=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3063/oaei21_paper5 |storemode=property |title=ATBox results for OAEI 2021 |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3063/oaei21_paper5.pdf |volume=Vol-3063 |authors=Sven Hertling,Heiko Paulheim |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/semweb/HertlingP21 }} ==ATBox results for OAEI 2021== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3063/oaei21_paper5.pdf
                 ATBox Results for OAEI 2021

    Sven Hertling[0000−0003−0333−5888] and Heiko Paulheim[0000−0003−4386−8195]

           Data and Web Science Group, University of Mannheim, Germany

        Abstract. ATBox matcher is a system for matching instances (Abox)
        as well as schema (Tbox) of two given KGs. The focus of this matcher is
        on scalability such that it can easily perform huge tasks like Knowledge
        Graph and Large Bio track. ATBox participates in the OAEI for the
        second time. The basic system as well as the improvements are described
        in this paper. For matching, two pipelines (schema and instance) are
        used for generating candidates. The schema matches are used to further
        improve the instance alignments.

        Keywords: Ontology Matching · Knowledge Graph

1     Presentation of the system
ATBox (also called ATMatcher) is a system designed for matching not only
ontologies/schemas (Tboxes) but also instances (Abox). During the past years
of the Ontology alignment Evaluation Initiative (OAEI) more and more tracks
which requires instances matches are submitted e.g. Spimbench, Link Discovery,
Geolink Cruise, and Knowledge Graph. This results not only in ontology but
also knowledge graph matching. The question is, how the schema mappings can
improve the instance mappings and vice versa. An alternative approach is to
switch the matching of schema and instances over and over again. ATBox solves
this problem by matching the schema first and uses this information to improve
instance matches.
    When talking about knowledge graph matching, another dimension is also the
size of the ontologies/KGs. Usually they are much bigger than ontologies which
models only a specific domain. Therefore, these matching systems need to scale
to larger amounts of instances, classes, and properties. Especially the knowledge
graph track needs scalable systems which can deal with such an amount of
resources[4]. ATBox uses simple comparison methods to first generate a set of
candidates and then increases the precision of the alignment to achieve a high

1.1    State, purpose, general statement
The overall matching strategy of ATBox is shown in figure 1. The Tbox and
Abox have different processing pipelines but the correspondences are combined
    Copyright c 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
    mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
                                                if #entities < 10,000

                                Stopword            Synonym
                                                                        String Matching
                                Extraction          Extension
             TBox 2
                                                                        Bounded Path

                                                Cardinality Filter

                                                                         Instance Filter

                                                Similar Neighbors
                              String Matching                             Type Filter
             ABox 2

                                                Cosine Similarity          Common
                                                     Filter             Properties Filter

                      Fig. 1. Overview of the ATBox matcher strategy.

in the end to get the final alignment. One of the main differences in comparison
to the system submitted last year is the additional bounded path matching for
    First have a look at the Tbox matching. It is applied for all classes and proper-
ties (owl:ObjectProperty, owl:DatatypeProperty, and rdf:Property). They
are retrieved by the jena1 methods OntModel.listClasses() and OntModel.listAll-
    The first step is to extract KG specific stopwords because in some cases the
labels and/or fragments contains tokens which appears very often like class,
infobox etc. If these tokens appears in more than 20 % of all classes/properties,
then they are assumed to be stop words.
    The synonyms are extracted from the English Wiktionary via DBnary [11].
The extraction process is detailed in the previous results paper[3] similarly to
the string matching component. After these components the new bound path
matching is executed. This component will match classes which are in between
two already matched classes in a hierarchy. Thus it is a structural approach
which requires already matched resources. Figure 2 shows an example. The class
book is matched to class books and novel to novel. With this information, the
class in between is a candidate for another correspondence. Thus it will be added
with the average confidence of the other two correspondences.
    The instance matching (Abox - shown in the lower part of the figure 1) is kept
the same in comparison to the last submission. As a last step, all correspondences
are combined and a final cardinality filter ensures a one to one alignment by
comparing the confidence scores.

                                                 KG 1   KG 2

                             one:Book                          two:Books

                                   rdfs:subClassOf                   rdfs:subClassOf

                             one:Fiction                       two:Enterta
                               Book                              inment
                rdfs:subClassOf      rdfs:subClassOf                 rdfs:subClassOf

                                        one:novel              two:Novel

Fig. 2. Bounded path matching of a class hierarchy. The top and bottom lines are
already matched classes. The middle line represents a new correspondence.

1.2   Specific techniques used

We used the following matching components of MELT [5]:

 – ScalableStringProcessingMatcher
 – StopwordExtraction
 – SimilarNeighborsFilter
 – CommonPropertiesFilter
 – CosineSimilarityConfidenceMatcher
 – SimilarTypeFilter
 – NaiveDescendingExtractor
 – BoundedPathMatching

1.3   Adaptations made for the evaluation

ATBox matcher is also available as a docker based matcher which runs a HTTP
endpoint. The matcher is packaged with the MELT framework[5]. It will generate
a docker image which also contains the code for running a small server.

