=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3018/Paper_15.pdf |storemode=property |title=Neo-Fuzzy System With Special Type Membership Functions Adaptation and Fast Tuning Of Synaptic Weights In Emotion Recognition Task |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3018/Paper_15.pdf |volume=Vol-3018 |authors=Yevgeniy Bodyanskiy,Nonna Kulishova,Olha Chala |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/intsol/BodyanskiyKC21 }} ==Neo-Fuzzy System With Special Type Membership Functions Adaptation and Fast Tuning Of Synaptic Weights In Emotion Recognition Task== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3018/Paper_15.pdf
Neo-Fuzzy System with Special Type Membership Functions
Adaptation and Fast Tuning of Synaptic Weights in Emotion
Recognition Task
Yevgeniy Bodyanskiy, Nonna Kulishova and Olha Chala
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Nauky Ave. 14, Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine

                 The neo-fuzzy system for image recognition (by the example of emotion recognition) is
                 proposed. It is designed to solve the task under consideration in conditions of a short dataset
                 and overlapping classes. The distinctive feature of the system is its hybrid learning, which
                 includes controlled learning with a teacher, lazy learning on the principle of "neurons at data
                 points" and self-learning according to T. Kohonen. Also, the ability to tune both synaptic
                 weights and membership functions of special form and provide improved approximation
                 abilities. The system under consideration has a high learning speed and provides good
                 recognition quality that is proved by the results of the computational experiment.

                 Keywords 1
                 Neo-fuzzy neuron, nonlinear synapse, controlled learning, lazy learning, self-learning, the
                 adaptive membership function of Epanechnikov kernel type

1. Introduction

    Emotions are a powerful tool for interaction between people, which is now increasingly used in
various fields of human-computer interaction. The most promising areas of human facial expressions
automatic recognition include, for example, education, digital marketing, automated ranking and
recommendation systems [1–6]. However, such applications put forward special requirements for
recognition approaches: high performance, high accuracy under conditions of significant changes in
posture, lighting, and shooting angle. Systems for user's emotional status automatic recognition, as a
rule, have a similar architecture, which includes subsystems for pre-processing, feature extraction and
facial expression classification. Each of these subsystems can use different approaches to initial data
acquisition, machine learning and computational intelligence methods. A wide spectrum of research
in this direction has been considered in several reviews [7–9]. To solve the classification problem in
emotion detection systems, various machine-learning methods were used [8,10,11].
    Since the problem is data-driven, classification accuracy depends on the quality of solutions of
previous stages  pre-processing, feature extraction. Deep neural networks permit to improve the
recognition accuracy significantly [9]. Among similar architectures Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNN), attentional CNN [12,13], graph CNN [14–16], component-wise LSTM (cLSTM) [17] and
many others were proposed. Despite the variety of deep networks applied to facial expression
recognition, they all have serious common disadvantages. First, the recognition accuracy of trained
networks strongly depends on how diverse and large the dataset to network learning was used,
whether it contained information about representatives of different races, ages, and cultures. When
preparing such datasets, specialists conduct video or photography in studio conditions, when a
person's posture, movements, nature, lighting almost do not change, and emotions are manifested as
much as possible for an unambiguous interpretation. These factors reduce adaptive recognition

II International Scientific Symposium «Intelligent Solutions» IntSol-2021, September 28–30, 2021, Kyiv-Uzhhorod, Ukraine
EMAIL: yevgeniy.bodyanskiy@nure.ua (A. 1); nonna.kulishova@nure.ua (A. 2); olha.chala@nure.ua (A. 3)
ORCID: 0000-0001-5418-2143 (A. 1); 0000-0001-7921-3110 (A. 2); 0000-0002-7603-1247 (A. 3)
            ©️ 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
            Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
            CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)

capabilities of trained deep network. In addition, dataset formation and labeling required for deep
network training is time and labor costly, and dataset size can reach millions of samples.
   These aspects significantly limit possibilities of deep networks used for real-time recognition,
when emotions are manifested to a small extent, mixed, while training data volumes are small, and
samples can be unlabelled. Therefore, the problem of developing a system for automatic emotions
recognition in real time remains actual. One of the helpful approaches is the use of neo-fuzzy neurons
based systems [18], where the solution of the fuzzy classification problem [19,20] is implemented.
   In this work, it is also proposed to consider a person's facial expression recognition as a fuzzy
classification problem, and to use it for solving a modification of a neo-fuzzy neuron with
membership functions such as Epanechnikov kernel with tuning centers.

