=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3068/short4 |storemode=property |title=Collaborative Human-ML Decision Making Using Experts’ Privileged Information Under Uncertainty |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3068/short4.pdf |volume=Vol-3068 |authors=Mansoureh Maadi,Hadi Akbarzadeh Khorshidi,Uwe Aickelin |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aaaifs/MaadiKA21 }} ==Collaborative Human-ML Decision Making Using Experts’ Privileged Information Under Uncertainty== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3068/short4.pdf
   Collaborative Human-ML Decision Making Using Experts’ Privileged
                    Information Under Uncertainty
                          Mansoureh Maadi1, Hadi Akbarzadeh Khorshidi2, Uwe Aickelin3
                                                   The University of Melbourne1,2,3
                     mmaadi@student.unimelb.edu.au1, hadi.khorshidi@unimelb.edu.au2, uwe.aickelin@unimelb.edu.au3

                              Abstract                                      tion, etc. In some of these areas like clinical decision mak-
   Machine Learning (ML) models have been widely applied for                ing, ML models have been applied largely. However, the re-
   clinical decision making. However, in this critical decision             liability of these models is always under question. It is re-
   making field, human decision making is still prevalent, be-              ported that ML models are not enough in critical clinical de-
   cause clinical experts are more skilled to work with unstruc-
                                                                            cision making (Itani, Lecron, and Fortemps 2019), (Zerilli
   tured data specially to deal with uncommon situations. In this
   paper, we use clinical experts’ privileged information as an             et al. 2019).
   information source for clinical decision making besides in-                 Human-in-the-loop ML models pave the way to imple-
   formation provided by ML models and introduce a collabo-                 ment human expertise in ML models. In these models, hu-
   rative human-ML decision making model. In the proposed                   man experts can interact and collaborate in different stages
   model, two groups of decision makers including ML models
                                                                            of ML process to improve the performance of ML models.
   and clinical experts collaborate to make a consensus decision.
   As decision making always comes with uncertainty, we pre-                Clinical experts can collaborate in three stages of data pro-
   sent an interval modelling to capture uncertainty in the pro-            ducing and data processing (Huang et al. 2020), (Wrede,
   posed collaborative model. For this purpose, clinical experts            Hellander, and Wren 2019), ML modelling (Cai et al. 2019),
   are asked to give their opinion as intervals, and we generate            and ML evaluation and refinement (Alahmari et al. 2019) to
   prediction intervals as the outputs of ML models. Using In-
                                                                            improve the performance of ML methods for clinical deci-
   terval Agreement Approach (IAA), as an aggregation func-
   tion in our proposed collaborative model, pave the way to                sion making (Maadi, Khorshidi, and Aickelin 2021). How-
   minimize loss of information through aggregating intervals               ever, in human-in-the-loop ML approaches, ML models are
   to a fuzzy set. The proposed model not only can improve the              principal decision makers and clinical experts can guide the
   accuracy and reliability of decision making, but also can be             models according to their expertise and experience.
   more interpretable especially when it comes to critical deci-
                                                                               ML models are generated using training data and used to
   sions. Experimental results on synthetic data shows the
   power of the proposed collaborative decision making model                predict the test samples. So, these models decide based on
   in some scenarios.                                                       training data information. However, there are some infor-
                                                                            mation that are available at the training stage but not availa-
                                                                            ble for test data. This information called privileged (hidden)
                           Introduction                                     information (Vapnik, Vashist and Pavlovitch 2009), (Vap-
Machine Learning (ML) has experienced a surge in recent                     nik and Vashist 2009). In this study, we introduce another
years. They have been used to develop models for facilitat-                 type of privileged information that is available at the testing
ing decision making processes in different areas. The devel-                stage but not available (recorded) for training. For example,
opment of these models is based on the idea that computers                  at the time of diagnosing a patient’s disease, clinical experts
can process big data and make predictions whilst it is often                have an estimation about the diagnosis (with different level
hard for human experts. However, humans are more skilled                    of confidence) based on their experience, patient’s appear-
to work with unstructured information and deal with uncom-                  ance and reviewing documents and test results. These esti-
mon situations. That is the reason that human decision mak-                 mations are not normally recorded so that they cannot be
ing is still prevalent in many areas like clinical decision                 used in training models. However, they can be captured for
making, defence commanding, criminal punishment predic-                     each patient at the diagnosis (testing) stage. In this paper, we

Copyright © 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Crea-
tive Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
propose a framework to capture experts’ privileged infor-          Interval Agreement Approach (IAA) is an aggregation
mation and integrate with trained ML models in a collabo-       method that generates fuzzy sets from interval-valued data
rative decision making.                                         to minimize the loss of information in aggregation process.
