=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3018/Paper_12.pdf |storemode=property |title=Assortativity of an Elastic Network with Implicit Use of Information about Nodes Degree |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3018/Paper_12.pdf |volume=Vol-3018 |authors=Vadim Shergin,Larysa Chala,Serhii Udovenko,Mariya Pogurskaya |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/intsol/SherginCUP21 }} ==Assortativity of an Elastic Network with Implicit Use of Information about Nodes Degree== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3018/Paper_12.pdf
Assortativity of an Elastic Network with Implicit Use of
Information about Nodes Degree
Vadim Shergina, Larysa Chalaa, Serhii Udovenkob and Mariia Pohurskaa
    Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics, Nauky Ave. 14, Kharkov, 61166, Ukraine
    Simon Kuznets Kharkov National University of Economics, Nauky Ave. 9-a, Kharkov, 61166, Ukraine

                 The problem of modeling dynamics of complex networks is considered. The network model
                 with non-unit elasticity controlled by mediation-driven attachment rule is studied. According
                 to that rule, new nodes do not need a direct access to node statistics of the network: this data
                 affects the links of new nodes, but is used implicitly. The assortative property of the
                 considered model of complex networks is studied. It was shown that the proposed model
                 generates networks with non-zero assortativity coefficient that is an important feature of this
                 model. The dependence of the assortativity coefficient on the network size and copy-factor is
                 obtained by numerical simulation.

                 Keywords 1
                 Assortativity, complex network, scale-free network, mediation-driven attachment, elasticity,
                 power law

1. Introduction
   The theory of complex networks is a modern science area. As is known, the most of such networks
demonstrate the power law distribution of nodes by degree [1-4]. Networks with the above property
are called "scale-free". For instance, most of social networks, collaboration networks, communication
networks, and citations of scientific papers, neural and protein networks [5] (but not all of them [6])
are scale-free.
   At the heart of most of today's scale-free network models is the model proposed by Barabási and
Albert in 1999 (BA-model) [7]. It is based on two powerful but simple concepts: concept of growth
and concept of preferential attachment (or preferential linking). According to the latter, the probability
for a new vertex to attach with some existing one is proportional to its degree. Although at present
there exists many specifications and generalizations for the preferential attachment rule [1-4, 8-10],
the proposed network models has some common features inherited from the parental BA-model.
In particular, all these models inherit such a drawback of the BA-model as the explicit use of
network's node statistic. The concept of implicit use of node degree information has been proposed in
the mediation-driven anchor (MDA) model by Hassan [11]. Later the elastic variant of this model
(EMDA model [12]) has been also developed.
   Apart from the nodes degree distribution, the assortativity property of networks is also very
important. It is known [2, 13-15] that the real world networks are essentially assortative (social
networks), or disassortative (biological and technical ones), while artificial dynamic network models
(such as BA) generate networks that are neutral in assortativity of nodes degree. This fact is a
significant drawback of existing models of complex networks. Studying the assortativity properties of
the EMDA-model forms the main subject of current interest.

II International Scientific Symposium «Intelligent Solutions» IntSol-2021, September 28–30, 2021, Kyiv-Uzhhorod, Ukraine
EMAIL: vadim.shergin@nure.ua (A. 1); larysa.chala@nure.ua (A. 2); udovenkosg@gmail.com (A. 3); mariia.yerovenko@nure.ua (A. 4)
ORCID: 0000-0002-4388-8180 (A. 1); 0000-0002-9890-4790 (A. 2); 0000-0001-5945-8647 (A. 3); 0000-0001-7778-231X (A. 4)
            ©️ 2020 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
            Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
            CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)

2. Models of dynamics of complex networks overview and problem
   All models describing the networks topology can be classified into dynamic and static, depending
on whether they are based on the concept of growth, i.e. increasing the number of nodes and links
over time, or not. Static are models "inherited" from graph theory (for instance, the Erdős-Rényi (ER)
model), as well as a well-known "small world" model by Watts-Strogatz [15].
   In dynamic models, new nodes and links are added to the network step by step. Usually, but not
always, the addition occurs one node at a each step. In this case, the size of the network (n) is a
measure of time, and the number of the node (i) is the time of its birth.
   The growth of the network and its properties are determined by the presence or absence of dying
off nodes and links, the source of links and the linking rule. The simplest and most popular class of
dynamic models of complex networks is formed by models in which only a new node can be a source
of a new edge, and there is no dying off of nodes and links. In such models, the linking rule is the
dependence of the probability  i of connecting a new node with an existing node i on its individual
properties ( Prop(i )) , the network size n , and on the general (control) parameters of the network
( Net_Prop) :

