=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-3069/longpaper01 |storemode=property |title=Changes in Student Perceptions of Ethics of Learning Analytics due to the Pandemic |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3069/FP_01.pdf |volume=Vol-3069 |authors=Matias Nevaranta,Katja Lempinen,Erkki Kaila }} ==Changes in Student Perceptions of Ethics of Learning Analytics due to the Pandemic== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3069/FP_01.pdf
           Proceedings of the Conference on Technology Ethics 2021 - Tethics 2021

      Changes in Student Perceptions of Ethics of Learning
                 Analytics due to the Pandemic

                                              Long paper

     Nevaranta, Matias 1[0000-0001-8447-856X], Lempinen, Katja 2[0000-0003-4549-4377] and Kaila,
                                     Erkki 3[0000-0002-2407-9492]
           Education services, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Pori, Finland
           Education services, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Pori, Finland
                Department of Computing, University of Turku, Turku, Finland
                1matias.m.nevaranta@samk.fi, 2katja.lempinen@samk.fi, 3ertaka@utu.fi

            Abstract. The pandemic has affected all areas of life with education being no
            different. Distance learning has become the new normal in all levels of education.
            Learning analytics as a tool best utilized by the abundance of data should now be
            more lucrative and needed than ever. Prior to the change, we surveyed the
            students of two Finnish higher education institutes, Helsinki university and
            Satakunta university of applied sciences, about their opinions, attitudes and
            expectations of learning analytics and ethics associated with it. This study is a
            follow-up surveying only the students of university of applied sciences and aims
            to find changes that might have been brought forth by the sudden and drastic
            switch to distance learning only. In addition, this was a chance to gather
            information on the students’ experiences on distance learning, and how they feel
            about the so called new normal. The results seem to indicate that while students'
            expectations towards learning analytics haven't changed, their attitudes to
            security of their data and ethical conduction of analytics have become
            significantly stricter. We also found out that students have diverse feelings about
            distance learning in general, indicating changes required to post-pandemic

            Keywords: Learning analytics, ethics, distance learning, education

 1          Introduction

 The drastic change brought upon by the global pandemic has affected everyone.
 Education has had to undergo a transformation to cope with the change, higher
 education not being an exception (Saqr & Wasson, 2020). The change in practice meant

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 extreme limitations to travelling, contact, all forms of physical interaction between
 societies. In education, this commonly meant change from physical contact lessons to
 full-on online education. What higher education institutes had already been offering to
 the world in smaller proportions became the new standard across all levels of education.
 (Pappas & Giannakos, 2021) What has been brought upon by the change in higher
 education is what we are looking into. Already there have been several reports and
 studies on both the positive and negative effects of distance learning and now that we
 are even more dependent on educational systems and data it should also propose an
 interesting question to us about the position that learning analytics now hold. Whatever
 means we have used and experimented on with learning analytics and data before the
 pandemic had to be deployed to make the most out of the situation all education
 institutes face. (Heath, 2020) The hypothesis remains similar to our previous study on
 students’ perceptions about learning analytics but now the question has shifted towards
 has learning analytics gained favor due to the increased need for digital tools, platforms
 and systems that learning analytics by nature should elevate to greater heights?
    The focus of this follow-up study was to find out if students' attitudes, expectations
 and opinions about learning analytics and ethics associated with it have been changed
 by the pandemic. The original study was completed in the beginning of spring 2020
 and was therefore done prior to the COVID-19 virus reaching pandemic status. (Finnish
 Institute for Health and Welfare, 2021) In addition, the study measured how distance
 learning has affected the study behaviors of students to provide more insight on the
 possible changes in their perceptions about learning analytics and ethics associated.
    This paper is structured as follows. First, we present related studies with focus on
 articles related to learning analytics and ethics. Next, we discuss the topic of ethics in
 learning analytics in more detail. Then we disclose the results of the original study and
 present the setup of this follow-up study, including the design changes and conduction
 of the survey. Finally, the results are presented, discussed and a conclusion is drawn.

