=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3063/oaei21_paper6 |storemode=property |title=Fine-TOM matcher results for OAEI 2021 |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3063/oaei21_paper6.pdf |volume=Vol-3063 |authors=Leon Knorr,Jan Portisch |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/semweb/KnorrP21 }} ==Fine-TOM matcher results for OAEI 2021== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3063/oaei21_paper6.pdf
      Fine-TOM Matcher Results for OAEI 2021

    Leon Knorr1[0000−0003−4117−2629] and Jan Portisch1,2[0000−0001−5420−0663]
                          SAP SE, Walldorf, Germany
                    {leon.knorr, jan.portisch}@sap.com
          Data and Web Science Group, University of Mannheim, Germany

       Abstract. In this paper, the Fine-Tuned Transformes for Ontology mat-
       ching (Fine-TOM) matching system is presented along with the results
       it achieved during its first participation in the Ontology Alingment Eval-
       uation Initiative (OAEI) campaign (2021). The system uses the publicly
       available albert-base-v2 model, which has been fine-tuned with a training
       dataset that includes 20% of each reference alignment from the Anatomy,
       Conference, and Knowledge Graph track, as well as a wide variety of gen-
       erated false examples. The model is then used by a separate matching
       pipeline which calculates a confidence score for each correspondence. In
       the submitted docker container, only the matching pipeline with an al-
       ready fine-tuned model is included.3

       Keywords: Ontology Matching · Ontology Alignment · Language Mod-
       els · Transformers · Fine-Tuning.

1     Presentation of the System
1.1   State, purpose, general statement
Fine-Tuned Transformers for Ontology Matching (Fine-TOM) is a transformer-
based matching system. It consists of two separate pipelines, a pipeline for gener-
ating training data and model training, and a matching pipeline which performs
the actual matching task. Both can be executed individually or in a row. Each
pipeline uses predefined components, which are included in the Matching Eval-
uation Toolkit (MELT) [6], a framework for ontology matching and evaluation.
In particular, the new transformer extension of MELT [7] is used.
For the submission, only the matching pipeline was packaged in a docker con-
tainer using the Melt Web Interface 4 , where a fine-tuned albert-base-v2 model is
included. This model was fine-tuned beforehand with a training set that included
20% of the reference alignments of the Anatomy, Conference, and Knowledge
Graph track, as well as generated negative examples. This year’s submission
marks the first introduction of the Fine-TOM system to the OAEI.
  Copyright © 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative
  Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
2         L. Knorr et al.

1.2     Specific Techniques Used
Transformer-based language models One possible solution to solving NLP
problems is the use of transformers. The initial transformer was introduced by
Google in 2017 and uses a, so called, Self-Attention Architecture [13], which is
said to be more parallelizable and requires significantly less time to train. Today,
the NLP domain mostly adapted the use of transformers and they became the de
facto standard for most NLP tasks like text translation and classification [13,4].
As a result, today, there are many different transformer models available, e.g.
bert-base-cased [4] and gpt-2 [11]. All of them are using different variations of
the initial self-attention architecture.

Fine-Tuning In order to achieve good results, a transformer needs to be ini-
tially trained on a large amount of training data. This process is also called
pre-training. As it requires a vast amount of data as well as processing power to
pre-train a transformer model, most models are pre-trained on a specific task,
like next sentence prediction and then uploaded to huggingface5 [14] where they
are available for download as well and can be tested in web demos. This initial
training process has a great impact on how the selected model will perform later
on. As most transformers are trained for conventional tasks like text summa-
rization, next sentence prediction, or review classification [14,13], they are not
suitable for other tasks, in this case ontology matching, right out of the box.
Therefore, transformers can be re-trained or fine-tuned to perform other or sim-
ilar tasks. This process is usually computationally cheaper than the pre-training
process. However, quality training data is needed, which has to consist of positive
as well as negative examples. Because training data is currently not available,
Fine-TOM includes a training pipeline, which generates training data based on
a fraction of already known reference alignments.
During the development of Fine-TOM, different BERT models were fine-tuned
and evaluated on the Anatomy [1], Conference [2], and Knowledge Graph [8,5]
track. Based on the data gathered, the best performing configuration was de-
termined which uses the albert-base-v2 model and is further explained in the

1.3     Fine-TOM architecture
The Fine-TOM matching system consists of two individual pipelines, as shown
in Figure 1:
    – A trainging pipeline, which handles the Fine-Tuning process of a transformer
      and saves it to the disk
    – a matching pipeline, which will perform the actual matching task and is
      based on the architecture presented in the TOM paper [9].
This architecture can also be used to run transformers with a zero shot approach,
by only executing the matching pipeline with a pre-trained model.
                                 Fine-TOM Matcher Results for OAEI 2021          3

            Fig. 1. High-level view of the Fine-TOM matching process.