   As ML models and clinical experts use different sources      (Havens, Wagner, and Anderson 2017; Khorshidi and Aick-
of information to make decision, a consensus decision mak-      elin 2020). This approach is introduced by (Wagner et al.
ing approach can improve decision making. In this paper,        2015). In the proposed collaborative model, we use IAA as
unlike human-in-the-loop ML models, we introduce a col-         the aggregation function to improve decision making
laborative human-ML decision making model where both            through capturing more uncertainty and minimizing the loss
clinical experts and ML models are decision makers. Clini-      of information.
cal decisions should not be made individually. We believe          Thus, in this paper, we make two important contributions:
clinical experts and ML models can help each other through      (1) we present a collaborative human-ML decision making
a group decision making process. Collaborative decision         model to use two important sources of information in clini-
making approach can provide a trust between ML models           cal decision making from two groups of decision makers,
and clinical experts to have trustable and explainable mod-     ML models and clinical experts, and (2) we measure uncer-
els. In addition, this approach provides an opportunity to      tainty of both decision maker groups through intervals and
have a precise investigation on the ML models’ and clinical     capture decision uncertainty in the collaborative model us-
experts’ performance in clinical decision making process in-    ing interval modelling and IAA.
dividually and jointly. Besides, this approach improves de-        The structure of the paper is as follows. In the next sec-
cision making especially when a decision maker is not avail-    tion, we describe the technique to generate intervals as the
able due to disruption in connectivity or information is pro-   outputs of ML models to capture ML models’ uncertainty.
vided intermittently for decision making.                       Also, IAA is described in this section. Then, the proposed
   Uncertainty is inevitable in decision making. Decision       collaborative decision making model is explained. After
makers may have different levels of uncertainty based on        that, the performance of the proposed model is investigated
their knowledge and level of access to information. When it     using a synthetic dataset. Finally, conclusions of the paper
comes to human decision makers, decision making accom-          are presented.
pany with two kinds of uncertainty named inter-expert un-
certainty and intra-expert uncertainty. Inter-expert uncer-
tainty shows the variation among different decision makers                              Preliminary
and intra-expert uncertainty is related to the change of the
mind of each decision maker during the time on the same         Generating Uncertainty Intervals for ML Models
situation (Havens, Wagner, and Anderson 2017). To capture       To capture uncertainty of clinical experts’ opinion, we use
decision maker’s opinion with its uncertainties, linguistic     interval data. When decision makers are ML models, we can
variables and computing with words paradigms have at-           capture the uncertainty of ML models using prediction in-
tracted the researchers recently (Khorshidi and Aickelin        tervals. Here, we describe how we can generate intervals as
2020). In these techniques, opinions as words encode to         the prediction of ML models based on the approach we in-
fuzzy sets (Borovička 2019), cloud models (Khorshidi and        troduced in (Maadi, Aickelin, and Khorshidi 2020). Let C
Aickelin 2020), intervals (Wu, Mendel, and Coupland             be an ML classifier such as decision tree or logistic regres-
2012), to name a few, and computational analysis on them        sion. From a training dataset, we can generate different
provides decisions. Expecting exact values from clinical de-    training datasets using bagging method. Bagging is a sam-
cision makers is unrealistic. They should be given an oppor-    pling strategy proposed by Breiman (Breiman 1996). In this
tunity to express their opinions with a level of uncertainty.   method, some samples are elicited randomly from the train-
So, in the proposed collaborative decision making approach,     ing dataset with replacement and generate a new training da-
we capture the uncertainty using intervals. We ask each clin-   taset named as bag. By training the ML model on different
ical expert to give their opinion as an interval and show the   bags, we have different classifiers. Applying them on the
level of the uncertainty using the width of the interval.       test dataset generates multiple probabilities related to class
   In ML models, data uncertainty and model uncertainty are     prediction. Using these probabilities, we can generate an un-
two important sources of uncertainty. To capture uncertainty    certainty interval (UI) for the prediction of the ML model.