 2      Related Work

 As stated in the introduction the basis for this study heavily references similar studies
 done that measured the effects of the pandemic in education and the previous studies
 done by our research group on the use and application of learning analytics in higher
 education. The aforementioned Pappas & Giannakos (2021) did a study in April on the
 learning design during the pandemic where they touched both topics of data and
 learning analytics and Heath (2020) did similarly a study on the idea and application of
 learning analytics in online instruction. More notably Viberg (et al. 2018) did an
 exploratory study on the current state of learning analytics in higher education with
 extensive literature review.

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 3       About Learning Analytics and Ethics

 Learning analytics as a subfield of analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis
 and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for purposes of understanding
 and optimizing learning in the environments in which it occurs (Siemens, 2013). In
 other words, learning analytics is a tool with which we can harness the abundant data
 about learners in their learning environments to better and more effectively guide them
 towards their academic goals. In higher education the use of lower level analytics tools
 in learning and study management systems has become common in the last decade or
 so and the need for more individualized and optimized learning paths for the learners
 has also elevated the position of learning analytics in education (Schumacher &
 Ifenthaler, 2018). In Finnish universities, depending on the learning management
 system (LMS) and study management system used, there are several lower level
 analytics tools that can be used by both teachers and students to progress the students’
 studies more effectively. For example, there are visual progress completion tools that
 visualize the students overall and course progression and graphs that display the
 students’ semester progression in relation to their own and the institute’s goals and
 expectations (fig 1).

   Fig 1. Students study progression monitoring graph in a study management system.
          Depicts the completed, ongoing, and planned studies, f. ex. in Autumn 2020 the
          student has completed 15 credits, enrolled into 25 credits (including the completed)
          and is therefore 5 credits short of the school’s semester objective of 30 credits for
          Autumn 2020.

 Data ethics always follow analytics since use of data comes with its own questions and
 worries about safety, rights, and privacy. These questions and worries consider data
 ownership, consent and handling of the students’ data. What are the rights of the data
 owner, do the students really understand what they are enabling, where are the
 boundaries of privacy set? While ethics can be seen as a concept of conduct that affects

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 the safety of learning analytics and rights of the data handler and owner, privacy can
 also be separated from the three as a continuous negotiable boundary that is guided by
 the ethics surrounding. (Ferguson et al. 2016) As reviewed by Viberg (et al. 2018) in
 her extensive higher education learning analytics literature review there have been
 several studies done either addressing the concerns of learning analytics ethics or
 directly emphasizing the issues of ethics (including data ethics) and privacy there
 within. The general consensus here seems to be that we are not in fact even remotely
 close to a level where we are using learning analytics in an ethical way, be it either due
 to the lack of privacy and safety, moral qualms, juridical issues or even technical
 challenges. Ethical concerns are present but there are no clear indications on how they
 should be addressed or overseen, as this not only is a difficult topic but varies greatly
 depending on the level of analytics, country of the educational institute and its own
 laws, data regulations etc. (Willis et al. 2016) Out of the four levels of learning analytics
 that Gartner (2013) has outlined for us lower level descriptive and interpretive
 (diagnostic) data analysis methods seem to be more easily justifiably as they do not
 involve automated decision-making. One of the most cited studies on the ethical issues
 regarding learning analytics was done eight years ago by Slade and Prinsloo (2013)
 who proposed a six principles framework to guide educational institutes through these
 issues. The ethical principles were benefits, consent, vulnerability and harm, data and
 administration and resources that are context and strategy driven. The study reasoned
 that the six principles could be used by higher education institutes to offer appropriate
 solutions that use learning analytics to further increase the quality and effectiveness of
 the collective learning experience. These principles could act as a checklist against any
 level learning analytics tool and form the base structure for the dos and don’ts of
 learning analytics ethics. In our study all these principles are visible in the statements,
 but they are limited to only from one group's perspective (the students).