2. Architecture of neo-fuzzy system for emotion recognition
    Among many approaches, deep neural networks are adjusted in the best way to solve pattern
recognition task. Such systems proved their effectiveness in solving many problems, which are related
to the procession of big amount of information. At the same time, these neural networks are quite
slow, contain huge among of tuning synaptic weights (sometimes billions, some – more than trillion).
Hence, they require huge amount of training data for their learning. In case the size of training dataset
is limited that appends often in real tasks, deep neural networks become noneffective and the transfer
learning usage is not always allow solve arising problems.
    A neuro-fuzzy neuron [21–25] is the simplest system that allows restoring separating
hypersurfaces proved its effectiveness for solving numerous real tasks. In general case, this
construction is Takagi-Sugeno-Kang system of a zeroth-order differential equation, viz, it is a
universal approximator. The architecture of standard neo-fuzzy neuron is represented in Fig.1.
    Input vector-image x(k )   x1 (k ),..., xi (k ),..., xn (k ))T  Rn (here k  1, 2,..., N – or a number
of an observations from a training dataset, or current discrete time) is fed to the inputs of nonlinear
synapse NSi each of which contains hi membership functions li ( xi ) and same number of tunable
synaptic weights wli that are specified or in batch mode or in online mode through optimisation of
the adopted learning criteria – goal function.
   In the general case, neo-fuzzy neuron implements nonlinear transformation:
                                n                 n   hi
                      yˆ (k )   fi ( xi (k ))   li ( xi (k )) wli (k  1),                     (1)
                               i 1              i 1 l 1
thereat due to the linear dependence between output signal yˆ (k ) and synaptic weights, the algorithms
of linear adaptive identification, including optimal by speed, robust, with smoothing [25–27] can be
used for neo-fuzzy neuron’s learning.
    Usually in neo-fuzzy neurons B-splines are used as an activation functions, because they satisfy
Ruspini unity partition conditions. Thereby, neo-fuzzy neuron does not contain defuzzification layer,
that takes a lot of hard work out of its implementation. Typically there are the first-order B-splines in
other words they are traditional triangular membership functions. Their main advantage is to fire only
two neighboring functions in discrete moment k, and in each nonlinear synaps only two neighboring
synaptic weights are tuned (total x in neo-fuzzy neuron 2n). Such approach essentially improves
learning speed, especially when data are fed to the processing sequentially in online mode.
    Meanwhile, such neo-fuzzy neuron can implement only piecewise approximation of separating
hypersufraces that cannot always provide necessary quality of the classification. In this context in [28]
the extended neo-fuzzy neuron was introduced, where each non-linear signal of each neuron is
Takagi-Sugeno-Kang fuzzy system of an arbitrary orderfuzzy. The image recognition system is based
on the extended neo-fuzzy neurons, provides high quality of the solution of the classification task,
however, it still require increased in size training datasets, because it has considerably larger number
of tunable weights. Hence it is reasonable to use other kernel functions than B-splines in standart neo-
fuzzy neuron, and the simplest examples is Epanechnikov kernels [29] that are represented in Fig.2.

