=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3030/paper8 |storemode=property |title= Using Named Entity Recognition to Identify Personification Constructions in an English <> Spanish Intermodal Corpus of the EP Committee on Petitions |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3030/paper8.pdf |volume=Vol-3030 |authors=Fernando Sánchez Rodas }} == Using Named Entity Recognition to Identify Personification Constructions in an English <> Spanish Intermodal Corpus of the EP Committee on Petitions == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3030/paper8.pdf
Using Named Entity Recognition to Identify Personification
Constructions in an English <> Spanish Intermodal Corpus of the
EP Committee on Petitions

Fernando Sánchez Rodas 1
    University of Málaga, Campus de Teatinos s/n, 29071-Málaga, Spain

                This paper presents a PhD project which tests the effectiveness of NLP-based methods to
                extract and analyze large amounts of data from translation and interpreting corpora. More
                specifically, Named Entity Recognition (NER) applications are used in combination with an
                intermodal corpus of EU texts (that is, a multilingual corpus which contain all possible
                variations of mediated and non-mediated discourse) in order to identify personification
                constructions, especially those related to organizations. From the point of view of Construction
                Grammar (CxG), personifications are argument-structure constructions loaded with relational
                meaning, which makes them valuable data to feed Machine Translation (MT) and Machine
                Interpreting (MI) systems or related electronic tools used by translation and interpreting
                professionals in the briefing preparation phase. In the future, we expect that the compiled
                intermodal corpus (named PETIMOD) and the NLP techniques can be used to study further
                types of constructions in institutional discourse, which would be an important contribution not
                only to corpus-based translation and interpreting studies, but also to CxG itself.

                Keywords 1
                Corpus-based translation and interpreting studies, intermodal corpora, NER, Construction
                Grammar, personification, translation and interpreting technologies

1. Introduction
    The present PhD project, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Professional Training
(ref. FPU18/05803), focuses on specialised phraseology in mediated and non-mediated discourse in the
European Parliament, both from the point of view of the process (shifts) and the product (translationese
and interpretese). With the goal of analysing samples by means of state-of-the-art corpora and NLP
techniques, an intermodal corpus of EU texts, PETIMOD, was built in the framework of the project.
PETIMOD is an English <> Spanish intermodal corpus of translated, non-translated, interpreted, and
non-interpreted texts and speeches from the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament. It is
designed to be a flagship for a new multifactorial, interdisciplinary approach in the research agenda for

 Doctoral Symposium on Natural Language Processing from the PLN.net network 2021 (RED2018-102418-T), October 19-20, 2021, Baeza
(Jaén), Spain
EMAIL: fersanchez@uma.es
ORCID: 0000-0003-4244-1835
             ©️ 2020 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
             Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
             CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)

corpus-based translation studies [1], [2], meant to mark a difference in the upcoming research on
translated and interpreted discourse. When a collection of multifactorial linguistic material (different
languages, mediation modes, channels, and subtopics) is extracted from a same source, these individual
factors can be related to an overarching context, which in turn help researchers determine whether the
corpus «coordinates» or metadata are contingent or not in the prevalence of different types of translation
and interpreting universals.
    Among the different constructions which are prototypical of institutional discourse and empirically
observable in the corpus, special attention is devoted to personification metaphors. A basic assumption
is that personifications are highly frequent constructions in institutional discourse and common for all
the collected texts, no matter their coordinates. Extracting and analysing the key relational meaning
posited by personifications through automated and semi-automated NLP techniques such as NER would
help knowledge advance in several manners, especially in the development of electronic resources for
institutional translation and interpreting. For example, multifactorial translationese and interpretese
analysis of these constructions could be applied to train highly specialised machine translation systems
on how to behave and relate concepts in specific institutional translation tasks (e.g. when dealing with
texts from the Committee on Petitions in contrast to other EP committees). When the translation is
performed by a human, NER-based personification extraction can be used to create glossaries in a
similar way to already existing tools (e.g. VIP2 or EU-Bridge3), or even to feed multilingual knowledge-
based systems which the human translator can interact with in the preparation phase, such as query-
answer systems, or Automatic Content Enrichment (ACE). From a more general, interdisciplinary point
of view, the collection of intermodal corpora and the application of NER-based techniques could also
be used to improve the functioning of the Committee on Petitions itself. Any linguistic study with a
statistical basis could shed light on the trends in relation to petitions and assist MEPs in basing their
decisions on in-depth and independent expertise, data, and information [3, p. 45]