 4      Previous Study

 The previous study on the students’ perception about learning analytics and ethics
 served as comparison to this study. In the previous study both students from a university
 and a university of applied sciences were surveyed. The students of the previous study
 found learning analytics to be a potential and welcome tool to aid them create their
 personalized learning paths but did also convey their worries about data safety and data
 transparency. Learning analytics was generally seen as a good addition but the data it
 needs to be useful must be collected and handled by ethically justifiable methods. This
 was made even more evident by the university students, who were stricter about the
 usage of their data, its collection and handling. (Nevaranta et al. 2020) Ultimately the
 population’s views about learning analytics and data ethics sway the way our education
 evolves so it is crucial to make data ethics more common ground today.
    The basis for this and the previous study are the ongoing and shortly concluding
 learning analytics standardization projects in the Finnish higher education scene funded
 by the national ministry of education (Hartikainen et al. 2019). In universities of applied
 sciences there is the APOA project and in universities there is the AnalytiikkaÄly

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 project (APOA, 2021; AnalytiikkaÄly, 2021). In the previous study the focus was in
 measuring the changes between two university models that are in Finnish higher
 education. The more theoretical hard sciences universities and the more practical
 universities of applied sciences. (Ministry of Education and Culture, 2021) The
 previous study was concluded before the pandemic and it was already known at the
 time that there was a possibility to do a follow-up since the pandemic set in shortly after
 the study was completed. From the previous study we already had good data that with
 a few additions could be extended into a follow-up study on the students’ changed
 perspectives about learning analytics and ethics that was brought upon by the change
 in learning due to the pandemic.
    Prior to the previous study our research group also did a study on the application of
 learning analytics in different learning models where both students and teachers’
 perspectives were considered. In the study it was found that teachers involved were
 positively taken by especially lower level analytics tools that would allow them to better
 facilitate course design on their terms and level of skill. The students of this study
 outlined similarly to the students of the previous and current study that while learning
 analytics is a welcomed addition to help them advance their studies there are ethical
 considerations considering the pros and cons of using their data to produce learning
 analytics results. It was also found during this study that the students want to know how
 their data is used to produce these results and that generally they would like to know
 more about how learning analytics work. (Nevaranta et al. 2019)
    During the pandemic several studies and publications with similar scopes and
 objectives were completed which were referenced on this article. As the online learning
 became the new normal across education levels the allure of learning analytics seemed
 to increase (Qiyuan 2021). As stated by Pastor (2020) in his article there will be a
 continuing linear development in the use of digital learning tools and learning analytics
 accelerated by the pandemic. Where in our studies the students did find learning
 analytics a welcome addition to the students’ studies, we could find some
 complementary remarks in the recent international studies. Learning analytics require
 active involvement from both teachers and student equally and the input of these two
 parties in the development of said tools seems to be often neglected in favor of other
 stakeholders (f. ex. support services), which in turn does enforce the idea of more active
 learner involvement in these studies (Guzman-Valenzuela et al. 2021). The consensus
 all in all seems to hold; learning analytics is what everyone would like to implement
 but are not convergent on the details of how the implementation would be done.

 5      Research Setup

 The study was conducted in early 2021 with an electronic survey. The participants were
 the students of Satakunta University of Applied Sciences. The survey was based on the
 previously given survey (Nevaranta et al. 2020) one year prior and contained the same
 basic statements. Additional questions about students' perceptions of the Covid
 lockdown were added to further analyze the effects on students.

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 The study was conducted via Microsoft Forms, distributed by the university’s student
 mail listing and the students had eight days to answer the survey. The results were then
 downloaded, combined, and analyzed. The survey comprised mostly of multichoice
 questions and statements on a 5-step Likert scale with a few supplemental open

 5.1     Participants

 A total of 133 students (N=133) answered the survey. Most students were between 20
 to 25 years or 31 to 40 years old. The age distribution of all respondents is displayed in
 Figure 2.