of ML models by intervals, we recently have introduced an       UI captures the uncertainty of the ML model (Maadi, Aick-
interval modelling technique to capture uncertainty in en-      elin, and Khorshidi 2020).
semble learning (Maadi, Aickelin, and Khorshidi 2020). In           Suppose 𝑝1 , 𝑝2 ,…, 𝑝𝑏 as probabilities determined by b
this technique, for each ML model in an ensemble, an inter-     classifiers (generated using bags), an UI for ML model is
val is generated as a prediction. In the proposed collabora-    generated by calculating the first quartile (𝑄1 ) and the third
tive decision making model, we use this technique to capture    quartile (𝑄3) of the probabilities as (1).
uncertainty of each ML model by intervals.
                        Figure 1: Generating an Uncertainty Interval for an ML Model on a Dataset to Capture Uncertainty

 UI = [𝑄1 , 𝑄3 ]                                                     (1)

     According to (1), UI is defined as the inter quartile                       Collaborative Human-ML Decision Making
range of 𝑝1 , 𝑝2 ,…, 𝑝𝑏 . In Figure 1, the framework of gen-                                      Model
erating uncertainty intervals for ML models is shown.
                                                                                We consider clinical decision making problem as a classifi-
                                                                                cation problem. Considering three classifiers (ML models)
Interval Agreement Approach (IAA)                                               and three clinical experts as decision makers, the process of
IAA is an aggregation function to aggregate decision mak-                       collaborative decision making is depicted in Figure 2. In this
ers’ opinions while the opinions are presented as intervals.                    process, decision makers determine the probability that a
IAA aggregates intervals to a fuzzy set. Let 𝐴 =                                test sample belongs to the main class and present it as an
{𝐴1 , … , 𝐴𝑚 } be a set of intervals given by m decision makers                 interval. For example, in a cancer diagnosis problem, deci-
as their opinions where 𝐴𝑖 = [𝑙𝑖 , 𝑟𝑖 ] (i = 1, 2, …, m). Ag-                   sion makers determine the probability that the test sample is
gregating intervals of set A generates a Type 1 Fuzzy Set                       malignant.
(T1 FS) in IAA with the membership function of 𝜇𝐴 which                            In the proposed model, both classifiers and clinical ex-
is defined as (2) (Wagner et al. 2015).                                         perts have access to the electronic health records. The rec-
        yi                                                                      ords are used to train classifiers. Using generating uncer-
μA= ∑m
     i=1 ⁄ m-i+1 m-i+2                                                (2)
           (⋃j =1 ⋃j =j +1 … ⋃mj=j +1 ( Aj1 ∩… ∩ Aji ))                         tainty intervals explained before, we have an interval as the
                  1     2   1        i   i-1

   In (2), yi = i⁄m is the degree of membership and ‘/’ refers                  output of each classifier. This interval shows the probability
to assignment of degree of membership. The degree of                            of belonging a test sample to the main class. Also, clinical
membership in IAA is related to the number of intervals                         experts are asked to give their opinions about the test sample
overlapped in a point. So, the value of one for the degree of                   as intervals. IAA aggregates all intervals to a T1 FS. This
membership in a point shows all intervals overlap at that                       fuzzy set shows how much all decision makers are in agree-
point. To simplify (2), 𝜇𝐴 can be written as (3) for a point                    ment. A T1 FS can be shown as a list of tuples which each
like x.                                                                         tuple indicates different region of change over the member-
                                                                                ship function as (4).