Figure 1: Neo-fuzzy neuron

Figure 2: Membership functions of Epanechnikov kernel type
   Here xi min , xi max interval of input signal adjustment on i-th input. If on this input hi such functions
are evenly allocated, then interval between neighbouring centers is set with the formula
                                              xi min  xi max
                                       ri                    .                                       (2)
                                                   hi  1
   These functions can be written in analytical form:

                                li ( xi )  (1  ( xi  cli ) 2 ri 2 ) li                     (3)
where cli - centers of corresponding functions,

                                           1 if xi  cli  ri ,
                                    li                                                        (4)
                                            0 otherwise.
   In more general case membership functions can be distributed nonuniformly as it is shown in

Figure 3: Unsymmetrical membership functions of Epanechnikov kernel type.
   It is readily seen that in this situation membership functions are unsymmetrical and can be
described with the following equitation:

                                                     xi  cli  

                               liL ( xi )  1                      2
                                               cl 1,i  cli   
                                                                                                (5)
                                                      xi  cli  

                                liR ( xi )  1                     2
                                              
                                                    c l 1,i  cli    
where   - a projection on positive ortant.
   It is easy to see that i each moment k, only two neighbouring functions can be fired as well, their
derivatives are equal to zero in centers. However, these functions do not satisfy Ruspini unity
partition conditions, in other words the system is built on the basis of such neo-fuzzy neurons requires
additional output defuzzification layer. Having used neo-fuzzy neuron, the binary classification task
can be solved, however, inasmuch as this case it is nessesary to split initial dataset to m possibly
overlapping classes. Thus it is reasonable to introduce neo-fuzzy system, that is designed to solve
pattern recognition task, and architecture of which is represented in Fig. 4. The system contains m
connected in parallel neo-fuzzy neurons, where their outputs y j (k ), j  1, 2,..., m are formed with
softmax activation functions, that are usually form output signals of deep convolutional neural
network, that solve classification task. Therefore on the outputs of the neo-fuzzy system signals are
                                                                          yˆ ( k )
                                                             e j
                             y j (k )  softmax yˆ j (k )  m
                                                           e j
                                                                 yˆ ( k )

                                                                   i 1

Figure 4: Neo-fuzzy system for image recognition

                    yˆ j ( k )
whereas                           1 . These signals set membership level of the observation x(k ) to the j-th class.
             j 1
   It is interesting to notice that output softmax layer play the role defuzzification layer in neuro-
fuzzy systems that is to say in this system it is not necessary for membership functions to meet
requirements of the unity partitioning.

3. Learning of neo-fuzzy system

   The cross-entropy, which is usually used for deep convolutional neural networks tuning, underlies
the learning criteria that is used for the learning of the proposed neo-fuzzy system:
                                                   m               m
                                         E (k )   E j (k )   y*j (k ) ln y j (k )                                               (7)
                                                  j 1             j 1

where y*j (k ) – external reference signal, which takes only two values: 1 if the vector-image x(k )
belongs to the j-th class and 0 otherwise.
   Let us introduce into consideration vectors of synaptic weights and membership functions of j-th
                                                                               N           
neo-fuzzy neuron, that have following dimension: 
                                                                                 h  1 :  ( x)    j11 ( x1 ), ...,  ( x ),
                                                                                 i 1
                                                                                        i          j                                jh1    1

 j12 ( x2 ) ...,  jh 2 ( x2 ), ...  jli ( xi ) ...,  jhn ( xn )  , w j   w j11 ,..., w jh1 , w j12 , ... w jh 2 , ... w jli , ...

w jhn  thus its output signal can be written in the following form:

                                               yˆ j (k )  wTj (k 1) j ( x(k )).                                                   (8)

                                                                                                          which is formed with
    Introducing vector reference signal y* (k )  y1* (k ),..., y*j (k ),..., ym* ( k )
zeroes and ones (so-called “one-hot coding”), vector output signals of the system in general
                                                                                                         T             
 y(k )   y1 (k ),..., y j (k ),..., ym (k )  and yˆ (k )   yˆ1 (k ),..., yˆ j (k ),..., yˆ m ( k )  ,  m hi  1  vector

                                                                                                             i 1      
                                                                                                                              
of membership functions  ( x(k ))   1 ( x(k )),...,  j ( x(k )),..., m ( x( k ))  and  m  m hi 
                                                                                                         T                  n
                                                   T                  T                   T

                                                                                                                         i 1 
matrix of synaptic weights

                                                w1T (k  1) 
                                                            
