=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3017/demos92 |storemode=property |title=A System to Assist Semantic Web Data Editing Through the Use of Case-Based Reasoning |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3017/92.pdf |volume=Vol-3017 |authors=Nicolas Lasolle,Olivier Bruneau,Jean Lieber,Emmanuel Nauer,Siyana Pavlova |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/iccbr/LasolleBLNP21 }} ==A System to Assist Semantic Web Data Editing Through the Use of Case-Based Reasoning== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3017/92.pdf
    A System to Assist Semantic Web Data Editing
      Through the Use of Case-Based Reasoning

        Nicolas Lasolle1,2[0000−0002−1253−649X] , Olivier Bruneau1 , Jean Lieber2 ,
                        Emmanuel Nauer2 , and Siyana Pavlova2
        Université de Lorraine, CNRS, Université de Strasbourg, AHP-PReST, F-54000
                                       Nancy, France
             Université de Lorraine, CNRS, Inria, LORIA, F-54000 Nancy, France

          Abstract. RDF (Resource Description Framework ) is the Semantic Web
          core model which is used to represent data thanks to the definition of
          triples. RDF data editing is often a manual task which may seem tedious
          for the concerned users, and which includes an important risk of errors.
          A Web editing tool along with a suggestion system have been created
          to assist the editing of the Henri Poincaré correspondence corpus. The
          tool uses RDFS (RDF Schema) entailment and case-based reasoning to
          provide relevant suggestions when editing a resource. Four versions are
          proposed and are compared to each other through a double evaluation.
          While this system has been created for and evaluated with the Henri
          Poincaré correspondence corpus, the proposed methods could be applied
          to other corpora.

          Keywords: Digital humanities · Semantic Web data editing · Case-
          based reasoning · Historical corpora · SPARQL query transformation

1       Introduction

Manual rdf data editing is the task which consist in creating triples through a
form-based interface or directly by writing them to a file using an adapted rdf
serialization format (e.g. rdf/xml, Turtle). The Henri Poincaré correspondence
corpus is centered around 2100 sent and received letters which constitute scien-
tific, administrative and private exchanges. The rdf model has been chosen to
represent corpus data, the rdfs language to represent ontology knowledge and
the sparql language to query data. The manual editing of corpus data has been
identified as a tedious task which requires the constant attention of the user to
avoid different kinds of mistakes. A Web editing tool along with a suggestion
system have been developed to assist users in this editing process. This system
has already been presented in the context of the International Semantic Web
Conference [2].

Copyright © 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under
Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
2       N. Lasolle et al.

2    Presentation of the system
The goal of the suggestion system is to provide a ranked list of potential values
associated to a field (i.e. subject, predicate or object) when editing a triple. Four
versions of the suggestion system have been designed. The basic version orders
the suggestions using the alphabetical order. The deductive version benefits from
the use of the ontology knowledge when ranking the potential values. In partic-
ular, it takes advantage of the knowledge about the domain and range of the
ontology properties. The case-based version uses case-based reasoning to exploit
knowledge about similar edited resources. As an example, when one is editing a
letter and wants to set its recipient, it may be relevant to search for letters having
the same topics discussed, quoting the same individuals or institutions, or writ-
ten within a relatively close temporal interval. A system based on sparql query
transformation rules is reused to find resources similar to the resource which is
currently being edited. This system, named sqtrl (sparql Query Transforma-
tion Rule Language), has proven useful in various contexts [1]. The combination
version combines the methods used in the two previous versions.
    Associated with the suggestion system, a Web user interface has been de-
veloped to visualize and to update rdf databases. This interface proposes an
autocomplete mechanism that uses the suggestion system for providing values
when editing a resource. A demonstration video of this tool in use for the Henri
Poincaré correspondence corpus is available online.
    Two evaluations have been conducted for this system. The first evaluation is
human-based through a user who edits around 30 letters of the Henri Poincaré
correspondence corpus using the Web editor. At the end of the editing, he/she is
invited to complete a survey to give his/her feedback about the four suggestion
system versions. A second evaluation is managed through a dedicated program
which provides objective measures by simulating editing situations based on
already edited content of the corpus. Both evaluations results suggest that the
version combining rdfs entailment and case-based reasoning is the most efficient
one and could significantly assist users in the editing process.

Acknowledgement. This work is supported partly by the French PIA project
“Lorraine Université d’Excellence”, reference ANR-15-IDEX-04-LUE.

1. Bruneau, O., Gaillard, E., Lasolle, N., Lieber, J., Nauer, E., Reynaud, J.: A SPARQL
   Query Transformation Rule Language — Application to Retrieval and Adaptation in
   Case-Based Reasoning. In: Aha, D., Lieber, J. (eds.) Case-Based Reasoning Research
   and Development. ICCBR 2017. pp. 76–91. Springer, Cham (2017)
2. Lasolle, N., Bruneau, O., Lieber, J., Nauer, E., Pavlova, S.: Assisting the RDF
   Annotation of a Digital Humanities Corpus Using Case-Based Reasoning. In: Pan,
   J.Z., Tamma, V., d’Amato, C., Janowicz, K., Fu, B., Polleres, A., Seneviratne, O.,
   Kagal, L. (eds.) The Semantic Web - ISWC 2020. pp. 617–633. Springer, Cham