Training Pipeline The Training Pipeline, shown in Figure 2, consists of sev-
eral predefined components of the MELT [7] framework. First, a recall matcher
will create an alignment between the two ontologies O1 and O2 , which acts as
a the basis for generating training data. It usually does not feature a high pre-
cision score, but a good recall. Thus, many correspondences included are not a
correct match. Therefore, it marks a good starting point for generating training
data. After that, a mechanism for generating negatives will create the actual
training dataset, by sampling a configurable fraction f from a already known
reference alignment. Internal experiments showed that 20-40% of a reference
alignment have the best work-to-performance ratio. Thus, the model included
in Fine-TOM has been trained with a sampling rate of 20%. These sampled
correspondences mark the positive examples that a training set has to include.
In order to add negatives examples to this training set, the mechanism takes
the alignment generated by the Recall Matcher as an input. On the assumption
that the perfect solution is of a one-to-one parity, and since for some entities
the correct match is known through sampling the reference alignment, negative
examples can now be picked from the alignment of the recall matcher, thus re-
sulting in a training set that includes positive as well as negative examples. This
training set is then passed on to the transformer fine-tuning component of the
MELT Framework [7], which will then fine-tune the selected model and save it
to the disk.
4      L. Knorr et al.

            Fig. 2. High-level view of the Fine-TOM training process.

Matching Pipeline The Matching Pipeline, shown in Figure 3, also consists
of several predefined components of the MELT Framework. As in the Training
Pipeline, a recall matcher is used as a starting point, thus, marking the theoreti-
cally highest recall that can be achieved with this matching system. The resulting
alignment will then be processed by a confidence splitter, which will delete all
correspondences that are simple string matches and have a confidence level of
1.0, as well as their entities from the alignment returned by the recall matcher.
These correspondences are then saved temporarily into a separate alignment,
so they will not get reclassified by the transformer model. Then the cleaned up
alignment is passed on to a transformer filter, which will load the previously
fine-tuned transformer model from the disk and add another confidence score to
each correspondence in the alignment. In order to make use of this newly added
confidence level, and to eliminate correspondences the transformer classified as a
bad match by a low confidence score, a confidence filter is used. It will “cut off”
the alignment by a certain threshold which can be configured. Fine-TOM uses
the same threshold of 0.8 as proposed by the TOM paper [9]. After all matches
with a lower confidence score have been removed from the processed alignment,
the previously removed correspondences with a confidence score of 1.0 are added
to the alignment again. Since most OAEI datasets are typically of one-to-one
arity, an efficient implementation of the Hungarian method, known as Maximum
Weight Bipartite Matching (MWBM) [3] was used to create the final alignment
and therefore the final result. All matching components are explained in more
detail below.

            Fig. 3. High-level view of the Fine-TOM Matching process.
                                 Fine-TOM Matcher Results for OAEI 2021          5

Recall Matcher The recall matcher uses a variety of string comparisons in
order to generate an alignment, which marks a high recall on the expense of
a rather low precision. It includes a simple string matching mechanism which
compares each textual representation of an entity character by character, if a
match is found, it is added to the result alignment and a confidence of 1.0 is
assigned to this correspondence. Besides this mechanism it also counts how often
each word of a text representation is included in the other one, if this similarity
surpasses a configurable threshold, the correspondence is also added to the result
alignment but only with a low confidence of 0.1.

Confidence Splitter As described earlier, the confidence splitter takes an
alignment as input and removes every correspondence with a confidence score of
1.0, as well as every other correspondence of the entities included in the removed
correspondence. This is done in order to prevent a reclassification of these rather
“save” matches by another component in the pipeline. Therefore, the confidence
splitter is also able to add the alignment, which was saved during the splitting
process, to an alignment that has been passed on to it as an input.

Transformer Filter The transformer filter iterates over the alignment, which
has been passed on to it as an input, and processes each correspondence in-
dividually by calling a separate Python server which is running locally in the
background. This is needed because the transformer models themselves are im-
plemented in Python, where as the matching components and pipeline is im-
plemented in Java. Each pair of textual representations received by the Python
server is processed by the selected model, which can either be loaded from the
disk or it can be sourced from the huggingface library. This transformer model
will then provide a confidence level, which is send back to the transformer fil-
ter class and added to the actual correspondence in the alignment, therefore
classifying each correspondence.

Confidence Filter The confidence filter will exclude every correspondence with
a confidence score lower than a configurable threshold. This is needed since the
transformer filter itself does not remove any correspondences from the alignment,
it just reclassifies them. Therefore, in order to exclude matches that have been
marked as a bad match by a low confidence, the confidence filter is needed.

