=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3068/xpreface |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3068/xpreface.pdf |volume=Vol-3068 |authors=Thomas E. Doyle,Reza Samavi,Aisling Kelliher }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3068/xpreface.pdf
   Preface: AAAI-HUMAN 2021 Fall Symposium on Human Partnership
                  with Medical AI: Design, Operationalization, and Ethics
                                    Thomas E. Doyle1,4, Reza Samavi2,4, Aisling Kelliher3
                                                             1McMaster University, Canada
                                                              2Ryerson University, Canada
                                                                   3Virginia Tech, USA
                                                  4Vector Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Canada
                                            1doylet@mcmaster.ca, 2samavi@ryerson.ca, 3aislingk@vt.edu

                               Abstract                                        pain, clinician involvement for enhancing trust, and the pa-
   The Human Partnership with Medical Artificial Intelligence:                 tient perspective on AI in their healthcare. In addition, round
   Design, Operationalization, and Ethics AAAI symposium                       table discussions covered the future of medical AI partner-
   was held virtually November 4-6, 2021. The goal of the sym-                 ship, enhancing trust in AI, and improving clinical adoption.
   posium was to investigate our human relationship and part-
                                                                               In addition to the talks, the symposium also ran a rapid mod-
   nership with medical artificial intelligence, especially focus-
   ing on challenges in design, operationalization, and ethics.                ified Delphi to better understand the challenges of medical
                                                                               AI partnership. Two questions were initially asked: 1) What
                                                                               aspects (or characteristics) of AI implementation drive, or
                               Preface                                         help gain, merited trust in clinical adoption?, and 2) How
                                                                               the aspects (characteristics) identified can be operational-
Human interaction with artificial intelligence takes many
                                                                               ized in clinical AI implementation? The responses were dis-
forms; however, the risk tolerance in a medical context is
                                                                               cussed with the symposium participants for consensus and
very low. As academics and practitioners at this intersec-
                                                                               then ranked based on complexity and importance. Rankings
tion, in fields such as medicine, engineering, computer sci-
                                                                               were presented for further discussion and synthesis of con-
ence, psychology, and human factors, we each seek to con-
                                                                               cepts. The outcome is expected to provide the community
tribute to improved clinical outcomes through intelligent de-
                                                                               with insight and research directions with the greatest impact
cision support and prediction.
                                                                               in the pursuit of improving human partnership with medical
   The symposium brought together researchers and clini-
                                                                               AI for improved clinical outcomes.
cians from a variety of AI backgrounds and perspectives.
                                                                                  Thomas E. Doyle and Aisling Kelliher served as co-chairs
Topics discussed were privacy preservation concerns using
                                                                               of this symposium. The papers of the symposium were pub-
the natural language processing Bidirectional Encoder Rep-
                                                                               lished as a CEUR-WS.org proceedings available through the
resentations from Transformers (BERT) with clinical data,
                                                                               symposium web site aaai-human.ai.
multimodal explanations for decision support, interpretable
models for survival analysis, experts privileged information
under uncertainty, challenges to AI in clinical practice, au-
tomated medical text translation for different user types, and
intelligent tutoring for anatomical education. Keynotes by
Dr. Jenna Wiens (University of Michigan) and Dr. Jason
Corso (Steven Institute of Technology) presented From Di-
agnosis to Treatment - Augmenting Clinical Decision Mak-
ing with Artificial Intelligence, and Video Understanding in
the Clinic: Progress and Challenges, respectively. Guest
speakers shared their clinical AI experiences in chronic

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tive Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Copy-          4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)."
right © 2021 for the volume as a collection by its editors. This volume and