                                                            
                                    w(k  1)   wTj (k  1)                                         (9)
                                                            
                                                            
                                                T          
                                                 wm (k  1) 
the output signals of the system can be written in vector-matrix form:
                                   yˆ (k )  w(k  1)  ( x(k )),                                     (10)

                                            e yˆ ( k )     e w( k 1)  ( x ( k ))                    (11)
                               y (k )                  
                                          I T e yˆ ( k ) I T e w( k 1)  ( x ( k ))
where I - (m  1) vector that is formed with unities.
   Matrix version of optimal by speed learning algorithm of Kaczmarz-Widrow-Hoff can be used for
the tuning of the matrix of synaptic weights w( k ) and written in the form:
                                          y* (k )  w(k  1)  ( x(k ))
                   w(k )  w(k  1)                                                    T ( x(k ))   (12)
                                                        ( x(k ))

or its adaptive regularized modification:

                                          y* (k )  w(k  1)  ( x(k ))
                   w(k )  w(k  1)                                                    T ( x(k ))   (13)
                                                        (k )

(here   0 – momentum term), protected from the “exploding gradient”.
   The quality of learning can be improved through turning not only synaptic weights, but also
centers of membership functions of nonlinear synapse. In order to prevent training dataset from
growing it is better to use ideas of selflearning, that are developed by T. Kohonen [30] as well as lazy
learning[31]. Let’s introduce in consideration certain threshold of indecomposability that set minimal
possible distance between neighbouring centers ri min  cli  cl 1,i     . Then the initial stages such
process take place in the following way:
       Feeding nonlinear synapse NSi on the input of the signal xi (1) , first center c1i is formed;
       Feeding nonlinear synapse signal xi (2) on the input, the condition is checked:
                                            xi (2)  c1i  ri min ;                                   14)
       In case this condition are met, nothing will happen – new centers will not be formed;
       If the following condition is satisfied:
                                   ri min  xi (2)  c1i  2ri min                                    (15)
centers are corrected according to Kohonen’s rule “winner takes all”[30]:
                             c1i (2)  c1i (1)   (2)( xi (2)  c1i (1))                             (16)
(here  (2) - selflearning rate parameter);
       If the following condition is satisfied:
                                       2ri min  xi (2)  c1i                                         (17)
according to the lazy learning rule “Neurons at data points”, the second center is formed c2i  xi (2)
and formed early centers c1i stay where they are. The process of centers tuning take place until hi
centers will be formed, where this value is defined according to the following formula:
                                              xi max  xi min
                                     hi                       1.                                    (18)
                                                   ri min

   Further, only their coordinates are corrected according to selflearning algorithm. Such tuning of
kernel membership functions’ location allows to improve the approximation abilities of the system.

4. Results
   The accuracy and speed of proposed system were investigated on a dataset that was formed from
known Psychological Image Collection at Stirling (PICS) [32], Extended Cohn-Kanade (CK +)
databases [33]. The set contains 821 images that convey emotion development in dynamics and also
contain micro-facial expressions (Fig. 5). An array of 35 feature points was selected as a face model
(Fig. 6).

Figure 5: Photos from dataset showing emotions development over time, including micro-

Figure 6: Location of 35 feature points

   All images represent basic emotions: surprise, joy, disgust, grief, anger, fear, and neutral
expression. Thus, there are 7 classes in the classification problem.

5. Conclusion
   The neo-fuzzy system and its combined learning (controlled learning, self-learning, leaning
leaning) were proposed and deigned to solve image-emotion recognition task under the conditions of
limited by volume dataset. The main characteristic of the proposed system is the usage a special
kernel constructions as a activation functions that allows improving approximation properties of the
system. On behalf of the controlled learning, the optimal by speed algorithm adjusted for the
conditions of short dataset is used. Additionally, lazy learning and self-leaning allow disposing
placing membership functions belongings in nonlinear synapse in the optimal way. The proposed
system is quite simple in calculation implementation and provides high quality of recognition that is
proved by the computational experiment.

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