A deep learning-based approach for segmenting and counting reproductive organs from digitized herbarium specimen images using refined Mask Scoring R-CNN Abdelaziz Triki1 , Bassem Bouaziz1 , Jitendra Gaikwad2 and Walid Mahdi1 1 MIRACL/CRNS, University of Sfax, Tunisia 2 Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany Abstract The accurate segmentation and counting of the reproductive organs within the herbarium specimen play an important role in studying the impact of climate change on plant development over time. Recently, the researchers have gained a lot of knowledge about plant phenology owing to herbaria’s digitization efforts, which may help accelerate plant phenology research by making large digitized specimen collections publicly available. Nevertheless, the automatic segmentation and counting of the reproductive organs is a challenging problem. This is because of the high variability of reproductive organs, which vary in size, shape, orientation, and color. The use of machine learning techniques, including deep learning, has recently been shown to be helpful in this endeavor. We proposed in this paper a deep learning method based on the refined Mask Scoring R-CNN approach to segment and count reproductive organs, including buds, flowers, and fruits from specimen images. Our proposed method achieved a precision rate of 94.5% and a recall rate of 93%. Keywords Reproductive Organs, Mask Scoring R-CNN, Digitized Herbarium Specimen Images, Nowadays, the impact of climate change on organisms has received significant attention from scientists. Variations in phenological events have been important where species are failing to react phenologically to climate change, causing serious consequences for long-term diversity preservation [1]. Information about plant phenology found on herbarium specimens, including flowers, buds, and fruits, has recently been proven to be of considerable importance. Currently, herbaria across the globe have collected millions of physical specimen sheets, reducing their use and accessibility by scientists. The gathered specimen sheets include relevant information for addressing research questions such as the flowering period [2]. unisian Algerian Conference on Applied Computing (TACC 2021), December 18–20, 2021, Tabarka, Tunisia $ abdelaziz.triki@yahoo.fr (A. Triki); bassem.bouaziz@isims.usf.tn (B. Bouaziz); jitendra.gaikwad@uni-jena.de (J. Gaikwad); walid.mahdi@isims.usf.tn (W. Mahdi) € https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Abdelaziz-Triki (A. Triki); https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bassem-Bouaziz-2 (B. Bouaziz); https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jitendra-Gaikwad-2 (J. Gaikwad); https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Walid-Mahdi (W. Mahdi)  0000-0001-5818-2941 (A. Triki); 0000-0002-3692-9482 (B. Bouaziz); 0000-0002-7565-4389 (J. Gaikwad); 0000-0003-3465-0397 (W. Mahdi) © 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CEUR Workshop Proceedings http://ceur-ws.org ISSN 1613-0073 CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org) To make millions of stored specimen images more easily accessible, herbaria worldwide have started a massive digitization process [3] of their collections, providing not only access to meta-data, but also to the content of the specimen. Consequently, scientists employed the digitized herbarium collections to track the effects of phenological events on climate change across locations and time [4]. The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 presents the related work for segmentation and counting of reproductive organs, while the third section shows our proposed approach. Section 4 discusses the findings of the assessment and experiments we conducted to determine how well our method performed. Section 5 presents the conclusion and future directions. 1. Related Work Numerous studies using digitized herbarium specimen (DHS) images have focused on a single phenological event such as the flowering period to investigate climate change. Only a few studies have investigated several reproductive organs at the same time (such as measuring the fruit area) and determined how different phenological events are linked [5]. To estimate flowering time, Park et al. [6] have proposed the first initiative, which manipulates the phenological organs, such as whether or not flowers or fruits are present, together with the day of the year of gathering. Nevertheless, the researchers completely overlooked other reproductive organs such as buds, seeds, and roots. Recently, with the advent of deep learning techniques, several methods based on Convolu- tional Neural Networks (CNN) have been developed to assess the reactiveness of different points in a given phenophase. The study developed by Lorieul et al. [7] showed