        Fig 2. The age distribution of all respondents in the survey.

 The student distribution between different majors is displayed in Figure 3.

       Fig 3. The major subjects of all respondents.

 As seen in the figure, most of the students were either business or technical majors.
 There are some minor differences in distributions compared to the earlier survey,
 (Nevaranta et al. 2020), but not enough to likely have an effect in the results.

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 5.2        Materials

 The survey contained all the questions from the similar survey conducted a year earlier
 (Nevaranta et al. 2020). In addition, there was a new category with statements related
 to distance education and its effects. Hence, a total of 26 questions were included in the
 final survey, divided into four categories. All questions were answered in a Likert scale
 of 1 to 5. The categories were

       1.    Questions about students' knowledge of analytics and about their attitudes and
             perceptions towards learning analytics and the access to their study
       2.    Questions about students' expectations towards learning analytics, i.e. what
             they wish they could gain from it and how it could (and should) help them in
             their studies.
       3.    Questions about ethical and security issues associated with learning analytics.
       4.    Questions about students' attitudes and experiences towards distance
             education during the Covid-19 pandemic.

 The questions were provided with an electronic form using Microsoft Forms. Some
 additional descriptions of some of the concepts were provided alongside questions to
 ensure that the students understood all the questions correctly. These included the
 description of analytics, learning analytics and the project under which the study was
 done. The new statements about distance education and its effects included statements
 about how the students' learning has been affected, has the studying become harder or
 easier and do they find themselves receiving enough study counseling. The statements
 can be found in Table 4.

 5.3        Analysis

 The results were first analyzed with Microsoft Excel. For additional analysis, the data
 was converted into quantitative form (where applicable) and analyzed with custom-
 made Python scripts. The two central forms of analysis were hence

       1.    Quantitative analysis of students' answers to questions 1 to 21 and differences
             to last year's results
       2.    Qualitative analysis of open answers and the differences to last year's study

 We also constructed correlation matrices between all questions in 2020 and 2021
 surveys, respectively. This was done to ensure the validity of answers and to see
 whether there were any unforeseen connections between individual questions.

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 6        Results

 In this section, the results of the study are presented. When applicable, the
 corresponding results of the 2020 instance of the survey are also included. It should be
 noted that in 2020 the survey was conducted in both, University and University of
 Applied Sciences. To keep the results comparable, only the results of the latter are
 included in the comparison.

 6.1      Means and Comparison to 2020 Survey

 Table 1 contains the results related to the questions in the first category, i.e. questions
 about students' attitudes towards analytics.

   Table 1. The students' answers to questions under category 1 in 2020 and 2021, change from
                         2020 to 2021 and the significance of difference.

                                                                        Change 2020
                      Statement                         2020    2021                      p
                                                                          → 2021

  1. I know what analytics means                        3.552   3,586     -0,035        0,789

  2. I know what learning analytics means               3,345   3,045      0,300       0,015*

  3. IT systems help organizing and scheduling          4,517   4,316      0,201       0,013*
  my studies

  4. LA helps following my own progress                 4,138   3,805      0,333       0,001**

  5. It is a positive thing, that a teacher can         4,283   4,180      0,102        0,323
  follow my progress via LA

  6. It is a positive thing, that I'm assisted with
                                                        4,331   4,331      0,000        0,998
  my studies without my own request, if a need is
  indicated by data

  7. Institution can freely utilize all data about me   3,621   3,383      0,237        0,125
  to progress my studies

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 The significance of difference between distribution of answers was calculated with a
 two-tailed t-test. The difference was statistically significant (p < 0.05) in questions 2, 3
 and very significant (p < 0.01) in question 4. Hence, it seems that in 2021 the students
 were less confident about what learning analytics means, whether IT systems help
 organizing their studies and whether learning analytics help them to follow their own
 progress. This could be due to different forms of data collection last year. Students were
 asked to take the survey and at the same time they were also informed about the goals
 of the APOA-project and shortly about learning analytics. This year in the pandemic
 situation the same forms of data collection was not possible. In the student union’s
 national survey, answers of the students in SAMK indicated that students in their own
 opinion are good or at least adequate in study preparedness, which also includes
 timetabling (SAMMAKKO, 2021). Possible reasons for that can be found in the open
 questions section. However, the absolute difference in mean values was still rather
 The answers to questions in category 2, students' expectations towards learning
 analytics, are displayed in Table 2.