           i=1 μA
                ̅ (x)
μA (x)=                                                               (3)
              m                                                                   𝑇𝐹𝑆 = [𝑅1 , 𝑅2 , … , 𝑅𝑣 ], 𝑅𝑖 = ([𝑅𝑖𝑙 , 𝑅𝑖𝑟 ], 𝑅𝑖ℎ )    (4)
                   1        𝐿𝐴̅ 𝑖 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 𝑟𝐴̅ 𝑖                                     Where 𝑙 is the left point, 𝑟 is the right point and ℎ is the
Where 𝜇𝐴̅ 𝑖 (𝑥) = {
                             0 𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑒                                             height or the membership function value of the tuple 𝑅𝑖 cal-
                                                                                culated using (3).

                                               Figure 2: Collaborative Human-ML Decision Making Framework
To make the collaborative decision about a test sample, we                                 Experimental Analysis Using Synthetic Data
calculate the centroid of this fuzzy set. The centroid of the
fuzzy set is calculated using (5).                                                           To show how the proposed collaborative approach works,
                                                                                          we use Liver Disorders dataset from UCI as electronic
                              ∑𝑣𝑖=0(𝑅𝑖ℎ ×𝑅𝑖𝑙 )+(𝑅𝑖ℎ ×𝑅𝑖𝑟 )                                health records (Dua 2019). This dataset has 345 samples and
𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑖𝑑 (𝑇𝐹𝑆) =                      ∑𝑣𝑖=𝑜 2(𝑅𝑖ℎ )
                                                                                          5 features that are all blood tests which are related to liver
                                                                                          disorders arise from alcohol consumption. In this dataset,
   If the value of the centroid is more than 0.5, it shows the                            target value is alcohol consumption and features’ values are
test sample belongs to the main class. For example, in the                                integer numbers. To have a bi-class classification dataset,
cancer diagnosis problem, if the centroid is more than 0.5,                               we follow the strategy described in (Turney 1994). We as-
it shows the test sample is malignant.                                                    sign class 0 to the number of drinks less than 3, and class 1
   In the proposed approach, accompany with making a col-                                 to the number of drinks equal or more than 3. This dataset is
laborative decision, we can evaluate the performance of                                   a balanced dataset.
both groups of decision makers separately. Specially in high                                 In this experiment, three classifiers of Decision Tree
risk conditions, this provides us important information to                                (DT), Logistic Regression (LR) and Gaussian Naïve Bayes
make decision in a timely manner.                                                         (GNB) are considered as ML models. We split the dataset to
   In the proposed collaborative decision making approach,                                training dataset and test dataset with the ratios of 75% and
we can calculate the width of the intervals presented by clin-                            25% respectively. Regarding the proposed approach, we
ical experts and ML models as a measure for uncertainty.                                  calculate uncertainty intervals for classifiers. For clinical ex-
The width of intervals provides us information about how                                  perts’ opinion, we generate synthetic data as their decision
much certain clinical experts and ML models are in their de-                              (the probability of assigning one sample to class 1, here as
cision making separately and collectively. So, we can rec-                                the main class) to examine different scenarios in collabora-
ognize decision makers that are highly deviated from the                                  tive decision making approach.
consensus to extract informative insights for updating the                                   In the first scenario, we assume that both groups of deci-
decision-making process.                                                                  sion makers (ML models and clinical experts) make similar
   In Algorithm 1, the steps of the proposed collaborative                                decisions and have close uncertainties. So, we construct
decision making approach for m ML models (classifiers)                                    three synthetic intervals as clinical experts’ opinions using
and n clinical experts is described.                                                      three uncertainty intervals generated by classifiers. To gen-
 Algorithm 1: Collaborative expert-ML decision making process                             erate one opinion interval from one uncertainty interval, we
 Input:                                                                                   randomly select two numbers from the range of numbers be-
     1.   Electronic health records
     2.   Test sample u                                                                   tween endpoints of the uncertainty interval added by an 
     3.   Collection C1, C2, …, Cm of classifiers                                         and these numbers are the endpoints of the opinion interval.