that a deep learning method based on CNN could detect the presence/absence of fruits or flowers within DHS images and overlook the buds. However, the detection accuracy of flowers and fruits was low (≈ 85% and ≈ 80% accuracy, respectively). Besides, Ellwood et al. [8] established a new method for classifying reproductive organs into two major groups: fertile and sterile specimens. However, the proposed approach is unable to segment and count the reproductive organs accurately within the DHS images. On the other hand, Goëau et al. [9] developed a deep learning-based approach using Mask R-CNN [10] to segment and count the reproductive organs of a small dataset containing one species (Streptanthus tortuosus). The testing findings showed that flowers within DHS images are more consistently recognized and counted than fruits. To overcome the limitations of Goëau’s approach, Davis et al. [11] have built a deep learning model to cope with a higher number of species. The developed solution locates and counts the reproductive organs of buds, flowers, and fruits within the specimen sheets. Also, they used 3000 specimens of five common wildflower species from the eastern United States of America to train their model. According to the experimental results, the counting was accurate, but it differed depending on the reproductive organs. Here, the counting of flower organs is less accurate than counting buds and fruits due to the morphological variability of flowers within the scanned specimens. In this paper, we developed a deep learning-based approach for segmenting and counting reproductive organs, including buds, fruits, and flowers, from DHS images using refined Mask Scoring R-CNN [12]. Our method generates a boundary mask for each segmented object and classifies it based on that mask. Furthermore, our suggested solution was trained and evaluated using a dataset of DHS images collected from the Herbarium Haussknecht of Jena (https://www.herbarium.uni-jena.de/). 2. Specimen Dataset Collection We used in this paper several species gathered from the herbarium Haussknecht of Jena, Germany, to train and test our proposed approach. This dataset comprises 4000 DHS images containing different families of species with obvious phenotypic changes during the reproductive cycle to prevent singularity. The collected specimens were resized by changing their sizes from 6400 × 3400 pixels to 2048 × 1024 pixels for height and width, respectively. It includes objects of different sizes and shapes. The resizing process minimizes unnecessary memory usage and maintains the aspect ratio of the scanned herbarium sheets. Moreover, the VGG Image Annotator (VIA) annotation tool [13] was used to annotate each specimen by hand, and the resulting JSON file represents the bounding mask for each reproductive organ inside the scanned specimen images. Each class has a bounding polygon to indicate its bounding mask due to its uneven form. On the other hand, this study splits the dataset into two halves at random: 70% of the dataset was used to train our approach, and 30% of the dataset was used to perform the test phase. 3. Proposed Approach The quantitative analysis of reproductive organs within DHS images, including buds, flowers, and fruits, will substantially enhance the use of specimen collections in climate change research. Given the massive number of DHS images stored in the Haussknecht herbarium in Jena and the diversity of reproductive organs introduced within the herbarium scans (i.e., scales, orientations, shapes, and colors), we proposed a deep learning-based approach for counting these reproductive organs and improving their segmentation accuracy. The developed approach is a refined version of the state-of-the-art instance segmentation technique, Mask Scoring RCNN [12], in which the backbone model was altered by proposing a new Feature Pyramid Networks (FPN) network. 3.1. Mask Scoring RCNN Mask Scoring RCNN [12] is an improved variant of Mask-RCNN [10] that improves instance segmentation accuracy. In comparison to Faster R-CNN [14], Mask R-CNN is more efficient in terms of time and accuracy since it supports pixel-level instance segmentation. Additionally, Mask-RCNN utilizes classification confidence as the mask’s consistency metric. Nevertheless, mask accuracy is often uncorrelated with classification confidence, resulting in sub-optimal precision and durability of predicted masks. Mask Scoring RCNN learns and predicts mask consistency using a specific network block to overcome the cited problems. This block contains the instance-specific features and the expected mask. Additionally, it measures the intersection- over-union (IoU) between the expected mask and the ground truth. The IoU is employed to determine the predicted mask’s shape. This enables Mask Scoring RCNN to get much better instance segmentation outcomes than Mask-RCNN. On the other hand, Mask Scoring RCNN model is divided into three parts. The first part of the approach shows a standard convolutional layer for extracting fine features. As a result, the feature maps produced will be sent into the Region Proposal Network (RPN), which will create and correct the region proposals. The last part of the model is used to fine-tune the bounding boxes and the resulting masks. 