A Hybrid Approach for Large Knowledge Graphs Matching Omaima Fallatah1,2 , Ziqi Zhang1 , and Frank Hopfgartner1 1 Information School, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK {oafallatah1,ziqi.zhang,f.hopfgartner}@sheffield.ac.uk 2 Department of Information Systems, Umm Al Qura University, Saudi Arabia oafallatah@uqu.edu.sa Abstract. Matching large and heterogeneous Knowledge Graphs (KGs) has been a challenge in the Semantic Web research community. This work highlights a number of limitations with current matching methods, such as: (1) they are highly dependent on string-based similarity mea- sures, and (2) they are primarily built to handle well-formed ontologies. These features make them unsuitable for large, (semi-) automatically constructed KGs with hundreds of classes and millions of instances. Such KGs share a remarkable number of complementary facts, often described using different vocabulary. Inspired by the role of instances in large-scale KGs, we propose a hybrid matching approach. Our method composes an instance-based matcher that casts the schema matching process as a two-way text classification task by exploiting instances of KG classes, and a string-based matcher. Our method is domain-independent and is able to handle KG classes with unbalanced population. Our evaluation on a real-world KG dataset shows that our method obtains the highest recall and F1 over all OAEI 2020 participants. Keywords: Knowledge Graphs · Machine Learning · Schema Matching. 1 Introduction In recent years, many public Knowledge Graphs (KGs) have been developed and shared, e.g., DBpedia [1] and NELL [2]. Common KGs are often domain- independent and semi-automatically constructed. Common KGs are highly com- plementary, therefore, they are often integrated in several web applications such as reasoning and query answering. KGs have gained more attention in the Semantic Web, which facilitates shar- ing and reusing knowledge such as those annotated in ontologies. Similar to on- tologies, KG entities are highly heterogeneous, since many real-word entities can be described using different vocabulary. Nevertheless, while ontologies primar- ily focus on modelling the schema of a specific domain, cross-domain KGs are known for describing numerous instances. Due to their nature of being largely Copyright © 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com- mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). 2 O. Fallatah et al. generated in a semi-automated manner, KGs are less well-formed compared to manually created and well-designed ontologies. The problem of ontology matching has been well studied, and matching sys- tems are annually evaluated through the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initia- tive (OAEI 3 ). A new track for matching KGs has been introduced to OAEI in 2018, where ontology matchers are evaluated on the tasks of matching classes, properties and instances. By design, KGs are known for their large number of instances (ABox). Therefore, the majority of current matchers focus on match- ing their instances. However, recent studies have shown that the problem of matching KGs schema (TBox) remains a challenging task [4]. Moreover, many KG matchers exploit class matches to generate and refine instance matches [9]. With current matching solutions mainly focusing on well-formed ontologies, the problem of matching automatically curated and large KGs remains signifi- cant. While the majority of the state-of-the-art methods are highly dependent on string/language and structural-based techniques [27], KGs often lack some textual descriptions, e.g., comments, required by these methods. In terms of structural-based similarity measures, despite that some KGs lack the schematic information required by such methods, they can be error-prone [19]. This justifies their high-level of dependency on string-based matchers’ results. This work proposes a novel method for mapping classes in large KGs by combining string-based measures with an instance-based method. The latter only uses annotated instance names to generate similar class pairs. Our domain- independent method utilizes the large number of instances in KGs, and is able to cope with unbalanced population of KG classes. This is particularly useful in scenarios of large KGs with rich populated instances, such as DBpedia that is the central linking dataset in the current linked data cloud, and NELL that creates a large-scale KGs in a never-ending machine reading fashion. In addition to OAEI KG benchmark, we conduct an experiment to evaluate the performance of our method on a real-world KG benchmark [4]. We compare the results of our proposed approach against the systems participated in the KG track in OAEI 2020 and show that our method obtains the highest recall and F1 measure in the task of matching common KGs classes. The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. An overview of the related work is provided in Section 2; Section 3 describes the details of the proposed matcher; Section 4 describes our experiments and 5 discuses the results, followed by a conclusion and future work discussion in Section 6. 