     4.   Clinical experts’ opinions about the test sample u (n clinical experts)
                                                                                          Results of this scenario in three different experiments are
     5.   The number of randomly picked samples in bagging (V)
     6.   The number of bags generated using bagging (H)                                  shown in Table 1.

 Output: The decision about getting infected to the disease for test sample                              Performance     Collaborative    ML      Clinical
 u                                                                                                         measure          model        models   experts
 1.       For i from 1 to m do                                                                             Accuracy          0.790       0.795     0.784
 2.             For j from 1 to H do                                                                        F-score          0.870       0.873     0.866
 3.                Select a bag of training samples (V samples with replacement)                1          G-mean            0.563       0.564     0.555
                   using bagging                                                                         Width of the
                                                                                                                            0.156        0.151     0.161
 4.                Train classifier Ci on the selected bag
 5.                Compute the probability for the given test sample u using the                           Accuracy         0.775        0.770     0.770
                                                                                                            F-score         0.859        0.856     0.855
                   trained classifier and assign it to Pj
                                                                                                2          G-mean           0.560        0.556     0.556
 6.            end                                                                                       Width of the
 7.              Compute the first quartile of {P1, P2, …, PH} and assigns it to Q1i                       intervals
                                                                                                                            0.150        0.144     0.155
 8.              Compute the third quartile of {P1, P2, …, PH} and assigns it to Q3 i                      Accuracy         0.773        0.771     0.773
 9.              Determine the uncertainty interval [Q1i, Q3i] for classifier Ci re-                        F-score         0.858        0.856     0.857
                 garding test sample u                                                          3          G-mean           0.539        0.537     0.553
 10.      end                                                                                            Width of the
 11.      Ask the probability of belonging the test sample u to the main class as an                                        0.154        0.149     0.158
          interval from clinical expert j and named it [DLj, DRj] (j = 1, 2, …, n)        Table 1: Collaborative and Individual Results for Two Groups of
 12.      Aggregate [Q11, Q31], [Q12, Q32], …, [Q1m, Q3m], [DL1, DR1], [DL2,
          DR2], …, [DLn, DRn] using IAA and generate a T1 FS
                                                                                          Decision Makers (ML Models and Clinical Experts) in Scenario 1
 13.      Calculate the centroid of the T1 FS
 14.      If the centroid >= 0.5                                                             In Table 1, three experiments show possible situations in
                 Return ‘Test sample u belongs to the main class’                         scenario 1 where each group of decision makers (collabora-
          Else                                                                            tive model and individual models) has relatively better per-
                 Return ‘Test sample u belongs to the subordinate class’                  formance than others. However, the difference among the
                                                                                          performance of these three groups of decision makers is not
significant. According to this table, the decision-making re-       data as experts’ opinions, we use the strategy mentioned in
sults in terms of accuracy, F-score and G-mean are similar          previous scenarios to generate opinions intervals. Then, we
to each other for three decision maker groups in all experi-        consider the middle points of the intervals as clinical ex-
ments. Also, in this scenario the widths of intervals are close     perts’ point predictions to determine the class label of test
together for all groups. We know that always the width of           samples. Finally, using majority voting on point predictions
the intervals for collaborative model is between the width of       generated by ML models and clinical experts, we determine
the intervals for clinical experts and ML models. Totally, we       consensus point prediction for test samples. The results on
can say that the performance of the collaborative model in          comparing the proposed collaborative model to its equiva-
the case that the performance of two individual groups is           lent point prediction model are shown in Table 3. In the first
like each other is better than at least one of them.                experiment, the opinion intervals are generated according to
   In the second scenario, we examine the effect of the bad
                                                                    scenario 1 and in the second experiment opinion intervals
performance of one of decision makers’ groups on collabo-
                                                                    are generated according to scenario 2.