3.2. Feature Extraction For image feature extractions, deep convolutional networks with different weight layers are frequently employed. With more convolution layers, the training error may rise, and classifica- tion accuracy may fall. ResNet effectively tackled this issue by figuring out how to represent residuals between inputs and outputs. By distinguishing between various types of objects, ResNet speeds up training time and improves the accuracy of predictions. The conventional Mask Scoring RCNN model uses ResNet [15] in conjunction with FPN [16] as the backbone model to extract the image features. However, extracting the reproductive organs from the DHS image using this backbone may produce irrelevant predictions with lower performance. This is due to several scale variations that may affect how well reproductive organs can be extracted from DHS images. When it comes to object instance segmentation using Mask Scoring R-CNN, one of its weaknesses is scale variation. Due to the wide variety of objects’ sizes and shapes within the DHS images, detectors have difficulty segmenting the most miniature objects such as buds. To remedy the existing method problems, we present in this paper a refined FPN network to enhance the backbone structure of the Mask Scoring R-CNN network model. The conventional FPN of Mask Scoring R-CNN comprises bottom-up and top-down paths to form a two-channel feature extraction path model. As a result, the high-level features may be increased, and all features in FPN with a decent classification ability will be improved. Nevertheless, the conventional two-channel path does not provide sufficient coverage to collect semantic feature data from the pyramid network’s bottom layer and the upper layer of the network. To resolve the issues involved with the conventional two-channel pathways of FPN, we developed a three-channel FPN pathway. A more significant number of paths are available to acquire the features, as illustrated in Figure 1, resulting in a greater improvement in segmentation accuracy and reducing the training time. By adding the third channel path, the model will be updated as follows: • A 3 × 3 convolution kernel with a step size of 3 was conducted by the layer a to reduce the spatial size. • To create the merged feature layer, we performed a lateral join on the second channel feature layer x. • As with the second step, add layers one at a time until achieving the layer d and then stop. The final a, b, c layers represent the third channel feature extraction layers added from the bottom up path. Figure 1 represents the refined FPN structure, which facilitates continuous information propagation and improves the segmentation performance. Figure 1: Refined FPN structure 4. Experimental Results In this paper, we implemented our proposed approach using Facebook’s Open Source Maskrcnn- Benchmark project (https://github.com/facebookresearch/maskrcnn-benchmark). We also em- ployed Google Collaboratory [17] to perform the training and testing phases. Besides, our approach was trained for 100 epochs with 300 steps for each epoch, while the stochastic gradi- ent descent (SGD) was initialized with a learning rate of 0.001, a momentum of 0.9, and a weight decay of 0.0005. During the test phase, we selected randomly 300 DHS images of five common species (Aplopap- pus stoloniferous, DC., var; Eupatorium scordonioides A. Gray; Penstemon pulchellus Lindl; Senecio Chapalensis, Watson and Russelia trachypleura, Rob). The reproductive organs on each herbar- ium sheet vary in size and position. We identified in this paper 1450 reproductive organs to be used as ground truth data for this research, comprising 262 buds, 483 fruits, and 705 flowers. To examine the model’s consistency and measure the segmentation performance, we measured the Precision (Eq. 1), Recall (Eq. 2) and Average Precision (AP) metrics for our method, the original Mask Scoring-RCNN and the Mask-RCNN, using various backbone networks of the ResNet-50/101 architectures. 