2 Related Work Ontology matching systems often combine different matching techniques [21]. Element-level matchers discover similar entities by utilizing the textual annota- tions defined in the ontology’s entities, e.g., URIs, labels, and comments. Other methods leverage lexical databases, such as WordNet4 , as background knowledge 3 http://oaei.ontologymatching.org/ 4 https://wordnet.princeton.edu/ A Hybrid Approach for Large Knowledge Graphs Matching 3 to discover semantic similarity. However, recent studies, such as [20], highlights that WordNet lacks sufficient coverage in comparison to word embedding based similarity measures. It is difficult for semantic-based techniques to outperform string-based ones, therefore, combining both measures is a common strategy [9]. Matchers such as the well-known AML [5] and LogMap [13] employ element- level techniques. Both matchers make use of background knowledge bases in order to match biomedical ontologies. Some recent OAEI KG track participants have been utilizing other resources. For example, Wiktionary [24], which is an element level-matcher that uses an online lexical resource known as Wiktionary. Similarly, ALOD2Vec [23] utilizes WebIsALOD5 , an automatically generated RDF dataset of hypernym relations, as background knowledge. In terms of Structural-level matchers, they exploit structural information available in well-formed ontologies like disjoint axioms to refine element-level alignments, such as in AML and LogMap matcher family. ATBox [9] is an OAEI 2020 participant which uses similar techniques to filter mappings initially dis- covered by a string-based matcher. Such an approach requires a well-formed ontology which is not the case in the context of common KGs that lack the schematic richness due to their automatically generated nature [4]. The final matcher category is Extensional or instance-based matchers that use instances data to generate schema level alignments. The intuition of such a method is that similar classes or properties shares a substantial overlap of their instances. However, according to [12], it is significantly challenging to measure the extension of such an overlap. Previous works that incorporate this method are predominantly domain-dependent [26]. Zhang et al.[27] introduced an instance- based approach that only matches the properties within single LOD datasets, which include some KGs such as DBpedia. Their results are encouraging to apply instance-based methods on cross-dataset settings, particularly with LOD datasets and KGs sharing many similar characteristics. 3 Approach 3.1 Overview Our matching approach can be formalized as: the Input takes two KGs, O and O0 , where O contains a set of classes O = {CO 0 , CO1 i , .., CO }, and each class contains a set of instances COi = {ei0 , ei1 , ..., ein }. Similarly, O0 contains a set j j j j of classes such that O0 = {CO0 1 j 0 , CO 0 , .., CO 0 } where CO 0 = {e0 , e1 , ..., em }. Our method is composed of an instance-based matcher and a name matcher. The architecture of the proposed method is illustrated in Figure 1. The workflow starts with parsing the two input KGs and applying general text preprocessing (Section 3.2). The second component of the method is the matching process which starts with an instance-based matcher (Section 3.3). This matcher is performed in two stages and will result in two directional align- ment sets, denoted AO→O0 which is a set of correspondences between classes 5 http://webisa.webdatacommons.org/ 4 O. Fallatah et al. Fig. 1: The architecture of the proposed matcher from O and O0 respectively, and AO0 →O which is a set of correspondences in the opposite direction. Section 3.3 explains the process of aggregating the two directional alignments in order to obtain one alignment set for this matcher Ainstance . The second matcher is based on string/semantic similarity, which be- longs to the element-level matchers category. This matcher uses class labels to generate equivalent class pairs denoted as Aname (Section 3.3). The process of selecting the final alignments A is described in Section 3.4 (Post Processing in fig. 1). 