=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3068/short5 |storemode=property |title=Technical Feasibility, Financial Viability, and Clinician Acceptance: On the Many Challenges to AI in Clinical Practice |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3068/short5.pdf |volume=Vol-3068 |authors=Nur Yildirim,John Zimmerman,Sarah Preum |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aaaifs/YildirimZP21 }} ==Technical Feasibility, Financial Viability, and Clinician Acceptance: On the Many Challenges to AI in Clinical Practice== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3068/short5.pdf
Technical Feasibility, Financial Viability, and Clinician Acceptance: On the Many
                        Challenges to AI in Clinical Practice
                                    Nur Yildirim,1 John Zimmerman, 1 Sarah Preum 2
                                  Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
                                        Computer Science Department, Dartmouth College
                            yildirim@cmu.edu, johnz@cs.cmu.edu, sarah.masud.preum@dartmouth.edu

                            Abstract                                  AI has largely focused on some aspects of technical feasi-
                                                                      bility. Researchers have made many, stunning technical ad-
  Artificial intelligence (AI) applications in healthcare offer the
  promise of improved decision making for clinicians, and bet-        vances that confirm this is a great space for innovation. Little
  ter healthcare outcomes for patients. While technical AI ad-        to no work has investigated how AI systems might pay for
  vances in healthcare showcase impressive performances in            themselves within the complex landscape of healthcare re-
  lab settings, they seem to fail when moving to clinical prac-       imbursement, and little work has explored when, where, and
  tice. In this position paper, we reflect on our experiences of      in what form AI inferences might be viewed as valuable by
  designing for AI acceptance and discuss three interrelated          clinicians. Below we touch on each of these three areas that
  challenges to AI in clinical practice: technical feasibility, fi-   we feel must be addressed for AI to thrive in the clinic.
  nancial viability, and clinician acceptance. We discuss each
  challenge and their implications for future research in clinical
  AI. We encourage the research community to take on these
                                                                                        Technical Feasibility
  lenses in collaboratively tackling the challenges of moving         While there have been great technical advances around AI
  AI systems into real-world healthcare applications.                 in healthcare, much of the work is not clinically relevant
                                                                      (Seneviratne, Shah, and Chu 2020); research has largely
                        Introduction                                  reproduced human decision making, and researchers have
                                                                      tended to focus on more difficult problems than searching
Over the last decade, there has been lots of excitement about         for low-hanging fruit. When we use the term “clinically rel-
what AI might do for healthcare. AI offers the promise of             evant” and apply it to AI innovation, we are talking about
improved cancer diagnosis, faster discovery of new drugs,             research that offers empirical evidence that clinicians want
and even personalization of patients’ healthcare experiences.         the AI output researchers are developing. Drawing from our
The transition to electronic health records has produced a            work on the ICU, researchers have created systems that pre-
wealth of data ripe for mining. Interestingly, AI systems that        dict medication (Suresh et al. 2017), predict a patient will
work great in computer labs largely fail when they move               need a ventilator (Suresh et al. 2017), predict if a patient will
to clinical practice, and the number one reason they fail is          die (Song et al. 2018) or be discharged (Zhang et al. 2020),
the lack of adoption by clinicians (Yang, Zimmerman, and              and predict the onset of conditions like sepsis (Nemati et al.
Steinfeld 2015).                                                      2018), tachycardia (Liu et al. 2021), or hypotension (Yoon
   Our team has been investigating how AI might function              et al. 2020). Researchers detail the importance of this infor-
more effectively in the enterprise: How AI systems might              mation to a patient’s health, but they do not provide evidence
help professionals both make better decisions and also feel           that clinicians currently find the use of their own expertise
like they are becoming better at their jobs. We have done             to make these predictions challenging, that clinicians make
work in education, business, and healthcare. Currently, we            a high rate of errors, or that clinicians have expressed an ex-
are working on a project to identify how AI might improve             plicit desire to know this prediction.
