=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3020/KR4L_paper_4 |storemode=property |title=Traversing Knowledge Graphs with Good Old (and New) Joins |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3020/KR4L_paper_4.pdf |volume=Vol-3020 |authors=Paolo Atzeni,Luigi Bellomarini,Davide Benedetto,Emanuel Sallinger |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ecai/AtzeniBBS20 }} ==Traversing Knowledge Graphs with Good Old (and New) Joins== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3020/KR4L_paper_4.pdf
                Traversing Knowledge Graphs with
                    Good Old (and New) Joins

              Paolo Atzeni1 , Luigi Bellomarini2 , Davide Benedetto1 , and
                                  Emanuel Sallinger3
                                      Università Roma Tre
                                       2 Banca d’Italia
                                3 TU Wien & University of Oxford

1     Introduction
Knowledge Graphs (KGs) provide a concise and intuitive abstraction for a variety
of domains where edges capture the (potentially recursive) relationships between
the entities [9]. This is leading to the rise of systems and tools able to facilitate
graph data modeling, processing and analysis, with prominent AI companies
developing core systems based on the property graph model [2].
    In this context, Datalog-based languages are being re-discovered to be ductile
to accomplish reasoning tasks over complex property graphs as they provide the
essential elements to enable graph navigational operations [3].
    The semantics of a Datalog program is usually specificed in an operational
way via the chase procedure [7]. It entails multiple nondeterministic choices
such as the rule application order and the fact binding order when multiple uni-
fication is possible [6]. In state-of-the-art reasoners, chase-based procedures are
not directly adopted, but encoded in the form of engineered variations of the
volcano iterator model [8] and so essentially within a pipe-and-filters architec-
ture, where nodes (filters) are relational algebra operators and edges (pipes) are
dependency connections between the rules. Such (potentially cyclic) structures,
known as access plans, need to be translated into reasoning plans, where abstract
relational algebra operators are transformed into specific project, select and join
implementations: many implementations of each operator exist and it is up to
the optimizer to choose the best one in terms of execution cost.
    This paper focuses on cases where the Datalog reasoning process involves
a graph traversal task and investigates the connection between reasoning plans
and graph traversal strategies. We move from the observation that the nondeter-
ministic choices posed by the chase can be leveraged to control graph traversals
—allowing to alternate breadth-first and depth-first strategies— and study the
link of such choices with the reasoning plans. We conclude that in plans, specific
join implementations and rule prioritization policies reflect the nondeterministic
choices and exploit them to guide graph traversals in modern reasoners. Specif-
ically, we implement our results in the vadalog System [3], a state-of-the-art
knowledge graph management systems and conduct experimental evaluation.
      Copyright c 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution
4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
2       P. Atzeni, L. Bellomarini, D. Benedetto, E. Sallinger

2    Knowledge Graphs
Let us start from some some preliminary notions. A KG can be defined as semi-
structured data model characterized by three components: (i) a ground exten-
sional component (EDB), i.e., a set of relational constructs for schema and data
which can be effectively modeled as a property graph; (ii) an intensional com-
ponent (IDB), i.e., a set of inference rules over the constructs of the ground
extensional component; (iii) a derived extensional component that can be pro-
duced as the result of the application of the inference rules over the ground
extensional component (with the so-called reasoning process) [4].
    Reasoning in logic-based KGs substantiates in the application of rules (rep-
resenting the IDB) to the EDB, in order to generate the derived extensional
component by logical inference. This process is commonly known as forward
chaining [1], typically applied via chase-based procedures [7].
    KGs are particularly suited for the representation of domains with many
interconnected entities: EDB is typically modeled as a property graph (PG),
while IDB encode the traversal logic. We adopt a relational representation of
EDBs and thus of PGs where nodes and edges are encoded as facts over relation
symbols that are specific to the domain of interest.

3    Traversing Knowledge Graphs
To uncover the relationship between reasoning plans and graph traversals in
Datalog, we can start with a basic st-connectivity scenario [11].4 For nodes 𝑠
and 𝑡 of a directed graph, st-connectivity is the decision problem of establishing
whether 𝑡 is reachable from 𝑠. Let us consider an example.

Example 1. The following set Σ of Datalog rules reasons on st-connectivity be-
tween Frankfurt and Zurich. EDB 𝐷 contains facts of the form Linked(𝑥, 𝑦),
expressing that a city 𝑦 is directly reachable from 𝑥. The intensional predicate
Connected denotes connectivity.