3.2 Pre-processing The matcher starts by parsing the two input KGs in order to separately index their lexical data structure. Given a KG, we create an index of its classes by following the standard free text indexing approach for search engines. Here, each class is treated as a document, and the text content of that ‘document‘ is the concatenation of the labels of all the class’s instance names. In order to obtain a cleaner version of the datasets, standard text preprocessing techniques are applied. All entity labels are transferred into lowercase and all stopwords and non-alphanumeric characters are removed. Finally, we replace all underscores characters, which are often used to separate multi-word entity labels, with a space character. KGs class names can also be described with multiple words, such as placeofworship or by using a camel case (e.g.,ReligiousBuilding). Therefore, a word segmentation process which utilizes a dictionary is applied to infer the spaces between words while the camel case is replaced with a white space as well. 3.3 The matching process Instance-based Matcher . This matcher uses a self-supervised approach to map KG classes based on their shared instances. The matching process is divided into a two-way classification process where a KG classifier is trained with one KG’s instances, and then used to classify a given instance into one of the classes from that KG. As illustrated in Figure 1, this matcher starts by applying an exact A Hybrid Approach for Large Knowledge Graphs Matching 5 name filter then undersamples the datasets from the two KGs in preparation for the training phase. After the training process, the classifier trained on O (i.e., CLSO ) is used to classify instances from O0 . The classification results are then used to elicit the directional alignments AO→O0 . The second alignment election process is similar to the first one, except that the two KGs roles are reversed to generate AO0 →O . Finally, the candidate class pairs for this matcher is generated based on the two directional alignments. Fig. 2: The distribution of instances across classes in two common KGs Exact Name Filtering. We start by filtering classes in both KGs with exact names. Therefore, if a class label exists in both input KGs, both classes will be excluded from the instance based matching process. Our goal here is to use the instance-based matcher to leverage the final alignments with class pairs that are likely to not be discovered by simple string matchers. Further, this also serves as a blocking step which reduces the search space for the matcher, as large KGs can have hundreds of classes to be matched. Undersampling. Typical large KGs are often very imbalanced. For example, Figure 2 shows the distribution of classes in two common KGs, that we will dis- cuss later in Section 4, i.e., DBpedia6 and NELL7 . While some classes in NELL have over 20,000 instances, other classes have less than 10 instances. This imbal- ance problem can detrimentally affect the learning process and therefore, a sam- pling process can be useful. The problem of learning from imbalanced datasets has been a thoroughly studied field where different solutions have been devel- oped and analyzed [22]. Solutions often require targeting the majority classes, i.e, classes with large number of data points, and the minority classes, i.e, classes with few data points [14]. While random undersampling/oversampling [15] are common practices in ma- chine learning applications, they still carry some major limitations. Randomly undersampling the majority classes can result in losing relevant information in the eliminated samples. In contrast, random oversampling, which generates du- 6 https://wiki.dbpedia.org/develop/datasets/dbpedia-version-2016-10,visited on 14-2-2020 7 http://rtw.ml.cmu.edu/rtw/resources, iteration number 1115, visited on 22-2- 2020 6 O. Fallatah et al. plicate data points in minority classes, can ultimately result in model overfitting as a result of having the multiple samples of same data points. According to [6], datasets with severe class imbalance can be very challenging to train machine learning models and will often require specialized resampling techniques as op- posed to generalized solutions. Our sampling strategy aims to balance KGs instance population by under- sampling the majority classes. Here, we define a Majority class as a class with a number of instances which exceeds the average number of instances per class in that particular KG. Due to their automated generation process, large KGs often suffer from redundant information in their instances [8]. Our goal is to obtain a smaller yet an indicative instance samples in order to limit the effect of the sparsity problem on the training/learning process. To help