   Table 2. The students' answers to questions under category 2 in 2020 and 2021, change from
                         2020 to 2021 and the significance of difference.

                                                                      Change 2020
                    Statement                       2020     2021                         p
                                                                        → 2021

  8. I wish that LA would help me follow my         4,110   4,211        -0,100         0,350
  progress in studies

  9. I wish LA would help me design my studies      4,200   4,195         0,005         0,966

  10. I wish LA would help visualize my             4,145   4,263        -0,118         0,259
  progress in studies

  11. I wish teachers would use LA to follow my     3,972   3,872         0,100         0,385

  12. I wish that the institution would use LA to   3,966   3,835         0,131         0,259
  progress my studies

 As seen in the table, the students' expectations towards learning analytics have not
 changed between the two observed years. The students still wish that analytics would
 help them to follow, visualize and design their studies better. Moreover, the students

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 still hope that teachers and institutions would utilize learning analytics to follow their
 progress in their studies.
     The answers to questions in category 3, measuring students' attitudes towards ethics
 and security of learning analytics are displayed in Table 3.

   Table 3. The students' answers to questions under category 3 in 2020 and 2021, change from
                         2020 to 2021 and the significance of difference.

                                                                      Change 2020
                     Statement                       2020    2021                         p
                                                                        → 2021

  13. I get enough information about my data         3,131   2,248        0,883        0,000**
  collected by institution

  14. I can affect how my data is collected and      3,179   2,571        0,608        0,000**
  handed in institution

                                                     2,876   2,030        0,846        0,000**
  15. I know what data is collected by institution

  16. I accept the collection of my data by          3,938   4,000        -0,062        0,571

  17. I accept the utilization of my data by         3,903   3,947        -0,044        0,694

  18. Institution should follow laws and             4,338   4,752        -0,414       0,000**
  regulations to keep my data safe

  19. My data collected by institution can be used   4,117   3,541        0,576        0,000**
  for my own benefit

  20. My data collected by institution can be used   3,821   3,541        -0,315       0,005**
  for institutions benefit

  21. I know that my data is removed by              3,345   2,474        0,871        0,000**
  institution after my graduation

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 As seen in the table, the students' attitudes towards the ownership and safe handling of
 their own data have changed in a year. The students still accept the utilization and
 collection of their data similarly to 2020 (questions 16 and 17), but in all other questions
 there is a significant change. Notably, the students feel that they don't receive as much
 information about data collection and usage (questions 13, 14 and 15) and they also
 have stronger opinions about secure storage and ethical usage of their own data
 (questions 18 to 21).
    In the 2021 survey there was also a fourth category to measure students' perceptions
 about distance and online education during the Covid-19 pandemic. The answers to the
 fourth category are displayed in Table 4.

    Table 4. The students' answers to questions under category 4 in 2021. Questions were not
                                  included in the 2020 survey.

                                 Statement                                 2021

   Studying remotely has been more difficult than regular learning         3,152

   My digital and IT skills are sufficient for studying                    4,439

   I have received enough instruction for studying                         3,553

   Visualizations in Moodle help in tracking my study progress             3,833

   Visualization in Loki helps in tracking my study progress               3,909

 As seen in the table, the students haven't found distance learning as more difficult and
 feel that they have sufficient IT skills for learning remotely. Most of the students seem
 to find visualizations useful in tracking their study progress as well. As a side note,
 Moodle is the common open-source LMS used by many institutes globally
 (Moodle.org, 2021). Loki, commonly known as Peppi, is the study management system
 used commonly in Finnish higher education institutes (Peppi-consortium, 2021).