2. Background
    Since its first definition [4], intermodal corpora have attracted growing attention. In recent years, a
number of projects in this venue have been developed, mostly centred on institutional translation. The
majority have used the European Parliament plenary meetings as source, such as EPIC [5], EPICG [6],
and EPTIC [7], while more recent projects [8] have explored the possibilities of the United Nations
repositories. Among papers derived from these intermodal resources, one starring topic is the study of
formulaicity in non-translated and translated discourse, frequently questioning the validity of the
simplification universal in phraseological units e.g. [9]. Our project is at line with the above-cited
research in two different manners. First, it continues the tradition of using EP material for the creation
of intermodal corpora, creating new synergies by introducing collections from a specific committee
rather than from the plenary meetings. Second, it employs such a type of material to explore the
contingent features of translationese and interpretese in the light of different textual factors, an
exploration which so far has yielded significant results [10], [11].
    Despite this continuing line with previous research, one important innovation must be noted. To the
best of our knowledge, our project is the first to exploit intermodal corpora from the point of view of
Construction Grammar (CxG). Construction Grammar recovers the concept of “construction” first
introduced in traditional grammar and reduced to formal terms by Chomskyan grammar. According to
CxG, constructions are symbolic units in which form and function are unified, and language is formed

    http://www.lexytrad.es/VIP/index_en.php   .

by a constructed continuum [12, pp. 467–468], [13, p. 1]. Among the existing wide range of
constructional approaches [14], our project falls under the label of Contrastive Construction Grammar,
or CCxG [15]. Contrasting constructions between languages and modes will expectably ease
generalisation, an important process in understanding and identifying constructions [16]. This is
especially relevant in the case of personification, a linguistic phenomenon which has received little
attention cf. [17].

3. Main hypotheses and description of the research
The main hypothesis of the project is that personification metaphors are a common linguistic
mechanism in all texts derived from the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament, regardless
of their channel (oral or written), language (English or Spanish), mediation mode (translated/non-
translated, interpreted/non-interpreted), or topic. We also hypothesize that the best theoretical approach
to study such personification phenomena in EU discourse is Contrastive Construction Grammar, and
the best practical method is the exploitation of intermodal corpora through NER-based techniques and
quantitative-qualitative analyses.
The research process followed a top-down approach, commencing with a state of the art which took
account of the newest updates in translation and interpreting technology, including the pros and cons
of intermodal corpora compilation and the most recent advances in corpus-based machine-learning
studies of translationese [18]. In a second paper, the first version of the PETIMOD corpus was
introduced, and a contrastive English-Spanish/Spanish-English analysis was performed on the basis of
the translation and interpreting subcorpora respectively [10]. Although this first analysis was process-
oriented (translation and interpreting shifts), it already presented some data which supported the
hypothesis of the relatively factor-dependent nature of translation and interpreting universals (ibid.).
The validity of these findings was further explored in a third paper [11] which not only presented an
enlargement of the intermodal corpus, but also centered on translationese and interpretese and
approached the core object of the project (phraseological verbal patterns of entity-as-subject and entity-
as-complement type). Findings in this paper revealed the existence of personification metaphors in both
translated and interpreted discourse (ibid.). Current research is trying to schematize the construal nature
of such personifications, deeply analyzing its metaphorical nature by comparison with real-person entity
constructions, and proving possible differences in construction between mediated and non-mediated
discourse, among others.

4. Methodology and proposed experiments
As previously suggested in the literature [8], [19], our project heavily relies on the application of NLP
techniques as an effective method for the detection, description, and contrast of phraseological units in
large translation and interpreting corpora. The specialized nature of personification metaphors in
institutional discourse makes it necessary to draw on applications able to work with the syntax-
terminology interface, that is, Named Entity Recognition (NER) applications. Named entities,
especially those referring to persons, locations and organizations, behave exactly like terms and present
similar challenges for their systematic study [20].
The project employs the NER functionality of VIP (Voice-text integrated system for InterPreters). VIP
is an online platform developed by the research group Lexytrad that explores the impact and feasibility
of using Human Language Technology (HLT) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) for interpreting

training, practice and research [21]. In Corpas Pastor and Sánchez Rodas [10], chunking, detection and
extraction of NEs were carried out in two phases. First, entities were retrieved automatically with the
VIP NER module and exported to an Excel file. The NER module integrated SpaCy and pre-trained
models for English and Spanish. In order to assess the system performance (and, therefore, the accuracy
of results), precision and recall were calculated. Low precision/recall results were associated with
various issues related to transcription conventions, lack of finer-grained named entity categories or
different pre-trained language models. In order to overcome those limitations, transcription conventions
were revised and simplified in the next experiment [11]. In addition, a new, finer-grained classification
of NEs was adopted by replacing the initial four categories with a longer list of pre-trained categories.
In this second study we used DeepPavlov, an open-source framework for deep learning tasks in Python.
Precision results with SpaCy improved slightly. By contrast, NER based on DeepPavlov showed
slightly lower precision results for English, but it exhibited better performance for Spanish, with a
higher mean precision rate for both languages and a smaller difference rate.
    A second methodological difference between both studies can be found in the degree of
automatization. In the first experimental paper [10], recall calculation made it necessary to add an extra
phase of manual NE extraction after the first automatic list obtained with VIP/SpaCy. The combined
lists (automatic and manual) obtained from each corpus were then contrasted and used for NE shift
identification and extraction, a task which was also manual. The second experiment with VIP, however,
employed both the NER module and the Query Corpus (QC) module to study phraseological verbal
patterns [11]. The QC Pattern functionality was used to combine part-of-speech tags (PoS) with the
“named entity” tag for automatic pattern extraction. Thus, the study included up to three pattern retrieval
modes: automatic, semi-automatic, and manual.
    The analysis of the extracted units was always qualitative-quantitative. In the first experiment [10],
a descriptive transfer operations typology [22] was chosen to categorize the shifts. Instances in each
category were then counted, distributed in charts attending to confluent factors (e.g. NE type and
language direction), and results compared. The second chapter [11] used the phraseological
classification of Biel [23] for qualification. It included more refined statistical tools for quantification,
such as absolute and normalized frequencies for NEs. Future publications are expected to follow this
fine-grained sort of analysis. They will stick to descriptive methods for constructions [24] and explore
the quantification and representation tools which could best account for multi factoriality and the need
of establishing generalizations for the personification patterns extracted across corpora. At the end of
the process, we would ideally have developed a corpus-based method akin to collostructional analysis
[25] for the study of institutional personification metaphors, as it happened in recent papers on a similar
matter [26].