identify a set of indicative instance names, we deploy a TF-IDF [25] based method to resample KG instances. TF-IDF is widely used to evaluate the relevance of words to a collection of documents by weighting their occurrences. In this task, we calculate TF-IDF of tokens for each class. Hence, the weight of a token here represents how relevant a token is to a particular class in comparison to other classes in the KG. Consequently, for each majority class, we use the top k words in terms of TF-IDF score to undersample its instance names. To illustrate, i assuming that CO is a majority class in O, and W = {w0 , w1 , w2 ..wk−1 }, is a i list of tokens with the top k TF-IDF score in CO . Then, we discard instance names that do not contain one of the words in W . As a result, we have a set of indicative instance names that will be used to train CLSO . The same process will be applied to the classes in the other input KG, i.e., O0 to train CLSO0 . Training KG classifiers. A KG classifier CLSO will be trained using the pre- viously undersampled data. We utilize pre-trained word embeddings as features. Word Embeddings (WE) are considered one of the most effective approaches to capture the semantic similarity of words, unlike traditional feature representa- tion methods. As classification method we experiment with two SoA methods (1) a model that uses pre-trained BERT model [16], and (3) a Deep Neural Network (DNN). The architecture of this model is inspired by previous high performing models in different NLP tasks such as in [17] and [3]. KG1 alignment elicitation is the process of eliciting candidate directional alignment between a class in one KG (i.e., O) and classes in another KG (e.g., j O0 ), based on the output of CLSO . To perform the elicitation given CO 0 = j j j j {e0 , e1 , ..., em } we apply CLSO to classify each instance of CO0 . As a result, we classify each instance name into a class in O. A correspondence between j i CO 0 and CO is added to the candidate alignments set AO→O 0 if the majority of j i CO0 instances were classified as instances of CO . To generate a similarity value between [0,1], we use the percentage of instances that voted for the majority j i class. For example, if 700 out of 1000 instances in CO 0 were classified as, CO the similarity measure of that pair will be 0.7. KG2 alignment elicitation. Similar to KG1 alignment elicitation, we reverse the roles of the two KGs to generate AO0 →O . Candidate alignments are generated based on the output of the classifier trained on O0 , i.e., CLSO0 . A Hybrid Approach for Large Knowledge Graphs Matching 7 Similarity computing. This phase of the matcher aims to (1) combine the two directional alignments resulted from the two KGs alignment elections (i.e, AO→O0 and AO0 →O ), and (2) select the final alignments for the instance-based matcher. In order to combine both alignments sets, each directional alignment will be first stored into an alignment matrix of a dimension of |O|.|O0 |. An alignment matrix contains the correspondences for all class pairs from the two input KGs. To aggregate the two matrices, we take the average of the similarity 4 5 5 4 value of each pair. For example, if (CO ,CO 0 ,0.69) in AO→O 0 and (CO 0 ,CO , 0.73) in AO0 →O ) their aggregated similarity value will be 0.71. Consequently, the final alignment Ainstance is generated by following the au- tomated alignment selection approach introduced in [7]. Given an alignment matrix and a threshold t, this method goes through each row at a time and selects the maximum correspondence in each row, if the similarity value for that correspondence is beyond t (e.g., bold text in fig. 3). When a class is involved 3 in two correspondences (e.g., CO 0 in row 1 and 7), only the one with the higher 6 3 similarity is retained (e.g., (CO , CO 0 , 0.92)), and the previously selected corre- spondence is deleted. This process takes places iteratively until all classes are selected with a correspondence and no changes are to be made. Fig. 3: An example of calculating the final alignment using the method in [7] Name matcher . This matcher calculates the similarity of KG classes based on the string and the semantic similarity of their names. Given a set of all pos- sible correspondences between classes in O and O0 , generated with an exclusive pairwise comparison, we measure the word embedding similarity and the edit distance similarity of the two class names. We only apply the two similarity measures to KGs class names, as not all KGs provides other longer descriptions such as comments. For the edit-distance similarity, we calculate the normalized levenshtein distance for each class pairs. This method normalizes