rative decision making. We generate opinions’ intervals so
that the predictions for clinical experts are far from the real                      Performance    Proposed     Point prediction
class of the test samples to some extent. In experiment 1 of                           measure       model            model
                                                                                       Accuracy       0.780           0.774
this scenario, we generate intervals with wider width and in               1            F-score       0.862           0.858
experiment 2, we generate intervals with narrower width.                               G-mean         0.555           0.555
The results related to this scenario are shown in Table 2.                             Accuracy       0.766           0.715
                                                                           2            F-score       0.849           0.813
                                                                                       G-mean         0.602           0.602
               Performance    Collaborative    ML      Clinical
                 measure         model        models   experts
                                                                    Table 3: Proposed Collaborative Model Compared to Its Equiva-
                 Accuracy         0.766       0.774     0.333                  lent Point Prediction Model in Scenario 3
                  F-score         0.849       0.859     0.238
      1          G-mean           0.602       0.534     0.353
               Width of the                                            The results in Table 3 show better performance of the pro-
                                 0.327        0.154     0.500
                 intervals                                          posed model than its equivalent point prediction model in
                 Accuracy        0.773        0.777     0.336
                  F-score        0.855        0.861     0.251
                                                                    terms of accuracy and F-score. It means that interval mod-
      2          G-mean          0.639        0.524     0.182       elling in the proposed collaborative model improves deci-
               Width of the
                                 0.121        0.153     0.09        sion making through capturing uncertainty.
Table 2: Collaborative and Individual Results for Two Groups of        Regarding all described scenarios and experiments, we
                Decision Makers in Scenario 2                       conclude that the proposed collaborative model can be an
                                                                    effective model to capture uncertainty, use clinical experts’
   The results in Table 2 shows the power of interval mod-          privileged information and implement the power of ML
elling as well as IAA as interval aggregation function in de-       models in clinical decision making. However, real datasets
cision making. In the cases that one group of decision mak-         and scenarios can present more accurate analysis on the per-
ers makes bad decisions, results show it does not affect the        formance of the proposed collaborative human-ML decision
collaborative decision significantly. So, the proposed model        making model.
is robust and is suitable for critical collaborative clinical de-
cision making. Considering Table 2, we conclude that when
it comes to the width of the intervals as a measure for uncer-                             Conclusion
tainty, we can investigate the decision made by the group           In this paper, we use expert’s privileged information in ad-
with high value of width of intervals. Decision making by           dition to ML models in clinical decision making and present
this group of decision makers can affect decision quality. So,      a collaborative human-ML decision making model. In the
we can ignore them in decision making process.                      proposed model, both clinical experts and ML models are
   In the third scenario, we investigate the effect of interval     considered as decision makers. To handle the uncertainty of
modelling in the proposed model on decision making per-             decision making in collaborative model, we use intervals.
formance. We believe that the proposed interval modelling           Clinical experts’ opinions are asked as intervals, and we de-
improves decision making through capturing uncertainty.             velop an approach to have intervals as the outputs of ML
To test it, we compare the performance of the proposed col-         models. IAA as a powerful interval-based aggregation func-
laborative model with its equivalent point prediction model.        tion is used to aggregate decision makers’ interval predic-
In this scenario, we use majority voting as the most common         tions to a T1 FS. The generated FS is used to determine the
used aggregation function in point prediction approaches.           final consensus decision. In the proposed collaborative
To create point prediction model, for each ML model like            model, the width of the intervals is a measure for decision
DT, we create different classifiers using bagging, then we          makers’ uncertainty. So, it provides information about the
                                                                    uncertainty of each group of decision makers to improve de-
use majority voting to determine the class label of each test
                                                                    cision making. To show how the proposed model works, we
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