𝑇 𝑟𝑢𝑒𝑃 𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠 𝑃 𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 = (1) 𝑇 𝑟𝑢𝑒𝑃 𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠 + 𝐹 𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑒𝑃 𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠 𝑇 𝑟𝑢𝑒𝑃 𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 = (2) 𝑇 𝑟𝑢𝑒𝑃 𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠 + 𝐹 𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑒𝑁 𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠 As shown in Table 1, our proposed method had an overall precision and recall of 88.9% and Table 1 The precision/recall of our approach Metrics Buds Fruits Flowers Overall Precision 86% 89.2% 91.6% 88.9% Recall 88.5% 91.7% 87.1% 89.1% 89.1%, respectively. A total of 19 buds, for example, were mistakenly labeled as flowers owing to the overlapping of various organs within the DHS images. According to the segmentation findings in Table 1, our method can correctly identify the presence or absence of reproductive organs within the DHS images. Segmenting smaller objects (such as buds) with varying occlusion levels is also feasible. For flower segmentation, our architecture performs better than other reproductive organs. It achieved a precision of 91.6% and a recall rate of 87.1%. 4.1. The impact of data augmentation approaches on segmentation results Over the last few years, object segmentation has shown impressive results using deep learning methods. However, the scarcity of data is seen as a significant drawback since large quantities of labeled datasets are required to improve model accuracy and prevent overfitting. As a workaround for the absence of large annotated datasets, we performed several data augmentation strategies, including rotation, translation, scale, and brightness [4]. Additionally, the goal of this study is to determine the effect of different image augmentation techniques on the segmentation of reproductive organs. To examine our model’s stability while counting the reproductive organs, we created the confusion matrix (Table 2). This matrix illustrates our approach’s reliability by comparing the actual count and the predicted count of different reproductive organs within the DHS images. As shown in Tables 2 and 3, when raising the amount of training data using data augmentation methods, our model’s performance improved significantly. As a result, the overall precision of our approach was increased by 5.6%, while the overall recall was increased by 3.8%, respectively. This demonstrates that the proposed method with data augmentation may enhance the model’s capacity to conduct instance segmentation. 4.2. The counting evaluation To evaluate the counting capability of our proposed approach, we measured the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) for each reproductive organ within the DHS images. The MAE is a common metric used to evaluate the model’s accuracy. It measures the average absolute value of the counting error of each reproductive organ as follows (Eq. 3): 𝑖=1 1 ∑︁ 𝑀 𝐴𝐸 = |𝑥𝑖 − 𝑥| (3) 𝑛 𝑛 Where n is the number of errors. Table 2 The confusion matrix of our approach when applying the data augmentation approaches using different species Species Names No. No. of Buds No. of Fruits No. of Flowers of DHS Aplopappus 54 Ground Truth 53 Ground Truth 97 Ground Truth 142 , stoloniferous Detected 49 Detected 94 Detected 139 Eupatorium Ground Truth 49 Ground Truth 88 Ground Truth 134 46 scordonioides Detected 44 Detected 82 Detected 130 Penstemon Ground Truth 46 Ground Truth 89 Ground Truth 127 65 pulchellus Detected 39 Detected 80 Detected 120 Senecio Ground Truth 51 Ground Truth 101 Ground Truth 140 72 Chapalensis Detected 43 Detected 92 Detected 136 Russelia Ground Truth 63 Ground Truth 108 Ground Truth 162 63 trachypleura Detected 56 Detected 103 Detected 158 Ground Truth 262 Ground Truth 483 Ground Truth 705 Total 300 Detected 228 Detected 451 Detected 683 Table 3 The precision/recall of our approach when using the data augmentations Metrics Buds Fruits Flowers Overall Precision 93.8% 96.1% 93.6% 94.5% Recall 87% 93.3% 98.2% 93% Table 4 Predicted and true counts of reproductive organs, including buds, flowers, and fruits Buds Fruits Flowers All True Number of reproductive organs 262 483 705 1450 Predicted Number of reproductive organs 228 451 683 1362 Mean Absolute Error (MAE) 0.34 0.32 0.22 0.8 As shown in Table 4, the MAE value of our approach was very low for all kinds of reproductive organs, where the lowest value was obtained by the flower organs. 