=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3063/oaei21_paper1 |storemode=property |title=ALIN results for OAEI 2021 |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3063/oaei21_paper1.pdf |volume=Vol-3063 |authors=Jomar da Silva,Kate Revoredo,Fernanda Baião,Cabral Lima |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/semweb/SilvaRBL21 }} ==ALIN results for OAEI 2021== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3063/oaei21_paper1.pdf
                ALIN Results for OAEI 2021

                             Jomar da Silva1 ,
         Kate Revoredo , Fernanda Araujo Baião3 , and Cabral Lima1

                          Graduate Program in Informatics
                Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil
          Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria
                        Department of Industrial Engineering
        Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Brazil

      Abstract. 4
      Alin is a system for interactive ontology matching. In last year’s version,
      Alin applied natural language processing techniques (NLP) to standard-
      ize the concept names of the ontologies that participate in the matching
      process. In the current version, we modified the grammars used during
      the process in order to improve the quality of the alignments. This arti-
      cle describes the participation of Alin at OAEI 2021 and discusses its

      Keywords: ontology matching, Wordnet, interactive ontology match-
      ing, ontology alignment, interactive ontology alignment, natural language

1   Presentation of the system
Due to the advances in information and communication technologies, a large
amount of data repositories became available. Those repositories, however, are
highly semantically heterogeneous, which hinders their integration. Ontology
Matching has been successfully applied to solve this problem, by discovering
mappings between two distinct ontologies which, in turn, conceptually define the
data stored in each repository. The Ontology Matching process seeks to discover
correspondences (mappings) between entities of different ontologies, and this
may be performed manually, semi-automatically or automatically [1]. The inter-
active approach, which considers the knowledge of domain experts through their
participation during the matching process, has stood out among semi-automatic
ones [2]. A domain expert is an expensive, scarce, and time-consuming resource;
when available, however, this resource has improved the achieved results. Nev-
ertheless, there is still room for improvements [2], as evidenced by the most
recent results from the evaluation of interactive tools in the OAEI5 (Ontology
  Copyright © 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative
  Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
  Available at http://oaei.ontologymatching.org/2021/results/interactive/index.htm,
  last accessed on Oct, 20, 2021.
Alignment Evaluation Initiative). Alin [3] is a system for interactive ontology
matching which has been participating in all OAEI editions since 2016, with
increasingly improved results in the Anatomy interactive track.

1.1   State, Purpose and General statement

Interactive ontology matching systems select mappings for domain expert eval-
uates. Alin selects many of these mappings through semantic and lexical met-
rics. As the concept names of the ontologies are not standardized, these metrics
may return lower values than would be the case if they were standardized. This
smaller metric may cause Alin not to select these mappings for evaluation by
the domain expert.
    In its 2020 version, Alin proposed the use of Natural Language Process-
ing (NLP) resources such as regular grammars (in fact, their equivalent regular
expressions) and context-free grammars along with their respective lexical ana-
lyzers (scanners) and syntax analyzers (parsers).
    The use of these NLP resources makes it possible to translate different pat-
terns used in the two ontologies into a unique one. This standardization allows
Alin to select better mappings for the domain expert to evaluate.
    To do the standardization, Alin has a new phase before the program runs.
In this phase, an NLP expert manually develops grammars, and their respective
scanners and parsers, to the ontologies. Alin uses these scanners and parsers
during the execution of the program. This new phase is possible in an interactive
ontology matching system because:

 1. We know before the program runs which ontologies it will match, as we need
    to look for experts in the domain of ontologies to interact with the program;
 2. The process of searching, meeting, and scheduling a day available for the
    expert to participate in the process can take a long time, probably a few

    We can use this time of a few days until the execution of the program to
develop the necessary grammars, scanners, and parsers for the ontologies. To
test the new techniques, the authors of this paper played the role of the NLP

1.2   Specific techniques used

During its matching process, Alin handles three sets of mappings: (i) Accepted,
which is a set of mappings definitely to be retained in the alignment; (ii) Selected,
which is a set of mappings where each is yet to be decided if it will be included
in the alignment; and (iii) Suspended, which is a set of mappings that have been
previously selected, but (temporarily or permanently) filtered out of the selected
    Given the previous definitions, Alin procedure follows 5 Steps, described as
1. Select mappings: select the first mappings and automatically accepts some of
   them. We explain the selection and acceptance techniques in the ’Description
   of the used techniques’ paragraph below;
2. Filter mappings: suspend some selected mappings, using lexical criteria for
3. Ask domain expert: accepts or rejects selected mappings, according to do-
   main expert feedback
4. Propagate: select new mappings, reject some selected mappings or unsuspend
   some suspended mappings (depending on newly accepted mappings)
5. Go to step 3 as long as there are undecided selected mappings