                                i  f (n, Prop(i ), Net_Prop) .                                     (1)

   The most famous dynamic network model is the Barabási-Albert (BA) model [7], for which rule
(1) has the form

                                            i           .                                          (2)
                                                      ki
     According to (2) the probability of joining a new node (having a number n  1 ) to an existing one
( i ) is proportional to its degree k i . Linking rule (2) is called the preferential attachment rule.
     The control parameter of the BA-network is the number of links m  const incident to each
incoming node.
     The BA-model generates a scale-free network (SFN). It means, that the distribution of nodes by
degree (i.e. the number of links p(k ) ) follows the Yule-Simon (YS) distribution. This distribution is
a discrete analogue of a power law and asymptotically tends to it degree tends to infinity:

                                           ( k )
                             p( k )  C               k  ,   k  k0 .                             (3)
                                          ( k   )

   The parameter   2 is called the scaling factor. For BA-network   3 .
   Currently, there are many different extensions and generalizations of the BA model, which
nevertheless fit into the general form (1) of the linking rule (fitness model [8], model with an aging
factor [9], with a factor of additional attractiveness [1], based on nonlinear preferential attachment [2],
link redirection [13], using the properties of nodes of the second level of neighborhood [10], etc.).
   One of such modifications of the BA-model is the elastic network model [12, 16, 17]. This model
assumes that the relative growth rates of the number of links and nodes are different. Their ratio is
called the elasticity index:

                                           L( t )
                              L( t ) L ( t )       L(n  1)  L(n )
                                     n (t )  n                  .                               (4)
                              n (t )                    L( n )
                                            n(t )

   If   const ( 1    2 ), then the total number of links in the network L(n ) and, accordingly, the
average degree of nodes k (n) grow asymptotically according to a Yule-Simon law with exponents 
and   1 respectively. Thus, using the concept of elasticity make us possible to generalize the
original BA-model and allows dense networks to be modeled.
   For   1 , each new node brings more links than their current average:

                            L(n)  L(n  1)  L(n)    k (n) .                                  (5)

    For example, the more scientific papers have been written, the more references the author of the
new paper should revise.
    The most important classifying factor of network growth models is the availability of information
about the nodes and / or links of the existing network. In BA-model and its numerous generalizations,
this information (for example, the values k i of the degrees of nodes in (2)) is considered as available.
    Obviously, for many networks in the real world, the hypothesis of the availability and explicit use
of information is unrealistic. Both because of the closed nature of this information, and because of its
huge volumes. Thus, a more natural class of complex network models is mediation-driven attachment
(MDA) models. In the original model [11], a new node chooses one of the existing ones as an
intermediary (equiprobably) and then connects (also equiprobably) with m of the neighbors of this
mediator. The probability of joining  i will depend on the degree of this node k i , but this degree
value is used implicitly. In the elastic MDA-model (EMDA, [12]), not m is fixed, but the probability
( q ) of forming a link with an intermediary's neighbor. Parameter q is also called the copy-factor.
This model is relatively new, its description and analysis is the first task of the current study.
    An important property of networks is assortativity, i.e. the tendency of nodes to connect with
similar ones by some property, or with opposite ones. Any node parameter can be used as such a
property; in the simplest case, the node degree. It is known [13-15] that the real world networks are
essentially assortative (social networks), or disassortative (biological and technical ones), while
artificial dynamic network models (BA, ER, and others) generate networks that are neutral in
assortativity of nodes degree. This property should be considered as a significant drawback of existing
models of complex networks. Studying the assortativity properties of the EMDA-model is the second
and main problem of current research.

