioned earlier, xARA explains results obtained
from KPs. Consequently, the explanation functions are called after KPs return
results. The results and the KP that provided the results are the input to the
explanation methods, and thus describe the problems to be solved by explana-
tion cases – xCases. xCases are retained in the xCase Base. The solution for
xCases are an explanation approach. The explanation approach may utilize an
6        Goel et al.

explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) approach (e.g., [9]), it may simply cluster
results, utilize a rule based on the methods adopted by the KP, or use methods
based on fine-tuned language models such as BioBert [10].
    The xSimilarity container is required because the knowledge that makes a
result similar to another, such that their explanations can be interchangeable,
differs from the knowledge used for cases in the Case Base container described
above. To distinguish them, the cases in the main Case Base container are re-
ferred to as query cases, while those in the Explanation container, we refer to
as xCases. The similarity functions to compare nodes and predicates may be
accessed from the main similarity container, but they would be aggregated dif-
ferently in the explanation container, thus requiring this xSimilarity container.
    The xSolution container executes the explanatory functions. However, the
Explanation container does not require a designated vocabulary container be-
cause it does not need a different vocabulary as the domain is the same and the
vocabulary is the same throughout the agent.

4     Use Case
To demonstrate xARA’s ability to query KPs using CBR and to provide contex-
tual explanations for those results, we collaborated with other members of the
Translator consortium to work on several exploratory use cases. One such use
case would be drug re-purposing for Kennedy Disease (KD).
    KD is considered a rare disease, meaning that it fits the criteria of affecting
fewer than 200,000 people in the US annually. It is also monogenic, meaning
that it arises from the mutation or dysfunction of a single gene, in this case the
androgen receptor gene AR. Clinically, KD presents itself as a progressive neu-
romuscular degenerative disorder almost exclusively affecting males. The age of
onset occurs between the ages of 20 and 50 with symptoms such as muscle weak-
ness, cramps, and difficulty speaking and swallowing. Other symptoms include
facial weakness, numbness, infertility, tremors, and enlarged breasts.
    The AR receptor is responsible for transferring signals from male sex hor-
mones, like testosterone, across cellular membranes to affect function in a number
of cell types. It is unknown exactly how mutations in AR contribute to the KD
phenotype, but it is understood that females are protected from the disease,
even if they carry the mutation, since they have much lower levels of circulating
testosterone. 3
    For this use case, the query logic was straightforward and exploratory in
nature. Two queries were used in this case. The first step was to identify genes
associated with KD. As expected, only AR was returned. Since this was our only
result, we fed it into the second query which identified drugs that target the AR
gene (NCBI:367). Of the 194 returned, the result associating hydroxyflutamide
with AR was submitted for explanation.
    Similar to previous results, hydroxyflutamide was identified as an antagonist
of AR. This is unsurprising as antagonism, downregulation, and inhibition are
       Explanation Container in Case-Based Biomedical Question-Answering         7

similar and common general mechanisms of drug-like agents. In this case, a di-
rect inhibition of AR by hydroxyflutamide is logically consistent with what we
know of KD, although potentially impractical. We understand that females are
protected from KD by low circulating testosterone, therefore it follows that in-
hibiting testosterone from interacting with AR would attenuate KD phenotypes.
However, the long-term effects of using male hormone blockers in KD patients
would need to be carefully considered by clinicians. More critically, off-target
effects of drugs like hydroxyflutamide would also need to be carefully examined
before considering further investigation. In fact, one potential off-target effect is
mentioned within the same extracted passage in this example: inhibition of IL-6.

4.1   Use Case Considerations

Although the caveats mentioned in the previous section are important considera-
tions, we maintain that decisions regarding drug re-purposing or any subsequent
scientific research endeavor is beyond the scope of xARA and that of Translator
as a whole. Our goal is to provide supportive, contextual, and semantically-rich
explanations to scientific assertions returned by KPs as well as a mechanism
to relay user queries to the most relevant KP. This is in line with Translator’s
goal of integrating multiple heterogeneous data and knowledge sources toward
providing insights into the relationship between molecular and cellular processes
and the signs and symptoms of diseases. In short, our agent is meant to augment,
not replace, the workflow of biomedical and translational researchers.
    Finally, it is important to understand that the use case presented above
comes with the limitation that we selected individual answers for simplicity. In
the full, standard use of xARA, all results would be expanded in subsequent
batch queries to provide many more results than were demonstrated here. It is
at this point that the ranking feature becomes crucial, as it will serve to filter
and prioritize responses for user exploration.

5     Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, we introduced the design of xARA, one of the agents in the
Biomedical Data Translator, as an application of CBR in healthcare. The pre-
sentation of xARA was focused on its design that relies on the Knowledge Con-
tainers model proposed by Professor Michael Richter[6, 7].
    One important observation from the experience with xARA was the realiza-
tion that a vocabulary sub-container was not needed for the explanation con-
tainer. We believe this may be true often as the vocabulary of the system reflects
a user context. Consequently, once the user context is the same, the vocabulary
would not change regardless of how many containers or CBR steps are case-
    One limitation of this presentation is lack of related works. This paper is an
illustration of using CBR in the health sciences but does not aim to contribute
to the biomedical question-answering approaches and therefore analyzing those
8          Goel et al.

works would be out of scope. The main contribution is the use of a container for
explanations. With respect to its design, an ideal evaluation would be to compare
it against alternative designs. The verification of the design will be done in the
context of the Translator consortium. For validation, we will conduct user studies
given the subjectivity of explanations.

Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Professor Richter (in
memoriam) for his many lessons. Thanks to J. Gormley, T. Zisk, and D. Corkill
for their collaboration and feedback, and E. Hinderer III for his help with the use
case. Support for the preparation of this paper was provided by NCATS, through
the Biomedical Data Translator program (NIH awards 3OT2TR003448-01S1).

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