 6.2     Open Answers

 The survey included some open questions as well. The first three were the same as the
 questions asked in 2020 (Nevaranta et al. 2020). In addition, there was an open question
 about distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic.
    The first question was about students' perception on using their data to progress or
 track their studies. Most of the answers were positive about this, such as (translations
 from Finnish by authors):

             "I find it positive that progress is tracked, and actions are taken
             if anomalies are detected. This way nobody gets left behind."

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           "I think it's a good thing that teachers and tutors can follow my
           progress. This improves the discussion."

           "Anything that's helpful can be used."

 However, several students that were positive about utilization of their data also raised
 a concern about the privacy and security of this:

           "A good thing as long as data security in ensured."

           "As long as my study data is used to promote or guide my
           studies, this is ok. I don't want my data exposed to any

           "The fact that my data is collected and can be observed by
           anyone else makes me a little uncomfortable. But for promoting
           my studies it is ok as long as the data is not shared with anyone

 There were also students who did not think that the data was utilized to full extent:

           "Students and teachers need a lot of training for this."

           "Should be utilized better."

           "Very good idea, but in practice we seem to be very far from
           actually utilizing data in counseling."

 Finally, some students were negative about the whole idea:

           "Fully negative, I don't want my data to be collected. Why
           should I justify this?"

 Table 5 displays the division of answers based on the categories described above.

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      Table 5. The division of students' answers to open questions about usage of their data.

                     Category                            N               %

   All answers                                           59            100%

   Positive                                              27             46%

   Positive but worried about privacy                    14             24%

   Skeptical that data is not utilized enough            8              14%

   Negative                                              6              10%

   No opinion                                            4              7%

 The second open question was about what kind of added value the students hoped
 learning analytics would bring to their studies. The answers were roughly divided into
 two categories. First, there were students who saw the potential of analytics, such as

              "Knowing where to progress and where to focus more."

              "Easier tracking of one's progress in studies."

              "Clearer and more visible learning goals etc."

 The other group consisted of students who did not find any potential benefits. Most of
 them were not skeptical about the benefits of analytics as such, but rather argued that
 the teachers are not likely going to utilize analytics in teaching:

              "Now that I know that this kind of data is collected, I assume
              that it will be utilized as well. Until now there have been no
              signs of using any kind of data by teachers or counselors"

              "Nothing. The teachers will track [the progress] like they have
              always done."

              "Nothing, the opposite. I don't think the teachers can utilize the
              data at all."
 Majority of answers to the second open question (N=34) were positive, only 7 of the
 answers were classified as negative.
    The third open question was about whether the students see learning analytics as an
 ethically sustainable part of education in the future. There were 53 answers in total. The
 students who answered the question positively (N=16) listed results such as

              "I don't see any problem; I have nothing to hide."

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           "I don't see ethical problems. Education is about completing
           things and it's important that the teacher gets the necessary

 There were also students who felt negatively towards this (N=6):

           "Not much. Traditional human contact would be nice, as would
           having fewer students so that the teacher will at least know
           everyone's names."

           "I should be able to refuse without consequences."

 Many students (N=24) however agreed that learning analytics can maybe conducted
 ethically if special consideration is paid towards data security and ethics in general:

           "I don't find analytics itself to be an ethical problem, but the
           rules and data handling need to be clearly announced."

           "If analytics is transparent and students know what they are
           committed to, I don't see a problem."

           "It's ethically acceptable as long as students give their
           permission and can see the data collected concerning them
           without any delays."

 Finally, we wanted to know what kind of changes the pandemic had to studying.
 Notably, the students' answers were mostly very strongly positive or negative. Positive
 comments were mostly related to flexible schedules and not needing to travel, such as

           "It's easier to study while eating breakfast at home in my

           "Easier to schedule things I do since traveling won't take any

           " I have a better computer and more displays at home than in

 However, many students found distance learning as a very negative experience:

           "Schedules are hard to meet when you spend all your time at

           "I have no structure in life."