3. Model of an elastic network with mediation-driven attachment (EMDA)

    In the EMDA model [12], the control parameter is the copy-factor ( q ) - the probability with which
a new node binds to an mediator's neighbor node. In addition, it is assumed that the intermediary node
itself is always linked with a new node (Figure 1).
    Thus, the number of links incident with the new node is not a constant (as in the MDA rule, or in
the BA-model), but equal to m  1  q  kmed (where k med is the degree of the intermediary node).
Then the equation for the dynamics of the number of links in the network has the form

                      E{L(n )}  2(1  q  E{kmed })  2  2q  k (n ) .                          (6)

   Comparing (5) and (6), it is easy to see that the EMDA model is elastic with the elasticity index

                                              2q .                                               (7)

   The average degree of nodes k (n)  L(n) / n depends on the network size and on the copy-factor:

                                       2        ( n  2 q )     
                          k (n )                              1 .                              (8)
                                     2q  1  (n  1)(1  2q) 

                         2                             2                                 2
               1                       3     1                         3       1                     3
                     1       q                             1                                 q
                                                 q                 q                             1
                         new                          new                               new

                     p = 1/3                         p = 1/3                           p = 1/3

                                   1                                               3
                                           1+q                         1+q
                                            3         new                  3

            Figure 1: Probabilities of connecting a new node according to the EMDA rule.

   According to (8), for 0  q  0.5 , the average nodes degree increases to a finite limit klim . While
0.5  q  1 , the average nodes degree grows unboundedly according to an asymptotically power law.
And for q  0.5 the growth rate is logarithmic:

                                         2 / (1  2q), 0  q  0.5
                                 k (n)   2 ln( n),    q  0.5     .                                    (9)
                                 n          2 q 1
                                          n ,          0.5  q  1

   The dependence of the average degree of nodes on the network size and the copy factor (both
theoretical (8)-(9) and numerical) is shown in Fig. 2.

 Figure 2: The dependence of the average degree of nodes on the network size and the copy factor

    It was shown [12] that the rank distribution of the nodes of the EMDA network asymptotically
follows to a power law with the scaling factor

                                                   min{q, 1  q} .                                         (10)

   The power law of the rank distribution with exponent (10) corresponds to the power law of
frequency distribution (3) with the scaling exponent

                                          1  1 /   1  1 / min{q, 1  q} .                              (11)

    Thus, the EMDA model generates networks that are elastic with the elasticity exponent (7) and
scale-free with the scaling factor (11).
    We can compare this fact with the properties of non-elastic (MDA) model. In such models factor
 m (instead of q ) used as a control parameter. Because of m is not scale-free, thus the generated
MDA – networks should be not. Hassan [11] called MDA models "superpreferencial" in the sense of
the attachment rule. Rank distributions of nodes degree for cases m  1 , m  5 and m  100 (obtained
in [12]) are shown on Fig. 2 – Fig.4.
    As one can see, this distributions are not power-law, thus MDA-model is not scale-free.
Conversely, the analyzed class of models (EMDA) produces networks, which are scale-free.

                                                           m = 1  = 1.8335
                                                                                   power-law sequence
                               10                                                  regression line





                                    0       2          4            6          8           10           12

                               Figure 3: Rank distribution of nodes degree for the case m  1 .
                                                           m = 5  = 0.85992

                                                            Range <= m+1
                               10                                                  power-law sequence
                                                                                   regression line



                                                            Degree < m+0.5

                                    0       2          4            6          8           10           12

                               Figure 4: Rank distribution of nodes degree for the case m  5 .

                   Figure 5: Age distribution of nodes degree for the case m  100 .

4. Assortativity of complex networks
   An assortativity coefficient is defined as correlation coefficient of the nodes by their degrees [13,
15], or by the adjacency matrix:

                                            S1N 3  S22
                                       r               ,                                        (12)
                                            S1S3  S22
                              n                              n   n
                       Sk   d ik ,    N 3  d T Ad   Aij di d j ,                           (13)
                             i 1                           i 1 j 1

 A is adjacency matrix of the network, d i is node degrees.
    In general case assortativity coefficient (12) lies in the range 1  r  1 ; r  0 for random
networks, such as BA-model or ER-graph. In boundary cases r  1 , the network has [14] a special
structure (shown in Fig. 6), which are far from the structure of real networks.