5. Discussion
    The most relevant matters of discussion so far in both experiments were related to translation and
interpreting shifts and/or universals. In Corpas Pastor and Sánchez Rodas [10], the layers of innovation
mentioned in previous sections (intermodal corpora, automatic and manual NER) helped add new
aspects to the analysis of translation and interpreting shifts (a new category called “normalization” and
the possibility of correlating shifts to the semantic labels of the NEs involved). In turn, this originated
interesting findings in relation with previous studies (normalization as a language-dependent feature of
translation, transformation and simplification as contextual, topic-dependent features of interpreting).
In the next paper [11], some data were in line with the previous findings. Simplification appeared to be
a contingent feature which depends on the mediation mode and the source languages involved (and also
on the topic of the source text). Other relevant findings were that there were clear differences in the
nature of shifts between EN-ES translations and ES-EN interpretations of NEs, as well as in the
normalization of specialized phraseology. Last but not least, a special case of transference (termed

“transposition”) has been found to operate from mediated Spanish to mediated English through original
    So far, the NER-enhanced analysis of intermodal corpora has proved to be a powerful methodology
to discover shifts and translationese traits through phraseological patterns. However, it also comes with
a series of limitations and challenges. The suitability of the selected transcription conventions had to be
revised in the second experiment. Even though we introduced certain modifications to the system, some
of the proposed features seemed more adequate for multimodal corpora and were counterproductive
when recognizing NEs. Other suggested improvements include alignment and a tailor-made NE
labelling system [10]. Despite the limitations generally faced in the compilation of interpreting and
intermodal corpora cf. [18], it must be also noted that they are a conscious, if not necessary, choice for
taking new directions and applications of the studies on translation and interpreting norms. From the
point of view of Construction Grammar, the NER-based systematic extraction of real instances from a
corpus combining all kinds of communication modes (in terms of language, channel, mediation mode,
and topic) forms an extremely powerful alliance which is fully in line (and indeed, enhances) the study
and validation of CxG principles such as complexity, schematicity, slot identification, network
establishment, meaning, compositionality, and generalization. If these data are handled by a human
researcher which can apply mathematical and statistical methods accountable for all the textual, cross-
convergent factors in the most precise way, the results would be empirical-based models surprisingly
close to the reality of translated and interpreted products and the decisions made by the human brain
throughout all the translation and interpreting process.
    As it can be seen, our project opens new and exciting avenues of research in terms of how linguistic
constructions can be analyzed at a high-specific level in order to train brain-like machine translation
and interpreting systems (e.g. Neural Machine Translation) designed for specialized institutional
settings. The time and resource limitations of our project allow for focusing only on one type of
construction, that is, personifications, but these have a good amount of potential in other technology-
assisted translation and interpreting tasks as well, such as documentation. The remaining questions are
mostly of a methodological nature. It must be clarified which are the best methods for extracting large
amounts of data from intermodal corpora in an upmost automated fashion. Different models of
quantitative-qualitative analysis must still be tested in order to determine the best to comprise this
complex reality and to provide a fruitful communication with IT researchers and/or the machine itself.
It is still to be seen whether statistically-refined proposals akin to collostructional analysis answer these
needs, or on the contrary, more graphic-oriented models based on metadata and/or network-like
representations are more successful in representing the extracted results. Nevertheless, one aspect is
clear: from our point of view, the researcher plays the role of a mediator in this task, working from
technology to technology, enhancing its work through NLP in order to create more sophisticated
systems in the near future.

   The research reported in this paper has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and
Professional Training (ref. FPU18/05803). The paper has also been carried out in the framework of the
projects VIPII (PID2020-112818GB-I00), TRIAGE (UMA18-FEDERJA-067) and MI4ALL (CEI-


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