the edit dis- tance value by the length of the longer string to get a value between [0.0, 1.0]. In terms of the word embedding similarity, a Google pre-trained word2vec model is used to represent class names and measure their cosine similarities in the Vector Space Model where semantically similar words are represented closer to each other. Following the same approach in Section 3.2, concatenated strings such as awardtrophytournament are segmented into multiple words. Thus, in the case 8 O. Fallatah et al. of a multi-word class name, the matcher aggregates the vector representation of each word composing the class name by taking an element-wise average of the vectors of each composing word. We then choose the maximum of the two similarity measures, if the similarity scores are higher than a threshold tn . To illustrate, assuming that a pair of the two classes RailwayStation and TrainStation where their word embedding similarity is 0.83 and their edit distance is 0.56 we select the maximum simi- larity value, i.e., the word embedding similarity which is also higher than the tn . However, if the two similarity scores of a pair are lower than the tn , then that pair will not be added to the candidate alignment set. The output of this matcher is a candidate alignment set Aname to be combined with the instance matcher alignments (i.e., Ainstance ) to be detailed in the next section. 3.4 Final alignment selection The above-explained similarity measures will both result in an alignment set. The goal of this final stage of the matching approach is to combine the two match- ers results, as well as to select the final alignments for the complete matcher. Given Aname and Ainstance , we follow the same method as explained before in Section 3.3 for creating Ainstance out of the two directional alignment. 4 Experiments The aim of this experiment is to test our matching approach on the task of matching large KGs and to compare it to OAEI participants. In addition to OAEI participants, we also tested the performance of the baseline matcher KG- baselineLabel8 . Similar to OAEI, we use precision, recall, F-measure metrics to evaluate the accuracy of the matching methods against the gold standard. The Matching Evaluation Toolkit (MELT) [11] was used to perform this evaluation. Our matcher is implemented with python and was wrapped using MELT exter- nal matchers wrapping tool. The evaluation was executed on a VM with 128GB of RAM, 16 vCPUs (2.4 GHz), and 12GB GPU. 4.1 Datasets The datasets used for evaluation are: (1) The NELL-DBpedia dataset is cre- ated from the schema of two large public KGs [4]. The gold standard consists of 129 true positive class alignments between NELL and DBpedia. To the best of our knowledge, this dataset is the largest available benchmark for matching KGs classes. This dataset is domain-independent and offers a substantial number of instances, which allow for evaluating instance-based matchers. (2) The OAEI Knowledge Graphs Benchmark, which offers five test cases generated from eight different KGs. The largest test cases in terms of class matching have 15 and 14 positive class alignments [10]. Similar to OAEI, in this work, we evaluate and share the average results of the five tasks. 8 http://oaei.ontologymatching.org/2020/results/knowledgegraph/index.html A Hybrid Approach for Large Knowledge Graphs Matching 9 4.2 Method’s parameters Our method has the following parameters: (1) k which is the number of words ranked by their TF-IDF scores in a class to be used for the undersampling process. In the reported results, we set k to 10. However, we have created three different configurations based on k = 5, 10, 20. We discuss the impact of k value in section 5.1. (2) For the threshold value of the name matcher tn , we set tn to 0.8 which is inline with previous element-level methods that combines multiple similarity measures such as [9,20]. (3) In the final alignment process, we apply a threshold (t) of 0.22, the value recommended for this method in [7]. 