ICU care. Can it automate mundane tasks? Can it discover                 Technology follows a familiar adoption process. First,
low-value care? Can it detect deviations between standards            there is a need for technical capabilities. Once capabilities
of care and actual practice?                                          exist, there is a need to map these capabilities to situations
   For this position paper, we reflect on what we have                that might benefit from this capability. Finally, there is a
learned about AI acceptance in the workplace across many              need for evidence that applying the new capability actu-
domains, and we tailor our insights to aspects most relevant          ally created a desirable benefit. Almost all AI innovation in
to clinical practice. In our experience, AI only flourishes           healthcare is working on new capabilities. That is an im-
when it is technically feasible, financially viable, and ac-          portant first step. But now, we need more work showing the
ceptable or even desired by end-users. Research on clinical           capabilities actually map to authentic needs. When we have
Copyright © 2021, for this paper by its authors. Use permitted un-    a body of work showing AI can address real needs, the next
der Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC        step will be deployment studies showing the new technology
BY 4.0).                                                              has real-world impact, that it improves health outcomes and
lowers the cost of delivering care.                               This can be challenging due to the near-monopoly held by
   One driver of the disconnect between AI capability and         the tiny number of EHR vendors and from the software de-
clinical need is the fact that most AI innovations in health      velopment culture that has shifted to lean-agile, with a focus
focus on reproducing the work of human decision-makers.           on making an MVP – the minimum viable product. Techni-
These are often approaching problems from a machine               cal AI healthcare research never addresses how the advance
learning perspective because the diagnosis (human deci-           will make money, how it will pay for itself. The work does
sion) and selected treatment (human decision) are well doc-       not detail the changes needed to current data pipelines. It
umented. The labeled data exists for training a system. Most      does not talk about the increased amount of computing re-
healthcare decisions like these are “textbook”, they are ob-      quired. It does not specify how this will save time, allowing
vious to a clinical expert. And an AI system trained on this      clinicians to treat more people in the same amount of time,
data will work the best for textbook cases. This is not where     and it does not detail how clinicians might be able to charge
clinicians need help, unless the intent is to automate clini-     more, because the quality of the decision-making should get
cians out of existence. Clinicians need the most help with the    better. The flow of money in healthcare is complicated, from
unusual cases, cases with high clinician uncertainty (Yang        patient to insurance company to the many intersecting clini-
et al. 2016). Clinicians also need help with the social aspects   cians delivering care. Unlike with consumer goods, a better
of their work, with getting a team to work better together in     product (healthcare decision) does not directly relate to in-
order to benefit from the collective intelligence.                creased demand or higher price. While this challenge may
   In the ICU, patients on a ventilator receive input from the    seem out of scope for technical AI innovation, it still consti-
Interventionist, the ICU nurse, and the Respiratory Thera-        tutes a significant barrier to AI adoption compared to other
pists (RT). The RTs will perform breathing tests on venti-        industries.
lated patients in the early morning. When the Interventionist        EHR are an expensive problem. Many hospitals will have
arrives, they use the results of this test to decide if a pa-     10 or more different systems that all seem designed to be
tient should be extubated. But RTs and Interventionists do        inoperable with one another (Reisman 2017; Glaser 2020).
not always agree on who should get a breathing test, lead-        Clinicians and healthcare providers are not software com-
ing to situations where the doctor wants the results but the      panies, yet they must constantly make large IT investments
test has not been conducted. An AI system that tries to pre-      to make systems run and to get them to trade data with one
dict expert disagreement could raise this issue ahead of time,    another (He et al. 2019). Adding on an AI system in this en-
allowing the experts to make a decision before the window         vironment is expensive in ways that are not the case in other
for decision making has closed. Situations like expert dis-       industries. The development cost never really ends, as each
agreement are only indirectly captured in EHRs, but they          time an EHR vendor offers a major upgrade, almost all of
show real moments where clinicians would benefit from a           the additional code and enhancements a healthcare provider
machine prediction.                                               previously developed must be rewritten.