     Figure 6: Structure of extremely disassortative (a) and extremely assortative (b) networks

   The power law of the nodes degree distribution (3) significantly limits the boundary values of the
assortativity index. In [14] the lower and upper bounds of the assortativity coefficient for BA-
networks were estimated:

                                     ln 2 (n)
                       lim rmin               ,   lim rmax  1.4n 1/8 .                         (14)
                       n          7.16 n         n

    It is known [15] that the real-world networks are not neutral on its assortativity: social networks
are positively assortative while technical and biological ones are disassortative. Based on the
correlation nature of the assortativity coefficient, the numerical values given in Table 1 (less than 0.3
in absolute value) do not seem to be very significant. But supposing these networks as follows to BA-
model, we can conclude that the assortative property should be considered as strongly significant
(Fig. 7). In fact, the networks shown in this example are SFN (3), but do not follow exactly to the BA
model (i.e., scaling factor  is not obviously equal to three and the elasticity index  also is not
necessarily to be unity).

Table 1
Assortativity of some real-world networks (from [15])
    Kind of networks                  Network                        Size              Assortativity
                          physics coauthorship                       52 909               0.363
                          biology coauthorship                    1 520 251               0.127
                          mathematics coauthorship                  253 339               0.120
                          film actor collaborations                 449 913               0.208
                          company directors                           7 673               0.276
                          email address books                        16 881               0.092
                          power grid                                  4 941              -0.003
                          Internet                                   10 697              -0.189
                          World-Wide Web                            269 504              -0.067
                          software dependencies                       3 162              -0.016
                          protein interactions                        2 115              -0.156
                          metabolic network                             765              -0.240
                          neural network                                307              -0.226
                          marine food web                               134              -0.263

        Figure 7: Estimates of the boundaries of the assortativity coefficient for BA-network

   Asymptotic bounds of the assortativity index for the general case of SFN ( 2    3 and 1    2 )
are also known [18]:

                      rmin  n(1 ) ,      rmax  n (  1  )(13   ) ,

where 0.5    1 is the nodes degree rank distribution scaling factor (10).
   In this, general case, the boundaries (15) are wider than in the case of the BA-model (14), but the
general properties of the asymptotic boundaries are preserved: the boundaries narrow to zero with
increasing the network size, and the lower boundary tends to zero much faster than the upper one.

5. Numerical estimation of the assortativity of the EMDA-network
   The seed of the EMDA network model was two nodes connected by an edge. At each step, one
node was added and linked to the existing ones according to the EMDA algorithm. Thus, network
models having size n  (128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192) were built. For each of these networks,
the assortativity index was calculated by (12)-(13). The results obtained were averaged over M  100
   The dependence of the assortativity coefficient of the network on its size and control parameter
(copy-factor q ) is shown in Fig. 8.

 Figure 8: The dependence of the assortativity coefficient of the network on its size and copy-factor

   In Fig.9 is shown the dependence of the assortativity coefficient of the network with fixed size
n  8192 on the control parameter.
   Thus, numerical simulations show that the EMDA algorithm generates networks with significantly
positive assortativity. Assortativity coefficient decreases with increasing copying factor. This is
consistent with the fact that by increasing the copy factor, the scaling factor of the nodes degree
distribution is also increase.

     Figure 9: The dependence of the assortativity coefficient of the network on the copy-factor

    Last years some new approaches to networks assortativity problem were presented [19-26]. Thus,
applying it to the theoretical study of the assortativity of the EMDA model is considered as a direction
for further research.

6. Conclusions
    The analysis of dynamic models of complex networks and the corresponding attachment rules is
provided. It was obtained that significant disadvantages of traditional models are the explicit use of
information about the properties of existing nodes and the linear dependence of the number of links in
the network on the number of nodes. It is shown that the EMDA model is free of these lacks: it is
elastic and does not use node statistics. A brief description of this model is provided.
    The analysis of the assortative property of real world networks and dynamic models of such
networks is carried out. It was revealed that real networks have an explicit property of assortativity
(positive or negative), while existing artificial models generate networks with zero assortativity, i.e.
neutral. In this regard, the task of studying the assortativity of networks generated by the EMDA-
model was formulated and solved.
    As a result of the provided numerical simulation, it was found that the EMDA algorithm generates
networks with significantly positive assortativity. Assortativity coefficient decreases with increasing
copying factor. Thus, it can be argued that the EMDA model reflects the most important properties of
social networks: asymptotic scale invariance, implicit use of information about nodes, high density of
links, and significantly expressed positive assortativity.
    The theoretical study of the assortativity of the EMDA model is considered as a direction for
further research.

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