1.4   Link to the system and parameters file

ATBox matcher can be downloaded from

2     Results

This section discusses the results of ATBox for each track of OAEI 2021 where the
matcher is able to produce results. The following tracks are included: anatomy,
conference, largebio, phenotype, biodiv, commonKG and knowledge graph track.
The results for were not reported this year.
    Specific matching strategies and interfaces for the interactive and complex
track are still not implemented and thus not described. Due to the fact that
ATBox has no multi language support, the track multifarm is also excluded
from the results discussion.

2.1   Anatomy
In comparison to last years participation, the F-Measure slightly decreased from
0.799 to 0.794 but still beats the baseline by a small margin. The matcher is
rather precision oriented and achieves the third highest value after the string
baseline, LSMatch, and ALIN. Recall should be optimized further than just using
synonyms and an alignment repair step can be introduced to make a coherent
alignment (which is not yet the case).

2.2   Conference
In the conference track, ATBox matcher increased the F-Measure from 0.57 to
0.59 using the rar2-M3 evaluation setup [12] (which is a violation free version
of the entailed reference alignment for classes and properties). This is the third
highest value after AML, LogMap, and GMap. Again the recall (with 0.51) is
lower than precision (with 0.69).

2.3   Largebio
ATBox matcher is able to run on three out of six tasks in largebio. In the first task
(FMA-NCI), the presented system returned 2,332 correspondences and scored
0.867 in terms of F-measure.
    The third task (FMA-SNOMED) could be solve in 30 seconds which is the
third best time in this test case. In this short time, the matcher returned 6,226
correspondences. Only the LogMap matcher family and AML have better results
but also need more time.
    The task FMA-SNOMED is the only one where also the whole ontologies
could be matched. This results in a higher runtime of 77 seconds. Unfortunately
the recall (0.206) was too low to return many correct mappings.
    Overall the system needs to be tuned to find more correspondences (also in
larger ontologies).

2.4   Phenotype
In the phenotype track, the presented matcher is able to run on HP-MP task but
not on DOID-ORDO. We will investigate which components prevent a successful
run of the latter task.
    For task HP-MP the matcher was again quite fast and only AML and LogMap
are better but the differences in terms of F-measure are quite large (0.454 in
comparison to AML with 0.804 and LogMap with 0.818).
2.5    Biodiv
In the Biodiv track ATBox scored differently for the given fours tasks. For the
envo-sweet task only a score of 0.671 could be achieved but for anaeethes-gemet
task ATBox is the second best matcher with 0.748. Furthermore it is also by far
one of the fastest matchers together with LogMapLt (which has a much slower
F-Measure for the second task).
    For the agrovoc-nalt and ncbitaxon-taxrefld tasks, our matcher could not
produce any result. We will further investigate it, such that the system is able
to match these tasks in the upcoming campaign.

2.6    Common Knowledge Graphs
This is a new track which was introduced in OAEI 2021. The task is to align
classes between NELL and DBpedia. NELL has 134 classes and 1,184,377 in-
stances whereas DBpedia has 138 classes and 631,461 instances.
    ATMatcher is the second best matcher together with ALOD2Vec and Wik-
tionary with a F-Measure of 0.89. Only KGMatcher (0.94) could find more cor-
rect correspondences. For this track it would help to find classes based on the
instances matches as already done by DOME matcher. The currently version of
ATMatch only uses the classes to improve the instance correspondences. In the
next version we plan to also add this component to increase the capabilities of
this matcher.

2.7    Knowledge Graph
The results of ATBox are similar to previous years because the class hierarchy in
this track is not deep. One possibility would be to use the categories (connected
with property dcterms:subject2 ) as an additional type of class information.
    The F-Measure is 0.85 which is only slightly higher than the baseline using
label and alternative label (0.84). Only ALOD2Vec and Wiktionary can improve
on these results (both 0.87).
    Regarding the runtime, ATMatcher is the fastest one with only 20 minutes
for all test cases. Only the baselines are faster which need usually 11 minutes.
    The confidences of the overall KG track alignment are visualized in figure 3
(generated with MELT dashboard[9]). The different hard coded confidence values
can be seen very well and show that 0.4 and 0.5 has many false positives similar
to 0.8.

3     General comments
3.1    Discussions on the way to improve the proposed system
We would like to extend the matching pipeline with further components such as
transformer[1,6] based comparison between a textual representation of resources.
Fig. 3. Confidence values of correspondences for KG track. Green bar is number of
true positives and orange bar is number of false positives.

This only works if already created correspondences needs a precise confidence
based on text but does not retrieve any new correspondences because of the
complexity to compare all resources in a cross product manner. One way to
mitigate this problem is to use sentence transformers[10]. They embed the text
in a high dimensional space and thus allows to retrieve the top-k neighbors of a
given resource.
    Due to the fact that most of the returned alignments are not consistent with
the ontology, we also plan to include some alignment repair steps [7] like the
ALCOMO component[8].
    In case the resources have attached images, it would be also interesting to
compare those as well e.g. in the KG track are instances with an image displaying
the concept. With a visual comparison (like same persons etc) the confidence of
a correspondence can be further increased.
    Furthermore the schema matches could be improved with the help of instance
correspondences as already shown in the DOME matcher [2].

4   Conclusions
In this paper, we have analyzed the results of ATBox matcher in OAEI 2021.
It shows that the system is very scalable and can generate class, property and
instance alignments.
    Most of the used matching components are furthermore included in the
MELT framework[5] to allow other system developers to reuse them.
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