   In our experience, AI researchers working in healthcare           An additional financial barrier comes from the current
are most interested in working on difficult challenges. This      culture of software development. With the rapid growth of
helps researchers publish, as they can offer clear evidence       agile development, software development has become much
that they have advanced the state of the art for AI and ma-       more risk averse, with development teams searching for
chine learning. However, by doing this, they most often           clear evidence of value. Increasingly, teams are working to-
overlook the low-hanging fruit, situations where a little bit     ward defining and rapidly deploying an MVP that can pro-
of well-known AI might actually help accelerate or enhance        duce clear evidence of its beneficial impact in weeks. This
clinical practice. In our ICU work, we noticed that clinicians    is fine for retail companies that might want to try out new
must frequently input orders for new medication. This is not      personalization approaches, where they can deploy and run
a difficult task, but it is a tedious task. As they type, they    A/B studies within a few weeks to collect evidence of the
see a list of possible medications and doses they might be        positive impact for their innovation. This seems to be out
looking for, shown as an alphabetical list. Sometimes this        of reach for almost any AI healthcare system that focuses
helps. In examining this mundane, tedious task, we noticed        on high-risk clinician decision-making. Healthcare is unpre-
that a list of medications ordered by frequency as opposed        pared for A/B testing, and we are not suggesting this would
to alphabetically significantly reduced the task completion       be a good thing. Our point is that new employees coming
time by more than 50%. This is not a “sexy” innovation nor        into software development bring a mindset that is in conflict
even a use of AI. But it does help to illustrate how the mun-     with the pace AI in healthcare will need.
dane labor of interaction with IT systems is largely ignored
by data scientists and AI researchers.                                     Clinician Acceptance and Desire
                                                                  Unfortunately, very little research documents the details
                  Financial Viability                             of clinician decision-making and identifies the time and
In our work on AI innovation in the enterprise, we have ob-       place an AI inference might be experienced as most valu-
served that the biggest barrier for getting a new AI capability   able or explores which forms of AI output are most useful
off of the whiteboard and onto a product roadmap is a strong      (Cai et al. 2019; Yang et al. 2016). It does seem like in-
business case. Software product managers want to know that        creased funding for the human-AI interaction aspects of AI
the value of the innovation will be much higher than the de-      in healthcare is one way this might be addressed. The lack
velopment costs and the operational costs for the innovation.     of human-centered approach in healthcare AI innovation is
evident. The current standard, the assumptions made by AI                           Acknowledgements
researchers working on healthcare systems often indicates a       This material is based upon work supported by the Na-
lack of understanding of clinical practice workflows (Topol       tional Science Foundation under Grant No. (2007501)
2019). Many if not most research systems are built with the       and work supported by the National Institutes of Health
assumption that clinicians recognize that they need help with     (R35HL144804). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions
a decision, and that in their “free time” the clinicians will     or recommendations expressed in this material are those of
walk up and use a separate IT system to get advice on what        the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
they should do (Yang et al. 2016). The reality is that clin-      National Science Foundation or the National Institutes of
icians have no free time and they are unsure when a smart         Health.
system might help. Their main experience with clinical deci-
sion support systems mostly involves continuous, irrelevant
alerts that distract them from their work, and that provide a
negative orientation to spending time on the computer (Ra-        Cai, C. J.; Winter, S.; Steiner, D.; Wilcox, L.; and Terry,
jkomar, Dean, and Kohane 2019).                                   M. 2019.      ” Hello AI”: Uncovering the Onboarding
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means that many innovation avenues are under-investigated.        tive Decision-Making. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-
For example, little work has been done to apply techniques        computer Interaction 3(CSCW): 1–24.
such as business process mining to healthcare. This would         Glaser, J. 2020. Its time for a new kind of electronic health
help reveal what the actual standard of care is, and clini-       record. Harvard Business Review. June 12.
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to better understand and identify areas for improvement. As       He, J.; Baxter, S. L.; Xu, J.; Xu, J.; Zhou, X.; and Zhang, K.
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for application, but also the business of healthcare, and the     tention models. In Thirty-second AAAI conference on artifi-
needs and desires of the frontline healthcare workers. We en-     cial intelligence.
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take on these challenges. HCI and design researchers can          tion and understanding using deep networks. arXiv preprint
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