5 Results and discussion As shown Table 1, on the NELL-DBpedia dataset, one can observe that our matcher achieves a recall and F1 that are clearly higher than all OAEI 2020 participants. Here, we report the highest result out of the three k value configu- rations, i.e., 10. However, our matcher outperforms all OAEI matchers, despite what k value we use. AML is the best performing matcher on the task of match- ing classes in OAEI KG track. However, on the task of matching common KG classes, our matcher outperforms AML with 0.06 in F1, and 0.12 in recall. In terms of OAEI KG dataset, our matcher does not perform as well, i.e., the F1 is 0.77. We argue that the systems that outperform our matcher on this task im- plement a variety of matchers that target not only the labels of KG entities, but also consider other entities’ metadata. For example, AML incorporates 9 differ- ent matchers including structural matchers, and other filters to further improve the quality of the matching results. Table 1: Performance of the OAEI 2020 participants and the proposed approach on two benchmarks. The best results on each dataset are marked in bold. Matcher NELL-DBpedia OAEI benchmark P R F1 P R F1 ALOD2Vec [23] 1.00 0.79 0.88 1.00 0.67 0.8 AML [5] 1.00 0.8 0.89 0.98 0.81 0.89 ATBox [9] 1.00 0.79 0.88 0.97 0.79 0.87 LogMap [13] 0.99 0.79 0.88 0.95 0.76 0.84 LogMapBio 0.99 0.79 0.88 0.95 0.76 0.84 LogMapKG 0.99 0.79 0.88 0.95 0.76 0.84 LogMapLt 1.00 0.59 0.74 0.8 0.43 0.56 Wiktionary [24] 1.00 0.79 0.88 1.00 0.67 0.8 DESKMatcher [18] 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.76 0.66 0.71 KGbaselineLabel 1.0 0.61 0.76 1.00 0.59 0.74 proposed matcher 0.98 0.92 0.95 0.88 0.73 0.77 Other systems also utilize external background knowledge resources such as ALOD2Vec and Wiktionary. However, our matcher only uses the labels of entities to produce matching class alignments. Moreover, the majority of OAEI 10 O. Fallatah et al. systems incorporate multiple string-based techniques such as n-gram, prefixes and suffixes. For instance, one of the string processes implemented by ATBox matcher aimed at finding ontology specific stopwords, which are words that often appear in a certain KG or ontology. It considers such words as stopwords to be removed prior to applying further string matching techniques. This allows to discover the similarity of hsidebar starship, starshipi and hsidebar novel, noveli, if sidebar was a corpus specific stopword. However, those classes will not be matched by word embedding models or by an edit-distance similarity with a high threshold such as the one we apply, i.e., 0.8. Another contribution to the different performance of our matcher across the two datasets is the datasets’ nature. While the first dataset is constructed from common KGs where classes annotate complementary real-world entities, the OAEI datasets have very different nature. Moreover, they are restricted to a single domain (entertainment) where distinguishing entities of book, music and movie can be a difficult task. This is due to the usage of words in naming such entities, which can be very heterogeneous and inconsistent. To illustrate, fig. 4 shows the difference in the performance of our KG classifier when it is trained to classify NELL instances, as opposed to when it is trained to classify the Memo- ryAlpha KG instances in the OAEI benchmark dataset. Clearly, it was easier to classify instances from multi-domain large KGs like NELL. (a) (b) Fig. 4: The instance classification report of a 20 randomly sampled classes from the OAEI KG MemoryALpha in (a) and NELL in (b). Note that y-axis numbers indicate class IDs. 5.1 The impact of components and parameters In this section, we discuss the impact of several components and parameters of the proposed method. First, in addition to the BERT-based classifier, we also tested our method with another model, based on a simple DNN with 4 density A Hybrid Approach for Large Knowledge Graphs Matching 11 connected layers. Although both models outperform all OAEI participants on the task of matching common KGs, we use BERT model as it is shown to achieve slightly better F1 (by 0.01). This shows that our approach is generalizable to other machine learning algorithms for the KG classifier. Second, in terms of the threshold k, we tested three configurations, 5, 10, and 20. We noticed identical results with k=10 and 20, while slightly lower F1 when k=5, i.e., 0.94 which still significantly outperforms all OAEI participants. Further, setting k to 10 compared to 20 led to a significant reduction in runtime due to more aggressive undersampling (from 55 minutes on the common KGs dataset to 29 minutes). Finally, the exact name filtering had a positive effect on the overall performance of our method, by increasing the F1 by 0.02 on the common KGs dataset. 6 Conclusion and future work This work reports an ongoing study of utilizing instances to match KGs classes. We proposed a novel domain independent approach for matching classes in large KGs. To the best of our knowledge, our matcher includes the first instance- based matcher for matching KG classes with the ability to handle unbalanced populations. Our findings suggest that a hybrid approach that composes an instance-based matcher can be very effective for matching common KG classes. 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