                                           Connected(x, y) : − Linked(x, y)         (1)
                         Connected(x, z) : − Connected(x, y), Linked(y, z)          (2)
       > : − Connected(source, target), source = Frankfurt, target = Zurich         (3)

   Let us analyze how Datalog rules are applied, by considering the chase
procedure. The chase adds new facts to the source database 𝐷 until the final
result Σ(𝐷) satisfies all the rules of Σ. Initially Σ(𝐷) = 𝐷. A unifier is a mapping
from variables to constants. We say that a rule 𝜌 = 𝜑(¯    𝑥 , 𝑦¯) → 𝜓(¯
                                                                       𝑥 ) is applicable
    4 While specialized algorithms exist for st-connectivity [11], here we do not aim

at providing new heuristics for the problem, but at showing how Datalog evaluation
strategies materialize into different traversal algorithms.
                                      Traversing Knowledge Graphs with Joins             3

to Σ(𝐷) if there is a unifier 𝜃 𝜌 such that 𝜑(¯  𝑥 𝜃 𝜌 , 𝑦¯𝜃 𝜌 ) ⊆ Σ(𝐷) and and 𝜓(¯    𝑥𝜃𝜌)
does not belong to Σ(𝐷). If 𝜌 is applicable to Σ(𝐷) with a unifier 𝜃 𝜌 , then it
performs a chase step, i.e., it generates new facts 𝜓(¯    𝑥 𝜃 𝜌0 ) that are added to Σ(𝐷),
where 𝑥¯𝜃 𝜌 = 𝑥¯𝜃 𝜌 . The chase performs chase steps until no rule in Σ is applicable.

    The chase poses two classes of nondeterministic choices: (i) for an applicable
rule, multiple possible unifiers can exist and, (ii) multiple rules can be applicable
at the same time. By handle we mean a mechanism by which a specific nonde-
terministic choice in the chase can be leveraged to control the resulting graph
traversal behaviour. We recognize two of them:

 – unification anatomy, i.e., controlling the application order of logical unifiers;
 – unification morphology, i.e., controlling the application order of rules.

The unification anatomy induces an implicit order on the bound facts and, in-
directly, the order of the EDB; choosing a specific applicable rule prioritizes the
application of base vs inductive cases. A combination of the two handles can be
used to define specific visits in the graph. Preferring inductive cases to base cases
gives rise to depth-first exploration; vice versa, prioritizing base cases produces
breadth-first ones. In depth-first traversals, nondeterministic choices of paths are
more relevant than in breadh-first and are taken by prioritizing unifiers.

    The vadalog System does not directly adopt the chase procedure, but fol-
lows the architecture of traditional relational DBMSs, encoding Datalog rules
in terms of reasoning plans, where specific implementations of relational algebra
operators are considered —multiple join versions exist— and a set of so-called
routing strategies are used to decide on rule application priority. These two de-
grees of freedom allow to act on the anatomy/morphology handles: different
join implementations result in different unifiers being applied (anatomy) and
the routing strategy is an encoding of the unification morphology. This means
that graph traversal strategies in vadalog can be controlled by choosing rout-
ing strategies and join implementations, opening the way to the development
of graph-based optimizers that compile execution plans into reasoning plans on
the basis of specific cost-based heuristics evaluated against the EDB (defining
the structure of the graph) and the IDB (encoding the specific problem to be
solved). For instance, for our st-connectivity instance, a hybrid depth-/breadth-
first approach would pay off, by first optimistically trying multiple direct and
deep connectivity paths (even driven by some heuristics, in more sophisticated
settings) and eventually resorting to breadth-first search in case of failure.
    vadalog offers multiple routing strategies, e.g., round-robin (RR) and EDB-
first, and join implementations, e.g., the standard nested-loop join (NLJ) and
depth-search join (DSJ), an original implementation we present in this work,
specifically devised for depth-first traversals. It is intuitive to understand how a
combination of RR and NLJ can be used to simulate general purpose breadth-
first traversals. In the next section we briefly describe DSJ, which addresses
depth-first exploration.
4          P. Atzeni, L. Bellomarini, D. Benedetto, E. Sallinger

    Algorithm 1: Depth-search Join
    1 static LSTACK, static RCUR; match = false;
    2 L, RCUR_POS = LSTACK.pop();         ⊲ Skip visited tuples (cycle avoidance)
    3 R = RCUR[RCUR_POS];                               ⊲ Position is 0 by default
    4 while !match do
    5     match = tryJoin(L,R);
    6     while !match and RCUR_POS