    All versions of Alin (since its very first OAEI participation) follow this
general procedure. In this 2020 version, Alin included a new step where an
NLP expert develops grammars, and their respective scanners and parsers to
the concept names of the ontologies. Alin uses these scanners and parsers to
standardize the concept names of the ontologies and thus improve the generated
alignment. The new step can lead to, for example, correcting spelling errors and
unifying different spellings for the same concept name. More detailed examples
of possible standardization of concept names are presented in [4]. Alin uses the
developed scanners and parsers in step 1 of the procedure.

Description of the used techniques

 – Step 1. Alin runs the scanners and the parsers for each concept name of the
   ontologies, modifying it and standardizing it. Alin uses a blocking strategy
   where it discards all data properties and object properties of the ontologies.
   So, in this step, Alin selects only concept mappings, using linguistic similar-
   ities between the standardized concept names. Alin automatically accepts
   concept mappings whose standardized names are synonyms. Alin uses the
   Wordnet and domain-specific ontologies (the FMA Ontology in the Anatomy
   track) to find synonyms between entities.
 – Step 2. Alin suspends the selected mappings whose entities have low lexical
   similarity. We use the Jaccard, Jaro-Wrinkler, and n-gram lexical metrics
   to calculate the lexical similarity of the selected mappings. We based the
   process of choosing the similarity metrics used by Alin on the result of
   these metrics in assessments [5]. These suspended mappings can be further
   unsuspended later, returning to the status of selected mappings, as proposed
   in [6].
 – Step 3. At this point, the domain expert interaction begins. Alin sorts the
   selected mappings in a descending order according to the sum of similarity
   metric values. The sorted selected mappings are submitted to the domain
 – Step 4. Initially, the set of selected mappings contains only concept map-
   pings. At each interaction with the domain expert, if he accepts the map-
   ping, Alin (i) removes from the set of selected mappings all the mappings
   that compose an instantiation of a mapping anti-pattern [7][8] (we explain
   mapping anti-patterns below in the ’Mapping anti-patterns’ paragraph) with
   the accepted mappings; (ii) selects data property (as proposed in [9]) and
   object property mappings related to the accepted concept mappings; (iii)
   unsuspends all concept mappings whose both entities are subconcepts of the
   concept of an accepted mapping (as proposed in [6]).
 – Step 5. The interaction phase continues until there are no selected mappings.

Mapping anti-patterns An anti-pattern mapping can be a logical inconsis-
tency, a construction constraint on the ontology, or an alignment constraint.
An ontology may have construction constraints, such as a concept cannot be
equivalent to its superconcept. The alignment between two ontologies can have
a constraint like, for example, an entity of ontology O cannot be equivalent to
two entities of the ontology O0 . Anti-pattern mapping is a combination of map-
pings that generates a problematic alignment, i.e., a logical inconsistency or a
violated constraint.

   In its 2021 version, we modified the grammars used by Alin to improve the
quality of the generated alignments.

1.3    Link to the system and parameters file

Alin is available 6 as a package to be run through the SEALS client.

2     Results

Interactive ontology matching is the focus of the Alin system.
    The comparison between the participation of Alin in 2021 and 2020 (Tables 4
and 5) shows an improvement in the quality of the generated alignment, attesting
the effectiveness of the changes in the grammars.

2.1    Comments on the participation of Alin in non-interactive tracks

The modified grammars generated an increase in the F-Measure of non-interactively
generated alignments in the Anatomy track. The modified grammars generated
a minor increase in the F-Measure of non-interactively generated alignments in
the Anatomy track. There was a decrease in precision and an increase in recall.
The current version of Alin did not participate in the Conference track. (Table
    https : //drive.google.com/f ile/d/1SxJL6f LRV qI84epm8DbAM lcscEoGbgZ/view?usp =
Table 1. Participation of Alin in Anatomy Non-Interactive Track in OAEI 2020[10]
and OAEI 2021[11]

                              Year Precision Recall F-measure
                Anatomy track 2020 0.986      0.72    0.832
                              2021 0.983 0.726        0.835

2.2   Comments on the participation of Alin in interactive tracks

In the Anatomy track, Alin was better than LogMap in quality (F-Measure)
but worse in total requests, and worse in both aspects than AML (Table 2). In
the Conference track, Alin was first in quality and third in total requests (Table