Max Weight Bipartite Extractor The alignment generated by matching
components can include multiple correspondences for an ontology element. How-
ever, the assumption was made earlier that the solution for the posed ontology
matching problem is of a one-to-one arity. Therefore, the alignment provided as
an input to the max weight bipartite extractor needs to be converted into an
alignment with a one-to-one arity. In order to do that, an efficient implementa-
tion of the Hungarian method, known as Maximum Weight Bipartite Matching
(MWBM) [3] was used.
6        L. Knorr et al.

2     Results
This section discusses the results of Fine-TOM during the OAEI 2021 campaign.
Only the Anatomy [1], Conference [2], and Knowledge Graph [8,5] tracks are
included, since the matching system was only designed and trained for them.

2.1    Anatomy

                                  Precision Recall F-Measure
                      StringEquiv 0.997     0.622 0.766
                      TOM         0.933     0.808 0.866
                      Fine-TOM 0.916        0.794 0.851
    Table 1. Results on the Anatomy track according to the OAEI 2021 campaign

    The results6 of Fine-TOM on the Anatomy track are depicted in Table 1.
As shown, Fine-TOM was able to outpeform the OAEI StringEquiv matcher
in terms of recall and the f-measure, although its precision was lower. This
proves that the Fine-TOM matching system is able to find matches that can
not be found by checking for string equivalence. However, if compared to the
TOM matching system, which is strongly related to Fine-TOM as they share a
similar architecture with regards to the matching pipeline, Fine-Tom achieved
slightly lower scores (˜1-1.5%) for all measures shown. That is a rather interest-
ing result, as the transformers used in the TOM paper are not re-trained with
domain specific data, nor were they pre-trained with data of an ontology match-
ing task. Nevertheless, TOM has one advantage: it uses the Sentence-BERT
transformer model paraphrase-TinyBERT-L6-v2 [12], whereas Fine-TOM uses
a fine-tuned version of the albert-base-v2 model. These Sentence-BERT models
are pre-trained and designed to find semantic textual similarities between input
sequences [12]. The albert-base-v2 model on the other hand, is a variation of
the BERT model, and was trained for masked language modelling [10], which
is a completely different task compared to ontology matching. Therefore, it is
remarkable that Fine-TOM was able to achieve such a similar score to TOM.
This demonstrates the impact the fine-tuning process has on the performance
of a matching system that includes a transformer model. Since MELT did not
support Sentence-BERT transformers at the time of Fine-TOMs development,
they could not be evaluated in time for Fine-TOMs OAEI 2021 submission.

2.2    Conference
As shown in Table7 2, Fine-TOM, did achieve a higher F-Measure and recall on
the Conference track than the OAEI StringEquiv matcher and TOM. It was,
therefore, able to find more correct correspondences than both systems.
    official result page: http://oaei.ontologymatching.org/2021/results/anatomy/index.html
    official result page: http://oaei.ontologymatching.org/2021/results/conference/
                                  Fine-TOM Matcher Results for OAEI 2021           7

                                   Precision Recall F-Measure
                       StringEquiv 0.76      0.41 0.53
                       TOM         0.69      0.48 0.57
                       Fine-TOM 0.64         0.53 0.58
    Table 2. Results on the Conference track according to the OAEI 2021 campaign

2.3    Knowledge Graph

On Knowledge Graph, Fine-TOM was able to achieve slightly better results as
the OAEI baseline, as shown in Table 3.

                                     Precision Recall F-Measure
                       BaselineLabel 0.95      0.71 0.81
                       Fine-TOM      0.92      0.75 0.83
    Table 3. Results on the Conference track according to the OAEI 2021 campaign

3     General Comments

We thank the OAEI organizers for their support and commitment.

4     Conclusion

In this paper, the Fine-TOM matching system has been presented. First, a new
pipeline architecture that includes a dedicated training pipeline and a match-
ing pipeline was introduced. This training pipeline first generates a training set
based on reference alignments and a high recall matcher, which is then used to
re-train a selected model. The model is then injected in a so called matching
pipeline. It then performs the actual matching process by using different filters.
The results showed that transformers can improve the overall performance of
matching systems in terms of recall and the f-measure. Besides that, the simi-
lar results of TOM and Fine-TOM proved that fine-tuning has a great impact
on the performance of transformer models, since the model used by Fine-TOM
has not been pre-trained for ontology matching or to find semantic similarities
between input sequences. Therefore, the presented approach promises a lot of
potential for further increases in performance in the future, by using a differ-
ent model, e.g. a Sentence-BERT model, or by improving or changing different
pipeline components like the high recall matcher. In addition to that, this year’s
submission marks the first participation for the Fine-TOM matching system in
an OAEI campaign and the results reported are promising and motivate further
research in the area of transformer-based ontology and instance matching.
8       L. Knorr et al.

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