           "Concentrating and self-motivating at home are nearly

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            "I have no human contacts, all hobbies are forbidden, 14h per
            day looking at a computer screen [...] I have lost my mental
            sanity and have no interest in school."

 There was a total of 125 answers to the final question, which seems to indicate that the
 students had strong feelings about distance learning. In 44 of these the students reported
 positive feelings about distance learning while 61 answers indicated negative. The
 remaining included students who already had studied remotely before the pandemic.

 7      Discussion

 It seems that the pandemic has changed some attitudes towards learning analytics
 strongly, while some attitudes have remained similar. The questions in category 1
 (Table 1) reveal that the students still find analytics in general as a positive thing like
 the study a year ago. However, now the students feel less confident about analytics
 helping them to follow their own study progress. It is possible that due to the pandemic,
 the students now need to rely heavier on the analytics and may since feel less satisfied
 with the results. Students' expectations towards analytics (category 2, Table 2) seem to
 be like what they were before distance learning: they hope that learning analytics would
 help them follow, design, and visualize the progress of their studies.
     The biggest changes in students' attitudes were in the third category (Table 3), which
 was about students' attitudes about ethics and security of learning analytics. It seems
 that students now feel significantly less informed about the collection, utilization, and
 removal of their data. The students still accept the collection and utilization of their data
 for their own benefit but seem to be much stricter about the ethical and security issues
 related to their data. Again, we find it likely that the students are more concerned about
 these issues because they have been dealing with them a lot more than before. Students
 did not have as much experience about distance learning and about ethical issues related
 to it when we conducted the survey last time before the pandemic started.
     While the questions in the fourth category (Table 4) seem to indicate that the
 students' attitudes towards distance learning are quite neutral, the open answers draw a
 different picture. In fact, many students seem to have very strong positive or negative
 attitudes towards distance learning. While many of them appreciate the flexible
 schedules and working from home, many of them are worried about lack of motivation
 and the (sometimes devastating effect of) missing human contacts. Since the division
 seems to be quite deep, the organizations should seriously consider providing distance
 learning chances for some students even after the pandemic while returning to normal
 routines with those who want it.
     The students' open answers reveal that many students are positive about the potential
 possibilities of learning analytics, but at the same time they are worried about the safety
 of their data and ethical conduction of analytics. It also seems that many students don't
 find the teachers' competence about utilizing analytics as sufficient. Again, some
 students seem to think that their data can be utilized freely (as they "have nothing to
 hide"), but in general there seems to be a stronger demand towards safer conduction of

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 analytics. This is a positive thing, because it may indicate that the students are more
 aware of data collection and its effects on them.

 8      Conclusion and Future Work

 We conducted a survey collecting students' perceptions about learning analytics and
 ethical and security issues related to them. The study was a follow-up to a study
 conducted a year ago, and our goal was to find out whether the pandemic had any effects
 on students' perceptions. Based on the results, it seems that the students' expectations
 towards analytics have not changed, but their attitudes toward data security and ethical
 conduction of analytics have become much stricter. We also found out that the
 pandemic has had a diverse effect on students: while some have enjoyed the flexibility
 and working from home, others felt strongly that their motivation had decreased and
 loss of contacts had been close to unbearable.
    There are naturally limitations to this study, which we need to address in future
 studies. Unfortunately, due to different scheduling of the courses, we were not able to
 collect data from university students like we did a year ago when conducting the first
 iteration of the study. Hence, a comparison like what we did earlier was not possible
 this time. Hence, in the future we are going to conduct the survey in the university as
 well. Other future work should include finding the connection between students'
 perceptions and their actual utilization of learning analytics based on the statistics. We
 are also very interested to find out what kind of effect the return to contact learning will
 have on students' attitudes towards ethical conduction of learning analytics.

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