Table 2. Participation of Alin in Anatomy Interactive Track - OAEI 2021[12] - Error
Rate 0.0

                Tool   Precision Recall F-measure Total Requests
               ALIN      0.986    0.887    0.934          404
               AML       0.972    0.933    0.952          189
              LogMap     0.988    0.846    0.912          388

Table 3. Participation of Alin in Conference Interactive Track - OAEI 2021[12] -
Error Rate 0.0

                Tool   Precision Recall F-measure Total Requests
               ALIN      0.916    0.718    0.799          281
               AML       0.91     0.698     0.79          220
              LogMap     0.886    0.61     0.723           82

2.3   Alin participations in OAEI 2021 and OAEI 2020

Alin improved the quality of the alignment generated for both the Anatomy and
the Conference tracks, with a higher improvement for the Anatomy scenario. The
number of interactions has also increased on both tracks (Tables 4 and 5).
    The quality of the alignment generated by Alin depends on the correct
feedback from the domain expert, as Alin uses this feedback to select new
mappings. When Alin selects wrong mappings, the quality of the generated
alignment tends to decrease. The comparison between the two runs of the table
6 shows a quality decline sharper in the current version.
    The run time of Alin 2021 was shorter than last year’s (Table 7), but other
systems also had a similar reduction. So there is a chance that this reduction
may be due to changes in the computational environment.

Table 4. Participation of ALIN in Anatomy Interactive Track              -   OAEI
2016[13]/2017[14]/2018[15]/2019[16]/2020[10]/2021[12] - Error Rate 0.0

                Year Precision Recall F-measure Total Requests
                2016   0.993    0.749    0.854          803
                2017   0.993    0.794    0.882          939
                2018   0.994    0.826    0.902          602
                2019   0.979     0.85     0.91          365
                2020   0.988    0.856    0.917          360
                2021   0.986    0.887    0.934          404

Table 5. Participation of ALIN in Conference Interactive Track - OAEI
2016[13]/2017[14]/2018[15]/2019[16]/2020[10]/2021[12] - Error Rate 0.0

                Year Precision Recall F-measure Total Requests
                2016   0.957    0.735    0.831          326
                2017   0.957    0.731    0.829          329
                2018   0.921    0.721    0.809          276
                2019   0.914    0.695     0.79          228
                2020   0.915    0.705    0.796          233
                2021   0.916    0.718    0.799          281

3   General comments

The analysis of OAEI 2021 results showed that Alin 2021 has improved the
quality of the generated alignment in the interactive track. Moreover, an increase
in the expert error rate caused a sharper fall in the alignment quality. The
number of interactions with the expert was increased (from 233 to 281 requests
in the Conference track and from 360 to 404 requests in the Anatomy track).
Finally, Alin had a decrease in run time, like all other participants (Table 7),
so the drop seems to be caused by changes in the computing environment rather
than changes made to the program.
Table 6. F-Measure of ALIN in Anatomy Interactive Track - OAEI /2020[10]/2021[12]
and in Conference Interactive Track - OAEI /2020[10]/2021[12] - with Different Error

                            Year Error rate 0.0 Error rate 0.1
                    Anatomy 2020     0.917          0.887
                            2021     0.934          0.899
                              Year Error rate 0.0 Error rate 0.1
                   Conference 2020     0.796          0.713
                              2021     0.799          0.698

Table 7. Run Time (sec) in Anatomy Interactive Track - OAEI /2020[10]/2021[12]
and in Conference interactive track - OAEI /2020[10]/2021[12]

                                     Tool 2020 2021
                           Anatomy ALIN 1152 880.66
                                     AML 37,3 16.101
                                    LogMap 7,6 4.209
                                     Tool 2019 2020
                          Conference ALIN 136,9 82.381
                                     AML 30.1 20.727
                                    LogMap 37.96 23.999

3.1   Conclusions
This paper presented the newest version of Alin (Alin 2021), an interactive
matching tool that makes use of natural language processing (NLP) resources,
and its performance results obtained in OAEI 2021. When compared to its pre-
vious version, Alin 2021 used modified grammars during the NLP process to
allow for a higher level of standardization among the terms used by the ontolo-
gies being aligned. These grammar modifications were tested on the Anatomy
and Conference tracks and proved to be efficient in increasing the quality of the
generated alignment, obtaining the highest F-measure value in the Conference
interactive track, with an expert error rate of zero.
    In future versions, we intend to implement new grammar changes to further
improve the quality of the generated alignment.

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