4.3. Experimental results and evaluation of multiple segmentation approaches To assess the efficacy of our proposed approach in segmenting the reproductive organs from the herbarium sheets, we compared it to other state-of-the-art approaches with various backbone models. Table 5 presents the findings of the assessment. By employing ResNet101 as our backbone network, our method outperformed Mask Scoring RCNN and Mask-RCNN when identifying reproductive organs. Using the original Mask Scoring RCNN approach, many reproductive organs were incorrectly segmented, resulting in lower overall results (the achieved overall precision and recall were 84% , and 86% , respectively). Furthermore, as shown in Figure 2, our proposed model’s reliability Table 5 The comparison results of our approach using different ResNet50/101 backbones Models Precison Recall Original Mask Scoring RCNN 86.3% 88% with ResNet50 Original Mask Scoring RCNN 84% 86% with ResNet101 Mask-RCNN with ResNet50 84% 82% Mask-RCNN with ResNet101 85% 83% Our approach with ResNet50 90.6% 91.3% Our approach with ResNet101 94.5% 93% may be confirmed. This curve gives additional insight into the proposed approach. Also, Figure 3 shows that the loss remains constant after 100 epochs, whereas the model training takes around 21 hours. As a result, when ResNet101 is used as a backbone network, the total loss was minimized while accuracy increased during the training phase. Figure 2: Accuracy curve of our proposed approach 5. Discussion We present in this paper a new deep learning based-approach for segmenting and counting the reproductive organs such as buds, flowers, and fruits from the DHS images. For the sake of this research, 4000 different herbarium images containing reproductive organs were manually annotated. However, several factors impact the performance of our proposed approach, including the quantity of the training dataset and the high variability of reproductive organs within the scanned herbarium, which vary in size, shape, orientation, and color. In this paper, we investigate the effect of organ size on the segmentation of reproductive organs within the herbarium sheets, where smaller objects, such as buds, perform worse than Figure 3: Loss curve of our proposed approach larger ones. Buds are performing worse for a variety of reasons. One example is the small number of bud organs found in the DHS images, where about 70% of the samples were devoid of them. Flowers and fruits have higher visual distinctiveness, whereas buds are smaller and have lower visual distinctiveness. As a result, flowers seem to be the most segmented organ, followed by fruits and buds, because they are more significant than buds and they are not as widely distributed as fruits and buds (Figure 4). Further analysis of counting results presented in the confusion matrix (Table 2) and Table 4 reveal that the overall number of counted reproductive organs using our approach was quite close to the actual value (ground truth). For example, the lowest MEA was for the flower counts due to the morphological uniformity and abundance of flowers within the herbarium sheets. As demonstrated in Table 2, the total number of counted flower organs was 683, while their true value was 705 organs (MAE = 0.22). As a result of their irregular shape and scarcity within the DHS images, MAE for counting buds was considerably poorer than for flowers or fruits, as previously mentioned (MAE = 0.34). By comparing our approach with other state-of-the-art techniques, we found that our method performed well for segmenting and counting the reproductive organs within the DHS images (Table 5). The precision and recall reached 94.5% and 93%, respectively. However, additional research is needed to determine if variations in the appearance of reproductive organs among dried and pressed specimens complicate the automated segmentation of phenological features. 6. Conclusion and Future Directions For the sake of segmenting and counting the reproductive organs within the DHS images, we presented in this paper a deep learning-based approach, where the FPN network was refined by creating three-channel pathways FPN. Our method is focused on precisely segmenting different- sized and oriented buds, fruits, and flowers within the DHS images. Then, we predicted the number of reproductive organs by counting their occurrence within the DHS images. Based on Figure 4: Our proposed approach Outputs the findings, our approach can segment reproductive organs with high precision and recall. It is important to note that the success of our method is also dependent on a relatively training dataset. Enriching the dataset with specimens from various spatio-temporal scales may thus significantly improve performance. Acknowledgments This work was part of the MAMUDS project (Management Multimedia Data for Science), supported by BMBF, Germany (Project No. 01D16009) and MHESR, Tunisia. References [1] S. Piao, Q. Liu, A. Chen, I. Janssens, Y. H. Fu, J. Dai, L. Liu, X. Lian, M. Shen, X. Zhu, Plant phenology and global climate change: Current progresses and challenges., Global change biology 25 6 (2019) 1922–1940. [2] T. Borsch, A. Stevens, E. Häffner, A. Güntsch, W. Berendsohn, M. Appelhans, C. Bari- laro, B. Beszteri, F. Blattner, O. Bossdorf, H. Dalitz, S. Dressler, R. Duque-Thüs, H. Esser, A. Franzke, D. Goetze, M. Grein, U. Grünert, F. 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